it’S nOt OkaY to seXuaLiZe cHiLd actOrS aND chaRAcTEEEEERRRRRSSS
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I don't mind the 13th Doctor being a girl, I just don't like the actress... I think there were other options who could have suit the role better.
Also, can people please stop being pricks and attack fans who are disappointed with this casting choice. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. If you were slagged off for your opinion you'd be upset. Don't be hypocrites.
The Doctor Who fandom is meant to be a place where everyone can be nice to each other. If you’re going to be mean you really need to check yourself. No matter who or what you’re arguing about.
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(Y/N): Merlin! Scamander … When you said we were coming to New York I thought the only trouble you could get us in was a creature escaping once in a while. I never expected the bloody Mucosa chasing us because your whole collection was dispersed along the streets. Newt: Well, at least you have something to count your grandchildren one day, my dear (Y/N).
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Nathaniel: *sees Marinette getting closer* How do you do, Mari? Marinette: Great! I see you are almost finish with the painting. Nathaniel: Yes, it took me a bit, but I´m satisfied with the results. Marinette: I won´t distract you anymore, I´m sure (Y/N) must be very tired of posing. See you later! *Leaves* Nathaniel: Just hang on for five minutes, sweetie… You´ll love the portrait! (Y/N): *with a sad voice* Probably you would prefer Marinette to be in my place, don´t you? Nathaniel: What are you talking about? You are way more beautiful than her, plus, I really like spending time with you. (Y/N): *blushes*
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Doctor: Wait… What did you say was your single surname? (Y/N): Temple-Noble Doctor: Just for curiosity… Isn´t your mother Donna Noble? (Y/N): Yes! ... Do you know her? Doctor: She was my companion a long ago. (Y/N): Really? Alfie´s parents met you too! Doctor: (after thinking for a long time) The Owens! How didn´t I see it before! Alfie: You know, Doctor? For being such an intelligent person, you can be so silly sometimes.
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can you please do an x reader where klaus meets the reader at the factory and and gets all clumsy and stutter-y when she's around and violet notices and when he gets hypnotized the reader kisses him, all fluff (you can change the ending) tysm!!💚
I hope you like it! You can find it by the title "Rejected".
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Rejected (Klaus Baudelaire x Reader)
Requested by anonymous.
It amused you to be the reason that a child as intelligent as Klaus became a complete inept whenever you approached.
The Baudelaire’s had arrived at your parent´s factory a week ago, and since then your visits to the Happy Smell have gone from being twice a month to every day. Although your father had forbidden you to speak to any of the three siblings because of their surname, your rebellion prompted you to meet them, especially the boy.
The first time you crossed paths was in the library, where you used to spend time writing while both of your parents “worked” at the sawmill. The chat started after he crashed into a shelf because he was looking at you… and immediately he caught your attention.
He was different to any other guy you had ever met before: He was clever and funny, everything you expect from a person like him. But, beyond all, you loved his eyes. These had nothing out of the ordinary, they were brown, like those of other people around the world. However, the way they saw you was unique, as if from time to time you would disappear and he was trying to memorize every little detail to not forget.
You had spent all day with him, you hadn´t separated from each other even when he was working, but you had to go home for dinner or else your parents would end up locking you in your room to hold your visits to the middle Baudelaire.
After dinner, you went to your room feigning tiredness, when in fact you had saved some of your food to give it to the siblings. You knew perfectly well that the factory workers only had a bite at night and what was served at the sawmill was a real filth. Instead, you were indulged in what you wanted, you could eat five portions if you wanted and your parents wouldn´t deny it, so nothing cost you to take a little to Violet, Sunny and Klaus.
As you walked to the small cabin that the workers shared, you visualized Klaus, without his glasses, walking in a straight line in the same direction as you.
(Y/N): Klaus!
You called him in a singsong voice, but he did not turn around. You walked slowly to where he was and touched his shoulder, causing him to turn slowly to see you.
(Y/N): I thought you would be with your sisters in the chambers… Where are your glasses?
Klaus: I’m very happy to be here, Sir.
You frowned, a little confused by the situation. Yes, he was your father, but it was not even biological, so you didn´t look like him.
(Y/N): I am not Sir, I am (Y/N), and you definitely require your glasses…
Klaus ignored you and went on his way, leaving you speechless. Was he mad at you? If so, what was the cause?
(Y/N). Klaus, did I do something wrong?
You pulled of the sleeve of his uniform and forced him to look at you. His eyes were the same as always, but they didn´t looked at you in that special way you adored.
(Y/N): Klaus?
It was scaring you, he almost didn’t blink. You got closer to him, in an attempt to make him react, but he didn´t even move. You placed your hand on his cheek and brought your lips slowly, waiting for him to get nervous or say something, but Klaus was as before. Then, upset and nervous at the same time, you pressed your lips against his, giving that young orphan your first kiss, the one you had reserved just for him.
Klaus didn’t correspond to you, in fact, he walked away and resumed his passage to the cabins. Your eyes were flooded with tears, who the hell did he think he was to treat you that way?
You ran out to your house in pieces, only to lock yourself in your room in the hope that everything was a bad dream.
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Can you please do a violet baudelaire imagine where the reader is with Jacquline and Gustavo and she watches Count Olaf try to marry her and the reader gets pissed and jealous cause she's had the crush on her for the longest time, so after Klaus is done provin why the marriage isn't authentic she goes up on stage and confesses her love and violet does the same? Sorry for the long request!
I already did it! You can find it by the name of “The Weeding”.
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The weeding (Violet Baudelaire x Reader)
Requested by @glitterbearbear
It wasn´t fair.
Violet and (Y/N) had known each other since they were little, even it could be said that the Baudelaire’s were like her second family ... And yet there she was, unable to do anything, in the face of the unfortunate union between the love of her life and a disgraceful actor.
(Y/N): Why did you bring me in? You could have asked Genevra to come in my place."
The girl couldn´t see Violet, but she was sure her friend was terrified while everyone in the theatre believed that it was an ordinary play.
Jacquelyn: We thought the Baudelaire’s would like to see a familiar face ... Especially Violet, weren´t you close friends before the fire?"
Close was not the right word to describe the relationship between the two French girls. The love that (Y/N) had for the young inventor was so great that her heart went out of her chest whenever her eyes focused on Violet´s factions.
(Y/N): We still are."
The bad performances of the actors in conjunction with the bad mood of (Y/N) caused her a feeling of nausea that worsened with every word said on stage… Until she heard the weeding march.
Violet and Klaus appeared on scene along with a woman who (Y/N) identified as Justice Strauss. The older Baudelaire looked pale and walked as slowly as she could. (Y/N) eyes burned, a sign that she was on the verge of tears.
She had imagined Violet dressed in white on many occasions, but she would have wished it to happen together, not with a fortune hunter as Count Olaf.
Justice Strauss: Do you… take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
(Y/N): Aren´t we doing anything?
Gustav: We can´t, we were told not to interrupt.
(Y/N) grunted, exasperated to see Count Olaf take a pen and sign the marriage bond. They were on their backs, but (Y/N) had fire running through her veins after imagining the petulant smile on his lips.
Count Olaf: I do.
He hang back the piece of paper, which was the Baudelaire´s death sentence. She wanted to kill him in that exact moment.
Justice Strauss: Do you take… this woman-
Count Olaf: Man.
Justice Strauss: M…Man… Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
The paper passed from the judge's hands to Violet´s, who turned to see the count with fear, as well as Klaus. Trembling, the Baudelaire girl signed the document with her left hand, causing (Y/N) to release a barely audible sob.
This was breaking her heart, figuratively.
Violet: I do.
Justice Strauss: By the powers vested in me by going to law school, I now pronounce you Count and Countess.
An irritating Jewish song began to play in the background, making the young girl wanted to scream. With disgust, she saw Count Olaf approaching Violet to give her a kiss, and how she was quickly moving away from him.
Count Olaf: Ladies and gentleman, I´d like to make an announcement. There is no need to continue with tonight´s performance.
Some uncomfortable applause was heard from the front row, which awe to reduce the French girl in tears. ¡She wanted Violet to be with her, not with him!
Count Olaf: For its purpose has been served. This has not been a scene of fiction. My marriage to Violet Baudelaire is perfectly legal, and I am now in control of her entire fortune.
The whole crowd gasp while Jacquelyn and Gustav rolled their eyes.
Justice Strauss: That can´t be true!
Count Olaf: On the contrary, Judgikins, the law of the land clearly states that the bride must say “I do” and sign the appropriate document in her own hand. And all of you, ladies and gentlemen, are witnesses.
Mr Poe: Violet is just a child! She´s not old enough to marry.
Count Olaf: She is if her legal guardian allows it. And in addition to being her husband, I am also her legal guardian.
Justice Strauss: But that piece of paper´s not an official document! It´s… It´s just a stage prop.
Count Olaf: If you look closely enough, I think you´ll see that it is figuratively real.
Klaus: Literally.
Count Olaf: I said literally.
The judge examined the document with such attention that her hands trembled without stopping.
Justice Strauss: I´m afraid this marriage is entirely binding. Violet, you said “I do” and signed this paper in your own hand. Count Olaf, you are now Violet´s legal husband.
Count Olaf: And?
Justice Strauss: And a vile and terrible person.
Count Olaf: A vile and terrible person who is in complete control of the Baudelaire’s entire fortune.
Mr Poe: This is absolutely horrendous! I won´t allow it!
Count Olaf: I´m afraid there´s nothing you can do.
Justice Strauss: Count Olaf is correct… This marriage is legally binding. I´m sorry, Baudelaire´s. I can´t believe how easily I was tricked.
Count Olaf: It was like a child´s play, winning this fortune. And now a reception to celebrate my special day. Hit it!
The musician started playing again, so (Y/N) got up from her seat and headed for the exit, covering her mouth so they wouldn´t hear her crying. Outside the theatre, the young woman was carried away by the feeling and shout of disgust, unable to believe that she had witnessed something so sinister.
Hers duty was to take care of Violet and she hadn’t been able to keep it!
Behind her, Gustav touched her shoulder and pointed to the inside of the building:
Gustav: I think you'll like to hear this.
The French woman walked quickly through the doors and found Klaus with a blackboard on the stage, explaining why the marriage between Count Olaf and Violet was not valid.
That boy was amazing! Always with the right answer at the right time.
Klaus: And so, as Martin Luther King said, “Morality cannot be legislated, but behaviour can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.”
Justice Strauss: Ah! That moral argument had all the apocryphal insight of Thurgood Marshall and the moral aplomb of Ida B. Wells. It was thoroughly impressive and utterly convincing. And I am happy to say that because Violet, who is right-handed, signed the document with her left hand, the marriage is invalid.
(Y/N) smiled so hard that her cheeks hurt. She had underestimated how ingenious the Baudelaire’s could be.
For a moment, being modest, she restrained herself from running to Violet and embracing her like never before. However, the formalities did not seem to be important at the time, so she walked up the flight of stairs to her friend and wrap her arms around her waist.
Violet: (Y/N)! You are here! I´ve missed you so much.
She, still dismayed by the events, decided that she wouldn´t contained her feelings another second and bent to kiss the lips of the Baudelaire girl. With amazement, she felt Violet's lips move in tune with hers and bring her closer to her body.
(Y/N): I love you, Violet.
Violet: I thought you will never say it.
(Y/N): I´ll never let you on your own again.
(Y/N) placed her hand on Violet´s cheek and pressed her forehead against hers. She loved her and she won´t let anyone take her away from her.
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Violet: Thank you for helping me, (Y/N). My artistic skills are not the best.
(Y/N): You don´t have to thank me, I love spending time with you.
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Don´t do it (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Warning: suicide references.
You watched the water move passively under the bridge you were standing on. The morning air whipped your face so hard your eyes burned.
Your husband had died a few hours before in mysterious circumstances and, in your opinion, there was no reason to remain alive: you were in debt, your problem with drugs had reached extremes and the history of crimes you had was enough for you to rot in jail for the rest of your life.
With indifference, you took off your shoes and threw them away from you, to then grab some of the tensioners, thinking if the fall would kill you or you'd have to wait a few minutes for the oxygen to leave your lungs.
****: Don´t do it.
You turned to see the man standing next to you, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jacket.
(Y/N): Now everyone wants to be heroes, doesn’t it?
Lately, the people of your city had wanted to show how good human beings they were trying to "save" people who, from their point of view, required their services. You were not going to be the ticket to heaven for an idiot.
****: We all have bad days, nobody can avoid that... What really matters is how you decide to act on it.
(Y/ N): Mine is not a bad day, but a curse.
****: Come on! I bet my story will beat yours.
(Y/N): I doubt it.
****: Do you want to go eat a hamburger? Whoever counts the most tragic tale pays.
(Y/N): I know what you're trying to do. Leave me alone, you don´t even know me.
You turned back to the lake, trying to ignore the boy's presence. You heard a sigh and a few steps, so you thought you had finally gotten rid of him.
However, seconds later, you felt a pair of strong arms grab you by the waist and get you off the concrete stretch you were on. You let yourself fall on your knees on the floor, curling up in the stranger's chest and letting everything that was inside come out.
Dean: My name is Dean Winchester...
(Y/N): Thank you.
Dean: It doesn´t matter, someday you will return me the favour.
You lay huddled against him for long minutes, feeling the warmth of his body and thanking him for stepping in your way from jumping.
That was the beginning of your incredible life with the Winchester guy.
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Requests from this fandoms are open:
American Horror Story
A series of unfortunate events (based on the books and series)
Criminal minds
DC Comics
Death Note
Diabolik Lovers
Doctor Who (classical and modern)
Fantastic beasts and where to find them
Game of thrones
Gravity Falls
Harry Potter
Marvel Comics
Miraculous Ladybug
Mirai Nikki
My candy love
Once upon a time
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sherlock (BBC)
Skins (UK)
Star Wars (and all of its branches)
Stranger things
Suicide Room
Teen Wolf
The hunger games
The walking dead
Tokyo Ghoul
Yuri on Ice!
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Treachery (Sherlock x Reader)
She could endure many things, even she had ended up suffering the consequences of his selfish acts over and over again only for her love to him.
However, this was too much, even for him. It was something she could never forgive him.
"Listen to me, I can explain."
Sherlock was begging her, but (Y/N) flatly refused to listen him, she didn´t need to hear more lies from his lips.
"Forget it, Holmes ... I don´t want to know anything."
For some time, (Y/N) knew that Molly Hooper was just as in love with the detective as her, but she never thought the feeling was reciprocal.
"I'll come to your apartment for my things tomorrow at noon."
She turned, with her heart reduced to ashes, and walked slowly to the door in a forced attempt to maintain her composure. She heard hurried footsteps behind her and seconds later, Sherlock's hand pulled from hers. (Y/N) released herself as soon as she felt the touch of his skin.
"Please, don´t leave me."
Sherlock´s voice broke in the last words and for a moment, she considered forgiving him once more. The thought left her mind as she saw the naked woman behind him.
"If you didn’t want me to leave, you should have thought things through better."
(Y/N) looked into Holmes's eyes one last time before leaving the house, slamming the door after her. Sherlock fell to his knees on the floor as small tears began to slide down his cheeks.
He had lost her and it was no one’s fault but his.
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