lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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Hello! I’ve been MIA for a few weeks because I’ve had the worst writers block 🤡 so send me some prompts for me to write about! One shots, one liners, head cannons, etc. NSFW ideas are welcomed, but I am picky about them. Send me ideas!
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
MC: See? Unisex.
Mammon: Maybe *you* need sex. I just had it a few days ago.
MC: No, Mammon, U-N-I-sex.
Mammon: I wouldn't say no to that.
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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“Let’s Dance Together In The Rain”
A scenario in which MC (being you) wants to dance in the rain with their beloved demon. How will each one respond? A short one shot for each brother. (some fluff, somewhat angst, and Asmo as always is touchy, but no suggestive themes) 2 paragraphs per brother
“Excuse me?” Lucifer asked you rhetorically with a sly smirk on his face, purely just wanting his ears to be blessed with such a question once more. You rolled your eyes and smiled, dropping your umbrella to the ground and letting the rain droplets soak you beneath the fabric. “I said, would you like to dance with me in the rain?” You asked over the speakers of the coffee shop playing melodic music to those walking past. You and Lucifer both shared the same taste in music, as well as a taste for pure, melancholy romance. Lucifer dropped his own umbrella with a faint chuckle, and looked up at the dark sky as he basked in the cold droplets decorating his face blissfully. He looked down to find you patiently waiting in front of him with a smile still plastered on your face, your hand out to him eagerly waiting to be hugged by his own. Lucifer quickly wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing his chest against your own, and his hand gently entangling your fingers with his. “Follow my lead, my love. He whispered against your ear before leaving a kiss on your lobe, causing your cheeks to grow hot, and your stomach to be riddled with butterflies.
You two danced away in the middle of the plaza to the faint music, not caring for the judgement blatantly given by passing onlookers. As you two laughed and dramatically danced in the wet downpour, unphased by the natural shower dowsing you both to the bone, Lucifer pulled you close to his face. His hand braced your back to keep you pressed, and his lips barely grazed your own in a subtle tease. You felt your heart pound as you gazed into his eyes, finding comfort in the shared, longing silence. Before you could speak your mind, the tall, prideful demon already beat you to it. “I love you, so much. I’d dance with you in the rain over and over again if it means keeping you happy, and getting to call you mine forever.” He finished his sentence with a deep kiss full of passion, the kind that makes your heart stop and your blood run hot. The kind of kiss that makes time feel senseless, and life feel nothing more than a simulation. The kind of kiss that lets you know, you’re his and only his, forever.
“Oi, you want me to what?!” Mammon asked with a scoff, already crossing his arms to let you know he’s not about it. “Ain’t no way I’m dancing in the cold, wet rain!” You pouted, looking down at your feet to seem all glum. “Oh, okay…” you said with the saddest tone possible, knowing you could easily manipulate him into changing his mind to please you, albeit evil. “I just thought it’d be romantic and fun.” You mumbled while lightly tapping a puddle of rain with your foot, causing droplets to faintly splash onto the top of your shoe. Mammon watched the mood change very quickly, and groaned to himself while scratching his head in frustration, eyeing your foot tapping away sadly at the puddle. He sighed heavily and snatched the umbrella you held in your hand, already dropping his onto the sidewalk without caring for other pedestrians. “Yah, no human of mine is gonna be sad. Especially because of me!” He exclaimed boastfully, practically yanking your body into the drizzle. You laughed while wrapping your arms around his neck, and forcing closure between you both, pressing your nose against his own. “Mammonie, you’re too easy~” You teased before pecking his lips. Mammon immediately blushed, rolling his eyes and pulling out his AirPods. “You know I could never say no to you.”
He places one pod into your ear while the other in his own. “Um, won’t the rain ruin these, Mammonie?” You ask with concern coating your tone. He shrugs, picking a romantic dance playlist from his D.D.D. and tucking it away into his coat pocket. “So what? The Great Mammon can always buy a new pair. What’s important is keeping my human happy.” With rosy cheeks he pecked your forehead, holding you close against his chest, his arms resting comfortably on your lower back as if they were meant to be there. You happily snuggled against his chest, the smile on your face never leaving as you two swayed slowly within the rain. Becoming soaked to the bone in cold rain never felt so amazing.
“Leviachan~” you cooed out to the otaku while peeking into his room. Just before you could step in a bolt of lightning flashed and crashed outside the window, causing the sweet demon to quiver and hide under his blanket with not a second to spare. You winced slightly, but only from the sudden obnoxiousness that came about. “Levi, you okay?” You asked as you fully stepped in, shutting the door behind you. His TV displayed a dim screen of a paused game that he’s been raving about nonstop for days. You could hear the faint whimpering from under the shivering covers, and you couldn’t help but smile fondly at how cute it was to find the third strongest demon lord afraid of a little storm. “Leviathan, it’s okay.” You spoke softly while peeking under his makeshift hideout. He opened his eyes and immediately smiled the moment he saw your face. “Darling, I’m so happy to see you…” Levi sat up with the blanket slowly falling from his head down his shoulders. He then immediately blushed, looking away with his hands covering his cheeks. “Agh, I’m sorry you had to see me in such a lame, vulnerable state. You probably think I’m such a weakling.” You chuckled, leaning over the tub he lay in and placing a kiss on his hands that remained pressed against his embarrassed face. You could feel the heat emanating from the immense blushing even through his fingers.
“You’re the strongest, bravest demon I know, Leviachan. So brave that you’re willing to dance in the scary rain with me.” You casually suggested while guiding him out the tub, pulling him out gently by his arm. The blanket fell along the rim. Levi gasped, shaking his head super fast. “No way! I’m not going out there in such danger!” His demeanor carried heavy reluctance. You pursed your lips with a sigh, looking away at anything but the otaku himself. “I understand. I guess I could ask one of your brothers to see if they’re interested. Oh!” You perked up, “Solomon would definitely dance in the rain with me!” You thought aloud on purpose, hoping to make Levi just a tad jealous to swindle his mind. You peeked over at the cute hermit to find him already fully clothed in rain gear, buttoning up his rain jacket with determination. Your face immediately fell into a shocked, confused look with an over-preparedness for the storm. Levi adjusted his rain boots before taking your hand into his, already pulling you towards his bedroom door. “As the normies say: let’s roll.”
The weather of the Devildom was gloomy today. Grey skies and consistent rain with a dash of bitter winds. One might find this mood dampening, but you found this splendid for your day of binge reading. For once you were left alone in your room. No pestering from the brothers’ shenanigans that you somehow were always dragged into, or an hour long lecturing from Lucifer for arriving thirty seconds late to class. A blue moon was more occasional than the alone time you were granted. Nothing more than just you, your fluffy blanket gifted to you by Asmo during past holidays, and your romance novel borrowed from the librarian himself, Satan. It wasn’t surprising nor unexpected of him to suggest such a beautifully written story. You were deeply invested in this chapter, and found yourself rereading a specific paragraph involving the main couple romantically dancing away their worries in the rain. You couldn’t help but blush as you played the scenario in your mind with yourself and Satan substituting the characters. The thought of someone as handsome as himself, artistic and intelligent, putting his hand out to you as the rain soaked his gorgeous locks, and complimented his stunning complexion, caused you to silently become feral. You sighed heavily while gently tossing the book to your side, grabbing your throw pillow to cover your face in disappointment. Sometimes it hurt to live your fantasy out in your head. The eagerness to act out this script was almost too much to bare. Quickly, a knocking at your door brought you out of your elusive thoughts. Apprehensively, you rolled out of the comfort of your bed, and made your way to the calling. As you opened your door you were met with the “main character” of your beloved book. Satan stood there with a smile, and an umbrella to his side almost mimicking a cane.
“Good evening, sweetheart.” He endearingly greeted, bringing a blush to your cheeks almost instantly. You smiled, “Uh– you the same– uh–“ you stumbled over your words, not making any sense and feeling an overwhelming wave of embarrassment. Satan couldn’t help but laugh softly to himself. You could feel yourself shrinking with every chuckle. “I’m sorry, you’re just so funny.” He apologized yet complimented. You looked away bashfully, quickly moving on. “Why’d you stop by?” You asked. Satan tapped along the handle of the umbrella anxiously, but very subtle. “How far have you gotten through that book?” He questioned with an eager intent. You shrugged, “A little over halfway. Why?” Satan immediately grinned, peeking through your door to look out your window from where he stood. He nodded towards the gloomy view. “So, you think we can reenact the couple’s first dance? I’ve been waiting many long years to find the perfect someone to fit such a romantic scenario.” Satan asked sweetly, almost giddy-like with just the hope of the possibility you’d agree. You couldn’t even find yourself to answer him, feeling drenched in shock and disbelief. It’s almost as if he read your mind. But, it clicked; “Hm,” you chuckled, “it seems I may have read your mind, Satan.” You reached up on your toes and pecked his nose softly, causing his cheeks to burn up. “I’ll get dressed.” You said with a smirk, leading him into your room by hand to await your readiness.
“Honey, there’s no way!” Asmo refused while looking away from you and into his mirror, applying lip gloss intricately. You flopped onto his bed, rolling yourself into a blanket burrito. “But why not?!” You whined, holding a pout. “Rain is dirty, and will cause my hair to severely frizz. Not to mention I don’t want you catching a cold.” The beauty king quickly responded, turning to you in his spinning chair. “Why don’t we just stay in and practice skincare instead?” Asmo suggested, poking gently at your nose as only your head stuck out from your fabric cocoon. You frowned and turned away from him, rolling your eyes feeling annoyed. “We always do that.” Your tongue was sharp, “We always do what you want to do, but anytime I suggest something you find reason to say no.” Your tone carried more sadness than anger. You and Asmo have been together for a while now, and it hurt to feel like you were always second to everything in his life. It hurt to feel like your opinions or wants and needs didn’t matter. It may be something as silly as dancing in the rain, but it was more than that. You wanted to be put first for once. The lustful demon wore an expression of shock, slowly pushing himself away from the bed you lay on. The room was tense, silent, and a bit awkward. You couldn’t read if he were upset by your words or offended. You sat upright, still wrapped in his blanket, trying to find the right words to say even though a peep hasn’t come out of him.
“Even if it’s not dancing in the rain,” you began quietly, “I want to try something different with you tonight– anything! Something I like to do and want to share with you. There are other things we can do together other than–” “Hush, love.” Asmo cut you off in a whisper as he climbed onto the bed, pulling your cocoon apart slowly. He let the silky blanket rest against your shoulders loosely, and wrapped his arms tenderly around your neck in a cradle. “You’re right.” The demon uttered against your lips, causing you to blush instantaneously. “I’ve never realized this until you said it, but you’re right, we always do what I want to do. We always go shopping, do makeup, skincare, nails, all that I adore.” Asmo moved from your lips to your ear, nibbling your lobe teasingly. This was always his way of talking to you when you both argued or disagreed on things. You couldn’t help but melt every single time. Your cheeks remained hot as he continued to whisper. “I’ve never cared for anyone else’s interests, especially if they weren’t related to my own. You’re not just anyone else though,” he kissed your neck, “you’re special to me. Everything you care for, I care for. What matters to you matters to me, too.” Asmo pulled back just enough to brush the hair out of your face. With a smile, he kissed your forehead and trailed to your nose, and eventually your lips, passionately. This time he was much more sincere than other moments. He left you speechless, but you couldn’t contain your happiness as your face beamed with the affection. “Asmo…” you mumbled, his name rolling off your tongue with pure bliss. He chuckled at your expression, and placed his fingers under your chin, gently guiding you back to his lips. His breath coated your own as he once again whispered, “Come on love, let’s go dance in the rain to your heart’s desire.”
“Would you look at that,” Beel motioned out the window of the restaurant you both sat in as he spoke with a mouth full of food, “black rain.” You set your fork down and dabbed at your mouth with your linen napkin, staring out at the downpour of what depicted squid ink drenching all of Downtown Devildom. You frowned, turning back to him, “Black rain?” You asked confused. “Sounds dangerous.” You added in while poking at your dinner. You felt full and couldn’t take another bite, but knew it definitely wouldn’t go to waste with your gluttonous demon who’s practically a vacuum for leftovers. “I’ve heard Lucifer mention it before but, he never explained much of it to me. Or,” you shrugged, “maybe he did and I just lost interest and tuned him out.” You laughed at your own words, Beel doing the same. “Wouldn’t surprise me. Well,” he paused to pull your plate away from your side to his, not even asking but already knowing, “it’s definitely not dangerous. I don’t remember what causes it, but it’s not often we get to see it happen. Nothing amazing,” he stuffed his mouth, “just black water falling from the sky.” You chuckled as you watched him eat with a big smile. Food always made him so happy. You sometimes even wondered if it took precedence over yourself, and you didn’t really want to know the answer.
“It’s finally slowing down.” Beel muttered while holding your hand across the table, his chin resting in the other. Some time went by as you both awaited the end of the downpour. “I’d rather start going now while it’s drizzling before I eat the entire kitchen.” “You mean again?” You quickly retorted, “Because you just did that.” You finished with a laugh, and he did the same. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He stood from the booth and onto his feet, his hand still holding yours. “Come on, muffin.” He practically cooed, seeming eager to head back home. Probably already thinking about what’s in the fridge for him to raid. You smiled and stepped out from the booth, wrapping your arms around his toned, large bicep. As you walked out the restaurant, Beel placed his jacket over your head in an attempt to keep you dry. He was always so sweet, putting others before himself in every way possible. Surprisingly, even with the consistent drizzle of black rain, you both took your time walking home, not minding the weather and its nuisance. You stopped in your tracks so suddenly, causing Beel to mindlessly tug on your wrapped arms as he tried to continue on. He looked back at you confused. “What is it?” His tone coated with concern. You pointed at a street busker who played his violin beautifully under a small tarp, keeping his little space dry from the black rain. “Listen! It sounds so beautiful!” You said full of excitement and joy. Beel couldn’t help but smile at how happy it made you. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” He agreed. You let your arms slip from his and down to his hand, gently hugging it with your much smaller fingers. You looked up to him with a sparkle in your eyes, letting rain droplets decorate your face. They mimicked mascara-shed tears. His jacket almost slipped off your head, but he caught it with his free hand in time. The rain already began making its way through your hair. “Um, Beel? Would you care to dance with me?” You asked nervously, but kept a hopeful smile. The hungry demon looked puzzled for a moment, then laughed softly. “In the rain?” He questioned, then shrugged before giving you any time to answer. “Sure,” he said whilst picking you up into his arms without warning, playfully twirling as he placed a peck on your soaked cheek, “I’d love to dance with you, Muffin.”
Belphegor absolutely loves visiting you in your dreams. It’s a two-in-one package deal for him: getting to sleep and still spending time with you. He’s always able to create the perfect date scenarios for you both, and make them as magical as you want. Best of all, you two are all to yourselves. No brothers to steal you away, no school studies, and no unpredictable roadblocks. You started to become just like your slothful lover; always looking forward to bedtime. You looked over at your alarm clock on your bedside table for the time, and couldn’t help but to smile knowing it was indeed time for bed. You quickly gathered your favorite pillow and blanket before heading out your bedroom door, making your way to the sleepy demon’s attic. Your steps were fast, but quiet. You didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention from anyone at this moment. You didn’t have time for book organization, playing new video games, or handling gambling debts. All you could handle and wanted on your schedule was cuddling up into dreamland with Belphie. You really had become a twin of the demon himself. Beelzebub would be so jealous. With a few more turns and agonizing climbing of stairs, you eventually made your way to the attic. Belphegor was already sitting on the floor with his pillow and blanket near the entrance, patiently waiting on your arrival. He looked up from snuggling his pillow and smiled, his eyes full of delight the moment they touched your face. “My shooting star~” He said softly, standing on his feet and dropping his belongings to cup your face, planting a gentle kiss to your lips. His excitement he exuded through his affection never failed to make your heart melt.
You both got settled in by decorating the bed in plush throw pillows and fluffy blankets, eager to rest your bodies in the comfort. You did so first, while Belphie dimmed the lights to a low setting if it were that of a single lit candle in a spacious room. As you cradled your favorite pillow in a fetal position, the sleepy demon carefully crawled his way onto the bed, making sure not to pinch your limbs in the process. He then situated himself right next to you as the bigger spoon, tucking his arms under yours to pull you into his chest. The warmth that cradled you instantly made your heart flutter, and you couldn’t help but smile as Belphie placed his chin in the crook of your neck, letting a warm sigh out that raised the hairs of your nape. “So, my dear,” he began, his lips grazing against your skin, adding to your already familiar goosebumps. “Where would you like to have our date tonight?” Your arms moved from your pillow and instantly atop his own, gently tracing up and down with light tickles against his skin. You hummed, “Mm, London sounds wonderful.” He chuckled. “London? I like it. What would you like to do?” He asked, simultaneously leaving a couple kisses along your shoulders. You felt a blush coat your cheeks as you subtly hid your face away into your pillow, feeling as if your idea might be cliche and a joke to him. “I was thinking…maybe we could dance in the rain? Maybe to some beautiful classical music?” You asked bashfully. “But if you want to do something else, that’s fine, too.” You immediately suggested on a defense. Belphegor couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh, subconsciously pulling you into his body even more than before. “Why so shy?” He kissed your ear with a gentle nibble to your lobe, whispering, “I couldn’t think of a better date than that. Let’s dance our dreams away in the rains of London, my shooting star.”
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
Obey Me! as things I have in my quote book
Warnings: nothing really except swearing
Luke: “What’s grooming?”
Simeon: “it’s cleaning, like bathing a dog.”
Solomon: “it’s also a felony!”
Belphie: “cloud cum.”
Lucifer: “it’s water.”
Belphie: “….cloud cum.”
Belphie: “bitch right now I can’t even remember my name I think it’s like Jessica or something.”
Diavolo, at 1AM: “I would like to learn how to yodel.”
Simeon: “you can’t dive head first or you’ll hurt your head and DIE.”
Luke: “well I’ve never died in my entire life!”
Simeon: *trying not to laugh*
Mammon: “I’ll call you back, a plane just crashed into my car.”
Thirteen: *takes pill out of tits* “I’m like a pez dispenser.”
Mammon, in a box: “Hi! Say it back!”
Lucifer: “do I look like I want to say it back?”
MC: *holds penny*
Satan: “don’t you dare throw Abraham Lincoln at me.”
Random news article: “black holes may not be black, or even holes.”
Satan: “you built like a sixteenth note.”
Lucifer: “….”
Mammon: “think of it as your initiation.”
MC: “being told you’re a piece of shit?”
Mammon: “yeah!”
Literally everyone to Solomon: “no I am convinced you are not human you have to be some kinda fucking NPC!”
Solomon: “how to claim your soda: put a glow stick in it! No one else is doing that.”
MC, over the phone: “what’re you doing?”
Satan: “watching the scooby doo movie half asleep…”
Levi: “cremate me and put me in a salt shaker.”
Asmo: “ushy gushy my puss-“
Levi: “stop.”
Asmo: “no.”
MC: “set your heart ablaze.”
Levi: “STOP.”
MC: “yeah, that’s a great story title.”
Levi: “STOP IT.”
Thirteen: “bro give me Solomon’s address so I can go to his crusty ass residence.”
Barbatos: “does anyone have scissors?”
Diavolo: “scissors?”
Barbatos: “never mind I have a knife.”
Lucifer: “Mario is a 40yr old man who lives in his mothers basement.”
Barbatos: “my new students are are equipped with flamethrowers.”
Beel: “when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Or make orange juice and make everyone wonder how you did it.”
Asmo: “why would I bring indoor kids outside.”
Levi: “Asmo, out of all the things to do in the summer why would you play OUTSIDE??”
Mephisto: “I am not trying to cosplay as roadkill on a Sunday evening.”
Raphael: “it doesn’t take much convincing you’d be surprised at how much you can have me do.”
Luke: “can you do a cartwheel?”
Solomon: “can you be my hit man?”
Raphael: “YES.”
there will be more 👁️👁️
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
Beel: Are you laying on my sandwich?
Belphie: …you call that a sandwich…?
<a real conversation between my sister and I about a dry ass two hour old mostly eaten sandwich laying bare on the sheets>
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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Asmo Helps MC Get Ready For A Date
Asmo: So, tell me all about this date of yours! *applies lotion to their face*
MC: *sighs* It’s not like a genuine date. He’s a classmate who’s apart of the newspaper club, and wants to write a story on what it’s like to date a human for a day, or something like that.
Asmo: *massaging their cheeks gently* Seriously? So then, why are you agreeing to go? My brothers are already not happy with the idea of you going on a date with a random.
MC: *shrugs* Gets me out of the house. Something different, I guess… Even if it’s just for their benefit, it feels nice to be taken out.
Asmo: *frowns, pulls away to grab another product* Honey, you’re so much better than that.
MC: Hm? Did I say something wrong?
Asmo: All of it is wrong! You’re allowing a classmate who doesn’t even know you like that to literally use you for their benefit and gain. All because of what? To be taken out on some cheap date with someone who doesn’t even matter? To feel like you’re “going out”? *rolls eyes* As if! You’re a human ruling a demon’s world, and you don’t even realize it. A beautiful soul inside and especially out. Put yourself on a higher standard; a pedestal if you would. *turns them towards mirror* I’ve never been jealous of anyone in my lifetime, except you. You’re my first.
MC: *frowns* You’re jealous of me? Why?
Asmo: *chuckles* It’d be easier to list why I’m not rather than why I am. It’s everything about you. Your smile, your eyes, your perfect body, your huge heart– you love everyone more than yourself. You’re so special, you don’t even see any of it. *gently brushes hair* I’m jealous of all that you are and all that you have. I never thought I’d meet anyone more beautiful than myself, but here we are.
MC: *smiles wide* Thank you, Asmo…you’re the sweetest. I’ll try to see those things for myself, too. *looks in mirror* Are we going to put any makeup on?
Asmo: Nope! We’re all done. No point in fixing something that isn’t broken. *kisses cheek* You’ll never need makeup.
MC: *blushes* O-Oh… Thank you~ *chuckles*
Asmo: You’re so cute. *looks through closet* Now let me get ready so I can take you on this date.
MC: You? You’re taking me on a date? But what about my classmate–
Asmo: What about them? *smiles* I’ll be ready in 20!
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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MC Is Missing
Lucifer: Alright, everyone. I’ve checked everywhere in this household. I also called up Simeon and asked him to search Purgatory Hall with Luke and Solomon but, *sighs* no sign of MC there either.
Mammon: I’m really worried about my human. *shrugs* Not that I really care though!
Levi: You just said you’re worried LOL *pulls out Switch* I tried luring them with video games, but it didn’t work.
Asmo: We were supposed to go to a new makeup pop-up event at the mall. I didn’t think my darling MC would miss such an opportunity to be seen with me. *sighs while looking into handheld mirror*
Beel: Maybe a demon ate them… *mumbles* lucky.
Belphie: They could be sleeping in a hidden spot. *frowns looking around* Wait… where’s Satan?
Lucifer: He told me he’s checking the library for any whereabouts.
Satan: *in his room* Just for a little longer, please?! *begging*
MC: Turn me back now, Satan! *scratching at door* *meows for help*
Satan: But you’re the cutest little kitty! *picks up hugging tight* Can I make you purr? *scratches under chin*
MC: This is getting weird, Satan… *begins to purr unwillingly*
Satan: YOU’RE DOING IT! *laughs all excited* What about a belly rub–
MC: Turn me back now or I’m clawing your eyes out.
Satan: *contemplates silently* …worth it. *rubs belly*
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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LUCIFER : wallpapers [ obey me ]
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don’t repost or remove watermark !!
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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Mammon’s Wager
Dealer: So, how much would you like to bet?
Mammon: 100,000 Grimm, and a human soul.
MC: Wait what…
Dealer: That’s a very high wager. Are you sure?
Mammon: I said what I said, didn’t I?
MC: Mammon, you said I was here to support you. Are you betting my soul?
Mammon: *ignores* Oi, let’s begin already!
MC: Mammon…
Mammon: *silent*
Dealer: *dealing cards*
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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Leviathan Takes MC On A Trip
WARNING ⚠️: Explicit Language and suggestive content !
Walking back to the lavish resort with Leviathan hand in hand, as the sunset comes to an end in the background.
Levi: Did you have fun today, Player 2? *smiles*
MC: Yes! The arcade bar was my favorite~ *slight slur* Amazing cocktails, endless gameplay, and the most handsome demon by my side all to myself? I couldn’t ask for anything more perfect. *laughs*
Levi: *deep blush* I– most handsome? Please stop lying to me.
MC: I’m not lying! You need to be more confident in yourself– *stumbles* Oopsies~ *cackles*
Levi: *stops walking, grabs MC by the shoulders gently* Hey, are you okay?
MC: *leans head into chest* I’m fine. Just had one too many drinks is all. I just need to get back to the room.
Levi: *scratches head* Uh– do you maybe want me to carry you the rest of the way back? Not that I don’t think you can do it yourself! I just think it might be easier for– *nervous wreck per usual*
MC: *pulls away putting arms up and out towards him* Yes please! *hiccups* it’s like a free ride~
Levi: *gulps* Ah, okay… *scoops up bridal style* You comfy?
MC: *nods* Mhm, thank you~ *kisses cheek*
Levi: *going fucking nuts in his own head, burning up at the cheeks* I– uh– you’re welcome… feeling more bold than usual?
MC: *leans into ear whispering* Wait until we get back to our room. I’m gonna ride you like– *censored explicit content* suck on– *more censorship* screaming until cops come as you– *celestial realm does not approve* and keep going until the sun rises. *chuckles* So hurry up~
Levi: *drops MC on their ass, gushing blood from his nose in full blown panic attack mode* I’M SO SORRY– oH mY gOD– *poor Levi his shy little heart is imploding*
MC: *hugging the pavement* OW DAMN– WHAT THE FUCK–
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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Belphie Loves MC’s Pillow 💜
Belphie: Mm~ *nuzzles pillow* So soft, so plush~
MC: Belphie–
Belphie: It’s like resting my head on the softest of clouds. *snuggles* All my worries taken away in an instant the minute I touch face to the lavish comfort.
MC: Hey Belphie–
Belphie: What did I do to deserve this luscious affair? *squeezes* It’s like this pillow and I were meant to be. *repeatedly kisses*
MC: *shouts* BELPHEGOR!
Belphie: *shoots up from bed* What?!
MC: *cheeks burning red* You’re praising my ass.
Belphie: I– *blushes* I know… it’s my favorite pillow.
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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MC Checks Up On Hard Working Luci
MC: *legs moving like Mr. Krabs down the hallway* If I have to be a sheep for any longer I’m gonna lose it. My hooves are killing me. Not to mention I can’t carry much of anything without almost collapsing under the “immense" weight. *struggling to carry a tray of snacks and tea*
MC: *sets tray down with a huff, taps on door softly* Luci? Are you okay? *taps again* You in there?
Lucifer: *head down on his desk, snoring like a pig and drooling*
MC: *sighs* I’ll just let myself in. *pushes door open with all their tiny might, dragging the tray of snacks in behind them* Lucifer? *jumps up onto desk with snack* Wakey wakey~ *pokes head*
Lucifer: *mumbles half asleep* MC? It better be you. If anyone else, I’ll kill you.
MC: It’s me. No one else. Wake up, I brought you some snacks and tea. *holds cookie between hooves with a smile*
Lucifer: *sits up with a yawn, smiles* Thank you so much, MC. *takes cookie* What would I do without you?
MC: Probably overwork yourself to the point of dehydration and exhaustion, leading to severe illness, eventually succumbing to your own demise which would no doubt involve max insanity; heading down a path of destruction that entails murdering your brothers one by one if they even breathe the wrong way, forcing Diavolo to rid of you completely for your heinous actions that even the Devildom finds too grotesque to bear.
Lucifer: …
MC: *smiles while grabbing tray* Tea?
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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MC and the brothers playing a game of Cards Against Humanity:
Warning ⚠️: adult humor, explicit language
MC: My turn! *pulls card, reading aloud* “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because –blank–.” Funniest card wins!
*brothers all put a card down*
Mammon: I know my card will win this time.
Belphie: *sighs* You’ve said that the last 6 rounds.
MC: Ready? Okay. “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because I had an erect!on that lasted more than 4 hours.” *snorts*
Asmo: Same.
MC: “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because the kool-aid man.” *blinks with confusion* Okay? “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because I was giving birth to the antichrist–” Lucifer I know this was your card!
Lucifer: To your surprise, it wasn’t.
MC: *picks up card* This one is handwritten..“Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because–” *eyes widen, cheeks burning red*
Levi: What does it say? No cliffhanger!
Satan: Are you okay? You look as red as a–
MC: Goodnight! *runs faster than Mammon from his debt up to their room*
Brothers: *silent and confused*
Beel: *chuckles* I didn’t think they’d do all that. *munches on chips*
Belphie: *picks up card in question* “Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meeting because I was too busy eating MC like a 5 star meal on the kitchen counter until they begged me to stop–” BEEL WHAT THE FUCK–
Beel: *huge grin while smacking on his chips* Best meal I ever had.
Brothers: *traumatized*
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
Hello, it’s Lucifer’s dead bride 🖤
I’m not new to tumblr but this is a new page
I’m obsessed with Obey Me, and I think after playing for 2.5 years, it’s about time I make a little fan page
Some Facts About Me:
I am Lucifer biased if you couldn’t tell that already
I’m a Sagittarius and 22 y/o
My favorite color is green 💚
Pronouns are she/her
I’m a mechanic IRL and I enjoy it very much
I have anime tattoos cause I’m an absolute weeb w/o the cringe (I think ¿)
My hobby is writing ✍️
My sin is gluttony. I eat any chance I get.
My favorite animal is the zebra 🦓
I’m super friendly so don’t be afraid to talk to me :)
Not sure how helpful this was or how great of an introduction this was, but I hope you enjoy my page! Thanks for reading 😘
P.S. Ask me questions, make requests, and don’t be afraid to send ideas!
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