maddoxhqs · 3 years
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Who do you dislike most on campus
It changes from day to day. There's no one that particularly stands out. Probably one of my exes.
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
do you have a type ??? 👀
Yeah, hot people.
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
“  yeah,  it  sort  of  comes  with  the  whole  goth  girl  shtick.  ”  she  says,  gesturing  slightly  towards  her  get-up.  “  ew,  no.  no  smoothies  for  me,  ever.  do  you  have  any  waffles  in  this  place  or  does  everyone  at  marsden  solely  subsist  on  smoothies  ?  ”  
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“Ah, of course, I forgot for a minute,” he joked. “Go on, try it, I dare you,” he raised an eyebrow at her. “Why are you here if you’re just gonna judge for our smoothie habits? Unless you can’t stay away from me.” 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
“i can’t be creepy. i’m too adorable. it’s like totally impossible.” she grins at him, batting her eyelashes in an exaggerated manner. “i’m just gonna stare at you. you look nice today.”
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“Oh I take it back, it’s different when you do it,” he smirked, picking up the glass he’d just poured for himself and staring at her over the rim, lowering it with a nod of his head. “So do you, did you do something to your hair?” 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Code shook his head thoughtfully. “Where’s the challenge in that?” They chuckled, leaning on the opposite counter. “Other than the fact that I’m also good at that, nope, but I can stop if you want.” A small shrug and pause. “So, is there anything fun in your smoothie? And by that I mean recreational drugs.” 
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“It’s not supposed to be a challenge,” he replied, folding his arms over as he turned to look at the other. “I’d prefer if you did.” He looked back down at the smoothie. “Nope, just fruit.”
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Lainey was texting her friends when Maddox walked in, her eyes tried to stay on her phone but every once in a while they would move to his ass. She was only human after all. When he spoke to her she rolled her eyes at him. “Don’t flatter yourself.” The blonde said moving closer to see what he was making. “What even is that?“
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He had noticed her, but of course waited for the appropriate time to speak. He knew it would probably annoy her more if he didn’t acknowledge her straight away. He let out a short laugh as she replied, turning to her. “A smoothie,” he teased. “It’s chocolate, blueberry- I know you want some,” he told her, grabbing a spoon and scooping some out and holding it up for her. 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
“I don’t know if there’s a way to measure the quality of creepily lurking, but it’s probably not while a blender is running, and the only person in the room is distracted with it.” Code neared the other, talking in the same monotone he normally did. “But to answer your question: yes, I have.” He glanced down at the smoothie and then back up at the man. “I’m good just staring.” 
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“I would say that’s the perfect way to measure it, I’m minding my business and you’re creeping up on me,” he replied, as he began to pour the smoothie into the glass. “Any reason you’re staring in particular?”
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Fern sighed softly as she heard the boy not playing along, sitting up and running her hand throuh her long hair as she looked over at him “I mean I am hard to ignore” she stated and gave him a small smile “No one really, everyone maybe? Mostly my professors” She shrugged she was not exactly sure.
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“Is that a fact?” he raised an eyebrow at her with a small grin. “What you working on? Maybe I can help.” He doubted he actually could, but he was always up for pretending that he could. 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Maddox heard a noise over his shoulder, glancing briefly as he opened the blender that he’d just used to make a smoothie. “Have you always been this good at lurking creepily?” he jested with a small grin. “You want some of this- or are you just here to stare at me?” 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Beau stood over a table shirtless as he cut the bottom part of a shirt that read ‘meat is’ with a drawing of a beautiful cow and the bottom read ‘murder’. “I’m not vegan but this cow is so cute I had to buy the shirt but I feel like a hypocrite wearing it.” He explained as he cut out the word murder cropping the t-shirt. Now the shirt read meat is cow. 
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Maddox pulled out one of his headphones, furrowing his eyebrows at the other cutting his t-shirt, while shirtless. “Dude, I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t think anyone cares. I don’t even read other people’s shirts.” 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
Open Start– 
Location- park
Fern was sitting the park under a tree, at a picnic table. Her stuff was spread out on the table in a bit of a mess and all pushed to the side as she rested her head on her arm on the table. She had her eyes closed and then felt part of the warm sun that was beating on her face get blocked “Sorry this seat is taken..” she stated softly and then slowly she opened her eyes “You didn’t see me here” She mumbled and sat up looking at them brushing her hair out of her face.
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“Yeah but I did- see you here, I mean,” he replied, sitting down at the table across from her, picking up one of her books and flicking through it. “Who you hiding from?” he asked as he put down the book, looking over at her. 
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
( jordan calloway , 22 , cismale , he/him , legacy ) welcome  to  oakmore  MADDOX HENSHAW  back  again  for  your  JUNIOR  year ,  i see .  well ,  what  are  you  waiting  for  unpack  your  bags  in  your  room  at   MARSDEN  &  get  settled .  oh ,  don’t  listen  to  the  rumours  MADDOX .  i  don’t  think  that  you’re  DECEPTIVE ,   actually  i  think  that  you’re  quite  CHARMING  -  you  know ,  you  actually  remind  me  of  LUCAS SCOTT .  okay ,  well  see  ya  round .  ( megs , 24 , gmt , she/her )
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hey everyone! i’m megs and i’m super excited to be here. i haven’t tumblr rp’d for a while so i may be a bit rusty. i’m soooo up for plotting, i’m still in the process of planning maddox out, but i’m really up for anything! if you’ve got any questions or anything let me know. 
name: maddox henshaw nickname: n/a age: twenty-two house: marsden extras: quarterback on the football team
important things to know
he has good intentions
maddox tries to be good, he does. he wants to be the sweet guy who will stick up for anyone and do all the right things, but it’s often that he gets carried away and makes decision he regrets, even if he does lie for weeks about it. he’s good at hiding things. 
he loves football
he was brought up loving football, never forced into it, but it was a natural move. his dad loves it, his brothers love it, it’s a family thing. they always watch games together and he’s good at it too, he has a passion for it and wants to pursue it as a career. 
he likes to impress people
he always knew that he had a talent for getting away with things. being the youngest son of four he got away with a lot with just a smile. he got used to that.
comes from a picture perfect family
his parents are both lawyers, they worked hard to be in the position they are in. maddox might take this for granted occasionally, being able to afford whatever he wants when he wants. he gets on with his siblings, though he’s very aware that they’re all entirely different. he has two brothers and one sister. 
isn’t the smartest, isn’t the stupidest
he tries. he gets alright grades, he could probably do better if he tried, but he knows football is where his priorities are at. 
is a huge player
he’ll happily date two people at a time, if not more and then act entirely apologetic if he’s caught. 
wanted connections
football friends
his crewwww - his besties - his ride or dies
childhood friends
enemies/hates them
currently dating
good influence/bad influence
anything dramatic - honestly anything
Try here for ideas! (https://shroyers.tumblr.com/post/166014802815/connections-masterlist)
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maddoxhqs · 3 years
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jordan calloway as khalil payne in black lightning 4x07 “painkiller”
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