Ok so maybe I won't come back to this blog¿
I like my new blog, @tits-in-the-rye , much better because it's Meme Hell, just like how I want You can follow me there, or admire this ancient relic from 2012. I won't delete tho, this is my URL dammit and maybe when WIR 2 or the BH6 series comes out I'll run two blogs. Idk. It's not that important lol
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lmao so that happened
got home from work, checked my notifications, the exclusionists are having a Grand Old Time calling me a transphobe and ableist and homophobic and just a Mean Cishet Loving Bitch aight then...they got me...they totally got me guys this is Who I Really Am...totally 100% true no joke i just really hate the non-cishets...i hate them and their pastel blogs...because i am too Mean to have pastels!! that's the truth!! it's all about that pale toned pinks and purples and blues!!! fucking gets my goat to not be pastel!!! i am so damaged by it!!! so therefore i cope by hating The Gays(TM) you fucking figured me out i'll delete now ...anyway ace exclusionists are trash and their opinions are toxic anyway so please ignore the debris. i admit to being a Huge Bitch and that was mean to teenagers, but lol fuck them--i grew up biracial in the closet, always hearing that i'm "not black enough", i'm "not white enough", i "don't like girls enough", i "don't like boys enough". it was never enough for any gatekeeper! *I* was never enough!! and it will never be enough, not for aces, not for aros, not for the questioning and the conflicted and the "heterosexual-passing"; to say nothing of the inherent subversive racial privileges that permeates all LgBt DiScOuRsE so yeah. aces are valid, aros are valid, and that's all that needs to be said i'll be active on a different blog for the next few months because tungle.hell won't let me block notifications. as much as i genuinely 100% love being the object of disgust by people who disgust me (no seriously I've been cackling with glee this entire time because i'm SO HAPPY to see this, i'm SO HAPPY to know who on tumblr is a Shit Person)...i'm here to meme because tumblr is one giant mediocre meme and i'll be damned if i take it too seriously
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i love you
t h a n k  y o u
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How to talk to me when I have headphones on: Don’t.
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Honestly the ongoing Ace Discourse makes me hate the LGBT+ community and I never wanna see any of your nasty exclusionist asses at a pride parade
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You're so disgusting??? Delete your blog!!!
thank god i can finally leave the tungle
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aces arent lgbt and youre a transphobe so kill yourself
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Cinderella (2015) | Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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can we talk about Nicki Minaj’s twitter location 
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the only acceptable haircut
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Apparently McDonald’s also said they’re getting killed by millenials and one of their CEO’s said it’s because millenials don’t have “brand loyalty” and are instead “promiscuous”
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