marvelhoeee · 5 years
Just A Nightmare
PROMPT: When a gruesome nightmare has you screaming in the middle of the night, Sam and Dean come to your rescue.
WARNING: gore, very mild cursing, a lot of sadness
A/N: I don’t own Supernatural, sad case, but beside that I would definitely appreciate feedback and I’ll be taking requests soon!!!
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The past few moments occurred so fast you barely were able to process everything.
The room you were being held in was relatively small and dirty as hell. Mold covered part of the concrete floor, walls, and ceiling. Old stains occupied any remaining sections of the floor. Chains were attached to the walls and there was only one way of entry and exit into and out of the room, which consisted of a rusty metal door.
Those very chains that were attached to those moldy walls are where you were being held at the moment. The shackles rubbed against your wrists as you continuously pulled at them in hopes of escaping. The irritation on your wrist was only a minor question of injury as cuts littered your body and a deep gash to your side kept you from standing up straight. The blood from your wounds soaked your shirt and partially transferred its way on to the wall.
Yet another blood stain to add to this room.
The constant feeling of fear and anxiety, as well as your wounds, exhausted you exponentially, but you knew the type of situation you were in. If you did not keep your guard up you’d die. If you did not keep fighting you’d die. If you gave in you’d die.
You all would die.
In a rushed pace, the door opened and four men, two each, dragged two bodies, both beaten and bloodied, to the center of the room. The men forced their male prisoners on to their knees and pulled their heads back to face you. The whole ordeal made you sick to your stomach. Sam and Dean looked back at you, their eyes widening at the sight of you. Why were they shocked? They looked a hell of a lot worse than you did at the moment.
“(Y/N)?! (Y/N), are you alright?” Sam asked. You could see that he was completely and utterly distraught while Dean was in a white-hot fury. Anyone who dared meet his gaze would surely get a hole burned through their skulls. Blood covered their faces, but that barely phased them. All they seemed to care about at the moment was you.
Words did not dare escape your lips. You looked from Sam and Dean and then back to Sam with such fear and sorrow that you thought your heart would explode. All you gave the brothers was a slow nod. Nothing more. They examined your injuries the best they could from their spot and the anger radiated off them tremendously.
“Son of a bitch. I’m gonna kill them, I swear to God I’m gonna kill them all,” Dean seethed. He struggled to get out of the men’s grasp, which only earned him a couple of punches in return.
“Leave him alone assholes!” you shouted. You pulled too hard on the chains and winced when you felt a sharp pinch, most likely it being the shackles finally cutting into your skin. You were too worried about analyzing the damage done to the two brothers that you did not even realize a fifth man walked into the room.
Your gaze shifted to the man as his shoes clicked against the floor, grabbing everyone else’s attention as well. You did not know who this man was or what he could possibly want. All you knew was that your body was getting weaker and these chains were really starting to cut into your wrists.
“You know what I think of this entire situation? I think the luck of the Winchesters has finally run out. Don’t you?” The man’s gaze met yours as he slipped a relatively large knife from his sleeve. While your gaze emitted pure anger and pain, his only help one emotion. Satisfaction.
“Sure, the legendary Winchester brothers are known for their impeccable hunting resume, but to me, they are known as the men who destroyed my world. The men that killed family,” the man gestured to his henchmen and then himself, “the monsters that decapitated my daughters, sons, and wife. They held no remorse and considered their actions as some sort of justice.”
You sneered at the man, “I think the decapitation of bloodthirsty vampires with no consideration for human life is quite justifiable.” That comment earned you a solid smack to the face. Immediately Sam and Dean thrashed about in protest, cries of rage leaving their lips.
“Don’t you freaking touch her you piece of crap,” Dean growled.
The man simply disregarded their fury driven protests and slowly made his way to the brothers, the knife gleaming in the little bit of light in the room. He waved the two men away from Dean as the other two men strengthened their grip on Sam. In one swift motion, his knife was pressed to Dean’s neck. His gaze never broke from you.
“Please no,” you struggled even more against your restraints, “I’m begging you! I’ll give you anything. Money? Power? Blood? Just name it. Name it, and let them go free.” You did not bother masking the desperation in your voice.
“I think it’s time for some REAL justice don’t you think,” and with that, the man dug his blade into Dean’s throat and dragged it horizontally. In mere seconds he moved to Sam and repeated the same motion. Both brothers reached for their throats and pressed down on their wounds as hard as they could. Blood already began to coat their lips as they sunk to the floor.
No one really had any time to react.
Blood seemed to cover every square inch around them as it dripped from Sam and Dean’s newly slit throats. Gasping for breath, their eyes gazing sluggishly across the room in an attempt to find some salvation. A Hail Mary. Anything. Anything that could save their lives. Their gaze went from around the room, then to each other, and finally to you.
Your screams could probably be heard for miles if anyone happened to be listening, but to you, all you heard was buzzing. You did not know why, it could be the adrenaline or the sheer shock of the very recent events, but you continued to scream and scream and scream and scream some more.
“NO NO NO STOP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP THEM! PLEASE NO!” You screamed and pleaded with both the man and the Winchesters. You pleaded for someone to help them, to save them. They were the only family you had left on this godforsaken planet and just the thought of losing them in such a permanent and gruesome way made your whole body grow cold.
You thrashed about and pulled at the chains with all your strength. At this point, blood trickled down your arm and smeared all over the shackles. You pushed yourself as close to Sam and Dean as the chains allowed before collapsing on the same spot. Tears flowed down your cheeks and you began to feel a burning sensation in your throat, probably from the screaming.
At the is point Sam had passed out, his hand stretching for his older brother. Blood was smeared on that same outstretched hand. His eyes were shut and you tried very hard, but could not determine if he was still breathing. Dean was still holding out, blood gurgling in his mouth. Blood trickled from the corners of his lips as his tears mixed in with his blood.
Your screaming had ceased and instead of soft and grief-stricken sobs shook your body. You sat on your knees as you watched Dean struggle to make his way to you, dragging his body across the floor. His blood smeared across every inch of the floor he traveled across.
Yet another blood stain to add to this room.
You reached out as best you could, so desperate to help him and Sam from a wound you already knew to be fatal but kept denying it. You had to save Sam and Dean. You had to save your family.
Dean had ceased any movement, but his lips moved in an attempt to speak, “(Y/N)…(Y/N)…wake up…” His voice was so faint and strained that you almost missed what he said. You shook your head and shushed him. “Dean, just hold on. Just please keep your eyes open and keep breathing. I swear to God, Dean, if you die on me I will resurrect your ass and kick it into next Tuesday.”
Everything got fuzzy as Dean struggled to speak to you once more, “(Y/N) wake up…you gotta wake up kiddo.” Your whole body began to feel lighter and your vision became fuzzy. What the hell was happening? The room began to swim as you felt a pressure around your body as if someone was hugging you. Suddenly everything went dark and you felt yourself being pulled from the room full of blood and evil vampires and into a place you knew all too well.
The Bunker.
You did not realize you were still screaming until it became hard to hear what Dean was saying to you. That pressure around your body, you came to realize, was Dean’s arms wrapped around you. Your fight-or-flight instincts were kicking in and you tried pushing yourself away from him with every ounce of strength you had.
“(Y/N), hey, it’s just me alright? Just take deep breaths kiddo. I need you to try to calm down,” Dean spoke urgently. You felt his chest inflate and deflate with every labored breath he took. It became quite clear to you that trying to keep a hold on you proved quite the difficulty. Your struggles abruptly stopped as you took the time to take in your surroundings. You realized you were sitting on the floor with Dean, your bed right behind you. Sam sat on his knees right in front of you, his hands outstretched towards you. He was waiting for the right time to embrace you but was afraid his sudden presence along with Dean’s would cause you to freak out again.
“Sam,” you whispered in confusion as you looked from one brother to the other, “Dean, what the hell is going on?”
You watched the nonverbal communication occur between them, something that always annoyed you, as you slowly untangled yourself from Dean’s embrace. You pushed a strand of hair away from your eyes and felt something wet on your cheek.
You had been crying.
Sam sighed, bringing you out of your thoughts and placed both of his hands on your upper arms. “You were having a nightmare. Dean and I heard you screaming and…” you saw a flash of uncertainty in his eyes, “we thought…well we didn’t know what to think.”
Dean pushed himself away from you so he was also in your line of sight. “We just rushed in and found you on the floor, screaming your freaking head off.” He rubbed a callused hand over his face, a sign that he was stressed, and spared a glance at Sam, “you gave us one hell of a scare there (Y/N).”
“But I…” you glanced around the room and went over the recent events that just occurred, or so you thought, “I swear I just saw you guys…He just…” Just thinking about what you had just witnessed, whether it was real or not, sent such a chill down your spine you swore it dropped 40 degrees in the room. Tears stung your eyes and you tried your best to swallow the uncomfortable lump in your throat. “I watched him kill you. I watched that vampire slit your throats and you-”
The lump in your throat made it extremely hard to speak. You aggressively wiped the tears from your cheeks, your gaze anywhere but the boys, and took a much-needed breath. “It just…seemed so real. I really thought-”
“It was just a nightmare (Y/N). It wasn’t real. See,” Sam took your hand in his as Dean followed suit and took your other hand, “this is real. Whatever you witnessed, no matter how terrifying it was, wasn’t real. We’re still alive and kicking and nowhere near ready to leave you.”
“Trust me kiddo,” Dean offered a soft smile, “you can’t get rid of us that easily.”
A strangled laugh escaped your lips as you tried to compose yourself in front of the brothers. You never acted like this in front of them. You knew when it came to tears, there always seemed to be far and few in between for them. Looking up from your hands, entwined with Sam and Dean’s hands, and offered the biggest smile you could muster.
Sam and Dean were sitting in the kitchen, discussing the new problem in their lives when they heard your screams.
With their half-empty beers abandoned on the table and their chairs thrown back from how fast they stood up, they took off down the hallway towards your room. It was a good thing you three were the only living beings in the bunker or else all hell could have broken loose amongst the other hunters.
Their weapons were locked and loaded and Dean did not hesitate to kick down your door when they finally reached it. The Winchesters expected some sort of gruesome fight to be taking place, but when all they encountered was your thrashing form on the floor, your face flushed and wet with tears, they lowered their weapons and Dean was the first one to rush forward. Sam was held in place in shock, not used to seeing you this way. You were the joyous and level headed one in the trio. Whenever shit hit the fan and emotions were high, you were the one to keep everyone in check. You were, in some ways, their saving grace.
“Sam,” Dean bellowed as he took a hold of your thrashing form, “what the hell do we do?” Sam blinked a couple of times before taking a few long strides towards you and Dean. At this point, it took everything in Dean to hold it together. You looked like you were in immense pain and they both weren’t sure on how to go about making things better for you. He had no idea how to make the suffering go away. “Dean, we need to wake her up. She could hurt herself if we don’t,” Sam spoke to his brother over your screams, and that’s what they did.
Now, you were awake and no other sounds could be heard throughout the bunker with the exception for your sniffling.
“I sure as hell hope not, ” you said. You released your hands from theirs and wrapped an arm around both of them. You pulled them both into a hug, something you found yourself doing not that often, “I love you guys…so so so much.” You felt the boys each wrap a single arm around you, returning the embrace.
You felt them shift under your embrace, no doubt glancing at each other. “We know,” they both replied in unison, the lightheartedness and love clear in their voices.
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marvelhoeee · 5 years
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Don’t worry, she’s got help.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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marvelhoeee · 5 years
I’m just thinking of that one straight boy from class that said he was dissapointed that they cut Captain Marvel’s hair because “she wasn’t hot anymore”
…wasn’t hot…
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Imagine looking at Brie Larson with short hair and thinking she’s not the epitome of perfection. Straight boys are weak.
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marvelhoeee · 8 years
at what point in history do you think americans stopped having british accents
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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“I screwed up, dad. After years of searching… I finally found him. I found the man who killed mom… The man in yellow. The one in the lightning. He’s out there, and I had him. He got away. I - I was so close. I promised you that I would get you out of here. Every day you spend in here has been because of him… Until today. Now you’re in here because of me, and I’m so sorry.”
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
a summary of jurassic world
claire: here is our new hybrid which we have completely under control
indominus rex: hello naughty humans its murder time
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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As requested by an anon, here are some ideas for plots (between two characters) with a bit of angst involved. Some of these could also be used as “secrets” if necessary.
Trigger warnings: homophobia, mental illness, self-harm, kidnapping, abortion, basically any angsty situation. Proceed with caution.
Keep reading
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
the signs as disney songs
Aries - A Whole New World (Aladdin) Taurus - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat (The Aristocats) Gemini - Be Prepared (The Lion King) Cancer - Part Of Your World (The Little Mermaid) Leo - Hakuna Matata (The Lion King) Virgo - When You Wish Upon A Star (Pinocchio) Libra - Be Our Guest (Beauty & the Beast) Scorpio - I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (Mulan) Sagittarius - I See The Light (Tangled) Capricorn - Let It Go (Frozen) Aquarius - Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) Pisces - Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas)
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
The anime takes place years after Lilo&Stitch had their adventures in the movies and tv series. The anime is not the best but THIS EPISODE I’M FUCKING CRYING YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
steven universe the new lilo and stitch of crossovers?
i really hope that steven universe does more crossovers like lilo and stitch
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
My heart....
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Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind.
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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Some disney lyrics in their native tongue.
[I realize that some of these may be incorrect, I got all of the info for this from the internet. If they are incorrect I apologize.]
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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Adam is there like:
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marvelhoeee · 9 years
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“For when a woman’s strength comes from the heart, it is undeniable.”
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