livefromthe90s · 2 days
I can behave normally around books
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livefromthe90s · 2 days
"contract grading" "only 4 absences or you drop to an F" "in this class we will be teaching about disabilities. attendance is mandatory and i do not accept late work" "please respond to at least two of your peers in this discussion post" "people with autism need time to decompress in a classroom environment. your class is four hours long with a 7 minute break." "we like to let students learn the way THEY want to learn. please buy our 150 dollar textbook."
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livefromthe90s · 5 days
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Vibes only
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livefromthe90s · 6 days
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livefromthe90s · 6 days
'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do
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livefromthe90s · 6 days
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The light on the catholica wall this morning
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livefromthe90s · 10 days
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Ray's cake 😉
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livefromthe90s · 10 days
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Memorex Corp, 1987
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livefromthe90s · 10 days
Us core
I do not approve of tomfoolery on my dash, everyone open a book and start reading
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livefromthe90s · 10 days
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livefromthe90s · 10 days
I think in the same way there's a 90/10 rule with horror and comedy (horror works best when it's 90% horror and 10% comedy and vice versa) there's a 90/10 rule for some relationships in fiction that's like. Wholesome and fucked up. A good friendship is at its most compelling when it's also 10% a bit fucked up. Fucked up relationship is at its most compelling when there's at least 10% of something actually sweet and substantive within. Do you get me
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livefromthe90s · 11 days
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livefromthe90s · 11 days
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livefromthe90s · 12 days
Why Belushi's presentation makes me skeptical about Saturday Night
a short essay, if you will. ive seen other people's opinions posted around 70s Comedian Tumblr, and I'm wondering on y'alls takes on this.
I feel like there are a few things that rub me the wrong way about Saturday Night, the movie about SNL's first episode, coming out next month. Most of the issues I have with it are smaller; Little issues I can look at and say "Huh. That's a little lame, but that won't make or break it."
But in the trailers, there's one thing that stood out to me as the issue that really made me worry about what this movie was going to be. It's the way they've presented John Belushi. The movie seems to present him as two things:
The Bee Guy
The Guy With Issues
These two little details are the things that really rub me the wrong way, because they seem to be not very faithful to who Belushi was as a person. So I wanna argue my points really quick, and see what the fellow comedy/SNL/John B fans think.
The Bee Guy
This is the part that I feel is a little more straightforward to explain. Probably a solid half, maybe more, of the clips we see of Belushi have him in his bee costume. Which isn't inherently a problem, but its important to note that John infamously hated doing the bee skits, and he was frustrated about being known as the Bee Guy.
To be fair, I think we will see much more of John not in the costume in the actual film itself. But it feels a little disrespectful to present him as "Hey! You remember those bee sketches from classic SNL? Look, this is the guy who did the bee bits!" in the advertising. especially considering- many members of my generation dont know John- or at least, dont know him very well. so a lot of people might see the ads, or see the movie, and walk away thinking of John as the Bee Guy.
And honestly, I know the bee thing probably isn't much of a big deal, but feels just a little inconsiderate imo.
The Guy With Issues
This is the bigger thing, the thing that really worries me about this movie. It stood out to me in the trailers that, in so many scenes and press photos...
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...they almost seem to be going for this aggressive, grumpy, moody asshole.
That's what worries me. The idea that this movie might be Wired all over again. I'm worried that this movie will present John as this cracked out, violent, fucked up guy.
And of course, John was not perfect. The man had his demons. But I'm talking about this in the context of Reitman's creative direction. He told these actors not to study the people they were playing, or talk to them. So if Wood didn't decide to do research anyway like Smith did, would be going only off of what he knows, or what he's heard about John.
And I'm just saying. Before I got into this fandom, all I knew about John was that he was some crack addict who (and I no longer believe in this following rumor) cheated on his wife. What I knew about John was what gossip sites parroted from Wired. So who knows what Wood has heard about John.
So I'm worried that this movie will follow in Wired's footsteps. That it'll choose the sensation of a selfish, angry crack addict over a faithful representation of the person John actually was.
----- But Who Knows?
Maybe the movie will surprise us. While I do have VERY strong doubts about the writing and creative choices for this movie, there are some talented people working on this film. And of course, an advertisement isn't always a truly accurate representation of the final product. Maybe the film will prove to be a decent take on John when its not just the scenes picked for a quick ad. Maybe Wood did his research anyway and just hasn't mentioned it. I hope we get something better than what the trailer showed us.
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So yeah, that's my thoughts on what we know about this film so far lmao. Like I said, yall are free to comment or whatever and share your opinions, cause id really like to know more about what the rest of the fandom is thinking.
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livefromthe90s · 16 days
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livefromthe90s · 19 days
“of course I remembered” is a love language
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livefromthe90s · 19 days
Two rules for creating anything.
1) Make it weird.
2) Make it with love.
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