livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
The dog in this video is an XL Bully, his name is Ghost. He was wrongfully seized and taken from his family because they claimed that he bit someone that day. But as you can hear on the video the crowd is telling the cops to leave him allow. And as you can see in the video, he remained completely calm. Never once did he show aggression.
(The fact that he is an XL Bully should tell you exactly why they did this and it's wrong, it's wrong on so many levels.)
Please share this video and get the word out.
Ghost needs to go back home to his family where he is suppose to be, not locked in a cage.
Let's help bring Ghost home!!!
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
When Your Pitbull Dogs Get Bombastic Side EyešŸ˜‚ Funny Dog 2023
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
That's how it goes šŸ¤­šŸ˜…
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
I absolutely loved this video. Especially the endšŸ’•šŸ•šŸ¦“šŸ¾
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 10 months
When the Leash Becomes Empty: Coping the Loss of a CanineĀ Companion
Hey there pet lovers! We all know that our furry companions hold a special place in our hearts. They bring us endless joy, unconditional love, and unforgettable memories. But losing a beloved dog is an incredibly painful experience that many pet owners unfortunately have to face. The bond we share with our furry friends is unique and irreplaceable, making their departure from our lives all the more devastating. In this blog post, I will share my personal experience of losing a loved dog and offer some insights on how to cope with this heart-wrenching loss.
My Precious Companion
Our dog, Mamasita, was more than just a pet; she was a cherished member of our family. We were asked to watch her over night by some random person whose truck broke down and we were trying to help. And because the kind of people we are and the amount of love we have for dogs, we said yes. Her owner never came back for her and we still have not seen him to this day (itā€™s been 4 years and 7 months).
Honestly, at first I was a little afraid of her because she was aggressive but the more we worked with her the less scared I became and before I knew it she was closer to me and was a major part of our lives.
The Pain of Losing a Companion
We knew Mamasita was an older dog but we just didnā€™t know exactly how old but she seemed to be in excellent health (once we got her up to the weight she should of been). We feed her one night and the next morning she was sick. She couldnā€™t poop on any of the walls we took her on. She wouldnā€™t eat anything. But she kept drink lots of water but then would throw it up about an hour later.
One day went by and she was getting worse. We looked up local veterinarian clinics but unfortunately there was only one open which was an emergency clinic (it was the weekend). We took her in but before they would let us in the door they wanted $125.00 and we didnā€™t have that much. So what else we we to do?
We brought her back home and within 20 minutes after we got her inside she passed away. Mamasita passed away on June 24, 2023 at 12:46 pm.
She was the joy of our family and she truly is the one who made our family feel whole.
Coping Strategies
1. Allow Yourself to Grieve: It is essential to acknowledge and embrace your emotions during this difficult time. Give yourself permission to grieve and mourn the loss of your beloved dog. Cry, reminisce, and express your feelings in a way that feels right for you.
2. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who have experienced a similar loss. Sharing your feelings with others who understand the depth of your pain can provide solace and comfort. Additionally, consider seeking professional help if you find it challenging to cope with the loss on your own.
3. Create a Memorial: Honoring your dogā€™s memory can be a healing process. Consider creating a memorial, such as a photo album, a personalized piece of artwork, or planting a tree in their memory. These acts can help keep their spirit alive and provide a sense of closure.
4. Take Care of Yourself: Losing a loved dog can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. Ensure you are taking care of yourself by eating well, getting enough rest, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Engaging in self-care will help you navigate through the grieving process.
5. Consider a New Companion: While it may seem impossible to replace your beloved dog, opening your heart to a new furry friend can bring joy and healing. When the time feels right, and only when the time feels right, consider adopting another dog. Remember, this doesnā€™t mean you are replacing your lost companion, but rather providing a loving home to another deserving animal.
Losing a loved dog is an incredibly painful experience that can leave a lasting void in your life. However, with time, patience, and self-care, we can learn to cope with the grief and cherish the beautiful memories you shared with your furry friends. Remember, the love you had for them will forever remain in your heart, and their paw prints will forever be imprinted on your soul.
Rest in Paradise Beautiful
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 1 year
Canine Sports & Activities
As a pet owner, we always want to make sure our furry friends enjoy an active and high-quality life. Dog sports and activities are a great way to keep our loyal companions happy, healthy, and mentally stimulated. In this blog article, we will discuss five canine sports and activities that you can participate in with your furry friend.
1. Agility
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Agility is one of the most popular canine sports, which involves navigating a series of obstacles like jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and seesaws. This type of activity is a great way to get both mental and physical exercise for your dog while also building trust and bonding with them.
2. Dock-diving
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If your four-legged friend loves water and has a passion for swimming, dock diving would be the perfect sport to participate in. This canine sport has the dog jumping off a dock into a pool of water and is judged on the distance jumped. Not only is it a fun activity for your dog, but it is also an excellent exercise that can help improve their cardiovascular health.
3. Flyball
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Flyball is another popular canine sport and is often compared to a relay race. The activity involves a team of four dogs that race through an obstacle course, pressing a button to release a tennis ball when they get to the end of the course. The aim is to return the ball back to the handler as fast as possible.
4. Disc Dog
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If your dog loves to fetch and enjoys catching frisbees, disc dog would be a great sport to participate in. This activity involves catching a frisbee that is thrown by the handler. The sport can be played individually or in front of an audience, and it involves lots of running, jumping, and catching.
5. Treibball
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The last sport on our list is treibball. This sport originated in Germany and involves a dog herding a series of fitness balls into a goal. It is an excellent activity for dogs that love working, and it provides an excellent mental and physical workout.
In conclusion, if you are looking for fun and exciting ways to bond with your canine friend, consider participating in one of the activities mentioned above. These activities provide a fun way for your furry friend to stay active and healthy while also building a strong bond and trust between pet and owner. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your dog and letā€™s go!!
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livinginacanineworld Ā· 1 year
The Seven Dog Groups Explained
The are seven different dog groups and each breed is assigned to a group based on the purpose they were originally bred for and their characteristics.
By the end of this post you will know the seven dog groups, a description of each group, and give different breeds that have been assigned to each group.
Herding Group
The herding group was first created/founded in the year 1983. The breeds in this group all have the ability to control the movement of other animals, also known as herding. When one of these breeds are household pets it is rare that they actually see or herd farm animals and because of this, their natural instinct tends to have them lightly herd their owners or the kids of the family. Though they tend to try and herd their owners, these intelligent dogs are fantastic companions and can be easily trained.
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepered
Bearded Collie
Belgian Laekenois
Hound Group
Originally Hound dog breeds are classified and members of the Sporting group, until the year 1930, when theĀ American Kennel ClubĀ created the hound group. Breeds that are assigned to this group all share the trait of being used for hunting. Some hound were used more intensely than others. Some use acute smelling power to track a trail while others use extraordinary stamina that they use to chase and catch quarry. Other hounds have the ability to make a very unique hunting noise called baying. Some day before getting a hound, it is better to hear the noise first.
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Afghan Hound
American English Coonhound
Bassett Houjd
American Foxhound
Toy Group
The petite and delightful style of Toy dogs represents one main duty this group has, which is to exemplify a large amount of joy. But Toy dog breeds are tough and have always been very popular when it comes to those who live in apartments or in the city.
(There are small dog breeds in each group ā€“ just because the breed is small doesnā€™t always mean they belong to the toy group)
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Brussels Griffon
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Chinese Crested
Non-sporting Group
There really isnā€™t much to say about the non-sporting group except for all the breeds assigned to this group have a high variety of size, coats, personality, and their overall appearance.
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Boston Terrier
Chow Chow
American Eskimo Dog
Sporting Group
The Sporting Group includes pointers, retrievers, setters, and spaniel breeds which all are extremely active and are always on high alert.Ā  They have outstanding instinct when it comes to hunting and other field activities that still to this day,Ā  they participate in such activities.Ā 
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Cocker Spaniel
English Setter
German-Shorthaired Pointer
Golden Retriever
Terrier Group
Terrierā€™s vary in size ā€“ from target smash breeds to large breeds. Most people already know how the Terrier personality is: courageous with a high energy level. The Terrier was originally need to hunt and kill vermin so they normally have a very low tolerance when it come to other animals, including other dogs. In order to make sure they keep one of the Terriers characteristic looks, they need a special type of grooming technique known as stripping.
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
American Staffordshire Terrier
Bull Terrier
Russell Terrier
Norwich Terrier
Smooth Fox Terrier
Working Group
The breeds that are in this group are highly intelligent and are extremely quick learners. They perform duties like pulling sleds, water rescues, and guarding homes/ property. Throughout the many years, the breed in this group have provided great value to humans. These dogs make wonderful companions but their size and strength makes it difficult for families to have them as pets, die to the amount of exercise they must have and the fact that they must be properly trained.
Breeds in this group include but are not limited to:
Cane Corso
Dogo Argentino
And there you have it, the seven different dog groups explained. If you would like to learn more about the different dog breeds in each group, check out our series:Ā The Different Dog Breeds.
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