magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Long overdue
Hello everyone! I know I have been VERY absent from this blog . I guess its time for me to put it on official hiatus. My Magnus muse has been MIA for the past little while, and due to some severe cyber bullying I have been faced with from someone in this fandom’s rp  community, I think I’m going to take a step back for a bit. It’s too much drama and nasty hate. 
I am on a role play forum for Shadowhunters and will hopefully help in getting that going again. For rps and things, feel free to contact me  via Skype, just message me for my info. 
Hoping to get back into it, going to try to give it another week or so, but I just wanted to give everyone an update! 
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Hey the two people you posted about (Idk how long ago) about sending you hate are going to kill themselves. Also are they the same person? Because the same suicide note was written on both accounts xx
HEY Anon!! Yeah they are the same person! Assuming you’re talking about the message HERE! So they have been sending me hate for a week basically non stop, and for weeks before that, posting on their blog. During the past week, they had made a lot of negative comments about me and such which are now deleted. The day they posted that, just VERY shortly before, they sent me a wave of nasty messages and then threatened to never stop sending me hate. 
This was inclusive of calling me bitch, calling me a liar, saying that I am desperate for friends and rp,  and basically throwing all my triggers at me. When I posted a message with screencaps of what they sent me, they immediately posted the note on their blog to rally support from themselves because they now knew they were exposed and apparently, didn’t want people to get mad at them or see their true colors. I received a message from them after that, but never published it. 
Sadly, their cyber bullying and horrible attacks have really affected me as its opened up feelings I have long since worked through. But definitely a heads up that yes, they are the same person and you can see their messages in the first link I posted in this ask, as well as HERE. I also feel the need to note that the only reason they sent me all that, was because I had not posted to them in a month. They used to be a friend of mine, and acted totally fine with me, but then, started sending me all these messages. 
Spread love not hate! I hope no one EVER falls victim to this person’s aggressive and malicious nature. I am not insensitive to what they posted on their blog. But I also don’t think it condones bullying. I just hope they get the professional help they need because attacking others is not the way to cope. 
Hope that answers your question anon and thank you for the message!!
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
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HEY Everyone!!! It has been encouraged by others to post screencaps of the hate and to tag the post with the user’s blog. Everyone who has been following my blog has known that I have STRUGGLED with my time in this fandom, and that it slipped me into a depression. I have made very personal posts about it on my blog as a form of therapy. The above user has been following me for a while, and was once a trusted friend, who I opened up to about a lot in my, now uses my triggering experiences against me and victim blames and shames me. They are upset because I did not reply to their rp posts for a month. Literally, that is the only reason they have come at me like this.  
I have replied to their post that can be found HERE, for further clarification of the situation in terms of what actually happened and evidence to show that I was not lying about anything I said to them. 
I am asking everyone’s help. PLEASE help me spread the word and support the fact that this is cyber bullying. I was not going to blast this person but after some discussions with my friends, I realized that I feel the need to protect others who also may fall subject to this anger. I have reported the user to tumblr staff, but if I can get any support in this, it would be greatly appreciated. 
The users blogs are [that I know of]:
coffeecatsandcake [they changed it since sending me those ims]
Thank you for your help!!
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Ok so the “Anon” hater is back...
They are flooding my inbox. I think they are obsessed with me…its a bit creepy actually. If this was real life, I would get a restraining order against them. HAHAH! I might make a meme of all their quotes…. lets just collect the goodies! Apparently they said they aren’t going to leave me alone and that they are going to keep sending me hate… shows how much of a life they have. Funny since they said previously “I am done with you and your shit” … APPARENTLY YOU’RE NOT!!
OH PS!! I did get your asks last night and I replied with screencaps of our past conversations! Just an FYI to you! 
Ok thats all! Staying strong here. Got my protection squad!! Not going to publish the hate unless I get really tempted to! Besides, I took the appropriate action ;) This constitutes as cyber bullying! Its disgusting and immature. But if there’s one thing this person wants, its attention! Anyhoo Lets get back to posts now!!  
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
lightwoodheir replied to your post “lightwoodheir replied to your photo “agron-rebel-general: Well hey...”
♥ ♥ ♥ anytime dear!! No one should be so hateful
I COMPLETELY AGREEE @lightwoodheir!!! There is nothing that calls for that kind of behavior! Its just really sad to see people stoop to that level, and abuse the anon feature!! *GIVES YOU MASSIVE HUGS FOR BEING SO AWESOME!!!!*
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
lightwoodheir replied to your photo “agron-rebel-general: Well hey there Beautiful! For some context,...”
that's really awful, you deserved better <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE!! that really means a lot to hear you say that! I know I have been slow on this blog, but imo, slowness does not deserve any form of hate or insult!! THANK YOU for being so amazing!! LOVE YOUU @lightwoodheir!!
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
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Well hey there Beautiful! For some context, this is a former friend of mine, who was upset at me for not posting to her for a month. Literally, that is the only reason. So she decided to blast me on her blog, and this is why I had made a few personal posts. My posts about using triggers against me after opening up, and about mun verses muse were all in relation to this. Then, she proceeded to send me hate via messenger with some cursing, name calling, and entirely false accusations.  I have them screencapped but I still refuse to stoop to her level. The block button is a glorious thing.   
I will however, respond to this, because I do NOT like to be called a liar. So it may seem petty or what not, but honestly, it is indisputable evidence. FACT. Because I never begged her to watch Shadowhunters. I never begged for her to take another muse. I never said I was desperate for RPs. And her telling me that I never did that, and calling me delusional [to put it kindly], makes it impossible for me not to react. Also, the language in these messages is so hateful. I’m really appalled at it because even with former friends that I have had falling outs with, no one has ever spoken to me in this way. This is the definition of anon hat, and why I wish that some people did not have the feature of anon at their disposal, as they clearly abuse it. 
I know you are going to be checking my blog, so here you go. Below are screencaps of our conversations regarding Shadowhunters and Alec. (for anyone else reading, the icon is her and the dark blue is me)   
Keep reading
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Rest of Magnus replies will come tomorrow!! PROMISE!!!
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Also please reblog this if you are a an Indie RP for ABCs Shadowhunters. I need to follow more people! 
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Alec laughed, though granted, the sound was a little more weak than it usually would be. Despite wanting to defend himself, he knew he would not really win this argument - and yes, he did want to get right back to work this instant, no matter how much more comfortable it was here right now. With a sigh that was meant to sound exasperated, but felt rather fake even to himself, he took the cup. “It’s not like I’d do anything strenuous” Alec felt the need to clarify. “I know my limits.” In theory anyway, but this time wasn’t really made for sitting around while everyone else was working so hard. But he didn’t want to push Magnus away either, so he played along instead of trying to bolt when he turned his back.
The gentle gesture made him smile, and he reached out to catch the Warlock’s hand before it was too far from him to reach it. All stubbornness aside, he did still feel weak and was grateful he was still lying down. Squeezing the hand gently with his, Alec studied the other’s face cautiously. “Are you sure you shouldn’t rest a bit too?” It had to have taken a lot out of him, keeping Alec from slipping away. The Shadowhunter felt guilty about that, too. “You must be exhausted. I promise not to run off, if you want to sleep for a bit” he said, and meant it.
Magnus slightly raised an eyebrow at Alec’s statement of knowing his limits. “Somehow, I don’t think you do,” he told him with affectionate teasing, though not without truth. “I’ve seen just how much you push yourself, Alexander. I . . . “ Almost lost you. “Am going to make sure you don’t push yourself now.” An attempt to keep the mood light, to distract Alexander from his basic near death experience. Of nearly never returning to the conscious world. The thought still sent chills through Magnus, though he remained perfectly composed. Magnus continued to softly smile, fingers curling around Alec’s as he tenderly took his hand. “I’m ok,” he assured him. 
Though, the offer reminded Magnus of his own weakened state and the threat of exhaustion started to creep in, now that the adrenaline caused by the desperate need to save him was quickly diminishing him. “I’ll rest later,” he assured him, not wanting Alec to be too concerned with his well being and knew he had to make sure reassurance of when he would gain his own rest. “I just, don’t want to close my eyes right now,” he added on, leaning down to kiss his partner’s forehead before looking into his eyes once more. The words holding that emotional weight to almost being forced to watch Alexander die. “Do you need anything, Alexander?” He asked him, wondering if he was hungry, or required anything at all.
( taking care )
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
It was still kind of unbelievable - in a good way - to hear the other man saying something like that. Not that Alec didn’t know that there was something there, no, but to feel that his own feelings were reciprocated in that way both took a weight from his heart and thrilled him to no end. This was all knew, but it didn’t feel like he was losing the ground beneath his feet at all; he still had a hand to hold onto while he jumped into something he had absolute no control over, or experience in. Any worries about it being awkward between them after having sex, they dissipated when he looked at Magnus and saw him smile. 
There really wasn’t a moment in his life he remembered being so at peace, though exhilarated at the same time as they were lying close, holding onto each other. Magnus lips set his skin on fire where he placed kisses on the Shadowhunter, and Alec let his head fall back a little, closing his eyes for a moment to commit this feeling to memory, though he hoped they’d have more night like this, together. Though maybe he was getting a little ahead of himself; for now anything they could share, he would gladly take it.
Alec practically beamed, seeing the sincerity on the Warlock’s face, and hearing it in his voice. The hand resting on the Warlock side moved again to pull Magnus just a little closer, not that there was much room anymore. But this way he could kiss him again without either having to stretch too far. It wasn’t exactly a chaste kiss, but it was a short one because Alec couldn’t keep the smile off his face too long. “I’m glad. You make me happy, too” he told him, just to clarify that it wasn’t just the sex at all, that had him feeling like that.
The last comment made Alec giggle - he’d deny it under torture, but he laughed, blush spreading on his skin, from his ears to his chest, but he was quick to retort. “It’s good to know all that training if good for more than just running around the city. But maybe” a grin formed on his face, “maybe, since this is a ‘vigorous activity’, I could exchange it for some of the training. So you’d stay in shape too.”
To hear that he made Alec happy . . . it was not something the warlock took lightly. Magnus felt this intense responsibility -- in the best way possible -- to make the Shadowhunter happy. To make good on all the promises and words of encouragement that had prompted Alec to go against his mind and listen to his heart. He never wanted him to regret that decision, and so, hearing that Magnus could make Alec smile like that, make him blush like that . . . caused the Warlock’s own heart to swell with the utmost joy. Because Alexander’s happiness, was Magnus’ happiness. 
He closed his eyes, soaking in the kiss and never growing too familiar with the feeling. For each and every time, it caused his heart to flutter and emotions rush through his body. A sensation unlike any other. Magnus belatedly opened his eyes to gaze upon the beautiful man that lay in his bed next to him. At his tease, Magnus’ smile faded into a look of playful appall and offense, if only to encourage the teasing mood between them. 
“Alexander, are you implying that I am not in shape?” He playfully accused. “Not that I’m opposed to the idea of you exchanging time for other kind of training in favor for this . . . “ He added on with a bit of a mischievous grin. “But I’ll have you know . . . “ He swiftly moved his body so that he was on top of Alec, simultaneously taking the Shadowhunter’s hands and pinning them on either side of Alec’s head against the bed. “I am very much in shape.” Clear suggestive flirtation in his voice as he leaned down to steal another kiss. 
| Euphoric Bliss |
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Even if he hadn’t known the Warlock as well as Alec would like to think he did - and oh, wasn’t that irony that while he was so sure of that, he hadn’t recognized that his soul had been in another body - it was obvious that Magnus was lying. However, Alec didn’t see any use in calling his bluff, not if it might be the one thing helping Magnus move on, or at least keep his mind from drifting back to what he experienced. Though honestly, Alec wouldn’t know what else to say or do, if Magnus would share what was going on in his head.  That far off look he got wasn’t reassuring either. But even if Alec was a loss, he’d rather have him sharing what was going on than suffer alone.
This time the Shadowhunter didn’t hesitate to reach up with his free hand, cupping his boyfriend’s cheek with it. “You know you can tell me anything” he said earnestly, opening himself a little, silently offering the other to hug him, if he wanted to be close, but not forcing it on him. “I’m always going to be here, if you want me to. I’m sorry that…that I wasn’t there for you when …I’m sorry I didn’t realize.” He had apologized, over and over, but Magnus had to know but this would never happen again. Alec would never mistrust his own feelings on this again. “We’ll get through it, whatever happens, whatever’s going through your head.”
Magnus felt the instant comfort when Alec cupped his cheek. The warmth of his hand soothing Magnus down to his very soul; a tarnished, damaged . . . ugly soul. His fear of opening up was not only because it was difficult to voice his monstrous actions of the past. But also because he was scared of the way Alec would look at him. Scared of seeing that same look of disgust and horror over knowing what his partner had been capable of, and what he had done. Magnus closed his eyes for a moment, raising his hand to rest it on top of Alec’s that was on his cheek. He slowly opened them once more, soaking in his words as he did his touch. 
“I will always want you here, with me Alexander,” Magnus assured him. Though he knew that his withdrawn behavior might counter that. “There is no greater comfort to me.” Than his presence. His company. Just, him. Magnus leaned a little forward, knowing it was selfish of him, but unable to resist. It was as if a magnet was pulling him towards Alec, and he could not fight the battle of it. A half hug of sorts, nestling his cheek against the side of Alec’s head as he closed his eyes once more. Taking in a slow breath before releasing it, as if trying to release all the demons of his past. It felt more impossible than ever to do so, now especially.
“I don’t blame you,” he told him, in a soft, sincere voice. He wanted, needed Alexander to know that. He did not blame him for what had happened. If he did, this conversation would be very different. “I just, worry.” Even that word was an understatement. “That the more of my soul you see, the less of it you’ll want to.” The more he got to know Magnus, the less he would want to be with him. Insecurities that he did not often feel with just anyone. Nor ones that he voiced to many. If any. The words placing him in such a vulnerable position, and as if trying to cling to Alec, he found his hand of its own accord, wrapping around his lover to strengthen the embrace. 
( let me comfort you )
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
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Magnus + his reaction to Alec’s heartfelt declarations.
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Tomorrow, Magnus replies will come!!!
At the very latest!! I’ve just been trying to catch up with another rp blog on tumblr!! But tomorrooowww, I still start getting out replies and starters and things!! hit me up for any plottage!! <3
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Sorry for the slow!
HEY ALL!! I’m REALLLYY sorry that I’ve been slow with replies! Work has been kicking my butt!!!! I’m hoping that tomorrow I can really start knocking out some replies and respond to everyones awesome messages!! THANK YOUU for everyones patience!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!! <3
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
send me a 💙 and I’ll list one character I want to rp with
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magnusbane-warlock · 7 years
Izzy didn’t spend much time with Magnus- a real shame really- and today was one of the few times they had ever gone out to do something together without it being connected in some way to work. It was going to be fun! Shopping in some of the best places in the world with the most stylish person in the world? It was going to be fantastic. So much gossip to be had. 
She looked over at the martini’s and raised an eyebrow. “I think I’ll pass for now. I need to be sober while searching for the best presents for everyone.” She winked and leaned against the back of the couch to watch him. “Where to first, oh wise fashion guru?”
Magnus smiled in understanding as she spoke of wishing to keep a clear mind. This, was certainly going to be fun. His smile only grew when she asked where they would like to go to first. “The world is our oyster my dearest, Isabelle,” he began to say, moving closer to her. He placed one arm around her shoulders, his other hand waving out in front of them as if painting a picture. “I can see it now; the two of us strolling down Via Monte Napoleone.” A wonderful shopping street in Italy. He turned his head to look at Izzy. “Or if you aren’t particularly fond of Milan, we can venture to Champs Elysees in the beautiful country of France.” Isabelle’s taste appeared to be rather exquisite; he wanted to suggest places that would match her wonderfully refined taste. 
| Shop Til’ You Drop |
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