mario-jones · 9 years
Carter: Miss C wants to have some outdoor fun today, boy.
Mario: Touch football?
Mario: *Naked* touch football?
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mario-jones · 9 years
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mario-jones · 9 years
Then be so kind as to let me slather on a whole bottle of sunscreen in all your choicest ladybits -- and everywhere else -- so we can get our party on.
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private * macarter
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mario-jones · 9 years
I’m sure you’d be feelin’ real sexy slathered in aloe and whinin’ while your skin peels.
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private * macarter
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But a sexy lobster, yeah?
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mario-jones · 9 years
Certainly won’t be gettin’ any outta me. I’ll probably steer clear of bounce houses, too. Ain’t exactly a skinny minnie, and I’d hate to be the straw that breaks its back. Ain’t even know they make those for adults to get in.
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You need help with a grill though, just let me know. Ain’t good for much else prep-wise, but I know how to grill it up.
Alright everyone, listen up.
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mario-jones · 9 years
Flare ain’t ever a bad thing, is it, Miss? Especially if it’s real easy-on-the-eyes flair.
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Just make sure any guys don’t revert into too much childhood nostalgia. “Swordfights” sort of lose their funny when it’s grown ass men flailin’ around.
Alright everyone, listen up.
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mario-jones · 9 years
Bounce houses, obstacle courses, human bowling and shooting ranges... with a good chunk more than half of your attendees naked as the day they were born. If the idea of a cookout on its own didn’t appeal to me already... sounds like an interesting, entertaining party.
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Alright everyone, listen up.
I know I’ve been crazy MIA for a little while, but it’s time you all understand why! Since Memorial Day is one of our family’s most celebrated holidays, I’ve decided to throw a little get together cookout for us all tomorrow. With the gracious help of Mr. Clarington himself (and no, I don’t mean Hunter) and the blessing of Mistress Crane, there will be food and events for hours of our enjoyment – all at no expense to the Institute!
The cookout will start around noon, equipped with all types of vegan and vegetarian options – but feel free to come sooner than that! There will be a bouncy house for those who… enjoy those types of things, along with human bowling, water balloons, an obstacle course, and let’s not forget, a shooting range! With BB guns, naturally, and all specially supervised. 
– But let us not forget what Memorial Day is really about, shall we? To honor our fallen soldiers, there will be small flags available to purchase and send to a soldier’s family, fallen or still serving. Don’t have any money? Cards will be available to make and sell as well! One of my father’s dear friends will also be arriving, and will be putting those who are up to it to the test – a small training routine with full equipment and gear, and the full experience of being a soldier. I’ll be sure to go a few rounds, so any takers for competition are more than welcome. (If anyone can beat me, I’ll cook them a luxurious dinner after a night out on the town – all on me.)
Once it gets dark we’ll have a small candle vigil to honor those lost, and end the night with a fire pit and s’mores. And perhaps a few fireworks, but you’ll all just have to wait and see.
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mario-jones · 9 years
It’s great weather outside... so you make a blanket fort inside? Or d’you have like... your laptop outside with you or somethin’?
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And uhh... don’t know how great I am in the kitchen beyond mannin’ a grill, but if you need some tables moved or some kinda heavy lifting, just hit me up.
I can’t remember the last time I made a blanket fort, and since today provided the most perfect weather, I had to take my time to do exactly that. Now the only thing that’s missing is great company and a bunch of Disney movies to go with that, and I’m all set. 
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[Cannot be seen by Noel and Brandon]
And for those who are wondering, I have further information about the upcoming party this Friday– it will be held inside the auditorium, and will start around 6. People have requested to help me out, which I am more than grateful for. I would personally love someone to help me out with food– I am a great cook myself, but there is only so much I can do with two hands for plenty of people, and if anyone could help with decorations and keep it to utmost secrecy, that would be phenomenon as well. Any further questions about the event can be brought up HERE. Please and thank you.
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mario-jones · 9 years
That what you want, baby?
Gotta admit thinkin’ about sittin’ in those lecture chairs lettin’ it all hang out sounds like it’d feel... weird. Cold, too, and no one likes a cold hanger.
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After a lot of thought...
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mario-jones · 9 years
Where’d you hear a complaint? We need to go back to the doc and get your ears checked out?
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After a lot of thought...
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mario-jones · 9 years
Are we really goin’ there, Miss Carter? First the boot comes off then everything else comes off, too?
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After a lot of thought...
Y’all ever have one of those shower thoughts that sticks with ya long after you turn the nozzle off?  Me?  I think lightning’s done struck my brain tonight.
I realize I’ve been here for quite a bit of time now, and that time’s running short.  Soon enough it’ll be the end of this study and all of us’ll be shippin’ on back to our ports of call.
Where else am I gonna have the kinda freedoms for kink that Dalton gives us?  I don’t know about y’all but I don’t think there’s many outside of these walls.  So I thought to myself; Carter, y’all need to take advantage.  Especially now that my annoying ankle boot’s finally off!
So I’m thinkin’ I’m gonna embrace my true inner self–my exhibitionist self–and walk on outta this suite…naked.  
Y’all can add that to my resume: 
Carter Fabray, Advanced Domme, future Olympian, and full time naturist.
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mario-jones · 9 years
Greedy greedy. 
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private * macarter
Yeah, but I’d much rather y’all be kissin’ on me.
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mario-jones · 9 years
Even if I’m not porn star kinky? I love fuckin’ you, baby, and I love havin’ fun with you like that, but I guess I’m just... not as excitin’ as you want me to be.
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f2f * macarter
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mario-jones · 9 years
You don’t?
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And honestly sounds a little weird but more comfortable than something up my ass.
f2f * macarter
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mario-jones · 9 years
If I ain’t shown you by now that I can ride with pretty much any of the... Carter quirks you throw at me, I don’t know what to say. I ain’t been on your level since I got here. You know that. You’ve known that. But I don’t see why we can’t still work together.
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I get I’m probably not the kind of sub you wanted. I’m not really much of one at all in general, and I’m not... into all that you are, but I think we’re good anyway. 
f2f * macarter
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mario-jones · 9 years
Okay. But we talked about it, and it’s cool. It was cool last night. I’m not exactly seein’ a problem here, Miss Carter.
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Unless it’s not actually cool that I don’t just wanna bend over and have a dildo up my ass.
f2f * macarter
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mario-jones · 9 years
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Is that really it?
f2f * macarter
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