malleus-maledicarum · 10 months
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
It started in darkness.
Most stories frequently do; there is nothing, and then suddenly a spark ignites.
What Dorian had considered a failure of his work was merely a planting a seed that needed more time to grow.
He couldn't even say it was a complete failure, a bit more muscle definition and his legs felt sturdier, but the more desired effects never came. He shouldn't have been surprised, it was merely a lot of guess work. All things considered, he should have been grateful. The immediate after effects of the experiment were horrible illness.
The next few days were spent in near agony, as the various components he injected into his body ran their course. Some mild benefits should have exceeded his expectations.
And yet.
Inside his body however, a reaction was still taking place.
Opening his eyes for the first time, he was met with darkness. It is nearly impossible to explain the feeling, suspended in nothing. Suddenly existing.
He knew his name...he was Dorian.
Where was he? What is this place?
He spent what felt like an eternity trying to get a grasp on what was happening. Whether he was moving or standing perfectly still, he couldn't be certain.
There was no certainty
Just his name
When the darkness opened up, he had no frame of reference for time. It felt like years and suddenly there was LIGHT. There was sensations. They practically burned his eyes in his skull, singeing his retinas. (Practically changing their color even.)
There was a desk. Papers. A lantern beside him. He could see his hands writing in a journal...but
His hands were right here. How was he writing?
He observed quietly. It was really all he could do. Pieces clicked into place, hearing himself mutter and reading scraps of notes. The experiment, the various pieces used. This clicked with some preexisting knowledge inside him, and it all was becoming very clear what this nothingness was.
He was inside his own mind. Or rather, inside a previous version of himself. A spot of subconscious where he was gestating and taking form. Curious. So he was Dorian, inside another outdated Dorian.
The longer he watched, the more defined his purpose became. He watched the vessel in a secret state others couldn't see, studying his characteristics and flaws.
One night, Dorian- The Original- was pacing his room as he attempted to study. He had a test recently, and he didn't do as well as he had hoped. The marks on the parchment stared back at him in mockery.
"Stupid...Absolutely disappointing. This should have been so fucking *easy* and yet I can't get it"
His feet ran lines in the carpet, muttering to himself. He briefly caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and stopped to take a look.
There was a pause, surveying his own features. "...Disappointing. I'm...so fucking stupid."
Dorian sullenly stormed back to his desk to continue his reading, when really he should have been sleeping at that ungodly hour. Inside, new Dorian was taking this information in.
"...disappointing. I'm...so disappointed in you."
It continued like that for a while.
Dorian would mutter to himself how much he hated himself, and on the inside he would whisper it back.
"Gods I fucking hate myself so much. Good going, Dorian."
"Good going Dorian...I hate you so much."
Anytime he passed his leering student peers, hearing their insults and suffering their cruelty, an anger would burn inside him. New Dorian absorbed their actions, learning a deep seated disdain. These weren't people, these were monsters. They hated him, and he hated them.
The final lesson, truly, was a dark night for Dorian.
After fleeing from an awkward conversation at school, all but shattering any positive relations with the one person in his classes who treated him with any kindness, Dorian sat at his desk with a bottle of wine he had snuck away and sat miserable with his thoughts. Unaware of any secret would be onlookers.
"Pathetic. I'm so pathetic." He took another drink before rising to walk over and fall into his bed. " 'no we're not friends.' I cant even handle...one earnest conversation. FUCK. What is WRONG with me?"
Thoughts swimming in alcohol he stared up at his canopy.
"If I were any real man, I would die now with grace. Save everyone some fucking trouble..."
Kill himself.
Kill him.
The final lesson.
Dorian would never be happy until the old version was dead! That made so much sense! That has to be why he's here, why he's like this. Trapped inside this awful pathetic welp, why he's had to suffer every blunder and mistake unable to do anything.
The experiment wasn't a failure. It succeeded so potently. There was just too much to do, too much to fix. This original iteration was beyond help, and so he was born again to replace all the broken pieces.
Dorian had to die so Dorian could thrive.
No more would they be pathetic and alone. They wouldn't have to be stupid, no more wasted potential. And no more taking abuse passively from those who would hurt them. They could be strong.
He could be strong.
It was so simple, he just had to kill himself.
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
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1. Ansere, Goblin. Flower: Red gladiolus 2. Birch, Halfling. Flower: Tiger Lily 3. Ain, human. Flower: Mourning Widow 4. Tysintir, Half Elf. Flower: Foxglove 5. Bishop, Angelic looking. Flower: Sunflower 6. Mauricio, Elf. Flower: Bleeding Heart  Main tumblr” @slaandere
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
Consciousness hits Dorian like a stone suddenly, tho he can barely tell as his eyes open to pure darkness.
And in that darkness he lays for a moment, gathering his bearings. Before too long objects start shifting into view; familiar objects. It hits him again This is his room. It's unmistakable. The desk with his collectibles, the wardrobe, the window overlooking the yard though right now the curtains were closed. He was home. But...how? What was this? A dream? Did...
His questioning is cut off by the door opening a crack to let a slice of light to cut into the room. Faintly, there's the sound of music coming from downstairs.
Whether by compulsion, or curiosity....or worse, fear, he cautiously heads to the door to follow the music. The house is empty, no signs of anyone having come through recently
More than that the halls feel Strange Still his house, absolutely but.... They're off. As if everything was moved an inch to the left. And all the portraits are blank, empty voids where paintings once lived.
And were the hallways always this winding? It feels like it takes forever to reach the stairs, as if walking a maze. His hand grips the banister in a feeble attempt to ground himself.
The music is closer, a grand sweeping melody that honestly sounds like something his Mother would request played. Suppose that makes sense then that the music seems to be coming from their entertaining room.
Through the closed double doors he can see passing shadows that interrupt the light in the cracks. Were his parents throwing a party and didn't inform him? That was odd but...surely he had studying to do? Honestly so many details were hazy right now.
Curiosity once again getting the better of him, he pushes the door open ever so slightly to catch a glimpse inside. The room is much larger than he remembered it, too large to even fit the house. Lights dot the room, almost making everything blur with an ethereal glow. Masked shapes elegantly dance amongst each other, perfectly in tune with the band.
It's almost like a dream. And he realizes, that's because it is. The fact becomes clear when he sees a very specific figure mingling in the crowd.
Holding the hands of a faceless figure is Karver, who turns and catches Dorian's gaze.
"Oh there you are!" He detaches himself from the dancer, who stands perfectly still and watching them. Karver pays them no mind. "I was hoping you would find me, come in come in! You've never visited my home have you? Here, dance with me while we talk"
Dorian cannot get a word or protest in edgewise as Karver grabs his hand and pulls him into the swaying fray of bodies. All he can feel is confusion and indignation as Karver takes the lead position, resting a hand on his hip and pushing him around like a broom.
Getting his bearings, Dorian attempts and fails to stop the waltz and just goes along with it until he can exit the dream. "So it's your fault I'm here. Typical. Wh- what is this place? You're "home"? What does that mean?"
Karver chuckles, dipping him and quickly snatching him back up. "Did you expect me to just live in the emptiness of that little head of yours? Of course not. During my imprisonment, I've managed to create a respite while I finish up my work. Lovely, isn't it?"
The room spins around them, streaks of colors and shapes. Vague in every sense, it's impossible to make out any details Except Dorian strains his neck, swearing he sees someone familiar but Karver just keeps them moving. "I wanted to have a discussion with you, Dori. Try and reach an understanding."
Dorian cringes at the nickname "Absolutely not. In every sense. I'm done listening to you. All you have to say is poisonous drivel and I'm beyond fed up with it."
"Okay. Yes, alright I've been...less than kind to you." His hand sweeps out and quickly pulls Dorian back in holding him almost intimately close. "Even tonight I've said some less than cordial things to you. I'm realizing I've been going about this the wrong way."
This takes him aback. Karver has never once shown any signs of empathy or kindness in the entire time they've been together. Rarely to others and certainly never to him. Dorian stares into the eyes of his disease for...well anything. Hints of lying, mockery. Anything to make this make sense. "You...Have made my life more of a hell than it already was." His tone is cold, doing its best at indifference.
Karver's expression furrows, a tinge of annoyance, but he plays it off. "Your life was never that bad. Anyways. Yes. I've been cruel to you. It's for that reason I want to make amends. Make the transition easier."
"Yes, for when I take over the body. You see-"
At that sentiment, Dorian finally rips himself from the dance and firmly plants his stance to glade daggers into his double.
The room falls silent and the figures stand perfectly still.
"You. Are not taking over, do you understand me you fucking plague.?"
With a sigh, Karver steps forward. His face looks the closest to sympathetic Dorian has ever seen. "You're getting weaker, Dorian. You were already so...weak. So small. You were barely able to survive childhood. Even now, you're losing your fight. Each dose grows more ineffective as your serum does its work, as I do my work." He steps closer Dorian takes another step back. "You made me-"
"I did NOT. You are a failed experiment and the WORST side effect-"
"YOU. Made. Me. You wanted a total overhaul. A full body and mental enhancement. You. wanted everything better."
They continue their perfectly in sync walk, one following the other, until Dorian feels his back hit the wall. Karver poses himself over him, all but trapping him in their conversation.
"You wanted everything fixed, you wanted to perfect yourself, and my Detested I'm sorry to tell you there was simply too much to fix." His hand reaches up to gently tuck a lock of hair behind Dorian's ear.
The man finds himself frozen, memories of that night filling his vision. The injection The awful feeling the night after followed by a few nights of feeling wonderful. The first time he heard Karver's voice. The voice that continues to lecture him.
"There was simply too much work to do, and I think on some level you recognize that don't you? You were never fast or strong. Not even head of your class. It tried, your little mixture truly did...but the only option left was to start from scratch."
When did Karver get this close? When did he wrap his hand around his in such a tender embrace? Intimacy alone was foreign to Dorian, but from his disease it was baffling. "I am your cure. I am the solution you asked for. But I know...how terrifying this must actually be for you. Trust me, I know how bleak nothing is. I could have made the process less painful, but my anger got the better of me. I want to remedy that now, and offer you a choice."
"A..A...." Words fail him. He's backed against a wall by his greatest enemy in such a passionate embrace, speaking to him in a way he's never experienced before "A choice?"
"Keep fighting. Succumb tired and afraid, losing potentially every aspect of yourself...or. Come willingly." Now Karver is cradling Dorian's face.
"Let me assimilate you by your own choice, complete the transition, and not only do you go with some dignity and grace but who knows? Maybe some traces of you will remain! The best parts of you accentuating my already superior attributes."
And there it was. The confused look on Dorian's face contorts into pure horror. Karver is looking at him with full sincerity, his voice so gentle and calm. As if this was a good ultimatum.
"Y-you." Dorian is practically shaking. "You're asking me whether I wish to be murdered or EUTHANIZED?"
"If you have to put such ugly terms on it...yes. Go peacefully or go down swinging but regardless Dorian, you are going to succumb. You pushed the needle in, your inferior body created me to replace you, the least I could do is offer you some mercy-"
"Mercy??" He scoffs, attempting to wrench his hand free. "You call this MERCY? Asking me to give up EVERYTHING to you, my whole life thrown away for someone else to live!"
"Oh please you were barely living your life. The crime they pinned on you aside, you had the social skills of a thorn bush. You couldn't even make a friend with the one person willing to talk to you. You were nothing and even if you get rid of me you will go back to being nothing."
Ouch. That's why the face looked familiar. Dorian looks back out into the crowd, now realizing the perfectly still figures were all people they knew And sure enough among them was Douglas. Masked, but undeniable.
"You...why is he here...?" His voice is a whisper. "Did...you make him?"
Karver follows Dorian's gaze and is silent for a moment. "...He was brilliant. And talented. He would have done amazing things. Then because of you, all that was taken away. This is more evidence. All you do is break things. You were a runt of a child and have grown into a failure of a man. Once replaced, maybe this body will be put to use."
"I...That was NOT my fault." A strange new fire he'd never felt rose in his stomach. "I am TRYING. And yes. I fuck up. But that is part of living. I'm...I'm going to swt things right. I'm going to survive. They're going to help me find my cure, and you will be such a forgotten memory even I won't remember your putrid name."
Karver is silent for a long while, studying Dorian closely. He seems to come to some sort of decision and sighs closely before stepping very close to him. "I want it known...I offered peace. And from here on out you will be treated as a tumor. And I am going to have you cut. Out. Dorian Rathmore. I tried being civil."
Without warning, his teeth were in Dorian's neck. Pain shot through him and he could feel blood dripping down Karver's mouth.
He sat upright suddenly. And a smile spread across Karver's face. After penning a letter and having it sent to the inn, he set off With newfound purpose and a new deal to make.
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
A bit down the beach, Seth stood silently keeping his hands busy sharpening a stick to a point with his knife. The more he heard his brother talk that way to Emma, the more he fantasized about driving it thru his monstrous heart.
Worse than that, the more he heard Emma frantically announce how close she was, hearing her beg for more, his thoughts imagined him plunging himself into her I stead.
His cock ached almost shamefully. While this whole situation was disgusting...it still was *her* voice. *Her* gorgeous frame floating in his fantasies.
Pray he can resist and save these sounds and sights to think of later in private.
"Going to cum already?" Matt's tone was somewhat mocking, a playful edge to it. He dug his grip harder into her hip, hoping to bruise almost every part of her. Marks for any who may glimpse that she is 'spoken for'. "Needy little whore, aren't you? Or are you going to cum because you have a *real* man inside you?"
With hungry eyes he watched his pet twist beneath him, his digits disappearing into her. Another fascinating thing about her and her anatomy was feeling just how desperate it got. Never had he seen any other woman get so wet, just from this no less. It gripped at him, like a preview for what it wanted to do to his dick. He watched her cling to him and the blanket as if grounding herself, holding on for dear life as she was about to go over the edge.
It was alright if she came so fast. Not like that was going to be her only one. If anything, it was *wonderful* that she was being worked up so quick. It would leave her extra sensitive until he was done with her. And when he was finished he planned to have her a shivering mess on the beach that knew only his name and not even her own.
Emma couldn't hold it back, her orgasm washing thru her like waves, and Matt's heart raced with excitement. His movements didn't relent either, pumping his hand in and out as he could feel her pussy clench and spasm against him. Labored breaths and vulgarity filled the night air amidst the crackling of the fire.
"M-Matth~ew! I- I need- I cant-" She couldn't get a word out with him inside her. Her face went hot red feeling even more slick cum soaking her legs. Desperately she wants to ask for a breather, take a break and compose herself...but that look in his eye
How his body shifted and he was more between her shivering legs. It didn't seem like a break was anytime soon.
Positioning himself better, still keeping his fingers inside her, he moved to be more on his stomach. So close to her, it was almost a sight of beauty. Her lips spread open by him, how it glittered with desire- desire only he could satisfy, the more defined clit so sensitive it could render her speechless when touched. A creature made to be his perfect plaything.
Before she could get the chance to come down, Matthew inserted another finger and pressed his mouth against her. His other hand still held her secure in place as her body violently jolted, his tongue greedily shooting out to attack her clit.
It was a beautiful night for a stroll. Sun was just on the verge of disappearing, the warm air pushed thru the trees, and the waves lazily lapped at the shore.
For a loving couple, it would be quite romantic.
Less romantic however for the three trekking across the sand towards a secluded spot on the beach.
Captain Matt lead the small group, hand on the small of his companion's back, every so often dipping to give it a firm squeeze.
Beside him, Emma cast her gaze down; every so often looking ahead at the beautiful wild life of the island...and then slowly to the sea. The glittering waves in the fading light looked so beautiful. Her home; so close and so out of reach. It took every bit of strength to not try and break Matt's grasp and sprint into the water.
She knew she couldn't. For the same reason she couldn't glance over her shoulder.
Seth followed behind, trying his best to look as uninterested and unfazed by the situation. Couldn't admit he would literally rather be scrubbing down the disgusting barracks of the ship than be anywhere near here. Definitely couldn't admit that a pang of rage stung his brain every time he saw Matt's filthy hand take anything grab at Emma.
Nope. Couldn't admit that.
Matt knew it upset Seth. Half the reason he did it. A proud display of how much she truly belonged to him. Seth should be glad she was here next to him to be groped. Better than in some glass case sold to a museum, right? She was as safe as she could be in his grasp. The man should be grateful.
Emma stumbled a bit in the sand, choosing to pretend that Matt's grasp on her was keeping her steady, still not used to the whole legs situation. She was no stranger to feeling his fingers on her. Even over the delicate fabric of her dress, she was all too familiar.
Just the way it went these days. Sometimes she would day dream it was Seth instead, exploring her most intimate spaces. Other times the touch was too rough, a demanding thirst that sought to undo her and feel her come apart.
Those days it was all Matthew.
Finally it seemed they had made it to their destination. A small crook in the beach that ducked behind some trees and greenery. It was actually quite beautiful with the stars and moon starting to join the night.
Laying out a blanket and a basket, Matt guided Emma to sit and gestured for Seth to help him build a small fire.
The mermaid watched as they set up a little seating area.
It's funny, again under most other circumstances this could have been quite lovely. Maybe...maybe it could be?
All things considered, Matt had been quite cordial that evening.
He let Emma dry out a bit, have some free time on the deck to stretch out. He packed some sort of addition to their trip. Hell, Seth was even invited! Matthew rarely liked them to be within speaking distance so this was actually quite nice.
Emma pulled her legs to her chest, watching mainly Seth collect wood and get the kindling going. The fire light sets his hair a glow, and for the briefest second he catches her gaze and gives a small smile. It's beautiful, and she smiles back, looking away as Matt returns.
"Look at that. Just cozy, isn't it?"
He makes himself comfortable next to Emma, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close. She leans into his broad warm chest, practically nuzzling into him on instinct.
~~She should be sicked at what a 'nice little pet' she's become~~
They sit for a while, drink some wine that was tucked into the basket, and stare out into the sea.
It's was a bit into the drink that Matt's lips found their way to Emma's, trailing down to her neck to feast upon her flesh.
Turning his head fully, Seth hoped to avoid catching any of the display. But looking out towards the horizon couldn't shut out the sound of Emma's gasp and soft shuddering moan. It stung his ears and did a funny little jump in his heart.
How could such a sweet sound be so painful.
Teeth and tongue eagerly worked at her throat, Emma going flush in Matt's grasp. She squeezed her thighs together, shifting to try and hide the heat starting to build. But that close, it was impossible to hide.
He noticed her shift, his lips curling into a smug look as they pulled off the bruise it was dutifully leaving. He knew how her body responded to him well enough by this point. Many sessions spent getting her good and trained got him well attuned to her movements.
He chuckled darkly before returning to suck hickies onto her neck and shoulder, now slipping a hand up her leg and trailing it to her pussy; giving it a soft rub over her dress.
Seth's heart stings again as he heard Emma gasp suddenly. It was a dull ache that threatened to move lower, tempting him to close his eyes and imagine it was *him* that was pulling Emma close, drawing that sweet symphony out of her.
Thighs squeezed tighter as the hand moved to claim its territory, practically trapping him there. Not that it helped much, his fingers continued to rub soft lines against her; unfaltered by her grip.
"A-Ah~ Captain...um..." Oh the sensation between her legs made it hard to speak, fingers get a bit more determined to spread her lips and tease further. "Wouldn't you like a bit more...privacy?"
Matt followed her gaze to glance over at Seth. A smile spread over his face, and he pushed the girl's shoulder to lower her to the blanket.
"Oh don't worry, *love*." The word oozed off his tongue and practically made Seth sick. "That's why he's here~ To be our body guard"
Matt's hands gave some relief to poor Emma's delicates. But they were quickly back to their scandalous work as they pulled her dress down almost to her hips so her breasts were fully exposed.
Another breeze of warm summer air danced over her skin, making goose pimples ripple thru her body and her nipples start to grow hard.
Matt's eyes soaked in every delicious piece of his trophy, caressing down her neck to grab one of her tits and roll the nipple between his fingers. Smirking at her lips parting in pleasure and her back arching ever so slightly.
She was understanding what her role here was.
"Seth." He called out, not removing his hand or even turning to look at his brother. "stand watch. Make sure no One bothers us. But dont leave shoutin distance. In case we need you."
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
That mother fucker.
Right. Of course. That was the ONLY reason why Seth of all people was chosen for the trip. To make sure their *Valiant Leader* didn't get ambushed.
Certainly not because Matt caught them in a tender embrace recently and is 'teaching him a lesson.'
One private conversation and a hug and Matthew decided that this would be a fitting punishment.
Seth rose to his feet, Emma's pale soft skin illuminated by flickering fire light entered his field of vision. Shadows danced along her curves, chest heaving with lust, and it was almost enough to make a man lose his mind. Any lesser man would have propositioned to...*help out* in devouring the mermaid...but he could neither use her like that
Or give Matt the satisfaction.
Once Seth's back was to them, Matt gave a quick look and watched him take his post. Good. Close enough that he would absolutely hear every whimper and even the slapping of skin against skin. He would make sure of it.
Back to his prize. He cupped her cheek gently, pulling her face to look away from Seth and back to him. All attention on *him*.
"There we are. Privacy~" His hand caressed her, his thumb moving to run along her pouty pink lips and slip in. "You don't have to pretend to be shy out here. You can be as...*eager* as you are on the ship."
Yes that's right Seth. You knew all too well the frequent nights that Matt has defiled her. Passing his chambers, they've all heard how he makes her worship him in the most depraved way. There isn't a sailor aboard the ship who hasn't heard what it sounds like when she cums.
But there were no walls here this time. Nothing to muffle the sound. Nothing preventing Seth from turning around and seeing this wretched man plant his seed in such a fair creature.
Reflex kicking in, Emma stares up at her captain; letting her tongue meet the digit, welcoming it in and gently sucking it like she was taught.
The sight pulls a fiendish smile from Matt. How well trained she was getting to be. He pushed his thumb in further before pulling it half way out, starting a slow and steady rhythm, running along her soft wet tongue.
"I see every part of you needs this"
To prove the point, he kept the one hand in her mouth as the other once against grazed along her legs, dipping underneath the hem of her dress.
How strange a creature. Tail in the sea, legs when long enough on land. His nails drag up her thighs, spreading said legs a bit.
This certainly was an interesting development. While he had fucked her plenty of times in her marine form, he never let her out of the tub long enough to fully explore this version of her. The curious scaling leading into delicate flesh, the small details that made her an exotic pet.
His palm gripped at her leg tighter, pulling it apart further. And sure enough there she lay fully exposed for him, her clothes more or less bunching up into a belt at her waist. Her tits heaved at his attentions, and her lower half all but glistened in the firelight as she grew wetter in anticipation.
"Ah yes, *very* needy. See you're still whorishly sopping in this stat to, hm?"
Her face went pink at his comments, wanting to refute the claims or...anything to give herself a little grace, but when his fingers once again took up to examining her slit, the point was moot. Tongue still tangled with his thumb, her head lulled back slightly and a small muffled moan escaped.
He teased at her clit, circling it a few times, before sliding down to just barely threaten to slip a finger or two in. "Oh come now~" He pulled his thumb from mouth, wiping her salvia on her chin. "I know you can be more appreciative than that."
"Please-" the word escaped her in a breathy tone, her hips bucking up slightly to meet his touch. Her eyes stayed focused on him, a pleading look to them.
"Ohhh~" he cooed, starting to tease a finger in. "*Please*? She's getting so polite. Really-" he quickly slides two fingers into her up to the last knuckle "*warmed up* to me, haven't you?"
A loud surprised moan ripped out of Emma as Matt pushes his way in. Her hands gripped at the blanket beneath them while her pussy gripped around her captain.
Atta girl!
Curling his fingers a bit he *slowly* pulled out a ways and thrusted them back in, repeating the action and building up speed. He placed his other hand on her hip, pressing into her a bit rough to hold her in place. The more he finger fucked her, the more her back arched and her hips shook in pleasure. Couldn't have her wriggling free, could he? This wasn't a stress relief sort of situation this time, this was a message. He wanted her screaming and panting, begging for him, confessing how much she needed him. Seth would hear everything he could do to this woman and more.
Emma desperately clung to Matt's wrist, mewly almost pathetically as he went to town on her. The slick of her cum covered his fingers, coating the inside of her thighs and trailed down onto the blanket. A heat rose in her, begging for more.
"M-Matt! I'm- I'm gonna"
It was a beautiful night for a stroll. Sun was just on the verge of disappearing, the warm air pushed thru the trees, and the waves lazily lapped at the shore.
For a loving couple, it would be quite romantic.
Less romantic however for the three trekking across the sand towards a secluded spot on the beach.
Captain Matt lead the small group, hand on the small of his companion's back, every so often dipping to give it a firm squeeze.
Beside him, Emma cast her gaze down; every so often looking ahead at the beautiful wild life of the island...and then slowly to the sea. The glittering waves in the fading light looked so beautiful. Her home; so close and so out of reach. It took every bit of strength to not try and break Matt's grasp and sprint into the water.
She knew she couldn't. For the same reason she couldn't glance over her shoulder.
Seth followed behind, trying his best to look as uninterested and unfazed by the situation. Couldn't admit he would literally rather be scrubbing down the disgusting barracks of the ship than be anywhere near here. Definitely couldn't admit that a pang of rage stung his brain every time he saw Matt's filthy hand take anything grab at Emma.
Nope. Couldn't admit that.
Matt knew it upset Seth. Half the reason he did it. A proud display of how much she truly belonged to him. Seth should be glad she was here next to him to be groped. Better than in some glass case sold to a museum, right? She was as safe as she could be in his grasp. The man should be grateful.
Emma stumbled a bit in the sand, choosing to pretend that Matt's grasp on her was keeping her steady, still not used to the whole legs situation. She was no stranger to feeling his fingers on her. Even over the delicate fabric of her dress, she was all too familiar.
Just the way it went these days. Sometimes she would day dream it was Seth instead, exploring her most intimate spaces. Other times the touch was too rough, a demanding thirst that sought to undo her and feel her come apart.
Those days it was all Matthew.
Finally it seemed they had made it to their destination. A small crook in the beach that ducked behind some trees and greenery. It was actually quite beautiful with the stars and moon starting to join the night.
Laying out a blanket and a basket, Matt guided Emma to sit and gestured for Seth to help him build a small fire.
The mermaid watched as they set up a little seating area.
It's funny, again under most other circumstances this could have been quite lovely. Maybe...maybe it could be?
All things considered, Matt had been quite cordial that evening.
He let Emma dry out a bit, have some free time on the deck to stretch out. He packed some sort of addition to their trip. Hell, Seth was even invited! Matthew rarely liked them to be within speaking distance so this was actually quite nice.
Emma pulled her legs to her chest, watching mainly Seth collect wood and get the kindling going. The fire light sets his hair a glow, and for the briefest second he catches her gaze and gives a small smile. It's beautiful, and she smiles back, looking away as Matt returns.
"Look at that. Just cozy, isn't it?"
He makes himself comfortable next to Emma, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close. She leans into his broad warm chest, practically nuzzling into him on instinct.
~~She should be sicked at what a 'nice little pet' she's become~~
They sit for a while, drink some wine that was tucked into the basket, and stare out into the sea.
It's was a bit into the drink that Matt's lips found their way to Emma's, trailing down to her neck to feast upon her flesh.
Turning his head fully, Seth hoped to avoid catching any of the display. But looking out towards the horizon couldn't shut out the sound of Emma's gasp and soft shuddering moan. It stung his ears and did a funny little jump in his heart.
How could such a sweet sound be so painful.
Teeth and tongue eagerly worked at her throat, Emma going flush in Matt's grasp. She squeezed her thighs together, shifting to try and hide the heat starting to build. But that close, it was impossible to hide.
He noticed her shift, his lips curling into a smug look as they pulled off the bruise it was dutifully leaving. He knew how her body responded to him well enough by this point. Many sessions spent getting her good and trained got him well attuned to her movements.
He chuckled darkly before returning to suck hickies onto her neck and shoulder, now slipping a hand up her leg and trailing it to her pussy; giving it a soft rub over her dress.
Seth's heart stings again as he heard Emma gasp suddenly. It was a dull ache that threatened to move lower, tempting him to close his eyes and imagine it was *him* that was pulling Emma close, drawing that sweet symphony out of her.
Thighs squeezed tighter as the hand moved to claim its territory, practically trapping him there. Not that it helped much, his fingers continued to rub soft lines against her; unfaltered by her grip.
"A-Ah~ Captain...um..." Oh the sensation between her legs made it hard to speak, fingers get a bit more determined to spread her lips and tease further. "Wouldn't you like a bit more...privacy?"
Matt followed her gaze to glance over at Seth. A smile spread over his face, and he pushed the girl's shoulder to lower her to the blanket.
"Oh don't worry, *love*." The word oozed off his tongue and practically made Seth sick. "That's why he's here~ To be our body guard"
Matt's hands gave some relief to poor Emma's delicates. But they were quickly back to their scandalous work as they pulled her dress down almost to her hips so her breasts were fully exposed.
Another breeze of warm summer air danced over her skin, making goose pimples ripple thru her body and her nipples start to grow hard.
Matt's eyes soaked in every delicious piece of his trophy, caressing down her neck to grab one of her tits and roll the nipple between his fingers. Smirking at her lips parting in pleasure and her back arching ever so slightly.
She was understanding what her role here was.
"Seth." He called out, not removing his hand or even turning to look at his brother. "stand watch. Make sure no One bothers us. But dont leave shoutin distance. In case we need you."
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
It was a beautiful night for a stroll. Sun was just on the verge of disappearing, the warm air pushed thru the trees, and the waves lazily lapped at the shore.
For a loving couple, it would be quite romantic.
Less romantic however for the three trekking across the sand towards a secluded spot on the beach.
Captain Matt lead the small group, hand on the small of his companion's back, every so often dipping to give it a firm squeeze.
Beside him, Emma cast her gaze down; every so often looking ahead at the beautiful wild life of the island...and then slowly to the sea. The glittering waves in the fading light looked so beautiful. Her home; so close and so out of reach. It took every bit of strength to not try and break Matt's grasp and sprint into the water.
She knew she couldn't. For the same reason she couldn't glance over her shoulder.
Seth followed behind, trying his best to look as uninterested and unfazed by the situation. Couldn't admit he would literally rather be scrubbing down the disgusting barracks of the ship than be anywhere near here. Definitely couldn't admit that a pang of rage stung his brain every time he saw Matt's filthy hand take anything grab at Emma.
Nope. Couldn't admit that.
Matt knew it upset Seth. Half the reason he did it. A proud display of how much she truly belonged to him. Seth should be glad she was here next to him to be groped. Better than in some glass case sold to a museum, right? She was as safe as she could be in his grasp. The man should be grateful.
Emma stumbled a bit in the sand, choosing to pretend that Matt's grasp on her was keeping her steady, still not used to the whole legs situation. She was no stranger to feeling his fingers on her. Even over the delicate fabric of her dress, she was all too familiar.
Just the way it went these days. Sometimes she would day dream it was Seth instead, exploring her most intimate spaces. Other times the touch was too rough, a demanding thirst that sought to undo her and feel her come apart.
Those days it was all Matthew.
Finally it seemed they had made it to their destination. A small crook in the beach that ducked behind some trees and greenery. It was actually quite beautiful with the stars and moon starting to join the night.
Laying out a blanket and a basket, Matt guided Emma to sit and gestured for Seth to help him build a small fire.
The mermaid watched as they set up a little seating area.
It's funny, again under most other circumstances this could have been quite lovely. Maybe...maybe it could be?
All things considered, Matt had been quite cordial that evening.
He let Emma dry out a bit, have some free time on the deck to stretch out. He packed some sort of addition to their trip. Hell, Seth was even invited! Matthew rarely liked them to be within speaking distance so this was actually quite nice.
Emma pulled her legs to her chest, watching mainly Seth collect wood and get the kindling going. The fire light sets his hair a glow, and for the briefest second he catches her gaze and gives a small smile. It's beautiful, and she smiles back, looking away as Matt returns.
"Look at that. Just cozy, isn't it?"
He makes himself comfortable next to Emma, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close. She leans into his broad warm chest, practically nuzzling into him on instinct.
~~She should be sicked at what a 'nice little pet' she's become~~
They sit for a while, drink some wine that was tucked into the basket, and stare out into the sea.
It's was a bit into the drink that Matt's lips found their way to Emma's, trailing down to her neck to feast upon her flesh.
Turning his head fully, Seth hoped to avoid catching any of the display. But looking out towards the horizon couldn't shut out the sound of Emma's gasp and soft shuddering moan. It stung his ears and did a funny little jump in his heart.
How could such a sweet sound be so painful.
Teeth and tongue eagerly worked at her throat, Emma going flush in Matt's grasp. She squeezed her thighs together, shifting to try and hide the heat starting to build. But that close, it was impossible to hide.
He noticed her shift, his lips curling into a smug look as they pulled off the bruise it was dutifully leaving. He knew how her body responded to him well enough by this point. Many sessions spent getting her good and trained got him well attuned to her movements.
He chuckled darkly before returning to suck hickies onto her neck and shoulder, now slipping a hand up her leg and trailing it to her pussy; giving it a soft rub over her dress.
Seth's heart stings again as he heard Emma gasp suddenly. It was a dull ache that threatened to move lower, tempting him to close his eyes and imagine it was *him* that was pulling Emma close, drawing that sweet symphony out of her.
Thighs squeezed tighter as the hand moved to claim its territory, practically trapping him there. Not that it helped much, his fingers continued to rub soft lines against her; unfaltered by her grip.
"A-Ah~ Captain...um..." Oh the sensation between her legs made it hard to speak, fingers get a bit more determined to spread her lips and tease further. "Wouldn't you like a bit more...privacy?"
Matt followed her gaze to glance over at Seth. A smile spread over his face, and he pushed the girl's shoulder to lower her to the blanket.
"Oh don't worry, *love*." The word oozed off his tongue and practically made Seth sick. "That's why he's here~ To be our body guard"
Matt's hands gave some relief to poor Emma's delicates. But they were quickly back to their scandalous work as they pulled her dress down almost to her hips so her breasts were fully exposed.
Another breeze of warm summer air danced over her skin, making goose pimples ripple thru her body and her nipples start to grow hard.
Matt's eyes soaked in every delicious piece of his trophy, caressing down her neck to grab one of her tits and roll the nipple between his fingers. Smirking at her lips parting in pleasure and her back arching ever so slightly.
She was understanding what her role here was.
"Seth." He called out, not removing his hand or even turning to look at his brother. "stand watch. Make sure no One bothers us. But dont leave shoutin distance. In case we need you."
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
Arms wrap around him and he let's out a small grunt at the impact, she was far too small to actually knock him back so he just sort of sat there as she squeezed.
All he knew, could see, and remembered
Was Darkness
The black furious clouds of the storm had rolled in so quickly, casting out any light, that they had no time to prepare.
Seth was used to the troubles of the high sea, but he was no match for the crashing walls of waves that sent him flying off the ship. Without warning, a wave barreled down onto him, dragging him away. He couldn't tell whether his eyes were opened or closed. The was no sensation, no sound, no air. Had he not had his frantic thoughts screaming inside his skull, he would have all but forgotten he even existed.
As quickly as the water came, so did unconsciousness.
Seth slipped into that abyss, sure he would soon be dead.
Possibly from the shock or the chill, he couldnt feel hands pulling him away from the wreckage.
After what felt like an eternity, he realized that he was breathing again and more than that, he could feel earth beneath his body. His achingly sore body.
He was on land! He could hear the sounds of wind and some birds in the distance. Behind his lids he could feel the sun shining down...and to his side...something pressed against him?
Slowly, he shifted; hissing in pain. He wasn't dead, but the sea sure did take her anger out on his poor frame.
The thing next to him stirs, an alarming development, causing his eyes to shoot open.
Against his better judgement he moves to see what could be so close, and he mouth falls agape to see a slumbering blond woman next to him.
Had...the previous night been a dream? Not a storm at all but a drunken rager that somehow broke his body all over and ended in bedding some strange woman?
He looks around and sees no port, no buildings really. No nothing. Just some springs of trees and foliage, and himself alone with the maiden.
The maiden who, as she herself starts to stir at his movements, becomes more strange upon further inspection.
From her delicate golden locks pokes an odd fin looking ear, as her face becomes more visible he could see her freckles sparkled in the light and looked more like scales, and sure enough to complete the look, his eyes traced down her soft frame to see her hips sloped into an elegant pinkish red tail.
Distinctly and absolutely impossibly
This was a mermaid curled at his side.
She stirred ever so slightly, lips parting in a sigh, but she remained fast asleep; allowing Seth to crawl closer and inspect this vision. He had to be hallucinating. He was still suspended under water, slowly dying right?
Gently, his fingers reached to push a strand of hair out of her face and tuck it back over her shoulder and behind her ear.
Vision or not, Seth found himself struck by how gorgeous the creature was. He ghosted over the shoulder, admiring how delicate and real her skin felt to the touch.
He cupped her face, cradling her cheek almost lovingly.
If this was to be his death dream...well he really couldn't complain. What a last thing to see before dying.
At being touched, the mermaid's eyes fluttered open. The sun catching them, the brown ignited almost like amber to stare up at him.
She seemed groggy at first before it all came flooding back, and she herself jolted upright to tackle him in an excited embrace.
"You're awake! Oh thank the gods, I thought you were a goner for sure!"
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malleus-maledicarum · 3 years
All he knew, could see, and remembered
Was Darkness
The black furious clouds of the storm had rolled in so quickly, casting out any light, that they had no time to prepare.
Seth was used to the troubles of the high sea, but he was no match for the crashing walls of waves that sent him flying off the ship. Without warning, a wave barreled down onto him, dragging him away. He couldn't tell whether his eyes were opened or closed. The was no sensation, no sound, no air. Had he not had his frantic thoughts screaming inside his skull, he would have all but forgotten he even existed.
As quickly as the water came, so did unconsciousness.
Seth slipped into that abyss, sure he would soon be dead.
Possibly from the shock or the chill, he couldnt feel hands pulling him away from the wreckage.
After what felt like an eternity, he realized that he was breathing again and more than that, he could feel earth beneath his body. His achingly sore body.
He was on land! He could hear the sounds of wind and some birds in the distance. Behind his lids he could feel the sun shining down...and to his side...something pressed against him?
Slowly, he shifted; hissing in pain. He wasn't dead, but the sea sure did take her anger out on his poor frame.
The thing next to him stirs, an alarming development, causing his eyes to shoot open.
Against his better judgement he moves to see what could be so close, and he mouth falls agape to see a slumbering blond woman next to him.
Had...the previous night been a dream? Not a storm at all but a drunken rager that somehow broke his body all over and ended in bedding some strange woman?
He looks around and sees no port, no buildings really. No nothing. Just some springs of trees and foliage, and himself alone with the maiden.
The maiden who, as she herself starts to stir at his movements, becomes more strange upon further inspection.
From her delicate golden locks pokes an odd fin looking ear, as her face becomes more visible he could see her freckles sparkled in the light and looked more like scales, and sure enough to complete the look, his eyes traced down her soft frame to see her hips sloped into an elegant pinkish red tail.
Distinctly and absolutely impossibly
This was a mermaid curled at his side.
She stirred ever so slightly, lips parting in a sigh, but she remained fast asleep; allowing Seth to crawl closer and inspect this vision. He had to be hallucinating. He was still suspended under water, slowly dying right?
Gently, his fingers reached to push a strand of hair out of her face and tuck it back over her shoulder and behind her ear.
Vision or not, Seth found himself struck by how gorgeous the creature was. He ghosted over the shoulder, admiring how delicate and real her skin felt to the touch.
He cupped her face, cradling her cheek almost lovingly.
If this was to be his death dream...well he really couldn't complain. What a last thing to see before dying.
At being touched, the mermaid's eyes fluttered open. The sun catching them, the brown ignited almost like amber to stare up at him.
She seemed groggy at first before it all came flooding back, and she herself jolted upright to tackle him in an excited embrace.
"You're awake! Oh thank the gods, I thought you were a goner for sure!"
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malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
@stepping-sideways @milkywaystarboy
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90K notes · View notes
malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
FehuFehu (F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.
UruzUruz: (U: Auroch, a wild ox.) Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy, action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self. Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others. Sickness, inconsistency, ignorance. Lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.
ThurisazThurisaz: (TH: Thorn or a Giant.) Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism, regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality, fertilization. (Thorr, the Thunder god, was of Giant stock.)Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal, dullness. Evil, malice, hatred, torment, spite, lies. A bad man or woman. Rape?
AnsuzAnsuz: (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin.) A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom. Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.)
RaidhoRaidho: (R: Wagon or chariot.) Travel, both in physical terms and those of lifestyle direction. A journey, vacation, relocation, evolution, change of place or setting. Seeing a larger perspective. Seeing the right move for you to make and deciding upon it. Personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life. Raidho Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality. Disruption, dislocation, demotion, delusion, possibly a death.
KenazKenaz: (K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital fire of life, harnessed power, fire of transformation and regeneration. Power to create your own reality, the power of light. Open to new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love. Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and false hope.
GeboGebo: (G: Gift.) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships. Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, privation, bribery.
WunjoWunjo: (W or V: Joy.) Joy, comfort, pleasure. Fellowship, harmony, prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual reward, but also the possibility of going "over the top". If restrained, the meaning is general success and recognition of worth. Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Stultification, sorrow, strife, alienation. Delirium, intoxication, possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm. Raging frenzy, berzerker.
Heimdall's Aett
HagalazHagalaz: (H: Hail.) Wrath of nature, destructive, uncontrolled forces, especially the weather, or within the unconscious. Tempering, testing, trial. Controlled crisis, leading to completion, inner harmony. Hagalaz Merkstave (Hagalaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Natural disaster, catastrophe. Stagnation, loss of power. Pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness, crisis.
NauthizNauthiz: (N: Need.) Delays, restriction. Resistance leading to strength, innovation, need-fire (self-reliance). Distress, confusion, conflict, and the power of will to overcome them. Endurance, survival, determination. A time to exercise patience. Recognition of one's fate. Major self-initiated change. Face your fears. Nauthiz Reversed or Merkstave: Constraint of freedom, distress, toil, drudgery, laxity. Necessity, extremity, want, deprivation, starvation, need, poverty, emotional hunger.
IsaIsa: (I: Ice.) A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. This rune reinforces runes around it. Isa Merkstave (Isa cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Ego-mania, dullness, blindness, dissipation. Treachery, illusion, deceit, betrayal, guile, stealth, ambush, plots.
JeraJera: (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time. Jera Merkstave (Jera cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Sudden setback, reversals. A major change, repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict.
EihwazEihwaz: (EI: Yew tree.) Strength, reliability, dependability, trustworthiness. Enlightenment, endurance. Defense, protection. The driving force to acquire, providing motivation and a sense of purpose. Indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and can achieve your goals. An honest man who can be relied upon. Eihwaz Reversed or Merkstave: Confusion, destruction, dissatisfaction, weakness.
PerthroPerthro: (P: Lot cup, vagina.) Uncertain meaning, a secret matter, a mystery, hidden things and occult abilities. Initiation, knowledge of one's destiny, knowledge of future matters, determining the future or your path. Pertaining to things feminine, feminine mysteries including female fertility, and vagina. Good lot, fellowship and joy. Evolutionary change. Perthro Reversed or Merkstave: Addiction, stagnation, loneliness, malaise.
AlgizAlgiz: (Z or -R: Elk, protection.) Protection, a shield. The protective urge to shelter oneself or others. Defense, warding off of evil, shield, guardian. Connection with the gods, awakening, higher life. It can be used to channel energies appropriately. Follow your instincts. Keep hold of success or maintain a position won or earned. Algiz Reversed: or Merkstave: Hidden danger, consumption by divine forces, loss of divine link. Taboo, warning, turning away, that which repels.
Sowilo Sowilo: (S: The sun.) Success, goals achieved, honor. The life-force, health. A time when power will be available to you for positive changes in your life, victory, health, and success. Contact between the higher self and the unconscious. Wholeness, power, elemental force, sword of flame, cleansing fire. Sowilo Merkstave (Sowilo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): False goals, bad counsel, false success, gullibility, loss of goals. Destruction, retribution, justice, casting down of vanity. Wrath of god.
Tyr's Aett
TiwazTiwaz: (T: Tyr, the sky god.) Honor, justice, leadership and authority. Analysis, rationality. Knowing where one's true strengths lie. Willingness to self-sacrifice. Victory and success in any competition or in legal matters. Tiwaz Reversed or Merkstave: One's energy and creative flow are blocked. Mental paralysis, over-analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance. Strife, war, conflict, failure in competition. Dwindling passion, difficulties in communication, and possibly separation.
BerkanoBerkano: (B: Berchta, the birch-goddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. Berkano Reversed or Merkstave: Family problems and or domestic troubles. Anxiety about someone close to you. Carelessness, abandon, loss of control. Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation.
EhwazEhwaz: (E: Horse, two horses.) Transportation. May represent a horse, car, plane, boat or other vehicle. Movement and change for the better. Gradual development and steady progress are indicated. Harmony, teamwork, trust, loyalty. An ideal marriage or partnership. Confirmation beyond doubt the meanings of the runes around it. Ehwaz Reversed or Merkstave: This is not really a negative rune. A change is perhaps craved. Feeling restless or confined in a situation. Reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal.
MannazMannaz: (M: Man, mankind.) The Self; the individual or the human race. Your attitude toward others and their attitudes towards you. Friends and enemies, social order. Intelligence, forethought, create, skill, ability. Divine structure, intelligence, awareness. Expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation now. Mannaz Reversed or Merkstave: Depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion. Cunning, slyness, manipulation, craftiness, calculation. Expect no help now.
LaguzLaguz: (L: Water, or a leek.) Flow, water, sea, a fertility source, the healing power of renewal. Life energy and organic growth. Imagination and psychic matters. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, the unknown, the hidden, the deep, the underworld. Success in travel or acquisition, but with the possibility of loss. Laguz Reversed or Merkstave: An indication of a period of confusion in your life. You may be making wrong decisions and poor judgements. Lack of creativity and feelings of being in a rut. Fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering. Madness, obsession, despair, perversity, sickness, suicide.
IngwazIngwaz: (NG: Ing, the earth god.) Male fertility, gestation, internal growth. Common virtues, common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. Rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. A time when all loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction. Listen to yourself. Ingwaz Merkstave (Ingwaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): Impotence, movement without change. Production, toil, labor, work.
DagazDagaz: (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.
OthalaOthala: (O: Ancestral property.) Inherited property or possessions, a house, a home. What is truly important to one. Group order, group prosperity. Land of birth, spiritual heritage, experience and fundamental values. Aid in spiritual and physical journeys. Source of safety, increase and abundance. Othala Reversed or Merkstave: Lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness. Bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism. What a man is bound to.
Blank Rune: There is no historical support for a "Blank Rune" in runic divination. It was invented in the 1980's. It should not be used in a rune casting. If you bought a rune set with a blank piece, save it in case you lose another rune piece, but don't use it in rune casting.
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malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
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Name: Emma Monroe Ethnicity/Nationality: Half Japanese, American Profession: Cryptozoologist and part time cam girl. Gender/Pronouns: Trans woman, she/her Height: 5ft 2″ Age: 23
Emma is a hardcore gamer/cam girl, (Hunting cryptids doesn’t fill the gas tank) and conspiracy theorist on top of venturing into areas where she shouldn’t be looking for any signs of the paranormal. Usually her leads turn up empty...Until she finds something she shouldn’t. She can be considered very two faced: Sexy, fun, flirty on the outside, often playing up the role of the “air head�� or a damsel in distress to get what she wants or to try and get people to go easy on her. She’s just a dumb bleach blond, so fragile! Nevermind she just jacked your shit, and is leaving you behind to die. In reality, Emma is a whiz at computers and fixing shit. She lived out of her van, she knows her way around tools. Emma is cutthroat, and while yes she enjoys having fun and fooling around, what she ultimately wants is to WIN. And she will do anything, and sacrifice anyone to ensure she makes it out alive.
0 notes
malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
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0 notes
malleus-maledicarum · 4 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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4M notes · View notes
malleus-maledicarum · 5 years
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1M notes · View notes
malleus-maledicarum · 5 years
I have looked into the eyes that have seen the end of the world and they were laughing.
An ouroboros of bad habits
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