mabanget · 8 months
Celebrating emotion
Short post for my birthday. Two weeks ago I traveled with my family for my mother’s convocation of her GBHC, or something like honorary professor. It’s my first time traveling with my extended family, although I’m quite close to them. Continue reading Celebrating emotion
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mabanget · 9 months
2023 changes me.
Before talking about 2023, let me start with the fact that January 1st has been changed permanently for me for a while, as it is now the date that my grandma passed away. So yeah, new year is not connected with happy things anymore, Not connected with celebratory vibes anymore, not really a day that I am looking forward to anymore. Continue reading Untitled
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mabanget · 1 year
Finally a goodbye post
It’s almost three months, and I think it’s finally the time. I have the urge to write this, a goodbye, and of course a thank you post, for Sora. Continue reading Untitled
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mabanget · 1 year
I thought that I was preparing to age gracefully, well, I thought so for the longest time. With that in mind, I’ve been doing exactly that forever. I don’t really use skincare products, and I don’t really learn about, you know, the steps and the differences among toner, serum, essence, moisturizer, exfoliating, etc, yeah everything. I think most of my skin care products I’ve ever gotten and used…
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mabanget · 2 years
New year will never be the same anymore.
I’m not really into celebrating new years or big days excitedly. Just a “yay new year, oops I’m getting older” kind of thought that comes to my mind usually. But I don’t think it will never ever ever be the same anymore. (more…)
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mabanget · 2 years
10 out of 10 in a day
I’ve never, or maybe it’s super rarely happening to me so I considered it as never, really have a 10 out of 10 moment in a day in my life. You know, kind of a continuous momentum of amazing thing in a day when nothing goes wrong for at least 24 hours? Or one AMAZING GIGANTIC GREAT thing that makes everything else doesn’t matter at all. That kind of 10 of 10? Yeah. But now that I think of it,…
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mabanget · 2 years
Mudik yang bukan mudik
Selama ini Ma dan keluarga di rumah ga pernah mudik lebaran, kecuali kalo lagi sekolah. Kenapa? Karena rumahnya ya di Palembang, keluarganya hampir semua di Palembang. So it’s safe to say that ya kampung halamannya ya di Palembang. Jadi tiap lebaran ya dirayain di rumah aja. (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
Dilema LBP dan traveling
Jadi, tiga minggu yang lalu aku pertama kali ngerasain LBP, dan sampe sekarang masih suka cenut cenut gitu. Dulu, Ma biasanya satu satunya yang beda sendiri. Misalnya satu satunya yang ga pake kacamata, juga yang ga pernah sakit pinggang. Ohwell, sampe akhirnya sekarang kejadian. (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
Kecantol nonton badminton
Funny how big groundbreaking news didn’t trigger me to write yet my new hobby does. Iya, nonton badminton. Lebih tepatnya kenalan sama akun badminton di Twitter yang lanjut bikin aku nonton acara badminton dan akhirnya aku mikir hal yang lebih intense daripada sekedar “seru ya nonton badminton 🏸 “ So, what was the big groundbreaking news? Simpelnya, rumah sakit di depan bukan punya Ma lagi,…
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mabanget · 3 years
Keluar rumah! ✈️
Rizma Adlia #dikamaraja Syakurah ini bisa dibilang beneran di kamar aja selama pandemi. Dari 2020 bulan Maret sampe 2021 bulan September, bisa dibilang ga sampe sebulan sekali Ma keluar rumah. Walaupun Ma sadar penuh kalo itu adalah salah satu bentuk privilege karena Ma bisa full kerja di rumah, but sometimes it’s not that easy. (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
NGL I teared up a little looking at this beautiful view
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mabanget · 3 years
The unsung heroes of medicine
Nontonin Hospital Playlist season 2 ini lumayan roller coaster juga ya, sejauh ini aku punya dua episode fave, ep 6 sama ep 9, yang mau aku bahas kali ini. Sejujurnya Sara udah pernah bahas ini, dan aku awalnya ga ada niatan untuk nulis disini, tapi karena ada kejadian yang lumayan relate dengan topik ini di kelas minggu lalu, aku jadi kepikiran. (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
Akhirnya COVID-19 masuk rumah juga.
Sebenernya, kalo dipikir pikir pintu masuk COVID-19 di rumah bukannya dikit, Papa masih praktek di Azzahra, Sara juga kerja di RSUD dan Charitas yang rumah sakit rujukan COVID-19, Mama sebelom jaman PPKM masih berangkat berangkat keluar kota buat kerjaan KKI, dan perawat nekno masih PP ke rumahnya masing-masing. (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
100 citations; another milestone unlocked + another imposter syndrom (or not)
I’m happy. I’m so happy. I’ve been happy for the last three hour-ish over this random announcement I found when I’m about to search an article. It said that my account on Google Scholar reached 100 citations. I’m surprised that I’m so happy about it. The first five minutes spent on thinking whether I should be happy over this, thinking while smiling, yet hesitating to share or post it with my…
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mabanget · 3 years
Because life happened
There are SO MUCH THINGS HAPPENING TO ME these last three months but for some reason I’m super lazy to write about it. So I keep procrastinating and procrastinating until yesterday I found out that I had difficulty in writing a full paragraph which usually come naturally to me. Hence this post. 😂 (more…)
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mabanget · 3 years
Different kind of loneliness
Kepikiran nulis lagi setelah berbulan bulan ngilang dari blog ini, dan pencetusnya masih karena hal yang sama dalam satu tahun lebih ini, COVID-19. Prolong quarantine ini udah lebih dari satu tahun, udah ngerasain periode bosan di rumah, helpless gabisa banyak bantu, berusaha produktif, cari hobi baru di rumah, kesel sama yang bandel, semangat edukasi, cape ngerjain tugas dan ngajar online, sedih…
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mabanget · 4 years
Tentang Kintsugi dan psikoterapi.
Jadi, minggu lalu Ma mulai maraton drama Jepun setelah dua-tiga bulan ini nyelem di drama Mandarin. Ga tau kenapa rasanya lagi ga sanggup untuk komit nonton drama yang panjang gitu, jadi pilihan drama Jepun yang episodenya pendek dan topiknya unik ini jadi pilihan Ma. Setelah beberapa drama yang ditonton, akhirnya ketemu sama drama yang bikin Ma gatel untuk nulis banyak banget hal yang ada…
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