loveyourlovelysoul · 7 minutes
“My darling, you are allowed to fail without being a failure. You are allowed to make mistakes without being one. More opportunities will present themselves. You will find hope again.”
— R.V.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 1 hour
Sometimes for various reasons we cannot act as we'd like to, eg. when confronting with others. Maybe we're tired, stressed, overwhelmed. Maybe we're already fighting to be seen and it's a situation that is triggering us. Maybe we're picking up other moods without being aware of it all and letting them affect us (instead of staying focused on ourselves and being grounded, we tend to mimic the other also as a self defense mechanism -not just a fight response). It's not uncommon to end up overreacting, and later feeling guilty or like we made "mistakes" (what we perceive as such: a consequence for us not feeling like we did well enough, not being perfect) in those times. The thing is: we cannot be perfect and behave perfectly every time. Even more if we're learning how to. Even more in such tough times. We can be not-perfect. We are allowed to. But even if we may start feeling overwhelmed and overreact, we can always get back in control of us and of our emotions, and regulate our communication with others even in the middle of it. Realize we're being too much and ask for a calmer confrontation after taking a breath. We can listen to them and have them listen to us. We can also ask for their forgiveness and comprehension for our initial behaviour then, even if we end up being right (it's not always important though: being right doesn't allow someone to act in a certain way or disrespectfully anyway). A proper communication can, many times and with most people, solve any initial friction too. And again, it's okay to not start (or even end) "perfectly" everytime.
(This is especially tough if you're dealing with issues about not being good/perfect enough in how/what you do and deserving because of this, so please be nice with yourself)
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loveyourlovelysoul · 7 hours
“Okay. I have these feelings. And they’re big feelings. But I can sit with them. I don’t need to act on them.”
Thinking that when needed has made a difference for me. The realization that I am in control and even if I can’t control my feelings, I can control how I react to them was really helpful to me.
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in a kinder world i live in an i spy page
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“You’re waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they’ll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they’ll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Well, I’m here to tell you, your wait is over. That someone, is you.”
— Mike Dooley
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 days
You can miss them and still choose peace
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
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dreaming of summer
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
Creed trailer
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
the need you may have of being clear in your communication and tend to overexplain yourself, may not just originate from your fear of being judged/misunderstood but also from you not being heard/seen as you talked and having learned it's better to repeat yourself (and ask for confirmations), even with different words, to be sur eyour message was heard for real and you weren't misinterpreted
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
having the chance of having all of our material needs met in childhood but not the emotional ones, is equally damaging (actually it may make us feel guilty for feeling like we missed something)
"when we don't get support for how we feel, any amount of feeling can feel too much" (and it may make us feel attacked too especially if we were never allowed to feel our own emotions)
(people pleasing can be considered a form of manipulation as we try to make others feel good so that we feel good and relaxed -yeah)
I highly suggest you to listen to this video if you can and feel like, it's so well done and eye opening imo.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
"when we don't get support for how we feel, any amount of feeling can feel too much" (and it may make us feel attacked too especially if we were never allowed to feel our own emotions)
(people pleasing can be considered a form of manipulation as we try to make others feel good so that we feel good and relaxed -yeah)
I highly suggest you to listen to this video if you can and feel like, it's so well done and eye opening imo.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
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