I'm so proud of u my beautiful nephew. You are growing so fast. Uhhh you smart girl love. I love more my 😍
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Story about my idol. Oke I love harry styles he is humoris , friendly, handsome, smart, kind, beautiful voice, and multi talented. Harry Styles will be playing on Disney so he was be able prince Eric. Ohhh I'm so happy Harry come back in movie. And I hope harry read this text. I do apologize for my English, I'm still learning. Thank u....
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My story
Last time Justin Bieber live ig and that is only for a second, and it's make me bored. Why do justin you not speaking to your fans. Maybe you tired or busy sorry🤗. But I'm still love you justin. Justin only singing. And I don't know it's song. Ahhh whatever. I love u Justin as my friend
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My story
Hmmm.... I always feel mimder if I look my friends, I think it's not good I know. But I swear.... Y Allah help me, I wanna able😭😭😭😭.
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