You can enrol to vote at 16 on Australia and normally they just let you actually vote til 18, but they let 16-17 year olds sign up so they can do recruitment drives in high schools. But for some reason 16-17 year olds who are already enrolled are allowed to vote in the plebiscite. So do it if you think it's worth bothering but don't expect the results you want. They're using it as an excuse to not pass a same sex marriage bill. So they're expecting the numbers to support that.
Wow, I didn’t know this. Thank you for telling me! 
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I am Australian and 17 years old. I am so nervous and anxious because I am one year off from voting. I can’t contribute. 
So if you are Australian, over 18 and think same-sex marriage should be legal, please vote because there are teens like me who want to vote but can’t. You have the power. Don’t give this opportunity up. 
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i know this isnt aesthetics but THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!
i got an email from my mother (who is bi and proud) about this. australians will have 14 days to register to vote in the same-sex marriage postal vote. this means everyone needs to get on the electoral roll or check their enrolment is correct ASAP! students like myself are particularly likely to not be enrolled or have incorrect details on the electoral roll.
so if you are australian and you are over 18, please dear god, make sure you are on the electoral roll! if you are already enrolled, make sure your details are correct and up to date!
even if you arent australian, i would REALLY appreciate if you spread this!
im australian and i cannot marry my current partner without same-sex marriage being legal. i know without a doubt there are many other australians who are also unable to marry their partners too.
Date: 10/08/2017
[link to full story] [link to enrol] [link to update address]
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This isn’t malec related. I just want this to be a movie. Even if it’s a silent film, I’ll love it just the same. It’s too pure and innocent for this world but it has to be done. 
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In a Heartbeat (2017) short film by Beth David + Esteban Bravo
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Mmm it depends where you are from as well. In the Uk which is where I am from, the legal age is 16 so 17 going on 18 is not considered a minor. So reading the books in the UK we don't see Alec as a minor, but I guess for you guys in the states it is different.
I’m actually from Australia. So from my perspective here, it’s around the same age as the UK. To drink, the legal age must be 18 and over but relationship wise, it’s 16. 
When I said minor in my previous post (click here to see it), I was talking about 18 years old in general since it relates well with, I think, most countries. It is a very difficult subject to talk about as it varies with countries and an individual’s opinion. 
I hope this clears things up. :)
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First of all, I just want to say that I see both sides of the story. I understand why people don’t like and like the show as well as the book series. I do!
But I just feel so upset by this arguement that book stans make to justify why Malec in the books is bad.
I see people hating on Malec by the fact that Alec is 17 years old and Magnus is over 400 years old in the books and yet, I don’t see anyone hating on the fact that Bella Swan (a mundane, mortal human) from Twilight was also 17 years old and Edward (an immortal vampire) was over 100 years old when they started dating. And Twilight is concidered one of the best movie and book series in supernatural romance. (Agree to disagree on that).
If I remember correctly, Alec is 18 years old around the time of City of Lost Souls so Alec would have been almost 18 around the time they got together in City of Glass.
(Edit: I talked to an anon about legal ages and how it varies between countries here.  I’m saying that under 18 year olds are basically minors in this post as the legal ages, for different things in life, relates to most countries around that age.)
Alec was born in the year 1989 and the events in City of Bones took place in 2007. So 2007 minus 1989, you get 18. So we was either nearly about to turn 18 or he was 18.
(Photo by user alphakittenx on tumblr)
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This is a hard situation to talk about because 17 years old is still considered a minor (generally) and that’s not good at all. But this exact situation has happened in the past in other movies and books and yet, I don’t see anyone getting angry over that.
Anyway, I just want to treat The Mortal Instruments and Shadowhunters as two completely different things. Please don’t compare Book!Malec and TvShow!Malec. The last thing this fandom needs is arguements and hate spreading around between book and show stans.
This post wasn’t to throw hate to anyone at all! This is just sharing my opinion about this arguement that book stans seem to make. I’m sorry if I offended anyone but I just wanted to let this out.
I hope you have a wonderful day/night and I wish you love and happiness. *virtual hug*
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i just.. love isaiah so much he is so sweet wtf
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This moment is so important. And I’m so proud of Harry Shum Jr. for being able to deliver such a powerful performance, as powerful as the moment is.
Because this is Magnus admitting that there’s darkness inside him. And we could discuss a lot about if he was actually controlling his powers, because he certainly consciously directed his magic against his stepfather, but he was just a little boy, still in shock for his mother’s suicide and being harshly blamed for it… But anyway the anger was there, the fury was there, and Magnus remembers.
Because Magnus was just a 9 year old boy then, and this moment, when he burned his stepfather, was probably Magnus’ first encounter with his darkest side. Magnus’ magic is linked with his emotions, and with all the distress he was exposed to, I really find just natural that he has losen all kind of measurance. But, to Magnus, this was his first encounter with the “demonic” part of him, that part that wants to destroy and doesn’t care about the results (and here I wonder if this was really Magnus’ “demonic” part, of actually the “human” one? Wouldn’t we lose all control in the situation that Magnus was? Wouldn’t we do the same or worse destruction, being capable of what Magnus was?)
This was also probably the beginning of Magnus thinking, on the deepest of his heart, that he’s actually a monster, an abomination.
And then again this moment is so important, because Magnus is admitting his darkest side to Alec, the man he loves. Magnus could have agreed with Alec: he was a boy, he didn’t want to cause his stepfather any harm, he didn’t know what he was doing. But actually Magnus knew he had magic, maybe not the extent of it but he knew he had, and he knew that he wanted to hurt and harm, and maybe he was distressed and hurt himself and he was just a little shocked child, but the intention of harming someone else was still there…
And Magnus knows, and Magnus need Alec to know to, because he’s scared and he doesn’t want to lose Alec (just look at his expression right after admitting that he was controlling his powers; look how vulnerable he looks, how he looks at Alec slowly as if he was waiting to be rejected), but he doesn’t want Alec to believe he’s completely innocent of everything. Magnus doesn’t want to deceive Alec in any way, that’s why he’s letting Alec to know what really happened.
And I can’t help but wonder if someday Magnus will realize that this scene, this moment of him admitting to Alec that his stepfather was “right”, is exactly what proves him wrong.
Because, what kind of “monster”, when having the opportunity to hide the darkness in him and keep the person he loves, decides to show that darkness in all its extent, so this person would know what he’s signing for? What kind of “abomination” would risk losing the love of his life, because he can’t help to be honest with him, even when that truth terribly hurts him?
Just, what kind of “monster” or “abomination” could love… In the beautiful, selfless, heartbreakingly honest way that Magnus Bane does?
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I don’t get why Clalecs defend that disgusting ship by saying that having ships like Jimon and Saphael and Clizzy are heterophobic. Like literally: Jace - sexuality never confirmed Simon - sexuality never confirmed Raphael - asexual (and I personally only ship Saphael romantically, not sexually) Clary - sexuality never confirmed Izzy - sexuality never confirmed Luke - sexuality never confirmed Alec - gay Magnus - bisexual The only ships that erase sexualities are Clalec, sexual ones with Raphael, or other Alec x female.
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Make Magnus happy, please!
I’m so sorry not really but I had to make a post about this. 
There is spoilers ahead, obviously. And also there is mentions of suicide, attempt in murder and psycological torment in Magnus’ past. Just making this warning to people who are uncomfortable.
Let me give you some insight about Magnus and his past life because I believe he has suffered so much. 
I also want people who watch the show but haven’t read the books to be aware of Magnus’ back story so the whole fandom can understand why most of us are reacting the way we are. 
But if you have watched the tv show but haven’t read the books, this is only spoilers for Magnus’ story, not anyone elses. You don’t have to read this if you don’t want to!
Ok, on with the post. 
*       *        * 
FIRST OF ALL, I am not saying that we should toss aside Clary, Alec, Simon and Jace for what they are feeling. What they are feeling is horrible and I hate it but it let me tell you all something, this situation with Magnus is NOT something to be excused. 
First, let’s give the run down of Magnus’ life. 
Magnus Bane grew up in Indonesia with his mundane half Indonesian-half Dutch mother with his mundane step-father (his mother’s husband but obviously not his biological dad). When he was under 10 years of age, his mother realised that his cat eyes meant that he was half demon. Because it was the 16th century, Magnus’ parents were highly religious. So she hung herself in the family barn because she couldn’t bare to think that she gave birth to a half demon. They both feared him. They feared a harmless, careful and sweet child. 
It’s one thing for Clary to see her mother dead (that was really horrible and I feel so bad for her) but for Magnus’ mother to kill herself because of him? That is NOT something a child under 10 years old can handle. That traumatised him and still does centuries later. Once a child, who is very young in the developing years, experienced something horrible, it’s hard to get over. It is even possible for teens to have nightmares about being alone because sometime in the toddler years, that child might have gotten lost in a store. For a child, losing your parent in a store is horrible and heartbreaking. Imagine seeing your mother dead, permanently gone, because she feared you. Think about that for a second. 
As for his step-father? When he was 10 years old, his step-father tried to drown him in the lake on the side of their barn. Magnus, who had no idea he had powers in the first place, thought he was doing to die. (Sounds familiar? May I remind you of “Valentine’s execution”?) But due to Magnus’ fear when he thought he was going to die at the hands of his father, Magnus accidentally set him on fire. He watched someone burn and die right in front of him. Another person that died because of him. All of this at the age of 10 years old. Silent Brothers in Spain, Madrid raised him in the 17th century until he was old enough to use his powers properly!
When it comes to abandoning family, Magnus is always the one that gets abondoned every single time! He is immortal! To quote Alec, “you watch the people you care about age and die”. If that’s not enough, how about the people who used him only for his powers? Did it ever occur to people that Alec is literally the first shadowhunter who treated him like his powers didn’t matter? He has felt this way for 400 years. Even downworlders have their conflicts with each other! Vampires, werewolves, faeries and warlocks had their share of violence towards each other in the past and present. 
BUT DESPITE ALL OF THIS, he took downworlders under his wing for centuries so no one feels the way he did when he was 10. Alone. Scared. Frightened. He had to learn how to get people to pay him for his magic so he could make a decent living. His amazing loft didn’t come from nothing!
Clary’s father is horrible but Magnus’ dad is literally a Prince of Hell! Asmodeus is one of the seven greater demons whose seven deadly sin is lust (which is horrible if you think about how his poor mother was tricked into sleeping with him). In the books, Asmodeus was willing to take away Magnus’ immortality, kill him and turn him into an actual prince of hell, just like him. 
We also know, from the show, that Magnus would have killed himself if it wasn’t for Camille who literally did one thing right by stopping him. 
And we all saw it today in episode 2x12 where Magnus Bane was tortured, mentally abused, psycologically abused and physically abused for a crime he didn’t commit. His body was violated and he was terrified from the influence Valentine (in his body) would have on other people in his place. He has been called a liar when he always told the truth, he witnessed the dark side of the love of his life who he thought he could trust his heart with. Granted, Alec did make a mistake and the thing that we are all proud of and thankful of is that Alec is trying to apologise and fix his mistakes unlike everyone else that did Magnus wrong.  
And now, he is reliving the painful memories he tried so desperately to forget for centuries. Why wouldn’t Magnus feel like he did at the end of the episode? I don’t blame him one bit. I am also thankful that Alec gave him space after everything that happened. 
And what really makes this character worth fighting for? Is that he NEVER turned evil. Not once did his heart turned black. Not once did he disobey the shadowhunters who have treated him horribly. Not once did he give up on the greater good of the world. 
THAT’S why I’m fighting for Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Him being a part of the LGBTQA+ community is only part of it. I just hope the writers are nice to Magnus in future episodes. 
And as for Alec reacting “weird” this episode. He did the right thing by giving him space and time to heal. He showed that he is regretful. He has done all he can at this point in time. 
Don’t worry, I believe malec will grow stronger in the end.
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@malecismylifesupport yeah, I’m hoping just the same! Something is up, and it’s not that Alec doesn’t love Magnus or that he’s dating him for the help, but with everything that’s happening lately he’s asking for more and more of Magnus’ help and, even if Magnus is fine with helping him, it’s not fair for him either. Because yeah, Magnus is powerful af, but that doesn’t mean he’s invincible… Alec has already started to realize that, after the soul sword in 2x10, but I guess his mind is so centered in the war that he’s not seeing it clearly enough. Let’s hope he will realize that something is really wrong with the way he’s been doing some things regarding Magnus, specially after the switching bodies’ thing with Valentine. God know Magnus will need it.
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“Roles Reversed”
Book/ or show: Shadowhunters
Pairing: Alec and Magnus (Malec)
Fanfiction genre: Alternate Universe, Fluff and Romance
Idea from: @alec-imstraight-lightwood (To see the original idea, click here)
Prompt: We all know and love the story of Alec and Magnus who fight demons together in the Shadow World. But where would they be if the Shadow World didn’t exist? This follows the events of the alternate universe in season 1, episode 10. 
Magnus watched as Jace, who is infected with demonic blood, and Clary walk through the portal. The purple gem that binds the portal together shimmered and glistened in the cracked wall. Magnus looked at the demon that lays on the table, clearly beaten up. He panics and picks up the demon, dragging it towards the opened portal and pushed it in making it disappear. 
I’m sure they are able to take care of it. I clearly can’t with my magic being so limited. 
Magnus grabbed the portal using his magic that was barely working. His opened hands that made the gem hover in the air, slammed into fists causing the gem to crush and disintegrate onto the floor until it was nothing but dust. All was quiet.
He took a big breath in and sighed. That was enough drama for one day, Magnus thought. 
He climbed up the stairs back to the party. To his suprise, he found Clary and Jace slow dancing as if nothing happened. The bright lights and the music made the atmosphere so welcoming and fun. He can’t even imagine what it was like in the other dimension. 
Magnus felt a presence behind him and he suddenly felt small. He turned around to see the handsome man who let him into the party in the first place.
“I was starting to think you were avoiding me. That wouldn’t be the case, would it?”, the man side smiled. 
I think his name is Alec. 
Magnus smiled up at Alec shyly. He never got the attention of a man before. A handsome one at that. Every time Magnus tried to even go near a guy he was interested in, his lungs would give out on him. 
“I’m not staying long. I think I overstayed my welcome, anyway.”, Magnus spoke up finally. 
Alec smiled wider showing his beautifully white teeth. 
“Who made you think that?”, Alec said in a teasing tone. 
What is Alec doing? Why is he like this?
Magnus was speechless. He didn’t know what to say. 
Alec sighed, “Fine, if you must leave. I won’t stop you. There is one thing I must do though.”
Magnus frowed his eyebrows curiously. 
“What’s that?”
“Give me your phone and you’ll find out.”
Magnus obeyed Alec and gave him his phone. He wasn’t sure why but he somehow did what Alec asked. Like Magnus was under his hazel-eyed spell. Alec typed a few things into his phone and gave it back. 
“It’s been interesting, Magnus Bane.”, Alec gave one last smile before walking towards the liquor table. 
Magnus blinked his way. 
What just happened?
He looked down towards his phone and opened it. The phone app was opened with a new added contact under the ID name of “Alec Light-would you call me after the party?”
A few weeks after the party, Alec and Magnus texted everyday. It would range from 3 sentences a day to a long conversation late at night. They would talk about random things that managed to pop up. 
One day while they were texting, Magnus messaged Alec “So, do you want to go out for a drink some time?”
It was the longest 10 seconds of Magnus’ life. He was staring at the screen in agony wondering what was taking Alec so long to reply. After those 10 seconds, Alec Lightwood finally replied.
“I would love that”. 
A few months after that first date, they went out every Saturday. It was tradition. Their first kiss happened in Washington Square Park during the beautiful late hours of the night. It wasn’t their first date but they had many dates before that night. 
They finished their dinner ages ago at the nearby diner. They were holding hands as they passed the fountain that was always exploding with life. Magnus would always wear the same colour somewhere in his outfit on their dates which drove Alec into insanity. 
“It’s not like I don’t like that colour it’s just that I don’t like that colour.”,
Magnus would always roll his eyes but that great thing about Alec is that he never tried to change him. He let Magnus do what he pleased when it comes to his fashion sense, which Magnus was grateful for. So when Magnus felt like a change in his wardrobe one afternoon, Alec’s eyes lit up and took the opportunity. 
That night, Magnus was wearing one of Alec’s suggestions. A maroon knitted scarf which complimented his prefered grey colour scheme. Magnus liked the subtle changes he made. It showed his development as a person. Alec did changes for Magnus as well. Alec became more sincere and careless each passing day. 
They walked up the stairs towards the Washington Square Arch. Suddenly, Alec stopped them.
“Are you okay?”, Magnus asked. 
Alec smiled and gently leaned Magnus under one of the Arch’s side. The light made Alec’s hair brighter and his hazel eyes glow. 
Alec’s hands made their way to Magnus’ waist with ease as Alec leaned closer to the older man. 
“I’m never better, Magnus. Never better.”, 
And with that, Alec softly pressed his lips onto Magnus’ for the first time. It was Magnus’ first kiss ever and it was better than he imagined it would be. Magnus moved his hands up to cup Alec’s face. It was a few seconds longer than a peck but it was enough to make Magnus’ knees want to give out. 
Once they pulled away, Magnus’s eyes opened because he heared a women, who was probably in her late 30s, scoff at them. Magnus’ glare sharpened at her. She turned away and continued to walk. When Alec started kissing Magnus’ neck, he used this opportunity to use his magic. The woman was carrying a take-away coffee in a brown cup holder tray as he held her belonging with the other hand. Magnus’ eyes turned to see a man who was busy on his phone, speed walking in her direction. 
Magnus mentally apologised to the man as he magically made him stumble on his feet making him bump into the women, spilling the coffee all over her. She screams in such a high pitched fashion that it made Alec jump. 
“What happened?”, Alec asked as he looked towards the woman who started yelling at the man who was looking at her in shock. 
“I have no idea.”, Magnus replied as he took Alec’s hand and pulled him towards the directions of the stairs, wanting to go home. 
Telling Alec about his magic when they got home that night was like coming out all over again. He was so scared of what he would think and the consequences it would bring. He didn’t want to lose Alec. He was the first guy to take an interest in Magnus and he didn’t want to lose an amazing guy like Alec. 
At first, Alec didn’t believe him but when Magnus conjured up a daphne flower for Alec, he believed him. 
Alec was freaked out because his boyfriend just made a flower appear, like literally appear but then he remembered something Valentine, his sister’s boss said at the party to everyone who was present. 
There are magical things in this world that you might not understand but it’s best to look at it with an open heart and a clear mind to pass judgement. 
He knew Magnus was such a shy and curious person when he first started dating him so he didn’t believe that Magnus could be anything bad at all.  
“I don’t think of you any differently, Magnus. I think you’re beautifully unique.”
Magnus was shocked and so overjoyed. 
“I’m so glad, Alec. This is why I love you.”
Alec froze.
Magnus had never been good with words like Alec was so this made Magnus scared. 
“Wait... You love me?”
It was Magnus’ turn to freeze. His face turned white from fear. Did he say the wrong thing? It was too late to back down now. Alec clearly heard him. 
“I... Yeah... I love you, Alec.”
Alec smiled slightly and looked at Magnus with so much care and sincerity that Magnus was almost certain he made it all up in his head. 
“I love you too, Magnus.”, Alec grabbed Magnus’ hand and held on tight. 
After a minute or so, Magnus spoke.
“Remember the women who spilt her coffee?”
Alec thought for a minute and his eyes widened. 
“Why did you do that?!”, Alec exclaimed. 
“She scoffed at us when we were kissing. It pissed me off.”, 
Alec laughed, “
You are bad. Should I reconcider staying for the night?”, Alec teases. 
Magnus shut Alec up with a kiss.
A year passed since their first kiss and they couldn’t be more in love. Clary couldn’t believe Alec scored the guy from the funny commercial, she didn’t dare call it funny in front of Magnus though. It was her and Alec’s secret. 
Isabelle was so proud of Alec and she told Magnus, in private, that she can see the positive impact Magnus was having on Alec. This made Magnus really like Isabelle. 
Jace and Simon were making jokes about how Alec isn’t the only one single in the group anymore. Magnus looked at them both and laughed along with them as Alec rolled his eyes at their jokes. 
Alec and Magnus now lived together in a shared loft. Alec was the one to ask Magnus to live with him, to everyone’s suprise. They have three cats, Chairman Meow, Church and a newly adopted cat named Coffee, which has fur that made his name very appropriate. 
Alec also kind of named the cat after the coffee incident Magnus gave that woman. He never told Magnus. He didn’t need to. Magnus figured it out for himself. 
* * *
This whole story sounded better in my head lol. But Magnus conjured up a flower. A Daphne flower. 
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This was my attempt to write something about the alternate universe malec. I was curious shhhh. 
I believe that loads more happened between these beautiful men but maybe different drabble stories of events in AU malec’s life is in order? Message me telling me what you think!
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I really like the look of your blog! Great ideas! Anyways, this is for the ship thing: I am a 17y-o lesbian. I'm relatively short, with long dark- blonde hair and green eyes. I'm simultaneously the most graceful and most clumsy person you know, really sporty and artsy. I enjoy all things dance and music and am a huge language and science nerd. I would love something cute and fluffy and maybe friends to lovers thing. Thank you for your time!
(Thank you very much, my friend! I’ll try my best with this blog! I hope you got the person you wanted. xo)
I ship you with:
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Clary Fairchild!
She loved being friends with someone who is equally as much of a language and science nerd like she is but for a long time, she always wanted to be more than friends. You, Clary and Simon are really amazing and inseparable friends. Even though Simon had eyes for Clary, she always had eyes for you. 
Clary enjoys pointing out how short you are in the best way possible. She loves standing next to you as she is usually the shortest person in a room. That is, until you came along. She can’t get enough of it and she finally understands why everyone else loved how short she was!
She is there to catch you when you fall (literally and figuratively, haha!) and she loves dancing with you late at night while wearing funny socks in your pjs when she has breaks from training. 
You both love being artsy. She never runs out of ideas to draw or paint. When ever she can’t think of anything to draw, she always finds herself drawing the one thing she can’t stop thinking about. You. 
When you play sport with Simon (maybe even Jace, Alec and Isabelle if you were willing to teach them), Clary loves watching from the side lines, cheering you on. 
When Clary thought the time was right, she told you exactly how she felt. She isn’t afraid to hold your hand in public and she certainly isn’t afraid to tell you how stunning you are every chance she gets. 
That’s what makes your relationship so special. Clary only asks you to be there for her when times get rough so she can have enough energy to do the same for you. 
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“Come back to me”
Book/ or show: Shadowhunters
Pairing: Alec and Magnus (Malec)
Fanfiction genre: Alternate Universe, Angst, Romance, Thriller and Fantasy
Idea from: My brain that secretly wants me to combust from these feelings tbh
Prompt: Alexander Lightwood has been missing for months. No one has heard a word from him ever since Valentine invaded the New York Shadowhunter Institude. There was not one person who wasn’t worried for him but there was one specific downworlder who was petrified and would stop at nothing to find him and bring him back home.
“Tell me where the Mortal Mirror is. Tell me now, Lightwood!”
That was all Alec heard for 6 months straight.
Where is the mirror, Lightwood? Tell me where the mirror is, Lightwood. Who do you think you are, Lightwood?
It hummed in his ears, contantly on repeat like a broken record.
The chains that clammed around his wrists blistered and bits of dried and fresh blood soaked around the wrist restraints. His hair felt like wet straw that stuck together from the amount of times he has been sweating for the past few months.
His crimson shirt stuck to his body as he tried to releave himself from the harsh pain that shot through his legs as he tried to stand up from being on his knees for so long. The funny thing was is that his shirt was blue before he was kidnapped by Valentine.
He almost forgotten how to walk if it wasn’t for the occasional bathroom visits. Apparently, Valentine thought that showers were for the nobles because all he was given was a bucket and a sponge to clean himself off. And of course, Valentine Morgenstern was looking for the Mortal Mirror. He was trying to beat the answer out of him but Alec didn’t have the answer Valentine was looking for. He obviously didn’t care with what question Alec wants to have answered.
That one single question that has been gradually escaping his lips the minute he arrived at this unknown destination.
“What did you do with my family?”
Valentine looked down at him with a single glare.
“Don’t you ever ask something else other than that?”
I could say the same about you, Morgenstern.
Valentine wipped his arm back, swung at Alec’s face and punched him straight in the jaw. Alec grunted at the shooting pain and flicked his head upwards towards his kidnapper to move his hair off from over his eyes. 
“I am telling you, I don’t know where the Mortal Mirror is. I don’t even know where to start looking!”
Alec forced himself to stay silent. Looks like neither of them were going to have the answer they want.
* * *
The shards of glass that stood out from Magnus’ hand were coated in blood. Magnus was thinking so much about how Valentine was probably destroying the last bit of Alec’s mortal soul by torturing him. He held his whiskey glass and slammed the glass onto his dining room table, causing it to explode only a few minutes ago. 
Magnus was certainly convinced that only the Angel Raziel knows why Alec was taken. 
He wasn’t able to sleep, eat or even socialise properly ever since Alec was taken by Valentine. He tried everything, from tracking spells to portals to demon summoning to interviewing almost every single one of the shadowhunters in the New York institute but still no sign of Alec.
It was almost as if someone gave him purpose in his immortal life but then it was suddenly taken away from him but to make him suffer. At one point, Clary compared him to a lost boy who was trying to find his mother in a store, but so much worse.
As Magnus pulled the last shard of glass out of his hand, his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and it showed Jace’s name.
“Jace?”, Magnus asked as he conjured up a bandage to wrap around his wound. Jace usually never called him but Alec is gone. Jace didn’t have a personal messenger to tell Magnus information anymore.
“Hey Magnus, I just wanted to let you know that we are going to be out on another search. You’re welcome to join us, if you want.”, Jace tried to be nice to Magnus on several occastions judging the circumstance they were in.
Alec is Jace’s parabatai and he knew that Alec was still alive. He could feel it in his soul. The string that binds them together was barely holding on, but it was still there.
“You know I haven’t missed a search but I think I’m going to have to cancel this time.”,
Magnus had to stay home. If he had a dollar for every single time he got his hopes up during these searches only to find nothing and have his hopes torn to shreads, he would not be in New York but on his own private jet. 
What would a warlock do with a private jet anyway? By the Angel, they had portals!
“Are you sure?”, Jace asked from the other end of the call. 
Magnus forced a convincing reassuring tone in his voice.
“Yes, don’t worry about me. Just please, find Alexander”,
“You can count on that”,
And with that last sentence that keeps Magnus’ hope alive, Jace ended the call.
Alec, please. Come back to me. 
* * *
I have to get to a stele and portal to another place other than here. Or at least send a fire message to Magnus.
This plan was clearly easier said than done but Alec had to try. He knew that around this time, he was given time to clean himself up. Alec was going to have to think fast as he was losing blood fast. Valentine did feed him a little under what the average person needs to have but Alec knows that’s only to keep him alive. 
Valentine opened the metal door that was Alec’s gateway to freedom and closed it behind him. Without a word, he placed the bucket next to Alec and unchained him.
These last few seconds were crucial.
Alec travelled his eyes all around Valentine’s body until he spots a stele peaking out from his back belt pocket. He attempted to stand but both from the pain and performing an act, he fell onto Valentine, which forced him to catch Alec.
He slipped his hand around to Valentine’s back and snatched his stele. Alec eased it into his jacket sleeve and maked sure to keep his arm up a bit to prevent it from falling out and revealing his plan. All in a matter of seconds. 
“Oh get up, you’ll get more blood in you. Just wash yourself already, I don’t want to have to keep smelling blood and death everytime I come in here.”
And with that, Valentine slipped Alec’s body harshly onto the cold, blood-stained floor. Alec landed much like a broken ragdoll as he watched Valentine leave. He closed the door with a bang and Alec knew that his plan was arising. Trust Valentine to believe the saying “if you want something done, you have to do the dirty work yourself.”
It took every cell in his body to work together and make himself lift up the stele onto the wall and draw a rune that could bring him home. Or at least where his heart leaded him.
* * *
The last bit of alcohol in Magnus’ new glass ran past his lips and down his throat for what felt like the millionth time.
He kept reminding himself every day to get a good night’s rest to get rid of the bags under his eyes, to eat something healthy and proper, to get clean clothes and to go outside again, but every day always ended up making a plan to do it tomorrow.
Magnus placed the cup onto the floor and finally allowed himself to slam his body onto the couch and rest for what felt like the first time in ages.
Suddenly, a blinding light mixed with deadly winds exploded from outside his front door. He frowned as he looked towards the door wondering who would be bothering him now.
Panic spread throughout his chest when he finally realised that blood was seeping through the bottom crack of the door like a puddle. Magnus’ eyes widened as he bolted for the door feeling both senses of hope and, at the same time, begging for it not to be him. 
He yanks the door open to find Alec lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood, with his once bright and bold hazel eyes that turned colourless and grey, staring up at him. 
* * *
Hours have passed and Alec still didn’t wake up. Magnus kept a routine during this time.
Checking Alec’s pulse every five minutes, call Isabelle and Jace which only leads to voicemail, magic up another healing spell and potion of some sort, check his pulse again. It was pushing Magnus’ buttons but he knows that every little bit that he can do, helped Alec. And he would do anything for him.
The wounds Alec had reopened once he went through the portal. That’s what caused the pool of blood. Gashes of cuts and bruises made it’s way all around Alec’s torso and arms. There was one bruise that formed on his cheek. It made Magnus bubble with anger when he wrapped bandages around his boyfriend. 
Alec’s eyes finally snapped open. He jerked up and coughed violently with Magnus by his side within seconds. He screamed as his coughing wasn’t doing his bruises any good. Magnus let him scream because he wasn’t worried about the neighbours. He put a property silencing spell on the doors, walls and windows just a few hours ago. 
Alec’s hazel eyes blinked rapidly as they tried to adjust to the brightness of Magnus’ loft. 
“Please Valentine, I can’t help you.”, Alec muttered under his breath, clearly frightened and convinced that the portal he conjured up didn’t work. 
He was broken to the very core. 
Magnus’ heart broke just by the sight of his boyfriend huddled up in a ball on the couch, frightened and petrified about anyone or anything going near him. 
I am going to kill Valentine for touching him. I will find him and make him pay for hurting him. Even if it kills me. 
“It’s ok Alexander. You’re home.”
Alec’s head turned toward the sound of the familiar calming voice. The second he saw Magnus, he dived into an embrace. He finally let go off the weight on his back and cried on Magnus’ shoulder while he held onto his boyfriend for dear life. Alec’s gashes hurt like hell but he didn’t care at this point. 
“By the Angel, Magnus. I thought you were all taken. I didn’t know if you got out safely or if you were hurt. Not knowing if you were alive or dead, I was terrified.” 
“I knew you were alive, I knew it. I never stopped giving up, Alexander.”, 
Alec held on tighter. 
“Never leave me again, Alec. Do you hear me? I’ll kill anyone who touches you”
Magnus’ painted nails dug deeper into Alec’s new and clean shirt. 
“I’ll never leave you, Magnus. Never again.”
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New Malec and Shadowhunter fan fiction blog!
Hey guys! I am a new shadowhunter (mainly malec) blog on tumblr! 
I write malec, muti-ships in the shadow world and I ship fans with characters in The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments and The Dark Artifices. 
Please check my blog for more information on each of these options. I look forward to hear from you all!
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