linesfrommyheart · 2 years
Loved You once. I Can Love You Again.
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
What If I Said I Loved You? What Would You Do?
Would You Stay? .. Or Would You Go?
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
I just want to know, did you really love me? Or did you love the idea of me
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
So maybe we weren't meant to be
Maybe we'll meet in another lifetime
Maybe this life time wasn't our time
I'm seeing you, with your new family and I won't lie and say I'm okay, but I'm happy too see you happy, even if it's without me.
I'm not okay, I wish you stayed with me.
This letter is written by me, and when I sent it to you please don't cry, because I won't be there to wipe your tears. But maybe you don't need me to be there for you like I was years ago.
Never imagined a life without you.
Never imagined a kid without you.
Never imagined a wife if it's not you.
Oh maybe you didn't love me enough.
Maybe you didn't love me like I loved you.
Maybe they were right and I was just a phase.
But now your walking down the aisle, and it isn't me who you'll say your vows too. And the thought is breaking me.
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
You played me so well, I almost fell for your lies. Your sweet words still scar my mind I repeated to myself everyday that you love me But I know that's a lie I see you slipping away from me, you said you loved me but you lied, so now I'm going to get away from you this is goodbye.
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
We fell apart one day everything was okay the next we were no longer the same. You kept your distance from me and everyday felt more lonley then the last, I doubt you'd have stayed even if I begged, My mother says I give my heart out like it's candy,I didnt belive her until I meet you.
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
-She could've been the one. I thought she was the one. I wanted her to be the one for me and only me, but it seems like she belongs too somone other than me. It seems like I wasn't enough for her . It isn't her fault that somone touched her other than me, it's my fault I promised I'd be enough for her and I wasn't. I promised her I'd always be there for her and I wasn't. There's No one to blame other than me.
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linesfrommyheart · 2 years
-Is this love? Or a curse? I can't decide but when I wake up and think of you I think it's both, when I go to sleep and dream of you I think that this is love and a curse mixed together and I can't tell which one I think fits better.
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