lmbve-blog · 8 years
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“Early enough that I’d be middle aged by the time you were thrown into the world. Oddly enough, you and my… “brother” have the same birth year. Please tell me you’re not related to me, somehow.”
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“That’s.... really weird then,” he stared at her, if only to take note of her peculiar features. “You were born a redhead, right? There’s plenty of redheads where I come from, but I think my family’s made of only brown-heads. We could be distant relatives... But how are you and your brother so far in years?”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
Send 👄 + a body part for my muses reaction to being kissed there
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
Wannabe by Spice Girls
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“Isn’t this song’s message a given? If you want to be in each others’ lives you have to commit to being their friends’ friend too... Or is it just me... I feel like this song is redundant.”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
repost don’t reblog! ||
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GENERAL Name: suz(uya) Birthday: dec 22 Sexual orientation: still questioning, most likely bi leaning towards men School status: fresh grad
YES/NO Drink: rarely only because I’m not supposed to, but I enjoy it. Smoke: will not do. Eat cake: depends on the cake Believe in true love: flaking on it, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t Afraid of the Dark: nope! Cat person: yes! as well as all animals out there.  Virgin: lost it somewhere. FAVOURITES Shampoo: anything that is cooling on the scalp. Disney song: reflection from Mulan Actress/Actor: -- Car: looking to get Mitsubishi Lancer as my first! Person: my boyfriend! Type of weather: rainy weather is lovely.  Colour: pastel and neutrals 90s sitcom: --
QUESTIONS what is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer? According to some it’s how I write the voices of my characters. This is also a prevalent feature in my fictional writing, not just roleplaying. what is your favorite type of roleplay genre, and why? Angst / fluff / action. why did you pick your muse?  Gilbert: He is my love. He’s seeking atonement, and wants nothing but the best for his friends. He is also a mother hen. But most of all, I just fell in love with his gentleness as a character, and I don’t see myself letting him go.
Semiramis: Because she’s the one who made a religion, out of nothing, out of herself. She is a lady who was not a tyrant, yet so incredible in her own, wrong ways of her time. Most ladies were expected to stand behind a king, but she made herself a queen without a king.
Scathach: She is a teacher -- and she is easily one of the voices in my head that helps keep me going forward.
Terra Branford: A lovely muse who’s whimsical, I wanted a bit of a challenge and also a more gentle soul, and less straightforward than Gilbert to contrast against both Semiramis and Scathach.
if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be? Archer EMIYA, Jeanne of Arc (Fate) what is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner? I need to be more creative and cook up more situations and scenarios, and write without pandering as I would in my mind. what would be your warning label to other roleplayers? My activities are very sporadic: right now I’m overly active, and there will be a time that I will leave my drafts to rot for a whole month.
what is your favorite episode/scene of your muse?  Gilbert: every time he appears.
Semiramis: whenever she squabbles with anybody.
Scathach: every time she appears.
Terra Branford: the scene where she decided that she wants to protect the children, and the ending of FFVI where she untied her hair and let go of her magic.
what crack!ships do you have for your muse? Gilbert McLane/protag of God Eater 2, Gilbert McLane/any dude outside of GE
Semi/any fuckboy
Terra/Gabranth, Terra/Bartz, Terra/Squall
what is your senpai blog for someone who plays the same muse as you? I don’t typically follow doubles and most of my muses don’t really have doubles... except for Scathach and Terra, but I don’t really follow them.
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
Send me a song and I’ll write a headcanon, drabble, or my Muse’s opinion on it.
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
≫ permanent plotter call
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Basically, if you want a “’ships call”, here it is. Like this post if you wish to plan something for both our characters, I will IM you as soon as I find the time to! The cut below leads to a brief background of Gil’s appearance in the game, as well as his overall personality, how he approaches friendships and how I perceive that he will be in relationships.
Keep reading
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
                                  Tumblr “RP Bestie” Form
Fill in, and toss it in my submit (if you can’t find it, just add “/submit” to the end of my url) or my fanmail, and I’ll return the favor, so we can just get started with the madness and skip the baby steps.
What should I call you?:
18+: y / n
Kik / Skype / AIM :
Are you cool with me:
Tagging you in reblogged posts: y / n 
Tagging you in random starters: y / n 
Sending you an endless supply of memes: y / n 
Making you graphics, aesthetic sets, promos: y / n
Arrive in your ask box at weird hours freaking out about our muses?:  y / n
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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“Back off, you 2000’s pop-punk reject.”
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“... What do you mean by 2000s? How long have you lived? I was only born in 2052!”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
💖- A memory that made them feel special
A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he delivered the last blow to the Caligula.
Because there had always been a sense of guilt that he carried within him, after all those days he was accused of killing Kate for no reason, and after all those days that he began to fight alongside his new teammates. There was simply no reason for him to stay in Glasgow after Kate’s demise that he brought with his own hands.
And finally, revenge washed the guilt away, replacing the blackness of sin with the white of relief.
That wasn’t the moment that made it so wonderful, however.
He realised then, that there were friends to make, and that was what Kate would have wanted. For him to move on, and make more friends, so that he would be able to look forward and finally let go of the sin he carried. Because it wasn’t a sin, Kate herself asked for the death he brought her.
He looked into the eyes of his partner, and smiled, and the strength they lent him; despite not knowing him during the time of his past, they still accompanied him and wanted to exact the revenge he needed to carry out. They wanted to make sure that Gilbert was safe.
And that was when Haruomi put his arms around them.
Gilbert knew, then, that he was special, for there were friends who would always be with him.
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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“I’ll give you a friendly warning: you’re in over your head on this one.”
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“Easier to be over yours, considering your height.”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
💖- A memory that made them feel special
They were always there, always so earnestly accompanying him as he learned about the ways to tune a God Arc. To tweak it to its user’s needs, so that it would balance in their hands perfectly, matching the rhythm of their user’s movements in the field.
They always encouraged him, and believed in how he tested the potential of their trusted weapon.
He would always chuckle, almost in disbelief at their trust in his newfound potential as a weapon engineer, but if it wasn’t for their trust, he wouldn’t have believed in being able to do such things. He would only be a soldier for his life, and not find ways to tame the Oracle cells within one’s weapon, and utilise its abilities to its best dormant qualities.
“Captain, I’ll get out of here. I promise.”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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“That’s the worst joke I’ve heard in a long time, and Sigma tells some pretty bad ones.”
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“And I go by a rule. When someone snarks at you, you snark right back.”
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
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lmbve-blog · 8 years
“ Ah, intriguing. I am however from the Far East Branch as part of the medical squad. I am a 2nd generation god eater, a New-type.” It was interesting to meet someone like this here. He didn’t know anything about 3rd generation’s being a thing. Well maybe he can learn more about it from the other. 
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“ Oh, I suppose if i’m going to prattle on I should introduce myself. I am Ren, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He was reminded him of the time he meet the new captain. Maybe just for the fact he talked a lot before even introducing himself back then as well.” 
Was there ever a medical squad for the Far East Branch? Not one that Gil could recall. However, it wasn’t like he could disprove the child before him, as much as he was doubting his words.
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“A 2nd-Generation God Eater, I see. I was a 1st-Generation back when I was in the Glasgow branch,” Gil pulled at the front of his cap, before nodding at the introduction the boy gave him. “R-right, I’m Gilbert McLane, from the Blood unit. We started off in Friar, and joined the Far East Branch afterwards. I don’t mind you prattling on, since I’m bad at speaking, myself.”
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