liminaled · 1 year
hi everyone. I’ve decided to come back because I miss writing. find me over here!
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liminaled · 1 year
hi everyone. I’ve decided to come back because I miss writing. find me over here!
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liminaled · 1 year
hi everyone. I've decided to come back because I miss writing. find me over here!
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liminaled · 2 years
popping on very briefly to say miss y'all <3
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liminaled · 2 years
hmm. i think i’m gonna skedaddle from tumblr rp. i just don’t think it’s for me anymore.
every time i leave, the time in which i stay before leaving again is getting shorter and shorter. i don’t really fit into the whole vibe of the rpc anymore. and with my disabilities and exhaustion, i really can’t be here every day but if i’m not here every day i genuinely forget about it and stop thinking about it and once i do remember, it makes me want to be here less, if that makes any sense? it’s very much an all or nothing thing for me. i also feel very irrelevant if i’m not here every day, which takes an annoyingly big hit to my self-esteem.
so, i think this is it for me! it’s not a bad thing, i just think that this hobby has just run its course for me. i’ll still keep the blog available. we can write on discord if that’s something anyone is interested in. i’m happy to still talk to people and be friends and just pal around! my discord is mycroftholmes #2749 and my twitter is @ sebmoron, and those are the likely places to find me. feel free to add / follow me on either or both!
love you all <3
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liminaled · 2 years
hmm. i think i’m gonna skedaddle from tumblr rp. i just don’t think it’s for me anymore.
every time i leave, the time in which i stay before leaving again is getting shorter and shorter. i don’t really fit into the whole vibe of the rpc anymore. and with my disabilities and exhaustion, i really can’t be here every day but if i’m not here every day i genuinely forget about it and stop thinking about it and once i do remember, it makes me want to be here less, if that makes any sense? it’s very much an all or nothing thing for me. i also feel very irrelevant if i’m not here every day, which takes an annoyingly big hit to my self-esteem.
so, i think this is it for me! it’s not a bad thing, i just think that this hobby has just run its course for me. i’ll still keep the blog available. we can write on discord if that’s something anyone is interested in. i’m happy to still talk to people and be friends and just pal around! my discord is mycroftholmes #2749 and my twitter is @ sebmoron, and those are the likely places to find me. feel free to add / follow me on either or both!
love you all <3
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liminaled · 2 years
Eden has come to bother tui <3
tui vc: you can never bother me, so you can bother me anytime you want! except it's not bothering, because i like it and i like you!!
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liminaled · 2 years
@aftermathed​ sent: “I haven’t been wrong before, have I?” / temperance to dakota
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“No comment.” If they call Temperance out, she’ll get annoyed. If they straight up lie, Temperance will call them out for it. It’s a no win for Dakota here.
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liminaled · 2 years
@macveigh​ sent: “Primitive humans used to die of fright during an eclipse. They had no idea what it was. The eye of an angry god, or an evil spirit. Nothing supernatural about it, though. Once we understood what it was, well, it was just natural." // claudette
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“And do you believe the unexplainable things today will someday be found in logic and reasoning?” While Claude isn’t necessarily superstitious or one who believes in gods or spirits, she also isn’t one to fully discount these things. There are things in the world that she does not understand, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation, or something to understand.
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liminaled · 2 years
i’ve realized why it’s so hard to properly flesh out my characters and it’s because i’m overwhelmingly aware that they’re not real and never gonna be and it feels like a personal waste of mental energy to go deep into a character that only like four people know lmao
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liminaled · 2 years
@macveigh​ sent: ‘it’s not very normal, but is it paranormal?’ // fiona?
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“Ghosts aren’t real.” She holds that belief close to her chest, mostly because the idea of ghosts is honestly just really sad and sorta creepy in a non-fun way. “It’s just freaky.” Or whatever. It’s definitely not ghosts, or like Bigfoot or whatever, but it’s definitely bloody weird. “Definitely not paranormal.” Everything has an explanation. Like, a normal explanation, even if it’s a weird one. At least that’s what Fiona steadfastly believes.
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liminaled · 2 years
@macveigh​ sent: “You have not had sex in a very long time.” // @ Seb LOL
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He chuckles, a low sound in the back of his throat. He feels like most people would be embarrassed by this fact, and the callout for it, but Morgan’s not wrong. It has been a bit for him, which is impressive for someone who enjoys it as much as he does. “Want to change that?” So he couldn’t exactly hold back there, now could he?
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liminaled · 2 years
@aftermathed​ sent: “I know you normally prefer the company of old stiffs.” / grey to victor
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Victor takes half a beat before replying, slight grin on his face. “Better than the drunk uni students you hang out with every night.”
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liminaled · 2 years
@aftermathed​ sent: “She sounded rough. Rougher than usual.” / anguish to yale
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Yale doesn’t look at them right away, mostly because if they think that maybe Anguish is being a teensy bit dramatic about it. But when Yale does look over, they realize that they’re being completely truthful, genuinely believing that. They turn to look at Anguish fully now, pages on the computer screen forgotten. “Is it like the time she was literally planning a fucking kidnapping situation with her father, or the time she was going to pull a heist at the British Museum?” Depending on the answer is how they’ll sort this one.
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liminaled · 2 years
@aftermathed​ sent: “I know this might be a little weird for you, but I promise it’s all normal.” / mori to sebastian
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“A little?” He’s a little breathless, having to quite literally run what seems like three miles until Mori finally stopped. “What the bloody hell was that?” That’s a bit more than a little weird for him, and nowhere near normal. The fact that Mori seems to think so really just makes Sebastian worry for him all the more. “What the fuc––” He stops, shaking his head as he tries to catch his breath. “Explain,” he breathes out.
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liminaled · 2 years
@foxtaeil​ sent: “we’re acting normal and nothing’s normal.” v i c
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“What is normal?” Okay, no need to get philosophical here. He steals a glance toward Mellie, but doesn’t want her to worry about whatever expression he happens to have on his face, because he has a inkling that no matter what’s there, it’ll be wrong. “What is our normal?” he asks again, this time actually meaning it in some way. “Can we make a new normal?”
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liminaled · 2 years
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happy munday except it’s @aftermathed exasperated at one of our cats insisting on learning chess.
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