lioneshyde · 7 months
think im gonna add empel & ryza to muse list just bc also mentioning sparkle is on the list not bc i like her, bc i dont, but bc i spent enough effort analyzing the differences between her & sampo that i might as well
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lioneshyde · 7 months
"Oh, thank goodness." She would have felt quite bad about keeping the others, after all. Although there's no hurry to regroup, she hesitates where she stands--it's not so much about her mental state, or the burden of their traveling experiences--it's just that her book is so good, and she really wants to continue reading--
"Oh, that's kind of you, Flynn, but I'm okay, really. Everyone has been so good about covering for me when need be--with you and Yuri here, I hardly need to fight on the front lines at all." There might have been a little bit of a pout there--she's had plenty of training and experience herself by now, after all. "Oh, but--are you okay, Flynn?"
"Oh-- No, it's not. My apologies for startling you, Lady Estellise." Flynn is quick to hold up a hand to stop her from scrambling to hurry and meet back up with the others.
"We still have quite some time before we planned to meet up. But I just wanted to come in and check to see how you were holding up. We've been through some rough battles lately and I've been worried..."
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lioneshyde · 7 months
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masked fool raven masked fool raven masked fool raven--- raven whose mourner mask was 'stolen' from himself, damuron who went on rich kid vacation to penacony & got mixed up w the fools at worlds end, who ends up a mourner after caseys death as schwann who then pretends to be a fool to spy before becoming a full-fledged fool without noticing--
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lioneshyde · 7 months
Oho~? Could that long hair belong to who he thought it did~? Nonchalance seeps through the bird's being to an uncanny level as he slinks along the streets behind his target, giddy steps near giving away his reconnaissance 'til he gets close enough for confirmation. It was--and so the bird crept ever closer 'til he was within arms length to reach out and flick at the wolf's ear from behind.
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"Heeey~ Did I getcha?"
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lioneshyde · 7 months
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lioneshyde · 7 months
"Oh, Flynn--!" A bright, if somewhat guilty smile meets the Knight as the royal stands from where she knelt, brushing off her trousers with one hand as the other clasps a book to her chest. "Sorry, I suppose I'd gotten distracted. Is it time to meet up?"
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lioneshyde · 7 months
small starter call! specify muse please--
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lioneshyde · 7 months
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Lazy pinned hopefully-temporary post--this is a multi-muse featuring Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Tales of Series and some extras (hopefully temporary muse list below the cut). General RP etiquette, I have an exclusive Zelos, etc. etc. written by Leon (he/they 25+), re-est. 2/17/24
Genshin Impact: Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, Kaveh, Paimon Honkai: Star Rail: March 7th, Bailu, Sparkle Tales of Series: Presea Combatir, Raine Sage, Raven, Judith, Flynn Scifo, Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Hubert Oswell Final Fantasy: Vaan, Tyro Fire Emblem: Awakening: Vaike Legend of Dragoon: Meru
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lioneshyde · 3 years
Zelos had fully expected Presea to say anything other than what she had. That in itself was a foolish mistake for if anyone here would greet his theatrics with complete neutrality, it would be Presea. What he should have expected was the same strange and profound musings that she always seemed to have ready. A unique perspective that only someone who has gone through what she has could give. Some may say it cold and logical but sometimes logic is what is needed in times of distress. He could feel the fear bubbling beneath the surface of his skin. The fear that he was showing too much and being seen for what he really was.
A pathetic, miserable excuse for a living being.
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“Maybe it’s only straightforward for people who have a clear conscious.” Or people who are too stupid and naive like a certain someone they know. What does he think it’s all going to accomplish? And if he does manage somehow, another problem will come up. That’s how it’s always been. Always will be. At least the problem Zelos poses can be easily solved.
Even if there’s sometimes a voice in him that asks what will it accomplish? It won’t make up for the things he’s done. Realizing he had gone silent for a little too long, he turned to look at his companion with a stern gaze. She’s right of course. It is not another’s choice to do something like that. But they still play a part, don’t they? “Humor me just a little longer.” It almost sounds like a plea.
“Do you think… offering up one’s own life could work for atoning for the unforgivable?”
She makes a point to keep her eyes on him--but not in an obvious way. He wavers in her peripherals, afraid to turn to him fully, to fully embrace this near taste of vulnerability, of something almost real, lest he run and hide like a startled deer. This was not a hunt, but it felt like it took the same sort of persistence, a patience required to not flush out prey from bush before the right timing, lest she have to start anew to wait again for sincerity. It felt a topic where a slight misstep would remove the possibility of ever hearing such words from Zelos again.
   “I--don’t think so. That--”   This was especially difficult. A detachment from emotion gave one a logical take, an ability to learn and retain information but it rarely seemed to serve her well. She could feel a sort of logic to this question, however--   “If someone seeks another’s life, it’s payment. If--someone gives up their life, if no one’s asked for it--that is... escape, I feel. It’s not payment.”
Perhaps it was callous, a cynical outlook to take, to call a life ‘payment’ but it was the best way she could put it. From her own experience, she wanted to take everyone involved in the experiment that caused her to lose so much, and wring her lost time out of them, to take some sort of payment to ease the hurt. She wanted the death of some of them, but if that death had come from their own hands? Their own choice--to ‘atone’? She was far from an expert at figuring out her emotions, but she knew that would leave her feeling cheated or frustrated that after all they’d done, they’d changed their minds and done--nothing. Worse than nothing. Escaped from any actual fixing of anything.
If she had to deal with the consequences of their actions, so should they. They should pay.
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   “I--don’t know what you mean by ‘unforgivable’ but--payment only works when accepted. I’m... sorry, I--don’t think I have an answer that is ‘right’. Or that there is one. Does this--help?”
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lioneshyde · 3 years
It did not not surprise him that Presea’s first response is one of confusion. The question itself is after all, at odds with everything that made up a living thing. It goes against the instinct for survival and defies imagination. And yet… And yet there are still people who feel that way. They believe life is a curse rather than a blessing. When Presea continued, he found himself being aware of the weight on his chest and found it slowly lessen as she tried to wrap her head around it all. At least someone was trying to see that point of view. At least someone’s gut reaction isn’t to yell about how stupid that was, how selfish.
But maybe it’s that relief that makes him unworthy of the gift of life.
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Zelos remained silent for a little while longer as he mulled over her words. A choice rather than a right, huh? Yes, he supposed that made sense. Rights seemed to be more of something given whether or not they were asked for whereas choices were left up entirely to the individual. So what does that say about him?
Shortly after, he gave a dry and short laugh. One more suited to someone having just experienced a moment of awkwardness rather than the heavy atmosphere they now sat in. The Chosen turned to look at her with one of his well-practiced smiles. “Don’t worry about it. I’m just talking. Since I love the sound of my own voice, right?” Yet he wants to ask her more and found himself unable to stop before letting loose another question.
“I mean… it’s a pretty straightforward choice, don’t you think?” Nor can he stop himself from letting his voice from wavering that tiny little bit.
He’s putting on his mask again. It always hurt her heart to see his easy slip back into smiles and cheer, as if anything else was a mistake. As if there was only one way for him to be a proper person of worth, and she couldn’t help but see how such a mindset reflected upon her, a person who couldn’t smile. Sometimes, his forced cheer, that well practiced laugh to ease tension and smooth cover, sometimes it felt like an attack against her inability to do the same, though she knew it had nothing to do with her. But more than any harm that it might do her, she worried more still for her friend when he covered up any glimpses of sincerity he’d show.
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   “I don’t think such a choice is straightforward at all.”   She’ll not respond to his self-mocking--experience tells her that is way to push him back, to that mask he loves and she hates. So she’ll do her best to not react--a specialty of hers, if she might say so.   “And--I don’t think--it matters what I think. It’s not my choice to make, for someone else to take their own life.”
This talk is making her uncomfortable, feeling as if Zelos is flirting with the boundary between his masked and true self, and perhaps letting a little more through than usual. A part of her wants to take his hand and ask what choice he has yet to come to--yet she sits still and holds out, fearing the loss of what little of his real self she thinks she has beside her.
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lioneshyde · 4 years
It’s oddly soothing, hearing that she is also in disagreement. Just knowing he wasn’t the only one who had ideas that clashed with their leader put him a bit more at ease. He too liked Lloyd’s naivety and his drive but that’s all it was for him. That sort of thought process was unrealistic and foolish in his eyes but he was content to let Lloyd continue to pursue his impossible dream for now. He’ll learn and it certainly wasn’t his place to teach him. The silence between them brought his gaze back down and eventually a turn of his head to look at her.
The one time left behind.
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“Right… Some things are just too horrible to ever be forgiven.” Things that he had done. That he will do. For a moment, he considered asking if she thought Regal should be further punished before changing his mind. That’s not his place, it’s not his business. Besides, he had more pressing matters on his mind. A matter that made his lips twitch into a sad smile and his gaze drop instead now to the dirt.
“But that kind of begs the question…” If any of their group had to hear him, Presea would be best. Presea would not cause a scene. Presea would not yell at him for daring entertain a thought of this caliber. “Don’t some people then, don’t they have a right to die too?”
Too horrible to ever be forgiven. People who used others for experiments, who stole others’ time and lives, people who killed little sisters--some people deserved to face consequences. To die. Perhaps it was merely her emotions clouding judgement--but after so many years spent unfeeling, she would hold onto what few emotions she could still feel, and that hate had kept her with purpose when everything was so overwhelming, kept her from falling apart. But even logic dictated horrible people would keep doing horrible things until stopped. 
Zelos’ return question stumps her, however, brow furrowing and frown forming as she tries to figure out what he means. A right to... die? Living was what was given, a right that could be taken away. Dying--was having that right taken away or given up, wasn’t it?
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   “I dont--think I understand.”   But it sounds like a very serious question, one with an answer that holds much meaning to Zelos. One that feels melancholic--causing the girl to draw her knees up close and ponder with characteristic seriousness.   “I don’t understand, but if this refers to taking one’s own life--that is... a choice everyone has, I think. Regardless of... a right to live or not.”
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lioneshyde · 4 years
Is he okay? Is he ever?
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All he gave her was a quiet mumble before some life seeped back into his eyes. Something had been on his mind for quite some time. It had been bothering him ever since he first heard it and every time it has been said by their leader. He’s just a kid. A naive one. Sweet, yes and kind but much too naive. Presea at least, she was smart enough to know reality. She had to face it every day. Maybe she could help.
“Hey, Presea. You know how Lloyd keeps saying everyone has a right to live?” He paused and turned his gaze skywards, expression falling back into neutrality. “…Do you agree with him?”
She’s not sure what he first says, and this concerns her further. Zelos is good at platitudes, she knows, and that he cannot properly elucidate makes the small girl want to reach out, hand hovering as she’s not sure how receptive her friend may be to comforting touch. There were times it was not wanted, and she wasn’t aware enough of social cues to tell when and not.
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   "I--do not. I think... some people deserve to die.”   She likes Lloyd’s idealism, his enthusiasm and willingness to work towards what he believes is right and just--but she does not think she could ever be like him, or think like him. She’s simply been through too much, seen too much of the wretched nature of others to have come out clean. Her hand slowly retracts, fingers gently touching the crystal at her throat. Some people had to pay for their actions and choices, and their debts accrued ‘til only one thing could even begin cover the costs.
   “It--would be nice, if everyone deserved redemption. But--I don’t think so. There are--some choices that cannot be forgiven.”
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lioneshyde · 4 years
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   “Zelos, are you okay? Your eyes--look like mine.”
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lioneshyde · 4 years
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𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄  :  ghostly, fleeting image of renounced youth with cheeks lightly aglow. however, whether the gentle, almost unnoticeable dusting of rose ‘cross his cheeks is a result of embarrassment or inebriation was … indeterminable.  ❝  you? honest? i’m surprised.  ❞  a jest immediately followed by a smirk. if there was but one everlasting quality to his character untouched by the blackening of his heart, it was his classic wit  /  confidence without so much as a sliver of shame. present, even now, during this time of transformation from vigilante to pure villain. a rare softness taking form in this lighthearted persona, reserved specifically for only him.  ❝  is that right? missed me that much, huh?  ❞  perhaps, he would miss the man he knew even more should he know what tragedies were created by yuri’s own hands during their time apart. ❝  how can i make it up to you?  ❞  his own performance now following suit.
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   “I’ve turned t’ an honest man, truly--!”   Oh, he’s hurt, injured, laying on the cold hard ground at the (completely correct) accusation that he might be anything otherwise. He is, at the least, a more honest man that before--not every word was fabricated lie and colorful story. Why, to the wolf at least, if the right question’s asked, he might even be wholly truthful. But who took the last beer? Not him.
He lets that elbow he’s got propped on the other slide down behind the wolf’s back, to wrap loosely ‘round oh-so-enticing waist. Half an inch too much height difference to be holding that prior position long comfortably anyway.   “Hmmm, if ya really wanna make up t’ me--”   There’s a moment of chewing on his words, theatric exaggeration still at play, wondering what level of payment is due. To go for a bold tease and a wink and ask for hot and heavy night, or play it off extra sappy and have a dinner dripping with romance and rose petals, or--   “Ah, jus’ buy me a drink, eh?”
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lioneshyde · 4 years
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hey @enitutam come take teach for a ride
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lioneshyde · 4 years
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ready ur bums ‘cause its time for   “All! About! Teach!”
so vaike aka Teach is from a small town, which i believe ive called Wyck after his jp name & i think i gave him the last name Rorrickson in a comic on a whim so. there u go. anyway. this town. its decent-sized, but run down, and abandoned by the noble who runs that territory during all times except tax time. so thats mostly where vaike’s disdain of nobles comes from. ver little funding for education, probably just a poor priest trying his best & calling it good enough if the kids walk away being able to read & do basic sums.
he was the biggest & strongest youth of the village, and while definitely a troublemaker and ruffian, wasn’t so bad. yet. then some bandits attacked & he took up a woodcutter’s ax & turned it on them & while there was definitely some help, he was the big force that drove them away. so the other youths & a few of the older but not too old men were banded under his strength, & he had a bit of a protection squad going on. which, as they successfully repelled another raid or two, went to his head. 
now, he’d always been a bit of a brat. he’d steal pies off windowsills. but now he had power. had all the strongest arms in the village under him, the strongest of them all, and, well, his little protection squad pretty much turned into the bandits the town needed protection from, taking whatever they wanted, whenever. the game plays it off as ‘oh he had a silly little gang as a kid nothing serious’ & im here kicking that outta town & saying it was not silly, this lasted late teens through early 20′s & he did some awful stuff as a psuedo bandit leader. 
but this wasn’t really making him feel good. having people scared of him was. eh. not his thing after all. silly pranks & being good were his thing. but some of his mates were less inclined towards that & found that sorta thinking soft. so there was a mutiny. he got stabbed. he stabbed harder. soon after that it was announced the exalt & her brother were to visit, yknow, something about like. an inspiring religious speech or something. he’s unimpressed. its all for show for the other nobles. theyd show up & leave & nothing would change.
so he decides he’s gonna get back a bit at ‘em. he’s pissed. doesn’t know why. he runs a town after all. sees chrom. thinks he’s gonna jump some soft little noble boy. gets his ass kicked. gets that scar on his eyebrow. chrom’s a good sport though. lets it slide with a bit of a goody-goody lecture that vaike doesnt rlly listen too. he’s too impressed. thought all that shepherd nonsense was some cozy noble picnic club yknow. expecting to get put to death for the offense of jumping a prince, but nah. they have a drink probably. vaike’s in awe.
next day, he sees emelan speak & sees the exalt in a new light too. actually listens. cries a tear. between those two he decides he’s done with the gang life, can’t deal with it anymore. he’s doing no one any good. & he wants to do good. really. forgets a lot that’s what he wants, gets distracted very easily, but good is good. & so he thinks. maybe chrom could use another ax. maybe he needs someone to stand loyal at his side in case the same sorta stuff goes down in the shepherds as in his gang. so he shows up at the barracks & barks at the door til someone lets him in & doesn’t leave. he’s chrom’s faithful wolf now, even if that means making like… the awful sacrifice of eating the prince’s cooking sometimes. he won’t let someone stab chrom in the back, even if it means getting his hands dirty, ‘cause hey, theyre already dirty.
misc hc’s
vaike is. yes. forgetful. it’s an adhd thing definitely. losing his ax is like misplacing ur phone & being like ‘i swore i just had it’ cause ur so used to it being there that u dont even recognize its presence & then bam its gone.
he’s not stupid, much as i & the game make him out to be. he’s not smart, book-smart at least, but he generally picks up on others’ feelings & definitely their opinion of him. he’s happy to play the fool tho, to help relieve tensions or keep anyone from realizing there’s actually a hey serious person under there maybe
his best friend… is minerva. he loves that wyvern. sorry chrom after minerva arrives that is his new bestie. 
i go ham w the ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ thing w vaike bc like. he is basically a not-really-reformed bandit among a buncha goody goody nobles & everyone’s just. way more decent than he is. he’s there to make sure chrom doesnt go the way he did & is ready to kill bc hey. he’s already done some rlly nasty things when he failed to be a proper leader, why not do some more to make sure someone else does a good job.
which leads into him reclassing into an assassin later on (gaius tries to teach him the thief/stealth bits but. alas. he does only Decent at best w teaching the teach)
while he’s definitely a meat & potatoes type of guy when it comes to preferred meals his real favorite food is apples & by extension apple pie. loves his savories, loves his sweets too. loves food in general, so long as chrom didnt cook it. he’s even half decent at cooking himself, tho only rlly can do simple recipes. no fancy stuff from him.
he’s bi w a big biiiig preference for women
also on the topic of kids & pairings im not. big on giving him canon kids but i do lean towards laurent & gerome bc i think they just. have the best dynamics. laurent bc he can get Serious vaike & gerome bc even without a parental connection he has to deal w vaike loving on minvera. like. cmon. he’s gotta. thats his bestie let him pet her this one hasnt seen him in ages he’s gotta give her a proper pet. mr batman doesnt get a choice in tolerating vaike here.
if he was an ac villager he’d be coach
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lioneshyde · 4 years
The sound of impact still rings in his ears even as the brute stands at a still, blank gaze set ‘pon the remnants of his weapon as teeth worry at his lower lip. Ah, shit, someone’s gonna yell at him for ruining another perfectly good ax before even seeing battle--and he gives a start as a voice breaks through his ruminations before calming at the sight of his best friend and certified nice guy who would definitely not yell at him for wanton waste. He slouches back into his usual careless attitude, grin breaking out even as he thumbs the scar on his cheek.
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   “Har--can’t find another guy with as much strength as me, that’s fer sure! Jus’ right ya’d feel reassured havin’ the Vaike on yer team. Teach ain’t jumpin’ ship anytime soon, either.”
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𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄. rivaling even the greatest warriors’ strength, he is but an army all on his own. an axe broken to pieces; metal once believed indestructible by ancient predecessors, scattered ‘cross the training grounds of the shepherds. their commander —- the prince, himself, —- arrives with an ever - curious gaze, though imbued with just a hint of concern. his expression, then, muddled by sheer amazement as soles tread carefully ‘round what remains of the weapon.  ❝  you know, i am truly grateful we are on the same side, vaike —— or i fear that my head would face the same fate as your axe.  ❞  / starter : @lioneshyde​​  from chrom  /  for vaike  !
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