lolhudsons · 10 years
Why weren’t you going to show, Finn? I mean… how am I even supposed to do this without you? I just… I feel… okay? Sick?
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I’d really like that.
I was just scared, of many things i guess. Like our past coming in between your ability to do things smoothly. Like i thought maybe if you saw me from upstage you'd freeze or something like that. In all honesty i was also hesitant in case Jesse or Brody or any of those other loosers showed. I have no desire of seeing them again.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: I think you're gonna be a pretty good dad, dude. When the time comes of course. Our kids are going to be the coolest. Not mine and yours, cause that doesn't work and no offense, Quinn's a lot prettier, but still. You're gonna be a good dad.
Sam: I think you should definitely go backstage with her. I suck at advice and I don't know the right thing to do, but I definitely think you will. I mean, if it feels right, why not go for it? If you feel you need to say something, go for it, man. Let me know how it goes?
Sam: Thanks. I agree. High school was kinda rough, but now it's kinda falling into place. I really liked her back then, but it's so different now. Like, It just feels right. I hope I can keep her happy. I told her that there were a million men in New York, did she really want to settle for me? I don't know. I'm glad that she did though.
Sam: I bought Rach some flowers for opening night. I know that you probably will too, but I wanted to give her something. I know she's probably freaking out, so I wanted to get her something. Hope that's okay.
Finn: If we got married our kids would look like horses man lol, but whomever we marry and whomever we impregnate, our kids will be like cousins.. Like you and i, you know?
Finn: Yeah man i remember her saying you wanted to marry her someday, atleast so you know getting another chance in something you believe in is always necessary and the best. Maybe this is it for you both, you never kno
Finn: Yeah that's fine, it's not like we're dating or anything so you can do whatever you want as long as Quinn's okay with it and stuff
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lolhudsons · 10 years
He finally found Rachel's dressing room and with a few soft knocks he opened the door to find Rachel pacing around the room ''Helloooo, Mrs. Brice?'' He said jokingly and smiling, just to end the tension that was so obvious and strong in the room. He walked over to Rachel and held her arms, squeezing slightly and that's how he caught her attention. Now looking into her full brown eyes, he smirked, like he was so used to. But he saw so much confidence and talent in just those full chocolate eyes, he saw a star, like he had seen ever since highschool.. After a few moments of silence and staring he finally mumbled ''Calm down, Rach. You're going to be amazing, i can feel it. You've been ready since you were born.'' He kissed her forehead gently but reassuringly, he wasn't sure if those words would be enough for her to feel better but he was hoping they were
Need You Now || Finchel
WHO: Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry.
WHAT: Pre Funny Girl pep talk.
WHY: Rachel’s nervous before going on stage and needs Finn to calm her down.
WHEN: Before Funny Girl.
Read More
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: Dude, chill. I'm kidding, Hudson. I know you're not jumping into anything. Much less fatherhood.
Sam: If I knew anything, I couldn't break her trust, dude. That's not the way I work. You're my bro and all, but so is Rachel. Well, minus the bro part. I really don't know much of anything except the truth and the obvious fact that you two are better when you're together. That's my opinion. And yeah, it might not be like right or whatever right now, but I think it will be again. But what don I know?
Sam: Thanks, buddy. She's amazing. And it feels like it's right this time. High school wasn't the right place, but maybe the city is. Whatever. I'm happy and she seems to be. But seriously thank you.
Sam: they really do. Bunch of assholes if you ask me. She's gonna prove them wrong. I don't get why people are so mean to someone they've never even met. It's dumb.
Finn: I mean.. I do want to have kids, but i got to find myself someone that's willing to raise them with me. Or that's willing to raise me for that matter.
Finn: Well she asked me to go backstage with her before the show so i'm definitely going to do that.. Maybe i'll tell her how i feel or whatever and see what happens because i really need to say somehting to her, it's eating me alive to feel like this and just keep it to myself.
Finn: I'm glad you both are happy, it was y'alls turn to find love. Both of you had rough years of high school.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Finn… I… listen, I know this sounds weird and I know that we’re not… not like together anymore or anything, and I respect that. But I need you here more than I need anything. Please, please come?
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Don't worry, of course i'll be there. How are you feeling?
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Maybe i'll even stop by your house, you know, after the show and stuff.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Dinner time!
Dinner after?
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Yeah. I mean, i am excited or Rachel... But i hear the dinner is going to be pretty big and good, so.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
I'm excited for Dinner after..
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Dinner time!
I can’t wait for Rachel’s opening night!
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Let’s go Rachel!
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lolhudsons · 10 years
You have to come backstage before I go on. I need you there, I need you to calm me down, I won’t be able to do it if I don’t have you.
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Y-yeah... I'll be there. Can i tell you something? I was thinking of not attending the show.. For various reasons, but i talked to Sam and he kicked some sense into me. I don't know how i thought i would miss it at all. I'll be backstage. I'll be there.
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I'm sorry.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: That'll be a great day.
Sam: Uh, your children too,dude. And I bet her mind is on you. She can't get enough of Frankenteen. And I knew you'd make the right choice.
Sam: Sure! Quinn will be with me, too. She's going with me. To the opening. Cause we're trying all this again. Being together, I mean.
Sam: She was on them the other day! People suck.
Finn: Woah woah, my kids? No bro, i don't see myself being with Rachel anytime soon honestly... or having kids of mine for that matter...
Finn: Wait... has she said anything 'bout me, to you? Because it sounds like you know something i don't.
Finn: Really? You and Quinn again? Awesome, man! She's a good girl, i think you guys are right for eache other.
Finn: People need to get a life and stop ruining others. She's great.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: I do too. It would be like ultimate victory. Those people don't matter anyway. I mean, what do you think they're doing tonight? Not anything awesome like Rachel.
Sam: I think you should be, dude. I'm kinda shitty at advice or whatever, but you're who she wants there the most. She does better and is better with you in her corner. No need to doubt that. Come, cheer for her. It'll be something to tell the children about one day. :p
Sam: Should we all do something after? I wanna celebrate with her.
Finn: You're right! And pretty soon they'll probably be asking for her autograph. That would be epic, dude.
Finn: Her children? :P nice one, i wonder who's on her mind right now honestly.. But anyway, yeah i'm definitely going to be there for her. I don't know how i even thought of missing it.
Finn: Dude! We so should! I was thinking of doing something before, well just basically be there with her at her house or something and like help her calm down, but maybe you could go with me or..? I mean, if she wants and if she's not to nervous to even do that.
Finn: I hope she's been staying off those dumb reviews too.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: It is crazy. It's amazing though. It's going to be so cool to watch one of our friends on a real broadway stage.
Sam: I don't know man. You're Finn. She wants you there, I would almost bet you on that. Even if you're not together right now, you're still super important to her. And she's not going to notice or care if any of her stupid exes are there. But if you're not there, she's going to notice and definitely care.
Sam: Dude, you know that you have to go. She would never forgive you if you didn't.
Finn: I hardly ever doubted her, i wish everyone that did doubt her could be here to see this though
Finn: .... I guess you're right, i was so excited about this though and i was telling myself, and everyone, that i would be on the very front row cheering her on and catching her look at me but for some reason it just makes me nervous. If it's awkward during, after or before the show and i don't want to make her mess up or anything.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Sam: Course I am! I mean, we've been waiting for this for years. Kinda cool were finally getting to see it happen you know?
Sam. Of course you should go. Are you kidding? I don't think she'd go on if you weren't there, dude. Why wouldn't you go?
Finn: Yeah, it's crazy that she ended up where she always aid she would, i am very proud of her
Finn: Idk man, i just feel like... it would be the opposite. I feel like she would be more scared or she wouldn't be comfortable with me being front row or there in general because of our past and stuff, and what if one of her exes shows up?
Finn: i don't think i can deal with that
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Finn: Are you going to Rachel's show?
Finn: I mean, i should go too right?
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lolhudsons · 10 years
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Rachel, come on. Don't get cold feet on us now, it's your day. You know, besides your birthday and stuff. You're going to be amazing.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
Opening morning.
I’ve been up for too long, but I’m so jittery that I just can’t sleep. I’ve got some of the lovely tea that Sam bought me, I’ve taken three showers and got ready at least six different times… I’ve done my warm ups, I’m resting my voice… am I ready?
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I think maybe if you ddn't even have all those stuff, you'd be ready. Don't be negative at all, you'll be great.
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lolhudsons · 10 years
That would be great! I do you you wanna have lunch before Rachel’s opening night?
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Yeah, i think all of us should try to reunite in the same room after her opening night. You're going right?
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lolhudsons · 10 years
I am actually doing very well, thank. And Yes, change can be very good.
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Hey, let's catch up sometime! We need to hang out.
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