marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Author: quigonejinn
Link: AO3
Ship: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Rating:  teen and up
Major Tags: Major Character Death, Hunger Games AU, Underage, Rape/Non-con, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: What has Pepper's life been like since winning the games? The best case scenario, by and large. Iron Man set in the universe of the Hunger Games.
This short fic captures everything that's dynamic and complicated in both the Iron Man movies and The Hunger Games Series. This is an alternate universe fic where Pepper catches the attention of Tony Stark after winning the Hunger Games.
The violence is different from reading the Hunger Games, because it's written with a deceptively passive sheen over the brutality. Despite the complicated nature of the story, it feels very natural, like I'm reading a canon text.
Reviewer’s name: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Hi have you seen any dr strange x reader where they are having a (playful) fight while tony and peter are there during the beginning of IW (maybe) and she calls him an asshole then leaves and Tony’s like who was that and he’s like she’s my girlfriend
I’m not familiar with this one but if any readers could help out?
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
The Illusion Cannot be Sustained
Author: Ironlawyer
Link: (AO3)
Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Others
Rating: Explicit
Major Tags: Comicverse, 616, Alcoholism, Prostitution, Tragedy, Self-Destruction, Dark, Identity Porn, Homelessness
Summary: Between his alcoholism and the manipulations of Obadiah, Tony finds himself homeless. He sells sex to men who remind him of Steve. There's a nugget of hope, somewhere.
Review: From start to finish, this fic is akin to being hit by a shovelful of angst. And it's so good. It's self destruction, brutal and simple. The writing is clear but descriptive, carefully mapping Tony's descent in standards. The self hatred and multiple brutalities are difficult to read, but it's very worth it.
The twists in the fic all revolve around Tony's not-so unrequited love for Steve, but with the absence of a proper happy ending.
For MCU only fans, you should be able to follow along with ease. Just remember that comic characters are a little different; 616 Tony is younger, views the Avengers as family, explicitly struggles with his alcoholism, never starts a relationship with Pepper, and may be even sadder than MCU Tony.
Reviewer: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
you will overstate your premise
Author: destronomics
Link: (AO3, LJ)
Ship: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (Pepperony)
Rating: General
Major Tags: Iron Man 2008, pre-canon, minor character death, modelling, Pepper Potts centric
Summary: "8 personal fanon/canon bits about Pepper Potts."
Review: This is an absolute delight of a fic. It's a collection of small vignettes, focusing on Pepper's life and perspective. She is startlingly human, struggling with her self perception and her growing feelings for Tony. Pepper is largely alone in the world, exceptionally competent, and full of faults. It's fantastic fiction.
My only quibble is that Rhodey is portrayed as having a somewhat exploitative streak towards Tony, which I think is canonically dubious, but it plays well in the story.
Reviewer: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
At the beginning of the year you were trying weekly fic recs roundups. Do you think that will be a feature again? :)
unfortunately I don’t think so; we’ve had a lot of mod loss and other interests. There are a couple of other rec sites and libraries that are doing pretty well, so I’m afraid this one is mostly just staying here as am archive :D but thank you for your interest. 
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Do you know if there are any fan fictions based/having a similar plot to the movie Arrival?
I have not seen any, nor found any with a search result, but 1) wow, that sounds cool, someone should write one!
2) have any of our readers seen this? 
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
this is Vague but I'm hoping someone that follows will know: I'm looking for a fic where tony is hurt and having a Bad Time and he hides in his room. steve comes in, knowing that tony set a trap, and avoids it (he just stacks everything on top of the door so it falls on whoever enters) and he locks steve in the bathroom for a half sec. steve eventually convinces him to come out from under the bed, where he has a good set up of food, a knife, and blankets
I don’t know this off the top of my head, but if there’s a reader out there who knows?
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Known Associates
Author: thingswithwings
Link: Ao3 
Ships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/various OCs, background Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Rating: Explicit
Major Tags: Major Character Death, Explicit Sexual Content, Historical Accuracy, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Racism, Body Dysphoria, Slurs, Politics (1940s-Present), Child Experimentation (vague), Polyamory, Pre- and Post-Serum Steve, Found Family (twice)
Steve Rogers isn't a self-made man.
Or, how a tough little Brooklyn fairy got turned into Captain America, and then turned back.
Reviewer’s name: Sybli
Without trying to give too many spoilers:
Despite the laundry list of negative tags above, this is a shockingly emotional and identity-positive story about Steve Rogers' life as an LGBT+ person, starting in the 1940s before the war and continuing until long after he's out of the ice. The author was incredibly thorough about researching the underground queer community of the period and has a knack for illustrative writing; the reader can easily see this hidden world laid under the stereotypical 1940s image. 
There's a lot of dysphoric episodes described within the fic, so if that bothers you, please don't read this. That said, Steve's struggle with himself and his body, both pre- and post-serum, is one of the best and most emotional parts of this fic. I found it to be really well described, especially as a function of how other people's view affected him.
Overall, I would say give this a read; it's very long but definitely worth it, especially if you've questioned your sexuality or gender before. If the fic itself doesn't interest you but the themes do, you might check out the research bibliography the author compiled in the final chapter. It's full of interesting novels and references you might enjoy!
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Hey, can you recommend any StevexBucky or StevexPeggy fluff?
I’ve had this one recommended to me a few times, but I haven’t personally read it yet. Let us know if you enjoy it!
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Do you guys have any recommendations of any fics about what happens after infinity war, something sort of a sequel to the movie?
Can any fans or readers give recs? 
This mod has been avoiding most “IW compliant” fics for the sake of not crying constantly :D
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Do you have any thundershield (Thor/Steve) fic recs?
We haven’t gotten any here, but maybe readers can help you out. Does anyone have any Thor/Steve? 
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Could you recommend me any superfamily civil war fics?
I don’t have any superfamily post civil war fics -- maybe some readers have some recommendations?
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Hey! Do you have any recommendations for any good fics with Tony/Steve pairing and Peter as their son?
If you haven’t read Deep in the Heart of Me this is my personal favorite SuperFamily fic... dealing with a no-powers AU, this fic covers war-time recovery, PTSD, alcoholism, adopted family, with a side order of WinterHawk.
Truly excellent.
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
The Price of Heroism
Author: sparklinglovingheart
Link: AO3
Ship: Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff (platonic)
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Gen, Funerals, Mourning, Jewish Wanda Maximoff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant, Post Age of Ultron, Canon Character Death
Summary: "At Pietro's funeral, Clint and Wanda share a quiet moment."
Review: At ~1000 words, this one is short and sweet. But there's a lot packed in there. This is one of the few stories that I think does well by Clint Barton's characterization. He's charming, roguish, dad-like, and there's some small nods to his traditional comic backstory. Likewise, Wanda manages to show off difficult emotions (specifically, grief and confusion) without ever becoming a caricature. The writing itself is crisp and clean; the sort of writing that is so good it goes unnoticed as you read.
After the weird, wandering plot of Age of Ultron, this fic is very grounding. The pace isn't interrupted by studio and genre demands; we get to steep in to who Wanda is and who Pietro was.
Reviewer: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
"Get Your Gun, I'm Done"
Link: (LiveJournal)
Ship: Tony Stark & Pepper Potts (platonic), Tony Stark & Bruce Banner (platonic), Tony Stark and James "Rhodey" Rhodes (platonic)
Rating: Teen and Up 
Tags: Major Character Death, Nick Fury, non-consensual medical procedures, dark canon divergence, Thunderbolt Ross, suicidal ideation, non-linear narrative, Betty Ross, MCU, Tony Stark-centric, Iron Man 1
Summary: “I don’t wanna be a superhero/I don’t care so don’t call me.”
The entire concept of this fic is essentially an alternate universe where SHIELD was morally corrupt and most definitely not on Tony's side. This is a horror story. Even the phrasing is chilling. A lot of psychological tension derives from Tony, and how terribly unaware he is of the stakes, first from overconfidence, then from an inability to comprehend his situation. 
This story is also incredibly tricky to review because the writer wields language efficiently and delicately. It's a minimalist, non-linear narrative packed with suspense. Cliché or not, not a word is wasted. 
I would definitely recommend you read this fic if you like poetic writing, references to The Incredible Hulk (2008), conspiracy thrillers, characters making uncomfortable decisions when backed into corners, unexpected consequences, or fics focused on the early MCU. 
Reviewer: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 6 years
Light of the Grave
Author: Sororising 
Link: AO3
Ship: Sharon Carter/Natasha Romanov, NatSharon
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Canon Compliant, femslash, pre-slash, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Origin Stories, post CA:TWS.
Summary: Natasha and Sharon, through the years. 
This fic is worth reading for the narrative strength alone. Here, try a snippet and tell me you don't want to see a little bit more: 
"Sharon waits at the gate of the graveyard. The air feels haunted, even at the entrance, weighted down by a heavy stillness that she knows isn’t supernatural but which makes her shiver with something more than cold anyway.
Each grave casts a shadow. They fall across the winter snow in rows of soft grey. Like the tombs of ghosts.
Natasha is dressed all in black. In mourning. The only colour to be seen is the vivid red of her hair. Like fire, Sharon thinks. A single flame, surrounded by ice.
She moves forward."
Not convinced? This is a story of two women growing into their identities. It's told from Sharon's POV, as she struggles with the weight of legacy. Sharon has ample time to reflect on Natasha's difficulty with claiming any identity as hers and only hers. But it's not an angst story. Sharon is determined, wary and clever. Natasha is all of those things, except she also makes bad jokes. Coulson and Maria Hill make notable appearances. This is also a slow burn fic, but the tension is derived less from the standard issues of communication, and more from the difficulty of trust for two women who regard it as the highest luxury. 
Oh, and it contains an impromptu trip to Russia and a subversion of everyone's favourite 2012 Clint Barton fanfic trope. 
Reviewer's Name: mailorderfictionalcharacter
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marvelfanrecs · 7 years
Jan 1 - 4th, Fic Recs*
WinterFalcon - Sam/Bucky
Chain Reaction (But You’re Holding the Fuse) @notcaycepollard – sex pollen, aliens made them do it, etc**
Stony - Steve/Tony
Bulletproof - Foxxcub – Steve had a crush on Tony when he was 15. Now he’s 20, he’s over it, he’s fine, he’s… Tony’s fuckbuddy. How even is his life??
IronFalcon - Tony/Clint
Visiting Hours are Nine to Forever -  Tahlruil – Clint is the BEST fake boyfriend, ever
WinterIron - Tony/Bucky
Murderers and Thieves – @27dragons –  For a man who supposedly wanted to be found, the Winter Soldier fought like a wildcat when Steve and Sam finally cornered him.
Stucky - Steve/Bucky
The New Year’s Eve Pact by @relenafanel – if we’re still single by 2018… guess we’ll date each other. (pro-tip… they date each other.)**
*so, I’m going through the tags. if I missed anyone who contributed to the bi-weekly listing (I’ll put one of these out twice a week, on Thursdays and Mondays!) let me know and I’ll add you.
**These lists will include at least one new fic every week, but the others may just be older ones that I prefer (I don’t know what criteria other people are using for their recs)
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