marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
I need coffee
Where are the interns when you need them?
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Text || Laine
Laine: Up and moving indeed. Just got done with a 9 hour shift. And I'm not dead yet.
Laine: Sweet! I'm on my way!!!
Mark: Good, stay alive and get here.
Mark: And remember more beer!
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
"I know three seems like a handful but you know if you have another and its a boy, then you have the perfect amount.-- And you know you could call it Mark," Mark grinned as he thought about the idea, although he knew that it would never happen having already approached the subject with Derek as a joke and well it wasn't taken too well. Mark looked to Meredith and watched as the smile vanished from her face after he mentioned Lexie, and he suddenly knew that perhaps this was not the best idea. Looking down guilty almost to even mention her name, Mark nodded a little pressing his lips together, "I am glad she is okay.." Mark continued to nodd a little, he was stupid to even mention this to Meredith, her sister of course she wouldn't want to speak about her, after what he did. "I saw her actually.." Mark started, it was like word vomit coming out not able to stop, ".. I really screwed up didn't I?" Mark looked up slowly, feeling a lump form in his throat as he looked to Meredith, every time he thought about what he done, it made him want to go running again.
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
You aren't thinking straight right now, you're all female in the brain {smirks with a playful nudge}
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So don't you forget about me now with all those chicks.
Getting ready to take the twins home today.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
C'mon Mark is a perfect name {smirks}
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Yeah I saw her in the hospital she said so! (Grins)
Getting ready to take the twins home today.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
A boy huh? Well dibs that it has to be called Mark {laughs while smirking}
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Keep in mind, Meredith has given you permission.
Getting ready to take the twins home today.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Mark smiled watching Meredith bouncing the little life in her arms and soothing her, Mark couldn't help but get lost in the movements and the sound of soothing around him, they were lucky. Meredith and Derek, they were lucky, and happy..- And that made Mark surprisingly happy. Mer and Derek were basically the only family Mark had, and seeing them like this made him feel good, that crappy cliche warm and fuzzy feeling. "Good.-- I will man him up, unless you know you pop out a boy next time," He smirked as he joked around. Feeling her squeeze his finger he smiled and then brought up the topic he knew he couldn't avoid any longer, "How has Lexie been?"
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Text || Laine
Mark: How are the ribs? Up and moving?
Mark: If so pizza and beer at mine? Have the night off.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
"Oh good! I can take her off your hands for a few hours if you need be, I don't mind. Cause you know I am sure she is missing her cool uncle Mark," Mark smiled as he leant his elbow on his knee and then rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "Four women in one household? And only one man? You know if Derek starts to grow lady parts you tell him to come around to mine and I will remind him what testosterone actually is," Mark winked at Meredith laughing a little, as he leant back against the bed a little, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply and let it go again, trying to relax himself. He felt Meredith's hand on his own and he smiled ever so slightly, "I know, thank you..-" Mark wrapped one of his fingers around Meredith's, and he opened his eyes and looked over to her, "I haven't said anything yet, but I think I will get some more help. But here, I won't leave."
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Mark laughed as Meredith spoke about Zola and he sighed softly, "She is something else that little lady, I can't wait to see her again. I haven't seen her since I came back!" Mark shook his head a little, as he smiled over to Meredith and listened to her speak, "Derek was nearly sick? All you women are getting into his brain and turning him into a chick, that is what is wrong!" Mark smirked jokingly. "Wow there was a lot people hurt then, you were okay though right? Was the quake bad here at the hospital?" Mark looked back down at the babies and he smiled to himself, this was the picture of happiness right here and being with Meredith at this time, in this moment meant that he could forget about everything that had happened. "Yeah.--" Mark was pulled out of his thoughts looking back up to Meredith, "She fell into the sink hole, some broken ribs..-- Not that I was any use to her." Mark frowned deeply, he brought his hands up to his face and rubbed his face with the palms of his hands as he thought back to the sink hole and everything that happened, "But she is okay now."
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
True, just majorly outnumbered now.
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But you know if you start feeling like a chick, I have some beer and new golf balls for the roof.聽
Getting ready to take the twins home today.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
"Well Zola will love having two sisters around to play with!" Mark smiled and he laughed as Meredith tried to push him a little, he took her hand off his arm and gave it a little squeeze, "You can push me later, when you have had some sleep." He smirked a little and looked back down to the babies and let go of Meredith's hand. "Um I don't know, I mean they have the hair that's for sure, but I can see some Grey in there," Mark smiled softly and he walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge to speak to Meredith properly, "Well who else could it happen to huh? And of course it was going to happen here in Seattle, everything else does." Mark laughed as he breathed out heavily in almost relief of relaxing speaking to Meredith. "Good.- Have you heard from anyone else, if anymore injuries out on the scene? I was with Laine mostly and he got hurt."
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
There is going to be a lack of testosterone in that household.
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Getting ready to take the twins home today.
Can鈥檛 wait to have all my girls home.
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
"Addi," Mark breathed out as he looked at her and he rushed over a little to give her a hug as he witnessed her failed attempt to sit up and try to get to him. Wrapping his arms around her gently Mark kissed the side of her head, "It is good to see you, I can't believe you are back and working here." Mark laughed as he broke the hug and stepped down at little to look down at Zoe. Smiling down at the child, he could see a lot that looked like Addison, "She is very sweet.-- Four huh? No chance of.. y'ano?" Mark raised his eyebrows in slight worry and he looked to her, their history was history and Mark was happy to keep it that way, this time he wanted Addison to be one of his close friends and nothing else, but part of him couldn't help but worry, plus he couldn't even remember how long ago everything had happened.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb Zoe too much and he looked at Addison's leg, "Nasty looking, how did it happen in the quake? You on site on here in the hospital?"
Old Friends || Addison & Mark
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Mark smiled as he saw Meredith and he walked on in, when she spoke about the flowers Mark shook his head and he shrugged a little, in gesturing it wasn't a big deal and he didn't want to come empty handed. Mark set the flowers down on the bedside table and he went straight over to the babies, he could be a real woman sometimes he was sure of that. "Olivia and Abigail.." Mark muttered under his breath as he smiled down at them. He placed each pink bear at the bottom of the bed. "They are perfect Meredith.. you sure they aren't mine, they look too good," Mark joked with a smile on his face, as he leant down and stroked one of his fingers slowly and softly on Olivia's cheek and then repeated the process on Abigail's. "How are you feeling?" Mark looked up a little to Meredith and then back to the babies, making cooing sounds a little. "Managed to have them right on time for an earthquake, only in this hospital would that ever happen."
New Arrivals || Mark and Meredith
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marksloan-md-plastics 11 years
Mark laughed against her lips, as she spoke about the fast food place ruining the moment. He tilted his head away from her for a second and looked over to the fast food place and nodded a little, "Yeah we have a few kids staring at us." He laughed softly, kissing her gently on the lips again but only for a second. He then sighed and stepped back a little, moving his hand back to her cheek and stroking her it gently with his thumb, while his spare hand searched for her hand to take. As he found her hand, he bought it up to his chest and he placed it on his chest where his heart would be. "Lexie... I know this is not want you want to do, well you do, but the past..-" Mark frowned looking down at her, his thumb still rubbing his cheek slowly. "I think, before we go any further, or you even consider me again, we should talk. Get everything out in the open and ask me anything and I will answer, that I promise." Mark smiled softly and he stepped back towards her again/
Closing the gap, he placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth, and then rested his forehead on hers, dropping his hand from her cheek and taking now both her hand. "Just let's go to mine, or yours-..- And talk?" Mark closed his eyes as he kept his head on hers, this just felt right having her with him, having her back, but part of him wanted her to be happy and he had hurt her. He wanted her to be with him, and have the past in the past officially. "Just please don't rule me out yet Lex, okay?"
Aftermath || Mark & Lexie
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