lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
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Platonic/Friendship Starter Sentences!
“You’re just like a brother/sister/sibling to me.”
"I couldn't go on without my best friend."
"With you by my side, I'm invincible."
"I had a dream about you last night."
"Let's play some video games!"
"You're my best friend in the whole world."
"I love you. Platonically, of course."
"Do you want to bake some cookies?"
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You're a true friend."
"I trust you."
"Ride together, die together, right?"
"If someone ever hurts you, I'll punch them."
"Would you still be my friend if say... I killed someone?"
"You're so funny!"
"I'm not being overprotective!"
"How did I get so lucky to have a friend like you?"
"Come on, I'll race you back home!"
"Be careful, you might get hurt!"
"I love you, you know that. Whether we're friends or lovers."
"Come here, I'm going to tickle you!"
"I'll get you a nice cup of tea."
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
tender (loving) care starters : volume iii
starter sentences focused on softness, kindness, and caring for another (injured) person! feel free to change tenses, pronouns, etc. as you like!
❝ can— can you help me with this? ❞
❝ can you take a look at this? ❞
❝ if it’s no trouble, could you help me out? ❞
❝ thanks for being with be through this. ❞
❝ thanks for helping me out. ❞
❝ it’s supposed to get easier, right? ❞
❝ tell me it’s going to be okay, please. ❞
❝ don’t push it. you’ve done enough. ❞
❝ it’ll get easier the stronger you get. ❞
❝ i’m sorry i can’t make it easier, but i’ll try to make it bearable. ❞
❝ don’t be so hard on yourself, healing isn’t linear. ❞
❝ that’s it, take deep slow breaths. ❞
❝ take my hand, you can squeeze as much as you need to. ❞
❝ i need you to tell me: how did this happen? ❞
❝ who/what did this to you? ❞
❝ you always look out for everyone else, let me look out for you. ❞
❝ let someone else take care of things for once. ❞
❝ please, let me help you. ❞
❝ let me handle this for you, yeah? ❞
❝ if you keep going like this, you’re going to collapse! ❞
❝ take it easy, leave this to me. ❞
❝ what can i say? i’m worried about you. ❞
❝ i always worry about you! ❞
❝ i don’t know what i’d do if anything happened to you. ❞
❝ it’s alright. you’re safe now! ❞
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
Meme Call
Like this and I’ll check out your memes and send you one.
You need to have an easily accessible meme tag though.
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
Barry looked at Wendy and then at the wheelchair, before looking back at Wendy, ignoring the impatient nurse waiting for him to get ready. "Can you push me?" he asked, trying to not let fear seep into his voice. He couldn't explain it, but having a stranger pushing his wheelchair, being behind his back, made him anxious. It didn't matter how many times he was told he was safe and that his anxiety and fear was normal, he still felt embarrassed about it. He was also trying very hard to not be so clingy. So far, none of them seemed to have minded it, but for how long would that continue?
Once told Wendy could push his wheelchair, Barry, with the help of the nurse, got into it. He had barely moved, but was already tired from it, another thing he felt embarrassed about. The boy had to remind himself that he was still both sick and injured. He would get stronger with time.
"Let's go home." He really really wanted to go home.
“Good” he mumbled, or more like slurred before he was asleep again, the steady beeping of his heart monitor and his wheezing breath the only thing audible.
This was pretty much how the coming few days would pass, Barry mostly sleeping and regularly needing assurance about his and his family’s safety. Both Wendy and Alfred was very patient in continuously reassuring him. Then it was finally time for him to go home, considerably earlier than they normally would’ve discharged him.
Still weak, a wheelchair had been rolled up to his bed. Barry looked at it and then at Wendy. “There’s nothing wrong with my legs, I can walk.” Considering how pale he looked, and the fact that he still had pneumonia, anyone would very much doubt the latter part of that sentence. Yes, he could technically walk, but that didn’t mean he should.
Wendy was slightly worried at how quickly they were allowing him to return home, but grateful all the same to have Barry back under her roof. Protected by Wayne level security at the hospital was a nuisance, but necessary.
Giving him a soft look she leaned her head to the side. “I know you can, and I know you can run, and you protected our family. This? This is just procedure.” she tried to encourage him. “Besides…. it’s a free ride.” she teased playfully. “You can make them push you as fast as you want too.” Wendy added for good measure.
“Then we take you home.”
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
Dio called Barry to pay him a visit late at night, mostly because it was the only time he got left in his day, his explanation for the sudden favor wasn't really a list of reasons or a clear response, but he said it was important and of his foster brother's interest.
"Sorry for coming around out of nowhere like this." The blond apologized as he sat on one of those tall chairs in the lab, then unlocked and opened his briefcase over an empty space on the table in front of him, then flicked through some of the folders inside and pulled one to show Barry. "Here. This is for you."
The smile on his lips was genuine, it reached his eyes and softened the lines on his face as he handed the folder to Barry. Inside there were documents and legal requests of many kinds, but the most important was the first paper when he opened the folder, an approved request for Barry's biological father to be out of jail on a special concession so long as he answered to his parole officer once every month for the next four years.
"I wanted to be able to do more. He can't leave the State, okay? But he'll be able to go home, look for a job or start one of his own and get back to a more normal life." Dio lamented that he came short in that regard, but the investigation on the murder of Barry's mom had been re-opened on the blond's vehement argumentation that the proofs were not sufficient to call it an open-and-close case and that it was shown time and again by multiple doctors that Barry's dad wasn't a violent man to kill the one and only woman he loved above all — perhaps a little bit of exaggeration, but it earned the judge's leniency. "I'm still working on the case and your father will still have me for his lawyer for as long as he wants. I'm not quitting until this is all solved, alright? But for now, I think you might want to call in for the night in order to go see him first thing in the morning."
There was no mention of payment too, which, weirdly enough, had been a constant from Dio, he refused to discuss payment from the very moment Barry came to ask for his help. They were foster brothers, but Dio hadn't been all too close to Barry, in fact, for the most part they were almost strangers, since Dio lived most of his time at Italy and only really met Barry a couple of times before Felipe passed away and Emilo's guardianship fell into his own hands — it didn't help that he was also emotionally distant in a weird way for those years. So there wasn't a reason for him to treat him as family, but... Dio tried to convey some of it through his actions. The dedication and refusal to talk money were part of it.
random ask || @goldentemplariumcrow
Barry would never forget the day Felipe first spoke to him at the orphanage, nor would he forget the day he took him in. The boy had gotten pretty close with his foster dad, they had both needed each other in a way. Someone he hadn't gotten close with though was his foster brother, not for lack of trying, but he guessed they were just too different. It did sadden him though. Not even Felipe's death had brought them closer, something that had been a hard blow for them both. If anything, it had driven them further apart. Though, things had gotten better lately, but Barry was still surprised when Dio called him and wanted to meet.
Having told him he needed to work in the lab, it had been decided they would meet there. Barry greeted him, barely holding back the hug he wanted to give the man, before leading him over to a cleared space.
Seeing the smile, an actual smile, on Dio's lips as he handed him a folder made Barry blink in surprise. "I guess it must be something good since you're actually smiling, like really smiling," he said before he could stop himself as he took the folder he was handed. Opening it, he began to read and the froze. Within a second, his mouth hung open and his eyes looked like they could pop out of their sockets at any time and he stood so uncharacteristically still that it seemed like he might not even be breathing. Actually, he wasn't breathing. His entire brain and body had decided to just stop functioning. Barry couldn't believe what he was reading. His dad would be released? The case would be re-opened? Re-examined?
Barry wasn't sure how long he stood like that, but eventually he gulped in some air, feeling a little dizzy, and then tears began to fall. Before he could stop himself, he'd made a very embarrassing sobbing noise. Not just a noise, he was literally sobbing. "I-I never... I-I... th-thanks... I..." He couldn't speak and his entire body was trembling now. When he went to Dio about his dad's case, he never really imagined anything could be done. No one else had been able to, but here it was. Progress. Freedom. He was going to be able to meet his dad without glass between them for the first time in over a decade.
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
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What if Barry had to go somewhere where he needs to just be Barry and eating the amount of food he needs would be suspicious? Snack smuggling!
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
Masterlist: JL Movie Scene Comments
Here’s a list of my posts where I take a more closer look at some JL scenes.
Barry meets Diana
Falling in the tunnel fight
Bruce hoisting Barry around xD
Barry getting shot by the Parademon
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
Barry shrugged and immediately regretted it, trying to keep the expression of pain off his face, and probably failing miserably. "It was a bomb, I knew it would be bad." Although he hadn't known it was going to be a bomb when Bruce told him to help Green Arrow. He'd take a bomb over power-hungry space aliens any day, so the bomb wasn't that bad in his opinion.
If felt like it took an eternity before they reached the base, even if it probably was quick by regular human standards. Once inside, he gawked a bit and his amazed expression only grew when he saw who he had in front of him. "Oliver Queen? The Oliver Queen? You're Green Arrow? Wow! That's so cool and it makes sense that Bruce know you then since I guess you know each other as each other too and not just as heroes or you might prefer the term vigilante, but I think hero is a better word even if what we do is technically illegal it isn't bad and that's okay as long as I can get some calories." Barry spoke in a pace that would almost be hard for people to follow and as he spoke he unwrapped an energy bar he'd been handed and basically inhaled it.
When Green Arrow told him to stop talking, that he talked too much, Barry immediately closed his mouth with an audible click of his teeth. You didn’t need to be a genius to know that this must be something he heard a lot. He never meant to talk so much, it just happened. Arrest them? Oh, yeah, he didn’t want that, so he just nodded and then let the other man help him up.
Barry shook his head a little. “It’s okay, I knew it was going to be dangerous. I risk dying pretty much every day.” Impacts in the speed he was doing could end disastrous and he was fully aware of that. “Food sounds good, I don’t need much rest, I will literally have been fully healed within a day.” More or less, at least. The food was actually more important to his healing than the rest.
When Green Arrow ruffled his hair, Barry looked a little embarrassed, but he didn’t seem to dislike it. It wasn’t until then that he realised he was holding his helmet instead of wearing it, meaning his temporary partner had now seen his face. Oh well, Bruce seemed to trust this person, then so would Barry.
“We all know that what we do is dangerous, that doesn’t mean I should have thrown you into the lion’s den…” He looked at the other, seeing his unmasked face, still, he didn’t say his name, knowing very well others were listening with his communicator. “Yes, he’s alive and… somewhat injured. I’m taking him to the base…” He said and there seemed to be some protest. “It’s okay for him to know…” He responded.
It took them a while, but Oliver reached the bunker and opened up after he did a quick swoop if everything was safe and secure. Once inside, Oliver pulled off his hood and his mask. “Barry…” He gave him a nod before he turned his back on the other and went looking for some food. “It’s mostly packed food and there isn’t much, but once you’ve gained some strength, I can make you something at my house.”
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
(I miss him.)
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lovepoweredspeed · 1 year
The Flash - Flashback Fridays: Batman Returns..Again!
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
Headcanon: December Holidays
Since Barry's dad was Jewish and his mum Hispanic, Barry grew up celebrating both Hanukkah and Christmas. Not until after he got into foster care did he realise that that was an odd thing to do and since both the families and homes he's lived in have all been Christian (and that one time he mentioned Hanukkah he was not met with kind words), he's never dared mentioned that he also wished to celebrate Hanukkah.
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
﹡ ❝ this is the ughliest sweater ever, but i LOVE it﹗ ❞ (felipe to little barry? He loves the sweater barry gave him)
christmas starters || @goldentemplariumcrow
Barry's eyes lit up. "Really? That's great! I was so worried you wouldn't like it. You said you wanted one but you always dress so well so I wasn't sure what to get you but i thought that one was funny so I bought and hoped you'd like it and I'm so happy that you do," the boy rambled in one single breath. Not that that was anything unusual, he often spoke fast and a lot. So far, Felipe had been a better foster parent than he'd ever hoped for and he wanted to do anything to make him smile. It turned out it wasn't too hard and he never yelled at him. Not even when he accidentally broke some really old artifact. Barry had cried though and apologised so many times. Felipe had only said that he was glad that Barry wasn't injured himself. How could anyone be that kind?
And now, now he liked the ugliest Christmas sweater Barry had ever seen and that Barry himself had given him. It was moments like these when he could almost forget that his mum had been murdered and his dad was in prison for it, even though he was innocent.
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
﹡ ❝ have you been naughty or nice this year﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ did you bake these christmas cookies ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ this is the ughliest sweater ever, but i LOVE it﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ look up. a mistletoe﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ come on. we gotta leave some cookies for santa. ❞ ﹡ ❝ he is afraid of santa claus﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ you look all cute in that reindeer costume﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ oh my god. these christmas lights look so beautiful﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ what do you want for christmas ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ come on. we need to decorate the house all christmas-y﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ pretty sure you are on the naughty list of santa this year﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ do we really have to sing christmas carols ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ there are sooo many presents﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ yeah, i took some eggnog. it’s delicious﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ do we really have to sing christmas carols ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ NO. you will not bake the christmas cookies. last year you nearly burned the kitchen﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ does santa really come from finland ﹖ ❞
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
If Barry knew Oliver a little bit longer, he would know that words couldn’t take away the guilt that the archer felt. It was one of his specialties, turning everything into his fault. “Stop talking… Flash… You talk too much. You can’t stay here, we can’t. If someone finds us, or at least me. They’ll arrest us, or me… So, get up.” Oliver helped the Flash up and putting an arm underneath Barry’s and the younger’s arm around his shoulder.
“No, no one else is hurt. Just you and yes, you did good. I just shouldn’t have put you in this position.” He made sure that he bore the Flash’s weight. “We’re going to bring you somewhere safe so you can have proper rest and food…” He ruffled his hair for a bit before he continued walking and getting out of anyone’s line of sight.
When Green Arrow told him to stop talking, that he talked too much, Barry immediately closed his mouth with an audible click of his teeth. You didn’t need to be a genius to know that this must be something he heard a lot. He never meant to talk so much, it just happened. Arrest them? Oh, yeah, he didn’t want that, so he just nodded and then let the other man help him up.
Barry shook his head a little. “It’s okay, I knew it was going to be dangerous. I risk dying pretty much every day.” Impacts in the speed he was doing could end disastrous and he was fully aware of that. “Food sounds good, I don’t need much rest, I will literally have been fully healed within a day.” More or less, at least. The food was actually more important to his healing than the rest.
When Green Arrow ruffled his hair, Barry looked a little embarrassed, but he didn’t seem to dislike it. It wasn’t until then that he realised he was holding his helmet instead of wearing it, meaning his temporary partner had now seen his face. Oh well, Bruce seemed to trust this person, then so would Barry.
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
“You know what? Fuck off! I know I am the goofy happy-go-luck guy, but I’m tired of smiling. Tired of always pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows. Until that’s understood everyone can just fuck off and leave me alone.” To say that Barry was upset would be an understatement. He had definitely reached his limits. With a last look, he turned around and began to walk away. Yes, walk. He didn’t run, he walked in normal human speed, but there was an unusual force in his steps. Why he didn’t run? Because he knew that if he started, he might not be able to stop. Not when feeling like this.
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lovepoweredspeed · 2 years
"Ooooh! Yes, that would work." Normally, he would've connected the dots, but to be fair, he was high as a kite at the moment. Good thing that the Batman suit reacted to its environment. If this was the reaction on a Speedster, the effect on a regular human would be extreme, possibly even deadly. Or it would, if it made a human wanting to eat soap and drink window cleaner like it had Barry.
"Yes! I love nachos. Actually I love a lot of food, but you know that, I kind of empties your fridge, freezer and food closet. No! Pantry! On a weekly basis. It's not like I mean to and I still feel a bit bad about it but Bruce said I don't need to worry because he's so rich that he can feed several me without problem. That's so much money I can't even imagine it." At least there were nothing wrong with his ability to talk.
"Dick won't mind?" Maybe a stupid question, since he had met the guy and he was a very kind and considerate person. It was doubtful he'd mind if Alfred explained the situation to Dick. Plus it was just soda.
Alfred snorted. "Then we'll make an attachment you can add to the suit, so you can have a full face mask if you need it" oh sometimes Barry didn't quite connect the dots fast enough.
"and yes you can have nachos, I've got the whole kaboot in the fridge, pickles, cheese sauce, guacamole, and salsa, I even have some minced beef you can warm up and add on there" He's careful as he guides Barry to a seat at the kitchen table.
"What do you want to drink hm? I have some of Richard's blue fanta in the fridge if you want something that is blue and SAFE to drink" he asks as he opens the snack cupboard and grabs two of the nearest large bags of Dorito chips.
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