lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 14
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Harry’s POV
I woke up the next morning and saw Y/N sitting by the windowsill looking outside with that same worried look in her eyes.
“Good morning.” I say to her as I sat up and stretched.
I knew she was deep in thought since she didn’t really respond and didn’t really seem to hear me.
“Did you even sleep?” I ask her in my head.
Last night was intense. Apparently when we were out to dinner with Niall, their mom came home and Y/N just went mental on her. I’ve never really seen her like that before; it was a bit scary to be honest.
“Breakfast?” I ask her as I rubbed her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
“Hey.” She says softly and looked up at me with a weary smile.
“Did you get any sleep?” I ask her and again she gives me that drained smile. “Come on then. You’re skipping today and sleeping the whole day as I bring you food and water to hydrate you.” I say and carried her to the bed and finally I heard her giggle a little.
“I can’t stay in bed the whole day.” She says and sat up and I slightly pushed her back down and pinned her to the bed.
“You’re exhausted, you haven’t slept yet, and you’ve been through a lot. You can take a freaking day off. Let me take care of you.”
When Y/N finally agreed, I stayed with her until she closed her eyes and fell asleep before heading down. I was planning to make everyone breakfast but as soon as I got to the kitchen I already saw everyone sitting there eating.
“Good morning!” Isabella cheerfully greeted me as she ran to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on both my cheeks.
“Oh hey. Good morning.” I say back to her and blushed a little.
“Come eat.” She says in the same upbeat tone as she holds my arm and leads me to a chair.
“Good morning.” I greet everyone and kissed Sofia’s cheek.
Isabella placed a plate in front of me and as I thanked her she sat beside me and placed her chin on her knuckle as she faced me and urged me to eat and I nod my head and smiled at her.
“So do you love my daughter?” she asks as soon as I placed a spoonful of eggs in my mouth, which I almost spat out.
“Oh. Um.” I say and tried to swallow.
“I’m sorry to be so blunt. It’s just that we didn’t really have a proper introduction last night.” She smiles sweetly and I smiled back.
“Um.. I..” I say and looked around the table seeing everyone’s eyes on me.
“Isabella, you’re embarrassing him.” Emma says and Isabella shakes her head and laughed.
“Right. Sorry.” She says and giggles again. “And Emma, you know you can call me mom.”
Breakfast came and went pleasantly. Everyone just talking and laughing, but every time someone laughed too loudly, I couldn’t help but look up. I didn’t know why but I felt like I was cheating on Y/N. I really liked Isabella, she was funny, witty, and smart. In a way she was just like Y/N. But liking her felt like I was betraying Y/N, after all, she did hate her.
I checked my watch and saw that we needed to hustle, it was almost time for school.
“Lets go guys. Time for school.” I say as I cleared the table.
“It’s okay, Harry. I promised them I’d bring them to school.” Isabella says as she smiled at me and helped clear the table.
“No. It’s fine. You already made breakfast and I’m sure you’d want to rest.”
“No. It’s fine. I’ll do it.” she says again with a smile but this time, she seemed more urgent about wanting to do it and I got it. She didn’t want to be left alone the house with Y/N.
“Okay.” I say and smiled politely at her.
I spent the day cleaning the house and occasionally waking up Y/N for food and water. She was out cold; I guess she was even more exhausted than I thought she was.
Isabella didn’t return home too. I figured she was hiding out and just waiting to pick up the others before coming home. Mom hiding behind her kids, there’s a comedy in there somewhere.
“Harry?” I heard Y/N groggily say from the stairway and I put down the book I was reading and stood up to meet her.
“Hey you. Good sleep?” I ask and she nods her head and yawned as she stretched before reaching the bottom of the stairs and I wrap my arm around her waist and gave her a kiss.
“How long was I out?”
“Whole day.” I say and laughed and she checked the time.
“Jesus. It’s almost dinnertime. Why didn’t you wake me? And where’s everyone?”
“They’re not home yet.”
“Not home yet? You didn’t fetch them?” she says rather than asks and she looked really concerned.
“Isabella brought them to school and I figured she fetched them too.”
“You gave them to her?” she shouts at me “And you’re not even sure if she fetched them? What the fuck, Harry!” she shouts at me again and ran back to the room.
I couldn’t understand what was happening. I had my phone the whole day with me and no one contacted me so I figured that everyone was just fine. Plus, Isabella wouldn’t let anything happen to her kids. I’m sure she fetched all of her kids.
“Great! They’re not picking up, Harry!” Y/N shouts at me again waving her phone in the air as she stomped back down.
“Babe, I’m sorry. It’s not like they’re in any danger. Your mom’s with them I’m…”
“Don’t you dare call her that.” She says without shouting but was even scarier.
She started pacing around the room as she tried to contact her siblings but still no answer and I was starting to get nervous too. Until I heard the door open and Y/N and I quickly looked at who it was and thankfully it was all of them making their way in laughing.
“Where the hell have you all been?” Y/N shouts and took Sofia from Isabella’s arms and carried her.
“Relax, freak.” Emma says and rolled her eyes. “Mom took us out for dinner.”
“Mom?” Y/N says and her eyes grew so wide I thought it would pop out from the socket. “You’re calling her mom now?” she emphasized.
“Yeah what of it!” Lorenzo shouts all of a sudden.
“Hey. Hey. I think your sister’s just hungry. She’s always been like that ever since she was little.” Isabella butts in and smiled at all of them and tried to touch Y/N’s arm but she leans away.
“Don’t you dare pretend like you were there for me. Like you were there for us!” Y/N shouts back.
She was holding on to Sofia tighter now, as if she forgot she was holding her baby sister in her arms.
“Hey bug. Come here.” I say and took Sofia from her and Y/N finally lets go as if just realizing she was holding her and hands her to me.
“You didn’t have the right to take them away without telling me. Do you know how worried I was thinking….” Y/N says but then stops mid sentence as if recapping some terrifying memory.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” Isabella apologizes and moved another step towards her but she took another step back.
“I’m sorry.”
“Baby..” Isabella says but then corrects herself “Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just thought it would be nice to have dinner with my kids and..”
“Your kids? You may have been the one to carry them for nine months but I was the one who carried them after that!”
“Y/N, please. I’m sorry. I want to make it up to you guys. Especially you.”
“No! Get out! More than five years you left us, and at the time when we needed you most! When I needed you most and you just left. I’m not giving you the chance to break their hearts again.”
“Y/N, please.” Isabella pleads and tears started to roll from her eyes as she lunged herself to Y/N and hugged her tightly but Y/N just pushed her away and she dropped to the floor and continued crying.
“Y/N, fuck off!” Lorenzo shouts and he quickly went to his mother’s side and comforted her. “What the fuck is wrong with you!”
“Lorenzo, it’s okay.” Isabella says as she sniffed and tried to reassure his son but he was just glaring at Y/N.
“Leave!” Y/N shouts and tried to pull Isabella up as she dragged her out.
“Stop!” Lorenzo and Emma shout at Y/N.
It was like a game of tug of war and Isabella was the rope. This was not pretty. I had half the mind to grab Y/N away from them. It was unsettling seeing her this physical but I didn’t just see hate in her eyes, there was pain too.
“You’re not our mother, Y/N.” Lorenzo says and Y/N quickly lets go of Isabella and dropped to the floor and just looked dumbfounded.
They all just stayed on the floor for what seemed like forever. Emma and Lorenzo beside their mom and Y/N the other side just staring at each other.
Y/N didn’t look angry anymore, she just looked hurt. Like what Lorenzo told her was like stabbing a knife straight into her heart.
I put down Sofia and tried to pull up Y/N but she shakes me off.
“Don’t.” she says and looks down and started breathing heavily with her knuckles on the floor pulling herself up.
She grabs her keys from the tray table and just left.
Your POV
“You’re not our mother, Y/N.”
That’s what kept on ringing in my head, what Lorenzo said to me. I knew I wasn’t their mother. I didn’t want to be their mother, especially how what my experiences with mothers are, I was better than a mother. But still, didn’t change the fact that I felt like my own brother just stab me.
Those six words digging in me like shards of glass.
“You’re right Lorenzo. I’m not your mother because I never left you guys.” I say to myself as I drove faster.
Harry’s POV
As soon as Y/N left the house, I knew where she was going. I knew I had time before I had to run after her but I needed to sort things out here at home first before I did. Everyone was just a mess, a complete mess.
Isabella was crying hysterically on the floor while Lorenzo tried to comfort her. Emma was throwing a fit in the kitchen as if she planned to destroy everything she could in there, and she was. And Sofia, where was Sofia?
I looked in the living room and when I didn’t see her there, I go up to the rooms and tried to look for her. My heart started beating really fast when I couldn’t find her anywhere. I was pacing around trying to figure out where she could be, and just as I was about to call the cops, I saw something move from under Y/N’s bed.
“I wonder where my little bug might be hiding.” I say as I pretended to go around the room looking for her.
“Could she be hiding under here?” I say and opened the closet door. “I guess not.” I say and looked at the floor before I closed the closet door.
“Could she be hiding under..” I say and lingered before I quietly dropped on the floor and pulled up the comforter “Boo!” I say playfully but she doesn’t smile back at me.
“You found me.” she says and I leaned my head on my arm, it being the only distance between the floor and my head.
“I always find you, bug.” I say and smiled back at her and she just continued playing with her ladybug stuffed toy. “So what are we doing here?”
“Hiding.” She says without looking at me.
“I can see that.” I say and smiled sweetly at her. “But why and from what?”
“From the anger.” She says and her answer gave me goose bumps.
That kind of insight coming from a child.
“You want to come out from under there for me? It doesn’t seem so comfortable.” I say to try and get her out and she just shakes her head. “I don’t think you lady bug likes it there so much.” She then looks at me then at her toy.
“Did Y/N leave?” she asks me and I nod my head. Seeing her big brown eyes like that, I couldn’t lie to her. “Is she coming back?”
“Come on out, my little bug.” I say and reached my hand to her. I know I should have said yes but this time, seeing Y/N’s eyes before she left seemed different and I didn’t want to make a promise to Sofia that I couldn’t keep.
She finally holds on to my hand and I pull her out and sat her on the bed before sitting beside her.
“What’s that?” I ask her and she holds on to something hiding it from me.
“I wouldn’t blame her if she left.” Sofia says as she played with her stuffed toy on her lap.
“Why would you think Y/N would leave you guys?” I ask her as I carried her to my lap and she leans her head on my chest.
“I know where she goes. I know whenever she wants to cry she drives off and wants to leave. I also know that she hates this town, that she hates our lives. That she feels bound to this life because of us. I know that she deserves more than what she has now. I know that she can’t live her life because of us.”
“Hey.” I say and pulled her face to face me. I wanted to tell her all of what she said wasn’t true but I just couldn’t find the words to comfort her.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything but can you find her for me?” she says and I nod my head “Also, when you do, can you take her away?” she says and I just look into that deep brown eyes of hers as she puts something in my hand.
I looked down and saw it was Y/N’s hair tie.
“Can you take her away?”
Harry’s POV
As soon as everything settled down at home, I drove off to find Y/N. I reach the end of the town and I parked my car behind hers. I knew I would find her here, I’ve seen her do this before. I walked towards the driver’s side and could hear muffled screams and weeps and as soon as I saw her face my heart broke seeing her crying like that.
I knocked on her door, which startled her and she quickly looked up at me and wiped the tears from her eyes before opening the window. I never want to see Y/N like this again. Sofia’s request was slowly over powering me. Could I really take her away from her family? I didn’t know, all I knew was, I never wanted to see her like this ever again and I jut want to protect her.
“How did you know I’d be here?” she asks me as I lean on the driver side.
“A hunch. You letting me in?” I say to her and smiled at her and she just looks at me for what seemed like forever until she finally nodded her head and I briskly walk to the passenger door before she had a chance to change her mind.
I get in the car and she was gripping on the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were turning white.
“Why do you do this?” I ask her.
“Do what?” she answers me back without looking at me, continued looking out.
“Drive off to the end of the town but stop before you’re actually out the threshold.” She looks at me like she was confused “I saw you the first night I got here.” I shrugged my shoulder and smiled at her.
I then hold on to her hand on the steering wheel and she closes her eyes and started breathing heavily, which scared me a little, she was really worrying me. She dropped her head on the wheel and started weeping uncontrollably again.
“Do you want to go?” I ask her when her sobbing lessened.
She pulled her head up and looked at me before quickly looking back out. I knew she was thinking about the possibility of actually leaving.
“Y/N, what do you want to do?”
I watched as she continued to grip on the steering wheel while she looked forward as if contemplating whether or not she was actually going to do it this time.
“Stay or leave, Y/N. Your call.” I say to myself in my head as I offer her the hair tie from Sofia.
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
Hope everyone’s having a good day or night!
14 notes · View notes
lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 13
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Harry’s POV
I woke up the next morning and quickly checked my phone but there was still no message from Y/N. I barely got any wink last night; I just spent it looking at my phone and felt really uneasy at where I stood with her.
“Breakfast?” I heard Niall ask from my side and I sat up and looked down at him as he stretched and yawned.
“Will you tell me what happened last night?”
“Food’s sort of good here. Not great but it’s fine. Do you know any place we can go to grab something?”
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?”
He then jumps out the bed and went straight to the bathroom. He then started peeing and I lean on the doorframe and crossed my arms on my chest.
“Nothing? You’re not going to give me anything to go on with?” I ask him as he brushed his teeth and still ignored me.
“Feed me.” he says and smiles at me showing his freshly brushed teeth and I push him away and brushed my teeth as well. “I’m checking out tonight. Will you still stay here?”
I gargled and spat the water in the sink and wiped my mouth.
“Depends. What happened last night?”
“Dying out of hunger. Let’s go!” he says and pats my shoulder before skipping out of the room.
Harry’s POV
I wasn’t thinking of going to the diner today, because I wanted to give Y/N time and I didn’t want to scare her off but I figured since Niall was still here I needed all the backup I needed.
“Cute.” Niall says as soon as we entered the diner and I looked around and Y/N still wasn’t there.
Today was a Sunday so she didn’t have to go to the shop and the hospital. She should be here by now.
“Where are you?” I whisper to myself and was a bit worried now wondering what happened to her.
“What? I’m here.” Niall answers thinking I was talking to him and he sat on a booth and I followed.
“Hi Harry.” Monica greets me softly.
“Hey Monica. This is Niall. Niall, Monica.”
“Hello.” Niall says and smiles at her and she smiles back.
“So BLT for you?” she asks me sweetly and I always liked how nice she was to me, not everyone in this town was.
“Yes please. What are you having?” I ask Niall.
“Two BLT please.” I say back to Monica with a smile and she blushes before putting in our order.
“You know she likes you right?” Niall says and laughed and I shook my head.
“She’s in Y/N’s sister’s class.”
“So?” He says and laughs.
“Too young.”
“If she wasn’t?” he teases and laughed again.
“Then she’s not Y/N.” I say and Niall quickly looks out the window.
He clearly didn’t want to talk about what he and Y/N talked about last night but I had to know. This was killing me.
“Come on. Was it that bad? Why won’t you tell me?” I pleaded to him and he just takes out his phone and started typing on it.
I wanted to throw his phone away and force him to tell me every single detail about last night.
“Oi. Y/N!” he then shouts and I quickly turned around and saw Y/N entering the diner.
I couldn’t help but smile as soon as I saw her, my heart just skipped a beat automatically and I was filled with happiness seeing her again. I felt like I haven’t seen her for the longest time, even though we just saw each other yesterday. I wasn’t used not being around her anymore.
I was supposed to go to her when our eyes met but she quickly looks away so I just stayed in the booth and felt sad. I noticed her eyes were a bit puffy too, which just broke my heart.
“Go talk to her.” I say to Niall and he shakes his head so I kicked him under the table. “Come on.”
“Why not?”
“Because what?”
“Just because. You go talk to her if you want.”
“You mean, I can talk to her?” I say back excitedly but he doesn’t answer me back. Was he giving me a hint?
Monica came back with our food and I continued to watch Y/N as she moved around the diner completely ignoring me and it was just killing me.
“Just go talk to her already. Geez. You’re like a kid.” Niall says and laughed.
“I don’t think she wants to talk to me though.” I say and Niall grunts out of frustration.
“Oi. Y/N.” Niall calls out to her and she looks at us and I quickly look down and kicked him from under the table.
“Need anything else?” Y/N says and Niall smiled at her and shook his head.
“Leaving tonight.”
“I remember.” She says and I glanced at her and saw her smiling at him.
“We still having dinner?” he asks her and she smiles again and nodded.
“They made plans to go out and he didn’t tell me? This shit.”
“Alright then. Here’s your bill if you don’t need anything else.” She says and was about to walk away and Niall looks at me as if urging me to go talk to her.
I took a deep breath and grabbed her wrist before she could actually leave.
“Can we talk?” I ask her softly and she looks down at me and I wasn’t sure what she was thinking.
“Okay.” She says and my heart just leaped from my chest.
She walks out the diner and I quickly stumbled out to follow her but not before hearing Niall laugh at me.
We get to the parking and Y/N leans on her car facing me.
“So..” I say as I stood in front of her with my hands in my pocket and I just looked at the ground.
We stayed like that for a couple of minutes but it seemed longer, the awkwardness made it seem longer.
I was about to beg her to forgive me until I heard her sighed.
“I’m sorry.” She says and I looked up at her and didn’t expect her to actually apologize to me.
“Babe, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” I say and took a step towards her and held on to her waist.
“I over reacted. You were trying to do something nice.” She says and shook her head and wrapped her hands at the back of my neck and I lean my forehead onto hers.
“I got so scared when you left me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Are we okay now?” I ask her and she nods her head.
“Yes. I really am sorry. I know you didn’t know and that..” she says and I shook my head and covered her lips with my finger.
“Doesn’t matter anymore.”
Nothing mattered anymore. I was just glad we were together again.
Harry’s POV
“Am I ever getting a thank you from the both of you?” Niall says and laughed.
“For?” I ask him with my arm around Y/N’s shoulder.
“For getting you guys back together.”
“What?” I said and laughed.
“You think she would have given you the time of day if I didn’t have a chat with her?” he says and Y/N and him laughed.
I was supposed to banter with him more but then Y/N speaks from my side.
“Thank you, Niall.” She says and he drops his jaw open.
“Did not expect that.” He says and laughs out loud.
“Neither did I.” I say too and Y/N elbows my side, which made us all laugh.
“You should go to LA with me.” Niall says to Y/N and I raise my eyebrow at him “What? She’s like one of the best dates I had. I have half a mind to steal her away from you.” he says and laughs out loud and Y/N giggles at my side.
“Oi.” I say to her and she holds my face and kissed my cheek.
“No one can steal me away from you.” she whispers in my ear and even with Niall’s pretend vomiting I just felt my stomach do summersaults.
“You guys are disgustingly sweet.” Niall says and laughs.
We were having a proper dinner to send off Niall before he had to leave and it was just absolutely amazing. Night filled with banter and laughter, I couldn’t ask for anything else.
After dinner we bid Niall goodbye and Y/N and I drove back home, and I was honestly very excited to see everyone again, especially little Sofia.
“How’s Sofi?” I ask Y/N from the driver seat and we intertwine our hands together as I drove for us.
“She’s okay.” She answers back and laughed.
“Emma? Lorenzo?”
“Harry, you haven’t been gone for long.” She says and laughs “Everyone’s still the same. We’re exactly how you left us.”
“I didn’t leave.” I say and thought I just thought it but actually said it out loud.
She leans her forehead onto my shoulder and wrapped her hand around my waist.
“I said I’m sorry.” She says softly and I could tell she really felt bad.
“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.” I say and kissed the top of her head as I stroked her back.
“But you thought it.” She says and I parked the car in front of their house and we lock eyes.
“I’m sorry. I don’t want this to be a thing between us anymore.”
“I don’t want it to be too.”
“Okay. Then we won’t let it.” I say and stroked her cheek with my thumb.
She then grabbed my collar and pulled me towards her and as soon as our lips touched I just felt my whole body relax and all the anxiety and fear I felt when she drove off yesterday just completely left me. She had that pull on me. She can both make me go crazy and calm at the same time.
We walk back to the house hand in hand and I was just really excited to see everyone again.
Y/N tried to open the door but oddly enough it was locked.
“What?” she says as she knocked on the door. They never really locked their house. I found it weird before but they were in the middle of nowhere and it was a pretty safe town so I sort of got that habit of not locking the door too.
The door then opened and a woman was in front of us with a huge smile on her face.
“Hi Y/N.” the woman says with a welcoming smile and I swear I could see her tearing up.
“Was she an aunt or something?” I think to myself.
“What are you doing here, mom?”
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
follow my adventures if you want ;)
So it’s my birthday today! Yay! Will upload the next chapter on oct 3 😊 Hope everyone’s having a good day or night!
11 notes · View notes
lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 12
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Niall’s POV
Harry came back to the hotel I was staying in to return my car keys and just looked absolutely horrid. Like he just got booted out from X factor again.
“What’s wrong?” I ask him as I threw him a bottle of water and he slumps on the couch.
“Can I stay here?”
“Sure but what happened?”
“I don’t know. I think Y/N and I are done.”
“Well, lasted long enough.” I teased him to ease the tension but he doesn’t laugh and just sighed as he covered his eyes with his arm.
I know Harry to be a bit of a playboy but I’ve only actually seen him down like this because of a girl a couple of times and this for sure was the worst.
I took a shower and changed my clothes as Harry slept and just as I was about to get out of the door, Harry then woke up.
“Where are you going?” he asks groggily as he sat up and yawned.
“I have a date remember?”
“Are you being serious right now?” he asks sarcastically but seemed really offended.
“Yeah. Why?”
“We’re fighting. Why would you meet her?”
“Not my fight. Anyways, I paid for it so..” I say and shrugged my shoulder and he just stares me down. “Alright then, don’t wait up, mate.” I say before he could say anything else.
I got to Y/N’s house and it was adorable imagining Harry staying here for months, playing house. I could actually see this for him in the future though.
I walk up to their house and was greeted by a teenaged girl.
“Hi Hi. Is Y/N home?” I ask and smiled at her.
“You’re Niall Horan.” She says as her eyes grew.
“Yeah. Hi.”
“Right then.” I say and let out a little chuckle. “Is Y/N home?”
“Why does she get everyone.” She mumbles, which was a bit cute.
“Nothing.” She says and rolls her eyes. “Let me check. Come in.”
“Thank you.”
I got in the house and it was interesting seeing all of their stuff. I was familiar with who Y/N’s dad was too, who wasn’t. So being here felt like I entered a museum and it was just awesome. Every nook and cranny of this place just told a story and I really wanted to know that story but I wasn’t here for that, I was on a mission.
“She said she’s not feeling well.” The girl who let me in said as she came down the stairs.
“Right.” I say and as she was ushering me out the door I sneaked up and ran up her room.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I say as I ran up.
“Niall?” Y/N says as she sat up and I saw that she’s been crying. “What are you doing here?” she says as she wiped her eyes and hid the tissue papers on her bed.
“Who’s he?” a little girl beside her asks and Y/N just hugs on to her.
“Hi little one. I’m Niall. You are?” I say playfully as I shook her little hands.
“I’m Sofi.”
“Wow. Such a beautiful name.”
“Thank you.” she says and just looked really cute.
“You’re a cutie aren’t ya?”
“Niall, what are you doing here?” Y/N asks and I looked up at her.
“Fetching you for our date remember?” I say and gave her a big smile.
“You can’t date her. She’s with Harry. I like Harry.”
“But I’m better.” I teased Sofi.
“I don’t feel so well. I’m sorry.” Y/N says and I looked at her again and scrunched my eyebrow as I shook my head.
“I guess nothing I can do then. I’ll just pull out my donation. See you later.” I say as I walked out slowly but then she calls out to me.
“Give me a minute.” She says and I couldn’t help but smile and feel pleased with myself.
I waited for Y/N downstairs as she fixed up for our charity date. I wasn’t really planning to pull out my donation, I wasn’t that petty but I knew that would get her to go with me and I really needed to have a word with her.
I wasn’t sure if it was too soon to talk to her, maybe I should have just let her cool down a little, but time was at the essence. I was leaving tomorrow and I just figured it was better to talk to her now while it was still fresh so that as she thought she could take into account the things I was going to tell her.
Your POV
When I woke up this morning, I was really excited for my first date with Harry and us fighting was the last thing I thought would happen. We haven’t really fought before but this was just something really bad for me.
I knew that I must have over reacted, and that he was just probably trying to do something nice for me, but I wasn’t ready to see my dad’s old car again. It just brought so much memory I wasn’t prepared to remember. It just brought out so much emotion that I had to fight against every single day. It was just too much.
I was already having a long day and now I see myself off to another date and this was the last thing I wanted to do. I just wanted to stay at home and cry it out but Niall sort of forced me into it.
We were driving around and I didn’t think he knew where we were going too since I don’t think he’s been to our town before but he just looked like he knew where he was going so I didn’t offer any help. Besides, him driving around did make me feel more at ease. It was just like how my dad would use to drive me around.
“We’re here.” He finally says excitedly as he turned off the car and I looked around and saw that we were in a field.
We get out of the car and I liked how fresh the air was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It felt like ever since I ran out from Harry this was the first time I actually took a breath.
“Oi.” He says and I turned around to look at him and saw that he was taking out a couple of food from a paper bag and laid them on the back of his car.
I walked towards him and he picks me up and sat me on top of the back of his car, which caught me by surprise how forward he was as if we’ve known each other for awhile now, but I just decided to let it go. If he did this any other day I would have went off on him but I just didn’t have the energy to be mad anymore.
“Hope you don’t mind. I got us takeout from the hotel.” He says and I give him a weak smile and looked out on the field again.
“So what happened?” he asks and I looked up at him. He wasn’t really like normal people; he just said and did whatever was in his mind.
I didn’t really feel like talking to him about what happened to Harry and I, and I didn’t really feel like opening up to him about my dad. After all, I just met him.
“I know the media portrays him as this playboy who just jet sets and play around with girls, and I’m not going to sit here and lie to you and say he’s not.” He says and I scrunch my eyebrows together.
“Did he actually think this would make me feel better about Harry?” I think to myself.
“But he fell in love before.”
He says and that really caught my attention.
“He fell so in love with her like zero to a hundred real quick. You can’t even begin to imagine how crazy he went for that girl.” He says and chuckles a little as if remembering memories.
“Okay. I get it.” I finally say because I did feel a bit jealous hearing how in love he was. It wasn’t like I thought we were in love or anything, and it wasn’t like I was expecting to be the first girl he’d fall in love with, but still though, it made me feel jealous.
He then laughed, as he looked at me “Okay Sorry. I was actually trying to make a point.” He says and laughs again.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to but just know that whatever that boy did he did it thinking it would make you happy. Yeah, he can be over the top at times, he can do some things without thinking about it but that’s how he is. When he really likes someone, he wears his heart on his sleeves and does everything for that person. As I said before, he fell in love and when that didn’t work, he really started to be a bit more guarded but seeing him with you, I know you’re different.”
Niall was bringing me back home and I didn’t want to go out tonight, but now I was glad I did. The drive, the fresh air, the lack of people, and talking to Niall really made me feel better.
“So do you forgive him yet?” he asks and glances at me with that child like smile on his face.
Harry’s POV
As soon as Niall left the hotel, I just felt so much anxiety that I needed to let some steam off. So I decided to go to the hotel gym and workout a little. I didn’t really feel like working out but I had to do something to release the frustration I was feeling.
The whole time I was exercising I just couldn’t keep my eyes off from my phone. Neither Y/N nor Niall contacted me yet and that just made me even queasier. Niall has been out for almost four hours now and I knew he wouldn’t cross me but I couldn’t understand what was taking him so long.
“What took you so long?” I say as I saw him and quickly got off from the treadmill and he just shrugged his shoulder as he pretended to look around the gym.
“This guy.” I think to myself.
“So what happened?” I ask him as I sat down and wiped the sweat off from my body.
“We ate.” He simply says as he sat in front of me and I shook my head.
“You’re going to make me work for information?”
“Maybe.” He says and laughs as he went out of the gym and I quickly followed him.
We got back to the hotel room and he drops his body on the bed with a thud and pretended to be asleep.
“Come on. What happened?” I asked him again but he still refuses to answer.
I checked my phone again and saw that Y/N hasn’t contacted me yet so I guess he didn’t meet her to try and put a case out for me.
“Great.” I hissed before going to the bathroom.
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
follow my adventures if you want ;)
Hope everyone’s having a good day or night!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Can you please do a 2nd part???
2nd part of which story, love? 😊
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 11
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Harry’s POV
Y/N was going on her charity date with Niall today and they were just supposed to go to a restaurant set up by the hospital’s foundation, but Niall being Niall, he opted against it and kept on taunting me about him setting up a date so big for her that she’ll forget who I was. I knew he was just playing but I decided to out date him and make my own unforgettable date with Y/N before she went on her date with him.
phone call
“So are you ready for me to sweep your girl off of her feet?” Niall teases me and I laughed and shook my head.
“You wish. I’m actually planning something bigger for her. Something you can’t top. Something that would make your date tonight seem like child’s play compared to what I have in store.”
“Ha! May the best man win then.”
“I plan to.” I teased him back before we ended the call.
It was nice having Niall around again, having these playful banters with him, it felt familiar and I didn’t even know how much I’ve needed that. Although I’ve been enjoying my time with Y/N’s family, I didn’t really feel welcomed by the other people from the town. So it was nice having someone from the outside on my side for once.
“Hey who were you talking to?” Y/N says sleepily as she entered the kitchen and leaned her body on mine.
“Good morning, beautiful.” I say as I wrapped my arm around her and continued to cook. “Niall and I were just playing around.”
“Okay.” She says and yawns as she leaned her head on my chest with her eyes closed.
“If you’re still sleepy why not go back to bed?”
“Cause you asked me out.”
“What?” I say and laughed.
“It’s our first date.” She says and I thought about it and she was right. This was our first official date.
We’ve gone out before but it was usually a family thing. Like we’d go to dinners, games, recitals, play, go with her to work, and all those other good stuff, but this was actually our first official date.
“God. You’re right. I’m sorry, baby.” I say and kissed the top of her head and she yawns.
“It’s fine. See how good you have it with me. I’m not high maintenance at all. Better be thankful for that.” she teases with her eyes closed, which made me laugh even more.
“I always am.” I whisper back to her as I kiss the top of her head and couldn’t help but smile seeing her sleeping again in my arms.
Your POV
After breakfast Harry took me out for our first official date. I kept on asking him where we were going and what we were doing but he refused to give me any hints at all. I didn’t really mind what I wore but I figured for our first date, I should at least dress up a little, but I didn’t know how since as I said, he didn’t give me any clues.
“Truth or dare?” I ask him and he glances at me with a smile on his face.
“Oh no, missy. You’re not tricking me into telling you where we’re going.” He says and laughs out loud and I grunted.
“Fine. At least tell me if I’m dressed properly.” I say to him and he looks at me from head to foot as if he hasn’t seen what I was wearing yet.
“Well, for a part of it.”
“Harry.” I moaned and frowned.
“Why are you so concerned with how you look all of a sudden?” he asks and laughs “You’ve never cared before and that’s one thing I liked about you.” he says and kisses the back of my hand.
“Well, I just want out first date to be perfect. My dad always told me “You’ll experience a lot of things in this world but you will never forget your firsts.”” She says and mimicked her dad’s voice, which was adorable.
“Is that really how your dad sounds like?” He teased and laughed and I playfully poke his side.
“Stop making fun.” I say back to him and it astonished me how at ease I was into opening up with about my dad now. I don’t really do that a lot even with my siblings.
Talking about my dad felt like a secret for me. I felt like I wasn’t allowed to talk about him and my mom that’s why it surprised me how at ease I was when I was with him talking like this.
“I’m not making fun.” He says and kisses the back of my hand again before dropping it back to my lap and I played with the back of his.
“If you tell me, I might give you a prize tonight.”
“Oh. Little Ms. Promiscuous.” He says as his eyes grew and I could tell he was finally thinking about actually telling me what the surprise was but then he shook his head and stared at the road again.
“So?” I say and looked at him but then he just shakes his head and bit his lip.
After an hour or so of driving he pulled to the side and blindfolded me.
“Is this the part where you kill me?”
“Maybe.” He teases back.
“Good thing I’m dressed properly then.” I teased him back, which made him laugh.
“Told you, you’re dressed fine for a part of it.” He says and laughs out loud before holding on to my hand again.
Although I completely couldn’t see anything, as soon as I felt Harry’s hand on mine, I felt completely safe.
I then heard him turn off the engine and went out of the car, seconds later I felt the wind from the outside come in as soon as he opened my door and held my hand.
“Follow me, my lady.” He says and I just laughed and followed his lead.
We then walked for a couple of feet and when we finally stopped he positioned my body to face a certain way before I felt him move to my back and held on to my shoulders.
“You ready?”
“Yes.” I say softly and I could tell he was smiling and shaking his head from the tone of his voice.
“I said are you ready, little miss!”
“Yes!” I shout back and laughed.
“Tada!” he says as he removed the blindfold from my eyes and the light from the sun blinded me for a minute as I scratched and covered my eyes.
“Where are we?” I asked and laughed as I waited for my eyes to adjust.
“Look closer, babe.” he says and pushes me a little to move forward with his hands on my waist.
My eyes finally adjusted to the blurry image that was in front of me and as soon as I saw it my heart just stopped and dropped from my chest.
Harry’s POV
I was really excited about my date with Y/N today. At first I though Daniel was this sketchy guy who was trying to steal my girl away from me but then he offered to help me with a date I’ve been planning to have with Y/N. I’ve been planning this date for weeks now and when Niall came to town I just thought today was the right time to actually do it.
I knew how much Y/N loved cars especially Johnny’s, hers, and her dad’s. For the reason that those cars meant memories for her and knowing her, that’s what was more important to her. Not material things, not necessarily expensive things, but memories. That’s what she held special the most, which I just loved.
I brought her to the race track a couple of hours away from the town, waiting there was the car of Y/N’s dad, which I had Daniel fix up. Surprisingly enough, he was more than willing to help me with it, he asked for a hefty price though, which now I know was for the charity bidding last night, that sneaky confusing guy.
I was really excited for her to see her dad’s old car all fixed up and running again. I was so sure she would love it. She’d tell me stories about how safe she felt while her dad drive her and how happy it made her feel. I wanted to give that to her, I wanted to give back her childhood to her, and this is how I was going to do it.
When she saw the car though, it wasn’t the expression I thought I would get.
“Where did you get this?” she screams at me as she took a step back “What did you do!”
“Y/N, I thought you’d like it.” I stuttered out of confusion of what was happening.
“Like it?” she says and her eyes grew wide in what I understood as hate or anger “You had no right!” she stampers and falls to the ground.
“Y/N!” I tried to help her up but she slaps my hand away.
“Don’t touch me!” she shouts out crying. “Don’t touch me!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d..”
“Yes! You didn’t think! You’re that selfish! You just do things and not think how it would affect the people around you!”
I didn’t know now if she was just talking about the car or something else, or if she was still even talking to me.
“You’re selfish! You don’t think before you act!” she shouts at me again “You left me all alone!” she shouts and this time I was sure she wasn’t just talking about me.
She stops and stared at the ground as if she was thinking about something and I take a step towards her and she finally looks up at me and puts her hand out.
“Give me your keys.” She says and I quickly obliged and I watched as she sped away from me.
“What a mess I did.”
Your POV
“Agh!” I kept on screaming in the car as I hit Harry’s steering wheel, dashboard, and everything else my fist would allow me to.
Seeing my dad’s car brought back a lot of memories I wasn’t prepared to remember today. It wasn’t like I never thought of him, on the contrary, not a day passed by that I didn’t, but seeing his car again like that just brought out the memories I didn’t really like being reminded of.
It was like I was fine with remembering him before because they were on my terms and thinking about him was like a movie where I just recap them, but actually seeing his car again was like seeing that movie happening in real life and it just destroyed me.
I heard the engine roar louder and I checked my speed and saw that I was almost hitting the car’s limit. I was crying so much that my eyes were starting to get blurry, until I recognized the road I was on now.
I drove this route so much that even though it didn’t have any landmarks I was so familiar with it, so I knew how close I was to the end of the town.
As soon as I saw the sign where it said I was leaving the town I floor the gas deeper and the car roars even louder as I felt the speed of it from the inside. This was it, I was finally leaving, leaving behind all the responsibility that was placed upon my shoulder, leaving behind all the bad memories the town and people in it reminded me off, leaving behind the imaginary shackles that were locked on my hands and feet.
I was about to reach the end of the town when I abruptly hit the breaks and Harry’s car spun for a couple of feet as I held on to the steering wheel trying to get control of the vehicle until it finally stopped.
“Leaving behind my family.” I say to myself and dropped my head on the steering wheel as I took deep breaths to calm myself. I couldn’t leave, I never could, no matter how many times I did this, I could never leave them.
This was supposed to be the moment I cold finally leave everything behind, the moment I’d start new, the moment I finally choose myself, the moment I finally got out of this town, but no.
“I’m never leaving.”
Harry’s POV
After Y/N left me back at the tracks, I called Niall up and asked him to pick me up. I was buzzing with anger, Daniel knew Y/N wouldn’t like this idea and still he opted to not tell me. I knew Johnny would just get mad at me and I couldn’t put this burden onto her siblings that would just get her even madder. So I was thankful for Niall being here. I dropped him off the hotel he was staying at and used his car to go around to look for Y/N but she was nowhere to be found.
After I checked everywhere two or three times, I decided to go back to the house to check if she was finally there and it was such a relief seeing my car parked right outside.
I quickly got out of the car and rushed inside the house.
“Nope! Fucking get out, man.” Lorenzo immediately says to me as soon as he saw me walk to the door.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Not the right time. Just get out.” He says and tried to push me out the door but I was persistent to talk to Y/N.
“Y/N!” I shout out to the second floor, because I knew that’s where she had to be. “Can we talk please!”
“Come on, man. Don’t make this harder than it should be.” Lorenzo says back to me as he continued to push me out of the door.
“Harry!” Sofia shouts back as she ran outside Y/N’s room and stayed on top of the staircase.
“Sofi, where’s Y/N?”
“She’s…” she says but then Emma carries her back to the room before closing it and stomping down towards me.
“I told you if you ever hurt her I’ll destroy you!”
“I didn’t hurt her.” I say defensively as I tried to block but not fight back the punches she was throwing at me “I mean, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t think that…”
“No! Fucking get out! She’s been through enough. I don’t know what you did but I told myself I never wanted to see her like that ever again! So whatever you did must be that bad for her to be like that! So just fucking leave!”
I didn’t understand. They only saw Y/N this bad before once? When was that? Why was that? I had so many questions all of a sudden but I knew now wasn’t the right time to know the answers.
“Emma, please. I need to talk to her. I don’t understand what I did wrong.” I pleaded to her as soon as she pushed me out from the porch.
“She was there when he died, Harry.”
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
follow my adventures if you want ;)
Hope everyone’s having a good day or night!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 10
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Your POV
I was in the hospital for the annual charity bidding war. I always hated this but I had to do it since I owed the hospital a lot of money and doing this helped with that.
I pulled down my dress just enough that it didn’t show my breast completely. This tight black dress I found in Emma’s closet was either too short that my underwear almost showed or too low that my boobs would pop out.
I didn’t really tell Harry about it and I made my siblings promise me that they wouldn’t tell him either. Well, made Emma promise anyways, since Lorenzo and I were still not talking. After his drunken state last night, I could barely look at him earlier. I knew he felt bad about it though because he wasn’t his snarky self earlier today but I didn’t have time for that right now. I needed to concentrate on tonight and last thing I needed was for Harry to see me in this dress and for him to throw his money around again. I was already nervous enough being on stage and being looked at by people, not to mention I owed him a lot of money and people in town were already talking about us, and I just hated that, I hated being talked about.
“Hey.” Someone cuts my train of thoughts.
“Oh. Hey, Dani.” I say back to Daniel as soon as I turned around and saw him enter the ward.
“So guess who’s winning the date with you tonight.” He teases as he placed his hands inside his pocket and slowly walked towards me with a smirk on his lips.
“Dani, you need to stop spending money on this. You know you can’t afford it.”
“Why do you think I work so hard through out the year?” he teases and laughs.
“To help the kids in this hospital? That is what the charity is all about.”
“There’s that.” He says and had a sly smile on his face “Then there’s this.” He says and held on to my waist and I slowly push him away as I hugged myself and took a step back from him.
“Dani, we’ve been over this.”
“I know. But I figured, maybe five years would have been enough time for you to forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to forgive. You didn’t do anything wrong.” I say and walked away. I did not want to have this conversation with him again.
“Exactly, Y/N.” he raises his voice at me and grabbed me by my wrist. “You can’t keep on blaming me for what happened to your dad!”
“I don’t blame you for that, Daniel!” I shout back at him and removed his hand from my wrist.
“Yes you do! You always have and believe me I do feel bad about it too but you’ve connected it way too much! You’ve turned what was supposed to be the most beautiful memory between the both of us and turned it into this ugly thing. It wasn’t fair, Y/N. You know I was in lo…”
“I’m over this, Daniel. It happened so long ago. Let it go.” I cut him off and walked away again.
“It wasn’t my fault and it wasn’t your fault. Remember that!” He calls out to me “Stop punishing us for your dad’s death.”
I heard him say before the doors closed and the word death just kept on ringing in my ears and I had to concentrate hard on how hard he gripped on my wrist that it started hurting, because if I didn’t, I knew I would start crying.
Harry’s POV
I wondered why Y/N was acting weird the whole day. I thought that it was because of what had happened last night but she was acting extra fidgety and secretive than her usual self.
She left with Sofi before dinner and said they were going on a sister date, which was weird because she didn’t bring Emma with her, and not to mention, she didn’t like taking Sofia out at night. Something fishy was happening and thank God her siblings weren’t really good with secrets. As soon as she was out of the door I got Emma and Lorenzo to tell me what was happening.
“A charity ball. This can be fun.” I mischievously thought to myself.
I got to the hospital and Sofi and the other kids were on stage performing a song number and I looked around for Y/N but she was nowhere to be found.
I decided to record Sofi sing and as soon as she saw me she started waving her arms at me excitedly and I pretended to do a silly dance to the beat they were singing, which seemed to have made a bunch of them laugh.
After their number they were ushered back to the other side of the curtain and I give Sofi a flying kiss before continuing to look for her sister. As soon as I saw Y/N come out from a room, she immediately had smitten me again. I’ve never seen her dress like that before. I wouldn’t necessarily say I preferred her wearing clothes like that but I wasn’t opposed to it either. It just complimented her body perfectly. But to be honest, she looked perfect in my eyes whatever she wore.
I was about to come up to her but then I saw her eyebrows crunched together and she looked really furious as she massaged her right hand wrist and I wondered what was bothering her, until I saw Daniel come out of the same door after her and he pulls her to face him and she was saying something to him and they were obviously having an argument.
I had to admit, I had half a brain to come over there and pull them apart out of jealousy but I didn’t want to make a scene and I knew there was a reason why they were talking like that. To be honest, they looked like they were having a lovers quarrel and I hated that.
“What was this bloke up to?”
Y/N was saying something as Daniel continued to look at her but then she started looking around the room and as soon as she spotted me she stopped talking and gave me a smile and waved at me.
Although, I still found it sketchy, them talking like that, I smiled back at her and gave her a wave.
She walked towards me and she pushed me playfully, which made me laugh.
“Who squealed?”
“Who didn’t?” I teased back and she laughs a little.
“You understand why I didn’t tell you right?”
“Well, you’ll be forgiven if you give me a kiss.” I tease her as I pulled her by her waist towards me.
“Not here.” She giggles and my lips met her cheek instead.
“Fine. Back home.” I say and winked at her.
“Promise.” She says and smiles sweetly at me. I can never get over seeing her smile because of me or for me. I lived for it.
“So what were you guys talking about?” I ask her as we went through the buffet table and she helped me with my plate.
“Don’t play coy with me, missy. You know who.” I tease her to not make the situation too awkward. I didn’t want her to think I was acting like a jealous boyfriend.
“Right.” She says and looks up at me “It was nothing. Trust me.”
“I do.” I say back to her and stroked her back to reassure her. I really did trust her though. If she said it was nothing, then it was nothing.
We sat on a table far from everyone and I just started teasing her about what she was wearing. Even though I told her she looked beautiful I could tell she was self conscious so I lent her my coat to cover her up, which I didn’t mind at all as long as I got to see her in it.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the time you’ve all been waiting for is about to start in ten minutes. The bidding for the town’s most eligible ladies and men is about to start, so take out those check books and remember what you’re actually buying.” The host playfully says to the microphone and Y/N quickly looks at me nervously.
“You can’t go too crazy with this.” She says to me anxiously and I had to refrain myself from laughing at how adorable she looked.
“What do you mean?” I ask her coyly pretending to not know what she was talking about and just keeping my laughter to myself.
“If you have to.” She says and I could tell she was trying to think of a number that wasn’t too crazy but would still be helpful to the hospital. “Less than a thousand.”
“Less than a thousand what?” I ask her again playfully, enjoying every second of this. It was cute seeing her squirm like this, being so vulnerable.
“If you had to” she says again putting weight on the word had “You can bid up to a grand, but that’s a hard limit, Styles.” She says in an authoritative and bossy way.
“Now there’s my little Ms. Bossy.” I say to myself.
“Or else.” She adds in a threatening way clearly trying to show me how serious she was being right now.
I put my hand up to gesture defeat as I nod and couldn’t help but let out a little snicker.
“Good.” She says before turning away from me but I pull her right back to me, holding her by her waist.
“What? I don’t even get a goodbye kiss?” I tease her. “I mean, you expect me to throw a thousand dollars for this, I would have thought I could at least get a kiss from it.” I tease as I stroked the side of her waist.
She then gave me a sexy smile, a smile I love so much seeing and she leans her body a bit closer to mine as she brushed her fingers to my hair and pulled my head closer to hers, leaned in to me and just as I thought she was about to give me a kiss, she leans into my ear and whispers.
“It’s for charity you oaf.” She says and winks at me before walking away.
I was left there shaking my head and smirking at this beautiful woman that can both make my blood heat up so much that I could barely contain myself and the next moment just completely make me laugh. That little minx.
The bidding started and I check my e-mails and answered some messages as the emcee introduced some men and women first then I heard the crowd cheering. So I guess the next one was a crowd favorite.
“Next we have someone who knows a lot about food, so you know you’ll never go hungry, someone who knows how to handle kids and we know that’s always a plus. And for you gentleman out there who loves girls that knows more about cars than they do, the smart, the talented, the sexy, the ever so lovely Y/N Smith!”
I looked up just as the curtains parted and Y/N walks out wearing a sky blue dress that fitted her body perfectly, clinging to it like it was made specifically for her, the color perfectly complimenting the color of her skin and eyes. My jaw dropped and I was in awe. She looked better than beautiful, she looked absolutely perfect.
I then wondered what happened to her other dress but I didn’t care, this was better.
Bidding started and I was enjoying hearing her numbers go up as men tried to out bid each other. It was both fun and annoying seeing how many guys wanted to win her but I knew I was going to win so that didn’t really scare me.
“Four hundred dollars.” I then heard Daniel shout, the highest bid for the night, and I smirk and shook my head as I prepared to place in my bid for her. I knew it was petty and childish but I just wanted to out bid him.
“A grand.” I shout out from the cheering crowd and everyone’s head turns to where I was sitting and instead of cheers or welcoming smiles, which I was somewhat expecting, I got the complete opposite response. I couldn’t understand it, this was a charity and usually the bigger you bet the better it was, right?
I wasn’t planning to shoot up the bidding from four hundred to a thousand but Y/N told me I couldn’t bet more than that and I really did want to show up Daniel. I knew I could have added a couple of hundreds from that four but it was for charity and aside from winning a date with Y/N and showing up Daniel, I wanted to help out the kids in the hospital too.
I was feeling a bit awkward as I watched people looking at me and whispering to each other, I couldn’t understand what was happening at all.
“Generous fellow Mr. Styles is.” The emcee nervously says in a not so positive way. I didn’t care though since it still broke the silence and people weren’t looking at me anymore, which I was thankful for.
“Going once. Going twice.” The emcee says and before he hit the gavel, someone shouted a ridiculous amount of money from the back “I’m sorry? Who said that?” the emcee asks as we all looked around for the mystery bidder.
“Fuck. I know that voice.” I say to myself.
“I said, five thousand dollars.” The mystery bidder shouts out coolly again and I knew that voice sounded familiar.
I shook my head and smiled as I saw Niall walk in with one hand in his pocket and his other hand up in the air.
“Five grand alright then? Did I win?” he playfully and cockily says and winks at me, clearly trying to get me to outbid him.
“Seven thousa…” I say but stop myself when I saw Y/N scowling at me from the stage.
I couldn’t understand anything anymore. Niall was allowed to bid five thousand but I wasn’t? This charity bidding was really a different one from what I was used to, it was really messing with my head.
“Alright, if no one objects.” The emcee says and stole a glance at me clearly checking if I was going to outbid him but I just shook my head “Five thousand dollars for Y/N going once, going twice, and sold to Mr. Horan the biggest bid we had tonight. Thank you for all the generous donations and know that aside from the date the guys and girls who had won would be going to with these lovely ladies and gents, they too will be helping out the kids from our beloved hospital.” The emcee ended the program and everyone clapped.
Niall sat beside me and elbowed my side and we give each other a quick hug.
“Oy oy.” He says and laughed as I elbowed him on the rib.
“So he sends you then?”
“He had to send someone. You know you’re driving Jeff crazy right?” he says and laughs.
“Anyways, what the hell were you thinking bidding on my girl?” I teased him and pretended to look angry.
“Oh. She’s your girl now is she?” he teases back and laughs loudly, which got us stares from tables beside us and I smile at them apologetically. “Didn’t think you’d bow down so easily though.”
“Well, I wasn’t allowed to bid more.”
“Allowed?” he says back and threw his head back as he did that silly Irish laugh of his and I hit the back of his head as soon as I saw people looking at us again.
“Come on, mate. People are staring.” I say and laughed.
“I think it’s just because of how handsome I am.”
“I think so too.” I teased back “Anyways, I’ll pay for what you bid and no need to go on the date.” But then he shook his head and had a rascally smile on his face.
“I’m actually looking forward to my date with your girl.”
“What was this kid up to now?”
Guten tag!!! Will be going home soon. Will start uploading regularly then. :)
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
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Hope everyone’s having a lovely day or night!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Yes sorry 😯
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 9
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Harry’s POV
phone call
“You’ve got the part!” Jeff shouts from the speaker.
“What? I thought I had to audition for them again?”
“Well, they changed their mind. I knew they would. You’re perfect for this role, just perfect for it!” he says excitedly and when I heard I got it I too felt excited but then remembered I didn’t want to do it anymore.
“Oh man.” I say and scratched the back of my neck.
“No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Hell no, man. I know that sound. No, Harry! Just no!”
“I can’t do it anymore.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?” he says back and I knew he was getting angry with me but what could I do. I couldn’t be part of it anymore.
“Can you get me out of it please?”
“Listen, take time to think about it yah? You have until next week.”
“Alright.” I finally say to him just to end the conversation but I was pretty set into not doing it anymore.
We ended our call and I went back to the backyard and watched as everyone just went around setting up for the bonfire bbq we were about to have.
Going in to this I didn’t really think I would hurt anyone or that it was such a big deal. I just thought that I’d do a movie about one of my favorite artist and it would be just that. I was excited about it even. Imagine, portraying your childhood idol, what more could you ask for? Going into this town I thought that I’d just immerse myself with his character.
“I didn’t think I was going to be this involved with it though.” I think to myself as I watched Y/N spin Sofia around playfully.
“Are you going to just stand there or help out?” Lorenzo calls out to me teasingly and I shook my head and laughed before I jogged to where he was and helped him set up the grill.
“Story time!” Sofi shouts and jumps up Y/N’s lap after all of us had a fill of food and was gathered around the bonfire we set up earlier.
“What story do you want to hear, Sofi?” Emma asks her little sister sweetly and Sofia looked up and bit her lower lip ever so cutely.
“I want the story Momma and Poppa first met.” She says excitedly and I saw Y/N’s face turn sour.
She obviously didn’t like talking about her parents and after all of the stories I heard from people I couldn’t really blame her. But she doesn’t contest it as Emma started telling the story probably because she knew her little sister didn’t experience all those bad times she had, so she was probably trying to protect her parents image in her sister’s eyes.
I knew the story of how Frankie and Isabella met. He was famous, so it was just obvious that people were curious about it. I never heard it through their perspective though.
Isabella’s POV
I saw him looking at me from across the room, I knew who he was and it shot me through the roof thinking that he was actually interested in me.
I pretended to not see him and just kept on dancing with my friends, I had to admit though, I was putting a little bit of a show for him.
I turned around again and saw that he wasn’t in their area anymore. I looked around the club to see where he was but no luck. I figured he must have left, until I felt a hand hold me from the back.
“Hey.” His soft raspy voice whispers to my ear blocking out the noise from the club.
“Hey.” I say back as I turned around and those piercing green eyes just captivated me.
“I’m Frankie.”
“Yes.” I say and smirked at him.
“I am too. Well half.”
“I know.”
“Cool.” I answered him back and from there it was just a whirlwind of chaotic, thrilling, mind blowing adventure.
Never in my dreams did I ever think I’d be this close with the Frankie Smith.
Harry’s POV
“Alright. That’s enough now. Time for bed.” Y/N says, which caught Emma off and I saw her role her eyes and shake her head.
“Come on, bug.” Y/N says as she carried Sofia back to the house.
“But I’m not sleepy.” Sofia says with her eyes closed and her head on Y/N’s shoulder.
“She doesn’t like talking about them.” Emma says and I turned my head back at her and cocked my head to the side.
“Because she hates her.” Lorenzo hissed and chugged the entirety of his beer can before crushing it and throwing it to the side then opened a new one.
“Why does she hate her?”
“Because she’s a daddy’s girl and she blames our mom for everything that ever happened to us.” He scoffs again and did the same thing with his beer just like the last time before opening a new one.
I knew he was getting a bit drunk now.
“She blames her for everything.” He says with his voice higher now. “But it wasn’t her fault. It was his!”
“Enzo.” Emma warns him.
“No. No. He has to hear this. He’s playing him in a movie right? He should know the real him. He should know how fucked up he is. He should know how he chased away the only woman that ever loved us!”
“Lorenzo!” Emma shouts at him this time.
“What? You don’t know. You were too young! But I do. I know. I saw everything! I’m so tired of people thinking he was some kind of a God. He wasn’t! If anyone deserved an award it was my Mom!”
“Lorenzo, please.” Emma pleaded to her older brother as he stumbled around and she was trying to get him to sit as a couple of tears escaped from her eyes. “Enough.”
“No!” he shouts again and stood up as he wobbled around the fire “I don’t care. It’s true. She left because of him because he wasn’t man enough! He made her leave us then he just killed himself leaving us too!”
“Lorenzo!” A voice from my back shouts and I slowly turn around and saw Y/N with her eyes really big filling up with tears, her fist clenched into a fist by her side shaking as she angrily looked at her little brother.
Sorry for such a short chapter but I figured I should update and I was sort of in a rush today. Anyways, hope you lovelies still like it though :)
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Gute Nacht!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 8
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Harry’s POV
I woke up the next morning and the first thing I saw was Y/N’s sleeping face, and I couldn’t help but have a smile on my face.
We haven’t been together for long but it felt like it, in a good way. There was no awkward getting to know each other phase. There wasn’t that honeymoon stage where you knew what came after that was either breaking up or staying together, we actually moved passed those and just went straight to being together. I loved how I felt whenever I was around her. I loved how she made me feel. I even loved how much I felt like part of their family. They weren’t really my family but they treated me like I was. I quickly became part of the household’s routine and I guess that’s what draw me into their family above everything else.
I heard Y/N mumbling a little in her sleep, which meant she was already doing her checklist in her head before she had to fully wake up. It was cute seeing her do those but it made me feel sad too, because I felt so useless. I wanted to ease her load but she wouldn’t fully allow me.
I planted a small gentle kiss on her cheek, not really wanting to wake her up, before I jumped up the bed and started making breakfast downstairs.
I just finished making a fresh pot of coffee when I heard a knock on the door.
“Oh hey. Good morning.” I say to Daniel and he just looked at me stunned as I opened the screen door.
“Yeah. Hey.” He says as he cautiously walked in the house. “Is Y/N here?”
“She’s still sleeping but if you want to wait for her I just made breakfast.” I say and offered him some.
“Right. Right.” He says cautiously as he looked around probably thinking I did something bad to the family. “So are you living here?” he asks me as I hand him a cup of coffee and I nodded my head.
“Yeah. Couple of months now.” I say and smiled back at him before taking a sip from my own cup.
“So you and Y/N are…” he says and I just nodded my head, which seemed to make him angry.
He quickly stood up and I did the same thing. I then saw him clench his fist and I knew he wanted to punch me, but what for?
“Dani!” Lorenzo then excitedly shouted as soon as he saw Daniel and they gave each other a quick hug. “Oh man! What are you doing here?”
“I was just dropping off your sister’s car for her.” He says and I remembered Y/N brought her car in for a checking the other day.
He didn’t really have to bring it up here to her but I guess he wanted an excuse to see her.
“Awesome. Haven’t seen you for a long time man.”
“I know. Sorry. I thought maybe I could start visiting again but I guess you guys have a full house now huh?” he says back to Lorenzo in a joking matter but I knew he was trying to take a jab at me, didn’t bother me though.
“Anyways man.” He says and he and Lorenzo did this handshake thing before giving each other a hug again, which sort of made me a bit jealous that we didn’t have that. “I have to go back to the shop but I’ll talk to you soon. Ya?”
“Of course.” Lorenzo answers back excitedly. It was obvious that he had a special bond and liking towards this guy, which made me even more curious at what relationship did he really have with Y/N’s family and Y/N for that matter. “Pass by the field sometime and we can kick some balls.”
“Definitely man.” He says before opening the door. “Oh and can I talk to you outside?” he says back to me and I nod my head.
As soon as I got out of the house, I was preparing myself to have a fight with Daniel. I knew he wanted it, I didn’t since I didn’t want the family to see us fighting but if he threw the first punch I certainly wouldn’t back down.
“Listen, I..” I say but then he cuts me off by putting up his hand.
“I don’t want any trouble. If you and Y/N are together then that’s that. But if I find out that you hurt her or make her cry, even if just one drop of tear come out from her eyes I’ll hunt you down and make you pay for it. Do you understand?”
I couldn’t understand why everyone was so quick to assume that I was going to hurt Y/N. I mean, it was nice to see how many people looked out and cared for her but this was crazy. I was getting threats from left and right. I understood though, it wasn’t hard not to fall in love with her. May it be romantically or in a friendly way, she seemed to hook you in.
I then saw her sleepily walking down the staircase and before she got to the last step she yawned, stretched and gave herself a little shake before plastering a big smile on her face and greeted everyone in the kitchen.
“Yup, it’s not so hard falling in love with her.”
Your POV
I was driving my car to the diner and I really loved having my baby back. Harry’s been driving for me while my baby was in the shop for her annual check up and I always hated that. I loved my car and she was already part of the family, so whenever I didn’t have her with me I felt like there was a hole inside of me.
“What are you thinking about?” Harry asks me from the passenger seat and I just gave him a smile.
“How happy I am to have my baby back.” I say and stroked the steering wheel.
“Aw. I never left.” He teases and gives me a peck on the cheek, which made me laugh.
“Not you silly. My car.” I say and just felt really happy, enjoying how it felt between my hands, how the engine roared, and how good it felt driving my car again.
“Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” I say and laughed.
“Why do you love this car so much?”
“Because we’ve been through so much.” I say and couldn’t help but smile remembering all the crazy adventures we had together. Even during my worst days, it always comforted me knowing that my car could take me away from everything.
“Who gave it to you?”
“My dad.”
“Oh.” He says and I could tell he was feeling a bit awkward now. He shouldn’t though. This car brought good memories I had with my dad.
“When I was younger the only way for me to fall asleep was when my dad drove around town with me in the backseat.” I say and let out a little laugh remembering all the good times we drove around town and especially remembering the very first time he finally allowed me to sit on the front seat but filled me with so much pillows for what he said was extra protection that I could hardly breathe and see from them, but I didn’t care though, I felt like a grown up being on the passenger seat with my dad driving his nineteen sixty nine boss four two nine mustang. Yes, I knew a lot about vintage cars even at a young age because of how much my dad loved them.
“I’d use to watch him in the garage all the time tinkering with vintage cars he and uncle Johnny fixed up. It was just the best thing ever. They’d even allow me to help out. At the age of four I knew every single tool used in a car.” I say and Harry just looked in awe, which was funny.
“One day he comes in with this bad ass nineteen fifty six Cadillac and I was just in love. It was disassembled and I begged him to allow me to work on it with him. It was my dream car and to be able to work and be up close to it at the age of fifteen was a dream come true for me. Can you guess what happened next?” I say and laughed.
“He gave you the car for your sixteenth birthday?” he says and I laughed again.
“Yup. He surprised me with it. He got it still running well but he decided to take it apart to teach me how to take care of it and I did. I know every single inch of my baby from top to bottom. He and I used to take a drive to the city every Sunday and that was even before I even had a proper license. Whenever we would get caught he’d use his charm on the policeman and it worked every single time.” I say and we both laughed.
“You really love this car don’t you?”
“Yeah. I love him a lot.” I say back pertaining to my dad.
Harry’s POV
On the way to work, Y/N gave me a little glimpse of her past with her dad and although I was here to research about him, I didn’t really asked their family directly. I just felt like there was this public Frankie that people thought they knew about and then there was the private one, and the private one deserved to stay private between him and his family.
But hearing the story from Y/N it just gave me a whole new perspective and understanding into why she was like this and how he was with them. I would always keep that story with me.
“I thought you were here to research about my dad?” Y/N says to me which brought me out from my thoughts as she leaned on the counter.
“I am.” I say and laughed a little.
“I don’t see you talking to people, mister.”
“You’re my research.” I say back and kissed her.
“Not here. Johnny might see.” She giggles as she pushed me a little.
“You know Emma already knows and Sofi and Lorenzo aren’t stupid for sure they know as well. So why not just tell everyone?”
“Cause he’ll kill you if he finds out.” She says and laughs and as soon as she did Johnny pops his head in.
“Harry, meet me at the back for a minute.”
“Yes, sir.” I quickly say as I shot up from my seat, which made Y/N laugh.
“Well, it was nice while it lasted I guess.” She teases as I walked pass her and dropped my head down.
I got to the back lot and saw Johnny smoking a cigar leaning on a nineteen sixty-nine Chevrolet Camaro. “Did everyone here just owned awesome vintage cars?” I think to myself.
“Nice car.” I say as I gawked on it a little.
“Thanks.” He says and I remembered why I was out there. I stood a couple of feet from him just in case I needed to run for my life or something, it was good to keep a good distance. “Want one?”
I shook my head and was about to say no but then I saw his face and I quick changed the no into a yes as I nodded my head “Yes, sir.”
He gave me a cigar and opened the hood of his car as I tried my best to light the damn cigar. I never really liked the taste of this. I tried before and never really got back into doing it again, but I felt like I was talking to Y/N’s dad and just had to accept everything he gave me.
“You can take a look at it if you want.” He says and I was thankful for the distraction so I didn’t really have to smoke the cigar.
“I really like the engine. You set it up yourself?”
He nods his head before closing the hood again “Worked on it with Y/N and her dad.”
“Right.” I say remembering what Y/N told me earlier, how she used to work on cars with her dad and uncle.
“So what are your plans with her?”
“Plans, sir?”
“Come on, boy. You know what I mean.”
“Oh. Right. I don’t know. We’re going to figure it out. I guess. I told her I could come up every time I can during breaks from work.”
“So she’s still staying here?”
“Yes, sir.” I answer him back and thought that’s what he wanted to hear until he shook his head and looked really disappointed.
“I thought you’d finally be the one.” He says before killing his cigar and walked back in but before he could I stopped him.
“The one to do what, sir?”
“Give her the life she deserves.”
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
follow my adventures if you want ;)
Grazi Mille to all of you lovely readers! :)
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Hi babe, are all your stories in your masterlist? Xx
Hey you :) yes they are except for this new one but I'll set it up as soon as I get back home. Hope you're having a lovely day or night! xx
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 7
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Your POV
I had to go to the hospital really early today since I’ve been trying to collect more credit for whenever Sofia would ever need it again. I didn’t really want a repeat of the last time we were there and I almost wasn’t able to pay for her medical bill.
“Twenty dollars for water. Sixty-seven for electricity. Mortgage, hospital bills, groceries, allowance, telephone bill..” I was doing my daily checklist in my head when I was literally pulled away from my thoughts by Harry.
“What are you mumbling about?” he sheepishly asks me with his eyes still closed as he pulled me towards him and wrapped me around his arms.
“Go back to sleep. It’s still way too early.” I say and turned around to face him.
Our faces were literally just an inch from each other and I couldn’t help but marvel at how beautiful he looked. He looked different from when he was awake. Awake he was this charismatic manly strong and confident man, but asleep he looked like a little kid.
“Then why are you awake?” he asks me still half asleep with his sexy raspy voice.
“I have to go to the hospital.” I whisper to him and started caressing his earlobe to make him go back to sleep and he yawns.
“Okay. I’ll drive you.” he says and yawns again and tried to get up with his eyes still closed.
He looked like a child needing to go to school and not wanting to wake up still, which was adorable, so I pulled him back to bed.
“No. I’m fine. Go back to sleep.” I say and he wraps his arms around me again, pulling me close.
“Let me make you breakfast then before you go.”
“It’s four in the morning.” I say softly and giggled, which made him open his eyes.
“Four?” he asks and I nod my head “No. Don’t leave then.” He says and frowns and I put my hand on his cheek.
“I need to.”
“No you don’t.” he says and holds me tighter. “I’m not letting go.” He playfully says, which made me laugh again.
“Go back to sleep.” I say and kissed his cheek before standing up and brushing my teeth and changing my clothes.
When I got out of the bathroom I saw him dressed too and sitting on the edge of the bed, slouching with his eyes clothes.
“Go back to sleep. You know you’re not allowed to follow me around the hospital.” I say to him as I gently lay him back on the bed and before I could move away he pull me on top of him.
“I’ll take care of them for you.”
“I know.” I say back to him and kissed his cheek before standing up.
From the doorframe, I looked back at him and couldn’t help but smile at how happy I was right now. “I can’t wait to see you tonight.” I say back to my bed as I tied my hair into a bun, which used to be an empty one but this time, I actually said it to someone.
Harry’s POV
I woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face. Remembering the moment Y/N and I shared our first kiss out on their porch. I was completely caught off guard with it. I honestly thought me liking her was a one-way thing, but surprisingly; she was the one who first kissed me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that feeling and moment.
I turned to my side and felt sad when I didn’t see her lying beside me but then I remembered she went to the hospital earlier, because she said she was still collecting credit for Sofi’s bills. I almost told her that I’ve been putting money in her account but good thing I wasn’t that groggy earlier, cause for sure we’ll be having our first fight if I did.
I got up from bed and checked at Sofi and saw that she was still sound asleep, so I went downstairs and started making breakfast for everyone.
As the bacons fried I quickly set up the table and right after made a fresh pot of coffee, before putting bread in the toaster.
I turned around to put the cooked bacon on the table when I was surprised to see Emma sitting there looking at me.
“Oh hey. You scared me.” I laughed as I put down the plate.
“Hey.” She says with an attitude and I wondered what was wrong. She used to be more happy whenever we talked but now she just looked at me like I did something wrong.
“Hungry?” I asked her with a smile as I placed the toasted breads on the table but she doesn’t answer me.
“Oh. I forgot to ask you, did you get the part? How did it go yesterday?” I asked her to make conversation as I made scrambled eggs but she still doesn’t answer me.
As soon as I finished the eggs I sat in front of her and gave her a smile as we did a sort of staring contest.
“What are you playing at?” I tease her and she raises her eyebrows.
“What happened last night?” she simply says and my throat fell to my stomach.
I didn’t know if Y/N wanted her siblings to find out about us just yet, so I didn’t really know what to say.
“What do you mean?” I ask her pretending to not know what she meant.
“You do know the walls are thin right?” she says and just like that I wanted to crawl under the table and disappear forever, I didn’t know what to say.
I wasn’t going to play dumb though. I knew Emma had a little thing for me, but she was just way too young, and I really like her sister. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I knew I had to tell her about her sister and I.
“So, Y/N and I are together now.”
“I figured.”
“How does that make you feel?” I ask her like a shrink, because honestly, I didn’t know how else to handle this situation.
“I’m not a baby, Harry. If you think I’m going to throw a fit just because you’re with my sister I’m not. I’m just warning you. If you ever hurt her, I will destroy you. Not just your career but you, you as a person, I’ll destroy you literally.” She says with a serious face so I had to stop myself from smiling at how adorable she was being right now.
“Why do you think I’ll hurt your sister?”
“Because you will.” She says and she looked like she was sure of that “She may seem tough and strong on the outside but in reality she’s a softie. She didn’t used to be like this. I remember when we were younger she used to be such a free spirit I looked up to her. She would laugh all the time and she cried so easily, he heart is just so pure that there was no in-between. She’d laugh at the silliest joke and cry at the simplest things like if she sees someone crying she’ll cry with them feeling their emotion. She was a people person and everyone loved her. But ever since..” she says but then stops.
“Ever since what?” I ask curiously.
“Basically what I’m saying is behind all that tough exterior she puts up, she’s still that soft person inside, and that’s how I know you’ll break her heart someday.”
I always knew that they loved Y/N but they never really showed it. Honestly, I didn’t like how they treated her, so her being all protective towards her sister right now was a bit of a shock to me. I liked it though.
“I won’t hurt her.” I say and smiled at her.
“You better not.” She says and I smile at her again, reassuring her.
I can never imagine myself hurting Y/N. In fact, I was sure that she was the one who was going to hurt me in the future but I didn’t want to think about that just yet. Our relationship was so new, not even a day even, and I just wanted to bask in the glow of it as long as I could.
“Hey.” Lorenzo then says as he came in the kitchen.
“Hey man. Good morning.” I say and he gives me a quick smile as he took out the orange juice from the refrigerator.
“What’s happening here?” he asks, clearly aware of the tension in the room.
“Nothing.” Emma says as she stood up and before she waked away she looked at me again. “And I lied about the thin walls.” She says before walking out.
I was glad she was just messing with me when she said that because I would have died out of embarrassment.
“Thin walls? What is she talking about?” Lorenzo asks as he started stuffing his mouth with bacon and I just smiled and shrugged my shoulder.
I handled Emma, it was Y/N’s turn to tell Lorenzo. I think to myself and laughed.
“Good morning.” a small voice says from the door rame and I stood up and walked towards her.
“Hey Sofiwofi.” I say and kissed her cheek as I carried her to her seat. “Hungry?” I asked and she nods her head with her eyes closed and as soon as I sat her down she drops her head on the table and continued sleeping. Adorable.
I then started making her prepared meal, which I got a chef friend of mine to prepare for her with the restrictions from the hospital. Sofi said she didn’t like the food the hospital made so I got a chef friend of mine to make pre made meals for her and delivered here, with the consent of the hospital though.
“I love my food now.” Sofi says as I fed her her food with her eyes still closed.
“You do?” I ask happily and she nods her head as she chewed.
“I want to make a drawing for Zack. Can you go with me to give it to him?” she asks me and I cock my head to the side questioningly.
“Okay. But why do you want to make him a drawing?”
“Cause he’s been making my food taste extra yummy.” She says as she continued eating.
Zack was the guy who made the food in the hospital and I remembered that I haven’t told anyone, aside from the hospital staff, about me having Sofi’s food being specially made.
“Hey everyone.” I heard Y/N’s voice as she closed the front door, which caught me by surprise. She wasn’t supposed to be home until tonight.
“Hey. What are you doing home so early?” I ask her as I walk towards her and was about to kiss her cheek when she moved away and pretended like I wasn’t about to do what I was just about to do.
“What’s happening?” I ask myself.
“Hi my little bug.” She says cheerfully and kissed Sofi’s cheek.
“Moning.” She says to Lorenzo as she passed him by and stroked his cheek.
“You came from the hospital?” he asks her and she nods her head from the coffee cup as she took a sip. “Why are you home so early then?”
“Strangest thing. I checked my balance there and apparently I could afford to go home earlier today.” She says and I quickly swallowed.
“Oh no. She found out what I did. How do I explain this?” I started panicking in my head as I tried to act busy in the kitchen, scared to look her directly in her eyes and get caught.
“Yeah, so I guess I’ve been logging in more hours than I thought I was.” She says and I felt a wave of relief hit my body.
“Whew. Good thing she has no idea.” I think to myself.
“Breakfast?” I ask her cheerfully as I turned around and handed her a plate.
“Thanks.” She says and smiles at me and that just melted me completely.
I really liked seeing her smile, especially if it were for and because of me.
They all started talking about random stuff and laughing. I just leaned on the counter as I watched them. They weren’t a perfect family in the sense that they had so much problems and issues, they were just so chaotic, but in a way that’s what made them perfect too. Their imperfections just meshed well together that made it all work. They fight a lot and you could tell that everyone was trying to act older than they actually were, going through life figuring out where they belonged without guidance from their parents, but when they moments like this, moments where they don’t talk about money or any other responsibility, and just lets loose. You’ll see a glimpse of their childhood and these moments were just beautiful to look at, so pure, so innocent, and so real.
Harry’s POV
I was driving Y/N to the auto repair shop after she took a quick nap after breakfast and we were playing truth or dare in the car.
“Truth or dare?” I ask her as I changed gears then continued holding her hand on her lap.
“Hm… Dare.”
“I dare you to kiss me.” I tease her and had a mischievous smile on my face as I continued to look straight on the road but in my peripheral vision I could see her raising her eyebrow at me.
She then lets go of my hand and I quickly looked to the side at her and saw her moving slowly towards me and my heart just started beating really fast. She then slowly placed one hand on my shoulder and her other on my thigh.
“What are you doing?” I laugh nervously as I kept my eyes on the road.
She didn’t say anything but just cocked her head to the side and leaned in to kiss me on the lips but then she stops and quickly kissed my cheek before sitting back down and laughing her head off.
“You little tease.” I say to her as I shook my head and laughed with her.
“Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” I answer her back and held her hand again. I loved how her fingers fitted the gaps between mine. There were no awkward spaces, it wasn’t close enough that the inside felt hot, it was just the right size.
“When are you going back to LA?” she asks me softly and I quickly glance at her and saw she wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Why? Do you want to go with me?” I tease her to ease the tension.
I actually thought we’d have a couple of days or if we were lucky even weeks before we had to have the talk but no. Not even a whole day.
“So it’s that soon?” she completely ignores my effort to not make this conversation so serious.
“Next month. I have to do my final audition then after that two or three months free before I go into filming for half a year.” I say and her hold on my hand loosens a little so I hold on to it tighter “Hey. We’ll be fine. If you don’t want to go with me to LA after a month I can come back here then I can stay here until they call me up to film.”
“Then it’s half a year of you gone again.”
“Well, you know you could visit me and I can go back here back and forth in between filming whenever I can.”
“You know I can’t leave my family.”
“They can go with you.” I say excitedly and really did feel thrilled at the thought of everyone on set with me, to share that experience with them.
“Harry.” She says and lets go of my hand. I parked the car on the side of the rode for a minute, cause this conversation needed my full attention. We were so new but why did it felt like we’ve been struggling to hold on to this relationship for so long.
“You can’t bring them to set with you.” she says softly and looked down on her lap.
“Why not?” I say back to her and pulled up her chin to face me “They’ll have fun. Lorenzo’s going to hit on the girls from the set. Emma will love it for sure since it’s movies. And Sofi’s loves everything and if you’re worried about her sickness, she’ll be fine there. She’ll have more medical attention there than what she gets here.” I say and quickly regretted saying the last part when I saw Y/N’s face turn angry.
“Oh shit.” I think to myself.
She got out of the car and slammed the door shut before she walked on the side of the rode.
“Oh geez.” I say to myself as I turned off the engine and jogged towards her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What did you mean then?” she shouts back at me.
“I’m just saying that you don’t have to worry about Sofi there.”
“No! You’re saying I can’t give the best medical attention I can give to my sister! But I am! Doctor Ben know’s Sofi’s case since she was a little baby! Yes, this is a small town and yes, their facility isn’t that great but it’s what Sofi responds to and I’m not taking that away from her and you won’t make me feel bad for only being able to provide that for her.” She says and air quoted the word only.
“God. That’s not what I was trying to say at all.” I think to myself as I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my node.
“That’s not what I was saying, Y/N.” I say but she just turns away and walked away but then I pulled her back to me, holding her body close to mine with my hands wrapped around her waist. “Why are you so angry at me all of a sudden huh?” I ask softly from the top of her head where I leaved my head.
“Cause you’re looking down at me.” she says softly this time and I was just happy she wasn’t shouting anymore but she sounded like she was crying.
I pulled her to face me and saw that she was tearing up a little so I hugged her tight again.
“I wasn’t looking down at you at all. You have to stop thinking that. I think you’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met in my life. Everything you’re doing for your family is something I’m very proud of. You’re so much stronger than you think you are and you deserve all praises for what you’re doing.” I say and she looks up at me.
“One of the strongest?” she teases with a small smile on her face and I smiled back and wiped the tears from her eyes and cupped her face with my hands.
“Top three without a doubt.” I teased her back and she frowns at me.
“Who’s the other two?”
“My mum and sister.” I say and laughed.
We walked back to the car hand in hand and I opened the passenger door for her before going to the driver’s side and drove off.
“You know I still can’t bring them to set with you though.” She says and I quickly glanced at her and nodded my head.
I wanted to share the experience with them since I did feel like part of their family too, but if Y/N didn’t want to then I wouldn’t force her and I’ll make us work some other way.
“It’s not because I don’t want us to be there for you but I don’t think it’s a good idea for them to see our dad’s life being brought to life. You know what I mean?” she says softly to me and I didn’t even think about that.
I felt so stupid thinking she was exaggerating at first but she was right. How could I have been so daft? I didn’t even think about how this movie was going to affect their family.
Just like that, I wasn’t so sure about doing this movie anymore.
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
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Ciao! Hope everyone’s having a lovely awesome day or night whichever part of the world you are in!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 6
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Your POV
Harry, Emma and I got home so late last night that I barely had any time to sleep. I was so tired that I actually skipped half of my hours in the hospital to sleep in a little bit more. I even wanted to skip the shop today but I needed the money and I already owed Johnny a lot, least I could do was show up to work. As soon as I finished in the car shop I went straight to the diner and just decided to load myself with coffee and just take a nap during my break.
As soon as I got to the diner I was shocked to see Harry there waving at me excitedly like we didn’t just see each other earlier this morning.’
“What are you doing here? I thought you were bringing Sofia to ballet?”
“I did.” He says with a smile on his face.
“Oh. Right.” I say as I checked my watch and he was right.
“So what are you doing here?”
“Just thought I’d hang out for a bit.” He says with a sweet smile on his face before he took a sip from his coffee and placed it down, and as soon as he did I grabbed it from him and finished it.
“Thanks.” I say before walking away.
He’s been staying with us for so long that something like that was normal with us now. He was really like part of our family.
“Don’t forget you need to fetch Sofia after ballet. You promised her this morning.” he calls out to me and I mentally hit my forehead.
“I totally forgot about that.” I say to myself but say a different thing. “I know.” I say back to him arrogantly.
There were a lot more people in the diner today than usual, and a part of me wondered if it was because of Harry. It could be, since the increase from drunken middle aged men turned into flocks of teenage girls.
I was happy for Johnny since it meant more cash going in the diner but I already was as tired as I could be and my brain was just basically shutting down. I needed sleep so bad that I kept on messing up orders, which I barely do for all the years I’ve worked here.
“Y/N, time for your break.” Johnny peers in the kitchen window and I checked my watch and shook my head.
“I actually have an hour left.”
“Go on your break, sweetheart. You’re causing me more money that you’re making me.” he teases me and winks and I just smile at him.
I knew Johnny was just teasing and just said that so I’d get rest because he knew if he asked me to go home I’d just refuse. Still, I was thankful for the early hour though.
“Oh hey Johnny. I need to get off early, I promised Sofia I’d fetch her. She has a party or something in the studio with her friends.”
“No problem.” He says with a smile on his face.
“So blessed and lucky to have you.” I say to him in my head because I really was.
I go out of the parking lot and decided to sleep in my car before my break was over, but as soon as I pulled down my chair a knock on my window.
“What are you doing?” Harry asks and laughs a little and I just cover my eyes with my arm as I prepared to sleep.
“What do you think?”
“I think you’re skipping work.”
“No I’m not. Boss man said I can.”
“Want me to wake you?” he asks and I couldn’t believe how sweet he was being.
“In an hour.” I say in a monotone voice. I didn’t want him to know how nice I thought he was being.
“Okay.” He says back and I felt him cover me with something and I peeped and saw that he covered me with his jacket.
Harry then walks back to the diner and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched him.
Your POV
I woke up with my phone ringing and saw that it was my brother calling.
phone call
“Where did you leave my money?” Lorenzo asks me.
“What money?” I yawned and stretched, as I was still half asleep.
“I told you earlier that I’m going out with the guys and you said you’d leave money for me.”
“Oh gosh. I’m sorry. I totally forgot.” I say and I heard him moan. My head was all over the place today.
“What do I do then? I have no money.”
“You have allowance, Lorenzo. That’s why I give them to you.”
“They barely cover my lunch!” he defends and I closed my eyes and laid back down as I sighed.
“Get a ten from the jar under the sink. Just a ten, Lorenzo.” I threaten him.
“Y/N.” he moans again.
“Just. A. Ten.” I emphasize.
“Fine.” he says and drops the call and I shook my head.
I covered my eyes with my arm and was about to fall asleep again but then I checked my phone and saw that I was two hours late.
“What the hell!” I jump out of the car and rushed to the diner as I tied my hair back.
As soon as I got in the diner I saw Harry wiping down the counter with my apron on and as soon as he saw me he had the biggest smile on his lips.
I stomped towards him, fuming and just really mad at him for not waking me up after he said he would.
“I thought you said you’d wake me up?” I angrily say under my voice and he was taken aback and his smile quickly turned into a frown.
“I’m sorry. I just thought you needed extra time to sleep.
“It wasn’t for you to decide was it?” I scoff back at him and rolled my eyes and he just looked like a little kid being scolded at. “Give me back my apron.”
“I really am sorry. I thought I was helping.” He says as he unwrapped my apron from his waist and handed it to me and I hastily took it from him.
“Well, you’re not!” I say and turned my back at him but quickly faced him again “Now leave.”
He looks at me looking really sad as if I just told him the worst news in the world. I did feel bad but I needed him to stop doing things for me and making me feel like I could rely on him. I needed him to stop saying nice things to me, making me like him. Most of all, I needed him gone, because I knew he wasn’t going to stick around for long.
He left the diner and even before he did, the crowd inside wasn’t much anymore so there wasn’t really much work to do.
“You okay?” Johnny says to me as I wiped the counter clean.
“Heard the little fight you had with that boy awhile ago.”
“It was nothing.” I defensively say back.
“Didn’t look like nothing.” He says with a small smile on the corner of his mouth.
“I know where you’re going with this, Johnny. No, there’s nothing going on between us.” I say and pretended to be busy refilling the condiments, but as everything else it appeared like Harry did that for me already too. There was really nothing left for me to do anymore. That boy did everything I did for a whole shift in two hours, how was that even possible.
“I’m just saying, Y/N. I think you should give him a chance.” He says and smiles at me and I quickly look at him.
“Don’t tell me he got to you too, Johnny.” I tease him to erase the uneasiness I was feeling right now talking about Harry.
“He really does seem like he has good intentions, and for a guy to do everything he did awhile ago and still stick around, I think that’s a good enough sign.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well..” he says and laughed mischievously. “I sort of hazed him awhile ago.”
“You what?” I say with a smile on my face and was holding back laughing.
“Check under the tables, no gum whatsoever.” He says and winks at me.
“No way!” I say in amazement and checked the nearest table, sparkly clean, almost brand new. “You didn’t.” I say and laughed.
“I did yeah.” he says and nodded his head. “He even did a good job waitressing. If you don’t give him a chance, I’m actually thinking of replacing you with him. A better waitress and all.” he says and winks at me, which made me laugh.
“You love me too much to do that.” I tease back, which made him laugh in return.
“You’re right.” He says with a small smile on his face. “But seriously though. You’re still young Y/N. Give yourself memories. You’re too young to be this old.”
He was right. I have been acting older than I actually was, but it was only because I had three siblings to take care of. If I acted my age then what will happen to us? What will happen to them? But he was still right, I did need to act my age, even for just a little bit.
“I actually thought he was covering for you because you left to fetch Sofi. I didn’t think you were just sleeping in your car. Still was a nice thing for him to do though.” Johnny says and then it hit me.
“Oh God. Sofia.”
Your POV
As soon as Johnny reminded me of Sofia I was just punishing myself for forgetting to fetch her and prayed she was still in the studio safe and sound with her little friends.
“I can’t believe you’re this stupid!” I shout to myself as I sped to the studio.
As soon as I got there I saw that it was already closed and no lights were in sight and I just started panicking even more.
“Oh God Sofia where are you?” I whisper to myself as I pushed back tears and tried to figure out where she was.
I quickly got back in the car and took my phone out but saw that I didn’t have battery anymore.
“Fuck!” I shout out of frustration and I just started driving around town looking for her and praying nothing bad has happened.
It was a relatively small town so there wasn’t really much place she could go to, and she knew where the diner was, and she knew I would be there, so if she was on her own she’d just go there or her teacher would bring her to me, but she didn’t go there and no one brought her to me, which meant, someone picked her up.
As soon as that thought entered my mind I quickly drove home and prayed that Emma or Lorenzo picked her up.
“Calm down, Y/N.” I tried to reassure myself.
Everyone in town knew each other and they love Sofi, so no one would really harm her. That was the thought I kept on playing in my head in fear for the alternative.
As soon as I got home my heart dropped as soon as I saw Harry and Sofia playing on the porch swing.
I hastily parked my car, just feeling really relieved to see my sister safe and sound and I run towards them.
Harry’s POV
After Y/N kicked me out of the diner, before I could tell her it was time to fetch Sofia. I just decided to pick her up myself, good thing too, because as soon as I got there Sofia was the last child waiting there with her teacher.
“Hey Sofi.” I say as I exited my car and she quickly ran towards me and gave me a hug.
“I thought you guys forgot about me.” she says from my arms.
“What?” I say and pulled her to face me “You? Never!” I say and winked at her and she finally smiles.
“Where’s Y/N?” she asks and looks over me for her.
“Oh. She wanted to be here but I begged her, just begged her really hard if I could fetch you instead.” I lied to her. I felt bad lying to this sweet innocent child but I didn’t want her to think her sister forgot about her.
“Oh. Why?”
“Because I wanted to get ice cream with you.” I say and hold her small hands. I loved holding Sofi’s hands. They felt so soft and they just fitted perfectly into mine.
“We’re getting ice cream?” she asks in excitement. “I’m allowed?”
“Of course you are! We’re going to the hospital now and getting you some.”
“Oh.” She says and frowns.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t like the ice cream there.”
“I actually have to go. Do you have her?” Sofi’s elderly teacher cuts in and I smiled at her and nodded my head.
I wasn’t a stranger to them anymore. I’d go with Y/N or Emma, and even Lorenzo sometimes to fetch Sofi and I’ve been to all her recitals and some of her classes whenever I can ever since I got here.
“Okay then. Where do you want to get ice cream?” I ask her when I felt her pull on my hand.
“JP’s.” she says with a huge smile on her face.
“JP’s then.” I say back to her and winked at her as she jumped up and down.
Before we went to JP’s we passed by the hospital and I added a little bit more credit into Y/N’s account. I’ve been doing it ever since the night I saw Sofia get an attack and I saw how troubled Y/N was to pay for it. I’ve only been putting enough that she wouldn’t notice the sudden change to it. Because if she knew what I was doing, she would pester me about paying me back, and I wasn’t really doing it for her, I was doing it for this little girl in my arms right now. I also asked her doctor permission to buy Sofia a scoop of ice cream and he agreed but gave me a medicine he said she had to take right after so I made a mental note not to forget to do that.
Right after the hospital Sofia and I went to get her ice cream and I went a little bit overboard again. I was just planning to buy a scoop for her and a scoop for me but when I saw how happy all the colors of the ice cream made her, I decided to but all of them and just bring it home for her and everyone.
“Now Sofi, you promise just one scoop when we get home right?” I ask her from the driver seat and looked at the backseat of the car at her from the rear view mirror and she doesn’t look up at me and just continued looking at the colorful tubs of ice cream beside her and looked really amused with them, which was nice to see.
“Sofiwofi.” I call out to her again and she finally looks up at me with a huge smile on her face.
“Yes what?” I asked her playfully.
“Yes, just one tub.” She teases back.
“What?” I contested playfully and pretended to look shock, which made her laugh. “Sofi, one spoonful.”
“No.” she says and frowned. “You said one scoop.”
“Oh did I?” I asked and she nods her head.
“Maybe. If you give me a kiss later I’ll give you a scoop. Deal?”
“Deal!” she says excitedly and looked at the tubs of ice cream again.
We get back home and as soon as I unstrapped her from her car seat she jumped up me and started giving me little kisses all over my face.
“I gave you ten kissies. So I get ten scoops.” She says with a huge grin on her face.
“Sofiwofi, you’re cheating.” I say and laughed and she does too.
We shared a scoop of ice cream between us on the porch, even though her doctor said she could eat one herself, just because I didn’t want to risk getting her sick again.
After that we just played on the porch swing and she told me stories about her ballet and her friends in her school as we waited for her siblings. I actually thought that Emma and Lorenzo would be home by now but they weren’t.
After a couple of hours, I saw Y/N’s car darting towards the house and Sofi did too.
“Y/N’s home Y/N’s home!” she says excitedly as she jumped up from my lap.
“Yes she is.” I say and couldn’t help but smile at how adorable this scene was. It looked like Sofi was my daughter and Y/N was my wife and I was a stay at home dad playing with her child as we waited for the hardworking bread winner mom.
My happy thoughts suddenly left my mind when I saw Y/N stomping towards Sofia and me not really looking happy with me, and I was already preparing myself to get an ear load from her.
She’ll probably shout at me for something like picking her sister up with telling her, I did though. I texted her and even tried to call and call her until I couldn’t reach her number anymore, so I was guessing that she was still in the diner. Or she’ll probably get mad at me again for the whole not waking her up thing. Whatever it was, I knew she’d get mad at me that was what I was certain about.
“Sofi.” She says and she just seemed really relieved to see her sister. She really was worried about her, probably thinking something bad had happened to her little sister, and I couldn’t blame her for that. So I decided I’d just let her use me as a punching bag again and just accept all the wrath and frustration she was feeling.
I knew that the only reason why she was always getting mad at me wasn’t because she was actually mad at me, or maybe half the time she was, but the real reason was she was just full of frustration.
She’s so young and already balancing so much. Works herself to death to be able to take care of her three younger siblings, parentless, the only income in the house, and no time for herself. That could drive anyone crazy, was actually surprised she still wasn’t.
“Bug, can you go up your room for a minute? I’ll be there really soon. Go prepare for a tea party.” Y/N says to her sister sweetly and I knew this was just an excuse so she could shout at me and didn’t want her sister to witness it.
“We’re having a tea party?” Sofi asks and her eyes grew big with excitement and Y/N nods her head “Yay!”
As soon as Sofi got in the house Y/N faced me and I took a step back with my hands in front of me, as if protecting myself, I didn’t even know why since Y/N didn’t really physically hurt me, it was just instinct I guess.
“Listen, before you get mad. I know you were really worried and I understand that and I’m sorry and I promise next time I’ll..” I say but then was stunned at what happened next.
“Was she actually kissing me right now?”
Hola! Como Estas? :)
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
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hermoso dia y la noche!
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 5
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Your POV
Harry’s been staying with us for a whole week now and I had to admit, it was really nice having him around. He helped out with chores in the house, he helped me take care of Sofia and she was really fond of him. I seemed to have less work and a little bit more time to sleep ever since he arrived. He joined us as we watched Lorenzo’s games, Emma’s shows, Sofia’s recital, and we even had a small tradition now of eating in the dining area all together, he was starting to feel like family now too, which scared me.
My siblings were getting attached to him and that was bad. Soon he was going back to his real life and what will happen to them then? I had to talk to him, he needed to move out. I still owed him money but maybe if I promised him I’d send him the money as soon as I got it, maybe he’ll agree to that.
“Good morning.” I say to everyone as I got to the kitchen and saw Harry making breakfast. I wasn’t even shocked about this anymore. He would always make us breakfast, which meant I had a couple more minutes to sleep.
“Good morning.” Harry answers me immediately with that nice smile on his face and I smile back a little at him, which seemed to have made him smile even more.
“Such a weirdo.” I think to myself.
“Do any of you need a ride to school?” I ask as we ate breakfast.
“Bryan’s fetching me.” Lorenzo says with a mouthful of eggs in his mouth.
“Riding my bike. I need the exercise. I’m getting fat with all of the food Harry’s been feeding us.” She says flirtatiously towards Harry, which reminded me that I still had to have a talk with her about her little crush on him.
“Oh alright.” I say and started playing with my hash browns. I felt a little bad that no one wanted a ride from me. it wasn’t all the time that I had free time, so I thought that they’d want to at least bond a little.
“Just you and me then, bug.” I say and tucked a loose hair from Sofia’s forehead to the back of her ear.
“Mrs. Sheffield’s fetching me but maybe we can call her?” Sofia says and frowns.
“Oh I forgot about that. No bug you can ride with your friends.” I say back to her and smiled.
“Aren’t you busy?”
“I don’t have to go to the hospital today actually.”
“Then I want to ride with you.” she says and hugs my arm.
“It’s okay bug. Next time. Mrs. Sheffield’s probably on her way.” I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
“I actually need a ride.” I heard Harry say and I look up at him.
“Oh. The car you rented isn’t working? I can take a look at it for you.”
“No. My knee’s just hurting a little.” He says and smiles at me showing that deep dimple on his cheeks again.
“Oh. Okay then.” I say and continued eating.
As soon as everyone was out of the house Harry and I drove into town together. The car ride was just as awkward as I thought it would be. We spent the first couple of minutes in silence until he started trying to make small talk.
“So do you want to play truth or dare?”
“No. Not really.” I answer him back.
“Come on. It will be fun.” He says excitedly.
“I’m driving.”
“Stick with truths then.” He says playfully and laughed. He actually had quite a nice laugh. It was a bit contagious. It made you feel happy inside but I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction.
“Okay then. Shoot. If it will get you off my back.”
“Truth or dare?” he asks excitedly.
“Dare.” I say back and he just laughs.
“Alright. I dare you to hold my hand. He says which caught me off guard.
“What? I’m not holding your hand.” I protested and moved his hand, which was an inch from mine now.
“Come on. You did it before.” He laughed and pushed the back of my hand with his playfully.
“In the hospital.” He says bashfully and I could feel my cheeks warming up when I remembered and I was embarrassed now too.
“That was a one time thing.”
“Come on. It’s a game. Just hold my hand.” He playfully says again and opens the palm of his hand.
“Truth then.” I say to him, which made him laugh.
“Okay. Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I mean, I don’t really see anyone but maybe you have a secret boyfriend you’re hiding from your family?” he teases and laughed.
“No what? No secret boyfriend?”
“I won’t answer again.” I say and again he laughed.
“Your turn to ask.” He says and probes me to.
“Fine. When are you leaving?”
“Geez. This really escalated quickly. I guess that was my fault.” He says and again does that laugh. “You have to ask me truth or dare though.”
“Truth or dare.”
“I dare you to keep quiet the whole ride.” I say and he smiles and pretended to zip his mouth and lock it before throwing away the imaginary key.
“So you’re really going to stay quiet huh?” I ask and he nods his head with a smile so big I swear his dimples were burning a hole through his cheeks.
Harry’s POV
I followed Y/N the whole day as she worked and although initially I just wanted to spend time with her, following her around actually gave me the chance to research her dad more. I asked a couple of the people from town who came in the auto repair shop and the diner about their experiences and what they thought of her dad. So it was a win win situation for me today. I got to hang out with her and technically I was still doing my job.
I knew Y/N had a hectic schedule but I didn’t really realize how crazy it was until today when I saw it first hand, and to think, she didn’t even have to go to the hospital today. I didn’t know where she found the energy for all of it, to be quite honest. She really did have a lot on her plate.
It was fun following her around the whole day even though she didn’t really talk to me. I still liked being around her, it was fun except earlier when we were in the repair shop and Daniel, the guy that towed my car who worked there as well, kept on giving me the stink eye. I couldn’t understand it, did people their age just didn’t like me here?
“Y/N, I have Emma’s dress at the back for you. Don’t forget to bring it home when you leave.” Johnny says to Emma and her jaw just drops.
“Oh my gosh, Johnny. Thank you! I totally forgot the dance was tonight. What would I do without you?” she says and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“What would I do without you guys?” He answers back and gave her a sweet smile then looks at me and I offered him a smile but he just looked like he despised me.
“So apparently, the people from Y/N’s age and Johnny’s age here hate me. Great.” I sarcastically say to myself.
“Johnny, would you mind if I get off early? I should probably help Emma get ready for tonight.”
“Of course not. If you leave now you’ll have just enough time for all that girly things you women do.” He teases her and she jumps up and gives him a hug.
“Thanks.” She says before we left the diner.
We were on our way back to the house and just like before I was trying to make small talk with her but she’s like an onion you had to keep on peeling her and peeling her, she was actually harder to peel than an actual onion.
“Do you want to play truth or dare?”
“No.” she simply says and I poke her side playfully.
“Come on. To kill time.” I say and flashed her my irresistible smile but it still doesn’t work on her.
“Fine.” she says and I couldn’t help but smile, before I could ask her a question “Truth or dare.” She says and again, I couldn’t help but smile. It was funny how happy it made me every time she threw me a bone. I was like a puppy chasing after its master.
“Truth.” I say back to her and was just watching her as she drove.
“Why do you speak like that?” she asks, which made me laugh.
“Like what? Like this?” I say and laughed again “Because I’m English?”
“No. I mean, why do you speak so low and slow?”
“Oh.” I say back and couldn’t help but laugh really loud. “I don’t know. For people to understand me? Why? Is it annoying?”
“A bit.” She teases and I frowned, which made her laugh and it was nice hearing her laugh like that. She was finally easing up around me.
I heard her laugh before but never because of me or for me, so this was a bit special for me right now.
“Truth or dare?”
“Are you and the guy you work with in the car place together or something?”
“Daniel?” she asks and I nod my head. “No.”
“Really? Are you lying?”
“Why would I lie?”
“I don’t know. Well, if you guys aren’t together then he’s in love with you.”
“No he’s not.”
“Believe me. He is.”
“I don’t want to play anymore.” She says and it was weird how defensive she was being all of a sudden.
“Hey. Are you mad at me again? I was just teasing.”
“Well, it wasn’t funny.”
“Alright. I’m sorry.” I say back to her and started poking her sides again to make her laugh but she was back to being guarded around me again.
“Great Harry. She was finally letting you in and now you just ruined everything.” I hit myself mentally.
After that we remained quiet for the rest of the ride home and good thing she was a fast driver because I couldn’t take the silence any longer.
I took Emma’s dress from the backseat of the car and opened the house door for her.
“Emma, I have your dress with me.” Y/N calls out to her sister as she removed her coat and I help her with it, hanging it by the door. “Ems.” She calls out again.
“I’m not going!” Emma then shouts back from upstairs and slammed her door.
“Geez.” Y/N mutters to herself and before she went up the stairs she stretched her body and took a deep breath before heading up, it was like she was going to war, which was funny.
“Emma, let me in.” Y/N says as she knock on Emma’s door and I just watch her from downstairs.
“Emma, come on. Johnny got you the dress you wanted. I bet you’ll look really pretty in it.”
“I said no, Y/N! Can’t you understand English!”
“Ems, I don’t understand why you’re being like this. You love dances.”
“Not this one!”
“Why not? I went home early to help you get ready.”
Emma then opened the door swiftly, which took Y/N by surprise and she steps back a little. She then took the dress from Y/N’s hand and threw it where it landed a couple of feet from me, so I put my hand up for Y/N letting her know that I got the dress.
I picked up the dress as Y/N and Emma kept going at it with each other.
“I don’t understand why you’re being like this, Ems.”
“You really don’t?” she shouts back.
“No. I really don’t. I thought you’d be happy to take the opportunity to stay up late.” Y/N teases and tucks her sister’s hair at the back of her ear and she just shakes it off.
“Because it’s the father daughter dance, Y/N!” she shouts and slams the door shut again.
“Oh bloody hell.” I say to myself as I watched Y/N just stand in front of Emma’s door frozen.
I didn’t know if I should go up and comfort Y/N or just leave and give them time to themselves to sort this out as a family.
I still didn’t like how Emma was talking to her older sister but this time, I couldn’t really blame her. She’s a sixteen-year-old teen, full of angst, a bit at the dramatic side, and who could blame her? To go to a father daughter dance without a dad, that’s rough.
When Y/N was still not moving. I decided to check if she was all right. I’m sure it was hard for her realizing it too. Growing up without a dad
Your POV
I got Emma to go to her school’s father daughter dance. Just because we didn’t have a dad didn’t mean she had to miss out on things like this. She’ll only be in highschool once and I wanted her to experience everything.
That’s also the reason why I supported their extra curricular activities so much, even though I couldn’t afford them anymore, it was because they deserved everything the other kids had too, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t give it to them.
We were at the dance and at first Emma was acting miserable but then when she and her friends started dancing and hanging out, all of a sudden she was having the time of her life. Until the father daughter dance was announced and as soon as music played and all the fathers started dancing with their daughters Emma just sits down and looked depressed again.
I was about to invite her to leave and grab a burger at the diner before going home when I heard people screaming out of excitement and rushed to the door. Emma and I were looking at what was causing all the commotion when all of a sudden I knew what caused everyone’s attention to shift.
He was wearing a suit with his hair fixed up, and looked very dapper. He signed autographs and took photos with a couple of people as he made his way towards us, and to be honest, my heart just started beating really fast.
“Hi.” He says with a smile and I didn’t even notice how nice his smile really was. It was so genuine; it was a mix of childlike smile with a sexy grin on it.
“Harry.” I say softly as we faced each other.
I didn’t know how long we stayed like that, just looking at each other until we were interrupted with Emma hugging him really tight. Thank God for that.
“What are you doing here?” she screeches and wrapped her arm around his as she looked around the people looking at them clearly showing off that she knew him.
“I was bored at home so I thought maybe it would be nice to join you guys here. If you don’t mind.” He says and smiles at her, which made her blush.
“Home? He called our house home.” I think to myself and knew I was putting way too much meaning into it, but it had a good ring to it.
“Of course not! If I knew you wanted to go, I would have brought you instead.” She says playfully at him and I sighed and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.
“I can’t blame you, seeing how beautiful your date looks.” He says to her and looks at me, and I actually felt myself blush. I actually felt my whole body turn warm all of a sudden.
Harry and Emma then started dancing and I could tell Emma was enjoying all of the attention she was getting from it, which I loved, since at least now, she was having fun and what would have been a terrible memory for her was now turned into a good one.
I then saw Harry looking at me, just staring into my eyes even though we were far away from each other. I was sitting far away from the dance floor but still his stare was piercing right through me like we were the only people in the room and there was no distance between us.
“You can’t do this, Y/N.” I whisper to myself.
When I said that I was scared my siblings were getting too attached to him, I didn’t want to admit that I was the one actually feeling that way. In reality, I was the one who was getting attached and used to having him around and that scared me.
HOLA! how’s everyone doing? 😊
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 4
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Harry’s POV
“No! We are talking about this now!” I heard someone shout, which woke me up.
At first I was confused as to where I was but then the events from last night flooded back in my memory.
Last night we rushed Sofia to the hospital and that was honestly one of the scariest moments in my life, then I figured it was a normal occurrence to their family because of how sync they all were.
Lorenzo and Y/N were fighting in the kitchen now for which I figured was because last night she found out he went their and used her credit or something, I didn’t really understand, all I knew was that he went in with someone and used the money she was collecting in the hospital for Sofia.
“Let it go, Y/N! It’s not a big deal.” I heard Lorenzo shout back at her.
“Not a big deal? Not a big deal? Are you kidding me! I almost wasn’t able to pay for Sofia’s bills last night!”
“Well, Harry handled that didn’t he?” he shouts back at his sister.
“If I talked back to my sister like that she’d be dragging my ass out of the house.” I thought to myself.
“He’s not always going to be here, Lorenzo! I thought we were a team. You should have told me so I could have made arrangements.”
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere pretty soon though.” It kind of hurt me a little hearing Y/N say that. Like it meant she didn’t want my help because I wasn’t their family, which was true, I wasn’t, but it didn’t mean she shouldn’t accept my help.
“Team? Arrangements?” He shouts at her and I couldn’t believe how he was treating his sister, when he was actually in the wrong, and even then. “We’re not a team, Y/N. You always saw me as a child and unreliable!”
“Maybe I won’t keep on treating you like a child if you stopped acting like a child!” she shouts back at him.
I felt uncomfortable listening in to their conversation, it felt like I was invading their privacy but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where I could go without passing by them and being noticed.
At the corner of my eye, I saw a figure on the top of the stairs and saw that it was Sofia. I waved my hands for her to notice me and she looks at me and smiles softly.
I quietly walk up the stairs and sat beside her.
“Good morning, little bug.” I say to her because I saw her holding a beat up ladybug stuffed toy.
“That’s what Y/N calls me.” she says quietly back to me.
“What’s your friend’s name then?”  I ask her but then Lorenzo and Y/N were shouting at each other again but this time louder and I saw Sofia cover her ears with her stuffed toy and clenched her eyes shut really tight.
“Hey.” I say and tapped on her shoulder and she looks up at me and looked like she was tearing up. “Does your friend have other friends? Want to show them to me?”
She then looked really excited and nodded her head before standing up and held my hand.
We went inside her room and I closed the door to drown out the noise from downstairs as she introduced me to all her stuffed toys and I pretended to shake their hands and introduced myself, which seemed to make her happy.
“Do you want to have breakfast?” she asks me with a sweet smile on her face.
I didn’t think that was such a good idea since her siblings were still having a go at it downstairs.
“I’m not really hungry yet. Are you?” I asked her and hoped she would say she wasn’t too.
“But I already made food.” She says and frowns as she cocks her head to the side, which made her look like the most adorable little kid in the world.
I then saw a small table beside her and she had it all set up like a tea party. “Oh that’s what she meant.” I say to myself and laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking how hungry I got all of a sudden.”
“Really?” she asks excitedly and I nod my head and she holds my hand again and led me to a small chair. I had to put my weight on my heel since I felt the chair wobble a little. This was really an old piece I didn’t want to break it.
She then started pouring pretend tea and handed me a small teacup. “Thank you, madam.” I say and bowed my head at her, which made her giggle.
“Would you like some sugar?” she asks and holds a small sugar cube holder with little thongs.
“Yes please. Ten.” I tease her and she frowns at me.
“You can’t drink that much sugar. It’s bad for you.” she says and laughs.
“Two then please.” I laughed back.
“She then placed two fake sugar cubes in my teacup.” And looked at me so I pretended to take a sip from it, which made her smile really wide.
She then started cutting fake food and it was delightful just watching her, until she accidentally hit her hand on the table.
“Ouch.” She says and touched the gauze on the back of her hand and I was reminded of how she looked last night.
That was one of the scariest times in my life. One minute she and Y/N were just being sweet towards each other and everyone was just laughing and having fun then out of nowhere she just started seizing. I was completely lost, I didn’t know what to do. Good thing they did though.
I watched as she played and acted like last night wasn’t such a big deal, like she was so used to it, which I guess was both a good and bad thing. Good that at least she had a positive outlook in life and a bit sad too cause no one deserved to live like this.
I also felt bad that I could have caused it. I didn’t really know what she had but was it just a coincidence that she had an attack while I was there? A coincidence that she had an attack after I maybe played too much or too rough with her? Coincidence that she had an attack after I bought all those food? Y/N felt she had to pay me for paying for the hospital bill, but aside from me wanting to help them, I also felt like it was my fault too.
“You don’t have to worry about me.” Sofia says, which took me out from my flashback.
“I know you feel bad about what happened last night. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.” She says and it took me aback for a minute at how mature she was about this.
“Why do you think I blame myself for last night?”
“Because everyone blames themselves.” She says as she poured more pretend tea into my cup and hers “People fight because of me. People always think it’s their fault or that they could have done something better. Also, people leave because of me.” she says as she continued to play with her toys.
She’s so young and still a child but her mind was so mature for her age.
I was about to ask her who left her when all of a sudden someone opens the door and I turned my head to see who it was.
“What’s happening here?” Y/N asks as she entered the room and I could tell she was putting up a brave face for her little sister. Her eyes were a bit puffy, so I figured she must have been crying.
I just wanted to give her and Sofia a big hug. This family goes through a lot every day and they still make it work. They’re good people and don’t deserve how hard their life was. No one deserved this.
“We’re having breakfast.” Sofia says with a big smile on her face.
“Oh wow. Can I join?” Y/N says and Sofia nods her head and she sits beside me. “Good morning, bug.” She says to Sofia and kisses her lips.
“Good morning.” Sofia answers her sweetly and gave her a teacup.
“Good morning.” she says to me coldly without looking at me.
“I guess she doesn’t like me again today.” I say to myself and laughed in my head.
“Good morning.” I say and flashed her a smile.
We played for a couple of minutes until Y/N’s phone vibrated and she pretended to finish her tea before standing up.
“Come on, bug. Time for second breakfast then off to ballet for you.”
“I don’t want to do ballet anymore.” Sofia says and looked down.
“What are you talking about, bug? You love ballet.” Y/N says and bends her head to level with Sofia’s head.
“No. I don’t like it anymore.” She says and shook her head.
“Are you sure?” Y/N asks and she nods her head without looking up. “Okay then. I’ll just make your food okay?” Y/N says and she nods her head again.
“Why don’t you like ballet anymore?” I ask Sofia as soon as Y/N was out of the room.
“I still do.” She says and cleared her toys into a box.
“Then why did you say you didn’t like it anymore?”
“Because Y/N can’t pay for it anymore.” She says as she fixed her other toys.
“What makes you think that? Did she tell you she couldn’t afford it?”
“No.” she says and shook her head. “I just know. She’s working so much and she’s already paying for everything. I don’t want to be a burden to her anymore.”
This child can’t seem to stop surprising me.
“This little girl really was something. She was wise beyond her years.” I say smiling to myself as I watched her put her toys away.
Harry’s POV
I woke up the next day with a racket in the kitchen again but this time it was all of them.
“Y/N, don’t forget the parent teacher meeting.” I heard Emma say.
“The team and I are going out of town and I need pocket money.” Lorenzo then followed up.
“How much?” Y/N asks and before he answered Emma spoke again.
“Y/N, when will you pay my classes? It’s getting embarrassing. Mr. Sydney’s not giving me parts anymore and I think it’s because we haven’t paid him yet. It really is embarrassing. You need to sort that out.”
“I already told you. Next week.” Y/N says and I figured she must be having a hard time rounding up the money for it because if she had it, she would have already given it to her.
“Y/N, my cleats.”
“I’ll take care of it tomorrow okay?”
“Also, we don’t have food anymore.”
“I know. I’ll buy tonight.”
“You’ll forget about it again. I’m sick of eating cereals.” Lorenzo protests.
“I know. I’ll take care of it.” Y/N says again.
“Also the sink’s broken again. You need to get someone to fix it.”
“Lorenzo, you’re a guy why can’t you just do it yourself?”
“Just cause I’m a guy I’m supposed to know those stuff? Why don’t you just hire someone to do it.” He scoffs at her.
“Boy, if you were in my family.” I say to myself and shook my head at how they were talking to her.
“Because it’s a waste of money.” She says and pauses probably waiting for one of them to take the responsibility but when none of them answered I heard her sigh “Never mind. I’ll do it tonight. Who’s turn is it to do the laundry?”
“Not it.” Lorenzo and Emma say in unison.
“Come on guys. I can’t do everything on my own.” I heard Y/N say in defeat and her two siblings just started spatting out excuses.
I felt bad for her. Lorenzo and Emma weren’t that far from her age but they were putting all the responsibility on her. It wasn’t my place to comment on their family but this wasn’t right how much they were leaning on her. I felt bad thinking that because it was their family after all not mine, and I wasn’t judging them or anything, but I just felt bad for her. She was taking on so much work and didn’t even have any help, except from a little girl who’s sacrificing too unlike her two older siblings. They could learn a lot from the youngest Smith.
Harry’s POV
“So you used to work for the family?” I ask Claire the old house helper the Smith’s had, she was a fragile and sweet old lady who offered to tell her story to me, which I really appreciated. 
“No. No. No.” she says softly as she shook her head and continued to break her crackers and spread them around for the birds she was feeding. “I was family to those lot. Yes I was. I didn’t just work for them, theys my family and I’ms their family.”
I listened as Claire told the story of how it was like inside the house of the Smiths. Away from the media, the crowd, and everyone else.
“Nanny Claire! Nanny Claire! Nanny Claire!” 
“What is it my sweet little thing?” I say to Y/N as I picked her up and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“I stepped on a ladybug.” she cries out and buried her face in my neck.
“Oh my sweet child. It’s okay.” I say back to her and stroked the back of her head to calm her down.
“Can you bring it back to life please?” she says from my neck and I carefully placed her down.
“What do you mean?” I ask her and she opens her palm and showed me a dead ladybug.
“Oh sweet child.” I say and frowned at her and she just started crying again.
“I killed it! I killed it!”
“Come here, child.” I say and took a tissue paper before bringing her outside.
I wrapped the bug inside the tissue and dug a small hole in the garden and buried the bug.
“You see, now the sweet ol ladybug can be with the good Lord Jesus.”
“Will the ladybug like it with Jesus?”
“Of course, child. Everyone wants to be with Jesus. He’s loving, caring, and sacrificed for all of us.”
“Okay. I want to be with Jesus too and say sorry to the ladybug.” she says and I couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful and innocent this child’s soul was.
“You will be, child. Not any time soon though.” I say as I carried her back to the house.
“Why?” She asks me curiously.
“Because you’re too young.”
“Because it is how it is.”
“Why?” she kept on asking every time I gave her an answer and it was how she was. She was curious about the world and everything around it. 
“Frank, I can’t take this anymore!” A shout from upstairs welcomed us as we entered the house.
“Isabella, where are you going?” Mr. Smith pleaded to his wife and I knew they were having another one of their fights. “You’re pregnant! You can’t keep on going out!”
“I can’t do this, I can’t do that, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t! What happened to us, Frankie! This is not what I signed up for!”
I placed down little Ms. Y/N with her little brother in the living room area so that hopefully she wouldn’t hear her parents fighting again. I knew it upset her whenever they fought. 
“Go play with Lorenzo. I’ll make you twos a snack. Would you like that?” I softly ask her and she just smiles at me and nodded her head.
“I want my old life back, Frankie! I miss the thrill, the adventure, the adrenaline! I need it! You can’t coop me up here forever!”
“Why are you making it seem like I trapped you and holding you hostage, Isabella? We have a family now! Don’t you think I miss the music? The crowd? The feeling?”
“No, Frankie. Stop lying to yourself. You’ve changed. You’re not the guy I fell in love with anymore. This is what you want now. This is what you live for now, and I can’t. I just can’t do it.”
“Isabella!” he shouts and I heard the baby crying in the living room, which made Mr. Smith look down at me and I just nodded my head at him, as if saying I’ll handle it, before going back in the living room.
As soon as I opened the living room door I saw Y/N holding her two year old brother cradling him and singing softly into his ear to calm him down. It was the most heartbreaking and sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. 
It comforted me knowing that no matter what happens Lorenzo and their future sibling would have someone like Y/N as their older sister, taking care of them, looking out for them, and always putting them first. But at the same time, it pained me thinking that this was her future.
Your POV
I had a really long day today. The nurses from the hospital were understaffed so I had to help them with the logistic work, deliveries came in the shop so I had to finish the whole inventory before I went to the diner and there was a day convention in town so it was packed. I barely had any time to go to the bathroom today, that’s how busy I was.
As soon as I parked the car and saw movement from inside the house I was immediately reminded of everything I had to do. I needed to go grocery shopping, which I didn’t have time to do. I still needed to fix the sink and do the laundry, and honestly, I just didn’t have the energy for it anymore. I even forgot to pass by the thrift store and try to look for new boots for Lorenzo. All I wanted to do was go to bed and catch up with some sleep.
I picked up the food from the diner Johnny sent me for dinner and I prepared myself for the work I still had to do as soon as I got in the house.
“Here goes nothing.” I whisper to myself and stretched to give me energy before I opened the door.
“Y/N, finally! Come on let’s eat.” Lorenzo welcomes me.
Everyone was in the kitchen and there was already food on the table.
“What’s going on here?” I ask as I put the paper bag of food from the diner in the refrigerator and removed my coat.
“Harry got us dinner again.” Sofia says happily as she hugged her stuffed toy.
“He did?” I say playfully to Sofia as I gave her a kiss. “That was nice of him.” I say as I sat down and looked at Harry and he just looks down looking embarrassed and pleased with himself.
“Isn’t he great?” Emma says looking at Harry like he was a shiny star. Her crush for him wasn’t funny anymore; I was actually starting to worry now.
“Can we eat now?” Lorenzo moans as I sat down.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll just make Sofia’s food.” I say when Sofia started eating and I pull away her plate from her.
“No. Harry said I could eat this.” She pouts and I shook my head.
“Come on, bug. That’s too much. You should really stick to your meal.”
“It’s actually alright. I asked the hospital and that food was specially made for her.” I heard Harry say from across the table and I look at him.
“Oh.” I say and couldn’t believe how nice that was of him to do.
“I like this better. This taste better.” Sofia beams as she continued eating, which I both loved and hated hearing.
I was happy that she was enjoying her food but sad at the same time too because I couldn’t provide that food for her.
We all started eating and although I haven’t eaten anything the whole day and this really was nice of Harry to do, I didn’t feel comfortable with it. I didn’t really want to owe him anything, I already did. And I had a lot of things I still needed to do, so even though it was nice seeing everyone laughing and getting along, I just needed everyone to finish eating so I could start with the other chores I still had to finish before I had to work again.
“Lorenzo, I forgot to buy your boots but I’ll get them tomorrow.” I say to my brother to make conversation.
“Don’t worry about it. Our team has a new sponsor and gave us some free stuff.” He answers back as he stuffed his face with food.
“That’s awesome. What company?”
“I don’t really know. But so cool though.” He says excitedly “I have a whole new set. They gave us new jerseys, lifetime supply of socks, we get new cleats, and the best part, we have sponsored team buildings now, so you don’t have to worry about those payments anymore.” He says excitedly like a little kid and it was nice seeing how excited and happy he was.
Whoever this new benefactor was I was truly grateful for them. Saving on Lorenzo’s football would really help me out.
“Ems, I can give you half the amount for your acting class later then we’ll just pay the other half next week. You think Mr. Sydney would be fine with that?”
“No need.” She says before taking a drink and I looked at her questioningly. “Mr. Sydney said I’m his star protégé” she says proudly “so he’ll start training me, like putting me under his wings and stuff, which means we don’t have to pay for my classes anymore.”
“Oh wow! That’s great, Emma. Congratulations.” I was pleased to hear all of these good news but wondered a little too about Emma’s. I mean, she’s my sister, I love her, and I think she’s talented but she’s not really the best actress in her class, so it was weird that she was chosen by Mr. Sydney, and not to mention, I’ve known that man for a long time. Even if he taught Leonardo DiCaprio he’d still charge him. He loved money more than anything else in this world.
“Y/N Y/N.” Sofia excitedly pulled on my shirt.
“What is it, bug?” I look at her with a smile.
“You’re going to my recital tomorrow right? Harry’s going too.”
“I thought you didn’t like ballet anymore.” I asked her and wiped her mouth with a napkin.
“I…” she says and blushes “I like it again.”
“That’s great, bug.”
“I’m excited for Harry to see my dance for the first time.” She says and I smile back at her.
“I’m more excited to see you dance.” Harry adds in and I just ignore him and continued helping Sofia with her food.
“You’re not eating?” Harry asks me and I look up at him and saw that everyone was looking at me now, which was quite uncomfortable.
“I had a lot to eat at the diner.” I lied and saw that Sofia was done with her food, which was my chance to finally go down and start the laundry before I had to go up and fix the sink. “Anyways.” I say as I stood up and cleared Sofia’s plate and mine. “I’ll just go put in the laundry then bath time for you, bug.”
“Laundry’s done.” Emma says as she took another spoonful of mashed potatoes.
“What? You guys actually did the laundry?” I laughed a little.
“No. Harry did.”
“What?” I say as I looked at Harry and again he does that embarrassed looking down thing he does. “He shouldn’t have.”
“It was fine. I’m used to it.” He says back and blushed.
“Thank you but next time you don’t have to do that.” I say to him and was honestly feeling both annoyed and embarrassed that he did that for us.
“Y/N, just say thank you and actually mean it.” Emma says and rolls her eyes before she took another roll of bread.
“Bath time then, bug.” I say to Sofia as I carried her ignoring Emma’s smirk remark.
“Did you have a long day?” she asks me as I carried her up the stairs and placed her in the tub.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle.” I winked at her and she kisses my cheek.
“What was that for?”
“Just because.” She sweetly says and kisses my cheek again after I took off her clothes.
I gave Sofia a bath and when it was time to brush her teeth half way through I remembered the sink was supposed to be broken but it wasn’t anymore, that was weird.
“Harry fixed it.” Sofia says, which brought me out from my thoughts.
“He did?” I ask in surprise and she nods her head. “That was nice of him.”
She nods her head sweetly again and smiled at me “He really is nice. He also got me a new tea table with matching chairs.”
“He did? Did you thank him for that?” I ask her but then made a mental note that I had to talk to Harry. He was spoiling our family too much. It was nice of him but I didn’t want them to get used to it, especially if he was going to be gone soon.
“I did. I really like him. He’s nice.”
I then noticed Harry passing by and he gave me a small smile as our eyes met for a second.
“He really is.”
Bonjour! How’s everyone doing so far? :) So I’ll try to upload 2-3 chapters a week for all of you, while I’m still on vacation. So no hate please haha 😙
MASTERLIST (not including this one yet)
follow my adventures if you want ;)
Bonne nuit! :)
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lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 3
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Your POV
“Nineteen dollars for water. Fifty-six dollars for electricity. Mortgage, hospital bills, groceries, Lorenzo’s football, Emma’s acting class, Sofia’s ballet class, phone bills.” I kept on calculating in my head how much I needed to make this month to make ends meet and it was something I’ve been used to doing.
“Y/N!” I opened my eyes as soon as I heard my brother shout my name from downstairs, which meant it was time for me to get up.
I sat up and stretched before changing my clothes and brushed my teeth.
“Y/N!” My brother shouts again before I was out of the door and I looked back to my bed as I tied my hair in a high bun.
“I can’t wait to see you tonight.” I said to my bed before jogging downstairs.
“Why is there no breakfast?” Lorenzo scoffs at me as soon as I entered the kitchen and I kiss the top of his head before slapping the back of it. “Ouch!”
“Good morning to you too.” I say and opened a cupboard and saw just a couple of canned goods and a box of cereal.
I threw him the box of cereals before heading to the refrigerator and handing him an almost empty carton of milk and saw that it barely had anything in it too, which reminded me that I needed to go grocery shopping soon.
“You can’t even feed your family.” I say disappointed with myself.
“Cereals again? Come on, Y/N. I have training. I need real food.” He whines as I hand him a spoon and bowl.
I opened the cereal box and took a fist full of cereal and stuffed them in my mouth. “I guess this is all I’m eating for breakfast.”
“Seems pretty real to me.” I tease him and poured some in his bowl.
“Ugh.” He moans before finally eating. “Don’t forget I need new cleats and I’m going out tonight with some of the guys from the team.” He says as I set up the table for my sisters.
“I just got you knew cleats. Besides, doesn’t the school provide that? You’re in the varsity team for pete’s sake, you guys have all those sponsors. Also, where are you guys going and what time are you coming home?”
“Y/N.” he moans again.
“First of, you got me my cleats almost a year ago and they were second hand. Secondly, you took the cleats the school gave me and sold them remember?”
“It paid for our water and electric bill for a month didn’t it?” I answer him in my head.
“Well, they weren’t your style anyways.” I lied to him and he shook his head and muttered under his breath. “So what time are you coming home and where are you guys going?”
“Get off my back, Y/N! I just told you for the sake of letting you know. You don’t have to always act like my mo..” he says but then stops and I do too and just looked at him.
“What Lorenzo?” I say to him and had to stop myself from raising my voice.
“Nothing.” He says under his breath and continued eating.
“No really. What were you about to say? You want to have this conversation again?” I say and had to hold on to the table for dear life, that was how angry I was getting.
“Leave it.” He says softly and I pounded my fist on the table and closed my eyes as I shook my head.
“Lorenzo, we’re the oldest. I thought we were a team. Why can’t you just…” I say and stopped when I saw Emma by the frame of the door.
“Hey you. Good morning.” I say and smiled at her.
“Hey.” She says and looked between Lorenzo and I. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing. Hungry? Got your bowl set up there.”
“Thanks.” She sat down and poured cereals in her bowl.
“Do you have my check?” she asks from her bowl and I hit my head in my head.
“Of course. When do you need it?” I lied.
“Like a week ago.” She says and rolled her eyes.
“Right. I need to get new checks from the bank. Can I give it to you next week?” I lied to her, because saying I didn’t have the money was just not an option.
“Y/N.” she moans and looks up at me.
“Emma, what do you want from me? I don’t have a check right now.”
“They accept cash you know.” She says snarkily and I didn’t know how to get out of that.
“Well, I can’t spare the cash I have now. Besides, do you really need acting classes? You’re already such a good actress. See how you’re pretending to hate me right now. You got it, spot on.” I tease her and she just sighed and shook her head before putting on her headset and played with her cereals.
I took out a prepared meal for my little sister and heated it.
“Y/N.” I heard a small soft voice as soon as I finished cooking and turned around to see my youngest sister by the doorframe scratching her eyes still half asleep holding her stuffed toy with her free hand.
“Hey bug.” I say in an upbeat voice and carried her. “How’s the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world?” I say and started giving her playful kisses all over her neck and face.
“Why are you guys shouting?”
“We weren’t shouting. You were just having a bad dream, bug.”
“Okay.” She yawns and rested her head on my shoulder.
“Is my little bug still sleepy?” I ask her softly as I looked at her and saw her nod her head with her eyes closed.
I gently put her down on the chair and she immediately dropped her head on the table using her ladybug stuffed toy as a pillow. Adorable.
I fixed her pre prepared food for her and placed it in front of her as I shook her gently.
“Eating time, bug.” I say to her and she yawns again before nodding her head.
“If only you two were this obedient.” I think to myself as I looked at my other siblings. Lorenzo playing with his phone and Emma listening to her music as she played with her food.
“Aren’t you eating?” Sofia asks me and I look down at her and gave her a smile.
“I already did, bug.” I say to her, not really lying since I did take a handful of cereal earlier.
Lorenzo then took his bowl and placed it in the sink before walking out.
“Yo.” I call out to him and raised my eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and sighed as he went back to the sink and washed his bowl and spoon.
“Y/N, I have a recital on Saturday don’t forget.” Sofia says and I knelt down and faced her.
“You think I’ll miss that?” I tease her and winked at her but then started rearranging my schedule in my head as she nods her head.
“Yes. You’re always late.” She says back and it broke my heart. As much as I tried my best to balance everything, and no matter how long I’ve been taking care of them, I was still trying to make it work.
“Well, I won’t be this time. I’ll be so early that I’ll be the one to open the auditorium.” I tease her as I leaned my forehead onto hers then licked her nose, which made her giggle.
“You promise okay?” she says and started stroking my cheek.
“I do.” I say and winked at her.
“Y/N, there’s a guy in his car outside.” Lorenzo says and I looked back at him in wonder.
“What?” I say and walked beside him and looked out the window.
“Oh God.” I say to myself and shook my head.
“Who is that?” he asks and I shook my head again before walking out.
“I’ll take care of it. Give Sofia her medicine.”
I walk out the house and I could feel my siblings watching me from the window. I knocked on the window and I saw that this startled him.
“Hey.” He says with a raspy voice as he scratched his eyes like a little baby.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him angrily as he went out of the car and stretched.
“Good morning to you too, Ms. Grouchy.”
“I’m not grou..” I say with my voice raised but quickly lowered it. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, as I said last night. I’m portraying your dad in a role and…”
“And, I already signed that deal a year ago so you don’t have to keep on reminding me about it. I signed it, go do the movie, and leave us alone.”
“Well, I’m actually researching the character so I know this sounds weird but would you mind if I stay in your house for a couple of weeks maybe?”
“Are you insane?” I laughed out loud at how atrocious his request was.
“I can pay you.” he says nervously.
“I don’t need your money!” I say back to him angrily and couldn’t believe he had the audacity to think I needed his money. Although, I really did but that was besides the point. He was looking down at me. “Nope. You don’t need charity from him, Y/N.” I say to myself.
“No no.” he says and shook his hands in front of him “I don’t mean to offend you. I was just thinking that I can get to channel your dad more if I stayed where he lived.”
“Well, you did offend me.” I say and raised my eyebrow at him and crossed my arms on my chest. “So leave. Cause you’re trespassing.”
“Well, technically..” he says and scratched the back of his neck “I’m on the side of the road, so this isn’t your property anymore.”
“Cute.” I say sarcastically at him and shook my head before walking back to the house.
If he wanted to stay at the side of the road all day and night then that’s up to him, he wasn’t my responsibility, I had enough of those.
“Was that Harry Styles?” Emma asks me excitedly with wide eyes and I nod my head and headed to the kitchen as if it wasn’t such a big deal.
“What did he want? Why is he here?” Lorenzo asks me and I just shrugged my shoulder and cleared Sofia’s plate.
“Shouldn’t we give him food?” Sofia asks and I looked down at her and carried her.
“No bug.”
“Didn’t you always say to me that we have to be nice to other people?”
“Sofi, he doesn’t need food because he’s leaving.”
“No he’s not.” Lorenzo says as he looked out the kitchen window.
“What?” I say and put down Sofia and looked out the window and saw him stretched across the hood of the car, as if he was sunbathing.
“Un freaking believable.”
Your POV
“What’s bothering you?” Johnny asks me and I looked back at him and pretended to wipe the counter again.
“Nothing.” I say and gave him a smile.
“Well you’re burning a hole through my counter.” He laughs and I looked down at the counter and laughed too.
“Oh geez. Sorry, Johnny.” I say and placed the cloth on the back of my apron.
“So what’s bothering you?”
“Mr. Hollywood was at the house awhile ago.” I scoffed and shook my head.
“What?” he spat out immediately as soon as I said it.
“Yeah. We were having breakfast and he was outside sleeping in the car he rented.”
“He spent the night there?”
“Probably.” I shrugged my shoulder and fixed the condiments.
“You want me to fix it for you?” Johnny asks me and I shook my head.
“No. It’s fine. I can handle it.” I say back to him and smiled to reassure him.
“Just let me know if you need me to step in. Okay?” he says and I nod my head.
I then started making coffee and then remembered Sofia’s recital.
“Oh hey Johnny.” I call out to him and peeped in the kitchen hole.
“I know that face.” He says and laughed “How much?”
“No.” I say and giggled “Actually, I was going to say, I need Saturday off. Sofi has a recital and…”
“I know. I already told you we could go together.” He says and smiles back at me.
“Right.” I say and smiled back at him. I forgot I already asked him when Sofia invited him to watch.
Johnny was like family to us. He’s my dad’s best friend ever since they were kids and ever since I could remember he was always in our lives. I’m very grateful to have him, wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t.
“Oh. Also, Johnny.” I say and was about to ask him for an advance on my salary but as soon as I looked at him he was holding up an envelope for me. “Oh Johnny.” I say and ran inside the kitchen and hugged him.
“Don’t mention it, sweetheart.” He says and stroked my back.
“This is an advance on my paycheck okay? This isn’t you just giving this to me. I’ll work for this.” I say to him and I felt him nod his head.
“Whatever you say.”
We let go of each other and I keep the envelope inside my pocket “What do I do without you, Johnny?”
“Question is, what do I do without you guys?” He teases back and playfully punched my chin.
I was on my way home and was thankful that Johnny sent me home with takeout since I didn’t have time again to run to the market earlier.
As soon as I turned to our house I noticed Harry’s car was still parked outside, which worried me when I didn’t see him inside.
I walked up to the house and panicked when I heard Sofia screech.
“Sofia!” I shout as I enter the house and saw Sofia upside down as Harry carried her. “What are you doing?” I shout at him and took my sister from him.
“I…” Harry stutters and I could tell he was scared.
“Relax, Y/N.” Lorenzo says and I look at him sitting inside the kitchen with Emma, both of them looking at me like I was the biggest spas in the world.
“What are you doing here?” I look back at Harry angrily.
“Oh. Um. They..” he stutters again.
“I invited him to dinner.” Sofia says from my arms and I look at her confused.
“What? Why?”
“Because I felt bad for him.” She says and frowns at me “Are you mad?” she asks and cups my face with her little hands.
I had to take a couple of deep breaths to lower my adrenaline from the thought of her in danger when I heard her scream just seconds ago.
“We were just playing. Don’t worry.” Sofia says again and kissed my cheek and that calmed me. “Don’t be mad anymore.”
“I’m not mad, bug. I’m just sad you didn’t wait for me so I could join you guys.” I lied and smiled back at her.
“Okay. I’m hungry.” she giddily says and I always loved how innocent and happy my little bug was.
“Actually.” I say and remembered I dropped the food as I put Sofia down. I picked up the paper bag and checked inside and saw that everything spilled. “Oh God. What do I do now?” “I was thinking we could have leftover tonight.” I say and tried to remember if we still had some.
“No silly.” Sofia says and giggles as she grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.
I saw that there was food on the table already.
“Where did all of this come from?” I asked and tried to sound as thrilled as I could but in reality at the back of my mind I knew where it came from and I just wanted to shove all of it back in his car.
“Harry cooked for us.” Emma says sweetly as she looked at him.
“Yuck. Did she actually like him? Hell no. Too old for her. Nope. Not going to let this happen.” I say to myself.
“Oh. He did? Wow. That’s very nice of him.” I pretended to be happy about it but looked at him warningly and the smile on his face faded and he just looked down.
“So can we eat now?” Lorenzo asks Harry and I shot him a look.
“Why are you asking him for permission? If you wanted to eat you should just go eat.”
“Because he made the food and said we had to wait for you. Geez Y/N rude much.” He says and shook his head at me.
“Stop being rude, Y/N! Just thank him already so we can eat.” Emma shot back at me.
“Thank you.” I say to Harry through my teeth.
We all started eating and I was helping Sofia with her food. She wasn’t really allowed to eat food aside from the food the hospital pre prepared for her so to make her feel better, I allowed her a couple of spoonful from the dessert variety Harry made. He did over do it, the amount of food he cooked was good enough to feed us for almost a week. This was crazy and also such a waste.
Lorenzo and Harry were talking about football and Emma just sort of gazed at him lovingly, which was a bit funny to see to be honest.
“One more?” Sofia asks and I looked down at her and pretended to say no and she just pouts at me.
“I’m just kidding.” I laughed and tapped the tip of her nose. “But this is the last one okay?”
“Okay.” She says excitedly and was nodding her head enthusiastically. It was nice seeing my siblings this happy, and finally, for once, no one was fighting or ignoring each other, and even rolling their eyes. This was a good night for me.
“So where are you staying? Do you just plan to live in your car outside our house?” Lorenzo asks, which caught my attention and I quickly look at them and saw that Harry was apparently watching me and he blushes when our eyes met.
He quickly looked down and smiled as he pretended to pick on his food, and I noticed how deep his dimples really were “I don’t really have a plan yet.” He says and scratched the back of his head. Why did he keep on doing that? Was he trying to be cute? Did he have lice? 
“Not that you’re cute. Cause you’re not. Well.. No. Actually.. No. No. No. Y/N, no.” I fought with myself in my head.
“Why don’t you just stay here? What better way to connect with my dad’s life right?” Emma says excitedly and I shot her a death stare and she mouths “What?” at me and I stare at her warningly again.
“That’s actually a good idea, Emma. But it’s not really for me to decide.” He says coyly and I knew he was hinting to me.
“Y/N” I heard Sofia softly say and as I looked down at her I saw her holding her stomach and then she vomits and there was a little bit of blood.
“Sofia” I quickly stood up and leaned over to her stroking her back.
“Y/N.” she moans then started having a seizure.
“Lorenzo!” I shout and my brother quickly rushed to her and carried her as I ran to get my car keys and opened the door for them before sliding to the driver’s side and turning on the engine.
As soon as the engine roared Lorenzo was already at the back of the car holding Sofia still on her side and as soon as Emma entered and closed the door I drove off to the hospital. This happens so much that we already had a system for it. I was the designated driver, Lorenzo was in charge of carrying Sofia and Emma was in charge of bringing all of her paper works. It doesn’t make it any easier though; it still scared me every single time this happened.
I quickly glanced at the rear view mirror and my heart was beating so fast that Sofia was still having seizures, I check the intervals and it was longer than it did before.
“Emms, do you have everything?” I ask Emma to do a run down through the checklist to keep my mind off of Sofia at the back.
“I think so?” I looked to my side and saw that it wasn’t Emma beside me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him almost shouting with the adrenaline in me pumping and confusion.
“Your sister handed me this she said she had to watch the house?”
“What?” I shout at him again.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing too. But how can I help?” he says worriedly and I could tell he genuinely was worried about my sister too and just wanted to help.
“Just keep quiet and don’t get in the way!”
We get to the hospital and Lorenzo quickly runs to the emergency room and handed Sofia to her doctor, doctor ben, who was thankfully there.
I watched as her doctor helped Sofia for a couple of seconds before I had to go to the billing counter. Sofia didn’t like staying in the hospital because it reminded her of times when she basically lived in the hospital, she hated it, and I couldn’t blame her.
I could feel tears about to come out so I decided that it was time to fix the logistics for her instead. I never could bear seeing her poked and checked like a science experiment.
I was walking to the cashier when I noticed Sofi’s stuff weren’t with me then I remembered Emma wasn’t here to give them to me because Harry was here in her place instead.
I walk back to the E.R. and looked for Harry and saw him stuck in place, clutching on to Sofia’s bag for dear like, looking at Sofia and he looked at her like how I looked at her. It was weird seeing him that affected when he didn’t really know Sofia. Anger in me from not having the papers because they were with him subsided and I took his hand and we walked together out of the emergency room.
If how he looked at Sofia was how I looked at her then I knew how he was feeling right now and I needed to get him out of there. It wouldn’t do him or her any good. His hands were shaking as I guided him out; I looked at him as we walked and it was like watching a little kid who just witnessed something traumatizing.
We get to the counter and I slowly took Sofia’s papers from him at first he was gripping on it so hard as if his life depended on it that I had to bend my head down and look at him in the eyes for him to get out from his daze. As soon as our eyes met he pulls up his head and slowly lets go of Sofi’s stuff.
“Oh. Sorry.” He says and I give him a small smile.
“It’s okay.” I say to him softly.
I started filling up Sofia’s papers and giving the nurse Sofi’s records.
“How bad is it this time?” Chelsea asks me a nurse that worked there for as long as I remember.
“A bit longer this time. five to ten intervals.” I say and she shook her head worriedly.
“Don’t worry about it.” She says and holds my hand to comfort me and I nod my head and gave her a smile.
“Everything good?” I ask her as she typed on the computer and was looking at it longer than it usually took.
“Y/N.” she says with a frown and looked like she was about to give me bad news she didn’t want to give me.
“How bad?” I ask her as I took out my wallet.
“Full price.” She says and I shut my wallet again.
“What? No. We have insurance and I still have credit here right?”
“Actually, Lorenzo went in this month with one of his teammates and he charged it to your credit. He didn’t tell you?”
“No.” I say and dropped my head on my hands on the table. “What do I do? I can’t afford it right now, Chelsea.”
“I’m sure doctor Ben would wave the doctor’s fee.” She says but then looks at me and frown “but… Y/N, you know how expensive it is.”
I shook my head again covering my eyes with the palm of my hands and tried to crunch the numbers in my head.
“Charge it here.” I heard Harry say and I quickly look up at him and saw that he was being serious.
“Thank you. I’ll pay you back.” I say to him and I hated it when people gave me money because pride was all I had left but I would exchange my pride for my sister’s life every time.
“It’s fine.”
“No. I’ll pay you back.” I say back to him.
“I swear, it’s nothing. It’s..” he says but I cut him off by holding on to his forearm.
“You can live in our house.”
Want to ask me something?
Hope everyone’s having a bloody good day or night whichever part of the world you live in! :)
11 notes · View notes
lookingsslag · 8 years
okay 1) I AM LOVING THIS STORY ALREADY and 2) how's London? I hope you had a good flight over ❤
1. THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY NATNAT! always such a sweetheart!2. I'M LOVING LONDON!!!! I want to live here! Haha and thank you! It was a fun flight :)
0 notes
lookingsslag · 8 years
Ready Set Go : Chapter 2
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Harry’s POV
I woke up the next morning with my waitress from last night still in my mind. She really was a very curious person. I wondered what I’ve ever done that she was so annoyed with me. I knew it wasn’t who she was though, since she was so nice to the other patrons from the diner, or maybe it was just because I wasn’t a local here.
I shook her out from my mind and remembered that I was here to actually do work and not chase after a girl who obviously didn’t want anything to do with me, so I decided to go back to town and research about the character I was auditioning for.
I got to my car and it wouldn’t turn on. It kept making this weird sound every time I tried to turn it on. I got out and popped the hood open and tried checking the engine, but I couldn’t tell what was wrong with it.
I called for a tow to get my car, good thing Jeff was obsessive compulsive enough that he sent me every possible number I could ever need in this town. I didn’t think I’d need it at first but now I was very thankful for Jeff.
I was riding shotgun inside the tow truck and speaking of the devil I saw Jeff calling.
phone call
“Guess what.” I say and laughed a little as I looked out the window and watched us pass by trees, I really was in the middle of nowhere.
“You’re coming back?” he teases.
“No.” I laughed again “My car broke down and I was actually about to call you to thank you for the numbers. You were right, they are handy.”
“Ha! See! What will you do without me.” he teases again and we said our goodbyes after we ran down my schedule again.
“So you’re some famous singer right?” Daniel the guy who towed my car asked me from the driver’s seat and I looked at him and smiled.
I never really liked being called famous, it felt like I was being generalized and stripped down of who I was.
He looked younger than I was or we were probably the same age. He had a strong built to him and he sort of looked like one of those Abercrombie models back in LA, which made me wondered what he was doing in this small town.
“I’m in a band. Yeah.”
“Cool.” He answers back but didn’t really seem that interested. “So what are you doing here?”
“I’m actually researching for a role.”
“Yup. Do you know Frankie Smith?” I asked him and he just quickly shook his head and didn’t talk to me again.
We get to the repair shop and I started looking around the garage and didn’t really see anyone until I saw a pair of feet under a car, clearly a mechanic fixing a car.
I knock on the door of the car to hopefully get his attention “Hello.” I say but he doesn’t move.
I tapped his foot a little with my foot and he finally slides out and to my surprise that person wasn’t a guy at all.
“You.” I say in surprise as she removed her headset.
“Yeah. Me.” the rude waitress from the diner last night that owned the Cadillac says and raised her eyebrow at me as she wiped her hands with a cloth to remove the grease from her hands.
She was wearing a mechanics jumper and thick rubber shoes with a white fitted tank top, her hair messily pulled up to a bun with a couple of hair falling to her face, grease covering parts of her body and I couldn’t help but look a little longer.
“You here to just stare at my body or what?” I heard her ask and she walks away from me and closed the hood of the car she was working on.
“No. Sorry.” I say and let out a little laugh as I shook my head.
“So what do you want?” she asks me rudely and again I couldn’t help but laugh. She was rude to me in the diner and now she was rude to me again but in a different place, which made me think too, how many jobs did this girl have?
“I was the one who called earlier and got my car towed.” I say and flashed her a smile.
“Yeah and?” she says and crosses her arm as she leaned on the hood of the car.
“Well is there anyone here I can talk to, to get it fixed?” I asked politely and she didn’t answer me and just walked towards my car.
I watched as she opened the hood of my car and started checking it.
“So do you know what’s wrong with her?” I ask and she doesn’t answer me again.
“It was working perfectly fine yesterday and as I tried to open it this morning it wouldn’t budge.” I say as I continued to watch her as she checked the water, oil, and other parts of the engine. I had to admit, seeing how much she knows about cars attracted me to her even more.
“So you work here too huh? How many jobs do you actually…” I say and she cuts me off as she closed the hood of my car.
“Follow me.” she says as she walked in the office and handed me a couple of papers to sign.
“So do you own this place?” I ask her and she shook her head. “So you’re a waitress and a mechanic?” I followed my question to make conversation as I filled out the forms.
“Are you done with the paperwork?” she says uninterested.
“Almost.” I said and smiled sweetly at her.
After a couple more pages she hands me back my credit card as I give her the papers.
“You can pick her up after a week.” she says as she filed my documents.
“Do you guys rent cars here too?”
She sighed and nodded her head and simply said “Yes.”
“Um. Alright. Can I rent one?” I ask her and couldn’t believe she didn’t even offer it.
“Fill these up.” She says and took my card again.
Why did she hate me so much. 
“Hey Frankie. Midnight run again?”
“Hey Ben. Yeah. Couldn’t sleep again.” he says and smiled before nodding to the backseat of the car. “How’s the hospital going?”
“I see the little one got you driving all over town again huh?” I say and laughed and he nods his head and had a grin on his face “Also, the hospital’s good. Someone’s due for a check up though.” I say and Frankie smiles coyly and scratched the back of his head before looking at the rear view mirror. 
“I know. I’m sorry. But she hates it. You know she does. Is there any other way to give it to her without needles?”
“You mean, her shots?” I say and we both laugh.
“Alright. Alright. I get it. We’ll drop by this week.”
“Good. We don’t want the little one to get sick. And don’t worry, I’ll give you a lollipop after her shot.” I tease and we wave each other goodbye before he drove off.
His child wasn’t the one afraid of the hospital, it was him. Whenever he would take his child in, I spent more time calming him down that actually giving his kid the shot. But that’s how it was though with new parents. 
He was different though, he looked after his child and was so protective that he barely left the child’s side. He really was a great father. He wasn’t like what people thought he would be when he had his first born.
That child’s going to grow up such a daddy’s girl and 
Harry’s POV
“Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me. I really appreciate it.” I say to the good doctor as we shook hands.
“No problem.” the kind old doctor says back and we give each other proper goodbyes before he left.
It was 
I’ve attached the script for you to study and memorize. I’ve also summarized the name of the people that were closed with the main character’s role so you can ask them more about him.
I still don’t understand why you have to do this character research you and him basically are the same people. Haha!
Anyways, let me know if you need any more help and please re consider the whole sleeping in your car bit. He did it when he was younger and you don’t really need to do that part.
Talk to you soon.
Thanks, Jeff! I’ll go through them. Really appreciate all the help. I actually need something else from you though. I’ve been talking to some people here but none of them wants to tell me where he used to live. Can you maybe find that out for me?
I’ll talk to you soon.
All the love.
I was waiting for Y/N back in the diner after I spent the whole day talking to a couple of people about the person I was about to portray. I’ve followed his music even as a kid. My mum loved him and I grew to love his music too.
He was the rockstar of their generation and he was a classic Hollywood story. Started from the bottom and as soon as he and his band shot up to fame they went a hundred miles an hour. Parties, booze, drugs, women, traveling all over the world, they had everything. They basically ruled the industry during their time, until it all went downhill. They didn’t disband but it was reported that he just stopped writing music and refused to perform when his first child was born. He just concentrated on his family and after a couple of years when his family grew and his youngest kid was born and was reported to have a sickness he went back to work and they said that it was just for the money because when he came back it wasn’t the same. His music sounded different and seemed different like he didn’t have passion for it anymore or something.
I didn’t feel that way though. I actually thought his music then was better. He wouldn’t admit it to interviews but I felt like his music was about his family, the good parts of it the bad parts, the struggle of his marriage, the struggle of wanting to be more for his kids, the anxiety he had thinking he wasn’t enough for them. What I loved most was how he wrote about how much he loved his children, you could actually feel his emotions pulsing through your veins as you listened to the song, it made you feel what he was feeling, it was euphoric. I guess people just expected him to still write about angst in the world and love, sex, and anarchy, but that wasn’t his life anymore, he left that all behind when he had a family, and I actually respect him for that.
It couldn’t have been easy for him though. From being reckless and giving zero fucks about everything to doing a complete three hundred and sixty degrees turn to being a dad and a family man, that couldn’t have been easy for him. 
What made him different from everyone was his passion for the music during their peak. When they started, even in interviews he would say that they weren’t doing it for the fame nor for the money, they were doing it for the art. 
He was the typical rockstar, he was known to be quiet and secluded but when he was on stage he completely changed like a different person, like something just possessed him and he even up to now is known for his stage presence.
I  remembered an interview of his when he was asked if all of it were taken from him what he would do and he said he’d still make music because he haven’t seen nor experienced anything like it, until he had a family of his own though, I guess that said a lot about how much he loved his kids.
“Would you be needing anything else?” the real Monica sweetly asked me and I shook my head and smiled back at her.
Unlike Y/N, the real Monica was far much nicer and pleasant but I still felt disappointed though not seeing Y/N.
“Excuse me.” I call out to Monica again. “Do you know what time Y/N will be in?”
“What do you need from her?” Johnny pops his head in and I was jolted up by the sudden interruption.
“I was just wondering what time she’d be in.” I say back to him politely.
“And I asked you what you needed from her.” He says firmly as he came out and wiped his hands on his apron before crossing them on his chest, he was clearly trying to intimidate me.
I quickly stood up to face him too as he cowered over me. He kind of scared me a little. I felt like I was in trouble and I didn’t even know why, I simply asked a question.
“I..” I said and stuttered, “I was just wondering.”
“She’s not coming in tonight.”
“Right. Okay. Thank you.” I say and dropped a twenty on the table before leaving.
I got to my rented car and as soon as I was about to pull out from the diner a knock on my window startles me and I looked up and saw that it was Johnny. I opened the window and he just looked at me like I was scum.
“Listen, I don’t know why you’re here and what you think will happen between you and Y/N but I don’t want you coming in around here anymore. I don’t want you bothering her too.” He says and I wondered if he was his dad or something. He really was being very protected over her.
“I’m sorry?”
“Not yet, but you will be if you don’t keep away from her.” He threatens me before going back in the diner. “Don’t scratch my car.” 
So he owned the repair shop Y/N works in too. I guess they really were family, they were both very rude. He was right though, I wasn’t here to chase girls, I was here to work and should really concentrate on that.
I checked my phone and saw that Jeff sent me an e-mail regarding my question and he sent me an address with it too.
“Awesome.” I say to myself as I punched in the address on my phone and drove off.
I get to a house at the end of the town. It was on a hill and it was the only house for a couple of miles. It didn’t really surprise me that he used to live here. It suited him. It was a simple house from the outside and it really was like him. Simple and secluded.
I got out of the car and made my way to the house. I knocked on the door and couldn’t believe who answered it.
“Are you stalking me?”
“No. I mean... Wait.” I say and checked my phone again.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks and I showed her the screen of my phone.
“Is this the right address?”
“Yes. So what are you doing here then?”
I look at my phone again and double-checked the address that Jeff sent me.
“Is this twenty-three lilac?” I ask her and she raises her eyebrow at me.
“How many times do I have to say yes and ask you what you’re doing here?”
“Okay. Um.” I say and scratch the back of my head. “I’m looking for the Smith’s.”
“Would you happen to know where they are.”
“I’m Y/N Smith.” She says and I couldn’t believe the coincidence.
She’s the Frankie Smith’s first daughter.
Flight today! aghhh!!! See you soon, London! :)
MASTERLIST! (not including this one)
Hope everyone’s having a super duper day or night whichever part of the world you live in! Lots of hugs! :)
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