lrrbis · 5 days
there is still time. there is still time. until your bones are in the fucking ground there is still time.
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lrrbis · 26 days
disco elysium is kafkas metamorphosis for the modern age. no one is scared of becoming a bug anymore. the true nightmare? waking up one day and finding out your a cop
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lrrbis · 28 days
your ring looks elden as shit
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lrrbis · 28 days
(driving home from work) i must not kill myself. killing myself is the myself killer. i will— (sees a guy jogging shirtless and he’s all sweaty) Woaw i wish I lived in his armpit (crashes car into telephone pole)
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lrrbis · 28 days
Yeah I love manipulating my friends for my own gain, the gain is called "hanging out", obtained via such cruel tactics as "showing interest in stuff they like" and "being generally complimentary and charming"
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lrrbis · 28 days
modern art exhibit titled "I bet you won't kill yourself" that is just a loaded gun on a podium in a museum
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lrrbis · 1 month
i was made to be the sweetest girl ever. it’s on you if i turn evil
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lrrbis · 1 month
don’t!!! fake!!!! your!!!! interests!!!! to!!!! make!!!! someone!!!! like!!!!! you!!!!
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lrrbis · 1 month
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they wrote this part about him
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lrrbis · 1 month
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lrrbis · 1 month
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lrrbis · 1 month
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lrrbis · 1 month
I can’t stand people that don’t let me speak hyperbolically. If I can’t respond to a minor inconvenience that someone should get shot in the fucking head for it then what’s the point of it all.
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lrrbis · 1 month
u think you chrono triggered me im not even chrono cross rn
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lrrbis · 2 months
Nice penis, but I really don’t care. I need to get back to the lab.
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lrrbis · 2 months
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lrrbis · 2 months
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