mammon-loves-money · 1 month
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mammon-loves-money · 11 months
here this was a draft of smth i was gonna post so yhere ya go
Flufftober Day 17: Sharing Food
Levi x GN reader, Fluff, Soft Levi, (Some non cannon Levi moments???).
Today will be you and Levi's 2 year aniversary.
You planned to suprise Levi by making him his favorite, "Spicy-Rainbow-Pizza!"
Well, you attempted.
It at least came out with soft bread and looked appetizing.
You kinda find it cute with how bad it turned out.
Levi's still doing his gaming tournament so you try to fix it, it looks slightly better.
You decide to add some more cheese since in Beel's words, "Cheese always makes things better!"
You add some on the pizza and put it back in.
You walk to Levi's room, *knock* *knock* *knock*
"What's the password?"
"Oh Levi come on~"
"Fine, fine~~"
While cuddling up with Levi you realize something...
"Oh fuck!"
"I forgot to take the food out of the oven!"
You rush to the kitchen and take out the burnt "☆Spicy-Rainbow-Pizza.☆"
Which now looks like "Spicy-brown-Pizza."
"H-Happy 2 year aniversary..!"
"I-I love i-"
His sentance breaks off from laughter.
"Oh, it's not that bad.."
"N-no I love it! Did you get the recipe from Solomon?"
He chuckles more and more.
You try breaking a slice off only for it to crack and be brittle.
"Mmm so good baby-"
You say sarcasticly.
Laughter cuts your own sentence off.
"Open wide."
You chuckle and tell Levi.
He opens his mouth and takes a bite.
"Mm *gags* crunchy!"
You both chuckle.
"Well I tried hehe... How about we just buy some off of Akuzon?"
You say.
"I agree~ Lets just go to my room and order it~"
You walk to the room and cuddle up with eachother.
The end again i suck at ending fanfic😿
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mammon-loves-money · 11 months
Flufftober Day 17: Sharing Food
Levi x GN reader, Fluff, Soft Levi, (Some non cannon Levi moments???).
Today will be you and Levi's 2 year aniversary.
You planned to suprise Levi by making him his favorite, "Spicy-Rainbow-Pizza!"
Well, you attempted.
It at least came out with soft bread and looked appetizing.
You kinda find it cute with how bad it turned out.
Levi's still doing his gaming tournament so you try to fix it, it looks slightly better.
You decide to add some more cheese since in Beel's words, "Cheese always makes things better!"
You add some on the pizza and put it back in.
You walk to Levi's room, *knock* *knock* *knock*
"What's the password?"
"Oh Levi come on~"
"Fine, fine~~"
While cuddling up with Levi you realize something...
"Oh fuck!"
"I forgot to take the food out of the oven!"
You rush to the kitchen and take out the burnt "☆Spicy-Rainbow-Pizza.☆"
Which now looks like "Spicy-brown-Pizza."
"H-Happy 2 year aniversary..!"
"I-I love i-"
His sentance breaks off from laughter.
"Oh, it's not that bad.."
"N-no I love it! Did you get the recipe from Solomon?"
He chuckles more and more.
You try breaking a slice off only for it to crack and be brittle.
"Mmm so good baby-"
You say sarcasticly.
Laughter cuts your own sentence off.
"Open wide."
You chuckle and tell Levi.
He opens his mouth and takes a bite.
"Mm *gags* crunchy!"
You both chuckle.
"Well I tried hehe... How about we just buy some off of Akuzon?"
You say.
"I agree~ Lets just go to my room and order it~"
You walk to the room and cuddle up with eachother.
The end again i suck at ending fanfic😿
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mammon-loves-money · 11 months
my ass gave up
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mammon-loves-money · 11 months
Flufftober Day 1: Hand holding☆
Sfw, Satan x Gn Reader, Stressed Satan, Fluff.
You get called down from the office to go to RAD's guidance office.
While you're going you think, "What did he do this time..."
You make your way to the office to be told to sit down.
While you're waiting in one of the chairs at RAD, a guidence counsouler calls you into her office.
"So, as we all know that everyone suffers from some type of stress, right?" She says.
Me and Satan both nod.
"Satan would you like to explain what happend in group projects today?"
He nods and coughs before speaking.
"I- um.. I yelled at the dimwit that said I was just like Lucifer.."
He mumbles and looks down to his feet.
You rub his thigh gently and tell him it's gonna be alright.
He relaxes into your touch and the guidance counselor lets you guys have the rest of the day off.
You both walk to the house of Lamanation and go to your room.
You say and gently rub his back.
He looks over and says, "Hm?"
"What was the fight with you and the other kid really about?"
You stop rubbing his back and look him in the eyes caringly.
He signs annoyingly and after a few seconds he finally replies, "Like I said he called me a copy of Lucifer pretty much."
"Well that kids wrong," You say holding his hand now.
"You and Lucifer are wrong in many ways. You have blonde hair, he has black hair, he's strict, your kind and leaniet."
You give his hand a light squeeze.
Satan tears up a bit and lays down on the pillow of your bed.
You hear a soft,
"Thank you.."
before he starts hugging you.
(sorry that this took so long to get out lmao)
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mammon-loves-money · 11 months
so i decided im gonna do fluff tober but its gonna be like really delayed and stuff so should i start from the begining and then have to write some in nov or just start from day 18
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mammon-loves-money · 1 year
Sfw, Clingy Mammon, Possessive Mammon, GN Reader, hurt/comfort.
Mammon has always been greedy, but when you started dating him it really showed.
First, he wouldn't let you leave the house for more than a few hours a day.
Then, he wouldn't let you inside the house if you didn't reply to a text or call quick enough supposedly "ignoring" him.
The last straw you had is when Mammon started not letting you go anywhere without him with you.
So, you decided to talk to him about it.
"Mammon we need to talk."
You sit on the edge of the bed in the shared room you two have.
"Why." He whines then trying to walk away until you stop him.
"Mammon I'm being serious, I'm not trying to bash you its just.."
You pause for a few seconds looking at his shiny blue-ish yellow eyes trying to find the right words.
"You've just been a little more clingy lately and I was wondering if everything's alright?"
He sighs and you sense an annoyance coming from the glaring look he gave you after he sighs and starts to speak.
"No, everything's not alright. I just want to spend time with you and you keep avoiding me."
Mammon pouts and looks away.
"Mams," You lightly grab his face with you hand and brush his cheek with your thumb. "I wasn't trying to ignore you?"
Mammon is completely annoyed now and it's easy to tell.
"Yes you are! You won't answer my text and you always hanging out with Asmo or Satan and Belphie!"
You see a few tears build up in his eyes and you start to feel bad.
Mammon looks away.
"Mammon," You grab his hand and both of you sit on the corner of the bed, "you know I love you right?"
You scoot closer to Mammon resting your hand on his thigh, lightly squeezing it.
"I love you." As you say that Mammon wipes a few tears away from his cheeks and looks at you sniffing a little.
"I'm sorry MC.." He looks to the ground sadly. "I know I've been a little more clingy."
"It's okay, I forgive you Mams.." You smile at Mammon, "how about we lay down and watch a movie?"
You get up and start turning off the lights.
"We'll be finally spending more time together?"
You wait for Mammon's reply.
"I'd love that.."
You both smile at each other curling into the covers together as Mammon turns of the TV and you both start watching a new movie that aired in DevilDom.
The problem has resolved and Mammon is now content.
The end LOL. I dunno how to end story's srry.
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