littlemissmusique · 3 years
Turned my thoughts about season 2 into memes
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littlemissmusique · 3 years
Filavandrel's lute is what keeps Jaskier from aging.
The gift was actually for Geralt.
Filavandrel saw how Geralt tries to get the Elves to let Jaskier go and just assumed they were already besties.
So Filavandrel wants Geralt's human buddy to be able to stay with him forever. He gives Jaskier a magical lute that releases magic every time it's played that keeps him young.
Neither of them realize until Geralt runs into Filavandrel
Filavandrel: How have you liked my gift?
Geralt: You didn't give me anything?
Filavandrel: Rude I gave your human companion immortality so he may always be by your side.
Geralt: what
After, Geralt becomes weirdly protective of the lute, which confuses Jaskier to no end. He handles it with delicate fingers, buys Jaskier a new case which is basically indestructible.
And Geralt begins to ask Jaskier to play. If Jaskier goes more than a day or two without at least strumming the lute, Geralt all but demands Jaskier sing a little diddy.
At first Jaskier preens, maybe Geralt finally appreciates his music. But the manic way he insists Jakier play after a week where Jaskier is holed up with the flu has Jaskier really freaked out.
One day Jaskier gets into a bar fight and Geralt is content to sit in a corner and silently watch the bard go feral.
Jaskier has just smashed a chair on one large guy, but another quickly takes his place.
Jaskier looks around for another weapon, but finding nothing around and overcome with feral energy, he reaches for the lute on his back.
Suddenly Geralt is lunging across the room and Jaskier's thinking, "oh good he's coming to help me out because he cares about my safety" but instead Geralt snatches the lute away and cradles it like a baby.
Both Jaskier and his would-be assailant are so shocked by the turn of events they promptly stop fighting and just stare at Geralt.
Jaskier: What. The. Fuck.
And Geralt finally explains.
Geralt: this keeps you young!
Jaskier: What the fuck?
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littlemissmusique · 3 years
I have read this fic and yes it is hilarious
au where merlin frequently disguises himself as dolma bc she's the only sorceress arthur trusts at first and unashamedly flirts with the king of camelot every. single. time.
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Me:  haha this is fine, I can still pass the subject if I don’t submit this one assignment
Also me:  *cries for two hours when my program doesn’t work*
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Me: *is not straight, is not planning on coming out any time soon*
Also me: *is accidentally outed in front of my sister when a random girl recognises the lgbtqia+ books I'm buying and asks if I'm gay*
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
How cute is this art??
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Oh Daichi, who would have thought that you’re that shy…
Based on this fic - Look; It’s You and Me by WildKitte
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
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Anyone else think this? 😂
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Drarry wedding
Draco: make sure you get my good side
Draco: *does a pirouette*
Ron, with a camera: ...um?
Harry: go on, you heard the man
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Hello, is that a new current obsession I spy...?
Just really feeling the Johnlock today. Time to go digging through some rec lists!
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So who are you? I’m nobody. I just met him.
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
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Happy 1st September everyone!! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts <3
Image credit:  Gina Garavalia
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
I think I realised my friends at uni have a different sense of humour to me when we were learning about multiple inheritance in programming and I said “oh so they have two contributing parent classes, haha, imagine that” and no one else laughed
My friends, we have led very different lives
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
New fanfic alert!
Okay, so it took me like four months but I finally did it: Part Three of the Grey Skies series!
First we had Suga, and then we had Kageyama. Now it's Tsukki's turn, but this one isn't quite like the others.
You were my sunshine by littlemissmusique [1.9k words]
Kei had convinced himself for so long that he needed to be independent, not reliant on anybody. How could this have happened?
Tsukki gets Hanahaki.
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Bookworm Problems
That moment when you finally start reading a super popular series and completely fall in love with it, so you immediately want to go looking for fanart and memes BUT THEN you remember that you haven’t read the rest of the series and because it’s so so good you can’t risk accidentally seeing spoilers 😭😭  
Please tell me y’all know the pain I’m going through here
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
“We looked at each other a little too long to be ‘just friends’.”
— ‘Just Friends’ (via sh-ocking)
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Dear Crush,
I didn’t mean to keep looking at you,
But you weren’t looking away, either.
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Haikyuu fic recs - Hanahaki Disease
Okay so I absolutely adore Hanahaki fics.  In particular, it’s one of my favourite trops for Haikyuu! pairings, so here we go with some recs!  There are definitely more out there, but there are (in my humble opinion) some of the most enjoyable I’ve found so far.  Hope you enjoy!
**have mercy on me - hiuythn [10.5k words]
Hajime looks at the black and white slides, takes in the way the plant grows uninhibited inside him. He presses a hand to his ribcage. It doesn’t even feel like there’s anything wrong.
Or, Hajime gets the Hanahaki disease.
Comments:  The reason I don't think I'll ever be able to write an IwaOi Hanahaki fic. This is it. This is the best there is. This has my heart and my life.  Seriously though y’all, this is well worth the read and the reread and the midnight reread when you’re crying in your pyjamas.  Please, please read it.
These Feelings of Love Will Destroy Us Both - la_haine_pacifique [1.9k words]
"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love. Flowers grow in the respiratory and digestive tracts, feeding on those unrequited feelings. Those afflicted with the disease cough and vomit up petals, leaves, and whole flowers as time goes on. The plants can lead to subsequent suffocation, starvation, or hypovolemia, and subsequent death. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. Alternatively, the disease resolves itself if the feelings are found to be returned."
Comments:  Okay so this is technically a series, but to be perfectly honest I mostly just recommend the first one.  It’s not as eloquently heartwrenching as have mercy on me, but if you like Friends-to-Lovers DaiSuga it’s a good place to go.
Hanahaki - weirdmilk [2.9k words]
Oikawa is afflicted with Hanahaki disease - an illness borne of love believed to be unrequited - that causes him to cough up bright blue flowers.
‘What’s in your hand?’ Iwaizumi’s voice trembles like a violin string. He already knows.
Comments:  Backwards to the way I’ve seen it before, which drew me in.  It has a unique ending.  I mean, basically if you’d like to see Oikawa suffering, here you go.  (If you wouldn’t like to see our boys suffering, why are you here?)
La Douleur Exquise - Watanabe Maya [8.2k words]
You are sixteen when you first cough up flowers in your hands, petals of a catchfly painting the ground in shades of scarlet and a sorrowful red. \\ Hanahaki AU. Oneshot.
Comments:  DaiSuga.  2nd-person POV, which I don’t usually go for, but here it works.  Kudos to the author for making me enjoy something I wouldn’t usually read!
**Sorry Tsukki - The_Busy_Beee [12.6k words]
Hanahaki Disease is a life threatening condition, and without proper treatment or mutual feelings, death is a very real possibility.
Yamaguchi Tadashi learned that first hand.
Comments:  Okay so this is a super-good author.  High quality fic.  (Also the author is really nice, they replied to all my crazed comments and just eee, good reading experience all-round.)  It’s part of a series, and I would just rec the whole series but I think each work deserves its own place on the list.  This first one got me bad, I was ‘lowkey’ (*cough*) crying while I finished it.
**Slow Down - The_Busy_Beee [5k words]
Nishinoya Yuu's whole life can be summed up with the words "Go Fast!"
But, waking up with a mouth full of flower petals can throw a wrench into your plans pretty quickly.
(This is set as a prequel for Sorry Tsukki, but is completely unrelated and can be read as a stand alone.)
Comments:  Oof.  Perfectly complements the first one.  I absolutely loved them in order, but if you’re really after an AsaNoya, go for it!
**Learning to Love You Again - The_Busy_Beee [6.7k words]
Kenma is terrified of having Hanahaki Disease at ten years old, so he opts for the only known procedure that will save his life.
Kuroo can't accept that.
Kenma loses the ability to love again, and Kuroo refuses to take that laying down.
(Set in the same universe as Sorry Tsukki, but can be read as a stand alone.)
Comments:  A very unique story, I hadn’t seen it done quite like this before!  Lovely lovely work by The_Busy_Beee.
...and I have to put in my own, too:  (〃▽〃)
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you - littlemissmusique [4.8k words]
Suga woke up to see three perfect yellow petals on his pillow, glistening with blood.  Oh, he thought.  Of course.
Suga gets Hanahaki disease. Fluff and angst ensue.
Please don’t take my sunshine away - littlemissmusique [4.6k words]
The second time Kageyama Tobio saw Hanahaki flowers, nestled in his own palm, he knew they weren’t a mistake.
Kageyama gets Hanahaki disease. Emotions have never particularly been his strong suit.
The sequel to You'll never know dear, how much I love you. (But it will make sense on its own.)
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littlemissmusique · 4 years
Kyouhaba fic recs
So idk why, but I went through a sudden Kyouhaba phase a while back and didn’t get around to actually posting my recs till now.  Might add more later, but here we are for the moment!
I hadn’t really read this pairing before so I don’t even know how it happened.  How did it happen?  Well, I suppose this is how:
it’s tradition - hicsvntdracones [5.5k words]
It's tradition, it's tradition, they all say as they gather up the second and first years. The second years have a look of hard determination, while the first years are simply confused. Oikawa claps his hands together.
"Let's begin this year's annual training camp truth or dare!"
Kunimi tries to run.
Comments:  Oh wow, this is brilliant.  Funny and cute and just.  Not entirely Kyouhaba-centric, but that’s the main part in my opinion.  (Also some IwaOi for you in here.)
Mixed Signals - snoqualmie [7.8k words]
Feelings are definitely a thing he’s having. Kyoutani is really sweet. He’s family oriented and he prefers novels with female leads and he’s in all honors classes. He kind of has a big head, totally has a big smile, definitely has a big heart. His eyes are nice, he’s got that dimple. Yahaba groans and rubs his fists into his eyes.
Comments:  Really really good.  One of the first Kyouhaba fics I read.  You’ve got a cute family setting, oblivious!Yahaba, and honestly what more could you ask for?
Mint and Pine - snoqualmie [6k words]
Yahaba yanks at Kyoutani’s uniform in the club room and ties his tie so tight after morning practice that sometimes Kyoutani thinks he’s trying to fucking strangle him.
Comments:  Has some great lines.  ‘Fuck-knuckle’ is my new favourite insult.
Flyknit Low 2 - snoqualmie [4.3k words]
Yahaba doesn’t know what it means when they’re laying in the dirt outside of their school after everybody else has already left practice and Kyoutani says, “Sometimes you make me feel like I can’t fucking breathe.”
Comments:  Another snoqualmie fic.  Wingman!Watari for the win!
Count on me - Poteto [4.7k words]
Kentarou hates watching Yahaba trying to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Comments:  Okay, sooo they don’t explicitly full-on get together exactly, but this is some super-cute Kyouhaba feels and taking care of each other and Yahaba working himself too hard and fluff.  Much fluff.  Basically fluff.  Very obviously pre-relationship though, like, it’ll happen.
yahaba vs. the miyagi captains - blessings [3.7k words]
“I want an apology first.”
“For what?” Futakuchi asks incredulously.
Kentarou’s self-preservation instincts activate again and he lunges to cover Yahaba’s mouth. Yahaba catches him with one hand pressed against his chest, which gets Kentarou’s heart racing out of fear exclusively, and not anything else.
“For making me look at your face for so long,” he says sweetly.
Three times Kyoutani had to hold Yahaba back, and one time he didn’t.
Comments:  Fucking funny.  That unexpected personality twist we all love from both of them - Yahaba riling everyone up whilst Kyoutani tries desperately to keep him from getting decked by literally everyone.
you make all the flowers bloom - fortyfiveangrycats [4k words]
Yahaba doesn’t expect him to be here. He guesses it’s about twelve-thirty in the morning by now, the hours wasted away as he sits upon a swing at the playground. He doesn’t actually know why he came to the playground, he just knows that it drew him in, and he liked the overgrown ivy that crawls up the poles of the swingset.
But there’s Kyoutani Kentarou, taking a seat on the swing next to him, like Yahaba doesn’t even exist. They’ve only known each other for three whole years, Yahaba thinks sarcastically. It kind of bugs him— to an extent— that Kyoutani doesn’t acknowledge him, but he continues to stare off into the distance at the sky, which is a deep purple with grey-stained clouds cluttering the sky.
Comments:  This is a sweeter fic, not very angsty or overwhelming.  It’s nice though, if you’re after a softer read that will make you smile.
you can’t trust anyone these days - knightswatch [700 words]
The Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club plays laser tag.
(Not all of them play fair).
Comments:  Very short, good for a quick Kyouhaba hit if you don’t have much time but need to refill your fanfic energy bars.
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