malisonendor · 5 years
Tale of Two Rulers Review
I only discovered this comic over a month ago and I wish I found it sooner. Tale of Two Rulers is a Legend of Zelda fanfiction comic series created by FigmentForms on this site. I want to take the time to go over what makes this a great comic.
Disclaimer: I was not asked to review this comic. I just wanted to express my appreciation for Figment’s work.
For those who haven’t read the comic, the main story is about Princess Zelda offering Ganondorf to end the ancient war between their kingdoms. So basically, it’s a “Beauty and the Beast” story.
Something I really liked was that the characters take the time to explain the history and lore of without it feeling like exposition. This is helpful for readers who have never played any of the LoZ games.
Personally, I’ve never really been fond of the relationship dynamic of a sensible, well-rounded woman falling for a violent, temperamental man who constantly insults and threatens her. However, this comic intentionally shows how dysfunctional that kind of relationship can be. Later on, they show to genuinely care about each other and try to be understanding to one another. Additionally, there seems to be a looming threat involving Majora.
Needless to say, the art in this is fantastic. Figment takes an interesting approach and gives the characters, backgrounds, and settings realistic features. Even with their humanistic characteristics, the characters often have big expressions and actions. For an ongoing comic, this takes a great deal of time and dedication and I commend Figment for it.
In a character-driven story, it’s crucial that we care about the characters and what they go through. This comic delivers some funny, likable characters for us to be invested in. For me, Zelda is the absolute best part of the series. Since she’s the owner of the TriForce of Wisdom, she would naturally be portrayed as a logical, diplomatic sovereign and I love it! She does her best to remain regal and composed even when someone (namely Ganon) tries to push her over the edge. I also enjoy her interactions with Rinku as a firm but gentle mother.
Speaking of Rinku, she is a charming non-canonical addition to the comic. As Link’s reincarnated descendant, she’s just as wild and adventurous as him. She even gets an adorable quasi romance with Skull Kid.
As for Ganondorf, I was on the fence at first. He’s about as vicious and ill-tempered as you’d expect and he lets his pride endanger those around him. However, as you’d also expect, he does manage to work out his issues, with some along the line. His overdramatic reactions are hilarious and he can even be a bit of a teddybear now and then. And whenever he and Zelda are trading biting quips, I can’t get enough.
The side characters are entertaining, as well. Impa is a little more self-possessed than Zelda, but she never hesitates to express her opinions or feelings. Ghirahim always concerned about Ganon’s well-being and you can’t help but feel bad for him when he gets yelled at. Vaati is an invasive creep and it’s always satisfying to see him get his comeuppance. Skull Kid is pretty much Peter Pan crossed with Pinocchio and he creates plenty of hijinks for the story.
Overall, I find this series to be an engaging read. A well-crafted story, excellent art, memorable characters, what more can you ask for. Figment only posts a new page on the first day of every month, but it’s worth the wait.
If you’d rather watch the comic than read it, check out the comic dubbing by Starbot Dubs on YouTube (I’m not affiliated with Starbot, I just really like their content).
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malisonendor · 5 years
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My Top 10 Edge Ladies: Honorable Mention
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malisonendor · 5 years
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10 posts!
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malisonendor · 5 years
The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth (LaVeyan Satanism)
Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
When in another's home, show them respect or else do not go there.
If a guest in your home annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.
Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
Do not harm little children.
Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.
I’m not a satanist, but I agree with most of these.
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malisonendor · 5 years
Under Attack
I am under attack
I must run for my life
For its actions will hurt
Like I was stabbed with a knife
It tries to attack me
With it’s inducing words
They spread through me head
The pain it gives is absurd
I don’t know how to escape
It continues to torment me
Telling me I will never be
Who I really want to be
It tries to tell me I am nothing
It tells me I cannot do anything
I especially can never stand when it says
That I’m not worth a thing
0 notes
malisonendor · 5 years
Her Necklace
I never take it off
Even when I sleep
It will stay on my neck
As long as I live
It has the shine of silk
And the shade of an emerald
He tells me to get rid of it
But I rebel against it
She used to always wear it
Back when she was my age
She never took it off
And would forever treasure it
We were the closest
But now she is gone
And will never come back
To have her with me always
I wear her prized object
To honor our time together
It will always be around my neck
Reminding me she’s still here
0 notes
malisonendor · 5 years
Iron Cage
The iron cage, so rusted and cold,
Was not a fine place to call my home.
But the lily inside, it’s petals so fair,
Caused me to lose the ability to care.
This living thing, so gentle and precious,
The mere sight of it would leave me breathless.
At first, I wanted to turn and flee.
Then, the flower’s song called out to me.
Without concern, I entered inside.
The thought of sweet bliss flooded my mind.
From behind me, the door was closed shut.
Throes in my body were promptly put.
The shrill screams of pain and horror
Came to my mouth from harrying torture
The iron cage was rusted and cold,
But the time to escape was far too old.
0 notes
malisonendor · 5 years
My Top 10 Edge Ladies
This is a list of my all-time favorite girls in live-action and animation. You’ll notice that most of them are cynical a/o goth.
#10: Starlight Glimmer
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Out of the immense lineup of ponies, Starlight is my favorite next to Sunset Shimmer. She’s one of the few characters that balances out the cutesy sh** and adds some snark. Also, if you’re an MLP fan, you know that Starlight went through a goth phase.
#9: Nikki Wong
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Nikki was my introduction to the life of sarcasm and apathy. The show is basically Friends for teens and Nikki is the Chandler. She always has a witty, deprecating remark for everything and everyone. She isn’t immune to a little embarrassment, but she will sock you in the jaw if you make her look bad.
#8: Mandy
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Some girls have permanent frowns, this one has a permanent scowl. Mandy is so brutal and ruthless, she scares even the most terrifying dwellers of the underworld. Just looking into her slanted eyes is grim death (pun completely intended).
#7: Becky Prim
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Becky Prim is pretty much a teenage Mandy; she will threaten, shank, and literally haunt you if you get on her bad side. She’s the only character on the list who hasn’t smiled once. I really hope there’s a future for her on YouTube or on TV.
#6: Wednesday Addams
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Now’s a good time to mix in some live-action characters. Christiana Ricci’s version of WA is an icon in the goth world. She drinks literal poison, frequently attempts to kill her siblings (and fails), and generally makes everyone around her uncomfortable. Who doesn’t want to be her?
#5: Daria Morgendorffer
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Good ol’ Daria hardly needs an introduction. She doesn’t let the prospect of social acceptance dictate her lifestyle. Although, she does possess some of the insecurities that most girls her age have and she can be hard on herself for it.
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Veronica was an intellectual, teenage cynic before Daria made it a trope (at the risk of sounding like a hipster). Unlike JD, I can confidently say that movie Veronica is superior. She’s a good example of what a real anti-hero is; someone who does something unethical for their own gain, but later on, learns the error of their ways and tries to atone for them.
#3: Ryuko Matoi from KillaKil
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Ryuko has to be my absolute favorite anime character. In another anime, she would just be the love interest of some boring male protagonist. But here, she gets the spotlight she deserves. She’s not tas bright as a spotlight and she doesn’t always think things through, but she has the strength and courage to beat anyone who stands between her and her goal.
#2: Gaz Membrane from Invader
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I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought that Gaz was my spirit animal. Sometimes, I go back and watch episodes of Invader Zim just to behold her demonic glory again. And in the Netflix revival movie, she only got better.
And #1 is:
Devi D. from I Feel Sick
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My favorite kind of girl is one with the complete package: brains, fury, and a venomous tongue. Devi is that package. She debuted in the second issue of Jhonen Vasquez’s “Johnny the Homicidal Maniac” and got her own brief spin-off comic. Personally, I think she's a better character than Nny. She cusses like a sailor, has a cruel sense of humor, and only bitches people out when they (actually) deserve it.
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malisonendor · 5 years
This would make a great set for a dark fantasy movie.
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Foggy memories of January by @90377
Instagram | Etsy shop
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malisonendor · 5 years
My Gen Z Crushes
These are the boys I was head over heels for from childhood to adolescence. The list includes characters from live-action and animation.
Jason Dean (JD) from Heathers (1989+2014)
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You can’t have a husbando list without at least one yandere (the first one to exist before anime). JD is many girls’ favorite homicidal edge lord. I’ve always had trouble deciding which version of JD I liked best, the movie or the musical. On one hand, movie JD had the charisma, confidence, and twisted sense of humor to convince an honor student to commit murder. Plus, who can resist teenage Christian Slater? On the other hand, musical JD is more emotional and sympathetic. When he breaks down into tears over Veronica’s “suicide”, I feel it every time. Let me know which one you prefer.
Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
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While the other girls were drooling over Edward Cullen, I was flooding the streets of New York over Jacky boy. His feathery frost hair and icy blue eyes are enough to draw in any pre-teen girl. His wild spirit and trickster nature make you fantasize that he’ll sneak into your bed at night and whisk you away to a romantic adventure.
Wilbur Robinson from Meet the Robinsons 
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Back in the late 2ks, Wilbur was something of an underground heartthrob on the internet and it’s easy to see why. Not only. You roll your eyes whenever he gets cocky or pushy, but his determination and energetic personality are infectious. And his wide range of facial expressions is just adorable.
Peter Pan (2003)
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This version of Peter Pan took the fantasies we had about Jack Frost (before he even existed) and made them a reality. You know you wished you were Wendy when he took her by the hand and danced with her right beneath the stars. 
Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet
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Jim had a smooth and compelling progression from angsty teen to clever hero. He's the only bad boy character I can remember that wasn’t an asshole.
Prince Caspian from Narnia 2
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Peter and Edmund were cute and all, but they were both orcs compared to Ben Barnes. That glorious hair and manly chin are just breath-taking. Also, am I the only one who noticed that Caspian is just a male Snow White. A beautiful, royal teen runs away from home because a relative is trying to kill him, so he hides in a cottage in the woods with a dwarf. Disney loves to rip themselves off.
Marshall Lee from Adventure Time
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Speaking of bad boys who were assholes, Marshall Lee qualifies. As Marceline’s counterpart, he goes to great lengths to get a rise out of people and sometimes, he doesn’t know when to quit. Despite this, he 
Chester/Kid Rot from Grossology
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This one is a bit more obscure, but in middle school, I had a huge fascination with Kid Rot. He’s basically a pre-pubescent Jekyll and Hyde, a budding chemist who created a murderous second personality. He doubles as a dandere and a yandere, so there’s more of him to love.
If you're a Gen Z member, comment which of these guys you had a thing for or let me know if there’s one I left out.
- Malison Endor
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malisonendor · 5 years
Belle would cream if she saw this
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Munich Law Library
Credits : M. Weinreuter
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malisonendor · 5 years
The stream is my favorite
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gentle spring rain 🌸 🌾 🌱 🌧
sources: ✿ ✿ ✿
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malisonendor · 5 years
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This message will always be relevant.
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