mapledvale · 2 months
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mapledvale · 4 years
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Rory laughs at the other’s comment, “Commission? Really? I’m the one doing all the hard work and allowing you to get these for free, and you still want some commission? Damn, maybe I need a new taste tester…” She raises a brow at Vale, smirking lightly. Rory watches in anticipation as the woman reaches for a macaron, like she usually did whenever someone would taste something she had baked. It was one of the things she loved the most about being a baker — watching others react to her pastries. She’s smiling from ear to ear by the time Vale finally comments on the treat, clapping her hands excitedly as she grabs one macaron off the tray for herself. “I’m glad you liked it. I was afraid they would turn out bad because I haven’t made them like this before but it all worked out. And yeah, I’d totally win one of those baking shows.” Rory chuckles and takes a bite out of the treat in her hand.
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“ well , yeah , just a little .. what if i got food poisoning from a meringue or something ?? you’d be liable . i’d want some sort of compensation , right , for the risk i’m putting my body under ?? “ she couldn’t have been that concerned , however , as she continued to munch on the macaron like she was employed to do such a thing . rory was a friend , and if she could do anything to help she would do , especially if it meant lending her taste palate for the greater good . “ you’d absolutely smash it on one of those shows . i’d be rooting for you for sure , cheering from the stands and voting every week if need be . you deserve more recognition . you deserve a whole chain of bakeries , i mean it . “ vale struggled to keep her thoughts to herself regardless of whether or not they’d offend , and so those words that spun from her golden tongue were undoubtedly laced with truth -- a compliment from the pint-sized girl meant a whole lot more than any other accolade of the sort . “ is there anything else you need me to try ?? “
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mapledvale · 4 years
life is full of tiny coincidences pulling me towards the exact moment we met. my madness only she could recognize and drown it in her own chaos. i saved her and she saved me.
she's my religion - pale waves
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mapledvale · 4 years
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Walt Whitman’s handwritten lines from his poem “To the States”
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mapledvale · 4 years
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as vale spoke about her wrist and the feelings of pain, estella frowned and set the bag of ice on the granite island. for a long moment she simply looked out at the other, observing her posture and her stature. she looked small on the sofa and the longer that estella looked, the more her mind began to torture itself about what may have happened if she hadn’t been there in time. but, she reminded herself, you were there and now she’s safely here. it wasn’t like estella cared too much about what other people did in their lives but she had a righteous streak. even she could hold herself accountable for doing some good in the world… even when it seemed like a bleak place to be. but then again… a sweet little thing like her didn’t seem like she was ever going to be safe out there by herself. that was just another way that the world was so disgustingly cruel. when the question about her residence was asked, estella’s eyebrows rose and she paused her search through one of the kitchen drawers to answer. “just me. it’s convenient because i have the spare room sort of turned into a home gym and it’s really close to the fire station so i’m always able to get there when needed. or if i wake up late…” plucking a packet of tablets out of the drawer, she busied herself with pouring a glass of water too. 
“you’re not allergic to any medication are you?” estella asked as she walked closer to the other. gingerly, she placed the water and tablets on the tabletop and then moved around the couch to pull a fluffy blanket from the stool beside it. “here.” she muttered as she handed the other the bag of ice wrapped in a tea towel. “compress that where it hurts or where the swelling is. if we can see how it reacts to a bit of cooling then maybe we can get a better idea and this…” she unfolded the blanket and lay it clumsily over vale’s legs. “this is just because you must be freezing in that.” sniffing, she made her way back to the kitchen and grabbed a can of drink from the fridge. then she moved back into the living room and shrugged off her jacket and jumper, leaving her in a tight black tee. “so… let’s start with the basics. just because you’re here and not anywhere else…” she rubbed her cheek. “why haven’t you gone wherever home is? you don’t have to answer. i mean… it’s whatever.”
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a part of vale wished she had been allergic to something . at least then she’d have something that was hers -- not her parents’ , not her sibling’s , but hers . she may have seemed like a feeble , hollow-boned bird but she was far from it ; birds were free , unchained , able to soar high above towns and cities at their own accord , and what could she do other than walk the streets and knowingly scout danger ?? the intent was there , to be an unrelenting force barrelling through life and answering only to herself .. but vale had ended up on este’s couch being treated like a kid , patched up and iced like she’d taken a tumble on the football field . “ i’m not allergic to anything , “ she answered plainly , twisting legs beneath the blanket to bundle her feet deep against the fabric . now she was swaddled in both the draping and the oversized hoodie she seemed even smaller , a sparrow or a robin hopping through snow on matchstick legs . positioning the ice a little better on her wrist provided near instant relief , warmed by the abundance of soft textiles to offset the chill her joint was now victim to . “ i just don’t want anybody else to worry . like , you saw what happened so that ship already sailed .. but i didn’t want jude to worry , or mateo .. or my parents . it’s best to just keep it between the people that were witnesses . leave it at that . “ 
she wasn’t lying . it made sense to keep the circle small , not to go parading with her wrist above her head showing half the town her heavy bruising and the swelling by her hand . vale wasn’t going to galavant with her injury , wasn’t going to use it as a sympathy plea , instead it would be hidden beneath the cuff of her jacket until all evidence faded away . violet would fade to blue . blue would fade to yellow . she just hoped no lasting damage would prevent her facade from taking full shape . “ you didn’t have to let me back . i know i’m overstaying my welcome . it’s just nice .. you seem to know what you’re doing with the whole ice pack thing and the meds . i don’t think my roommates would know what to do , they’d probably just light up a joint .. it would do the job i guess , but .. this seems better than just numbing the problem . “ the compliment was thinly veiled yet she was reluctant to be too kind , to soften quite so much ; at the end of the day este was a stranger , and one vale was acutely aware could fight back if provoked . it was in her best interest to stay on the other’s good side . 
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mapledvale · 4 years
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As a one time member of the male population –and one that often still got lumped in with them against their will– Rel was painfully familiar with the good ol’ boy mentality that tended to run rampant in towns like Mapleview. I’m just jokin’, darlin’. Hey, sweetie… Over here, doll. It grated on their nerves to no end just to hear, and they were fairly certain being on the receiving end was worse. And they weren’t the type to just put up with it, even if certain townsfolk would prefer it. Luckily the other didn’t fall into that category. “It’s crazy, right? Swear, I can do that all day, and they won’t learn by tomorrow. Or at all.”
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half the male population disgusted vale . it was proof that sexuality wasn’t a choice , otherwise why the hell would she attracted to the gender in general when they were hounding her , wolf-whistling and attempting to glance up her skirt . “ i wish i could just move to an island where they didn’t exist . i mean , god , all i want to do is walk down the street at night and not fear for my general wellbeing . there was this one guy the other day that tried to grab me and , like some sort of superhero , este swooped in and socked him in the face . the guy was on the ground in two seconds flat -- “ the way she gushed about the other was childlike , excited , like vale had just discovered her new favorite animal or a cartoon she adored , “ maybe you need to get yourself your own bodyguard . i’m thinking of employing her to do all my dirty work from now on , “
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mapledvale · 4 years
☏ TEXTS ─ to : pax ❜ from : v .
pax: sorry, I'm not trying to be a jerk
pax: I'm glad you reached out.
pax: are you doing alright?
vale: you have every right to be a jerk
vale: i'm doing good, yeah. living with the stinkiest roommates in the whole town
vale: i moved out so i finally get a chance to breathe
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mapledvale · 4 years
“oh no, the last thing i ever wanted to do was break your heart. what would i do without you? i’d be falling asleep mid-surgery, unable to carry out my duties. either that or i’d be forced to use the coffee machine at work, and we both don’t want that.” he knew vale was only teasing, and couldn’t help but play along with her dramatics. “twenty? well, hopefully i didn’t just become your least favorite surgeon to serve after making that mess out there. i did have just a flavored coffee, but if you want to make me something else, feel free to. as long as it has enough caffeine to get me through the first couple hours i’ll be happy.” 
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her petite , freckled nose twisted in disgust . “ don’t you dare use the hospital coffee machines , jesus christ . if i hear you’re drinking those burnt beans i’m gonna come find you and you’ll pay for your infidelity . there’s not a barista in the whole state that makes your coffee better than i do .  it’s sacrilege . it’s inhumane . i’m surprised that stuff even passed quality checks to be fit for human consumption , “ as she spoke vale grabbed another cup , one of the large ones , and began recreating the flavoured coffee graham had so gracefully spilled all over the ground . lucky for her it wasn’t her job to clean the messes up ; she was more focused on creating them and leaving fossilised imprints across her work uniform that no amount of detergent would ever seem to wash out . “ we don’t want you having any surgery related accidents , now , do we ?? that’s a lot of pressure to put on a lowly barista . i didn’t even go to college , “
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mapledvale · 4 years
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you would’ve imagined that , after her run-in with a seedy old man the other day , that vale would’ve been put off frequenting mapleview’s bar scene , and yet she was right back -- an incessant boomerang . “ i think i’ve heard it all at this point , but i couldn’t imagine actually working behind the bar .. it’s bad enough when men haven’t got their caffeine fix for the morning , let alone alcohol . plus , if i got a job here i’d drink all the stock before closing time , “ chuckling , her good hand continued tracing patterns against the sticky countertop , “ vodka cranberry . thank you . “
“And that brings me to…” Toni paused for dramatic effect. “Twenty drunk assholes hitting on me during the first hour of my shift. Somehow they all think they’re being original.” Rolling her eyes, the bartender pushed loose curls away from her face. “Anyway— what can I get you?” // @mapleviewstarters​
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mapledvale · 4 years
📱(text: v)
N: oh, i've had sexy ones. it's hard not to have sexy dreams of someone you were at one point...anyway. it wasn't a sexy one; let's leave it at that.
N: if you say so :p
N: well, great to know. especially because i am back...well, once i get back from this road trip, i really will be back in town.
N: how have you been, v?
V: yep, yep. you can leave it there, thank you!
V: that sounds ominous. im fine, im coping
V: i cant wait to chill again
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mapledvale · 4 years
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bella couldn’t take it seriously, she thought it was kinda cute how the girl was reacting, had she ever seen a racoon before? she takes another peep, it was so dark, she couldn’t really see what was going on in there but it did look like a racoon, from what she could see anyway. a giggle falls from her lips, “alright, alright, it’s a serious matter!” she pauses for a second, trying to get a better look, “yeah racoons are prickly little creatures, gettin’ into places they shouldn’t, tryna still your old bills that you’ve thrown out, to commit tax fraud” she jokes, bella was having fun with this. she turns around to face vale, “have you got some food on you? we could lure it out with a snack, i’ve heard they like trail mix”. 
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“ ever since i started playing animal crossing and that fucker charged me extortionate mortgages i’ve hated the things . i mean , technically nook is a raccoon dog , but who cares about being pedantic when there’s vermin on the loose . no , i don’t have food on me , and i’m not giving up any of my nice snacks either .. “ vale paused , thinking for a second before turning to the cupboards a little higher out of her reach . “ -- you can take as much of jude and mateo’s food as you need . they probably won’t even notice , too busy smoking their lives away . “ as much as she loved her roommates it seemed whenever she returned home the girl had to wade through a cloud of smoke before she could see the interior decoration . “ do we look like the household that would have trail mix ?! “ 
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mapledvale · 4 years
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when she had been a little kid vale had never imagined that she’d be in her twenties holed up in a coffee shop , working seemingly endless hours to make ends meet . she didn’t imagine herself living with two roommates , either . instead she’d imagined herself in a mansion in california , or the galapagos islands , sipping mojitos and soaking up the sun with countless bronzed half-naked men ( and women , although that was her little secret ) . often when she heard the rumble of coffee machines she envisaged the noise instead to be the clapping of adoring fans . it was easy for her thoughts to run away with her , leaving her in the dust , and so when rio spoke the girl glanced over one shoulder with an audible hum , thrown from her dreamland . “ black coffee for my most handsome customer . why didn’t you get breakfast down you , hm ?? are you leaving it up to me to pick what you’re indulging in this morning ?? “
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IT WAS BASICALLY ROUTINE for rio to stop by the southern bean before he headed down to the auto shop. he needed the caffeine boost in order to get through the day. maybe he should just invest in a coffee machine, that’d save him some time, but there was just something comfortable about sitting in a place that wasn’t his house and enjoy breakfast. he pushed the door open, the line wasn’t long which meant he’d be getting his coffee faster. he liked that. walking up towards the counter, rio flashed a smile when he noticed his favorite barista was on shift that morning. “ fancy seeing ya here. “ he joked. “ just the usual coffee black, please. also throw in something for me to eat. didn’t get anything in my stomach before i left the house. “ // @mapledvale​
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mapledvale · 4 years
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vale. it wasn’t a name that estella thought she recognised and she definitely knew it wasn’t a popular name. it was unusual even, and she was sure if they’d have met before then she would have remembered a name like that. except, there was some familiarity there but she could blame that on the ways she’d seen similarities between herself and the other in such a short period of time. was there something eating her up inside? was there something that riddled her mind every night and plagued her every time she tried to sleep? what did it matter? what did este care? as they walked, estella stuffed her hands deep into the pockets of her tracksuit pants, trying to bring some warmth to her cool fingers. she could hear vale’s footsteps a few short steps behind her and she listened attentively, making sure the step was consistent. she was probably tired. a little intoxicated. a little bit hurt - both physically and her pride. “i did what any good person should have done. intervened. however, i did it…” estella said clearly, turning to look at the younger woman with the faintest impression of a smile on her lips. what a strange way to consider that you could possibly know someone… but este still didn’t need the gratitude. 
as they walked closer to estella’s home, she continued to cast glances at the other, making sure she didn’t look like she was flagging too much. she was a little concerned about that arm of her but she’d be sure to get some ice and compression on it and maybe vale could evaluate it again in the morning. guiding vale down chestnut drive she fumbled in her pocket for her keys. “we’ll get you warmed up first… some water…” she stopped outside one of the houses, looking up as the porch light flicked on. “come on…” she jerked her head and ascended the three steps to the decking, opening the front door and holding it open for the other. “head straight through. you can sit on the sofa… or in the armchair if you like…” letting the door click shut behind her, she kicked off her shoes. the place was fairly large but there were minimal things. in the living room, the sofas were large and plush, facing toward a large television. it was separated by a small island to the kitchen (which estella wandered into) and began to gather ice from her freezer into a bag. “how do you feel?”
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it was warm here . it was safe here . she wasn’t being interrogated or gated in , she wasn’t being patted down , her breath wasn’t being checked . it was different , but not in the kind of different that was considered negative . if she’d been allowed to stay forever vale would’ve done , but how unrealistic could her ideas get by the end of the night ?? she’d blame it on the alcohol although the whole situation had been more than sobering . letting herself fall onto the couch her injured wrist sat , balanced , in her lap , as her other hand slipped off the heels that were too high for slender ankles anyway . without the extra inches she was miniature , like a woman only smaller . a girl . with her freckles , her slight stature and the fact she dressed like a child masquerading like an adult she was always checked for ID at the bar and even then she was often shunned and accused of holding a fake . gnarly blisters beat up the backs of her feet , and she dragged them up beneath herself to force her body to contort as small as possible against the furnishing . now the world had quietened down around them she was suddenly back in her shell : soft , sensitive , gentle .. 
the place was nice , barer than she’d imagined , but anything was empty compared to her apartment . for starters they were all crammed into one space , her and her roommates ; by design they owned three times the belongings and took up three times the space . their home was stocked with trinkets , flooded with animals , decorated with strange lingering odours and blasting music , and yet that was where she called home . this was different . that was quickly becoming her favorite word to explain such a strange , twisted scenario . “ i’m okay . thank you . i think the pain relief of the alcohol has worn off , though , ‘cus this thing hurts a lot more . but you’re right , i don’t think it’s broken . “ thank god for that . it meant they could remain on the couch and treat her wound right there , without the need for her running into anybody she knew or that knew her family . in a small town with tight connections news travelled quicker than she could keep up with . “ is it just you .. that lives here ?? “
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mapledvale · 4 years
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mapledvale · 4 years
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it was unexplained , really , how vale and aspen had managed to remain friends after such a strange beginning in life , but now the younger was in their adulthood they hung out on a semi-regular basis . it was normal , or at least as normal as the youngest macaulay-yang sibling could get . it seemed the rest of her life was a whirlwind and she remained within the eye of such a storm . “ we were gonna grab a coffee -- one that i didn’t make , even though by design it’s gonna be sub-par . i’ve never tasted a coffee that’s better than my own . maybe that’s a sign i’ve been working at the southern bean way too long , “ 
location: Aspen’s office open: everyone @mapleviewstarters​
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“Oh… hey,” Aspen stopped with her binder open when seeing the person in her office as she came out from the back. “Wait… did we have something planned today? Did I miss something?” She asked confused. She had been lost in her work and demands from one of the brides she was currently working with. “I have this crazy bridezilla and I’m sorry if we did have something planned. My memory has been crap these past week.” 
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mapledvale · 4 years
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living in mapleview the entirety of her life meant that vale knew just about everybody , or the locals at least . there were those she went to school with , those she’d dated , those that pulled her hair in kindergarten or stole her juice boxes .. and there were her best friends , rosie included . before she’d even reached the counter vale was working on her usual , like clockwork . she’d said it before and she’d say it again -- in the small town it wasn’t what you knew , but who you knew . “ -- when you’re done complimenting random strangers your order is ready . you should know by now i already know exactly what you want to drink way before you say it , way before you even come into the store .. “
open ;@mapleviewstarters​  ​                    location ; the southern bean
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as rosie stood in line for her afternoon coffee, she looked up from her phone, and her eyes found attention in the person in front of her as they made their order. she was usually someone who kept to herself a lot, only speaking whenever she needed to. she looked away to not seem like a creep. but once she was standing at the counter to wait for her drink after making her order, she couldn’t help but speak to the person. “hi.” she smiled. “this is so random, but… i like your outfit.” she complimented. what was the harm in brightening someone’s day, anyway?
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mapledvale · 4 years
☏ TEXTS ─ to : pax ❜ from : v .
pax: I've been fine.
pax: why are you texting me? like...not to be rude, but why now?
pax: it's been years.
vale: i know. i know its been years. believe me.
vale: i just finally got the guts, i dont know. im sorry.
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