lissa-arts · 8 years
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my witchsona for this year! I figured I’d post this here and not my art blog bc I barely use it anymore (bc I now post all my art on my instagram @lissarts #spons)
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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lissa-arts · 8 years
I probably should have uploaded this here woops
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I was bored so I made moodboards for my OC’s Celeste (top) and Dusty (bottom)👍
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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the first week of Inktober with an incredibly rough start!
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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Eleven & Hecked Up Eleven™
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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fanart of my Literal Queen I forgot to post here
(reminder about my Instagram where I'm more active ❤@lissarts ❤)
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lissa-arts · 8 years
hey kiddos I have a shop now
hi!! guys!! I finally got myself into Redbubble and so far i’m testing the waters with cute simple phone case designs then i’ll start posting more artsy stuff
but I need more ideas for simple phone cases so if you’re thinking of a phone case design that you would want to own feel free to share it with me!
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lissa-arts · 8 years
when ur drawing smth real bright n sparkly n joyful but its past 3 am and ur so jaded that it doesnt affect u
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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she’s beauty she’s grace she’ll punch you in the face
quick announcement that I made an instagram account (lissarts) for my art! this blog has gotten a bit messy so i’ll most likely be posting my newer art on my insta (:
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lissa-arts · 8 years
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lissa-arts · 8 years
art takes hours to produce and seconds to consume so dont act suprised when artists get upset when their posts only get likes and no reblogs
similarly a piece of writing that takes a few minutes to read could have weeks of work behind it… dont take creativity for granted when ur getting it for free
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lissa-arts · 8 years
okay, as a non-art student, this is going to be SUPER unprofessional. but, AS A PROFESSIONAL PAINTING INSTRUCTOR, you’ll probably find it useful? idk, but my partner has recently been expressing their distress in coloring, and thinking that they “just suck” at art. and i’m like no, babe, you just haven’t LEARNED.
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whoa there, nice colors you got picked out there! pretty saturated if you ask me, and they don’t really go together. super-saturated colors tend to clash and make your eyes go buggo, so that might be what’s bothering you about your coloring and you just can’t place it! but it’s okay, it should come together in the shading, right?
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whoA! WHOA!! BRO. okay, no we gotta learn you something. we all start off inside this box and figure to make a color darker, add black and to make it lighter, add white. but when you do that, it ends up making your colors MUDDY and STANK and it really doesn’t bring them together, especially if you start off with saturated colors like this! let me blow your mind with-
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BAM!! check it out! these are the same colors, just shaded completely different! how, though? instead of using purely black and white, i used MORE COLOR. so not only does this shade them, it also brings the colors closer together. shading the red with purple makes it match the purple more, shading the green with blue makes match the purple more, etc, etc! instead of thinking black = darker, think “what color is darker in the rainbow?”
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oh, but you don’t really want to shade? ah, yeah, there’s the problem that your colors still clash really bad. here’s what you can do: think of the color between each of them. orange and yellow for green and red, and blue for green and purple. now, mix in a little to each, and then…
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BAM. suddenly, they don’t clash! still the same colors, though! just muted a bit not to wig out your eyes.
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but see, the problem with super-saturated colors is your art ends up looking like the mspaint color palette, especially if you overuse them. they are very fun, but very difficult to deal with!
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sometimes, it’s best to move a little away from the right side of the color slider to get more pastel variants, and use the neon colors more sparingly! besides, you can enrich these duller colors when you go back in for some shading!
try it out! i swear, you’ll love coloring way more when you do.
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lissa-arts · 8 years
Making a comic in MediBang
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lissa-arts · 9 years
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Sort of follow up from the hair tutorial yesterday, mixing in a bit of this quick tutorial too. Hopefully this is easy enough to understand ^^’ one of those things that can change a lot depending on the animation.
And if you’d like a little wave guide, I’ve got one here!
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lissa-arts · 9 years
3 Random Pose Generator Websites For Pose Referencing
Basically im just putting together the 3 most useful websites for pose referencing that ive come across over the years because you know, they’re crazy useful and I could be saving someone a lot of time by just putting them all together in one post. Below each description is a picture from the generator described so you know what to expect.
— PoseManiacs. Pretty well known generator thats good for understanding how muscles work and what they look like. They have a timed version and pose library as well in case you want to practice gesture drawings or challenge yourself. Also (and this may not be as well known,) but they have a site with a selection of maneuverable hand poses too. I think they’re beginning to work on adding other body parts, since theres a couple beta body parts as well. You can click on the blue buttons at the top to scale, mirror, and rotate your object.
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Quickposes. This website provides you with nude photos (some with or without underwear) out of their library of interesting models and poses. There’s also an option for clothed models as well. Great for figure drawing in general. Timed version and pose library available.
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Atarichan Drawer. Provides you with a random framework skeleton that you can rotate to draw at any angle. This is my most recent discovery so im not too familiar with it, but according to the directions, you ctrl+z to undo up to 7 times, space+drag to move around, and space+drag > release the mouse only and click save to set a position. The instructions says that “you move a viewpoint in space+drag and confirm it when balls are piled up,” but im not really sure what that means and havent been able to figure it out yet. To my knowledge, there is no timed version or pose library available.
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lissa-arts · 9 years
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Tuesday Tips - Figure Drawing Pointers A few things I keep in mind while I’m figure drawing. From small details that suggest form and volume to larger concepts like silhouette, direction and tension. #lifedrawing #figuredrawing #grizandnorm #norm #tuesdaytips
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lissa-arts · 9 years
Due to the inconsistencies in style her style, I had suspicions that Ariel might be tracing. Deciding to look further into it, I came across a stock photo that looks remarkably similar to this piece of hers here:
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From then on more and more evidence of her having traced many, if not all pieces of her art began to emerge. Not only has she been tracing various stock photos:
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She used one of the stock photos to trace a commission for tumblr user @looktothehorizon
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She’s also traced non stock photography
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T.v screen caps
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And different other people’s artwork, one belonging to tumblr user @elvishness and another who I couldn’t find the source for.
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Tracing stock photos is one thing, but to trace another artist’s work, whether it be their photography or drawings is completely unacceptable. To do that and also charge money for it is beyond believable. @orisoni if you’re going to go around policing other people, claiming that they’re copying your art and stealing your ideas, maybe you should learn not to do that yourself? 
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