mason-heals-things · 1 year
👋 Send Me Emojis 👀👌
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🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
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😔 - Something that makes you sad?
😡 - What pisses you off?
😏 - What turns you on?
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
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mason-heals-things · 1 year
Colour Asks
RED Crimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today? Light Pink - Do you have stuffed animals? Blush - Are you single? Amaranth - What’s your favourite emotion? Cherry Blossom - How are you feeling right now? Hollywood Cerise - What are your ambitions? Razzmatazz - Favourite TV Show? Rose - Where do you feel most comfortable? French Rose - What is your favourite flavour? Cameo Pink - Favourite movie?
ORANGE Buff Orange - Would you consider yourself athletic? Burnt Sienna - Favourite smell? Melon - Do you like to dance? Carrot - Do you bake? Copper - What is your favourite kind of day? Orangeade - When do you feel alive? Gamboge - Where do you want to travel? Peach - Favourite texture/s? Vermillion - How brave are you? Bittersweet Shimmer - What is your favourite memory?
YELLOW Flax - Do you like going to the beach? Wheat - Who can you trust the most? Laser Lemon - What kind of phone do you have? Gold - Are you high maintenance? Mellow Yellow - How calm are you? Unmellow Yellow - How high energy are you? Papaya Whip - How honest are you? Transparent Yellow - Would you consider yourself to be special? Canary - Favourite song? Reed Yellow - Do you play an instrument?
GREEN Pear - Where do you feel rested? Olive - What is your favourite food? Fern - Favourite plant? Moss - Are you quiet or loud? Tea green - How do you relax? Celadon - Dream job? Harlequin - Can you act? Malachite - Do you speak more than one language? Mantis - Favourite animal? Seafoam Green - Do you like water?
BLUE Sky Blue - Would you ever want to fly? Periwinkle - Would you want to breathe underwater? Powder Blue - Or control the weather? Liberty - Become the president/prime minister? Space Cadet - Become an astronaut? Celeste - Have perfect pitch? Eton Blue - Become invisible? Indigo - Become immortal? Iris - Grow plants at will? Whispering Blue - Or teleport?
PURPLE Lilac - Would you want kids? Lavender - What is your favourite time of day? Mulberry - Could you betray someone? Eminence - Favourite sounds? Palatinate - Do you think you’ll make it to 100 years old? Prune - Do you ever think about dying? Fandango - Do you spontaneously start singing sometimes? Thistle - If you could become wise, rich, or intelligent, which would you rather? Mauve - What would you name your kids/pets? Royal Purple - What’s your favourite emotion?
OTHERS Cream - If you had 1 day left to live, what would you do? Silver - Are you a good person? Ecru - How do you feel about the world today? Auburn - Favourite colour? White - Do you own lots of makeup? Black - What is the greatest success of your life so far? Bronze - Would you follow my blog? Pink Nectar - What’s your aesthetic? Sepia - Do you like photography?
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"You're doing great, my love. I love you so much." Mason says as he is helped out of his chair by his husband, holding on to him as he walks up and down the hall, stopping occasionally to kean against him when a contraction hit. After about the third trip, Tan rushed in. "Perfect timing, Tanny." He pants out, wiping his sweaty forehead "He wants out." He says and Tan nods, motioning for him and Dal to go into the room and get into a gown. Mason got on the bed and relaxed with a sigh as Tan used his magic to Numb him. "Much better." He says smiling up at his husband, taking his hand, and kissing it. "Ready to meet your son?"
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"Just being here and taking what pain you can is helping me a lot." Mason says breathing through a contraction as he squeezes Dal's hand. "Help me up, I need to move around. I know I should get in a bed and wait but walking won't hurt, it will just help with the pain until Tan gets hereee....oh that one hurts." He winces, squeezing his hand harder.
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason groans as another contraction hits and grabs for Dal, squeezing his hand as he breathes through the pains. It was really starting to hurt and he couldn't focus through the pain to give himself a dose of magical pain relief. "OK this is starting to hurt. I'm at about 6 minutes apart so he needs to get here now." He grits out as the worst of it passes before relaxing back into the chair, shifting to relieve the pressure. "I can't focus enough through the pain to use my magic to help." He breaths out, stomach still tightening as their son lets him know he wants out.
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason was sure now he was in labor as he sat with Arlo waiting for Theo to get back and if he knew anything about his bond with Dal it meant his husband would he there any minute because he would feel his pain through their bond. He let out a breath as another contraction passed, keeping himself calm as to not alert the younger man as he spoke of his pregnancy. "Isaac is a good man, patient, and he will be an even better mate and father to you and your baby." He says just as Theo comes rushing in. "You're fine Theo, it's slow but I have a feeling Dal will be here soon. I'm pretty positive I'm in labor and he's going to feel it. I'd hate for anyone to get in the way when he does since he's pretty protective. Could you call Tan? I'm going to need him since I can't really deliver my own baby."
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason rubs his back as the latest cramp lasted longer than the other. "Call Tan? I know he isn't due back until tomorrow but I'm pretty sure I'm in labor." He says breathing out.
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"Unfortunately Tan, my other doctor, won't be back from his vacation until tomorrow so sadly I'm the only doctor here. He just got back into town but I'd hate to end his time off short just because I'm miserable." Mason sighs before reaching for his phone to time his next cramp because maybe Arlo was right, maybe he was in labor. "If I am in labor it's still really early. I have time and we are pretty slow right now so I can just rest in the back when Theo gets back." He shrugs, stubborn as ever but texts his husband just in case. "How about you, Arlo? Have you started getting any pregnancy symptoms yet?"
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason sighs, rubbing his aching back before pacing for a second before a particularly hard cramp made him pause and let out a breath. "I'm fine. Braxton Hicks but they seem to be getting worse the closer it gets to to time for this little man to come." The doctor says rubbing his tight stomach before sitting down "Theo went out to lunch with Logan, he should be back soon. Sorry, Arlo, that comment wasn't directed at you specifically I'm just hormonal and so tired and these pains.. " he groans as he shifts in the chair to try to relieve some pressure in his back. "I'm just over being pregnant, good luck you're just at the beginning." He chuckles, wincing as another particularly sharp cramp digs into his back and stomach lasting a bit longer than usual.
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At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
At the Han Clinic
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"My back is cramping, my feet are swollen, I have to pee every 5 minutes and everyone in New Orleans wants to get pregnant right before I'm about to go out for a few weeks because of the baby. I'm a little stressed."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason perked up a bit as Arlo began talking. "Pregnant?" He says with a raised eyebrow "And here I thought Isaac told me everything. I guess I can see why he would leave out the part about the possibility you might be after...well I'm sure he's told you." He says before waving him over to the table and summoning his enhanced ultrasound machine. "You do seem different though, I'll admit that. You're actually glowing." He says as he rubs his hands together once the Shifter-Warlock was on the table. Mason's hands began to glow a bright green as he placed it over the other man's stomach and he hummed. "Your friend was right." He says before asking him to pull up his shirt and pull down his pants. "This will be a little cold but let's take a look." He says squirting on the gel and using the transducer to find Arlo's Unborn Child. "You see that? That's your baby." He says pointing to the small spot on the screen, the baby's rabid heartbeat filling the otherwise quiet room. "Supernatural pregnancies work a little differently, you're measuring at about 5 weeks."
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The hospital cafeteria
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It had been a week since Arlo and Isaac had met and made love to one another. He was overjoyed with spending time with his soulmate at every second he could possibly get. But today in particular his body felt different, It felt off. He was on his lunch break with Theo in the hospital cafeteria, when his best friend had sniffed the air smelling Arlo. “Do you smell that?” Theo asked. “Smell what?” He responded. Theo got up from his seat and sniffed his best friend a little closer. “Oh my god are you pregnant Arlo?” Theo asked another question with widening eye as “I don’t know yet, I might be. Who knows” He better talk to Mason after work just to confirm
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason was just about to close the clinic for the day when someone walked in. He stretched, rubbing his aching back as he stood from his seat behind his desk. He wasn't really showing very much yet since the start of his pregnancy but the extra weight was starting to make his back hurt a bit more. Still, he wouldn't trade his unborn son for anything in the world. Walking out front, Mason smiled when he saw Arlo. "Hello Arlo, I'm surprised to see you. Can I help with something?" He asks his platonic soulmate's forever love.
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The hospital cafeteria
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It had been a week since Arlo and Isaac had met and made love to one another. He was overjoyed with spending time with his soulmate at every second he could possibly get. But today in particular his body felt different, It felt off. He was on his lunch break with Theo in the hospital cafeteria, when his best friend had sniffed the air smelling Arlo. “Do you smell that?” Theo asked. “Smell what?” He responded. Theo got up from his seat and sniffed his best friend a little closer. “Oh my god are you pregnant Arlo?” Theo asked another question with widening eye as “I don’t know yet, I might be. Who knows” He better talk to Mason after work just to confirm
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason chuckles as he kisses his fiancé one more time and laces their fingers together. "Now is the perfect time." He beams.
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At Home with Dal
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"I need to talk to you about something pretty important."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"I love you, Dal, and I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else." Mason says as he kisses him back before smiling "Well....I happen to know your pack leader performs pack wedding ceremonies from a little bird named David. What do you say?" He smirks.
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At Home with Dal
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"I need to talk to you about something pretty important."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
Mason giggles at his fiancé's reaction. "We are. Charlie says I'm about 10 weeks. How I didn't know is beyond me but then again I never thought all the experimenting would pay off either. It's kind of a weird feeling, having a tiny little life growing inside of you." The warlock says with a smile, playing with Dal's hair as he holds him "I love you too, my love, we both do. I guess we should probably push up getting married huh?" He chuckles.
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At Home with Dal
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"I need to talk to you about something pretty important."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"I'm sorry, honey. I just wanted you to listen." Mason chuckles as he strokes his lover's hair as he bends down to listen to their child "Yes." The warlock smiles, eyes becoming misty "All the experimenting worked. I had been feeling weird and I assumed it was because I had been trying to alter my anatomy for the last few months so I had Charlie use his magic to see what I missed. It worked. I managed to create the necessary parts and well you and I are pretty active sexually so...are you happy, Daddy?" He asks.
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At Home with Dal
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"I need to talk to you about something pretty important."
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mason-heals-things · 2 years
"Dal, I love you but you can be so oblivious sometimes." Mason chuckles "Listen. Just be quiet and really listen and you'll hear it." The warlock says encouraging his boyfriend to use his wolf hearing to hear their unborn child.
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At Home with Dal
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"I need to talk to you about something pretty important."
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