maroroque · 16 hours
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"Do you miss the time when you used to do no harm?"
Old habits.
Merc behaviour is based on a nice little comment @up-in-flames-writing left on one of my comics :)
Rambling and more silly drawings below.
Loosely based on the Solemn Vow's public blurb:
Art lovers will cherish the bust of Hippocrates, commemorating a time when the Medic still thought doing no harm was a good idea.
I am absolutely convinced that Medic carries dextrose drops with him. German pharmacies throw these after you when you buy anything at all. I went to check if this one specific brand I know of had been around since the 60s and 70s and yes, it was.
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Small acts of kindness I can see Medic doing is giving everyone one of these if they are tired. I'm talking about Engineer mostly.
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Or they snack on them when solving practical problems together, like during the teleporter bread tumor incident.
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maroroque · 17 hours
playing erdtree with my pal we get invaded by someone named "Drip Inspector" and im like "waitwaitwait. ok lets just pose leaning back to back and wait for them to show up maybe our outfits will be so good they wont kill us"
so we wait until they show up and then they get reaaaal close to us . and then pull out their telescope and start circling around us and zooming in for a good 30 seconds. then they clap, use the "wonderful" and "youre beautiful" prattling pates, and jump off a cliff. invader vanquished
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maroroque · 17 hours
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sobbing and cryingn two of them oh my goodness
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maroroque · 17 hours
I recently found out why my mom would never sleep around me when I was a kid. Like she’d never let herself take naps or sleep if I was awake, ever. Or if she did, she would lock her bedroom door. So when I was 6, I was asleep in my bed in the middle of the night when I hear a loud bang, like a pot being dropped and come out to the living room to see my mom standing by the window, with just a huge pile of spaghetti all over the sill, and a pot on the ground, and I ’m like “Are you gonna eat all that?” And ya’ll she get’s BIG MAD and yells at me and chases me to my room but then a little while later a bunch of cops show up and ask me a bunch of random ass questions about my art? Like this one cop lady keeps asking me to draw dragons for her?! And they seem mad as hell
I didn’t want to get arrested so I just never asked my mom for spaghettis after that. Lesson, learned. Don’t ask mom for spaghettis or she’ll call the damn police on you. 
So I have this memory in my head, and it goes unquestioned until I say it outload for the first time a few months back and as soon as I say the words “When I was six, my mom called the cops on me for asking for spaghettis” My adult logic slams into place and is like “Hang on. Your mother definatly did not call the police on a 6 year old for asking for spaghetti.” 
So obviously that’s not what really went down. I call up my mom to tell her how I remember it and on top of her figuring out why her kid has always been really cagey around spaghettis for the last 3 decades she tells me what really happened. 
So on that night, a man tried to break into our house through the front window. It was just my mom, and her kids so she did what she felt she had too and shot him in the head. He’d been wearing a helmet, which landed on the floor under the window.
Now I just want ya’ll to put yourselves in my moms shoes for a minute here. This woman has just taken a human life. The trauma of that- the instant agony, the panic, the guilt, the fear- all of it hitting her at once, her only solace the knowledge that her children are safe. She protected her daughters. No matter the cost to her soul- her children are safe.
Then she looks up and sees her six year old staring at the inside of this mans head before saying “Are you gonna eat all that?” 
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maroroque · 17 hours
I really like winnie the pooh, Can you draw winnie the pooh pleaseeeeee
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maroroque · 17 hours
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maroroque · 17 hours
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maroroque · 17 hours
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
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maroroque · 17 hours
sometimes plushies make me cry because it’s like. they’re little guys made to be loved. their only purpose is to be held and hugged and loved. we made them because we love making things and we love loving things. and they’re so cute
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maroroque · 17 hours
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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maroroque · 19 hours
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she's fighting her demons
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maroroque · 19 hours
im going to post old cat images now
ceiling cat
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monorail cat
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long cat
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the OG can i haz cheezburger cat
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the lesser known graphix cat
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invisible bike cat
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my planet needs me cat
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cat with the gat
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maroroque · 19 hours
Making gifs is hard
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maroroque · 19 hours
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maroroque · 20 hours
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Petit Méfait, of bright lights and crimson canvas 🤡🎪 In a wooden crate, nailed shut, is a black case. Three chains are held with padlocks, keeping the case shut. Each padlock is locked with a different key, and each key hidden somewhere across the continent. In the crate, in the case, in a brightly coloured sheath, is the sword. Some who hold the blade say they see something sat upon its hilt - a small metal clown. Sometimes juggling, sometimes cartwheeling, it might be holding a pie or riding a unicycle. Those people are never the same after they meet Petit Méfait, and the story always ends the same way. With a great show, a great mess, and a dirtied, bloodied blade. 
Paired with Le Joyeux Bouffonne from last year! Clown swords!!
Yesterday’s sword!
You can support me on Patreon for £1 and help me make stuff like this!
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maroroque · 20 hours
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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maroroque · 20 hours
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Mettaton art for my Mettaton-shaped heart ♥︎
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