life-of-a-prison-wife · 2 months
“Maybe we’ll meet again, when we are slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me. But right now, I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart.”
— Unknown
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 2 months
May you never again get attached to anyone who isn’t for you. May you find a love that makes you laugh, never lets the honeymoon phase end, and gives you unquestionable loyalty. Someone who cherishes your childlike playfulness AND your old soul—a love you never have to heal from.
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 3 months
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 3 months
" maybe when the time is right you will find me again "
Wait for right time
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 5 months
A soulmate is someone who is committed to working through things together & doesn’t see giving up as an option – they’re willing to have difficult conversations & are always dedicated to finding solutions that make you both feel loved, reassured & respected in the relationship.
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 5 months
“The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.”
— Unknown
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 5 months
“Some people go through life searching and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time than we hoped for. It’s sad, but it’s life.”
— Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 5 months
“Just because your past has been damaged doesn’t mean your future has to be worthless.”
— Unknown
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 5 months
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life-of-a-prison-wife · 6 months
Some people don't see how much you do for them. they only see what you don't do. you'll never satisfy an ungrateful person.
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New stationery
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Three Open When letters complete! I’m hoping to have this list completed by August so I really need to start completing more of them on a more consistent basis. I absolutely love how they’re coming along <3.
you forget how strong you are
you had a nightmare
you imagine us meeting
you had a rough training/fight
it’s THAT time of the month
you’re bored
you need to know how much I love you
you’re having a bad day
you miss me
you’re mad at me
you’re lonely
you’re sick
you feel like being a kid
you can’t sleep
you’re about to make a hard decision
we’re fighting
you meed motivation/encouragement
you want to go through old memories
you’re sad
you need a pick-me up
you want a hug
you’re worried about the future
you’re over-thinking
you think you’ve disappointed me
i’ve disappointed you
you’re having a hard time with people
you’re doubting trust
you want to know more about me
you need to laugh
you’re crying
you’re happy
you need entertainment
you’re tired
you want to listen to songs that remind me of you
you’re about to work and i’m not around
i’m out without you
you’re nervous
you’re having a hard time with your parents
you’re jealous
i’m being jealous
there’s too much drama in your life
i’m not acting like myself
you don’t feel like yourself
you’re angry
it all feels like too much
you want to know we’re on the same page
you want a peek at my happiness journal
you need someone to talk to
you’re disappointed in yourself
you need a push
you’re having a great day
you want to be nerdy!
your son is being a handful
it feels like the distance will never end
you’re stressed
it’s a holiday without me
you’re in a rough patch
you need a reminder of what it’s all about
you want to read about the moment i knew [i loved you]
you’re doubting us
we just had an amazing night
you want to know how much you mean to me
in case of the zombie apocalypse (or any other disaster)
you want someone else’s life
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“Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.”
— Unknown
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“I stopped telling myself that I am lost. I’m not. I’m on a journey driven by the hope that one day I will find a place where I can rest and be me.”
— Unknown
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