marjiellat · 7 months
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hello, my Marjorie Visperas, everyone calls me Marjs, let me tell you a story of mine which is my journey get ready your paper towels hahaha anyways, I grew up with my mother's cousin is not sure if they were cousins but I think it's my mother cousin, anyways I grow up without knowing both my mother and father and it was hard, go back when I was a child I always compare myself to others like look at them what they what always have or look at them, I wanna experience those moments with my family but as I grow I never experience those moments and it broke my heart as I grow older I've always imagined how unhappy am I when I was young. at school I was doing great at that time I gained a lot of friends by joining extracurricular activities I have those best memories of mine.
when I reached high school things started to change differently. In my 7 and 8 grades things were great i joined some extracurricular activities but ended up crying because I didn't meet the grades that I had always wanted but still proud of myself a little for achieving some achievements. by grades 9 and 10, I transferred to a public school due to the pandemic things were tough, and financially unstable when I was in grade 9 I got depressed and cried a lot because I started to miss both my mother and father i started to blame my self and my anger issue got worst and wordt like how could they do this to me? what I have done to them? am I the reason for their divorce? could they do this to their DAUGHTER?? I cried so hard in silence, that I could feel the ache in my heart so bad. My grade 9 journey was complicated and the worst and it affected my academics time I got 79 that time I cried so hard until my heart got heavy, and I didn't have anyone to lean on to let my tears until Icalmedm Then I decided to go to the church and I didn't expect to cry so hard I got embarrassed because people notice that I cried. I talk to god-like WHY? This is so heavy lord I could not even handle this situation I want my mom and dad a happy life a happy family getting my parents together again this is all I ask for you, not this one lord this is so heavy please let me experience happiness and help my heart to calm down lord I don't even know what to do with this life, how should I end this life and I don't even know the other messages I talk to god after I pray I promise to myself to move on. after my grade 9 journey, I exhale then move forward
when the time I stepped on my grade 10 journey I thought I couldn't survive it. you see I met this boy named Vincent Baguio when he approached me that time, he is so friendly and I love his humor so much he is the only person who helped me to move on from the past and focus on the present, i did well that year i laughed a lot just like what I ask to god I received pure happiness of mine that I could not even imagine in my whole life, with his help and gods help I wouldn't receive the honor certificate sometimes I can think about my family but I'll remain calm. I thought those journeys would last forever but they didn't when the time it was the awarding ceremony I got jealous of those schoolmates, classmates of mine because they had their mom or dad to honor their achievements, ents or sometimes both of their parents showed up to be proud of you. When I only had my guardian and was not even interested in coming I cried after the ceremony and my anger issues were back again. I came to church after that day and prayed to god about how great he is hoping next year I still get an award and a calm heart again.
by the time I reached senior high, I prayed again to god to let me experience that happiness again. By the day I stepped into our classroom I was slightly nervous so I remained calm around 3 months into my 11 journeys slightly bad because I didn't receive or obtain the grades that I wanted even though I worked so hard I cried and cried and then it's getting worst but in the end, I'll manage to the honor list so I thank god so much and ask more but this time my business I prayed that when I reached at the age of 18 I have my own small business. *passforward my grade 12 journey is still resuming, but I noticed something about myself, my grades were falling started to feel depressed and empty, I started to lose the passion for something that I've always done, which I fully gave up everything, all I wanted is to have a physically mentally rest, while my life gave up my aunt invited me to go to the church to. niño basilica and we prayed I only prayed that time to be productive and happy again and also let me heal this pain and sickness I've been trying to figure out, unexpectedly, she invited me to the confession room and while I got chills, and nervous when it's my time I was shaking I don't even know what to do but father calms me down while I was addressing all the pain the never-ending heartache I felt, also my family situations and my business I can't handle my teary eyes I burst into tears and after that, he prayed for me. after that, my heart was slowly healing. received a message from my dad that told me to come home and ask for forgiveness he wanted to repay all the things he did he wanted to make it up. I've never been so happy in my whole life seeing those messages from my papa. like this is the first time my papa would never congratulate me, or thank me but I'm glad he wanted to make things right I know I have some issues with my family but as father told me to forgive my parents and talk to them with my Besides that, I got my business at 18 and I'm so happy and it's growing and growing.
there are so many stories I could share but I have some issues like I don't even know where to start and when should i start. all I can say is to always pray to god and thank god for everything and try to confess your sins and pain Father I promise after that you will receive great news. the end my journey will continue soon thankyou for your Time...the end.
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