linaangelhearth · 4 months
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Hoy hace 3 años que llegué a Tumblr. 🥳
Aunque hayan sido como 2 años sin publicar debido a los problemas de la vida, estoy feliz de ser parte de esta comunidad tan amplia y variada, espero seguir aqui varios años mas, ya sea publicando o siendo observadora 🥰😇🤍🖤💗
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linaangelhearth · 7 months
Español:Jajajajajaja, que entretenido! A mi sin embargo me encantaria que me recordarán que tengo que beber mi agua diaria ya que siempre se me olvida por ser cabeza de pollo como se dice aqui en Chile. 😅
English: Hahahahaha, how entertaining! However, I would love to be reminded that I have to drink my daily water since I always forget because I am a chicken head, as they say here in Chile. 😅
I like the idea that demons and angels don't need water to survive and most of the cast was deeply confused by MC drinking it so often because "it didn't taste good" and they couldn't wrap their heads around why MC was so "obsessed" with it.
And then they found out that water is crucial for a human's health and humans DIE if they go for a few days without it and suddenly a whole new fridge was installed in the kitchen filled with just water bottles, MC started getting "h2o deliveries" completely unprompted throughout the day, texts from all of them reminding them to hydrate, etc
"MC, here's your water."
“Oi, have you had yer life juice yet?”
"Remember to hydrate."
"I still can't believe you humans depend on this to survive. How stupid is that?"
"MC, do you need some water?"
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linaangelhearth · 7 months
Español: Si todos nos respetaramos y respetaramos el equilibrio natural de la naturaleza mientras seguimos avanzando al futuro este video sería una realidad, pero aún conservo la esperanza de que podría ser posible
Me encantó! El arte de este video y el concepto de este mundo de ciencia ficción llamado solarpunk, todos los días se aprende algo nuevo y me encantó encontrar este nuevo concepto, denle cariño al artista
English: If we all respected each other and the natural balance of nature as we continued moving into the future this video would be a reality, but I still have hope that it could be possible
I loved! The art of this video and the concept of this science fiction world called solarpunk, every day you learn something new and I loved finding this new concept, give love to the artist
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linaangelhearth · 1 year
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I think the word youre looking for, john, is spelunking
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linaangelhearth · 3 years
owwwwww ¡this guys are so cute! they are kill me, i only missing to see Kirishima and Denki, but, ¡this imagen is super lovely! 
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Singin’ in the rain🐸☂️
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linaangelhearth · 3 years
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Ingles:I had this drawing of my OC for a long time that I wanted to publish here to have a more representative image, her name is Carolina, her age varies from the relationships she has with certain series such as BNHA and others, but always around 17 to 21 or 22 years old, she is a very affectionate plump girl who usually hides her curves since she does not like to be the center of attention for those things, she likes affection and is always giving affection and pampering to those around her as well as she adores receiving them, also becomes very patient, but if you get her exhausted and angry, friend, save yourself who can, because behind all that softness, tenderness and warm family love, there is a fierce warrior capable of everything. That is for now, and also to start a more active season in my account and blog of BNHA stories, now that I left school I have a little more time and little by little I am recovering inspiration, I hope you like it and I am attentive to the comments, have a nice day 🥰
Español: hace tiempo que tenia este dibujo de mi OC que quería publicar aquí para tener una imagen mas representativa, se llama Carolina, su edad varia de las relaciones que tenga con ciertas series como BNHA y otros, pero siempre ronda de los 17 a los 21 o 22 años, es una chica regordeta muy cariñosa y que por lo general oculta sus curvas ya que no le gusta ser el centro de atención por esas cosas, le gusta el afecto y siempre anda dándole cariño y mimos a los que le rodea así como adora recibirlos, también llega a ser muy paciente, pero si se agota y se enfada, amigo, sálvese quien pueda, pues detrás de toda esa suavidad, ternura y amor cálido de familia, hay una fiera guerrera capaz de todo. Eso por ahora, y también para dar inicio a una temporada mas activa en mi cuenta y blog de historias de BNHA, ahora que salí del colegio tengo un poco mas de tiempo y poco a poco voy recuperando la inspiración, espero les guste y estoy atenta a los comentarios, tengan lindo día 🥰
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linaangelhearth · 3 years
ingles: I have always loved this artist and how he draws the characters in addition to their stories and other works, he was one of the people who inspired me to create an account and publish content of this type, I will always be grateful
español: a mi siempre me ah encantado este artista y como dibuja a los personajes además de sus historias y otros trabajos, fue una de las personas que me inspiro a crearme una cuenta y publicar contenido de este tipo, siempre le estaré agradecida
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Getting more into the swing of drawing the disembodied hands on bellies sorta thing.  And thought I’d practice some more with everyone’s favorite manly (and stuffed) cinnamon bun and his pain in the ass hairdo.  ‘XD
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linaangelhearth · 3 years
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Ingles: This is an image of the final part of the first chapter of my story "the secret masseuse", in my blog bnhahistoriasdiversas, later I will publish 4 other characters of bnha / mha, you can comment who you think they are if you like
Español: esta es una imagen de la parte final del primer capitulo de mi historia “la masajista secreta”, en mi blog bnhahistoriasdiversas, mas adelante publicare a otros 4 personajes de bnha/mha, pueden comentar quienes creen que son si gustan
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linaangelhearth · 3 years
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Ingles: Hello, here I bring you my first publication on my official blog, it is a fanart of Eijiro Kirishima from Boku no hero Academia or My Hero Academia that I made for my blog of stories of this saga, if you are interested in knowing the story go to the blog that comes In the image, I started with a pencil drawing and I liked it so much that I decided to scan it and review it in Sai, in the future maybe I will do it again, I hope you like it, here Angel hearth says goodbye, kisses.
Español: Hola, aquí les traigo mi primera publicación en mi blog oficial, es un fanart de Eijiro Kirishima de Boku no hero Academia o My Hero Academia que hice para mi blog de historias de esta saga, si les interesa saber la historia vallan al blog que sale en la imagen, empecé con un dibujo a lápiz y me gusto tanto que decidí escanearlo y repasarlo en Sai, en el futuro tal vez lo vuelva a hacer, espero les guste, aquí Angel hearth se despide, besitos.
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