marissabelmonte · 5 years
“No.” Alexa blurted as she abruptly tried to sit up to explain herself further, though it only brought her to flinch and lower herself into the mattress once more. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had been bedridden like this. No Quidditch accident had left her in this much pain. At home, she hadn’t been allowed to hide under the covers of her bed or she would’ve revealed weakness. There might have been an incident in which she suffered from the regular flu, but it must have happened years ago. For someone as energetic as Alexa, it came close to torture. She talked with her hands and paced around, shifted her body weight and leaned against things. She filled a room when she was in it, always lively and shining, even in her darkest times. Even when she was just a kid she had been able to convince herself that if she acted bigger than she actually was when she didn’t cower at her approaching stepfather, she might fool herself into believing it was the truth. Being stuck in her own body, unable to be loud and bright or even so much as pull up one of her masks to conceal the true heartbreak within — she didn’t know how to handle it. Alexa felt tears of frustration gather in her eyes, clogging up her throat and preventing her from continuing for a long moment before she blinked them away and composed herself to the best of her ability. “I don’t think that’s necessary, Mar. You… you did what you thought was right. And I happen to think so as well. Like… I feel fine. Please don’t send me away. I… I can’t bear it right now.” She admitted, hating how whiny she sounded, how weak. She was disgusted with herself, much more than she could ever have anticipated.
Humming to herself in reply, she allowed her gaze to sweep around to the best of her ability. Oh how desperately Alexa wished she could’ve gotten a chance to be in here for the first time on better terms. She definitely would’ve made smart commentary and check out every little detail, absolutely fascinated with everything she could find out about her girlfriend. But with the aftershocks of the curse still washing over her, she had no other choice but to silently take everything in, probably only scratching the surface on everything. After a few moments of studying the room in silence, she focused back on Marissa and forced the corners of her lips to curl in a faint smile. “I like it.” Reaching for her hands once more to play with her fingers gently, the smile didn’t fade for her lips as she continued with a quiet voice. “It looks very… you. I can’t really explain it. Might be because of everything that’s going on or just because I don’t regularly have the vocabulary to express myself as great as I want to when it comes to my feelings and different discoveries about you, but… I can see it. I can see you sitting in here, leaning over a book or just… laying in bed, waiting for sleep to claim you while glancing across the walls and to the pictures. You gave it your touch. Give me twenty rooms and I walk into this one and I know it’s been lived in and by none other than the amazing Miss Belmonte.” She finished, aiming for the usual flourish but falling flat. It had been nice to distract herself, but she couldn’t fool herself. Couldn’t push it further into the background than as a flashing red light in the back of her mind. And that made her feel fake and hollow. Who was Alexa beyond her enthusiasm and the love she held for others?
Those parts were definitely part of her, but with everything that’s happening right now, it felt somehow lesser. Like she didn’t know how to go on moving forward. The sort of emptiness that gripes at your heart and overtaking your soul. Maybe that’s what grief-induced depression feels like. As if you’re somehow not the same person you were before that terrible thing happened. Logical it didn’t make sense. Especially if you’re taking into account that the day her sister died was the same she heard from her for the first time. It shouldn’t hit her this hard. And yet whenever she closed her eyes she was transported back into this alleyway, looking into the eyes of a girl that looked so much like her, with the same unspeakable fear coursing through her veins. Mary was dead because Alexa didn’t help her. So young, shining so brightly. How was this fair? How did she deserve to be held by Marissa, allowed to live on, graduate and be happy? She didn’t. She wished she could take her place. It was a horrific thing to think about, but it fits into everything else. It was depression. But just because it had a name, it didn’t make it any easier. It still consumed her, still made her question everything. Even listening to Marissa was hard, when she just wanted to remind her that it didn’t matter that she got hurt when it should’ve been her that died. However, she didn’t want to hurt her so she simply shook her head. “I needed Mary to listen to me. I mean my attempt was fucking worthless, but it was the only chance I had. Someone who made it through the same hell and survived. With you there, she might have fought us.”
Alexa straight up wanted to avoid addressing the rest of Marissa’s statement, feeling like her dark emotions would just claw themselves out of her mouth before she had to power to reign them in, but she couldn’t do that to her. It was ungrateful and she simply loved her girlfriend too much to not show how thankful and glad she was to have her in her life. “I know. I know that if there’s someone in my camp that it’s you or Roberto, but…” She shrugged helplessly, the gesture merely a small lift of her shoulders while she fought against the pain every movement brought. “Neither of us could’ve predicted what happened or what would’ve gone differently if you were by my side. Believe me when I tell you it will be a long time until I’m caught in the crossfire again. And then I’ll tell you, okay?” Squeezing her hand tightly, she smiled at Marissa briefly. “I’m with you until the end of the line, pal.” She quoted in a drowsy voice, fighting against her fluttering eyelids. Alexa surely wouldn’t enter the hell that was her nightmares again. She had a funny feeling she would lose her mind if she did. “Hmm. You’re my strength really. Without you or the thought of you… I don’t really know where I’d be right now. If I would even survive one second of this misery. So it’s better for me to sit this one out and for you to hold my hand while doing so.” She mumbled, nearly falling asleep once more before shooting up straight and groaning in agony. “Fuck no. No rest. I can’t, I — I can’t go back there again. Please.” Pleading quietly, desperately, she could hardly spend a second thought on how Marissa probably had no idea what was going on with Alexa at this point. All of her thoughts were revolving around the images of today, of the nightmare and the other fears her mind could project. Reaching for the towel so it wouldn’t fall off her head she turned back to Marissa. “Can’t you just… tell me a story?”
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Marissa swallowed the lump in her throat, pushing back the tears that were threatening to run down her cheeks. It was breaking her heart to see the love of her life in that state. The sadness and anger she felt towards the people who had done that to her was poisoning her mind, but she urged herself to clear her thoughts. There was nothing she could do to hold them accountable right now, and besides, what Alexa needed wasn’t her indignation. She needed her kindness and support, and that was exactly what Marissa was going to focus on. “I’m not taking you anywhere you wouldn’t want to be,” she reassured her. “Don’t worry about that.” She offered her a kind smile, but she couldn’t hide her sadness. She was trying to showcase her strength for her girlfriend, but she couldn’t completely dismiss what she was feeling. “Besides, I think that you’re safer here with me than anywhere else.” She hugged her closer. “However,” she said, taking a deep breath in between, “You will have to eventually check in with the nurse. Not right now. Maybe in a few days when you feel better physically.” She felt the precision was necessary, because it would take more than a few days for Alexa's state of mind to become better. Marissa wasn’t sure you could entirely heal from that, but she was hopeful Alexa would at least find happiness with the passing of time. No matter how long that would take. She would be there for her every single step of the way. “Don’t think about that for now though,” she said as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
A shy smile took over Marissa’s features as she heard Alexa’s opinion on her room. She wouldn’t have blamed her if she just settled for those few words, but listening to her speak about how she viewed the place made Marissa’s heart beat slightly faster, contentment distracting her from her sadness for a moment. The contact of their hands made her feel better too, though her eyes remained on her girlfriend. There was so much love she felt towards her that there weren’t enough words to explain how she felt. “Thank you,” she whispered, letting her head rest on the top of Alexa���s head for a moment, before gazing at her with admiration again. “You explained yourself perfectly, I promise you.” After hearing Alexa’s explanation towards why she didn’t take her with her, Marissa understood better why she went there on her own. She displayed her understanding by nodding her head, however how Alexa referred to the attempt tugged at her heartstrings. She knew her girlfriend was blaming herself, but the way she spoke showcased how deep the guilt was. “You did everything you could have done. It wasn’t your fault. It was a lot of people’s fault, but you are nowhere on that list.” Tears were gathering in her eyes again, but she didn’t want to have a breakdown in front of Alexa again when she didn’t need to see her hurt. Marissa fixed the wall in front of her as she breathed in, carefully holding her tears back as she found her strength again. She looked towards her. “I know you don’t believe me now, but I won’t stop reminding you until you do.”
Marissa listened to her girlfriend without interrupting her, Alexa having her undivided attention. She nodded her head at her promise, trusting that what happened that day wouldn’t happen again. The reassurance didn’t erase her fear of losing the love of her life, but Marissa had to believe life had put them through enough trials to last them a lifetime. And if it did, she had to trust her girlfriend’s promise that they would be together during that time. “Okay,” she replied, reciprocating her smile, which widened as she heard her next words. “I wouldn’t even imagine living the rest of my life without you.” She didn’t dwell on how vulnerable she sounded. Hearing Alexa refer to her as her strength, she felt tears gather in her eyes once again. They were caused by happiness this time though. “I’m not going anywhere,” she assured her, squeezing her hand. She believed that was where the conversation would end, since Alexa’s fatigue seemed to take over her, but she was proven wrong by her protests. Marissa sighed, knowing that Alexa would have to eventually fall asleep, otherwise she wouldn’t get better, but she didn’t mention that. She wondered what kind of nightmare she had that made her fight against falling asleep that much, but she didn’t want to think too much about how terrifying it must have been because she would get angry at her father again — and she felt that if she let that anger take over her thoughts, her self-control wouldn’t last long before she sent him a letter filled with everything she held herself back from saying. 
Instead, she searched her mind for a story she could tell her girlfriend. She wasn’t sure what she could say, since her memories weren’t too happy, except for the ones since she met her. Instinctively, her lips showed the hint of a smile. Her arm around Alexa, she held her close, her chin touching the top of her head. She began her story, looking directly ahead at the wall so she wouldn’t be distracted by Alexa’s beauty, which transcended appearance. “Once upon a time, there were two girls on the opposite sides of the story, but in reality they were much similar than they thought. In the beginning, they were focused on each other’s differences, namely the respective sides they belonged to, but it didn’t take them long to realize how much they fit together. One conversation was enough to make them question everything they knew, pointing their thoughts towards possibilities that hadn’t crossed their minds until then.” She took a break for a second, closing her eyes as she recalled her feelings from the beginning. “They got attached fast, which most people would categorize as a typical young love affair — but it was much more than that. They were the missing person in each other’s lives. They were soulmates, and they had found each other.” She smiled to herself, before she continued her retelling. “As they learned to know each other, they discovered that they went through difficult times in their lives, and although they were strong on their own, being together was making their lives worth much more than just surviving. They were each other’s support and happiness.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she was moving onto the next part. “But life wasn’t done being unfair to them. Although one of them felt defeated, the other was there for her, taking care of her until she felt better again.”
She erased the tear from her cheek as reached her favorite part. “Despite how unsure the future was, they didn’t give up on the life they deserved. With the help of her soulmate, the girl that was heartbroken managed to pull through the hurt and the suffering, just like she had done more times than she could count in the past. Together, they surpassed everyone’s expectations by staying together until they graduated, and longer beyond. Together, they found a small apartment in a place surrounded by nature and a river. They decorated the apartment with plants and flowers and Quidditch posters -- arranging the place in a way that emanated love. They also lived with one of the girls’ sibling, having their own little family.” She paused for a moment, struggling to hold back her tears. “Even though there were times where they struggled with what life threw their way, they never dwelled on the issues, because they had each other — and as long as they were together, that’s all that mattered.” She smiled as she looked towards the Quidditch posters above her desk. “They were soulmates even when it came to their careers. Through hard work and determination, they integrated the national Quidditch team, travelling the world together and being the best versions of themselves. And when they were done with the matches, they came back home to their safe haven, their past only a distant memory.” She couldn’t hold the tears back anymore as they streamed down her cheeks. “You and I are the story that makes everything better, my love,” Marissa said, looking towards Alexa. “I promise you, we will have the life we deserve. You just have to hold on, because I’ll take care of everything else,” she said, placing a quick kiss on her lips. “I promise you,” she repeated, holding her a little bit closer. 
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marissabelmonte · 6 years
Hearing the response from the Slytherin captain, she could practically feel her heart drop. Millie, their captain, was known for her fiery anger and quick temper, especially when it came to the topic of Quidditch. As much as the team got along, they’ve all been a victim of one of her famous rage-fueled monologues and you could feel how everyone just waited for the inevitable to happen, with varying feelings on the matter. A good amount of them was excited to see Millie potentially kick some Slytherin arse, while Alexa felt… uncomfortable. Not that she wasn’t impulsive and known for being hotheaded, but the fights she had picked were usually about something that needed to be cleared that way. Showing her skills so everybody knew to not mess with her or to scare off bullies that targeted her little brother. When it came to a misunderstanding about Quidditch? She kind of lacked the motivation to anticipate the argument with happiness. Her gaze remained focused on the ground, waiting for Millie to snap when she was closely interrupted by a familiar voice. Alexa’s head jerked up almost violently as her eyes searched for the person speaking. For Marissa. Instinctively the corners of her lips curled into a smile as she watched her handle the situation, her own eyes widening in something like disbelief but also… awe. The idea was pretty genius and frankly something that would appeal to Millie’s competitive streak, even when she was a little irritated from being interrupted in her fight preparation. Now the captain was blowing her cheeks slightly, overthinking the solution, playing off time to make appear a little more superior. Which was all too typical for her. As much Alexa liked the other girl, part of her wanted to just tell her to cut the act and accept — not that she would be able to without getting kicked off the team. How she hated her fragile spot in the team sometimes.
Another moment passed before Millie shrugged her shoulders as casually as possible. “Sure. Why not?” She agreed, her folded arms falling back to her sides once more. “I will just discuss the strategy with my team and then we can go up.” The Gryffindor captain told them before turning back to her team and shooed them a little away from the Slytherins. Alexa’s gaze remained on Marissa a moment longer before accompanying her team to discuss strategies. Nobody dared to interrupt Millie within her monologue, knowing it would only lead into an explosion of frustration and instead settled on serious nods every once in a while. Alexa increasingly felt her thoughts drift away while listening, however, constantly going back to Marissa. She really looked beautiful today. While Alexa did close to nothing for her appearance today except whatever was necessary to save her from embarrassment from her teammates, the other looked drop dead gorgeous — and they were to just fly on broomsticks for a few hours. If she wouldn’t know any better she would think this was just to tease her. Make her more excited for some damn study date than she already was — but that was of course ridiculous. For one, she doubted that Marissa would think about Alexa as intensely as she did about her. And the other was obviously that the Slytherin team had no idea about the mix-up or misunderstanding or whatever the course was until they walked onto the field. For a moment Alexa considered the possibility of Marissa dressing up for someone from their team and she practically could feel her heart stop as her hands gripped her broom tighter. She knew she had no right to be jealous and frankly, she never even had been a possessive person before, but she couldn’t help the hot jealousy well up within her regardless. Only Millie’s voice eventually snapped her out of it as she asked her if she was listening and ready to go up. Alexa blinked slightly before forcing herself to smile and nod curtly. “Yeah. I’m ready.” She hummed before getting on her broom and in the air with one swift movement. 
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If Marissa hadn’t known Scarlett since they were children, she was sure the other would have given her a lecture about taking on the leadership role instead of her — but why wouldn’t she share her idea if that prevented a fight from happening? However, as she considered the statement again, she realize how much that could worsen the situation. She hoped that wouldn’t be the outcome. Of course, if the Gryffindor captain agreed with the suggestion. Marissa’s heart was beating faster and faster with every moment. Her entire team would be humiliated if she didn’t accept. Scarlett was growing impatient too, glancing towards her a few times as if to tell her she shouldn’t have intervened. Marissa found herself searching for Alexa, knowing she would agree with her. As soon as they made eye contact, Marissa felt better. Breathing was easier when she was in her company. She wished she could speak to her, but she knew that wouldn’t happen unless she wanted to bring negative attention to both of them. Everything would have been easier if she was a Gryffindor — not to mention her own relationship with her dad. She wouldn’t feel as if she had to be perfect in order to make up for being sorted into Slytherin. But she knew she wouldn’t have felt at home if she was with them. She belonged to her house, and she wouldn’t have changed that for anything, even if her life was more difficult because of that aspect, she was a Slytherin. She couldn’t change who she was, and she came to terms with that years ago. She knew the actual source of her problems was the rivalry between the houses, but she couldn’t change that either. They were taught Slytherin and Gryffindor were opposites, and that only became more evident once they reached Hogwarts. Setting her thoughts aside, she smiled to herself as she realized Alexa made her question everything. 
Hearing the Gryffindor captain’s response, she couldn’t hide the happiness from her expression. Relief calmed her heartbeat as she was given the confirmation she hadn’t made a mistake. “Perfect. I’ll consult with my team too,” Scarlett replied. Marissa stalled as the Slytherins gathered in a close circle, catching Alexa’s gaze once again. She offered her a wide smile, showing for the first time how she felt about seeing her there. Not only did they get along well, but they also had a common interest. If she wouldn’t have known better, she would say their meeting was destined to happen. “Marissa!” Scarlett called, making her flinch slightly. The redhead turned towards the source of Marissa’s inattention, suspicion appearing on her features — but she knew the moment wasn’t suited for inquiring about the Gryffindor. Marissa joined her team, attention completely on her leader. As close as she was with Scarlett, she knew the other wouldn’t forgive her if they lost the game because Marissa was too distracted by a beautiful girl from the opposite team. Hearing Scarlett’s indications on the strategy, she nodded her head more times than acceptable — but she needed to prove her she was understanding, that she wouldn’t put her entire team at risk of failure. However, that wasn’t enough to convince her. After the team scattered to get on their brooms, Scarlett held Marissa back for a moment. “Eyes on the victory, not the Gryffindor,” she told her. Marissa attempted not too appear too surprised that her friend noticed. “Of course,” Marissa responded. She wasn’t sure how much of her agreement she would keep once the game started, but she would attempt to not search for Alexa while they were playing. Getting in the air, she waited for the game to begin, the excitement of being there making her forget how nervous she was. 
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marissabelmonte · 6 years
What is her full name? 
Marissa Amaya Belmonte. 
What is the reason for her name? 
Marissa was chosen by her mother because of the name sounding as if it was meant for someone strong, which is exactly what she wanted her daughter to be. Amaya was her grandmother’s name from her mother’s side. 
What nickname(s) does she have and how did she get them?
Riss and Rissa are nicknames her parents gave her, as well as her extended family. She doesn’t use them anymore, though. 
What is her date of birth?
She was born on October 26th, 1998. 
Where was she born?
She was born in Norwich, England. 
Where did she live since? 
She still lived until she was eight in Norwich, then moved to London for three years. She then moved back to Norwich with her dad because of her parents’ divorce. 
What social class does she belong to?
Upper middle class. 
What are her parents’ names and occupations? 
Her mother is called Celia and she works as a judge at the Ministry of Magic. Her father is named Emiliano and he works as an Auror. 
What are her siblings’ names?
She’s an only child. 
What is her relationship with her family?
She doesn’t get along with her parents. Her father used her to prove her mother what a great parent he was, disregarding how she felt. Marissa always had to be impeccable at everything, which left her with a lot of stress. Sometimes, she was under the impression that she would never be good enough, no matter all the efforts she made. She used to get along well with her mother. Marissa told her everything about her life, asked her for advice, but her mother betrayed her when she told her father about her girlfriend — when she knew how he would react. Marissa once relied on both of them for support, but she won’t after what happened. 
Does she have children of her own?
She doesn’t.
If so, what is her relationship with child’s mother/father?
They’ll be married when they have children.
At what age did she become a parent?
To be determined. 
What height is she?
She’s 5′4″.
How much does she weigh? 
She weighs 57 kg. 
What ethnicity is she? 
She’s Cuban from both her parents’ sides. 
What nationality is she?
She’s English.
What is her hair color?
Dark brown hair. 
What is her usual hair style?
She lets her hair down all the time. She has messy wavy hair, but she arranges her hair every day so she has wavy curls without the messiness. 
What is her eye color?
She has green eyes.
Does she have particularities (freckles, acne, birth marks, scars)?
She has a birth mark shaped like a crescent moon on her right hip. She has a scar on arm for when she fell off the broom in her first year, and a scar on her palm because she accidentally burned herself. 
Does she have any disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses)?
She doesn’t. 
How is her health (sicknesses, allergies)? 
She’s allergic to strawberries. Otherwise she rarely gets sick.
What does she consider her best feature?
Her eyes. 
What is the worst they’ve ever been injured?
A broken arm during one of her first Quidditch matches. 
What is her fashion style? How does she typically dress?
When she’s at home, as well as in general, she prefers comfortable clothes, such as sweaters and flannels. She loves wearing denim jackets. When she needs to be presentable, she wears a shirt and a skirt. As for the shoes, she wears combat boots or high heels. 
Does she wear glasses or contacts?
She doesn’t. She has impeccable sight.
Does she wear make up?
She does, but still remains natural. She wears foundation, concealer, mascara and occasionally eyeliner. 
Does she have any jewelry, tattoos or piercings?
She has a lot of necklaces. She doesn’t have a tattoo yet, but she wants one. She doesn’t have any piercings. 
What is her style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.)?
Her style of speech is articulate and imposing. She doesn’t have to speak loud to make people listen to her.
Does she have an accent?
She has a British accent. 
Is she left handed or right handed?
Left handed. 
What does her writing look like?
Her writing is clean and cursive.
How is her level of self esteem?
It’s great. She doesn’t think she’s superior to others, except maybe when intelligence is involved, but she recognizes her worth. 
What languages does she know?
She speaks English and Latin fluently. As for Spanish, she only knows the basic because her parents rarely spoke Spanish. 
What is her zodiac sign? 
She’s a Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon and Scorpio rising. 
Does she have any talents?
She can memorize what she’s studying fast. 
What is her happiest memory?
The moment she kissed Alexa and she kissed her back. 
What is her religious stance? 
She isn’t a believer. 
What are her pet peeves?
People who walk slowly. People pretending to be friends with her to get a favor. People who say “literally” too much. People misspelling or mispronouncing her name. People interrupting her while she’s talking. 
What are her vices?
She doesn’t have any. 
What are her bad habits? 
Swearing. Not paying attention to people when she’s not interested in what they’re saying. Complaining. Eavesdropping. 
Is she superstitious? 
She isn’t. She literally has a half black cat. 
How is her sense of humor?
A lot of sarcasm and irony. 
How does she deal with stress?
She attempts to resolve the cause of the stress right then and there.
What does she do when she’s upset? 
She distracts herself with one of her hobbies and isolates herself from people. 
What about angry?
Depends on the kind of anger. But mostly, she isolates herself.  
How does she react to frustrations (get worked up, calm down and think through it logically, give up, etc)?
First of all, she has a breakdown. Once that’s over, she’ll think of the issue logically and have another attempt again. 
How does she accept failure (both from themselves and others)?
She doesn’t. She just doesn’t. That word doesn’t exist in her vocabulary. 
What is her level of comfort with technology? 
She grew up with both parents being wizards, but once she met Alexa, she accepted to have a phone in order to communicate with her. She keeps that phone with her because she agrees it’s practical. 
Does she believe in the supernatural?
Definitely. It’s common knowledge that werewolves, ghosts, vampires and everything exist. 
Does she believe in an afterlife?
She’d like to, but she isn’t sure. 
Does she believe in happy endings?
How does she want to be remembered?
As an incredible Quidditch player, but also for her ambition and kindness.
Is she good with their hands (practical, crafting or fine arts)?
Not particularly, but if she were to take a class or anything, she would be great. 
How fast does she learn new things? Better with book knowledge or hands on approach?
Book knowledge. She’s a nerd. 
How does she feel about asking for help?
She doesn’t like asking, but she recognizes sometimes she needs help too. 
“Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?
She’s a left brain thinker.
Optimist or pessimist?
Depends on the situation, but most of the time she’s a pessimist. 
Extrovert or introvert?
She’s an ambivert. 
Leader or follower?
She prefers leader, but she doesn’t mind being a follower when she isn’t the best person for the situation. 
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?
Kind of both, but her emotions influence a lot of her decisions. 
Cautious or daring?
Depends on what aspect of her life we’re talking about. 
Spontaneous or planner?
Planner, definitely.  
Organized or messy?
She’s organized. 
Worrier or carefree?
Artistic or mathematical?
Neither, honestly. 
What is her relationship status? 
She’s in a relationship with Alexa, the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with. 
What is her sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret)? 
She’s a lesbian. She isn’t questioning that at all and she isn’t keeping her sexuality a secret either. 
Did she have any past relationships? 
She didn’t. Alexa is her first girlfriend. 
What is their “type” in regards to looks in a partner?
She likes girls. That’s all. She doesn’t have a type. 
Qualities she looks for in a significant other?
Someone who will love her as much as she loves them, who she can count on and who will be there for her throughout everything.
Primary reason for being broken up with? 
Doesn’t have one.
Primary reason for breaking up with people?
Same as above. But if she were to break up with someone, which she won’t because she found her soulmate, it would be because they betrayed her. 
What are her views on sex? 
Only does that with someone she loves, but she definitely likes sex. 
Age and story of first kiss?
Seventeen, but I’m not revealing anything yet. 
Age and story of loss of virginity?
Probably still seventeen. Again, not revealing anything yet.
Level of sexual experience?
Right now, she’s a virgin. She hasn’t kissed anyone either. 
Have she lied about her previous sexual partners to the current partner?
No, she hasn’t. There’s nothing to lie about. 
Has she ever been in love?
She’s head over heels with her girlfriend, Alexa. She’s her first love.
Does she fall in love easily?
Definitely not.
Does she take relationships seriously?
Very seriously. She isn’t scared of commitment. 
Worst thing she’s done to someone she loved?
She hasn’t done anything bad to someone she loved.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?
Yes, both. Though the latter scares her because of her own relationship with her parents, she knows as long as she has Alexa by her side, she will be fine. 
Does she believe in true love or soulmates?
She does. She has her soulmate and the love of her life. 
Thoughts on public displays of affection?
Definitely yes. She won’t hold herself from showing how in love she is with her girlfriend just because they’re in public. 
How does she show affection/love to her partner?
By being there for them, through the good and the bad. Reminding them how worthy they are when they forgot. Telling and proving them how much she loves them all the time. 
Thoughts on cheating/cheaters? Have they ever cheated?
She hates them. She hasn’t and never will. 
What is her idea of a perfect date? 
As long as she’s with Alexa, everything is perfect. 
What are her social habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them)?
She’s quite popular but she only has a few friends because she’s a loner. 
How does she treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?
She treats everyone politely unless they give her a reason not to respect them. 
Does she trust people easily or tend to be wary?
She doesn’t trust people easily at all. It takes a long time to have her trust.
How often does she see friends and family?
She doesn’t keep contact with her family at all, and friends maybe once every few months. 
Are they good at keeping in touch? If not, does this bother loved ones?
She’s good with the people who deserve keeping in touch with. 
What is relationship with her family?
She only has her parents and she doesn’t talk to them after what they did. 
Does she have any roommates or close neighbors?
She’s roommates with her girlfriend. 
Who’s the person she’s most dependent on?
Alexa. She’s the only person she’s dependent on besides herself.
Who is she most comfortable around?
The love of her life, Alexa. 
Who is her oldest friend? 
Scarlett. They’ve known each other since they were around seven years old.
Who is her closest friend? 
Besides Alexa, Scarlett. She’s always been looking out for her, even when she didn’t think she needed anyone. 
Who is her worst enemy? 
Her dad. From where she stands, he ruined her life. 
Who is the most important person in her life?
Alexa. The person that matters the most to her. 
Who does she respect and why?
Anyone that doesn’t give her a reason to do otherwise. 
Who would they turn to if they needed help and why?
She would turn towards, what a surprise, Alexa. 
How does she think others perceive her?
She thinks people see her as a cold person who doesn’t care about anyone but her success and her reputation.
How do others actually perceive her?
Someone they admire for the confidence and ambition she shows, but nonetheless someone they’re intimidated by and wouldn’t approach. 
Argue or avoid conflict?
Communicate whenever conflict appears. 
Thoughts on large groups of people?
She doesn’t want to be around large groups of people. 
What is the quality they look for in people? 
Loyalty and honesty.
Has she ever lost anyone close to her? How did she handle it?
She hasn’t lost anyone to death, but she stopped talking to her parents when they prevented her from helping her girlfriend. She was heartbroken. She counted on them her entire life, but they hurt her too badly for her to forgive them. 
Does she act differently around strangers than friends? If so, how differently?
She does. She’s more reticent and polite. 
Would they ever consider adopting a child? Why or why not?
She will adopt four of them. 
What is her level of education?
She graduated from Hogwarts. 
What is her profession?
She’s a professional Quidditch player. More specifically, Chaser. 
What are her passions?
Quidditch and Herbology. 
Which is more important – money or doing something she loves?
For Marissa, definitely doing what she loves. 
What are her phobias?
Being abandoned. Being betrayed. Being heartbroken. Someone she loves getting hurt. Not reaching her dream career. Having failures in general.  
What are her life goals?
Have a family of her own with the love of her life and becoming a professional Quidditch player. 
What are her dreams? 
Have an apartment with her girlfriend. Travel the world with her girlfriend. 
What is her greatest fear? 
The death of the person she loves most. 
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to her? 
Getting set up for detention because some younger students didn’t like how she never got in trouble. Not figuring out they were setting her up. 
Something she’s never told anyone?
She pretended she was fine on her own, but she was lonely. Sometimes she felt as if she wouldn’t find anyone who would be by her side. 
What is her biggest regret?
Trusting her parents wanted what was best for her, when they didn’t. 
What is her criminal/legal record (Crimes committed? If so, were they caught or charged)? 
She doesn’t have one. 
What she most wants to change about her current life?
Nothing. Everything’s perfect the way it is. 
What she most wants to change about her physical appearance?
Nothing. She loves herself the way she is. 
What are her hobbies?
Spending time with her girlfriend, taking care of her plants, gardening, reading and learning, decorating her flat with new things.
Indoors or Outdoors?
She prefers the indoors. 
What is her favorite color?
Green. Not only because it’s her house’s color, but because plants and nature are green and she loves those too much. 
What is her favorite smell?
Plants. Her girlfriend’s fragrance. Old books. 
Favorite and least favorite food?
Favorite food is Ropa Vieja. Least favorite food is Lancashire Pot. 
Favorite and least favorite book?
Favorite book is Quidditch Through The Ages, because of her obvious passion for the sport. Least favorite book is Ancient Runes Made Easy, because even as intelligent as she is, she had trouble understanding the book. 
Favorite and least favorite movie?
She doesn’t watch movies. 
Favorite and least favorite song?
Favorite song is “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz. Least favorite song “Treat You Better” by Shawn Mendes. 
Favorite and least favorite holiday (and why)? 
Favorite holiday is Christmas, for obvious reasons. I don’t think she has a least favorite holiday though. 
Coffee or tea?
Both. She’s English, she obviously loves tea, but she needs coffee to wake up. 
Does she watch TV? If so, what?
She does. Her favorite shows are How To Get Away With Murder, The Fosters and Orphan Black. 
Favorite place to hang out?
Her own apartment. 
Does she like music? What kind?
She does. She likes songs with meaningful lyrics, love songs included.
Favorite type of weather?
Rainy weather because she can stay inside. 
How does she feel about traveling?
It’s one of her dreams to travel the world. 
What sort of gifts does she like?
Thoughtful ones that make her realize how much the person cares about her. 
Ever been in an argument (with who, about what, what happened)?
She’s been in a lot of a lot of arguments. She speaks up whenever she has an issue with someone.
Ever been in a physical altercation (with who, about what, what happened)?
She hasn’t. 
What trait do they find most admirable and why?
Loyalty. Because she needs people who are loyal in her life. 
Thoughts on violence?
She doesn’t like violence at all. She thinks most things can be resolved with communication, but in case they aren’t, it’s better to let go. 
What are they most ashamed of?
Judging her girlfriend when she met her because she was a Gryffindor. In her mind, that shows just the kind of influence her dad had on her, and she hates that. 
What are they most proud of?
Being a kinder and better person since she met Alexa. 
Is redemption possible (if so, are there limitations)?
Depends on the act — but most of the time, she doesn’t think so.
Does the end justify the means?
Definitely not. 
Can they be manipulative?
Yes, but only whenever she has to. 
Do they think it’s okay to cry (if not, why)?
She doesn’t like crying in front of people, but she learned to be vulnerable in front of her girlfriend.
When did they last cry and why?
When she thought about how she had to tell her mom about moving in with Alexa, but then she remembered she can’t do that anymore. 
Would they be able to kill (if so, under what circumstances)?
She wouldn’t. At best, she would knock out someone if Alexa was in danger. 
Who or what would they die for (or go to extremes for)?
She would die for her girlfriend. 
Do they have any prejudices?
She used to have them against Gryffindors because of her dad being one of them, but she’s fine now. She recognizes not all of them are the same. 
How do they react to unwanted sexual advances?
Stupefy and leave them there until someone finds them. 
How would they react to stranger being bullied/abused? 
She would fight and after she was done with them, she would make sure the stranger was okay. 
How susceptible are they to peer pressure?
Not at all. She only does what she wants, not what other people want. 
How do they react to conflict, both verbally and physically?
Attempt to resolve the matter peacefully, if not, she would leave — but only after she proved the person how wrong they are. 
Easily forgive or hold grudges?
She holds grudges for a long, long time. 
Forgive self or live with regret or guilt?
Live with the regret and guilt for some time, but eventually she forgives herself. 
Would they ever cheat someone? Under what circumstances?
She wouldn’t. 
Have they ever been betrayed? By who? How did it affect them/their relationship?
Her mother. She doesn’t talk with her anymore. 
Would they ever betray a loved one? If so, under what circumstances?
She wouldn’t because knows how shitty that is when someone trusts you and she wouldn’t place that situation on anyone. 
Do they respect the belief of others, even if it’s at odds with their own?
Depends on the kind of belief. She has no problem with people having different religions or if their beliefs don’t affect others, but if the person’s beliefs are racist, homophobic or anything other that judges people for the way they are — she can’t respect that. 
Stand up for own beliefs or hide/avoid discussing them with people who have opposing views?
She stands up for what she believes in. 
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol?
She doesn’t drink or use. 
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?
She doesn’t. 
Age of first cigarette?
She never had one and she doesn’t want to try.
Age when they first got drunk (what happened, consequences)?
Sixteen, during a Christmas party. What happened is that her father discovered her and she was grounded for the rest of the holidays. She didn’t do anything, but she wasn’t supposed to drink in the first place. She hasn’t drunk since. 
Do they drink on regular basis?
Not at all. 
Do they have any addictions?
She doesn’t. 
Most important or defining event in life to date?
Moving in with her girlfriend, leaving her toxic life behind. 
What is her daily routine?
Wake up, eat breakfast, water her plants, leave for her job, comes back and spends time with Alexa. 
What are her sleeping habits? (Night owl or early bird? Light or heavy sleeper? Fall asleep anywhere or need specific conditions?)
She’s an early bird, light sleeper, and she can only fall asleep on a comfortable bed with the light off. 
Typical Saturday night?
Either going out with her girlfriend or staying in and having a date night. 
Most used word or phrase?
“Give me a break.” “I love you.” “You make me so happy.”
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse)?
I imagine their apartment being the perfect combination of messy and neat. The word coming to my mind whenever I picture the space is personal. They have a lot of things reminding of things they love or just generally showing how the place is theirs. 
Pets? If not, do they want any?
She has a black and white cat named Figaro, but she wants an owl too. 
Most prized possession? 
Her books, her plants, presents she received from her girlfriend. 
One word to best describe them?
What makes them laugh?
Any attempt of Alexa’s to make her laugh — even if the joke isn’t particularly funny, she will still laugh because she loves Alexa too much. Otherwise, she appreciates jokes that you need a moment to understand, as well as cat videos. After Alexa taught her how to use the phone, she’s on Instagram watching those videos.
Any special holiday traditions?
Putting mistletoe everywhere in the apartment just to have an excuse to kiss Alexa all the time. She’ll initiate that tradition during their first Christmas together. 
Is there anything they always carry with them? If so, why?
Her phone and a picture of her girlfriend. 
Ideal vacation? 
She’s happy anywhere as long as she’s with Alexa, but a place where she can be around nature would be preferred. Somewhere in the mountains. 
If they wanted to hide something, where would they hide it?
In her garden, since she doesn’t let anyone else touch her flowers. 
Do they keep a journal?
She does. 
Are there any places that hold special meaning to them?
Aside from Hogwarts and the town she grew up in, there aren’t. 
24 hours to live – name 3 things they would do.
First of all, she would spend all her time with Alexa. Second of all, she would visit everyone who was part of her life and tell them what she needed to tell them. Third of all, she would go back to Hogwarts, walking around the places where she made memories. 
If they could choose, how would they want to die?
She wants to die of old age, after she accomplished everything she set her mind to.
What would they do if they received large sum of money?
Buy the apartment she lives in with Alexa then save the rest of the money. 
What would they wish for if they found a genie?
For Alexa to be safe all the time. For their relationship to last. For her to realize when people’s intentions weren’t genuine. 
If they could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Relieving people from both from physical and mental pain — because then she wouldn’t have to sit by and watch the love of her life suffer without being capable of doing anything. 
How do they deal with insects?
She isn’t afraid of them. She can’t kill them either, because of her love for nature. 
How would they react to death of loved one? 
She would be hysterical. Broken beyond repair. 
Granted opportunity to change one thing in their past – would they do it? If so what would they change?
She wouldn’t allow her mother back into her life. She wouldn’t trust her as much as she did.
What house does she belong to?
What kind of wand does she have? 
Hazel wood with a Unicorn hair core 12 ¼" and Unyielding flexibility.
What are her parents?
They’re both wizards. Her dad’s Gryffindor and her mom’s a Slytherin.
What position does she occupy in Quidditch?
She’s a Chaser.
What is her Patronus?
Black Stallion.
What about her Boggart?
The death of her girlfriend. 
What was her favorite class?
What was her least favorite class? 
Care of Magical Creatures.
0 notes
marissabelmonte · 6 years
Her first instinct was to pull herself away from Marissa, dreading that instead of comforting words, she would only be accused of more failures. However exhaustion fought off her panic and she instead melted into the soothing touch of her girlfriend’s arms around her. The scream getting stuck in her throat, drowned out by the sudden affection of the one she loved with her entire heart. She could feel her eyes close, the control of her body slipping from her grasp every time she was faced with another emotional response, another physical difficulty. Somewhere she was aware that her skin must be on fire, a fever working on fighting off whatever curse has hit her in that alley. Her heart was still racing, sweat faintly glistening on her forehead. She must look like absolute hell. If it hadn’t been enough that she had been faced with seeing the execution of her little sister, but they even send her down a spiral of pain to recover from their stupid attack. Alexa hated them. Hated them for not just startling her or holding her back, instead of punishing her for being around. Hated them for taking a life so young. It almost seemed like a bad fever dream when she remembered it now, things that happened merely hours ago appeared only blurry in her memory. When she looked back on it now, she could hardly see Mary. She could hardly remember her face, so brief had been their encounter. In replace her brain just used her own image. It easily could have been her. Scared out of her mind, brave and broken all at once. How was it fair that she survived the torture, while Mary didn’t? She hated them. Hated them so much, it almost consumed her entirely. But instead of kicking and screaming, she leaned more onto her girlfriend.
For all she knew it could be just another part of her nightmare. The soft words that faintly reached her ears turning into poisonous insults again as her loving girlfriend was transformed in her biggest fear. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to bring up her guard once more, too drained from the events of the day and the endlessly long nightmare. Alexa wasn’t a dream expert. Hell, she quit Divination pretty quickly, just as she realized that she would have to share her paralyzing nightmares with the rest of her class. However that didn’t change anything about the clear meaning of every aspect of the dream. Her step-father, hurting Roberto, hurting her like he had done countless of times. Not being able to be strong enough, the self hatred of how weak she actually was behind all the masks she had put up. Her brother dying and it being her fault. The rest of the world judging her for her poor decisions. Not being clever enough, a failure, that is kicked out of Hogwarts even after all the work she has put into learning. Marissa not actually loving her. And dealing with all of these blames, swallowing all the guilt that already suffocated her from within. Having to deal with all of her most terrifying worries all at once, lowered her energy drastically. As the adrenaline in her bloodstream steadily declined, the fatigue set in. It felt like she could sleep forever, even though she would never allow herself to fall asleep again. Even when in this reality she failed her little sister and had to witness her death, it was still better than what her mind came up with. At least in the real world, her girlfriend actually loved her back and was there for her.
Letting out a shaky breathe as she actually began to progress what Marissa had said, Alexa shook her head weakly. “It’s okay.” She mumbled, even when the words seemed silly and downright ridiculous when you connect them with the actions of the day. “You have nothing to apologize for.” She corrected herself after a pause, fighting the brain fog that was trying to overshadow any coherent thought. Merlin, how she wished that she could just go to these Auror’s and sue their arses for bringing her in this deep hole of suffering. The curse could hardly be legal. She really needed to check with the nurse in the school later — if they let her that is. The fear came back with all force, her gaze darting towards the door as she practically awaited someone to barge in and demand her to leave. When nothing happened for a minute, she let go off the thought and instead realized where she was. “Is this your room?” She asked, eyebrows raised slightly as she faced her girlfriend. Once their eyes locked, Alexa couldn’t keep to herself as she clumsily placed her hands on Marissa’s cheeks. Even when her thoughts were jumpy, not allowing her to follow a cohesive track, she remembered her girlfriend’s words and began speaking again. “I didn’t want anyone around.” She admitted, flinching slightly at how cold the statement sound. “I… I thought I could save her, if I was just quick enough. I wouldn’t have let you accompany me, even if you were at my tail. I needed to focus on… her. If you were around, I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate, because I would also have to make sure you’re safe too.” At the mention of her sister, she was hardly able to fight the tears, getting chocked up at the sheer attempt of saying her name. How could she possibly ever recover from any of this?
Yet as Marissa assured her that she loved her, the grief was against swallowed whole by the fog within her mind. A sad smile played on her lips as she stroked her girlfriend’s cheek with her hand, for a moment unable to reply. “I love you so much.” Alexa whispered finally, trying to bring the picture of the nightmare Marissa together with the one sitting in front of her. She was so concerned, so gentle and even loved her enough to break the rules so drastically — how could she even worry that she didn’t love her for one single second? Silently she wondered what has happened to her in the last hours, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask. Although it might be selfish, she just couldn’t take more stress, more of the negativity that already tried to consume her whole. Another day, she vowed to herself. Another day she would ask her what happened while she was on her mission — a mission that ended up failing to miserably. Resting her head against her girlfriend’s shoulder, Alexa nodded slightly. “Thank you. However I don’t want you to suffer too.” She mumbled. Pausing for a long moment, fighting off the clouds and demons in her brain, she let out a trembling breathe. “I just really don’t want to be alone right now. I just need someone to be around. For you to be around. That’s all.”
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Marissa’s attention was focused on her girlfriend’s state. Although she was awake from what she supposed was a nightmare, she didn’t seem to get better. She wondered what happened in her dream that she was that frightened, but she was scared she would worsen the situation if she asked. Instead, she told herself to concentrate on being there for her. The objective was to make her feel safe, not uncomfortable. Noticing the sweat glistening on Alexa’s face, she placed her palm against her girlfriend’s forehead. “You’re burning,” she said. “I should’ve taken you to the nurse.” She attempted not to feel too guilty. She didn’t know that would happen. She thought the spell they used on her would only leave her unconscious, not have other consequences. A feeling of hatred made her sick to her stomach as she recalled her father was part of the Aurors. If she didn’t plan on not talking to him again, she would have demanded explanations right now. How dare they use a curse on a seventeen year old who was just trying to protect her sister? She had trouble keeping her breath steady, but she remember they didn’t matter at the moment. Looking towards her girlfriend, she sighed. “I just didn’t want anyone to separate me from you,” she explained. However, now she was beginning to regret her decision. She already blamed herself for not being near her girlfriend when the incident happened, she didn’t need to have her state worsening on her conscience too. “How do you feel?” she inquired. “Should I take you to the nurse?”
Debating whether she should bring Alexa to the nurse, or bring the nurse to her to make sure they wouldn’t take her away from her, Marissa almost didn’t pay attention to the question. Taking a few moments to process the words, she then smiled. “Yeah. I didn’t care about what anyone would say, I just needed you close to me. What was better than the place that was my home for three years? I knew no one would dare bother us here, and well... even the Headmaster understood you would be safe with me, since an hour passed and no one has come to tell me I have detention until the end of the year.” Not that she would care. Alexa was worth everything — even wasting time in detention. However, since that was the first time Alexa was in her room, she evaluated her surroundings as if she were seeing them for the first time. The room was organized, and rather simple except for the corner where her desk was. On the wall facing the furniture, she had several Quidditch posters, as well as some motivational quotes she had found in magazines. As for the desk, she had two frames — one of them was a picture of her and Alexa, the other was a photograph of her during a Quidditch match. All of the books she needed at the moment were gathered in a pile at the left side of the desk. She deemed the room was reflecting who she was perfectly, but she still wondered what her girlfriend thought about the place. She made a mental note to inquire about her opinion once she would feel better.
Despite Alexa’s reassurance, she couldn’t stop the guilt from overwhelming her. She wasn’t going to tell her girlfriend how wrong she was for refusing to let her help her, though that was exactly what she was thinking. She didn’t need to make her feel worse, and the remark wouldn’t be helpful considering nothing could change what happened. However, she told herself she could at least attempt to prevent a heartbreaking situation from happening again. “I understand, but you need to trust me. You can’t be certain nothing will happen to me, but you have to let me be there for you. We’re a team, and together we are stronger. I’m not saying I could have prevented what happened, but at least I could have made sure they wouldn’t hurt you.” Her voice was gentle, though tears gathered in her eyes as she prepared to speak her next words. “Most importantly, I would have known where you were, and how you were.” She didn’t voice her next words, since she considered her fear was implied enough, but what she was terrified of was being too late. She wouldn’t have forgiven herself if her worst fear ended up becoming reality. “You’re not alone anymore, okay? I’m there for you. I’ll be there for you until the end of time.” Although her promise might have seen exaggerated considering how young they were, but Marissa meant every word. She knew she wouldn’t give up on the relationship. She was aware she couldn’t predict the future, but time wouldn’t change how much she loved her girlfriend, and how she didn’t imagine her life without her. 
Marissa’s heart beat faster at the reciprocated words. “I love you the most,” she thought. She couldn’t voice her thoughts, because she knew Alexa would contradict her, but she doubted her girlfriend understood just how much she loved her — and how much she wished there was more she could do besides being there for her. She was upset at the Wizarding World for inventing spells for almost everything, except one she could use to relieve the love of her life of some suffering. “I’d do anything for you,” she said. “And I’m quite strong too. I wouldn’t show you I’m suffering. Not because I don’t trust you, but because I wouldn’t want you to worry about me.” Taking a break, she held her girlfriend a little bit closer to her. “But... I know you are strong enough to get through this. You’re the strongest person I know. And I’ll be there with you every step of the way. And I’ll keep reminding you that you’re not alone.” Nodding her head at Alexa’s response, she placed another kiss on her forehead. “I’m not going anywhere,” she assured her. “However, you’re burning too much. Hold on.” Slowly slipping out of the bed, Positing a pillow behind Alexa to make sure her girlfriend would still be comfortable, she left the bed and headed towards her water bowl. Using the spell to fill the bowl, she took a towel out of one of the drawers and returned to the bed. Soaking the towel, she then applied the fabric to Alexa’s forehead. “It will lower your temperature,” she explained. “You should get some rest too. I’ll be here in case anything happens.”
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marissabelmonte · 7 years
The days of Quidditch practices had to be one of the few occasions Alexa was on her best behavior. Getting up early, not spending endless hours working on her hair or on other minor details. The only thing she actually spend time on was hiding the scars around her ankles and wrists, so if her robes would actually reveal skin, it wouldn’t expose anything to her teammates. The only reason she was on the team was her talent, not because she made any great friends. Sure, they were friendly enough and one of the few girls in Gryffindor that might come closest to one was also on the team. However her reputation as a troublemaker would usually weight out any good connections, if it wasn’t for the fact that they needed her. Without Alexa they very well not manage to win the cup and that wasn’t something either of them wanted. Not even the head of their house, no matter how much they wanted to give her detention during the hours of Quidditch practices before. It was a blessing and Alexa certainly was smug about it, but she certainly wouldn’t push her luck. The sport meant too much to her to recklessly risk it by being careless or getting in shit again.
After a quick but healthy breakfast in the Great Hall, Alexa already headed over towards the field. Luckily she was clever enough to think about putting her robes on beforehand, so she wouldn’t be stuck in the changing rooms with the others. Any situation that could end in disaster had to be avoided, especially with their next match being so close. Outside she briefly allowed her mind to wander to Marissa, but she was quick to pull herself back into reality. Right now she was just a pretty girl, distracting her from her goal. Not what she needed, as much as her head urged her to spend every second wishing they would finally meet again even for as something dreadful as studying. Shaking her head to herself, Alexa smiled at her teammates as they one by one left the room and finally walked towards the field. Yet they weren’t the only ones. The moment they actually arrived at the field, they were faced with the Slytherin team. Met with groans and eye rolls on both sides, Alexa was about to sigh frustrated when her eyes landed on a familiar figure. It couldn’t actually be — her eyes widened slightly as she realized that Marissa was within the team, resulting in Alexa to take a step back as their captain start talking. As much as she fought against her own prejudice, she didn’t necessarily wanted to challenge anyone in her team on theirs. Therefor she covered up her recognition and looked at the ground, choosing to stay silent. “What are you doing here? We reserved the field for today.” Her captain just snapped, stemming her hands in her hips.
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Marissa woke up at five in the morning, the schedule being ingrained in her system for when she had Quidditch practice. Since the morning would be spent on the field, she wouldn’t be able to work on her assignments or the upcoming tests the following week. She didn’t want to fall behind, so she woke up earlier to study and write her homework. Around six, she started preparing herself. She knew no one would judge her if she went make up less or spent less time on arranging her natural wavy hair, but she still considered her reputation, and how she needed to look as close to perfection as she was capable of. Even if no one paid attention to her appearance. Later she heard a knock on her door, followed by her friend’s voice. “Are you ready, Mar?” Scarlett, who also happened to be the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, had noticed Marissa skipped breakfasts on practice days to study more. After a long lecture of how she needed energy to give her best on the field, Scarlett didn’t give her an option but to accompany her to the Great Hall for breakfast before practice. Marissa was annoyed at first, but she learned arguing with Scarlett would bring her nothing but headaches. Besides, she couldn’t argue with her when she knew she was right. If anything, Scarlett was taking care of her. Opening the door, Marissa greeted the redhead. “Did you get enough sleep?” She inquired. Marissa avoided her gaze as she replied, afraid Scarlett would figure out the truth if she looked at her. “Went to sleep at nine,” she lied as she followed her to the Great Hall. She didn’t need to know she had been studying until midnight. 
The breakfast took less than five minutes, after which Marissa and Scarlett joined the locker room, where they changed into their robes. Once everyone was ready, the walked to the field, where Scarlett started explaining the plans for the day and held her motivational speech. Moments later, everyone’s attention was no longer on their captain, instead directed towards the Gryffindor team heading towards them. “Oh no,” Marissa thought. Scarlett already looked annoyed as she folded her arms across her chest, waiting for the others to be close enough before she began talking. Though as they approached them, a familiar face caused Marissa to furrow her eyebrows. She couldn’t be the one she thought of, couldn’t she? Except that when they came to a halt, she couldn’t lie to herself anymore. Alexa was on the Gryffindor team. “That was where I know you from!” Marissa thought. She couldn’t say anything though, the two captains handling the situation. “Are you sure? Because I’ve reserved each date for my team to practice since the middle of September.” Marissa remembered how Scarlett was upset she couldn’t reserve since the beginning of September, because there was planning to do beforehand. Since Marissa knew the misunderstanding between the two teams would soon become worse, she decided to speak. “What if we share the field? We can have a friendly game, to see where we stand. Nothing prepares more to the actual game than practicing one beforehand, right?” Scarlett looked at her as if to inquire what the hell was she doing, but Marissa remained silent as she waited for the Gryffindor team captain to respond. 
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marissabelmonte · 7 years
Her cheeks reddening, Alexa quickly adverted her gaze to the ground to hide her grin. It was actually embarrassing the leap her heart made after hearing Marissa’s confession. It was more likely that she was just messing with her, just like they had been for the last couple of minutes and yet – she couldn’t deny the fluttering in her chest. It was similar to the feeling she had when she was sitting on her broom. Free from what was holding her back, happiness spreading through every cell of her being. It was ridiculous. Just a few hours ago Alexa had been contemplating the trouble she would get into when she wouldn’t even go to detention and here she was, feeling fearless and giddy because she did. Because Marissa. Because of the possibility of not being alone for the rest of her life. Because of the thought of being special. Forcing herself to take a deep breathe, she looked up once again, putting her weight on the broom as she did so. “I feel honored.” She announced, her voice having a singing tone to it. Everything that could possibly take the seriousness out of the situation and make her look like a fool for hanging on her every word. A crush. It was certainly new to her, especially when initially she believed the other person to be someone to avoid. The idea scared her, to hold feelings for someone that wasn’t her little brother. It would complicate her life, would make her more vulnerable. What if Marissa would end up feeling differently? What if she would realize that Alexa was nothing but a big failure? What if she was diving into this too fast? Her stomach clenching painfully, she rang with words. Something, anything that would reveal what Marissa thought about her – but she had never been good with words. “I’m happy we agree on the details of our wedding. It makes planning it way easier.” She finally said, voice playful as ever. Better take a step back and just don’t get lost within it, is what she kept telling herself. It should be easy enough, right?
However the thought went right through the gutter when they were walking next to each other, Marissa assuring Alexa that it had been nice to meet her. It felt like the first time in her entire life someone said these words and actually meant them. That it wasn’t a cutout, something you had to say to be polite. A small skip stealing itself within her steps, she gave the other one of her bright smiles. The same one she wore whenever she celebrated Christmas with her brother in Hogwarts. Private and real. “I can only give the same thing back.” She said with a small nod of her head. Biting down on her lip she almost asked if it was possible to see her even sooner, but the thought of Quidditch practice violently pushed itself in her conscious. Besides, hasn’t she promised herself to be chill? There’s no way she could portray herself to be desperate or lonely. Shrugging her shoulders as nonchalantly as possible, she bowed her head in a nod. “Of course. I’ll be there.” Ignoring her racing heart, she met her gaze briefly, a natural smile curling up her lips. What was it about her that made her feel completely and utterly happy? They didn’t really know each other. Alexa Maxwell has always prided herself to be independent – - and yet this felt right somehow. As if she had always been destined to meet Marissa, as if her life has been leading her up to this moment of clarity. 
Alexa Maxwell decided that she really needed a cold shower. As they rounded the corner where their paths would have to part, she turned towards Marissa one more time. “It was fun. I’ll see you on Tuesday, okay?” Hesitating, she gave her an almost nervous smile. “I’ll be counting the hours.” She added with a quick wink, trying to keep up her confident manor before finally heading towards the Gryffindor common room so she could reminiscence about the day.
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Marissa had thought about relationships countless times. Didn’t she wish she had a girlfriend, someone she could hold the hand of, someone she could kiss and cuddle with? How could she not, when all the couples she saw around school seemed happy, and when she was quite lonely herself? Though as much as a relationship seemed ideal, she couldn’t prevent herself from getting rid of those thoughts. Maybe the beginning was happy, but she couldn’t allow herself to fall in love with someone who had the capability of breaking her heart. She didn’t want to be as heartbroken that she would become someone she didn’t recognize — just like her father did. He was the reminder that no matter how in love you were, the future didn’t guarantee you would be happy. Marissa had always referred to her parents whenever the thought of love crossed her mind, but as she was walking beside Alexa, she came to the harsh realization her mind had no control over her feelings. Her heart did — and right now, her heart was racing at the thought of getting to know Alexa better. Marissa told herself that was why she never let anyone see past her facade, why she didn’t let anyone get too close, but she couldn’t deny the lack of distance between them had nothing to do with the way she was feeling. Alexa was unlike anyone else she met. Her heart and her mind both recognized that. She wasn’t in love yet, but she would be naive to think she wasn’t on the way there. For the first time since she thought about feelings, she didn’t dismiss the possibility of falling in love. 
Hearing Alexa’s confirmation, Marissa’s heart skipped a beat. She let go of a breath of relief. She hadn’t realized how worried she was that she wouldn’t see her again until she heard those words. “Don’t be late,” Marissa told her, a smile on her traits. She was only half joking — she was sure she would spent her weekend and the day afterwards worrying about Alexa forgetting about their meeting anyway, but she wasn’t going to admit her thought to her. She already had the impression her feelings were displayed on her expression, she didn’t need to show her even more how much their meeting had marked her. She was conscious of every step they took, knowing they were mere seconds away from going separate paths and Marissa tried to take advantage of each moment. When they arrived at the specific corner, Marissa stopped, looking towards Alexa with a soft smile on her face. “Never thought I’d agree with that adjective describing detention, but it was.” She wanted to add how they had plenty of other occasions like that, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment. Though now that she was aware they were in detention together, she looked forward to Saturday evenings. “See you on Tuesday.” Hearing her next words, her smile widened. How could one sentence make her so happy? Because Alexa confirmed she was excited about their hangout too. “That makes two of us,” she replied. Seeing Alexa head towards the Gryffindor common room, she watched her until she disappeared out of sight. Only then she turned towards the stairs leading to the Slytherin dungeons, her mind filled with thoughts of Alexa. 
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17 notes · View notes
marissabelmonte · 7 years
Once she opened her eyes, Alexa found herself in a semi-lit alleyway. Her hand reaching for her wand, she held it in front of her like a shield. “Lumos.” She whispered the spell, trying her best to stay quiet and not potentially scare anyone who might be listening. If Muggle or her sister. Her heartbeat increased with every second that she stood there frozen. Her brain was screaming at her to finally get into motion, but her body refused to listen. She was terrified. Terrified of how she would face her sister, terrified on how this day might end. Don’t think about it, she told herself, a grim expression crossing her features. If she wouldn’t do anything now, her sister would be lost. She would have failed. Failed on saving someone from Braden Sheridan, failed like she did with herself.
As she finally started to tiptoe down the alleyway, Alexa made sure to not make too much noise. Her eyes slowly growing accustomed to the lack of light, flickered over her surroundings. Searching. Always searching. She could hear her own shaky breathing as well as mouses quickly running to hide from the new source of light. It was something she only noticed in the back of her head. Details that would soon enough come around to haunt her. Minute after minute she tiptoed through the different corners, until she heard it. Sobbing. It was like her heart stopped beating right inside of her chest. She couldn’t breathe. The rational part inside of her informed her that it could be anyone, but she just knew. This was her sister. This was Mary. And when did she ever listen to that rational part in her brain before anyways?
Continuing her way, she began to follow the cries. She had chills all over her body, a feeling of nausea taking over her, but she didn’t pay attention to any of her symptoms. It was only her and that girl. A girl she needed to protect. For multiple moments she was just walking and walking, before she felt like she was close enough, before she recognized the sobbing as a noise coming from just a few steps away from her. Her eyes closing briefly as she was about to round another corner, Alexa lowered her wand significantly before stepping out for whoever on the other side to see her.  
She didn’t know what she expected. As her dark hues met hazel ones, she felt her heart sink. Mary Sheridan looked more like her father than their mother. Her features were clearly lighter, as well as the fact that she had his overall facial structure. But she had their mother’s nose. Her own nose. As her lips parted to speak, to comfort the smaller girl, she saw how she shrieked and pressed her back against the wall behind her. “Oh no, no! Don’t be afraid. I’m not here to hurt you.” Alexa cooed, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to sound as trustworthy as possible. To see her younger sister in such a panic, in such distress broke her heart. Nobody should have felt like this after she did. Alexa should have been there to prevent it. Should have done something, anything.
Mary stared at her without moving. Alexa counted that as a win as she slowly knelt down so they can meet each other at eye height. “Everything is okay. I won’t hurt you.” She whispered, not for one moment breaking the eye contact as she watched for any indication of fear of the other. That she stepped over a line, that she triggered her in any way. Mary’s body began to tremble as she seemingly studied her sister, her voice unsure and shaky as she finally spoke up. “Who are you?” She asked it in a way that could hint at a possible familiarity. Her heart clenching, Alexa let out a soft sigh before she answered her question. “My name is Alexa Maxwell. I-I’m your older sister.” While being anxious about Mary’s reaction, she was surprised to see her nodding. The information didn’t shock her, instead she took it as the only logical explanation. This was the first moment Alexa felt proud of her little sister and she already made the silent wish for it to not be the last time.
As the silence hang between them, she watched how her sister began to wipe away her tears even though they kept on coming. She was afraid. You could see it by the way she held herself, how her eyes flickered from one place to the next. Even though she was a small child, she already understood that what is happening is scary. And risky. Alexa was about to say more to comfort her, more to bring her away from here as Mary broke the silence herself. “Why are you here?” The question broke her heart. Feeling tears roll down her cheeks, Alexa inhaled deeply before even attempting to respond. What did she think of coming here? She couldn’t bring her anywhere where they don’t find her. She would need to fight the ministry. She would go to Azkaban. She would lose Marissa. But wasn’t that what she expected from the very beginning? She would lose her life young. Braden Sheridan would ruin her life. Smiling through her tears, she forced herself to look at her sister while speaking. “I’m here to help you.”
Her small eyebrows furrowing, she titled her head. It was like her exterior of a much older girl dropped as surprise took bravery’s place. “Help me?” She asked, voice small. Alexa nodded as she inched closer, relieved to see that she let her. Pulling up her sleeves she exposed the scars that she was hiding for so many years now. Reminders of a hell that she went through, one she survived. “I know what – what your father did to you. You must know that it’s okay. It’s okay who you are. You are not a freak. You are human. And worthy. Worthy of kindness, of love and happiness. What he did is – unacceptable. I know you must love him. And mum. But they’re misguided. I promise you, that there’s nothing wrong with who you are.” Reaching out for her tiny hands, she held them in her own. Both of the sisters were crying as their facade broke. They understood each other in a way that nobody will ever relate to. And this connection tore Alexa apart. She had never wanted for something like this to happen, yet the feeling of being able to talk about it was overwhelmingly relieving. She didn’t have to pretend like it was nothing. Because it wasn’t nothing. It had been torture.
“I fought years to survive at home. To show that I wasn’t a waste of life. I loved my parents. All three of them. I didn’t understand that I didn’t deserve to be treated like this. All I knew is that I didn’t want my brother to endure the same. That I didn’t want to carry these scars on every part of my body. I wanted to – have control over who I was and what happened to me. I did a lot of things that I shouldn’t have. I – hated myself for who I was, because I felt like I was nobody. And I don’t want you to go through the same. I don’t want you to grow up like I did. And I’m so – eternally sorry that I wasn’t around to help before. I just didn’t know – and I pray to God that you’ll forgive me.” The words fell from her lips in a whispered rush, the ability of speaking in clear sentences vanishing as she fought against her sobbing. Mary had began to weep during her little speech, her smaller hand holding onto Alexa’s tightly. She looked right into her eyes as she began to speak.
“I forgive you. I-I want to go with you.” Mary paused as a defeated smile crossed her features. Never did Alexa seen someone so sad, yet so incredibly focused on what is happening. If she had known what that expression meant, she would have fought more. However as the smaller girl let go of her hand and stepped away, she just watched her frozen. “But it’s too late for me. They are coming for me. I-I heard them.” Alexa shook her head furiously as she attempted to get to her feet, but she was suddenly on her knees again as a spell hit her. She hadn’t even heard anyone approaching them, but once her face hit the ground all she could hear were the masses of footsteps. “No! Don’t do anything to her!” She called out, her terrified gaze flickering to the spot where her sister used to stand. As she looked at it now, she saw how her sister had started to turn into the obscurus once more, her face a grotesque mask of what it used to be as the panic put her back in that state of darkness. “No.” She breathed, trying to reach for her wand as she heard the disarming spell. “No, no, no.”
She couldn’t move. Whatever spell hit her froze her to the ground so she was forced to watch how the aurors approached her sister. She was fighting, attacking them with her immense force, but once their wands were aimed at her, the fight was over. It lasted for about a minute and her sister was no longer. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak. The grief held her body captive as the sinking feeling of failure clouded her mind. Alexa had failed her sister. A young child was dead, because she wasn’t able to help. 
It’s too late for me.
Her eyes falling shut, Alexa lost consciousness. 
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Wandering around London knowing she shouldn’t be there and news of her disappearance would break at any moment was a lot more stressful than Marissa imagined, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She told herself that if she paid close attention to her back and to the people around her, she would be fine. However, she had no precise strategy to find her girlfriend. She just walked around the places Alexa had shared with her and hoped luck would be on her side. Half an hour later while she was inspecting a particular street, she noticed two people who by their appearance seemed to be part of the wizarding world. Hiding behind a building, she listened to them, calculating how would she get away from them. She had prepared a defense spell when she heard them talking and realized they were aurors, her heart skipping a beat as she understood they were talking about Alexa’s sister. They had found her location. Without a doubt, Marissa knew that was where Alexa was. She had to get there before them, otherwise she wasn’t sure how they would manage to leave. She hoped more than anything that she wasn’t late. She had never encountered an obscurus before, but she wasn’t sure how Alexa’s sister would act around someone she didn’t know. Hopefully, nothing too bad would happen. She held onto that hope, refusing to envision a bad outcome.
While Marissa was evaluating how to get away from the two men without them hearing her, she noticed the conversation had stopped. Looking over her shoulder, she saw they were no longer there. “Fuck,” she muttered under her breath. She attempted to concentrate on the apparition spell, though taming down her thoughts was difficult. All she could think about was what would happen if she failed. "Don’t,” her conscience warned her. Only then she was able to focus on her destination, picturing the place clearly. Once she did, the landscape she faced disappeared, replaced by the sight of Baker’s Street. Focusing on her surroundings, she followed the noise. When she reached the alleyway, the first person she saw was Alexa, unconscious on the ground. “What did you do?” Marissa spoke, keeping her wand concealed behind her. Running to Alexa, she knelt down and checked her pulse. “Alive,” she thought. She didn’t know how fast her heart was beating until her greatest fear had been shut down. Maybe that was why she didn’t notice the familiar face in the crowd of aurors, but when she heard his voice, she brandished her wand. “Stay away,” she threatened. “Take one fucking step and you’ll find out just how evil I am.” She had chosen the right words. Her father seemed surprised she remembered what he said years ago. 
“Marissa, what are you doing here?” He was holding back his anger. Marissa knew how much he cared about his reputation, and showing how fucked up their family was to his colleagues wasn’t an option. Marissa, however, didn’t care about his values. Not anymore. “Did you think I would just go back to Hogwarts and leave her? You don’t know me at all, dad.” Her father stared at her, warning her to stop talking. Marissa didn’t take that into consideration. She kept her hand connected with Alexa’s, her presence reassuring her even if she was unconscious. “We’ll talk about this later, for now, you need to go back to Hogwarts.” Marissa chuckled, shaking her head. “No, either we talk about this now or we never don’t. I’m not going anywhere without her, and I wouldn’t suggest knocking me out again, since this time I know what you’re capable of.” She dared to glance towards Alexa, verifying she was still breathing. She couldn’t take her eyes off her father for longer, though. She knew once she was unarmed, she would have no defense. Marissa saw him whisper to the rest of the aurors. After a few seconds of conversation, they all scattered away, leaving Marissa with her dad. “Put that down,” he said. “I’m taking you both to Hogwarts.” Marissa looked at him suspiciously. “How do I know you’re not lying?” His expression was unreadable. “Why would I lie? The danger is gone.” 
The ministry had sent a car, which Marissa was grateful for. Despite the exhaustion she felt after her journey, she refused to let her parent help her carry Alexa to the vehicle. Reaching the backseat, she placed her carefully, then entered the car herself. Alexa was laying down on the entire seat, her head on Marissa’s lap, while her father took the driver’s seat. The first ten minutes of the ride were spent in silence, Marissa being clear she didn’t want to discuss. Her attention was on her girlfriend. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, though she knew the girl must be feeling the exact opposite. Her heart broke at the thought of what she had witnessed. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, then kissed her forehead. Her father’s voice interrupted the moment, breaking the small piece of tranquility Marissa had found. “Why did you lie to me?” he asked. Marissa wanted to laugh, though she couldn’t find the energy to do so. “Or perhaps in Slytherin, you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends,” she recited. “Did you expect me to leave her alone? Especially considering you killed her sister?” Her father seemed annoyed at the word use. “We didn’t kill her sister. She was an obscurus, and she was dangerous.” Marissa stared at him through the mirror. “Is that what I’ll tell her when she wakes up?”
Marissa wasn’t sure if she had succeeded in her quest to show him how fucked up the situation was, but she continued. “You don’t know her, but I do. She has the kindest heart there is. Did you know she has a little brother? Do you know how protective she is of him? You don’t. Maybe her sister was dangerous, yes, but it was her sister nonetheless. She needed to take care of her, and you took that away from her. I don’t know how you can sleep at night knowing that.” He didn’t answer, which convinced Marissa to go on. “But then again, it’s not like you care about anyone’s feelings but yours.” That convinced him to talk. “Listen to me, Marissa. You don’t know anything. You’re seventeen, and you don’t have half the experience I have with life. It might seem unfair to you now, but when you’ll grow up, you’ll realize this is how life works. Nothing would turn out the way you wish it would, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.” Marissa knew he hoped that would conclude the discussion, but she was outraged. She had trouble keeping down her tone. “You’re wrong. Maybe the reason nothing works out is because you don’t think about your actions, and how they might affect others. Maybe if this world prized kindness as much as Alexa does, we wouldn’t hurt each other. You wouldn’t know about that, though. You live your life thinking about yourself, that’s all.”  
The rest of the drive was spent as it started — silence occupying space and time. When they reached Hogwarts, Marissa refused once again to let her dad help her as she carried Alexa in her arms. At the entrance of the school, the headmaster was waiting for them. Marissa asked if she could be dismissed, and let her dad talk to the professor. She didn’t even bother to say goodbye to him. She had told him everything she needed to. Reaching the dungeons, she spoke the password and watched the entrance open, the familiar Slytherin common room being revealed. “Home,” Marissa thought. She didn’t care about the looks she was getting from her fellow Slytherins, she didn’t care about the rules she broke by bringing a Gryffindor into the Slytherin Dungeon, she didn’t care about anything but Alexa’s safety. She dared anyone to speak against her. Even the professors. She was exhausted, but if anyone attempted to take Alexa away from her, she would fight them. Arriving in front of her room, she spoke her own password. Once the door was unlocked, she set Alexa on her bed and closed the door. Now that everyone but the one she cared about was away from her, the wave of emotions she had been pushing away returned to her, overwhelming her mind. 
Letting herself down to the floor, she allowed herself to let go of the tears. The betrayal, the defense against her father, the stress -- but most of the sadness was due to what Alexa must have gone through. Knowing that the love of her life went through such a nightmare and she wasn’t there broke Marissa’s heart. She knew she shouldn’t blame herself, but she should have been faster. She should have stopped them. Remembering Alexa was in the room, she looked towards the bed. “Stop crying,” she thought to herself. “She could wake up any moment now, and you need to be strong for her. You need to be there for her. She deserves all your attention and support.” Erasing her tears, Marissa stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She could tell she had been crying, which bothered her because she didn’t want Alexa to come to the same conclusion. She pointed her wand towards one of the bowls in her room. “Aguamenti,” she whispered. Using the water to wash her face, she stared back at her reflection in the mirror and realized she looked better. Getting rid of her shoes and her Hogwarts robes, she dressed in her pajamas and sat on the bed, watching over her girlfriend. Her eyelids were heavy, but she urged herself to stay awake. She didn’t want Alexa to wake up alone.  
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12 notes · View notes
marissabelmonte · 7 years
While her words had a comforting effect on her, knowing that she will probably remember them for the cold weeks to come, Alexa couldn’t quiet help but frown. Her entire life had revolved around her being a disappointment, making it hard for her to believe anything else now. The memories of her childhood, while usually being shrugged off whenever brought up, left scars that went deeper than anticipated. While a lot of her unwillingness to participate in school activities besides Quidditch could be explained by her personality, she knew that there was more to it. Her stepfather had made sure to remind her every single day of her existence that everything she touched turned to shit and that she could be nothing but a worthless freak. When she didn’t immediately master every spell, it confirmed her deepest fears and triggered the most reasonable response to her in that moment – acting like she didn’t even care to begin with. While she was the girl who always got in trouble, the one who laughed the hardest at any given opportunity, she hated every single second of it all. Except Roberto and maybe the sport she held dearest to her heart, probably due to the fact that she was a natural, there was nothing that could make her genuinely happy and give her a feeling of belonging. The sheer thought of Marissa discovering how much of a failure she actually was scared her to the core. She didn’t want to be a disappointment. Not anymore. Not ever, if she was ever honest with herself.
Feeling like she was on the edge of tears, Alexa concentrated on cleaning for as long as it took her to force the tears back. It was a task that she mastered at the sweet age of five and continued to excel in throughout her childhood and teenage years. Once she trusted her voice enough to speak, she brought enough cheerfulness into her tone as the other should be used to. “Well, when we’re already talking about our wedding, I really shouldn’t disappoint you.” She grinned gently. “Though I’m asking you that we only invite a selected few of our professors to it. I prefer smaller ceremonies.” She joked, relieved to hear that her voice sounded completely normal. Maybe not as flirty as she liked it to be, but it was enough. Gaining Marissa’s sympathy because she pitied Alexa would be the last thing she wanted. Gaining her sympathy period was actually a funny thing to consider. Not only did Alexa expect to die young, preferably when her brother could take care of himself, but a relationship with a Slytherin was still a little surprising to think about. The rivalry between their houses is well known and still prominent to this day, yet she couldn’t find enough prejudice in her to care. Alexa wanted to befriend her. Wanted to bring this light that ignited inside of her when she was around Marissa, into the darkness that was her life, a light which she doubted she would ever find.
Alexa’s lips parted as to speak when she could already hear the professor coming back. Another skill she possessed from all of the time in detention was to hear footsteps from a good enough distance so she could always prepare herself. Quickly getting back on the task, she raised her head in mock surprise as the teacher entered the room. For good measure she held herself a little lower as if her back hurt from all of the standing, an act that only shattered a little as she winked at her professor. “Oh, of course not! Here is my favorite place to be.” She sang, raising her hands above her head to clap in them twice. It was a play she loved to pull up, mostly because her professors pursed their lips, trying to fight the urge to give her more detention just for not respecting the concept of detention – something they couldn’t actually do. Picking up her broom she put it back in the closet before reaching for her bag and pick it up. Grinning at the professor, she waved at him before leaving the room. “See ya next week, sir!” Alexa called out before closing the door behind her. A flicker of surprise crossed her features as she noticed that Marissa was waiting for her, but she was quick to close the distance. “What did you want to say before we were interrupted?” She hummed, holding back a smile as she walked beside her.
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“Don’t worry, I don’t like big ceremonies either,” she told Alexa. "I don’t like weddings at all, but I’ll make an exception for you.” She didn’t mention how that, along with the rest of the issues in her life, was her parents’ fault too. She knew she shouldn’t refer to them, and instead form her own opinion. The proof was right there in front of her. She had judged Alexa for being a Gryffindor because she was reminded of her dad’s flaws too much, but she hadn’t considered how you didn’t share the same personality as all the people belonging in your respective house. She wasn’t like the rest of the Slytherin students. No one was. Yet Marissa forgot to consider the evidence because she always referred to the ones that raised her. She knew she shouldn’t, since the tactic was wrong most of the times, but she couldn’t prevent herself. Marriage in particular was the one aspect she couldn’t stand. You think you want to spend the rest of your life with someone when you’re young, but you don’t truly think about the future. There was no way to know if the person you’re in love with will change, or if the love will still be there years after. She recalled the moment she asked her mother about her point of view on the divorce, she told her that her father changed. Marissa still had trouble understanding at what point someone can change that you fall out of love with them. She didn’t want to experience the heartbreak. Maybe that was part of the reason she didn’t date anyone. She wasn’t closed off to the idea, but thinking of the necessary commitment scared her. How did she know she wasn’t going to hate the person she marries? She couldn’t risk getting her heart broken by watching the person she vowed to spend her life with turn into someone she couldn’t recognize. 
Standing outside as she waited for Alexa, Marissa thought of how geuine talking to her was. She hadn’t felt at ease with someone for years — of course, there were people she liked in her house, some of which she even considered friends, but never had she encountered someone who was capable of making her set aside her fears. At least for a moment. She felt comfortable around her, and having the reassurance Alexa wouldn’t see her the way the others saw her was comforting to her. She didn’t mind her reputation of being someone who should be respected unless you wanted trouble, but sometimes she had difficulties connecting with people because they judged her based on what she wanted them to observe. With Alexa, she didn’t have to justify herself. She offered her a smile as she approached her. Hearing her question, Marissa raised her eyebrows. Now that she thought about what she intended on speaking, she felt stupid. “Oh,” she said, her gaze focusing on the ground as she walked alongside Alexa. “It’s nice to meet you.” She didn’t look at her, thinking she was blushing enough without seeing her reaction. “That’s what I meant to say,” she clarified. She then raised her head, smiling at her. “And that I hope our plan for Tuesday evening is still happening. I like spending time with you.” She thought the confession would make her look away, but she discovered the contrary. She was curious to see Alexa’s reaction. Besides, Marissa didn’t mind staring at the beauty that was Alexa Maxwell. She kept the realization to herself because she knew Alexa wouldn’t believe her if she told her. Still, she couldn’t prevent herself from noticing all the details she hadn’t noticed before. All she knew was she didn’t want to let her go. 
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17 notes · View notes
marissabelmonte · 7 years
Marissa’s eyes observed her surroundings as she entered the Great Hall, the grandeur of the room astonishing her. Although she had seen incredible places before, not one compared to the Great Hall. She had hid from her father how much she looked forward to Hogwarts, since she didn’t want him to believe her curiosity and excitement to learn would sort her in Ravenclaw. Or anywhere else. There wasn’t another option than Gryffindor. She didn’t even want to think how disappointed he would be if she turned out to be somewhere else. Maybe the evidence explained her racing heartbeat and the fear occupying her thoughts. “You’re not afraid,” she reminded herself. “You have to be brave. A true Gryffindor. You have to be like him, not her.” She wondered whether she was the only student being stressed about the sorting. Surely her fellow students’ parents had pressured them too about being in a specific house? Maybe they weren’t as close to their parents as she was with her father. She just knew she needed to prove him he was right. She had to prove him she was nothing like her mother. She wouldn’t break his heart like she did. She would fill his expectations and make sure she was perfect. 
Forcing herself to focus on the professor’s speech, she listened to the words with care, filling her mind with them to forget about the rapid approach of the moment of the truth. When the woman was done, she called the first name. Marissa knew her turn would be soon. She didn’t have much to wait, because once the sorting hat announced the unknown student’s house, Ravenclaw, she was called to discover where she belonged. The walk to the stool felt like years, everyone’s eyes being on her. This was it. She would be the first one to be sorted into Gryffindor this year. She had to be. The hat having touched her head, Marissa listened to the object’s voice. “I see incredible courage — ” Marissa smiled, thinking she was through. She had Gryffindor’s most valued trait. Before she could let relief overwhelm her, the hat shattered the silence again. “But nothing compared to the determination, cleverness and endless ambition.” Marissa didn’t have time to process the words, the hat shouting the confirmation. “Slytherin!” One second and her life had ended. She didn’t know how she managed to walk to the Slytherin table, feeling like she was about to faint with every taken step. All she could think about was her father’s reaction.
Standing at that unfamiliar table, older students congratulating her, she thought of her mother. Had she been the one to blame for who she became? She wasn’t prepared to being like her. She didn’t want to be as selfish as she was. She didn’t even want to think of her future now that her house had been revealed. What would her father think? He’d think she betrayed him, that she had been on her side all this time. Marissa felt tears surface at the injustice she was faced with. She had spent the past years convincing her dad she was nothing like her, but the hat had spoken the truth. Could have she been lying to him the whole time? Could you lie about something you don’t even know was there? She was clueless as to where the traits the hat mentioned had been hiding. Her heart broke at all the knowledge her father offered her that became useless. She knew everything about the Gryffindor house, and nothing about the Slytherin one. She knew if she had spent more time with her mother, she would have known, but she refused to talk to her. A little bit of consolation appeared in her mind at the thought that at least one of her parents would be proud of her. Not the one she wished for, but at least she wasn’t completely lost.
Remembering the ceremony was still happening, she raised her head. She noticed two other students had joined her table, but she hadn’t seen if anyone had joined the Gryffindor table yet. Focusing her gaze on the rest of the students, she listened to the professor announce their names. A particular girl caught her attention in the crowd. She hadn’t realized she was invested in her until the professor spoke her name. Maxwell, Alexa. She seemed both relieved and anxious at the same time, which intrigued Marissa. She watched the sorting hat with curiosity, wondering if she would get the chance to speak to her. Moments later, the sorting hat shouted Gryffindor. She couldn’t help but feel both envious and sad. There was no way they could be friends now, since Marissa knew she would isolate herself, trying to forget she was part of the worst house there was. She remarked how if she had been put in Gryffindor too, maybe she would have made friends with Alexa. Or maybe they would have hated each other. There was no way she would know. She would have to live her life wondering what would have happened. She didn’t know the future, but she knew being in Slytherin would bring nothing good to her.
Seven years later, Marissa was sitting at the same Slytherin table, but the way she was feeling was opposite to that first day. Being the last day of the school year was special enough, but for her, the occasion was memorable. It was her last day in Hogwarts. After everything Alexa and her had been through, they had still managed to graduate. The happiness and relief Marissa experienced at the current moment was incomparable. Her eleven year old self would have never believed how beautiful her life would become — she would have never imagined she would prize being a Slytherin. Standing there, she remembered the despair she felt after the Sorting Ceremony. She thought her life was over, when the adventure had just begun. She remembered the envy she experienced towards that girl who was sorted in Gryffindor. Alexa. Her eyes widening, she realized she had met her before. She had wanted to be friends with her. She chuckled at the realization, her gaze turning towards her girlfriend standing at the Gryffindor table. She smiled at her, making a mental note to tell her what she had remembered. She was sure no matter what would have happened, she would have ended up with her, because they belonged together.
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
The words seemed to keep echoing in her mind even if minutes have passed already. An obscurial. Her sister. A sister she didn’t knew she had, a little girl called Mary Sheridan. A girl she should’ve protected. A girl who is destined to die. 
It felt like a constant down spiral, one she couldn’t escape. Her inner voice louder than any word directly spoken to her. She didn’t even knew if she was still breathing. If her heart was still beating. The undying hope of waking up every moment now kept popping up, but no pinching brought her out of this nightmare. This was reality.
Turning towards her brother very slowly, she could see how his expression shifted. The confusion that still was evident on his face as he still tried to comprehend what an obscurial was. It was such a dark topic in the history of wizards and witches, it’s usually kept for the later years, but that wasn’t all. Alexa had made it her mission to get rid of any book in his shelf that dealt with the topic before he would know. Before he realized what could’ve happened to them. What now did happen to them. And once he understood, once every puzzle piece fell together, his face fell flat and big tears started to roll down his cheeks. It was certainly the most normal reaction any of the siblings have showed and even if part of her was screaming to wrap him in her arms, Alexa couldn’t. As if she froze within herself.
She wished Marissa would be here with her now. Everything would be so much easier if she could wrap her arms around her girlfriend, hide her face in her neck and breathe in her scent. If she could – -
“Roberto. Alexa.” Flinching she turned towards the new voice, the first one that had been able to bring her out of this state of mourning and denial. Her father. Her birth father. Her eyes remained on him even as Roberto got up and wrapped his smaller arms around him. She couldn’t. Not only because there wasn’t one cell in her body that could ever forgive him for what he let happen to them even in the face of tragedy, but because her body didn’t want to move. He only waited a few moments for the affection of his daughter that he isn’t going to get, before fully facing the Headmistress instead. “I sincerely apologize for just barging in here. My name is Gabriel Sierra –,” before he could finish whatever introduction he wanted to give, he was interrupted by the woman he was speaking to. “I remember. We exchanged owls. You’re here to pick them up, right? So they can see their mother?” The sheer thought of seeing her mother made Alexa sick, yet she forced herself to keep a straight expression as her father nodded. She needed to pretend. If she wasn’t strong she wouldn’t get close enough to Mary and then she’d be lost. She needed to save her. It was her duty as her older sister to save her from her fate. Taking a deep breathe she pushed her muscles to move and eventually found herself standing next to her father. During that painfully small walk from the chair to the fireplace where they would travel by floo powder, he had finished his conversation with the Headmistress and basically any teacher that decided to chime in. He was studying her expression now, eyebrows knitted together in concern. For a second Alexa feared he would question her behavior in front of anyone, would force her to stay here before he almost aggressively turned towards the fireplace, reaching for some of the floo powder and then sharing it with his children. Before he could even attempt to go first, Alexa practically stormed towards it and got in position. “Remember to pronounce the name correctly!” She could hear her father call out, but she didn’t need a reminder. She knew exactly what she was doing.
Once she opened her eyes, she stared directly into those of her stepfather. Swallowing the bitter taste down, she pushed him away from her so she could probably leave the fireplace and make space for her father and brother. “What is she doing here?” Braden Sheridan snarled at his wife, who was sitting at a table at the opposite of the room. The sight of her mother made her knees weak, the tears that were streaming down her cheeks cursing herself to cry. Maybe she had hoped this was a huge mistake. That her mother would kick her out with the help of Braden and she could go back in peace, but the tears were speaking another language. This was the face of a woman who had lost a child. “Guess why I’m here you smelly crabstick.” Alexa muttered on her breathe, wand already risen before he could so much as raise his arm. “Don’t you fucking dare or I will curse your arse before you even have time to pull back your hand.” They were staring each other down, neither of them willing to pull out as already Roberto appeared in the fireplace. Biting down on her bottom lip, Alexa inched away and closer to her little brother whose lips parted in protest. Just as soon as she got him out of the way, her father appeared as well. The sight of the familiar man broke hell lose as her stepfather violently turned towards her mother. “The fuck? Did you invite the whole freakshow?” Her father pursed his lips at the description, brushing some more ashes from his coat as he approached his ex-wife and her current husband. “Of course we’re here.” He said simply, voice ice-cold as he stopped at the table. His expression didn’t change as he saw the tears on Veronica Maxwell-Sheridan’s face and instead shook his head to himself. “The brat threatened me.” Braden reminded everyone in the room, but nobody so much as bothered to continue the conversation or achknowledge the complaint. Instead her mother began to speak up about what happened to Mary.
She left out the interesting bits that is. Not once did she mention the abuse, the torment. It was only about Mary not showing powers for years when it suddenly started – and then stopped. It stopped before it exploded out of her. Veronica’s explanation was cut short to a degree that made Alexa ill as she squeezed the hand of her brother and made her way upstairs to the bedrooms. Nobody would notice that she was missing while her mother would try to explain and her father would blame her for everything, which would cause to another attack on Braden’s part. It was predictable and frankly she wasn’t interested in protecting anyone in this situation but her brother, yet he would know how to handle himself. However there was someone out there that actually needed her help.
Once she arrived upstairs it didn’t take her long to find the right door. MARY was carved into the wood, decorated by flowers and a sun. Her eyes remained on the signature for much longer than necessary, her fingertips brushing against it gently. She wondered how often her stepfather carried her inside, her little fingers touching the wood barely, in passing. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she pushed the door open once she let out a deep breath. As she opened her eyes she found the room of a child that couldn’t be older than six. Entering the room, Alexa closed the door behind herself and quickly locking it with a spell. Her father and her brother could surely open it, but it would halter them for at least a moment. Slowly stepping further inside, she took in every so little detail. The toys in the shelves, the open wardrobe, the countless papers on the ground. Slowly kneeling down, her eyes narrowed as she tried to read the written words. They were clearly from someone who just learned how to write. 
The words were written all over the papers with a red crayon, tears wetting the paper at the corners. Her blood ran cold as she went through every single one of them, her panic growing as she felt the desperation of the young girl. Her sister. Her baby sister. Suddenly a loud sob passed her lips, only now realizing that she began to cry. It was the first time she actually cried today and it felt like she wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. Her body was shaking, her stomach flipping as if she needed to get rid off anything inside of her to get this sick feeling out of her system. She wanted to scream, wanted to curse the world for being this unfair. But all she had left were tears that kept coming.
Snap out of it, Maxwell.
Quickly wiping away the tears, she searched for more, something, anything that could give her a clue where her sister might be. She needs to get there before the Aurors could. She needed to act fast. Throwing one thing over the other, her frustration grew with the lack of clear clues. Just when she was about to give up and search the city on her own terms a photo fell in her hands. It showed a spot in London not far from here. In a fact, a passageway near Baker’s Street. Her eyebrows furrow together at the possibility of her sister hiding there because of Sherlock Holmes. Could it be coincidence?
The universe is rarely so lazy.
Raising her head slowly to one of the few shelves that actually contained books, her gaze immediately landed on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Apparently Veronica reads those books to all of her children. Apparently they were all fans.
She had to hide there.
Without a second thought she hid the picture between a few of Mary’s clothes and then apparated in this alleyway, hoping she wouldn’t be too late.
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Marissa’s tears stopped falling. Since those last words left her lips, her mother’s attempts at trying to convince her she wanted what was best for her didn’t reach her mind. She sat down on the armchair she had woken up in as she stared at  the floor. She didn’t respond to anything. Her mother’s profession as well as Marissa’s personal knowledge of the woman’s intelligence prevented her from speaking, out of fear she’ll turn her own words against her. Besides, she didn’t want to fight anymore. She wanted silence. She wanted to think of how she could escape from an impossible situation. When the woman realized Marissa won’t pay attention to her, she left the room. Marissa waited to see whether her father was going to appear, but seeing that he wasn’t outside she took advantage of the few minutes she was alone to inspect her advantages. Checking onto her shirt’s secret pocket, she was relieved to find her phone in there. If she was able to let Alexa know what had happened, maybe everything wasn’t lost. She didn’t want to risk getting caught though, therefore she waited for the moment her dad would leave. Inspecting the room, she didn’t discover much. Her father was too smart to let behind anything she could use. He even left with her wand, which Marissa understood but was still pissed about. She began building strategies in her mind for when the man would appear.
She didn’t have to wait long, because five minutes later he appeared in the room, the expression on his face visibly indicating annoyance. “Don’t worry, I haven’t done any escape attempts,” Marissa cleared, guessing the reason he was upset. He had found her alone, when he told her mother to stay with her until he came back. Breathing in, she called upon all her acting skills to give her the strength she needed to voice her lies. “I’ve asked mother to give me some time to myself because I wanted to reflect on this situation, and how this mess happened,” she started. “I’m sorry, dad. I didn’t mean to sabotage all the efforts you made for me. I promise you nothing changed. Those efforts are not wasted, even if I had some inconveniences.” Looking him in the eye, Marissa didn’t show signs of weakness. “Alexa blackmailed me. She witnessed the incident that got me in detention and then she took advantage of it, making me her accomplice in different situations. She told me she would tell everyone what happened, and you figure, I wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation. And your reputation, at the same time. She was using me, and I couldn’t do anything to stop her. All I could do was partake in whatever she decided to do.” She would do whatever was necessary to reach her girlfriend. Even if that meant completely changing what she meant to her in front of someone else’s eyes.
Judging from her father’s smile, she received the confirmation of her success. She didn’t know whether she felt nauseous that he was happy about a story that would have horrified Marissa, or that she was glad she was on the path to convincing him to forgive her. What she was sure of was that he didn’t know her. He didn’t know her at all, so much that the word “dad” left a bitter taste in her mouth whenever she addressed him. “What about your earlier accusation? What makes you think I hate you for being a Slytherin, Marissa?” he asked, not a hint of emotion in his voice. Marissa expected the question. She knew he would refer to that earlier fight, which was why she had her response prepared. For once, she was glad she didn’t reveal more about her connection to Alexa. He didn’t know she was her girlfriend, and instead just categorized her as someone who destroyed Marissa’s life. Which was infuriating for her, but she needed to keep her anger levels down if she wanted to get out of there. “I don’t think that.” Lies again. “I was just upset at you for not letting me explain before you took me away. I don’t want to be associated with her.” Even if she knew the statement wasn’t the truth, she still felt guilty for saying that about the best person in her life. She made a mental note to tell her how much she loved her when she saw her. “Hopefully soon,” Marissa thought.
“Good,” he responded, a faint smile appearing on his lips, though Marissa’s face didn’t shift. She was struggling to keep her jaw from moving, the anger she experienced at the sight filling her thoughts. “Since this has already taken too much of my time, you’re going to be escorted to Hogwarts by someone trustworthy. I expect nothing but exemplary behavior from now on.” Marissa let go of an imperceptible, relieved breath. Her plan had worked. With a small inconvenience, but nothing she couldn’t handle. “Next time, let me know when you’re in trouble,” he demanded as he handed her back her wand. “I will,” she lied. She suppressed the happiness jumping around her mind at getting her wand back. She didn’t know how she would have advanced in her quest without it. “Unfortunately, I have to leave. I trust you’ll be calm until your supervisor is here,” he added. Marissa nodded her head — intending to keep her promise. Escaping minutes after the older man left would be foolish. “Don’t think I won’t find out if you attempted anything.” For once, Marissa agreed with him. He would find out, but she wasn’t scared anymore. She knew the whole trusting facade was nonsense. No matter how much he pretended, she knew he didn’t trust her. And frankly, Marissa was tired of pretending too. She was her own person, and she would make her own decisions. No more thinking of what he would think.
When her escort appeared, she had prepared the scene in her mind. For her plan to work, keeping herself focused and putting the stress aside was primordial. She waited for him to let the door unlocked. Sitting in the armchair, she had one hand on her forehead, the other on the wand dismissed behind her back. “I’m not feeling well,” she said. Another success was added to her list as she saw him approach her. Once he was close enough, she pointed the wand towards him, the word ‘stupefy’ leaving her lips as he realized his mistake. Tip toeing to the door, she stood behind the door and observed the hallway. She thanked the universe for her dad’s office being in one of the most crowded hallways of the ministry. Blending in with the crowd wasn’t difficult. Following the movement towards the floo network installed in the main hall, she felt her heartbeat increase. If she was caught, she would have nowhere to run. Once she reached one of the available fireplaces, she waited to appear in the underground station, after which she apparated to a street she was certain was empty. Materializing in the alleyway, Marissa put her hand on the wall, supporting herself until she regained her balance. The dizziness being gone, she verified that no one had seen her. Discovering she was right, a smile appeared on her face. She had succeeded. Her plan had worked. 
“Not yet,” Marissa reminded herself. “Time to find the love of your life.”
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
Titling her head slightly, Alexa found herself speechless for a moment. It really puzzled her how often that happened in the past hour, ever since she met Marissa, but she wasn’t one to complain. Never had she met someone who could surprise her like the Slytherin could. And then there was the fact that the other seemingly believed in her – something nobody had done as far as she could remember. None of her professors seemed to spend a second thought about her ability and rather focused on her never ending energy. Her parents were too busy focusing on themselves to even notice her daughter. And her little brother? He could barely count as someone who could see any potential in her. It moved her that Marissa could. Actually she was convinced if she was a big crier, she would be bawling right now. Luckily this isn’t the case or things would’ve been quiet awkward pretty quickly. Yet she had to swallow against a hard lump in her throat either way, bringing a smile to her lips. “I hope you aren’t placing your bets on the wrong girl in that case.” She murmured, voice much softer than it usually was. “Would hate to disappoint.” The statement was so unlike her, the one who always somehow brought the shame if it was onto the family or the house, but she meant it. She could survive disappointing anyone but her little brother – and this girl she just met. It was a scary thought but somehow it also gave her a strength she didn’t she had in her.
A laugh bubbling inside of her chest at her last words, she winked a little in Marissa’s direction. “I totally get what you mean.” She assured her, yet in a way to leave it open which of the meaning she preferred. At least until she leaned against one of the walls, throwing her hair behind her shoulder dramatically as she looked over at Marissa. “I like being your fun time.” Once the words left her lips, she reached for her broom again to continue cleaning. “Maybe they did.” She said after a while, deep in thought. Usually when she had been talking, Alexa had taken a quick break from her task to catch Marissa’s reaction to her words, but this time she seemed all too concentrated on the floor. “Maybe they thought to themselves if these two don’t start to realize that they should meet, we have to help destiny a little.” Shrugging her shoulders once, Alexa realized that these were big words and that her voice was missing the playfully undertone that would everything a little less serious, but she couldn’t help herself when it came to speaking out the words her heart were whispering inside of her. “It would be a nice change if this school actually changed my life for the better for once.”
It was a far stretch for her to believe in something like fate, but she couldn’t help herself. Of course it wasn’t the professors own intention to bring them together, however something must have. This could barely be a coincidence that the one time the Slytherin got into trouble, Alexa randomly got a hell lot of detention as well. Even if they would leave this room and never see each other again, she knew that the other already made some sort of impact on her life. This kind of motivation to maybe do well in her last year of school was new and unfamiliar to her and it was all thanks to the girl in the room with her. Part of her felt anxious as to in which way the other could affect her, shape in her somebody completely else. Change wasn’t always good and once you realize that, it’s usually too late. But she wanted to let the other in her world, wanted to give their unique relationship a chance instead of cancelling it like everything else in her life before. A smile spreading across her features, Alexa nodded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. Later she would probably cringe at how excited she was to meet up with someone to do something as boring as homework, but right now she practically burst with joy. “Sounds good to me. I don’t think I have training to that time and I don’t have any other hobbies to peruse.” She mused dryly, before her grin widen a little. “Especially the fun afterwards sounds amazing.”
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“I doubt you will disappoint,” Marissa replied, a smile curling onto her lips. While she often judged people based on the actions they were responsible of, she refused to let that happen to the one standing in front of her. Despite of their meeting being recent, she was under the impression she had more knowledge about Alexa than she had for most of her friends — or the people she hung out with, since friends was too much of a reach. Marissa was obligated to show how she was capable of putting her trust in her fellow students, but none of them knew her. They knew the parts Marissa wanted them to know, but talking about her parents, her struggles with herself and her worries for the future were subjects remaining hidden. She didn’t want people to pity her, or worse, think she’s weak— whereas she considered telling Alexa, because she didn’t want her to think she snapped at her in the beginning for no reason. However, fear prevented her from going through with her intention. For once, someone’s opinion of her mattered. And she wanted Alexa’s to remain positive. Having held her head down the whole time of her dilemma, Marissa raised her head and observed her counterpart. She wondered what their status would be months from now. Would they still be friends? Marissa hoped they would. 
“Next thing you know, when our wedding comes around, we’re going to thank them for giving us detention,” Marissa laughed, though the prospect of getting married scared her. After the mess her parents went through, she swore to herself she wouldn’t get married until she was certain her significant other was the right one. Until she knew all the little details about them, talking about marriage was off the table. At least that’s what she had in mind for when the conversation would come around. She hadn’t found anyone worthy of her time yet, but here she was, joking about one of her most valued subjects. That was the effect Alexa had on her. She made her feel lighter, like the weight of the world wasn’t on her shoulders. Between the obligation to be the perfect daughter and the constant avoidance of problems, Marissa was always supervising her actions, her surroundings, her words. Everything. But not with Alexa. Marissa had an intuition the Gryffindor wouldn’t judge her, since she assumed she had some experience with people thinking negatively about her— whereas betraying her wasn’t even possible, because she was clueless about her worst nightmare. Marissa felt tranquility being around her, and she hadn’t experienced the sensation in years. Thinking of the day that feeling would end saddened her.
Although Marissa’s mind caught the use of the word ‘training’, she didn’t have much time to inquire about what she assumed Alexa meant, because her brain was too focused on her positive answer to let place for the possibility of them having already met. Besides, she didn’t want to consider a situation where they could been friends earlier, without Marissa having to search for trouble. “Perfect,” Marissa responded. She was about to continue the conversation when the door opened, revealing the teacher that was supposed to supervise them but obviously had better occupations to worry about. Returning to cleaning the floors as if she hadn’t spent the past hour communicating with the Gryffindor, she focused on the task as she waited for the older man to speak. “It’s the end of today’s detention,” he began. “Be back next week. And don’t be late,” he continued, staring towards Alexa. Marissa set the cleaning tools in the closet, nervousness present on her mind. She hoped he wouldn’t evaluate the work they’ve done, otherwise he would notice the large part of the classroom that wasn’t clean. Leaving the room, she waited for Alexa to come out. While she did realize the clock was ticking and the party she promised her friends to attend was waiting for her, she refused to leave without concluding her conversation with her. 
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
The past six months were the happiest Alexa had ever been. She can’t remember a time in her life in which she had actually been looking forward to waking up in the morning and it was all thanks to Marissa. For so long she had believed that the only Slytherin worth mentioning would be her little brother, but that was before her. It seems like Alexa’s life had split in before and after Marissa and even if they were still young, she couldn’t find one cell in her body to care. It was like she only needed to look at her and everything would be okay. It was something she was convinced of now. Everything will be fine as long as she knows the other by her side. She has finally found someone, someone else other than her brother, who cared about her and she wouldn’t let go of them that quickly.
However this morning was particularly unbearable. Alexa who had casual friends in her own house, but was never really their first choice when it came to anything of importance, found herself alone for most of the time. All of her classes were without Marissa and seemingly everyone had something to talk about. They kept on whispering, hushed voices and sometimes tears being shed. Nobody talked about it out loud and somehow Alexa didn’t want to get involved. Later people would convince her it was to protect herself, that even if she didn’t knew, something did. And that something pushed her to keep her nose in her book and not catch anybody’s attention. 
As soon as she was able to enter the Great Hall, her gaze searched the masses of students for Marissa and Roberto. Anybody who wasn’t whispering to their neighbor or actually breaking out in fists of crying. The situation was overwhelming to say the least, especially if you didn’t knew what was going on. Once she found her little brother she released the breathe she didn’t realize she was holding, quickly crossing the distance and pulling him in a hug. Alexa hadn’t even realized she was worried about him until it fell from her. Plastering his head with small kisses, she thanked whatever force for leaving him out of whatever was going on. Yet she didn’t had the chance to feel the same relief for Marissa when suddenly a teacher approached them. It was the head of the Hufflepuff house, her expression grief stricken as she approached the pair of them. It seemed like she was about to cry just by looking at them – but there was no reason to, right? What could possibly be happening that involved them? “Please follow me.” The professor whispered before heading in the direction of the office of their headmistress. 
It was the longest trip to the office she had ever taken. Her hand was clutching the one of her brother’s, unsure about what was going on. If she was in trouble there would be nothing to worry about, but anything involving her brother sounded bad. What if they wanted to expel her? She needed the rest of the year to take care of him. Besides, she has been doing so well. Marissa’s good influences made her detention hours decrease and decrease. Marissa. Oh how she hoped she was okay at least. Before she could send off the silent prayer, they already arrived at their destination, as they were quickly rushed inside.
A few teachers were already sitting around, the headmistress turned with her back to the door as her gaze was fixed on something outside, far away from here. Before anybody could even so much as open their mouth, Alexa already interrupted them. “What’s going on?” Her voice remained strong, even under the pressure of every single gaze of the people in the room. It was like some sick joke that everybody understood but her. The pity, the pain. It was too much.
“Please sit down.” The headmistress was first to speak, turning around and facing Alexa. It was obvious she had been crying. As often as the Gryffindor had disrespected her in the past, she was quick to obey her orders now. Never in her entire academic life had she seen her this upset. Her body felt numb all of sudden, still clinging onto Roberto as if her life depended on it. There was nothing that could quiet reach her right now. Nothing but the words of the woman in front of her.
“I bet you haven’t even thought about asking your classmates what happened, huh? You were always more of the underdog. Both of you. Maybe that’s why we should’ve seen it coming.” A sudden sob came from her lips, causing for the woman to reach for a tissue. Everything was silent, it was like you could hear a needle hit the floor if you drop one. Alexa could hear nothing but her own quickened breathing. “Your fellow students were upset because a few of their parents and – relatives got hurt during an attack on the London Bridge. While the Aurors are usually competent enough to watch what is going on from big things like this up to small things like – abuse in a wizarding household, this must have slipped –.”
“Abuse isn’t small.” Alexa couldn’t help but interrupt her, lips trembling as she remembered what she had been through these years with her stepfather. No matter how strong she was, how she straightened her back and kept going, it was something that will haunt her in her nightmares to this very day. It might will until the day she dies.
“You’re right. It isn’t.” The headmistress replied, eyes focused on the table between them. “And that’s why – why we need to keep a closer eye on those who live in such conditions.” A pause. “When was the last time you entered the house of your mother, Alexa? Roberto?”
“Before attending Hogwarts. For me at least.” All she wanted was to ask why that was even important, but something kept her from asking. Roberto stayed silent, it was like he was paralyzed. Alexa couldn’t blame him.
“Your mother. She – she was pregnant as you left. You probably didn’t notice because you were so young. Or you just pushed the thought out of your mind, because you had more to worry about. About the two of you.” 
At the mention of another sibling, Alexa’s blood ran cold. 
Oh Merlin, no.
“It was a baby girl. Her name is Mary Sheridan.”
Stop talking.
“She is six today. And – it turns out that she possesses magical powers. At first it didn’t seem like it, but she does have them.”
“And – I’m incredibly saddened to tell you that your stepfather hasn’t taken the information of his daughter being a witch well.”
She is going to scream. She will throw up right on the carpet if that woman doesn’t shut her mouth finally.
“His abuse on his now six year old daughter – it changed her. I don’t know how to tell you this in any other way but straightforward and I promise you’ll be able to visit your family already today. But please, listen to me once I’ve finished. It’s important for you to listen to me, Alexa. I know that Roberto will listen to whatever you will say, but you act on impulses and this time you can’t. You can’t run away or you’re going to risk the entire magical community. Promise me.”
She can’t does. She won’t do this.
“I promise.”
Her voice cracked, feeling tears roll down her cheek. She knew. Somehow she knows and yet she has to hear it or she won’t believe it. It was too surreal. This doesn’t happen. Not anymore.
“Okay. I – I have to inform you that tragically your sister has turned into an obscurial. The minister of magic has ordered her death once she’s been found. After her rampage – nobody has seen her. I’m sorry.”
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Marissa detected a hand on her shoulder as a voice whispered for her to wake up. While she would have disregarded the contact, like she did whenever her fellow Slytherin classmates attempted to wake her up in the previous years, this time she was unable to keep her eyes closed. Being a prefect, she had her own room — one no one was allowed to enter without her permission. Which was why the presence of the familiar person startled her. “Scarlett? What are you doing here?” she inquired, her voice calm despite her annoyance. Something was holding her back from demanding explanations employing her harsh tone. Whether it was because she had knowledge of the Slytherin’s identity, or because of the panic she identified in her voice, she didn’t know. Her expression confirmed further her suspicions. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Breaking the eye contact, Scarlett played with her hands as she stretched time. Despite her curiosity, Marissa allowed her to figure out her thoughts. “They... they discovered an obscurial.” Marissa stopped breathing. She didn’t need to be informed who the pronoun was referring to — which was the ministry of magic. She understood the reason behind Scarlett waking her up, but what she didn’t understand was why she seemed like she wasn’t done with her explanation. Her heartbeat accelerating. She was scared to demand the rest of the information. Luckily she didn’t have to, because Scarlett continued her monologue. “My father told me who she was.” Her heart sank with bad feelings. “Her last name’s... was... Maxwell. Alexa’s sister.”
And there it was. She struggled to breathe as she distanced herself from Scarlett. “Thank you for telling me,” she spoke as she dressed herself up. But to her surprise, Scarlett wasn’t leaving the room. “Marissa.” But Marissa wasn’t listening anymore. All she could focus on was her girlfriend, who must have been devastated. Once she finished dressing up her robes, she hurried towards the door, but her classmate was blocking the path. “Listen to me,” she demanded. “I’m not done. Your father knows about you and Alexa. He knows, and he’s coming to get you.” Marissa stared at Scarlett as if she had slapped her. “How do you know?” Marissa inquired, fear dominating her thoughts. “My father told me. He overheard your dad talking on the phone about coming to get you. I’m sorry, Marissa, I had to warn you. I know how much you love her.” Although Marissa was shocked, she pulled the girl close and hugged her, because she knew Scarlett was risking her own life by revealing her father’s plans. “Thank you,” she responded. “Leave. They’re gonna be here soon.” Nodding her head, Marissa exited the room. She would be damned if she let her father take her away from the love of her life when she needed her most — but what she couldn’t stop thinking about was the never ending question of how he found out.
Marissa didn’t set much distance between herself and Scarlett before her head of house intercepted her. Wishing to appear like she was aware of nothing, she forced herself to remain calm. “Marissa, here you are. You need to come with me,” the older woman spoke. “Shit,” Marissa thought. Searching her mind for an excuse, she displayed a regretful expression. “I’m sorry, but I have class right now. My father would be disappointed if I missed another class, especially considering the past events,” she said, referring to the adventures she had with Alexa. She was preparing to walk away, though when she turned around, she detected the presence of the one she was avoiding. “Dad,” she uttered, her breath stuck in her throat. “Disappointed doesn’t even begin to cover how I’m feeling right now,” the man corrected. She raised her head as she outstared him. “I know why you’re here — and I’m not coming with you.” She was scared to even speak those words, but she wasn’t going to give up on her purpose just because of an inconvenience. She was going to reach her girlfriend, no matter the means necessary. Her father however didn’t seem to share her opinion. “You need to stop acting like you know everything when you barely know who you are, Marissa. Now stop complicating things.” Marissa was backing away slowly, but the hold he had on her arm prevented her from moving further. “Let go of me,” she demanded, but her words were inefficient. The last scene she remembered was her father’s exasperated expression, then darkness.
Opening her eyes, Marissa jumped out of the armchair she had been sleeping in. Analyzing her surroundings, she was alarmed to discover her father’s office at the ministry of magic. The sight of him standing in front of her as if nothing happened gave her nausea. “I can’t believe you used the stunning spell on me. I’m your fucking daughter, not some criminal you can use defense spells against!” she shouted, tears stinging in her eyes. “Why don’t you send me to Azkaban while you’re there, that way you make sure I will never fucking escape your control.” She didn’t care that she was not allowed to swear. That she was not allowed to scream at him. That she was not allowed to reprimand him. All she cared about was the one she loved, who was alone because her father didn’t agree with her decisions. Frustrated tears rolled down her cheeks. "Enough, Marissa,” he warned. The door opened at that moment, revealing a woman she knew too well. “Mom? What are you — ” Suddenly, everything made sense. She shook her head as more tears rolled down her cheeks. Marissa discerned the moment her mother realized she knew, due to her expression softening as she advanced towards her. “Marissa...” But she moved away from both of them, having trouble to decipher her contradictory thoughts. “Please tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you weren’t the one to tell him.” She didn’t need words, her mother’s impassive expression confirming what she was suspecting. Shaking her head, she stared at her. She didn’t recognize the woman who was supposed to be her mother.
She turned around, unable to prevent herself from sobbing. She put her hands in front of her face, trying to muffle the sounds of her weakness. "Marissa, look at me,” her mother attempted again. Marissa responded to her command, turning back around and looking at her through her blurry sight. “I trusted you! Out of all the people, I trusted you! I told you everything, and you tell him? The man who hates you, the man who hates me for being your daughter?” Marissa’s heart hurt as she spoke the truth. Her own mother betraying her to the one who made her hate herself, the one who scared her to death because of what he could do. She knew how powerful he was and that didn’t stop her from divulging her secret. “Will you leave, please?” her mother addressed her father. “I need to speak to her. Alone.” Perceiving the seriousness in the woman’s eyes, he exited the room. “Don’t leave her alone. She’d be capable of exploding the walls to get out of here.” Marissa couldn’t believe her ears. He didn’t contradict her accusations. A bitter chuckle escaped her lips. What did she expect? To tell her she was wrong? That he loved her? That he was sorry? Marissa knew those would have been lies. She was content that he was out of the room, otherwise she wasn’t certain she would have managed to keep the hatred to herself.
Her mother was still here, though. She didn’t want to listen to her, but she knew she had no choice. She was stuck with her until she was done. Then her father would talk to her, and she definitely didn’t look forward to that considering he was going to address her previous words. “Marissa, I’m sorry, but you need to understand I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted to protect you.” With each sentence her parents spoke, she encountered even more difficulties believing she wasn’t dreaming. Maybe that’s what she was experiencing — a nightmare she would wake up from. But of course the universe was against her. She didn’t respond to her justification. Her tears had stopped from falling. She just stared at her blankly, refusing to let emotions appear on her traits. “Being near Alexa would bring nothing good. You don’t know how Gryffindors are. They’re impulsive, and selfish, and careless to consequences. Take it from someone who has been married to one.” Marissa closed her eyes as she attempted to organize her thoughts. When she opened them, she shook her head in disbelief. “You told my dad I was dating someone, when you knew how he was, because of your prejudice against Gryffindor? Because you’re afraid she’s going to turn against me while she goes through the hardest time of her life? No offense, but that’s the most bullshit reasoning I’ve heard in my life. You just destroyed everything I worked towards these years. He’ll never trust me again,” she voiced. “But you know, I’m not the only one who lost someone’s trust. Because you lost mine. I’ll never tell you anything ever again.” 
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
“I’m not. I might not seem like it, but I’m honest. And I really do think you’re capable of much more than you think you are,” Marissa smiled. She didn’t know whether having the characteristics of her house made it easier for her to see the best in people, expecting them to be as determined and as ambitious as she was. She didn’t give on the ones she believed in as long as they proved her they were worth the effort, as well as owning the desire to improve their capacities. While Alexa wasn’t bad, she wasn’t perfect either. Marissa didn’t need perfect, but if she was given the possibility to help someone have a better opinion of themselves, she wasn’t going to decline. “I truly think you can learn to be a good student — while keeping your favorite activities,” Marissa added. “And I think I can learn to balance school and having fun. We’re the perfect combination.” The smile on her face slowly materialized into another expression as she comprehended what the last sentence insinuated. She bit her lip, filling her lungs with air. “That’s not what I meant,” she clarified, though the alternative meaning didn’t bother her too much. She wouldn’t mind being with Alexa if their interactions carried on bringing her happiness.
“They really should have thought this through,” Marissa agreed. She considered the difference between her feelings towards the punishment then and now. The brunette was pissed when she was given the months of detention, but now she wasn’t as upset as before. Sure, she was still bitter about the fact that the false accusation was going to be filed under her records, but she didn’t consider the incident a tragedy anymore. As long as Alexa was with her, she no longer considered the extracurricular hours as wasted time. “Honestly, I don’t know how I’ve never heard of you. Kinda regret not spending more time outside of my room,” she joked, though there was some truth hidden in her words. She wouldn’t have spent so much time thinking there was something wrong with herself, thinking she was a disappointment, if she had met Alexa earlier. And she would certainly hadn’t developed the anger she resented towards her father’s house, and which she still struggled to overcome. Overall, she would have been a happier person. Although Marissa was aware she couldn’t influence destiny, and everything was meant to happen at the right time, there was a part of herself that regretted not socializing with the members of the houses outside of hers. 
Marissa found herself smiling at the other’s remark. Though there was a mix of emotions inside her head when she suggested hanging out together, excitement was the principal one wandering around her thoughts. Saying Marissa looked forward to the moments they would share would be an understatement. “What is happening to you? Get your shit together. You can’t depend your happiness on other people,” her mind responded. Marissa knew who she was. She wasn’t the type of person who allowed people to hurt her, because she refused to get attached. When it came to her happiness, she focused on the different aspects of her life, aspects she had control over. But with the Gryffindor, adhering to what she believed would protect her heart from being broken was difficult. Alexa didn’t seem like a bad person, someone who could break her heart. “You never know until it’s too late,” her thoughts warned her. "You’re right,” she replied, shutting down the warning signs her heart was giving her. “What about Tuesday evening? I’ll help you with your homework and then we can have a reward.” Marissa smiled again, hoping she made the right decision when she chose to ignore the voice inside her head.
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Sometimes Alexa wondered what would’ve happened if her parents never divorced or if they had been able to stay with their father. Surely she still would’ve been sorted into Gryffindor and she would’ve still been standing up for Roberto, but maybe she wouldn’t be such a troubled wild child as she was considered now. She overheard conversations of professors about her before, heard them talking how she would either be kicked out of Hogwarts or cut the last year with how things were looking right now. Deep down she is convinced that the whole faculty of this school considers her just that. Troublemaker, black sheep, a problem. She couldn’t even say that at least her grades are good enough to make up for the hours of detention in her file. And it can all be tracked back to that one life-changing event. The media loves talking about the butterfly effect, a thing she has read up a lot when her stepfather had locked her in her room with no way of getting to her books for school. She had lost herself in a world in which none of this big mess had happened and she was instead completely and utterly happy.
In that parallel world she would have a normal relationship with her brother, not fearing that maybe one day he’ll push her away because she clings to him as if she was his mother. Her father would’ve just started working less for their mother, they would’ve discovered their love again. Alexa would talk with her father about school, what she was suppose to do once she was there and he would tell her stories of all the different adventures he had there. She would be completely excited to finally attend the school, to learn magic as she was loved for what it made her. It was a part of her, one she got never shamed of. There was no way she would’ve made even more enemies the first week her little brother got into school because he was bullied by his house mates, because he was so quiet. She wouldn’t fear that they hit him or that the adults wouldn’t listen to her if she addressed the problem. Instead Alexa would have a conversation with the head of the house and things were done. If she got in trouble it would be handled by a letter of her mother who cared about her daughter. Hogwarts was just a special school for her extraordinary children and nothing you could label as evil. They’d be a picture perfect family and Alexa would be in the middle of it. Perfect grades, a large circle of friends and a future she would look forward to. 
But this parallel world didn’t exist for no reason. And maybe, just maybe, Alexa had an idea what reason that could be as she looked across the room over to Marissa. It might be incredible cheesy but maybe this was what her life has been leading her up to. Parallel Alexa would never have gotten in trouble, would’ve concentrated on her classes and the friends she had in said classes. For anything else she would’ve been too busy. Alexa only needed to find out if the other would play a part on her path to destruction or the one to salvation. She hoped for the latter, was convinced it would be that. But then so was she that her family had everything before they fell apart.
“And I’m pretty sure you’re overestimating me.” Alexa laughed softly. The way they went from almost participating in a cat fight to complimenting each other and wishing they would’ve met was quiet incredible. Who knows what would’ve happened if they really had met earlier. “We probably would’ve taken over this whole school already if we did. They don’t even know what they started by bringing us together through this detention.” She mused, grinning solemnly. They just clicked and it felt right, more than anything else in the life of the Gryffindor. Opposites did attract and they proved it yet again – and they didn’t even know each other for that long yet. Yet. Biting her lip at the sheer thought of how far her mind was heading in the future already, she titled her head gently as Marissa argued that she wasn’t a lost cause. Shrugging her shoulders, she wasn’t even sure what to say in return. Usually she wasn’t too honest about her inner thoughts about herself, if only then said as a joke. That she would actually reply came as a surprise to Alexa. “Maybe I’m not. But only when you help me. We just – we do that. Meet in the middle. Build a fantastic team that brings the best out of each other.” A genuine smile playing on her lips at the possibility of them hanging out with each other more often and especially out of detention. “I have all the time in the world for you.”
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
Marissa’s first day at Hogwarts was the most disappointing day of her life. Because of her family history, she had avoided categorizing herself as a Slytherin her whole life. Since her parents broke up and her custody was given to her father, she had listened to him complain about how he shouldn’t have married a Slytherin. How they were all putting their needs first and how they were incapable of love. Although she still talked to her mother, she was having difficulties putting aside the prejudice she had been given. She was mad at her mother for owning those characteristics, and she wasn’t hiding it from her. When she arrived at the sorting ceremony, she was confident she was going to join the Gryffindor house. After all, that’s what her father had prepared her to. When the hat shouted the word “Slytherin” she felt her world crumble. She pictured the disappointment on her father’s features when he found out the news. She was convinced she was going to turn out being heartless, or breaking someone’s heart, just like her father warned her Slytherins were.
With the passage of time, she learned to accept herself. She understood her father had a biased opinion because he was heartbroken, not because there was something wrong with her house— or her mother, for that matter. Throughout the years, she built a close relationship with the one who gave birth to her, but she was hiding the change from her dad because she knew he would attempt to convince her she was a bad influence. Marissa was no longer a child, though. He was still her father but she didn’t have the courage to admit how much self hatred she induced on herself because of what he taught her. Instead, she formed her own prejudice against Gryffindors. She was aware it was wrong, but she couldn’t help but associate them to him. Which was the reason behind her jumping to defend herself when she noticed Alexa was one of them. She was mad at herself for judging someone similar to what her father would have done. Although she was making progress, she was still working on separating her present from her past.
Marissa chuckled at the girl’s response. She was happy the other was voicing her veritable thoughts concerning the situation. “You’re my first choice when it comes to getting revenge on someone,” Marissa reported, a smile on her lips. Though she agreed with the brunette’s statement, she didn’t appreciate demanding people’s help. Especially since the majority of them didn’t believe she was capable of putting her plan into action without getting caught. They would convince her to let go of the incident, something Marissa was incapable of doing. “I’m pretty sure you’re underestimating yourself,” she complimented the other.
She listened to Alexa, the smile still attached to her traits. “No, unfortunately. I would have loved that to be allowed, though. Maybe we could have met earlier.” Marissa hoped her cheeks weren’t turning red as she spoke the words. She wasn’t the type of person to be timid, but Alexa’s presence affected her. She couldn’t detect what was different about the girl, since none of her previous acquaintances were making her so conscious about her words, but she appreciated how she managed to make her smile. She raised her head at the sound of her voice, looking into her eyes. A laugh left her lips, but faded when she heard the last sentence. “Don’t say that,” she said, her voice lower than usual. “No one is a lost cause, and certainly not you.” Once Alexa approached her, she let her hair fall around her face to hide the red in her cheeks. She chuckled, a sense of happiness surrounding her thoughts whenever the brunette was close to her. An idea crossed Marissa’s mind. “What if we find the right middle? You let me go with you on adventures, and in exchange I help you with school.” The source of the suggestion was her need to spend more time with Alexa, but there was a certain excitement in her mind at the thought of different discoveries— as well as proving the Gryffindor she could succeed if she made some efforts. 
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Another wave of relief washing over her, Alexa flashed Marissa one of her brightest smiles in return. Ever since her brother had been sorted into Slytherin, one that didn’t came too surprising in the family as they all have been guessing it ever since he showed the determination and ambition to build a tree house mostly by himself, when he wasn’t charming them to help here and there just when he was seven, Alexa can’t help but worry. It wasn’t the house, at least not mostly. The fact that her little brother was somewhere she can’t be, can’t keep an eye out or control in any way seemed terrifying. Merlin, it’s very likely that there are more things happening between closed doors from which the Gryffindor has no clue about because her brother hasn’t filled her in on it. It seemed like he wanted to carry the world on his tiny shoulders just so his sister wouldn’t have to, even if that’s her goal. They both had good reasons to protect each other but Alexa was too protecting or maybe even too stubborn to even consider of his. She was the older one, the black sheep, the one who took the punches just so her brother wouldn’t lose his smile. At least not fully – just like she had when she was his age. 
If you closely watch Alexa’s behavior it was actually way too clear what was happening, how the bond with her brother had gotten as deep as it was now. A father who always overworked himself day in, day out up until their mother had enough and divorced him, taking the children with her. A new stepfather, muggle like her but in complete difference, a new hatred for anything magical. A mother who just watched as he tried to beat the magic out of her – until she fought back once he tried to harm Roberto. Moving back to her father once everything blew up, after about three years in hell, but never building the same bond like they used to share when they were little and instead counting on each other. Nobody caring if she kept getting into trouble as it was nothing compared to what happened in their family. The story was all too familiar and truly nothing she wanted to burden Marissa with. At least now. As long as she handled the situation and maybe, just maybe could work as an extra pair of eyes for him, she’d consider herself as truly content with her life for the time being. 
Trying to get rid of the memories, Alexa instead listened to the Slytherin and her story of why she was stuck in detention. From time to time she was huffing or rolling her eyes, waiting until she was finished to say anything. But once she was it just burst out of her. “Stupid is taking it lightly. Nasty bitches. I hope you’ll play them good and if you need any helping hands in your genius plan, I’m your girl.” She confirmed, head held high in a melodramatic gesture, her free hand placed on her chest where her heart is. “I might not be as clever or whatever like most of your folk but I’m a willing participant.”
Another sigh escaping her, she pushed her hair behind her shoulders with one swift movement. “Pity. Here I was thinking being Prefect meant that you at least can creep on the other houses but nope.” A lame joke, the way of covering the blush on her cheek as she leaned against one of the walls to watch the other closely. “Wow. I’m – wow. I’m with genius. I don’t know whether I should ask you if you sometimes sleep or go to Quidditch matches or if I should just beg you to show me your ways. Though I’m a lost cause anyway and I wouldn’t want you to waste your precious time on me.” While her statement might could’ve been taken sarcastic, her voice was genuine just as the tiny smile on her lips that only grew bigger on her remark. “Sounds about right.” Crossing the way, only once glancing at the door to make sure the professor wasn’t about to come back, she slung one arm around the other loosely. “So is this the moment where I corrupt you?” Her voice was low, words whispered into Marissa’s ear before she stepped back again with a slight giggle. “Kidding.”
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
Marissa gave the impression of studying the clean floor, understanding the other didn’t want her to notice the tears she was holding back. Regular students would be incapable of the detecting the change in Alexa’s voice, the Gryffindor being quite good at hiding her emotions, though Marissa’s experience allowed her to read people better than the rest. Her father had been concealing his veritable emotions behind his words for the longest of time, but she always managed to decipher what he meant. The intelligence served as an advantage to the girl, even though she preferred not to use it too often. Marissa deemed exploiting aspects people were unable to control against them was an asshole move—and while she owned many of those, this particular one wasn’t one of her favorites. Besides, Alexa had given her no reason to use her talent as a defensive method.
The brunette was incapable of stopping herself from smiling at how Alexa described her sibling. She discerned by her voice’s tone how much she cared about her little brother. Being an only child, Marissa wasn’t aware of what having a younger sibling felt,  but she was able to grasp some of the sensation because of her words. “Consider the problem solved,” she smiled. She didn’t mention how she was going to use her supreme card against her fellow prefect. She judged the fact unworthy of mentioning— besides, her competitive nature had been waiting for a potential situation to show him who’s the best between the two of them.
Marissa wanted to chuckle as Alexa began to narrate her record. She was capable of seeing where she was coming from, but weird enough, she experienced an attraction to the troublemaker. Her smile disappeared at the following inquiry. “Just some stupid classmates that are mad that I’m one of the only Slytherins to never get in trouble. They refuse to believe I avoid confrontation. And when I do argue with someone, I don’t do it in front of people’s eyes. So two of them decided to seriously annoy me, while the third one brought our head of house right when I jinxed those two,” Marissa spoke, the bitterness of the situation still visible in her voice. She had yet to process how stupid she was to fall into their trap. She was more mad at herself than at them. “But no, you don’t have to kill anyone. I’ll make sure they get worse than that.” To be honest, she didn’t know what her revenge was yet. But once she figured it out, those girls would have to watch their backs.
Alexa’s joke managed to make Marissa laugh. “Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the Gryffindor common room,” she responded. The radical turn in their conversation left Marissa in awe. She believed it was incredible how fast their relationship evolved. “Aside from working towards having a perfect record, as well as perfect grades, I don’t know,” she shrugged, as if the efforts during the entire period of her education were meaningless to her. “No wonder we don’t know each other, we’re complete opposites,” she commented, though the remark was said in a positive manner. “Once again we’re proved opposites attract,” she added, a smirk playing at her lips.
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Freezing in her actions yet again, Alexa allowed herself to meet the girl’s gaze. Rarely anybody of the other houses had bothered to help her with anything, except they were trying to get something out of it. But how would helping her little brother bring her anything? It was almost suspicious, but then again – why wouldn’t you want to hep one of the smaller ones in your house. Pushing her bottom lip forward, she stayed silent for a moment longer before eventually letting out a sigh. “That’d be cool. I think it was that asshat’s girlfriend who started it all. My brother – he’s so sweet. The opposite of me, really and he doesn’t know how to protect himself. She used the opportunity and – he just jumped onto the train of insults and pushing someone around. But when I stepped in that girl was quick to disappear.” She told her story almost detached from any emotion, her voice only beginning to shake when she was describing her little brother. At this point she wasn’t even sure why she told the other all of it, but somehow it helped to talk about it without someone just blindly judging her temper with what happened in the past. Like she able to start fresh and not have to list four different evidences to support her actions.
“Rob – Roberto. Maxwell.” Alexa felt tears stinging in her eyes, quickly turning her back towards the other student. No matter how relieved she might feel that the other Slytherin prefect wouldn’t be able to bully her brother anymore, she wouldn’t show any of that in front of Marissa. It was – humiliating and frankly hard to explain. Nobody would ever understand how much her little brother meant to her, how it almost felt like she was more his mother than just the stupid older sister that any boy would soon try to kick out of his life. The bond they shared ran deeper and hard to grasp. “–  Thank you so much.” She added after another moment, blinking until she felt her situation was safe to look up again.
Facing the other again, Alexa found herself actually smiling, something she wouldn’t have expected after their first encounter. – Or given the situation in general. “No hard feelings here. I can understand where you’re coming from. At least – more or less. You can say I take weekend classes in detention if you ever come around to check my record in my student file. I’m not really proud of it before you start – but things seem to get heated when I butt in an argument.” She described, gesturing with her hand vaguely before reaching for the mop yet again. “Anyway, enough about my many flaws. How were you set up? Should I murder someone for you in return for you helping my brother?” The offer might be a joke, though there was a part of her that actually meant what she said, a sly smile tucking at the corners of her lips.
Starting to work on her task yet again, the girl had to bite her lip to not do anything as flirty as laugh. It amused her how quick their conversation had been able to shift from pure, mind-numbing hatred to actually cheeky flirting. Sure, there might still be some prejudices for both of them hidden underneath all these layers, trained by houses that rivaled each other for the longest of time – but there was a chance that they’d be able to make it. That they’d be able to build some kind of relationship, a positive and healthy one and not become enemies like it was expected to. “Besides in detention? Probably the Gryffindor common room, sleeping until it’s time for the next meal.” Alexa joked, winking slightly before shrugging her shoulders once. “What I’m trying to say – I don’t know. Where were you?”
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marissabelmonte · 8 years
Marissa was surprised to hear the Gryffindor defend herself — of course she was aware the house of the brave wouldn’t allow be stepped on, especially considering the words were coming from a student of their rival house, but she supposed her colleague would ignore her considering the negative emotions she seemed to have. Turns out she was wrong. A proud close mouthed appeared on her traits. “Well, you’re right about something— you really can be annoying pricks,” she chuckled. “One of the Slytherin prefects bothered your brother? Good thing you met the other one, and she’ll do you a favor because she’s not evil,” she proposed, leaning against a wall as her eyes followed her associate around. She was serious about her offer. Doing the right thing was one of her greatest aspirations, and each opportunity counted.
“I’m Marissa. I’ll talk to Brooks, and I’ll make sure your brother stays safe. I usually fix my housemate’s mistakes, because I don’t agree with his distinction between what’s right or wrong. He can be harsh if things don’t go the way he planned. We’re not really on good terms, but he’ll listen to me. What’s your brother’s name?” she added. Marissa decided not to mention how annoying she thought Brooks was. The fact that they were part of the same house meant nothing to her— she despised the student. She judged his actions immature, and was certain he obtained his title due to the fear induced authority he excelled in when it came to dealing with issues. The attitude had no effect on her though, she still believed he didn’t deserve to work beside her.
Marissa fixated the floor, afraid to make eye contact with the one she accused unfairly. “Sorry for earlier. I’m mad because someone set me up and now I have three months worth of detention because I was foolish enough to fall into their trap,” she admitted. Although the event had occurred weeks ago, her burning anger was still present in her mind. To someone who fought to maintain her perfect record, getting detention for the longest period of time was disgraceful. Her parents hadn’t yet made their reaction known to their daughter, but she interpreted their silence as disappointment. Through the whole duration of her time at Hogwarts, she had received few remarks about her behavior— the one she was enduring in the moment surpassing the previous ones.
Marissa raised her head, the brunette appearing in her vision field. “Where have you been all these years?” she wondered, her beauty catching her attention once again as she attempted to focus on the task. “I should get back to work too,  acting rebellious isn’t going to help my case,” she responded. She forced herself to stop staring at the stranger. Grabbing her brush, she continued her floor scrubbing. She let her hair cover the side of her face to hide the smile arching her lips. First day of her nightmare, the situation wasn’t as aggravating as she imagined. She looked forward to the events the future had reserved for her. She peeked through her locks at the Gryffindor, certain their interaction was the beginning of their adventure.
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Alexa had been trying to focus on her task as much as possible, not glancing out of the window or even letting her mind wander to what her friends would be doing right now. It made things so much harder for you and given that she’s going to spend more time in this room the following weeks, she was convinced she can make that mistake during her last detention session. If there will come a moment in which she can be sure, she’d be free of any punishments. After all, her friends are already trying to remind her of these on weekends when she hasn’t even done anything to receive them. At this point, the Gryffindor didn’t want to take a look in her student file to see how many things were listed down there and how wrong they were described from what really went down. Somehow nobody in Hogwarts seemed to understand her persona and what she really meant. The only thing people cared about was the end result, which was just a stupid way to look at the world. Motives are a big thing to everything or if something happened that almost stopped a thing from happening. Alexa decided that people tend to be blinded by hate, not wanting to understand those who wronged them for one second.
During these thoughts she suddenly heard the girl speak up. Freezing in her actions, she raised her head to face the Slytherin and therefore actually see her for the first time. She couldn’t help but notice that she was completely gorgeous – however what came out of her mouth could be more described as loads of bullshit. Crossing her arms in front of he chest, Alexa glared at the other girl for a few moments before bothering to reply. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” It were the first few words that left her mouth before allowing herself to grin, just for a split second about the last part of the girl’s speech. However she quickly forced herself to get her cool expression back as she rested the utilizes against the wall gently. “I’m here because I got into trouble which is nothing new, believe me, darling. I don’t know you and I don’t fucking care about your house. When you mean my anger in the beginning, that was purely because I’m here because of one of your housemates. Oh and not because they are an evil Slytherin but because they were a bitch to my brother who is too good for this world – and a freaking Slytherin as well, okay? If a Prefect uses their power on my brother I speak up. And while I love my house, they take enough of my shit already. We aren’t perfect, in fact we can be annoying pricks.”
The moment she has been finished with her speech she lets out a deep breathe, pushing her hair out of her face softly as she was reached for her mop again. “I’m just in the mood to maybe face a girl that is friends with that assface. I have enough hours to fulfill as it is. All I know is that I usually stick to myself when it comes to friendships since it’s easier. I know I won’t catch a foul apple in the bunch – which happens in every house.” Alexa repeated through gritted teeth as she turned her back towards the girl again. “And if you don’t mind, biscuit, I go back to work before that professor comes back.”
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marissabelmonte · 9 years
Marissa continued scrubbing the floor while her eyes were following the Gryffindor’s actions. She had to admit to herself — the brunette was beautiful. “Too bad she hates Slytherins,” she thought. There was no doubt, the other’s expression showed everything she needed to know. Suddenly, the different reasons she was angry about reunited and became one in her mind, causing her to take deep breaths in order to calm herself. Marissa was mad. She was mad because she was forced to stay here, instead of hanging out with her friends on a Saturday evening. She was mad because she worked hard to win points for her house, only to lose them over one incident. She was mad because said house was still judged by everyone, even when most Slytherins did the best to redeem their ancestors’ actions. She was mad because she wasn't allowed to let others see her anger, otherwise the house's reputation would have to suffer. She was mad at everyone and everything for focusing on the worst moments while ignoring the best.
“What are you doing here, princess?” Marissa asked, her voice reaching a higher level of bitterness. “Aren’t you supposed to be one of the good people, never-get-in-trouble Gryffindor?” She realized she didn’t care if more detention was given to her, but when her eyes searched their supervisor, she noticed he left the room before the brunette began her monologue. “I bet you think how it’s so much more obvious for me to be here, since I’m evil just like the rest of my house. Well fuck you, and your prejudice. I’m tired of being treated like shit by the rest of Hogwarts. All of us are, we just don’t say a thing.” Even since she had left the brush down and stood up, her tone had increased to the point of yelling. “ I’ve had enough of keeping quiet. But you wouldn't know that, would you? Everyone loves Gryffindor. After all it's Harry Potter's house, isn't it?” Marissa realized she was holding her breath the entire duration of her speech. She used the following seconds to fill her lungs with air before starting to speak again.
“Oh, and fuck you for being so pretty.”
The moment after the words left her mouth, her eyes went wide with surprise. She understood how in the process of letting out her anger, another hidden thought had slipped. “Fuck,” she whispered to herself, resisting the urge to hide her face behind her hands. "Next time just shut the fuck up."
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To every girl, person for that matter, comes a fatal flaw – Alexa was quick to figure out hers over the years in Hogwarts. She was the annoying kind of Gryffindor that needed to protect everyone at all costs, not even mentioning what kind of mama bear monster she became when it came to younger brother. Losing her temper like it was her job, the girl slid in one problem after another. Today it reached it’s highest point. Some nasty Snake has been hexing Timothy during a break and every normal human being would have tried to keep their sibling behind their back and approach a teacher about the problem – as if this even crossed Alex’s mind. One curse followed the other until she aimed wrong just one freaking time, leading to her of course hitting an professor.
Not even the million apologies and excuses didn’t change a single thing for her following detention time of a month to come for three hours each session. About the same amount of time she had spend over the cause of the week to rant about the unfairness of the whole situation to her friends, groaning in her pillow pretty much solid ten minutes the moment she awoke this very Saturday. For just a minute she actually considered not going, changing her face permanently or leave this place behind her. The Gryffindor was just sick and tired of detention, of students that were convinced they were the shit and partly even studying things she was already close to perfect at – after all she got rid of the subjects she was rubbish at long time ago. However the moment her brother’s face flashed in front of her eyes and even those of her whole family, she pushed the thought away rather quickly.
Hanging after her thoughts for so long, Alexa completely forgot the time and a glance on the clock proved exactly that what she dreaded the moment it crossed her mind again. Detention – too late. Gasping out loud, the girl got ready in the speed of light to rush down the hallways, not even caring a second for breakfast or what looks her fellow housemates were giving her as she passed them along the way. Almost crashing through the door, catching her breathe, her gaze first landed on another girl. The first thing she noticed was her robe – and that was all that she needed at that moment. Swallowing down repressed anger from the girl she encountered that week and who’s fault it was that Lex was here anyway, she turned towards the teacher, apologizing pretty much a full minute until reaching for the utilizes to scrub the floor, starting at the other end of the room to have an excuse to not say any word to the other girl.
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