marlecne · 4 years
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marlene didn’t do much for a costume- she just went as a dalmatian- because she thought she was funny to an extent; so as she was nursing her drink- her eyes roamed around the room. of course she was looking for roz. she always was looking for roz. and when she caught sight of the princess look the other chose for herself and the way she just fit perfectly as a princess, she melted and she almost forgot she was in front of her until her feet stopped to a halt and she awkwardly smiled at the other. ‘ roz! hi. you look stunning like so stunning. you decided to come as yourself, then? a princess?’
/ @edgesofthesword​
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marlecne · 4 years
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‘oh, thanks.’ marlene offered the other a smile- even though the other had barely seen her in her costume; she was not going to  comment. she was already slightly buzzed, so she didn’t care much of what the other was saying quiet frankly. ‘ you look quiet dashing yourself. if you don’t mind me asking who you have dressed up?’ she looks at the other again and she feels like she should, but can’t realise in that moment.
Luce took a long swig from her flask of self-made Daisyroot Draught and surveyed the room. She wasn’t late late, but late enough that things were already in full swing when she arrived and she was at least one drink behind those who had already arrived. She winced as the drink burned on the way down her throat. Perhaps she’d made it a little too strong. 
She smoothed down her suit and plastered on a smile as she made her way over to the drinks table to switch her own drink for a nice gin or a rum. She’d been excited about her costume until she realised that it might be a little too muggle and there was a good chance no one would know who she was supposed to be. 
Lucinda smiled and turned when she sensed someone behind her “Don’t you look dashing tonight.”
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marlecne · 4 years
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‘you want a butterbeer?’ marlene asks with a narrows eyebrow as she reaches for one and hands it to him anyway. ‘ that sounds like a new sirius. who are you and what have you done with the sirius i know?’ she asks jokingly, even giving him a elbow in his side gently to keep on with her joke.
Being at a party and not drinking was a weird experience for Sirius. But, he said he was gonna lay off alcohol for a while so he was gonna at least try. He can be fun without drinking…he was sure. “Hey, pass me a butterbeer.” He said as he reached the drink table and motioned towards the sadly non-alcoholic drink just outside his reach.
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marlecne · 4 years
It had been two days since Sebastian had woken Mary up and the only person she’d seen was Fabian. There were many reasons for that; partly because she didn’t want to risk people seeing through her brave face and figure out she was hiding the truth, and partly because she just didn’t feel up to seeing anyone else.  But after two days of sitting in a hospital bed with nothing to do but recall the events of what had happened, she knew it wasn’t doing any good and she needed to be surrounded by people that loved her, even if it meant acting as if everything was okay.  Pomfrey took a little bit of convincing but eventually agreed to discharge her if she promised to check in regularly and continue to drink her potions to ensure she healed as best she could, with minimal scarring.  She stopped off at her dorm first to throw on some pants and a baggy sweater to hide the majority of her bandage and took a deep breath before entering the party, trying to not let the eyes and whispers have too much weight. She caught the eye of a familiar face and smiled softly.  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, and I’m not talking about the fourth year in the corner covered in a bedsheet.”
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‘ because you are a fucking ghost, mac!’ marlene screamed as she saw the other and she took a look at her- she was quick however to run to her and wrap her arms around her in a hug- it’s not tight and it’s not too long because despite her excitement, she knows the other is somehow more fragile now.
‘ oh fuck merlin, i am so glad you are okay.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“I didn’t think so.” she hoped that hadn’t come out sarcastic - she just knew that words couldn’t be much help right now. Everything was a bit of a mess: First Hogsmeade, then Mary.. what was next? “No, please, don’t be sorry.” Andie shook her head. She wasn’t going to shame Marlene for her rant, of course not, even if some of it struck a little too true. “You’ve every right. Our house does kind of suck sometimes. Are you okay?” 
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marlene looked at her friend for a few seconds and then she found herself groaning; burrying her face into her palms as she shook her head. she was not okay. this was not okay. the world was not okay. ‘it sucks. it sucks so much.’ andie was there when in the first years in slytherin, marlene was attacked for having different ideas. because ever since she was little she acted a little bit different than the normal.’ i am alright, i think i am just- sad people who don’t deserve this are hurt in the process of this mess.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Darling, I’m always the first to know. Always. I didn’t get this reputation by coming in last place, now did I?”
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‘If being the one who badmouths everyone is a reputation, sure.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Of course, I will be at the next game!” Roz always enjoyed watching Marlene play, whether her team ended up winning or not. She loved supporting her friend - or crush - or love of her life - in anything she did. “I - I can definitely do that.” Her voice stammered the same as her heart, feeling like it might beat right out of her chest. The idea of wearing Marlene’s sweater made her swoon and she could swear her face was turning red and her smile had grown ten times in size. 
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‘Yeah?’ Marlene asked with a smile as she heard the other respond positively to her question; then she nodded happily and sent the other a wink.’ Great, then. You should come by before the game and I’ll give it to you. So, you know- everybody knows you’re cheering for the right team.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Feel better?” Andromeda looked at her roommate with a sly smile. She knew - or, at least, hoped - that none of those comments were directed at her, and she didn’t blame Marlene for them even if they were. The actions of many members of her house were no secret to her; she had already scolded several third years she had caught in the common room making jokes about Mary Macdonald and her mystery attacker (though Andromeda had a short list of suspicion regarding said mystery). At least Marlene seemed to be handling everything well. “Where were you going to stick a wand? I don’t think you finished.”
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marlene was somehow relieved to see it’s andromeda,but she shook her head with a sigh.’ no, not really.’ because she didn’t- no matter how much she yelled and how much she wanted to smash her book to relieve stress, nothing was making mary better-so, no. marlene did not feel better. ‘oh,up their arse,of course- it’s the only place i could make them feel something. even though some of them might enjoy it and that thought just simply annoys me even more. sorry you had to hear that, by the way- my bloody mind’s going crazy, i guess.’
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marlecne · 4 years
While Nova made no effort to be sneaky, her lack of need to talk mostly made her invisible to others. And she had no problem with that. A regular person would be amazed by the amount of talking people did if they weren’t participating in the event but for Nova, it was fairly normal and she could occupy herself with the trivial worries of others whenever she needed to detach herself from her own thoughts. 
She was currently sat on the edge of a fountain on the courtyard, smoking without a worry of a professor, when she heard Marlene Mckinnon start talking. People bashing the Slytherins weren’t new - especially coming from someone like Marlene’s political views - and she wasn’t even offended. That is, until the other one made the mistake of mentioning family issues. Now that hit closer to home.
She stood up and walked towards her until she was almost in her personal space. Her face was still a blank page, not reflecting any thoughts or emotions until she raised a brow, in a silent threat. “Talking about Slytherin families is not a good idea, Marlene.” She took a drag out of her cigarette and blew out the smoke, it hitting Marlene’s face in a toxic cloud.
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marlene let out a huff when she saw who was approaching her- she didn’t care much about who heard her really, but the other always got on her nerves with her nonchalant ways as if she didn’t care about anything which of course she knew to be a lie.
she turns to look at the other and the regrets it instantly because the smoke hits her and she can’t help herself but cough once as she moves away from the other- mostly by pushing the other away and also moving away.’ it looks like i hit a nerve, huh?’ was her response, however as she coughed one more time but then caught herself.’sounds like a totally personal problem to me.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“So even if I was to find out who’s responsible for the attack, you wouldn’t want to know? Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”
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‘You seem to assume you’re the only one who can figure it out which is obviously wrong, so don’t worry your pretty head about it.’
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marlecne · 4 years
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marlecne · 4 years
“Yes, Queen Marlene. My wish is your command. Although if I hear anything more about Macdonald, I’m afraid I’d be unable to share it.”
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‘I don’t need you to find anything about Mary, thank you very much. ‘
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marlecne · 4 years
“So titchy. I can’t do anything right. Sounds to me like she might not heal, how unfortunate for us all.”
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‘I don’t think anyone expects you to do anything right. Listen here, bitch-I did not ask your opinion about this. And I couldn’t care less. Just shut it.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Ratty. That’s a new one, how endearing. And yet somehow I’m the one exposing what the teachers are hiding about your darling Mary. How terribly unhelpful.”
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‘Have you helped heal her in any way? No, then shut.the.fuck.up.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Or what? You’ll mope some more?”
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‘At least even moping I am way more useful than you and your ratty mouth.’
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marlecne · 4 years
“Why, sugar? Where’s your usual bite? Don’t tell me you’re moping about Macdonald.”
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‘I am not cruel as you clearly seem to be, sugar. Turn your butt around and leave me alone, yeah?’
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marlecne · 4 years
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‘Shut the fuck up, Skeeter- please. You’d make everyone a favour and I really don’t feel like listening to your constant nonsense today.’
“The number of people that are surprised this attack happened… how could people be so naive?”
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