luisa-simp · 2 years
Honestly, I never thought that I would support Madrigalcest😳💞 By the way, I'm wondering what you think about these underrated ships?:
Mirabel/Casita (XD) I'm interested in your opinion^^
ooh I love Pepa/Camilo!! they're so cute together! He's such a momma's boy making her tea and trying to help her calm down 🥰
Camilo and Dolores are pretty cute too, I think he'd have fun teasing her a bunch and she comes up with quick retorts probably based on stuff she's heard him doing
I really love Camilo/Antonio, they're so cute and sweet together imo 😊
I like shipping all the triplets together at once, they're my ot3. I love when Pepa and Julieta run to hug Bruno during the last song
Unironically, I really like Mirabel/Casita! Mirabel's really the closest to Casita after her Abuela. I really love the idea of them getting together. (plus every fandom needs some good objectum ships)
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luisa-simp · 2 years
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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(click for better quality! or click here to see it better)
Lil thing that took me a whole hecking week, holy shit, it only lasts a second and it nearly killed me. Anyways remember kids animators need a raise.
I'm actually really proud of how it turned out! I still can't believe I animated something. This is my first time giving animation a try and I'm surprised by how easy it was in some areas and how difficult it was on others. It was both easier and harder than I expected. I would give the experience an 8/10, mostly because I'm so happy with the result and I feel confident enough to try to animate something again. Some day. Doing this killed me. Would play again.
Anyway, I wanted to post this for Madrigalcest Week even if it wasn't made for any specific prompt, and decided to post it on Day 6: "Firsts" because... it's my first time animating 👉👈 Ik I posted a WIP earlier so this is no surprise but I hope you guys like the final result :D
Madrigalcest Week Day 6: "Firsts"
Click below to see the process!
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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Madrigalcest Week Day 2: "Forbidden"
Nothing to see here. Just two sisters waking up after having an innocent sleepover together. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to feel guilty of. No reason to cry or hold your breath or tremble, to hesitate to touch her while she sleeps, because you weren't doing anything wrong, no, she tells you it wasn't wrong and you try to believe her but that ugly little fear keeps gnawing at your heartstrings like a sick rodent. You still try to believe her.
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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Madrigalcest Week Day 1: "Public Displays of Affection"
Or: how to traumatize Mirabel. She can't unsee this. It is burned into the inside of her eyelids. She will see it awake and asleep. It is her sleep paralysis demon. She will spend the rest of her days trying to convince her sisters of what she saw. Luisa is too in denial and keeps making excuses for them ("we all kiss each other on the cheek every day" "you don't get it Luisa this is D I F F E R E N T"), and Isabela pretends not to believe her and continues to insist for more and more proof because she thinks it's funny to see Mirabel get all worked up. Bruno and Dolores could pop out a baby and get married in front of the whole town and she'd still be like "mmm I don't know Mira you're gonna need to work harder to convince me".
Meanwhile Dolores WOULD be hearing everything if she wasn't so distracted.
BONUS: what it looked like before I realized I could make it fit a prompt if I added a background:
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luisa-simp · 3 years
HI your edits are beautiful!
:D thank you! I haven't had the time or motivation to make any for a while (school is getting busy) but hopefully I'll make some more soon. I really want to make some more Julieta/Mirabel ones :)
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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Bru/no x Anto/nio x Mir/abel (En/can/to) moodboard theme: forbidden love, healthy relationship, magical powers, helping Each other through trauma
Requested by: @rdg-anon
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luisa-simp · 3 years
Madrigalcest Week: Prompts and Date poll
Good morning! All the prompts have been copiled into a poll, and no more will be accepted from now on. Thank you everyone who submitted suggestions! They are all great. The fandom lives because of you.
You can vote for your favorite prompts >> HERE <<
The seven most voted prompts will be chosen, and we will post the results on FEBRUARY 8TH, 2022, when the poll closes. You have until then to vote.
This is also the poll in which the date for Madrigalcest Week is chosen, so if you’re interested in participating and would like to help us decide on the times, this is the place!
Feel free to reblog and spread the word!
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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Current status level: Obsessed with them
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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🕯 ♥ ⌛
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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prompt taken from @proship-prompts
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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I was feeling like making a drawing of these two being cute together, I love this ship.
If anyone wants to request some fanart on this fandom DM me (here or in my Instagram which is at the bottom of the drawing), I don’t mind the ship or type of drawing (nsfw or sfw) but I do intent on asking to be paid, it will depend on the type of drawing, amount of characters, etc…  I might just ask how much you want/can pay for it and work with that, who knows.
Edit: Actually if it’s not wholesome and involves Antonio that would be a hard no
Also, there’s merch on redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/es/shop/ap/100402036 
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luisa-simp · 3 years
okay but antonio/mirabel is a great ship and should be more appreciated
Omg I agree like it's so cute 💖💗
I could imagine Antonio x Mirabel cuddling with each another, holding hands, making each another laugh and having their awkward kiss
Omg this ship is so adorable 🙂🌺
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luisa-simp · 3 years
Not sure if you've mentioned this before, so I'm sorry if it's been said, but someone on Twitter pointed out that in 100 years of Solitude a cloud of butterflies was used before the arrival of a forbidden lover... So that scene with Abuela and Mirabel hugging, the butterflies and Bruno immediately showing up on a horse... (and it was in the book too)
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I have not. I'm not on Twitter, so thank you to everyone who has pointed this out to me! Also thank you for the first link. Because I haven’t read 100 Years of Solitude, I've been having a hard time pinning down any evidence that yellow butterflies did in fact represent forbidden love in the novel.
For those who do not want to click on the links, here is the screenshot from an official Disney book (not sure which):
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Along with the blog post excerpt on the symbolism of yellow butterflies:
“In his most famous work One Hundred Years of Solitude, published in 1967, a host of yellow butterflies would follow the character Mauricio Babilonia. Yellow butterflies were one of his most famous literary images, and he used this device in more than one story, where clouds of yellow butterflies would precede a forbidden lovers’ arrival. Yellow was also his favourite colour, he adored yellow roses and used this colour in his writing as a metaphor for change and destruction.”
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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Isamira Week Day 5: “Free Day”
I assume “Free day” means I get to chose the prompt? 😅 hope that’s the case! Because this took me a long time to draw. I decided to draw something for the soulmate AU, in which you see in black and white until you meet your soulmate. Now, it was a bit tricky for them, because Isabela was about six or seven when Mirabel was born, so in one hand you have someone too young to know it’s best to keep the secret from your very controlling and borderline abusive grandmother, and someone who has always seen in color and doesn’t know who her soulmate is, she can only assume she was rejected. And, well, years pass, angst builds up etc etc.
You can follow the whole story in my #Isamira soulmate AU tag, though of course it’s not really my work! It was first suggested by @isamiral-soulwolf who is amazing they have such a galaxy brain everything is owed to them.
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luisa-simp · 3 years
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luisa-simp · 3 years
Camilo: "I had that dream again"
The plot twist is, that it was actually a premonitory dream(?) Ahsj I just like them so much
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