mallory-honey · 5 years
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“I think gray would be a good look for you. It’s in right now,” Scarlet replied after studying the girl. She had at one point wanted to dye her hair blonde until she chickened out at the thought of standing out too much. “What shade of gray? I was thinking metallic gray.” 
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“Metallic gray?” The girl repeated with her lips curved in thought, “you don’t think I’ll be blinding everyone when I’m outside?” She asked with a laugh, “what about ombre? I’ve always thought that was cute.” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“There’s people walking around with the whole rainbow on their head. You could probably get away with any of them,” Aiden said with a shrug. Light brown or gray both seemed perfectly reasonable.
“Aiden, you’re no help at all.” The female said with a roll of her eyes and a burst of playful laughter, she should have known better than to ask a guy for an opinion but she didn’t have any other option. “I’m just going to mark you down that you voted for the brown.” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Blonde is a little crazy?” Tallulah asked Mallory with a raise of her eyebrow. Crazy to her was an undercut. Even more so pairing it with chunky rainbow highlights. Now that was crazy. “Well, I don’t see anything wrong with either. But gray gives me more of a change and isn’t that what we really want if we’re dying our hair?” She asked, playfully.
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“Only because I’ve never dyed it before and my hair’s so dark so you would have to use bleach. Virgin hair, I know.” Mallory said, running her fingers through her dark raven locks. She’s had plenty of awful haircuts in her lifetime but dying her hair has never been on her radar before, until now. “You don’t think I’ll look like I’m 75, right?” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Okay, okay, just hear me out. I know, blonde is a little crazy so how about a light brown or gray? I’m feeling rebellious.” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
Lately, life moved slowly for Mallory. It wasn’t a terrible thing, but it was something she was adjusting to. Itching for a change and to get her blood moving, the female decided that she would head over to the local coffee shop -- feel the wind in her face or whatnot. As she turned her head, she watched someone knock over her coffee, the liquid drenching her laptop and papers. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Her first reflex was to ask, before dumping what looked like a pound of napkins on the table. “Hope you bought insurance for that.” She said with a weak smile. 
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With her MCAT exam quickly approaching, Violet had started to study three hours daily. Whether it was reviewing Quizlet while she ate dinner or doing practice questions, she was always preparing for the exam. Too focused on reviewing amino acids and their structures, she didn’t notice where she placed her coffee until it knocked over and ended up all over her keyboard. “Fuck. Just fuck my life,” she sighed. 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Yeah? You also go pulling irresponsible stunts? Or is it just the crushing weight of unrealistic expectations parents always set on their kids?” He asked lightheartedly but with honest curiosity. For the most part Radley actually had a pretty good relationship with his parents. Sure they had their spats here and there but it was nothing worth exploding over. That was of course excluding the times his pranks went too far or he found himself in ridiculous or dangerous situations. He assumed lots of people his age had to go through growing pains with their parents though. The only difference was that she had been honest about things not being perfect. Something that was enough to pique his interest given that a lot of people in town liked to pretend they had no problems, it just wasn’t relatable. “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe i’m just overthinking things because i’m hangry.” He said with a laugh. “You know what sounds good right now? A hot chocolate. You want one? It would be my treat of course. It’s the least I could do since you just had to deal with my whining.”
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“A little bit of both?” Mallory said hesitantly, not knowing how much she should really say. After all, Rosewood was supposed to her fresh new start. Her plan was to lay low and avoid as many questions as possible about her past. But at the same time, how much longer did she have to avoid a decent conversation because she was terrified of people bringing up her past? “But mostly the second one. Honestly, I’ve disappointed so much that if I could, I would make a career out of it.” The raven-haired female said with a light chuckle, “a hot chocolate and you’re buying? I am all ears if you’ve got to rant some more,” her crimson-stained lips pulling at the corners where a smile blossomed. 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Right, yes. Goals. I think that helps make it more concrete than setting resolutions. Um, I have goals, of course, like finally graduating from college and entering the ‘real world.’ Finding an apartment of my own… Drinking more water sounds good, though.” 
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“No pressure, you call them resolutions if you’d like. It’s just something that I like to do but hey, those are really good plans you have there. Puts mine to shame.”
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“I wasn’t in there long enough to find out. But they did offer me a juice box and some animal crackers.” Radley shrugged, offering her a bashful smile. “Really the cops were the least of my worries. At least in the jail cell I didn’t have to deal with my mom’s puppy dog eyes. The only thing worse than parents being mad is when they tell you they’re just disappointed. Luckily all the cabin fever is giving me major inspo for a short film. So I might get on that while the creative juices are still flowing.”
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“I know that feeling,” she said with a slight nod, knowing that feeling quite too well. There was always a constant change in her life due to her past: new clothes, new hair, and new promises but the one thing that never changed was the constant disappointment that her mother had in her. Or at least the woman that she called her mother. Never doing anything well enough to please her. "It’s pretty shitty, but you’ll make it out of this alive. So, no more moping around because you’re bringing down my mood.” Mallory said jokingly, “should we find you some circus animal cookies? Clearly, you have been deprived of sugar.” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Honestly, i’m starting to think they should have just kept me in the slammer. At least they still let me use wifi and they had cable in the holding cell. Being grounded is the worst.” Radley said with a pout as he sat outside on a bench outside of the movie theater where he had recently taken a second job. “When i’m not working I have to go straight home. And even then I got my computer and tv taken away. I’m starting to run out of things to keep me entertained in my free time. Any ideas?”
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“Does the slammer offer you five-star meals as well?” Mallory asked, taking a seat beside him on the curb. “I’ve heard it’s pretty terrible and that should be enough reason to not be in there. Now you can take up a new hobby.” 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
It was obviously an illusion ‘cause there’s never been so much I’ve been wrong about.
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“Yes, but I call them goals. And they’re kind of silly like, drinking more water and pre-ordering books to help the author’s first week of sales. What about you?” 
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“So, I know it’s like the most cliche question ever, but I’m considering making a poll or something: Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? If so, what are they? And if not, why not?”
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mallory-honey · 5 years
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mallory-honey · 5 years
With a drink in one hand, Dom weaved his way through the crowd and made his way towards the pool, hoping that he guessed correctly. Normally, he is not the type to play guessing games or whatnot, especially with those who are just a casual friends-with-benefits type of deal but for remy, he could make an exception. she kept him on his toes and things never got boring around her, she was like a tornado bottled up behind midnight hues and crystal lips. “Remy?” He called out, eyes looking around the patio-like area for a silhouette that he knows much too-well and has remembered by heart. @kendallmyeong​
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mallory-honey · 5 years
“If you want to get fucked up regardless of theme, you could get a Long Island. They’ve got a few shots on the special menu. Three Wise Men, Polar Bear, and Snowshoe, I think,” Raf said, looking down at the menu to check if he was correct. “Or there’s tequila.”
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“that shit is nasty, no thanks. Tequila has never let me down, so.” He shrugged his shoulders and ordered a round of shots for him and Raf, “what are we cheering to?” He asked the other, holding the shot glass up. 
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mallory-honey · 5 years
imessage | remy
Remy: Come find me
Remy: I'll give you a hint. It's a quiet area that tends to get very wet.
Dom: you and your games
Dom: pool?
Dom: omw
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mallory-honey · 5 years
imessage | remy
Dom: Hey. Where are you?
Dom: I want to see you.
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