lil-white-mice · 21 days
Eat only when you really need it, when you feel weak or painfully hungry, NEVER force yourself to eat if you are not hungry
Why to eat? When food is just going to get you farther from your goal. There’s no need, it might suck in the present but in the future you will be happy when you see the results <3
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lil-white-mice · 21 days
God, i wish i can debloat soon, i'll be drinking water all day but don't know what else to do😵‍💫😵‍💫
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lil-white-mice · 24 days
Started reading Wintergirls, i'm obsessed🥰
Had to highlight the rules and every weight mentioned there, can't believe the lead's cw is my gw it's so inspiring in a way.
I"m gonna start reading and rereading when i get cravings.
(The PDF is free btw, just browse the name)
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lil-white-mice · 1 month
Been fasting for a while now, it's true what they say, the first 24 hours are the worst but if you push tast that or keep trying you actually get used to it.
At the same time, don't underestimate liquids, there's a reason why all those ana meals come with a diet coke or water bottle, keeping yourself hydrated is key to surpass cravings.
Been fasting for 25 houra now and i'm not that hungry anymore, i keep sipping water even when i'm not thirsty to avois my stomach rumbling and when i crave something sweet i have a sip of diet coke.
Probably will break the fast with soup and veggies for the fiber, fasying does make you a little constipated so be mindful (and demure) about the food you eat before and after, those should be low volume, high fiber, preferably fuits and vegetables.
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lil-white-mice · 2 months
Benefits of intermittent fasting!
But first, the levels of it.
Level 0
0-12 hours -
At 4/8 hrs all food has left the stomach, blood sugars fall and insulin is no longer produced.
At 12 hrs all food consumed has been burnt, digestive system goes to sleep, body begins healing process, HGH (human growth hormone) begins to increase, glucagon is released to replace blood sugars.
Level 1
12-18 hours -
At 14 hrs body has converted to using its stored fat for energy, HGH increases dramatically.
At 16 hrs body is ramping up fat burning.
Level 2
18-24 hrs -
At 18 hrs HGH starts to skyrocket.
At 24 hrs autophagy begins, all glycogen stores are drained, ketones are released into the blood stream.
Level 3
24-48 hrs -
At 36 hours autophagy increases by 300%
Level 4
48-54 hrs -
Autophagy increases 30% more.
Immune system reset.
Level 5
54-72 hrs -
Regeneration starts.
Increased reduction in inflammatory response.
Level 6
72 hrs +
Autophagy maxes out.
Taking things into consideration, the benefits are:
Skin- reduces inflammation and acne.
Heart- HDL goes up - LDL and blood pressure go down.
Pancreas- insulin sensitivity, reduces blood sugar.
Gut- reduces reflux (GERD), reduces GI inflammation, improves microbiome.
Muscle- catabolic sparing, pain is reduced.
Bones- reduces pain
Extra Benefits:
reduces cancer risk, rise in stem cells.
Reproductive system:
Reduces PCOS risk (Polycistic ovaries syndrome) , improves fertility.
improves sleep and mood, reduces Alzheimer risk, increases focus and energy.
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lil-white-mice · 2 months
Cardio? Dancing to burn calories🎀
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lil-white-mice · 2 months
Bf said i looked skinnier 🎀🎀🎀🎀🩷🩷🩷
Absolute success, if yall' feel a breeze make some space, that's my light ass coming trough💅
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lil-white-mice · 3 months
Why can’t I just omad a bowl of grapes. I love grapes.
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lil-white-mice · 3 months
Parents bought a treadmill, guess who's gonna walk the shit out of their calorie intake?👀👀
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lil-white-mice · 3 months
My boyfriend literally said he'd love me more if i was skinnier, if i had less fat... i'm so sad but i guess it's fine since at least i'll have the motivation to stop eating
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lil-white-mice · 5 months
Was brushing my teeth today but accidentally gagged and purged my breakfast 💀
Im mortified, but yay i guess (?
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lil-white-mice · 5 months
After two days of starving to look pretty for a date, my bf inmediately noticed☺️
He even lifted me up in a silly way and i felt so pretty and like I was doing something right
He was praising how i looked all the time, i felt so cute🤍🤍🤍 def doing it again
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lil-white-mice · 6 months
Gonna have a family gathering this saturday, my cousins are so skinny and pretty so I must fast as to not look embarrasing like last time, i should at least try to be as pretty as them
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lil-white-mice · 6 months
Please reblog if you're an active €d blog in march 2024 and are at least 18 yrs old
I used to be a minor on here too but being 22 it would just feel wrong to follow teenagers and I also don't want trend on my blog either.
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lil-white-mice · 6 months
Miscalculated the calories on a chocolate bar and went over my calorie limit 💀💀💀💀
I wanna cry i wanna cry i wanna cry
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lil-white-mice · 6 months
Taking nude pictures for your bf and realizing you look like a pig in all of them
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lil-white-mice · 6 months
Came back from holidays and I can feel fatter, but it's ok, I just have to get back on track 😊 can't wait to eat my nornal foods and restrict as usual
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