lilpiercing ¡ 1 year
So real.
Impossible is nothing.
To change the world is something that’s never been done before… in fact everybody who’s ever tried to make a change has been killed by somebody who disagreed with their image. But even so it’s still worth a try.
The goal is to bring 8 billion people together as one, the same species that has spent centuries fighting over land, beliefs, power, money, and everything else but trying to be United as people. People have said it before but no one’s ever actually tried it without fighting wars. World War 1 was supposed to be the war that ended all wars, but look at us now, still fighting as if all that meant nothing. Everybody who’s died on the battlefield they fought to protect a group of people. They fought to protect their home. But we all share the same home. We all share the same intelligent minds. We are all human. So why should we fight?
Pick up garbage and take care of the earth. Every opportunity you get, plant a tree. Go outside and appreciate nature. Look around you and acknowledge that there is more to life than just yourself and your own problems. There is a whole world in need of healing.
With that being said… what good is bringing 8 billion people together if our home isn’t healthy.
Along with that I have to become my best self and become strong both mentally and physically, because how could I ever bring anyone together if I can’t even hold myself together? This also applies to everyone else who is with me and sees my image. Focus on yourself and let go of your grudges. Don’t hate people because they are different, love them because there is beauty in our differences. Nobody was born into this world to be perfect, but at the end of the day we are here trying our best to be perfect. For what though? What’s the point of being perfect if nobody else is perfect? You want to be better than everyone else? Why? What is there to gain out of that? Our home that we call earth is being destroyed every single day. Nature is being destroyed. People care so much about being perfect that they fail to see the beauty around them. Why should other people’s opinions matter? Why should we strive to be perfect, if no matter how hard we try we still won’t love ourselves? Rid your mind of preconceived images and judgements. Judging is toxic, and it only hurts yourself. Hating people for the color of their skin is childish. Hating people for what they like is childish. Every single person on this earth is unique and beautiful in their own way. Nobody deserves to feel like they don’t belong. Every single person on this earth belongs here. Every single person on this earth has a purpose. But if our home is going to keep being destroyed, and if humans continue to fight and die over pointless battles is there really any point in fulfilling our purposes?
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lilpiercing ¡ 1 year
Thank you for your kind words 💐
Don’t mention it!
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lilpiercing ¡ 1 year
Impossible is nothing.
To change the world is something that’s never been done before… in fact everybody who’s ever tried to make a change has been killed by somebody who disagreed with their image. But even so it’s still worth a try.
The goal is to bring 8 billion people together as one, the same species that has spent centuries fighting over land, beliefs, power, money, and everything else but trying to be United as people. People have said it before but no one’s ever actually tried it without fighting wars. World War 1 was supposed to be the war that ended all wars, but look at us now, still fighting as if all that meant nothing. Everybody who’s died on the battlefield they fought to protect a group of people. They fought to protect their home. But we all share the same home. We all share the same intelligent minds. We are all human. So why should we fight?
Pick up garbage and take care of the earth. Every opportunity you get, plant a tree. Go outside and appreciate nature. Look around you and acknowledge that there is more to life than just yourself and your own problems. There is a whole world in need of healing.
With that being said… what good is bringing 8 billion people together if our home isn’t healthy.
Along with that I have to become my best self and become strong both mentally and physically, because how could I ever bring anyone together if I can’t even hold myself together? This also applies to everyone else who is with me and sees my image. Focus on yourself and let go of your grudges. Don’t hate people because they are different, love them because there is beauty in our differences. Nobody was born into this world to be perfect, but at the end of the day we are here trying our best to be perfect. For what though? What’s the point of being perfect if nobody else is perfect? You want to be better than everyone else? Why? What is there to gain out of that? Our home that we call earth is being destroyed every single day. Nature is being destroyed. People care so much about being perfect that they fail to see the beauty around them. Why should other people’s opinions matter? Why should we strive to be perfect, if no matter how hard we try we still won’t love ourselves? Rid your mind of preconceived images and judgements. Judging is toxic, and it only hurts yourself. Hating people for the color of their skin is childish. Hating people for what they like is childish. Every single person on this earth is unique and beautiful in their own way. Nobody deserves to feel like they don’t belong. Every single person on this earth belongs here. Every single person on this earth has a purpose. But if our home is going to keep being destroyed, and if humans continue to fight and die over pointless battles is there really any point in fulfilling our purposes?
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
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I have left on a journey of enlightenment, a journey to seek and gain knowledge. To free my mind from fear and anger, to be free of ego in my everyday life, to find out who I really am and know my own soul, to become one with myself, my mind, body, and my soul. I am in a journey to become the best version of myself I could possibly be, a version of myself far greater than I can imagine. I don’t wish to surpass anybody, I do not wish to be better than anybody, I simply want to be my best self. I want to spread this knowledge to every human being on earth, I could never put into words how enlightening and beautiful this knowledge is. I’ve already learned so much, but I still have a long way to go. I have a long journey ahead of me. How long? You may ask, that I do not know. It could be years, it could be even after I die. But everyday I will learn and record my new found knowledge, no matter what I promise I will share this knowledge to every single one of you. I will enlighten you all with knowledge you could only dream to have. The beauty of life, the beauty of your own life, and the beauty of how much control you have over your life. The ability to make choices and be a better version of yourself, the ability to do whatever you dream to do, it’s all in the grasp of your hands. With that being said, this is now my final goodbye. I am going to miss every single one of you, but I will be back one day. I am doing this for my friends, my family, and most importantly all of humanity. I want nothing more than to share this knowledge with all of you, I believe every human deserves to know, every human deserves the chance to free their mind of bias and old ideas to learn new ideas and accept new knowledge. When I come back I will be far stronger than before, until then I need you all to make me a promise. Promise me you will all take care of yourselves, promise me you will strive to better yourselves not for anybody, but yourself. Forget about me if you must, because one day when I come back I will make you all remember everything before making you forget once again to learn new knowledge. This isn’t something that can be achieved in one day, time and patience is key. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjnyBNsucz1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
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It’s okay to feel sad and alone, but you just remember that you are needed in this world, even on your worst days. Life isn’t fair and it will be hard at times. You have the power to overcome any obstacle you face in your life. Stay strong and never give up, time heals everything, and you are worth more than you know.
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Life sucks because we are too big to swallow, our potential is too big to be wasted in the void of nothingness.
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
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Trust your energy, let your thoughts flow freely. Don’t succumb to negative thoughts, over power them with the positives. No matter what your obstacles are you will overcome them all.
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
You are worth finding. Worth knowing. Worth loving. You and all your one million layers. Always hold that close.
Danielle Doby (via heavyrain-dc)
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Let your mind focus only on what is necessary to you in the now.
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Your mind is far stronger than you can begin to imagine... use your emotions to your advantage, positive or negative, take action and focus on yourself.  Workout when you are drained or angry, study when you are happy and joyful.  Make use of every moment, do something you enjoy.
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Trust yourself, nobody could do it for you. Be sure to use your best judgement and have faith in the fact that you are important.
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Don't dwell over what you've lost, it's gone. Focus on what you still have
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
What you feel now is temporary, don't let it control you.
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
What’s my Worth?
I just want to understand the people that nobody could, the people who feel misunderstood and alone, the people who forget their place in this world.  I want you all to know that you are needed. The world is a better place with you in it, you are intelligent and you are worth it. Your struggles don’t define you, so don’t let them and don’t let the way others see you determine the way you see yourself, nobody can decide for you and nobody knows you better than you know yourself. 
If you fail, you don’t give up you reflect and try harder.  If you feel alone, you don’t hate yourself, you reflect and learn from your mistakes. No matter how hard things get or how hopeless things might feel, don’t give up you must keep fighting, you must keep moving forward.  This is your world and you have the power to control your own life, nobody can create your purpose for you.  
Don’t let others take advantage of you, you deserve better.  You deserve to be treated the way you treat others. You deserve to be loved and if nobody else loves you, then make sure that more than anything you love yourself, and you do not give up on yourself.  Make yourself happy before anyone else.  
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
You are better than the one who wastes their own time to bring another down. Only cowards use their time to hurt others, It is foolish to think you are right all the time, nobody is perfect.
Lil Piercing
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lilpiercing ¡ 2 years
Fail, Learn, and Prosper
If it wasn’t for your defeats you wouldn’t be the person you are today, if it wasn’t for the hardships you wouldn’t be as strong as you are now, if it wasn’t for your mistakes you wouldn’t be as intelligent as you are now. There is a lesson to come out of every experience. If it wasn’t for the hard times we couldn’t appreciate the good times to the fullest extent. Let everything happen as it’s been to be, I know life gets hard sometimes, I know it hurts, but it won’t hurt forever, everything will fall into place, it’s just a matter of time. Keep moving forward and never give up, because the hardships you face now will make you into the amazing person you were born to be.
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