mattsullivan · 2 years
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"Good to know," Matt smiled at her, "what is it we're celebrating, though?" This was a proper Irish tavern, meaning that everyone's business was everyone's business. A community watering hole where everyone was friends and family. "One thing working out is a big deal. Especially because it's rarely an everyday thing." The luck of the Irish was actually opposite, they were all rather unlucky most days. When she glanced at her phone, his eyes moved down to see the flash of something on her screen. Not to be nosy, he didn't try to read or decipher what was on there, curiosity often got the better of him as it did most people. "Cozy?" A smirk played on Matt's lips. "That's not one I get often but I'm glad. "It's definitely an unassuming place where you can just be yourself," he added looking around briefly. He went to other bars occasionally but usually always found himself wanting to come back here. It was his place with his people. "I can't take credit for that," Matt said, pointing to the wine, "that's all Aileen. My grandmother." A small chuckle left him and then he opened up his arms, gesturing to the bar itself. "Good beer and good whiskey. All an Irish pub needs."
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His words brought forth a chuckle. "Oh, no." The idea was certainly amusing but Zixia had never been one to truly let herself go in such ways. "You won't have to worry about me. Just a little celebration. Tomorrow's another day and I certainly can't turn into a mess simply cause one thing worked out." One very big and important thing. It certainly had been an event worthy of boosting her credentials. For a moment she allowed herself a glance at her phone, time seemingly racing past before the device was flipped as pushed aside for the moment. There was a whole world around her; no time left for work. Not now, anyway. "It's surprisingly nice." There was a smile on her lips. "This place seemed like the cozier option. Something tells me I'd have come here even if the wine was less than optimal. And this one is perfectly fine. Quite nice, actually." Wine seemed to be her thing. "What would you recommend? What would you consider the forte of Sully's?" Curiosity was peaked.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
"Do what?" Matt questioned, noting how uncomfortable Lucy appeared. Perhaps in an effort to make himself smaller and less imposing he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I didn't mean anything by it. You just were never much of a farmer's market girl." Or maybe the blonde just never really had enough time to shop around, her work always seemed to keep her busy. Which, during their more than half a decade relationship, had always seemed to suit them given that he had always been busy with work as well. The tavern wasn't so demanding but add it onto everything else he did and there was little free time, especially since he had been crafting the beer that was now being bottled and had some distribution. "I'm pretty good, could use a bit more sleep, but what adult couldn't?" Seeing her, Lucy so close he could reach out and touch her, sent pangs of regret through his chest. If he could do their relationship over or have another chance at it there were a few things he would've done differently.
"Anyway, yeah— I know you've been here a while. It's just, uhh—" Unsure, a hand came up and rubbed at the nape of his neck and Matt briefly looked around as though something in the vicinity could save him from the awkwardness he had initiated. Maybe approaching your ex, who you didn't end on the best of terms with, wasn't the brightest idea. But he did miss her. Oh how he had taken for granted coming home to her every night and having her to curl up with. "You're always busy. Do you ever slow down?" Knowing that question could trigger some snap back, he quickly continued. "Because if you do maybe we could talk some time."
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Lucy had been home in Vancouver for four years. Four years and it felt like she was still trying to get used to this pace again. It’s been four years since she’s been with her unit. A unit that had become her second home, her second family. Sure, the blonde was a lead since she had excelled at her job and she did consider them home, but Matthew was always going to be home. Matthew was always going to be the one that made her feel safe. The one that made her feel at peace. The one that made her feel happy. Though their relationship was tainted. It was ruined and she had no idea if it was possible to be fixed. It wouldn’t of been tainted or ruined if he would’ve just given her the damn ring. She had a feeling back then that he had a ring too, but he was just too damn scared. He was scared and the women didn’t blame him, Lucy had  known about his past but she didn’t care, Lucy wanted it all with him. Despite his past. He was and still is the love of her life. The man of her dreams, and the fact that the words they said to one another were as sharp and hard as a knife, that’s what destroyed them. 
 Lucy was on her brake when she saw him. Fuck he was still so attractive. She couldn’t stand it. It wasn’t fair. He couldn’t of gotten uglier or something? She questioned herself silently and her heart was beating out of her chest. The cold air hitting her face, her hands trembling so she shoved them into her pockets. The beard. It was the beard. She always loved it when he grew a beard. Swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, she felt water form in her eyes and Lucy bit down hard on her lips. “I uh, Ive been here for quite some time.” She finally managed, and then Lucy looked at him for a moment. He looked exactly the same to her. “I’ve been kind of busy.” The blonde tried not to sound harsh, but it was the truth. “I have to be back at the Prescient soon.” Clearing her throat, she ran a hand through her hair for a moment “What do you want, Matt?” Lucy always hated small talk, and her heart was beating out of her chest. She felt like she could brake down any moment. “You okay?” Her voice finally cracked, and the Detective looked at her ex for a moment. “I mean, you look okay.” She folded her arms across her chest and a nervous laugh escaped “I’m sorry. I cant do this.” It was hard for her, this was hard for her. Standing in front of him, it was killing her once more and she couldn’t do it. 
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mattsullivan · 2 years
"Alright, let me get you the house special," Matt winked at Shreya, of course meaning his own batch. Now that it was being bottled and Sully's was getting some distribution his pride for his endeavors had shot through the roof. A goal that had taken quite a while and lots of hard work had finally been accomplished, and Matt was excited to see where it went and would do his best to make sure it grew. Once he poured his friend some of Sully's on tap and set it in front of her, Matt settled across the bar from her. He loved it when she visited, Shreya was easily one of the best friends he'd had in the city, to the point where she felt a bit like family. Nodding, understanding where she was coming from, "glad you made it out here then. You know you could ring me up any time you wanna get out and do something, right? It'd be good for me too. I'm always told I work too much." It really did make his heart melt a little that people were so accepting of his daughter and her sudden appearance in his life just over a year ago. "Thanks, Shreya," he nodded at her, "Selvi is a lot like her mom and loves to read so I'm sure she'll love what you pick out. We'll come by tomorrow, that cool?" At the mention of the tavern being busy, Matt's eyes wandered around. "I like it when there's a constant buzz going on in here. Feels like home."
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Shreya didn't find herself visiting the tavern as often as she'd have liked but it wasn't because of the actual place...it was more-so because she never really felt like she fit in with the crowd that frequented and almost always was just feeling a lot more alone than anything else. But she enjoyed Matt's company whenever he was around, always thinking he reminded her a lot of her cousins that she didn't see as often as she'd have liked. "Hmmm...I think a brew night for sure." She told him before smiling and nodding, "I've been okay actually...just in need of something to change up my routine. I feel like I've become a recluse and I hate it." When he mentioned his daughter needing some books, instantly she perked up. "Oh yeah? I mean...of course she'll need the educational stuff, but I've got a couple others that I think she'll enjoy...in her downtime too so I'll keep those aside for you guys." Shreya glanced around the place and then back at Matt, "there's no predicting when this place is going to be busy--but I suppose that's good for you, even if you were hiding out in the back tonight."
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mattsullivan · 2 years
"Do you ever look bad?" Matt challenged, wishing he could look that good whenever he was rocking a hangover. It wasn't often, as the Irishman had a strong tolerance and hardly ever drank in excess. Especially not since Selvi had come into his life. He took the seat across from Reagan, not waiting upon an invitation. Coffee wasn't much his thing but given that his teenager was half Turkish Oz had become a regular spot in the last year and of all the things Selvi had introduced him to the coffee was one of the best. "What happened to you? You look like you feel miserable."
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location: oz turkish coffee and bakery
open to: everyone and anyone ( @vancitystarters )
To say that she was hungover was an understatement. Her head was pounding, her eyes felt on fire, and she was sure that she looked a hot mess with her hair up in a bun and last nights clothes still on. After finishing her shift, she vowed to only have one drink before going home but one turned into five and then she lost count. She passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow but the sun woke her up too early - damn not having any curtains in her room yet. Instead of making the coffee that she had at home, she headed down to her new favorite coffee shop and grabbed a cup of coffee and a bagel to eat. Moving to a seat in the far back of the room, she sat down with her head in her hands when she felt a presence by her. "Do I look as bad as I feel?"
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mattsullivan · 2 years
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"No, no. You're fine, I promise," Matt politely interrupted when she mentioned moving. "I'm stuck here 'til long after closing, so you enjoy the quiet corner while you can. The rest of the tavern could get pretty ruckus at any given time, especially once all the pints begin to settle in. Congrats on the successful day though. Are you the one I'm gonna have to watch out for later?" Matt offered her a smile and a wink then moved around to the other side of the bar, cleaning things up a bit behind his bartender as he went. When he was in front of her this time, he looked up then glanced at her glass of wine. "I'm curious how that wine is doing. We're not exactly known for it here and I know next to nothing about it all but I do try to keep a few bottles of what I'm told is good stuff on hand." 
who: open. where: Sully's Tavern/The Vine { @vancitystartersers }
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Long day, long hours of sorting and planning only for it to turn into something the event planner herself would call perfection. Hardly ever did she allow herself to feel that happy with anything. Just for tonight, though. The next day would be filled with hard work; no time for resting on it. Deep in thoughts it took a second for her to even register the voice of the person next to her. "What? Oh, no, no. The seat is free. I'm not waiting for anyone." Zixia chuckled as she put the glass back down, wine swirling around. "Simply enjoying the end of a successful day." She allowed herself to turn toward the other. "If you're waiting for someone, though, I could move. I seem to be taking up the quiet corner at the bar." Polite smile on her lips her attention returned to the red liquid.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
─── starter for @lucebakershqs / at the farmer's market
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It was another day of running some errands for Aileen and while Vancouver was a city of decent size, it had the ability to feel small sometimes. Mostly when it came to running into people you couldn't exactly escape from. Matt readjusted the beanie he wore atop his head at the sight of the blonde that had broken his heart after he'd broken hers. It wasn't the best day for a run-in with anyone, there was so much that he was trying to get done, but Matt had never been the type that had been good at ignoring people nor giving them the cold shoulder. So much emotion was tied up in Lucy and their past, the way things ended, and the fact that he had to see her living her life around him without him. Despite all her thoughts and feelings, he really and truly had wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. There were just hang ups when it came to putting the ring on her finger. People seemed to always exit Matt's life and it had become a deeply rooted fear that she would leave too, especially since the mother of his child had done so without saying a word the moment he wanted to make their relationship as official as it could be. He never wanted to put that on Lucy, but he had to accept that he had asked her to wait too long.
Sighing, swallowing down his pride, and biting the bullet he approached her. "I can't decide if I'm surprised to see you here or not," he said, offering a tiny smile. Mostly he was trying to be friendly. But if he could manage it, Matt wanted to get to a place where he could ask how she was doing and how she'd been.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
There was no rhyme or reason as to why some days were busier than others, not considering holidays and the sort. Matt never really cared. Sully's had a steady clientele for generations and was fortunate to never really have to worry about business and revenue. He was in the back working on inventory and figuring how the amount he'd need to make on his next batch when Jimmy, one of the bartenders for the night, popped his head in and said a female was at the bar asking for him. Decidedly not making any guesses, Matt found a good stopping point and grabbed his phone he'd left on a shelf on his way out to the front, stuffing it into his back pocket as he went. The woman happened to be a friend and one that made him smile at the sight of Shreya sitting there at the bar. They often traded patronships, he was a regular at her bookstore and she popped in when she was in the mood. "Is it a brew and grub night or just one of the options?" Matt leaned into the heel of his palms against the barback across from her. "How ya been? I was actually gonna be seeing you tomorrow. Selvi needs a couple of books for school."
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status: closed for @mattsullivan location: sully's tavern
When Shreya pushed open the door to the tavern and caught sight of the crowd, she was almost tempted to turn back around and leave but she forced herself to walk through and make her way over to the bar and scoot up onto one of the vacant stools. "Why is it so busy tonight?" These words were mostly mumbled to herself before she glanced up at the bartender who didn't look too familiar to her. "Is Matt around tonight?" That was honestly why she'd even made the trip out...she felt like she hadn't seen the other in awhile and figured this outing would also force her to not become a recluse.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
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Casey Deidrick In The Dark (4.07)
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mattsullivan · 2 years
jayesh acharya.
who — Jayesh & @mattsullivan​ when — October 31st where — SAMHAIN FESTIVAL
With a list of partners as long as his, it was easy to run into old flames. Which sometimes was a good time all over again, and sometimes it wasn’t. He was now desperate to escape one that wasn’t and faked an excuse to start towards the door.
“Alright baby, yeah – yeah! Yeah, I’ll call you. I will. I will call you tomorrow, yeah…ye-” Jayesh hit a wall. Literally. A wall of man. Stars filled his vision, shaded in sunglasses regardless of them being indoors (and it being nighttime outside). 
It took Jay a minute to realize he’d run into a real person. “God damn, my man! Anyone ever tell you you’re tall! Good thing whoever owns this joint put in high ceilings.”
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Sometimes you could see a wreck about to happen and it didn’t matter how hard you tried to avoid it, it was bound to happen. Matt had shifted right, then left and even spoke up but the guy in shades still slammed into his chest.
A chuckle and then a shake of his head, amused at the reaction. “Maybe once or twice,” he responded. “That would’ve been my grandfather,” Matt nodded, “and he wasn’t nearly as tall.”
It was anyone’s guess where he and Finn got their height from.
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“Anyone ever tell you that sunglasses in a dimly lit room does not make for good optics?” / @jayesh-acharya​
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mattsullivan · 2 years
kaia chastain.
closed: @mattsullivan location: somewhere near live music
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“It’s nice being on this side of the stage for once.” She began with a laugh before glancing over at the person beside her. “But I can’t help but want to play.” It took a moment for it to register that Matt was the one who joined her, it’ll been a while since they had the chance to talk. The history will Isla was rough and something she was still getting pieces of to not overwhelm her sister with deep details, still she found it weird to be close to someone one day and another they’d disappeared. “Uh, how are you? I didn’t think I’d be running into you tonight.”
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Spotting Kaia in the crowd he couldn’t resist heading over to say hell and see how she had been doing. They used to be close at one point, he’d thought of her as his own little sister in many ways. Unfortunately their bond and her familial ties put distance between them when Isla left him those years ago.
“How long has it been?” Matt felt guilty for not keeping up better. “If you ever want to play you know you’re welcome to put on shows at Sully’s.” The tavern had live shows pretty much weekly.
With his hands in the pokcets of his jacket, Matt let out a sigh and shrugged his thick shoulders. “It’s about time though, right?” He wasn’t about to lay out some excuses. “I’m doing alright. How about you?”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
margot moore & bram walsh.
who : @bramwalsh​ & @mattsullivan​ where : sully’s
She was drunk. Ever hear of a pre-game? Margot knew she was bound to run into an awkward interaction at some point during this evening based on her behavior as of late. There was becoming a list of people she’d rather avoid. Be numbingly drunk for any of it felt like the safer option. Besides, it was a Halloween Event at a bar - the point was to be drunk.
What she couldn’t admit to herself was that despite her apology to Matt, she knew things were still unfixed and weird between them. Margot had been conveniently planning to see him in the largest group of people possible. She wasn’t ready to discuss it. She wasn’t ready to admit to herself she might have been losing the biggest fixture and support in her life. The ache eating at her stomach for months now felt intolerable. The alcohol helped.
Margot spotted Bram as she entered the bar. Her eyes glanced down at her phone, checking the time. Matt said he wouldn’t be here for at least another hour. Her short legs crossed the floor in determined strides. She walked right up to Bram Walsh, pulling him to her as she kissed him deeply in the back corner of the bar. Her lips pulled away from his, kissing a trail up to his ear. “Bathroom.” She whispered. Margot wasn’t proud of the fact that she lost count of how many times they’d hooked up since the first time. Bram, clear by lingering bruises and the rate in which he consumed drugs, had his own shit going on. Without speaking about it, they both seemed to have an understanding of the mutual destruction and the lack of guilt either should carry in the part they played. It wasn’t her fault the sex was really fucking good and that she needed some kind of relief in this moment. It felt good and awful in the ways that distracted her from her actual issues. The mixture of impulse, alcohol, and self-sabotage seemed to all crash down on her at once, making her think that it was okay to hook up with Bram Walsh in the bathroom of Sully’s.
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- 10 minutes later -
.“Don’t say I’ve never done anything nice for you.” Margot stood from her knees in the bathroom. She was in the business of pleasing men. The tiny girl fixed her lipstick enough, before patting the man on the chest as she turned to head out of the bathroom. “We’re not doing that again.” She said that every time.
A bit wobbly, from kneeling on tile and her intoxicated state, she opened the door, with the man following close behind. If she wasn’t so sure Matt wouldn’t be there for quite a bit longer, she might have made Bram wait in the bathroom a couple more minutes before reappearing in the bar. Clearly, neither of them were in a sane state of mind. She swatted Bram’s lingering hand away shooting him a look before her eyes turned back ahead. Dark hues landed directly on the one person who wasn’t suppose to be here. Matt evidently just watched her leave the bathroom of his bar with his other best friend, a man she’d detested. “Fuck.”
She saw it on his face. All of a sudden she was sober as day.She could see her entire world coming crashing down in Matt Sullivan’s eyes. Margot glanced up at Bram, before back at her best friend. “Fuck.”
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What was supposed to be a quick trip to the bar to grab him and Isla more drinks, had actually turned into more than Bram could’ve ever (and should’ve ever) bargained for. But given the entourage of nosy dictators in his life pushing him towards his breaking point and over the edge, Bram had welcomed Margot’s drunkenly, sloppy greeting with a matching one of his own. “Yeah, okay. Hold that thought –” Bram was speaking to the bartender not Margot as he allowed the latter to whisk him away from prying eyes and into the privacy of Sully’s unisex stall. One heavy make out session, some groping and a mind-numbing blowjob later and Bram reappeared behind Margot to join the land of the living once again, in the crowded bar of Sully’s.
He fully intended to get back to Isla, who he hadn’t noticed had blown up his phone, when a tall familiar figure blocked his and Margot’s path. There was no telling how much Matt had seen ( or heard ) but judging by the look on his best friend’s face, he’d deduced enough. That, and when you consider Margot’s horrible poker face, what’s transpired in recent weeks had been made crystal clear to the man whose name inspired this very bar. Would Bram openly admit his hatefucking of Margot began back in September and tonight, after being dragged by countless loved ones as of late, he fell victim to her seduction once more? No.
However, if Matt asked, he’d be completely honest. Though, he suspected his friend wouldn’t want a catalogue of the event. But more so, answers otherwise surrounding it. “Listen, Matt—” because Margot was being no help at all and externally cursing and freaking out, Bram took it upon himself to speak up for both of them, lest this confrontation become more awkward than it needs to be. “This isn’t….” he gestured between himself and Margot, “we’re definitely not…. I don’t think we really need to talk about it.”  @mattsullivan​
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It had been awhile since Matt had seen or spoken to Margot aside from a brief text exchange. They were in a weird place. One that didn’t seem like it would resolve anytime soon, mostly because the distance hurt. Somehow and somewhere along the line, for the first time since they were kids, they were no longer a cohesive unit. 
To say that he was a bit surprised she actually came to Sully’s Samhain Festival would’ve been an understatement. Especially since they kept their distance. What had shocked Matt further was the moment she’d caught his eye, Margot was running up to Bram in a way that was far from the behavior he’d known of his two closest friends that had up until that moment, by his understanding, hated each other.
Not only did Margot kiss Bram in a very heated way, she also drug him off to Sully’s bathroom. Matt stood there, by the bar, not sure of what he had witnessed.
The image had seared into his mind. 
Bram had been on a downward spiral himself and felt so far removed from him that he wasn’t even sure the man considered him a friend anymore. 
Not only had he been worried about each friend, and quite a bit, realizing that there was something going on between them showed him that they were only dousing the fires with gasoline. 
Even though Matt had been aware that Lola wouldn’t be attending tonight, he still glanced around the tavern in hopes that she hadn’t seen what he had. That was the other issue in all of this. Lola was a close friend of his and he knew how much this would hurt her. He wasn’t sure what it was, maybe the glance across the room to see Isla staring off in the direction he had just been, but his feet carried him in the direction his two friends had escaped to.
Before he could reach, they came stumbling out of the bathroom and Matt froze in his path, staring at the obvious. 
Matt’s eyes moved from Margot to Bram, back and forth, back and forth, just trying to compute and process. He could tell they both understood they’d been caught in their dirty deed but at least Margot had the sense to not really say anything. 
Finally his gaze rested on Bram and Matt slowly nodded. “Yeah, we’re not gonna talk about it. Because I’m not gonna have you both look me in my eyes and lie to me.”
A deep, long breath was pulled into his lungs before Matt’s gaze switched to @margotmoore​. “If you guys want to run your lives into the ground and hurt everyone around you, fine. But you’re going to leave.”
“Don’t make me throw you out. Just get your shit and leave.”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
nazli sayar.
“No—” not this year at least; she’d indulged throughout many others— “but since when have you known me to turn down a drink, Sully?” Never. That’s when. Naz swiped the large stein from his hands with a crooked grin and knocked back that first sip. A little sweet compared to her usual vice of choice, but she’d take it. 
Like he said… Samhain only came around once a year. When in Rome and all of that.
She somehow managed to nod throughout her next sip without pausing or spilling a drop, and then the pair eased their way outside where it was only somewhat less of a circus. Still, Naz took a deep, cleansing breath of the chilled evening air, feeling the breeze lick over flushed cheeks, before her eyes cut back. “So.” Her hip gently knocked against his side. “How’ve you been?”
“Staying out of more trouble than me, I hope.”
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It was a little comical to see the large mug in Nazli’s small hands. The damn thing was full and nearly bigger than her head. Like always, the petite woman handled her drink like a champ.
On an Irish night, the Irishman was extra proud.
When they’d made it outside, he hauled a deep pull of fresh air into his lungs. It felt good and refreshed him. The tavern was so packed it was a little warm so this was the perfect reprieve. Especially since he got to catch up with a friend from childhood.
“I’m,” his head bobbed, the pause already making whatever he’d try to pass off next sound unconvincing, “hanging in there. Doing my best, as they say.” 
Not only did he have a teenager looking at colleges for next year but there were things going on with his friends, people he’d believed his closest over decades were growing very apart from him.
“Is that even possible?” Matt winked at Naz, teasing her while thinking of the friend group he always remembered her having. Specifically the local legendary wildman, Josh Lincoln. “I didn’t think you had a clue how to do that.”
“How are you though? I think I heard some yelling on that cruise last month—”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
ezra molina.
Ezra eyed the mug in question. With caution, but there was a hint of curiosity that seemed to follow suit. “Isn’t that like honey wine? I don’t know. A little too sweet for my taste. But you would know best.” He was quick to add knowing this was the other’s business. Being a fellow business owner, there was a level of respect that came easy. The drink of choice was just not up Ezra’s alley. “In my defense I am too set in my own ways to try anything new.” He felt the need to explain, due to that respect. The man didn’t mean any foul by it. “That fresh air sounds more like it though. I don’t know how you deal with all these shenanigans. There’s a guy who seriously thinks it’s a good idea to try and drink with knives as fingers. Even if they are faux. I guess he’s dressed up as Freddy Krueger.”
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“It’s fermented honey and water, yeah,” Matt nodded, specifically and pointedly leaving out the wine part. It definitely wasn’t that, nor beer. “It’s an old recipe. C’mon man, ancient Celts and Vikings used to drink this stuff.” Just a tease since he actually didn’t mind either way, Matt just mostly felt as though it was part of the experience.
“It’s much better than you’re thinking in your head,” he added on but with Ezra’s refusal he passed it along to someone else real quick. 
The man had been his tattoo artist on more than one occasion and Matt was happy Ezra had decided to make an appearance. Especially since Sully’s was thriving tonight with the festival.
Matt laughed as they headed outside where the party continued on the patio and in the back lot. Live music, dancing, drinks and food galore. “It’s only once a year and it’s honestly one of my favorites so I enjoy it. It has its rowdy moments any day of the year though,” Matt shrugged, “I’m just used to it I guess.”
This was what he’d grown up with.
“And why didn’t you dress up?” His eyes wandered for Freddy Krueger. “I saw Edward Scissorhands earlier, it’ll be interesting if those two meet.”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
talita duarte ribeiro.
WHO: @mattsullivan​ WHERE: Fall Harvest Carnival, Rides
There were people in your life that no matter how hard you try, you couldn’t shake them. No matter the time that had passed or the distance between you, they were never going to leave your life. But then there were others who you lost touch with, the years passed and the distance only grew both literally and figuratively. That had happened with Matt and nearly everyone she left behind in Vancouver when she moved to Halifax. It hadn’t been on purpose, but she’d had a hard time staying in touch when she’d been keeping such a big secret from him. However, upon her move back and after an incredibly long conversation with someone she’d once considered one of her closest friends (and a partially guilt baked pie), she was able to repair her friendship with Matt and they’d fallen back into their old ways quicker than she could have dreamed.
“Do you think you’d be able to fold yourself up small enough to fit on The Scrambler?” She asked with a playful grin, gently elbowing Matt as she walked next to him. “Because it’s my favorite and no amount of cotton candy is going to make having to go on it alone anything other than heartbreaking.” Her tone was light and teasing, lips stretched into a wide grin as she tilted her head back to look up at him. “Promise we can ride whatever you want next. And I might even share my cotton candy with you later.”
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“Might?” Cocking a brow at her, Matt gave Tali ample time to make the deal more enticing. As fun as the rides were, they were often too difficult for him to ride given his extra long frame. “If you don’t sweeten that up the ride I pick is the spinner and it’ll be after we pig out at the concessions.”
Even if she ended up puking all over him it’d somehow be worth it.
It was great to be in a place like this with Tali again. When she’d skirted out of town it had hurt, losing a friend like that, especially since it was very soon following Nesrin’s departure. Matt knew she’d run off to wherever her best friend had gotten off to but the silence from both women over the years had really made him ache.
When she’d returned, again following Nesrin, they buried the hatchet of the past. Matt hadn’t been one to hold a grudge and despite everything, like keeping his child a secret from him, he wasn’t going to not try and repair a once solid friendship.
After their long conversation over an entire pie, they found themselves quickly getting back to who they’d been with one another. And truly, nothing felt better. 
Especially these days when it seemed the people closest to him were getting further and further out of reach.
“I’ll do my best,” Matt finally said. “But you have to promise no pictures.” The last thing he needed was to be all over social media folded up like a pretzel. 
“I can’t have a heartbroken and pouty Talita so let’s do it.” He snatched a piece of her cotton candy and grinned as he popped it into his mouth. “We should take a pic though of you next to the ‘are you tall enough to ride this?’ sign.”
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mattsullivan · 2 years
jude mercer.
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“I’m gonna venture a no.” Can’t even remember the last time I had mead, but no time like the present to rectify that.” He hadn’t been to Sully’s in a LONG time, particularly considering he had his own joint to run, and he certainly hadn’t had the opportunity to visit during what was presumably its most unique celebration — precisely why he’d made a point to attend this year. Jude accepts the heavy mug with an appreciative nod, chancing a tentative drink of the beverage in hand. “NOT HALF BAD,” Jude says with an impressed hum, taking another ample sip. “Family recipe, I’d wager?” The volume he needs to amplify his voice with becomes EXCESSIVE, and he’s thankful for the idea of relocating outside, though he takes the mug with him, setting it down on the nearest surface he finds once they’re in open air. “So, young Matt. Been a long time. I’d ask ‘how’s business’, but as I can see…” he glances back toward the full house, amusement in his voice; “SEEMS you’re staying afloat.”
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Seeing Jude around the tavern during the festival had been unexpected but Matt had never really been one to look a gift horse in the mouth. It’d been a while since he’d seen and spoken to the older man, they each had busy bars to run. Alongside whatever else was going on in their lives.
When he’d found himself with a little more time, Matt would take his Indian out for rides when weather permitted and often stop in at The Rattle & Bone. Mostly to chat with Jude, a man who surely remembered his beloved and charismatic grandfather, Aidan, rather than for a drink.
“Glad you like it,” he grinned with pride after Jude had taken a taste of the old Celtic recipe. “You’d make some money on that wager. Passed down from a long line, Aileen would have my head if I gave it away.” His grandmother was a sweet and social woman but the Irish had their fire.
In all reality, mead wasn’t all that difficult to make.
As they headed outside to the back patio and lot, Matt had brought his own large mug of mead with him. The party was carrying on outside with a bonfire, dancing, and live music but with more space to spread out a conversation was possible.
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“Yeah, we’re hanging in there,” he grinned as he answered back then took a drink, eyes making a show of wandering around. “It’s good to see you. Glad you could make it this year. The bikers aren’t upset they don’t have a place to hide from all the festivities tonight?” 
Vancouver was bustling with Halloween fan fare.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
logan bentley.
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Logan was well used to drinking his beer and other drinks all the time. Normally fine with whatever can was handed to him. Not one to care to much as long it was nice and cold he was happy. “No?” he said looking at the mug for a moment then at the other male. “What is it ?” he asked he had bit that southen accent in him still.  He thought about it a moment before the took the glass and took a large gulp of it and smiled “It’s not bad “ he said. He had heard about yearly drinks before and this one wasn’t to bad. But a bar was a bar to Logan no matter what place he was at. He knew he could go into bar and have a few pints of a beer and have a good time. But this was far from the cowboy bars he was used too after a long nigh at the rodeo. “ugh sure man” he said with a smile. It was good to take a break from the inside and get to know people. 
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“It’s mead,” Matt answered. The accent sparked further interest. It wasn’t often something southern was heard way up here, so he didn’t hesitate in satiating his curiosity. “Where are you from? You sound a long way from home.”
Pointing at the large mug the other tipped back once more, Matt continued, “it’s an old Celtic recipe. We’re really feeling the ancestry tonight.” He gestured around himself a little as if asking ‘can’t you tell’ while he had a small grin on his face. The lull in conversation gave him opportunity for a nice gulp from his own mug.
“Alright, come on,” Matt said waving for the other to follow him, “since you’re new around here we’ve got to show you around anyway.” Leading the other through the crowd, he waved, nodded, and greeted others as they made their way through to the outside patio and back lot.
The festival continued out there with a bonfire, more food and drink, a live band, and people dancing.
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“I’m Matt, by the way,” he said extending his hand, “this was built by my grandfather,” Matt added, gesturing with his other hand to the tavern.
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mattsullivan · 2 years
─── starter for @vancitystarters​ / capping at 4 replies
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SAMHAIN FESTIVAL, SULLY’S TAVERN ─── Large beer mug in hand full of mead, Matt offered it with a grin. “Have you tried it yet?” The live music was going strong, people were dancing and celebrating the Celtic New Year with mead and feasts of food. It was loud inside, there was a lot going on outside as well in the back lot with the party tents up. Matt leaned in a bit to be heard over the noise, “it comes ‘round once a year. Enjoy.” The sweetish drink was from an ancient Celtic recipe and something Matt had ordered in masses for the festivities. Since his grandfather had opened the tavern long before Matt had been born the Samhain Festival had been an annual thing, and since he had taken over he’d tried his best to keep the traditions alive. Especially since they’d always been so popular. “Want to join me outside for some fresh air for a bit?”
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