lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
The side of Furè’s mouth slowly picked, the tilt predatory as her eyes roamed Lilac’s features. She was a stunning girl, but more importantly – a stunning doll, it’s always been a point of no small envy and curiosity for Furè how well had the girl been trained to shape a whole personality on request.
“Ma’am.” Furè corrected, her thumb lightly touched at the corner of the girl’s mouth before her touch dropped away. “When was your last training, darling, and what was the session of?”
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Lilac was used to being looked at the way Fure was looking at her, not at all phased by it after she completed all of her training. As her stood there, she didn’t even flinch when she was touched, telling herself to address the woman as she wanted. “Yes Ma’am. My apologies,” She offered, making note of it so she could change her behavior in the future. “A while back, I believe. I have my silverband now and I was cleared after everything, I don’t believe I have any scheduled. JJ usually trains me when it’s time though,” She explained the best she could, “It was training in sensation play last time.”
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
The more she prattles on, the more his façade crumbles. No matter how hard he tries, Roman can never hide his disdain for Lilac for long. After all, to him, she’s the absolute worst example of what a doll should be. “JJ is still on leave himself. Since you’re his … special project, he likes to oversee your training himself.” He looks down on her, his disgust deepening with every passing second. “I guess I’ll have to take over where he left off. To answer your question, yes, I will evaluate your skills Lilac. In time, of course.” With steady profits and a solid review record, she was all JJ needed to justify his methods to Jeri. Even though Roman’s gotten promoted to her job, he knows it’ll difficult to get rid of this blight in the lineup of dolls. “I wonder how long you’ll last without him here to protect you. If it were up to me, I’d have you disposed of.” Unfortunately, such a decision isn’t entirely Roman’s to make, but he has no problem saying that out loud to Lilac. After all, she’s supposed to be mindless, right? “How would that make you feel, doll? Would you be oh so happy to be thrown out with the trash?”
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Though Lilac was trained to be a mindless doll, she recently had been having more thoughts about how things worked here at Goldenridge. And one of those was about how there was politics at play, even among the trainers. She knew that Roman and JJ didn’t care for one another and since she was trained by JJ, it was very clear to her that Roman didn’t like her either just by relation. At least, that’s what she believed. “I see,” She gave a nod, her expression not changing one bit even as he spoke to her the way he was. She could read his dislike for her all over his face, but she knew better than to push buttons or give answers that would displease the person she was talking to, even if they were talking about throwing her out with the trash like Roman was right now. “If that is what would please you, Sir....I suppose so,” She gave a nod to her head again, not quite answering perfectly with a ‘yes’ as she might have before. Not even realizing it herself as she stood there. 
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
As a silverband, Lilac was often up in the clubhouse, working as a host for any residents who would come in through the doors either to go to the grill or even go down to the gallery floor. Standing at the entrance, dressed perfectly and all dolled up, like she normally was, Lilac was greeting anyone who came in. “Hello, welcome to the clubhouse,” She spoke to the next one in through the doors. “If you need any sort of assistance, I would be happy to be of service to you.”
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
Fure pocketed her phone with a light chuckle, rolling her eyes as he reached to tip the girl’s chin. “Don’t worry yourself about that, sweetheart. Those are good news.” Good for her at least, other’s fuck ups meant she got to stay where she was in the pecking order of Goldenridge. “Dolls heal, reputation doesn’t.” She could hardly contain her glee and around Lilac, Fure didn’t care to. It was like talking to a toaster.
“Tell me, what have you done today?”
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Lifting her face up when her chin was tipped up, Lilac looked directly at Fure, giving a slight nod to her comment. In her mind, she would hardly call a doll being hurt a good thing, but she knew better than to say that out loud. She kept most of her own thoughts to herself, having been trained not to offer it unless it was asked of her. And even then, she was still always good about how she presented herself, making sure to please whoever she was around. “You’re right, Miss,” She gave another nod to her head, keeping a small smile on her lips like she typically did. “Today, I got myself all dolled up, spent time in the Gallery and now am here with you.”
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
Humming slightly at her phone, seconds after her phone call had ended Fure was still wearing a scowl.
“And that,” One blunt, black nail clicked on the screen to end the call. “is why they should only allow trainers worth their salt to do anal training.” She decided sweetly, not so subtly bunching herself in the latter category. “Shame. We’d need a replacement for one of the dolls tonight. But that’s none of my business.” 
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Sitting where Lilac was as the woman was on the phone, she just looked up at her. She didn’t like to insert herself into any kind of drama or into situations where she wasn’t asked to be a part of on her own. “Oh, wow. I can’t even imagine what might have happened,” She replied, wanting to be polite enough to respond to what the woman said. But she wasn’t going to ask any questions. If she was needed, Lilac knew she would be told where to be and when to be there. 
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
Anna had trouble sleeping last night, she wasn’t used to being in that large a bunk room. She had done her makeup and tied her hair back. She was pushed on to the Gallery floor by a guard. “ Hello. Is there any way I can be of service?” She said to the first person she spotted
Out on the gallery floor already, Lilac just happened to look up when she heard the voice of the female. With her infamous smile on her face, she shook her head, not wanting to assume that the girl had been talking to her. But at the same, as she glanced around, she noticed there was no one else she was looking it. “No, no. I’m a doll myself, so you are welcome to just sit here with me.”
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
Though his irritation isn’t explicit, Roman does little to hide it. There’s a slight curl of his lip, a minuscule flare of his nostrils, and yet decorum demands that when he walks these halls he remains as refined as the suit he wears. “Technically, my sabbatical doesn’t end until tomorrow.” He’s only at to his office to pick up a few doll files so he can review them in his apartment. Being interrupted on his way out is less than ideal but Roman’s willing to accommodate, in his own way at least. He makes a point to check his watch, a display more than anything. “Be grateful that I’m so nice. I’ll help you out. Besides I doubt there’s anyone else around who can,” Roman says, some semblance of a grin flashing across his lips for a moment. “But try not to eat up too much of my time. I have much to catch up on,” he informs while impatiently drumming his fingers along the hefty folder of files in his hand.
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It wasn’t like Lilac to usually ask for anything, especially not from the trainers and one so high up like Roman. She typically just sat on her own and wait for when she’d be called on or chosen for an engagement. But when she overheard someone talking about the recent scandal, mentioning how some dolls needed to be retrained, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would have to go through it as well. She believed she’d been cleared, but just wanting to be clear, she had approached the trainer offices, not expecting to see Roman there as she knew he’d been on sabbatical lately. “Oh? It doesn't? I’m sorry to be interrupting your time then, Sir,” She apologized, just like she’d been trained to do, looking up at the much taller male. “I was just coming to check on the training schedule...I just heard some things and was wondering if I was scheduled for another any time soon.” It may not have been something that Lilac should be asking. However, she just really wanted to know, wanted to be able to prepare herself mentally if she was having to go through another training session like she had before she was given the silver band.
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
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Often we think we can’t have it all and it stops us from going after our dreams.
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lilacthedoll-blog · 6 years
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Iris West ♡ one gifset per episode ↳ 1.01 City of Heroes
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