Pansy: I asked you to ask Harry out, Draco.
Draco: I did ask him out and he sort of agreed too…
Blaise: You said, “Get the fuck out of my way, Potter”.
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i still think tonks’ skills remained criminally underused in canon
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anyway, remus straight up researched neville for this and they say sirius is the petty one.
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he had it in him all along.
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maybe it’s…. subtle.
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Marauders edition of this
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Things James Potter was other than an arrogant bullying toerag:
A “beloved boy” to Fleamont and Euphemia Potter
A friend who risked his life every month for Remus Lupin’s safety and comfort
A brother who took Sirius Black in and was “the best friend he ever had”
An adored friend of half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, in an age when all “half-breeds” were looked upon with suspicion during the war
A side of the double act which brought laughter to Madam Rosmerta
An “all-time favourite student” of Minerva McGonagall, so much so that she waited all day at his son’s future home and wept at his death
A saviour of his enemies even when they were trying to expose his friends’ secrets
A Head Boy who was capable enough to be entrusted with the school
A man so against Dark Magic that at his name being invoked, his loved ones changed their mind about vengeance 
An activist protecting the right of existence for Muggles and Muggle-borns right out of school
A soldier who faced Voldemort three times and lived to tell about it
A caring father who went into hiding to protect his son 
A loving husband who sacrificed his life for his family
A faded trace of magic still trying to guide his son when the man that killed him returned to life 
A patronus helping Harry Potter through his darkest moments until the very end 
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Make Me Choose:  Luna x Ginny or Harry x Pansy | Be Mine Challenge 
“you will forever be my always” 
→ request for anonymous  {sources}
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a Not Happy thought: the “you look so much like your father"s die off as harry gets older. by the time he’s thirty, he begins to miss it.
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Seven Things The Movies Forgot About Ron
Book Ron was an interesting, attractive and relatable character, and I feel that the movies really unfairly relegated him to the position of comic relief. The dynamics of the trio had to be simplified into hero + heroine + mascot, and that robbed us of a truly fascinating character. So here are a few things you should remember:
1. He really is poor and it matters. HP may have huge issues when it comes to representations of race and sexuality, but deserves a round of applause for having a character come from a low-income background, with the fact of their poverty not glossed over but made into a plot point. JKR is really consistent about this – about the things Ron eats and wears and buys and doesn’t buy, the way he reacts when Harry unwittingly flaunts his own wealth. Poorer kids who have to go without brand name clothes will see themselves in Ron, and richer kids will learn that poverty isn’t something you deserve. Kids who empathize with Ron because he can’t afford to replace a broken wand are less likely to grow up to be assholes who complain about the extravagant lifestyle of people on welfare.
2. He has knowledge about the world. Out of the trio, he is the only real insider in wizarding society. Hermione is the one who knows magical theory and basically everything that can be found in a library. But when it comes to wizarding society and all of its habits, rules and unspoken assumptions, he is the one who can fill the other two in. Throughout the course of the septology, he does almost as much exposition as Hermione.
3. He is actually quite intelligent. Despite what the movies would have you believe, he is not dumb. He is mediocre in most of his schoolwork, and lacks Hermione’s booksmarts, but he is an excellent chess player, meaning he possesses good strategic abilities. He is the one who keeps a calm head while throttled by Devil’s Snare, and he talks Hermione through saving both their lives. He has decent observational skills, after all he was to one to spot inconsistencies in Hermione’s third-year time table. Seeing his common sense and social insight as less valuable than Hermione’s academic knowledge betrays an inherently flawed definition of intelligence. (Especially since academic knowledge tends to be gendered as male, and social knowledge as female, think of Poirot and Miss Marple.)
4. He is loyal. He is the embodiment of loyalty. The movies erase some of the most poignant moments proving this, and hand some of them over to Hermione. But it is Ron who stands in front of Harry, daring Sirius Black to kill them both, despite his broken leg. It is Ron who repeatedly defies Malfoy and even Snape to protect Hermione from verbal abuse. When his mother believes tabloid lies about Hermione, he takes Hermione’s side. When his brother tells him to stop being friends with Harry because of the political risk, he is so furious at the suggestion that he tears up the letter. He is unthinkingly loyal to his friends, this is why it is such a big deal that he leaves in the seventh book – because it contradicts who he really is.
5. He is genuinely funny. In the movies we are more likely to laugh at Ron than laugh with him, and the jokes he makes tend to be somewhat juvenile. But in the books his sense of humour evolves with him and with the reader, leading to this dry, snarky, irreverent tone that is genuinely very enjoyable. Ron is fun to read, and he sounds like someone who would be lots of fun to be around. He jokes a lot, but it is rarely spiteful, and often meant to comfort or distract someone – a proof of emotional intelligence.
6. He is kind. I don’t really how to put this, other than the fact that if Ron was a girl, he would be immediately defined as a caretaker. He stays in Hogwarts over Christmas so that Harry doesn’t have to be alone. He often acts oblivious and selfish on the surface, but ultimately he really obviously pays attention to the wellbeing of his friends. From his words and actions and body-language we can piece together the sort of person who can make life suck less just by showing up, who is always there for his friends even if he cannot do anything specific to help.
7. He has a huge inferiority complex. The movies hardly touch on it but in the books it is his main character arc. He feels inferior to his brothers’ achievements, to Harry’s chosen status, to Hermione’s intelligence. It is explicitly stated in book four that he doesn’t understand how can someone not want to be chosen. The books are far more clear in implying that he gets together with Lavander because he’s insecure about romance. The Horcrux doesn’t get to him through his love for Hermione like it does in the movie, it gets to him through the nagging suspicion that he has never been good enough for anything or anyone ever, including Hermione. And the movie laughed off the scene after the destruction of the Horcrux, when Harry finally gets how much Ron suffered of this fear of being second best and Ron gets that Harry never chose to be chosen. But fear of being inadequate is the primary driving force of Ron throughout the septology, and the movie fails to see value in Ron just as Ron fails to see value in himself: his caring, his loyalty, his wealth of non-academic knowledge and his awesome sense of humour are not tangible achievements, and they are not something somebody notices about themselves.
 Movie Ron is the person book Ron is afraid of being in his lowest moments, an incompetent oaf who makes rude jokes and chews with his mouth open, somebody their friends only keep around out of pity and habit, somebody Hermione would have to settle for out of a lack of better options. But book Ron, for all his flaws, is a loyal, funny and warm person with many valuable practical skills.  Also: I can imagine Hermione regularly thanking her lucky stars for ending up with someone as amazing as him.
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I love your head canons! Could you do some for baby/toddler Draco?
This has been sitting in my inbox for AGES and I’m so sorry! Also, thank you very much, you’re too kind c:
Draco was a very smiley baby. It wasn’t just a smile with his lips though, it was with his whole little baby being. His eyes sparkled and his legs and arms waggled and it was the most adorable, toothless grin anyone had ever seen
He could never keep quiet either, always sucking on his bottom lip or blowing his lips together, making them vibrate loudly. And he gurgled, ALL THE TIME
He was one of those babies who, no matter how smartly they were dressed or how perfect they looked, would always ruin it by trying to eat their own foot, though his little baby brain thought it was hilarious
As he grew up, he became quieter, or so he thought, because he knew Lucius would punish him if he was caught sneeking around. And he done a lot of sneeking around. Sometimes Draco would wake up in the middle of the night and go on little adventures round his wing of the Manor, and on sunny days he’d jump and chase bees around the garden. He’d sometimes break branches off of his mother’s trees and bushes (much to Narcissa’s dislike) and pretend he had his own wand, and that he was fighting evil and he’d come out as the Hero.
However, he didn’t notice his Nanny trailing behind him, no matter what time, no matter where, under orders to let him roam but make sure he was safe. Because, no matter how often Narcissa and Lucius scolded him, they really did want him to have a decent and happy childhood before thrust into the harsh rules and presentation that came with being the Malfoy heir.
And (this one is all malfoypure’s fault) no matter what age, child or adult, Narcissa always bought, and made him wear, hats. He was extremely fair, so when he was little he would always be seen with a sunhat on. One with a huge brim to cover his whole face and at least some of his neck. She thought he looked adorable in them, so was always buying him hats for every weather type and every season, and Draco didn’t have the heart not to wear them. Although, most of all, they felt like Narcissa was with him; they felt like home.
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Slytherin Headcanons
• saying ‘shut up’ while laughing • being extremely nice and understanding towards their friends but unapologetically sarcastic towards others • speaking of sarcasm: they speak it fluently • ‘I love you but I love myself more’ • going on long hikes by themselves • they either go to bed early or don’t sleep at all • they sleep with stuffed animals but deny it • they never give up • challenges are a great pastime • saying ‘Tragic.’ way too often • not everyone of them likes Snape • ‘No I am NOT good at potions and you can NOT copy my homework’ • falling asleep to rain • nearly everyone of them has referred to Draco as a ‘wimp’ or 'sissy’ • they will kill you if you insult their pet • being proud of their background no matter who they are • yes, there are muggleborn Slytherin’s • they inniciate snowball fights • complaining about small things • 'I AM NOT YELL…I am not yelling.’
Gryffindor Headcanons
Hufflepuff Headcanons
Ravenclaw Headcanons
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Sirius: *Is rummaging through Lily's stuff for a dare*
Lily: *half asleep* Why are you going through my stuff?
Sirius: I'm not...it's all a dream.
Lily: *eyes still closed* So, why are you going through my stuff?
Sirius: It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you remember this is a dream, a dream dream. You are asleep.
Lily: Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?
Sirius: I don't know that, Lily. Ok, it's your dream take responsibly for it.
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I vividly remember the scene in like the second movie where the Weasleys were looking at their school supply list and Molly was like “I really don’t know how we’re going to afford it this year” after they had just risked life and limb to rescue Harry and Harry was sitting there eating their food like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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First Auror Potter I have ever painted was on his birthday, July 31st, in 2016, and it’s the first of this collection. I think that’s why I started to think of him as an +20 yo auror. Somehow, it’s like he’s growing with me in real time. My vision of Harry Potter has matured over the years. He’s no longer a young boy in my mind as I’m no longer a child or teenager. What motivates me is to think he’s got wiser and more serious and all shit he’s been through since he was a kid made him even more sarcastic then he was. “No need to call me sir, professor” would turn into something like “You need to call me sir”.
For more bearded/auror Harry, see this tag :)
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