m-esculenta · 7 days
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m-esculenta · 8 days
i wouldn't call it a "lactation kink" so much as a doggish adherence to these two key principles:
women are hiding milk from you
this milk may be obtained
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m-esculenta · 15 days
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Sweet Sixteen at 9/11
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m-esculenta · 21 days
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did it work
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m-esculenta · 1 month
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Have SEX in a voting booth! Campaign Button, John Waters, 2004
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m-esculenta · 1 month
"I have a retainer and a night guard" is something that a 17th century daimyo would say, but a trip to the dentist can leave you uttering the same sentiment...another testament to the kuge(公家)-like existence of jobs that supply dental plans....
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m-esculenta · 1 month
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Solar Eclipse, Howard Russell Butler, 1925
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m-esculenta · 1 month
Hey if you trust The Atlantic, stop.
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At one point in the author basically says, " Israel isn't a settler colonial state but even if it was why don't people care about CHINA being settler-colonialism??? How come everyone only cares about Palestine? 🧐🧐 Because they're antisemitic commies that's why"
I'm not gonna link it on the bad reading comprehension website, no
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Same dude wrote these brain rot propaganda pieces, too
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m-esculenta · 1 month
i KNOW i keep talking about this but watching in real time as the dems are reclaiming "freedom" and "patriotism" (nationalistic fervor) from the right and explicitly running as the law and order tough on crime party and throwing incarcerated folks that they're meant to be helping under the bus because the "prosecutor vs felon" sloganeering works so well with audiences and also the harsher border control party (because trump was a self-interested hypocrite with no follow through but he was right that we need to be tougher on borders) and more hawkish on foreign policy / "strongest military in the world" party (because trump was too "weak" and "feckless" on that front), and then seeing millions of people slurp that shit up because the slogans are catchy and the stump speeches are better written and the production value on the videos is high and the vibe is brat… shit feels fucking bad man.
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m-esculenta · 1 month
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m-esculenta · 1 month
the one interpretation i always thought was obvious but never actually saw expressed by other sw fans is that anakin's unconventional birth circumstances are the force sending the message in more ways than one. so the force didn't like siths messing up with it and sent anakin to the jedi to counter that. yes, as some kind of WMD but also. anakin being born on the backwards planet with slavery abandoned by the republic. due to this the jedi order wasn't able to detect him thus anakin brought up to the temple "too old". the very existence of anakin exposes the republics and the jedi orders flaws. it's a litmus test, a call/forewarning from the force itself for the republic/the jedi order to reckon with it's own rot or perish. that's the only way anakin could be their savior. the only way for anakin to preserve his faith in the republic and the jedi order. practically, revolutionize and be aided by the chosen one against the sith or die by his hand in your arrogance. we know which route was taken. if only they took anakin's status as the chosen one more seriously. instead the jedi order with the republic did nothing to accommodate anakin. instead of self critique they decided that it's anakin who's wrong in his feelings and reactions to the world, not them. that's it's the child who's corrupt due to his traumatic living experience not the institutions that let it happen and don't lift a finger to stop it. the jedi order refusing to face the signal for the change did it's best to mold anakin into a mere tool, just a cog in their war machine. thus stripping him of traits he used to have as a kid on tatooine: an independent moral code, the belief in the republic and the jedi order. so the darth vader was born.
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m-esculenta · 1 month
"the meaning of life is helping people" really irks me. it just doesnt make any sense as an answer! helping people is an instrumental goal! it cant all be about helping people, what about the people being helped, whats the point of their existence, or are we all just pointlessly jacking each other off? i mean, i guess you can set an instrumental goal as your terminal goal, "the meaning life is acquiring power" is pretty common as a take. but both are deeply stupid. obviously its GOOD to help people, like, ethically. but would life be meaningless in a world where nobody needed helping? consider hypotheticals!
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m-esculenta · 2 months
right next to the remnants of the ozymandias statue theres a smaller pristine statue with a bunch of people around it cleaning and repairing it and looking after it and its a statue of me and the inscription says 'aww who me I aint nothin special :3'
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m-esculenta · 2 months
everyone loves Predynastic Egyptian Terracotta Bowl with Human Feet. shout-out to a real one
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m-esculenta · 2 months
*helps a bug outside so people don't kill it*
*flash forward and I'm convicted of a crime I didn't commit*
*no lawyer touches the case for me*
*everyone hears a buzz and turns around*
*the bug is wearing a tiny suit with a tiny suitcase and becomes my defense attorney*
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m-esculenta · 2 months
I will never forget how two chinese college students found a spider and created a genus called Hotwheels and named the spider Hotwheels Sisyphus
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m-esculenta · 2 months
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John Brosio (American, 1967) - Two Earthlings (2003)
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