livinthefuture3000 Ā· 3 years
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ehehehehh *sweats* Iā€™m alive I promise !!!
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 3 years
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Heya guys! Sorry for being MIA for the past few weeks but I wanna take this time to thank you so much for all your support ā¤ļø Whether youā€™ve been leaving comments, making fanart, buying merch, or just throwing likes here and there, it means the world to me!ā£ ā£ Unforrrrrtunately I have to go on a little break. Bummer, I know, but know that I'm working closely with an amazing studio to try and bring my story to the next level! Cross your fingers! ā¤ļø In the meantime, you can enjoy the first ten chapters of my story on the Litty app (and there are more chapters to come)!
Iā€™ll be back here and there to make announcements and say hi tho :)
And lastlyā€¦to get out of characterā€¦weā€™re finally goinā€™ live with some IG creds:
hannahkeiffert (creator/writer/director)
mikkapi (artist)
jast_yollew (musician/sound designer)
produced and funded by LittyAppOfficial
Thanks again, I love you all, and as always Iā€™ll be here chillinā€™ in 3000 ā¤ļø Hope to be back soon!
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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tried something new!Ā  it kinda turned out with something likeĀ 
@livinthefuture3000Ā ā€œs vibes
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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Iā€™m very tired but I at least wanted to make these memes @livinthefuture3000
2nd meme based on @emirrart art!!
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
can u tell alix i think they look gnc af (complimentary)
me: alix u look gnc af
alix: what does this mean
me: itā€™s a compliment
alix: ...........thank...........you
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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Alix kinda avoided me the next couple days. But thenā€¦he asked if he could talk to me. He apologized for being so distantā€”being vulnerable makes him really uneasy. He told me heā€™s haunted by nightmares, some of which he wasnā€™t ready to divulge, but he most often gets one in particular. The visuals in the dream are fuzzy, he said, but thereā€™s always a bright colorful light, menacing people standing over him, and an indescribable pain in his right leg. And then when the pain gets to be unbearable, someone chops it off with a huge meat cleaver, and he wakes up. I asked if thatā€™s what happened to his leg in real life, and he said he didnā€™t remember. Thereā€™s a lot of things he doesnā€™t remember well, he says a lot of his childhood is a blur. The night I woke him up, he said he left to go to R&R. Apparently itā€™s like a monthly mandated rest and relaxation retreatā€¦he feels kinda spacey after he goes but itā€™s nice cuz the nightmares stop for a few days. He also said he drinks so much soda to avoid sleeping šŸ˜• I told him Iā€™m really grateful that he opened up and Iā€™m here for him. And he said ā€œI appreciate you.ā€ I hope itā€™s not bad that Iā€™m sharing this on tumblr lol but I just feel like I needed to confide in you guys and let you know whatā€™s up. I hope I can help somehowā€¦šŸ’Ŗā¤ļø
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
Hey could you please upload the wallpapers from your insta stories here?
The quality in there it's not so goodšŸ„ŗ
just posted them!
you can also find more hereĀ :)
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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livinthefuture on Litty // wallpapersĀ šŸ’–
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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Thank you guys for all the wonderful advice šŸ„ŗ Alix wasn't here the next morning. I felt kinda restless so I went out to get him his favorite soda. I think you guys were right...since he won't open up when I ask him, maybe I just have to let him know in subtle ways that I'm here for him! I left it on the counter with an apology note...he did that once for me, so...I hope it helps! Hmm maybe Iā€™ll bake something too...
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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Sometimes at night I hear Alix shouting in his sleep. Tonight it was particularly bad so I decided to go into his room to see if he was okay. He was really quiet and couldn't look at me. I tried pushing him to get him to talk about it but he just closed up even more. At some point things kinda escalated, I got frustrated, he got mad at me. Later in the night I heard him leave. Ugh...I'm upset. I don't know what to do, I just wanna help. Advice? šŸ˜•
[ livinthefuture | 82/? šŸ‘ NEXT | PREVIOUS | FIRST ]
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
is it okay to use your selfies/photos as icons with credit? love your accounts thanks for existing šŸ’–
yes! thanks for asking :)
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
Hey, Liv. I'm curious. Why does the future have cigarette juice and what the heck is it?
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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COOL ANNOUNCEMENT OVA HERE āœØšŸ“£ Ever wanted to know more about my life in 3000?? Ever wanted to sink your teeth into more of my story?? Well now you can read alllll about my life in tap-based fiction form! (With my lovely ~iPhone photo art~ to go along with it!) Download the Litty app to get started!
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
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Ugh. When ur just tryna chill outside but the weather forecast calls for all-encompassing environmental blackness from 1-5PM. Reblog if u can relate :////ā£ ā£ Btw I started to read the "Everything You Possibly Need To Know About Dreams" book I got from the library. This is the only page that actually has anything printed on it...the rest are completely blank. Guess I should've thumbed through the pages first šŸ™„
[ livinthefuture | 81/? šŸ‘ NEXT | PREVIOUS | FIRST ]
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livinthefuture3000 Ā· 4 years
~~ reminder!! i am on IGĀ :) ~~
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