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Language moodboard: Greek
Greek / ελληνικά is an independent branch of the Indo-European language family. It has about 13 million native speakers and has the longest documented history of any language. It’s script is the basis for many other scripts such as the Latin, Cyrillic, Armenian, Coptic scipts. 
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Resources for learning Greek
slang dictionary
FSI Greek (1) (2) (3)
Free online material for Learning Greek
greek grammar
greek language
Learning Greek Videos
greek lessons
Unilang - Greek for Beginners
Goethe Verlag (Tests)
Ba ba dum
Duolingo (coming soon)
Wikipedia - Modern Greek Grammar
Papaloizos Publications - Learn Greek the Easy Way
Easy Greek
Greek Shows for Kids (Playlist)
Greek cartoons (Playlist)
65 episodes of Pepa the Pig NON STOP
Greek Movies Comedy (Playlist)
Greek Movies. Old and new Greek Movies. (Huge Playlist)
Greek Movies 80 - 89 (Playlist)
Greek Web TV
Greek Radio
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Since masterposts for Greek are not exactly common, I figured I would make one for learning it! :D Please message me if there are any broken links, and if it needs to be updated with correct/more links I shall do so! A bold asterisk means it is recommended you check it out. c: Note: This post is entirely for learning Modern Greek, so I haven’t included any Ancient Greek resources. It is also really difficult (for me) to find Greek bands/artists that are current and are like absolutely amazing, so if anyone has recommendations, I’ll add them here. :’>
my other masterposts
another greek masterpost
Keep reading
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Languages Vocab in Greek
η γλώσσα - language
η μητρική γλώσσα - native language
η ξένη γλώσσα - foreign language
η διάλεκτος - dialect
η νοηματική γλώσσα - sign language
η γλωσσολογία - linguistics
ο/η γλωσσολόγος - linguist
μαθαίνω - to learn
το γλωσσομαθής - language learner
το επίθετο - adjective
το επίρρημα - adverb
το ουσιαστικό - noun
το ρήμα - verb
ο τόνος - accent mark (thanks @vasilissa-studies)
η προφορά - accent
το αλφάβητο - alphabet
το άρθρο - article
η έκφραση - expression
ο ορισμός - definition
το γράμμα - letter
το φωνήεν - vowel
το σύμφωνο - consonant
δίγλωσσος - bilingual
η διγλωσσία - bilingualism 
πολύγλωσσος - polyglot / multilingual
η πολυγλωσσία - multilingualism
μιλάω - to speak
προφέρω - to pronounce
η προφορά - pronunciation
επικοινωνώ - to communicate
ακούγομαι - to sound
Little note here: (Thanks @alife-full-of-lyrics <3) The following words are only used when you want to refer to the language. They can’t be used to express nationality. 
E.g. Μιλάω ελληνικά - I speak Greek
Είμαι Έλληνας (for males) / Ελληνίδα (for females) - I am Greek
τα (νέα) ελληνικά - (modern) greek 
small thingy here as well: you never say you speak νέα ελληνικά (aka modern greek), the word νέα is only included when speaking about linguistics or literature
τα αρχαία ελληνικά - ancient greek
τα αγγλικά - english
τα γαλλικά - french
τα γερμανικά - german
τα ισπανικά - spanish
τα πορτογαλικά - portuguese
τα ολλανδικά - dutch
τα ιταλικά - italian
τα τουρκικά - turkish
τα αραβικά - arabic
τα νορβηγικά - norwegian
τα σουηδικά - swedish
τα φινλανδικά - finnish
τα δανικά - danish
τα κινεζικά - chinese
τα κορεατικά - korean
τα ιαπωνικά - japanese
τα ρωσικά - russian
τα εβραϊκά - hebrew
τα λατινικά - latin
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Greek spring vocabulary
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April - Απρίλιος
birth - η γέννηση
bee - η μέλισσα
butterfly - η πεταλούδα
warmth - η ζεστασιά
Easter - το Πάσχα
eggs - τα αυγά
flowers - τα λουλούδια
green - πράσινος
grass - το γρασίδι
to grow - καλλιεργώ
fresh - φρέσκο
lamb - το αρνί
March - Μάρτιος
May - Μάιος
sunny - ηλιόλουστος
nest - η φωλιά
rabbit - το κουνέλι
rainbow - ουράνιο τόξο
season - η εποχή
spring - η άνοιξη 
plant - το φυτό
sun - o ήλιος
bird - το πουλί
tree - το δέντρο
gardening - η κηπουρία 
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idk if someone shared this already, but here’s a neat site for studying modern greek if anyone needs it, i did a couple of lessons and it looks pretty good so far
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Present Tense Conjugation of Regular Verbs (+ To Be) in Modern Greek
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Hi! This is just a quick post going over the present tense conjugation of verbs in Modern Greek that have a regular form. These verbs are very to conjugate once you learn their endings. I am also adding the verb ‘to be’ to this post because it is a vital verb to learn, even if the ending isn’t regular. It is interesting to learn that the verb to be does not have the same endings as the other irregular verbs that I’ll be trying to make posts about soon.
Conjugation of Regular Verbs in the Present Tense:
Εγώ __ω
Εσύ __εις
Αυτός/Αυτή/Αυτό __ει
Εμείς __ουμε
Εσείσ __ετε
Αυτοί/Αυτές/Αυτά __ουν
In Greek verbs have a stem onto which you can add endings to change the person or people which the statement relates to.
For exemple: 
The verb ‘to read’ in the present has the stem διαβάζ_. This means that with the endings from earlier it can be conjugated like this:
Εγώ διαβάζω   --- I read
Εσύ διαβάζεις   --- you read
Αυτός/Αυτή/Αυτό διαβαζει   --- he/she/they/it read
Εμείς διαβάζουμε   --- we read
Εσείς διαβάζετε   --- you read (plural)
Αυτοί/Αυτές/Αυτά διαβάζουν   --- they read (plural)
For regular verbs in the present tense you will notice that the tonic accent is never on the endings. This always the case for regular verbs, however for irregular verbs in the present, they may have the accent on the ending vowel. 
It should also be noted that the use of pronouns when talking is not strictly necessary. Just like in Spanish, because of the specific verb endings pronouns are somewhat obsolete. Instead they are more used to mark insistence on who is doing the action.
A lot of verbs a regular in the present. A few of these are to see (Βλέπω), to want (Θέλω) , to have (Έχω), to know (Ξέρω), to go (Πηγαίνω) and to do (Κάνω).
Conjugating the verb ‘to be’:
Εγώ είμαι   --- i am
Εσύ είσαι   --- you are
Αυτός/Αυτή/Αυτό είναι   --- he/she/they/it is
Εμείς είμαστε   --- we are
Εσείς είστε/είσαστε   --- you are (plural)
Αυτοί/Αυτές/Αυτά είναι   --- they are (plural)
The first thing you might notice is that the third person singular and plural are the same. This simply a funny quirk of the verb to be.
You might also notice that the second person plural conjugation of the verb to be has two options. This is because there are actually two ways of saying it, είστε and είσαστε. The second one was considered to not be grammatically correct when writing for a long time, therefore it was mostly used orally. However it became mostly accepted as grammatically correct in modern times and therefore the usage of both of them is interchangeable.
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Duolingo Greek lessons + Odysseus energy
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Pronouns and Regular Present Verbs in Greek
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Hi! This is just a quick introductory post to subject pronouns and the neutral case in Modern Greek. They’re pretty straight forward, hope you enjoy! Give me any feedback and feel free to point out any mistakes if there are any.
The Subject Pronouns:
Εγώ   --- I
Εσύ   --- You
Αυτός/ Αυτή/ Αυτό   --- He/ She/ It
Εμείς   --- We
Εσείς   --- You (plural)
Αυτοί/ Αυτές/ Αυτά   --- They (plural)
You might notice that there are few more pronouns compared to what you might be used to in English. This is because of the presence of a third gender case in Greek. The neuter or neutral case (ουδέτερο) functions the same as the masculin (αρσενικό) or feminine (θηλυκό). It is similar to the neuter case in the German language. For Αυτό, the closest translation I could think for it was the pronoun ‘it’.
For the third person plural you might notice that there are three pronouns used for the different cases just like the singular third person pronouns. This is simply because unlike in English the third person plural differentiates between if the subjects are men, women, objects or other depending on the gender of the word.
For exemple, Αυτά could be used to replace the word ‘the books’ (τα βιβλία). This is because the word for book in Greek is neutral. 
The books are ______ -------> They are _______
Τα βιβλία είναι ______ --------> Αυτά είναι ______
The same principle applies to the other genders, I simply used the neutral case here to better highlight how the neutral case might be used.
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Language Moodboard:  Νέα Ελληνικά / Modern Greek 
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i wish there was a way to tell microsoft word that i am writing in another language and i know more than you
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語彙 「ごい」 Vocabulary!~
国 「くに」 Countries:
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アイスランド : Iceland
アイルランド : Ireland
アゼルバイジャン : Azerbaijan
アフガニスタン : Afghanistan
アブハジア : Republic of Abkhazia
アメリカ : United States of America
アラブ首長国連邦(しゅちょうこくれんぽう): United Arab Emirates
アルジェリア : Algeria
アルゼンチン : Argentina
アルバニア : Albania
アルメニア : Armenia
アンゴラ : Angola
アンティグア・バーブーダ : Antigua and Barbuda
アンドラ : Andorra
イエメン : Yemen
イギリス : United Kingdom
イスラエル : Israel
イタリア : Italy
イラク : Iraq
イラン : Islamic Repubic of Iran
インド : India
インドネシア : Indonesia
ウガンダ : Uganda
ウクライナ : Ukraine
ウズベキスタン : Uzbekistan
ウルグアイ : Uruguay
エクアドル : Ecuador
エジプト : Egypt
エストニア : Estonia
エチオピア : Ethiopia
エリトリア : Eritrea
エルサルバドル : El Salvador
沿(そい)ドニエストル : Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR)
オーストラリア : Australia
オーストリア : Austria
オマーン : Oman
オランダ : the Netherlands
ガーナ : Ghana
カーボベルデ : Cape Verde
ガイアナ : Guyana
カザフスタン : Kazakhstan
カタール : Qatar
カナダ : Canada
ガボン : Gabon
カメルーン : Cameroon
韓国(かんこく): Republic of Korea (South Korea)
ガンビア : Gambia
カンボジア : Cambodia
北(きた)キプロス : Northern Cyprus
北朝鮮(きたちょうせん): Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
ギニア : Guinea
ギニアビサウ : Guinea-Bissau
キプロス : Cyprus
キューバ : Cuba
ギリシャ : Greece
キリバス : Kiribati
キルギス : Kyrgyzstan
グアテマラ : Guatemala
クウェート : Kuwait
クック諸島(しょとう) : Cook Islands
グレナダ : Grenada
クロアチア : Croatia
ケニア : Kenya
コートジボワール : Côte d'lvoire
コスタリカ : Costa Rica
コソボ : Kosovo
コモロ : Comoros
コロンビア : Colombia
コンゴ共和国 (きょうわこく): Congo
コンゴ民主共和国(みんしゅきょうわこく) : Democratic Republic of the Congo
サウジアラビア : Saudi Arabia
サモア : Samoa
サントメ・プリンシペ : Sao Tome and Principe
ザンビア : Zambia
サンマリノ : San Marino
シエラレオネ : Sierra Leone
ジブチ : Djibouti
ジャマイカ : Jamaica
ジョージア : Georgia
シリア : Syrian Arab Republic
シンガポール : Singapore
ジンバブエ : Zimbabwe
スイス : Switzerland
スウェーデン : Sweden
スーダン : Sudan
スペイン : Spain
スリナム : Suriname
スリランカ : Sri Lanka
スロバキア : Slovakia
スロベニア : Slovenia
スワジランド : Swaiziland
セーシェル : Seychelles
赤道(せきどう)ギニア : Equatorial Guinea
セネガル : Senegal
セルビア : Serbia
セントクリストファー・ネイビス : Saint Kitts and Nevis
セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島(しょとう): Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
セントルシア : Saint Lucia
ソマリア : Somalia
ソマリランド : Republic of Somaliland
ソロモン諸島(しょとう): Solomon Islands
タイ : Thailand
台湾(たいわん): Taiwan
タジキスタン : Tajikistan
タンザニア : United Republic of Tanzania
チェコ : Czechia/Czech Republic
チャド : Chad
中央(ちゅうおう)アフリカ共和国(きょうわこく): Central African Republic
中国(ちゅうごく): China
チュニジア : Tunisia
チリ : Chile
ツバル : Tuvalu
デンマーク : Denmark
ドイツ : Germany
トーゴ : Togo
ドミニカ共和国(きょうわこく): Dominican Republic
ドミニカ国(こく): Dominica
トリニダード・トバゴ : Trinidad and Tobago
トルクメニスタン : Turkmenistan
トルコ : Turkey
トンガ : Tonga
ナイジェリア : Nigeria
ナウル : Nauru
ナゴルノ・カラバフ : Nagorno Karabakh/ Republic of Artsakh
ナミビア : Namibia
ニウエ : Niue
ニカラグア : Nicaragua
ニジェール : Niger
西(にし)サハラ : Western Sahara
日本(にほん): Japan
ニュージーランド : New Zealand
ネパール : Nepal
ノルウェー : Norway
バーレーン : Bahrain
ハイチ : Haiti
パキスタン : Pakistan
バチカン : Vatican City State
パナマ : Panama
バヌアツ : Vanuatu
バハマ : Bahamas
パプアニューギニア : Papua New Guinea
パラオ : Palau
パラグアイ : Paraguay
バルバドス : Barbados
パレスチナ : Occupied Palestinian Territory
ハンガリー : Hungary
バングラデシュ : Bangladesh
東(ひがし)ティモール : Timor-Leste
フィジー : Fiji
フィリピン : Philippines
フィンランド : Finland
ブータン : Bhutan
ブラジル : Brazil
フランス : France
ブルガリア : Bulgaria
ブルキナファソ : Burkina Faso
ブルネイ : Brunei Darussalam
ブルンジ : Burundi
ベトナム : Vietnam
ベナン : Benin
ベネズエラ : Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
ベラルーシ : Belarus
ベリーズ : Belize
ペルー : Peru
ベルギー : Belgium
ポーランド : Poland
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ : Bosnia and Herzegovina
ボツワナ : Botswana
ボリビア : Plurinational State of Bolivia
ポルトガル : Portugal
ホンジュラス : Honduras
マケドニア旧(きゅう)ユーゴスラビア共和国 (きょうわこく): Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
マーシャル諸島 (しょとう): Marshall Islands
マダガスカル : Madagascar
マラウイ : Malawi
マリ : Mali
マルタ : Malta
マレーシア : Malaysia
ミクロネシア連邦(れんぽ) : Federated States of Micronesia
南(みなみ)アフリカ : South Africa
南(みなみ)オセチア : South Ossetia
南(みなみ)スーダン : South Sudan
ミャンマー : Myanmar
メキシコ : Mexico
モーリシャス : Mauritius
モーリタニア : Mauritania
モザンビーク : Mozambique
モナコ : Monaco
モルディブ : Maldives
モルドバ : Republic of Maldova
モロッコ : Morocco
モンゴル : Mongolia
モンテネグロ : Montenegro
ヨルダン : Jordan
ラオス : Lao People's Democratic Republic/Laos
ラトビア : Latvia
リトアニア : Lithuania
リビア : Libya
リヒテンシュタイン : Liechtenstein
リベリア : Liberia
ルーマニア : Romania
ルクセンブルク : Luxembourg
ルワンダ : Rwanda
レソト : Lesotho
レバノン : Lebanon
ロシア : Russian Federation/ Russia
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A language learning concept: Learn the language of the Eurovision winner for a year until the competition in the other year is on.
Pros: UK never wins anyways so no need to waste a year learning a language you already know..
Cons: none.
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“A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the world’s global language. They feel they don’t have to spend time learning another language,” says Chong.
“But… often you have a boardroom full of people from different countries communicating in English and all understanding each other and then suddenly the American or Brit walks into the room and nobody can understand them.”
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. In emails, they use baffling abbreviations such as ‘OOO’, instead of simply saying that they will be out of the office.
“The native English speaker… is the only one who might not feel the need to accommodate or adapt to the others,” she adds.
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Friendship ended with they/them, hän is now my new best friend.
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months in finnish
let’s start with seasons of the year
winter - talvi
spring - kevät
summer - kesä
autumn (fall) - syksy
and the word kuu means the Moon
talvi (winter):
december - joulukuu
Joulu now is Christmas, but goes back much further than that, to the pre-Christian Yule feast. In Finland (and also the Scandinavian languages), the feast was not renamed to a more “Christian” sounding name, but instead one feast has just replaced the other without a name change.
january - tammikuu
Tammi means oak, but in some dialects also means heart or core, which is the root of this name.
february - helmikuu
Helmi means pearl, and the name comes from icy pearls frozen to twigs and branches you can often see glinting in the sunlight in this month.
kevät (spring):
march - maaliskuu
Maa means the ground, maallinen means earthy. This is the month where normally snow melts for the first time, and the bare ground with no vegetation on it yet is visible.
april - huhtikuu
Huhta is cleared woodland. In this month, woodland was burned and cleared to make space for new fields.
may - toukokuu
Touko is the seed and planting time, which obviously happens in May.
kesä (summer):
june - kesäkuu
Kesä means summer, June is the first month of summer in Finland, and also the midsummer month. Well, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? And it doesn’t correspond to the farming names of surrounding months. Therefore, it is more likely, that this name comes from “kesanto”, which is fallow ground. In June, fallow fields are ploughed for the first time.
july - heinäkuu
Heinä is hay, and July is the month when the hay is cut and brought in.
august - elokuu
Elo means life, but is also an old word for crop, and this is the harvest month.
autumn (syksy):
september - syyskuu
Syys is a poetic word for autumn, and this is the first month of autumn.
october - lokakuu
Loka means mud – in October it rains and snows a lot, creating muddy ground.
november - marraskuu
Marras is an archaic word for dead or the soul of a dead person.
So, the months in Finnish are: Core Moon, Pearl Moon, Ground Moon, Clearing Moon, Planting Moon, Fallow Moon (or Summer Moon), Hay Moon, Harvest Moon, Autumn Moon, Mud Moon, Dead Moon, Christmas Moon.
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