maultheshy · 7 years
Part 27
Almeta smiled and stood behind Maul, holding the necklace in front of him. She kissed his head again. “No more tears now, where ever you two may go, I’ll always make sure you both know someone in this galaxy cares about you.” She told them softly, keeping her eyes on Maul’s head trying to not see the way they looked at each other. “I should probably explain this. The gift Savage has gotten you is called … well it translates to Wishing Shell. While I’m putting it on you, you have to make a wish and you can’t take it off ever. The necklace will only come off once your wish comes true but if you take it off before then your wish will fail.” She explained. Maul closed his eyes as she tied the string off then she took her seat and started eating. She was enjoying herself, it felt almost like having a family again. She smiled at Maul and Savage, watching them interact with each other and when Savage asked a question she blinked and looked up at him. “Forgive me Savage, what was that? I was lost in thought.” She smiled at him, head tilted at him with a curious and admiring expression on her face. Maul looked at Almeta over his shoulder with a smile, closing his eyes with a purr of happiness as she gently kissed his head. Savage looked up at her and Maul opened his eyes and did the same, their eyes shining with such hope, bewilderment, wonder, and other emotions they couldn’t name. “Almeta…” Savage murmured his big golden eyes full of love, and wonder. He did not hide his emotions like Maul did, “thank you for your kindness to us. We will never let you be alone again either, and always are cared for you too until we fail to draw breath.” He pounded his fist gently against his chest with his promise, as if setting it in stone. Maul nodded softly, sharing his Brothers promise but too caught up in his emotions to say it aloud. “Thank you…” He said softly, blushing lightly. Maul listened intently to her words explaining the shell and what it represented. He made a wish from his hearts as she tied it. He looked down at it and smiled, a smile from his heart. “It’s beautiful… I love it.” He beamed happily. The Brothers started joking about the last time they had been together. “The cake… Oh stars that cake! I had to clean the kitchen for WEEKS after it exploded! Stars what did you put inside of it anyways Savage?….” The conversation drifted off as she was lost in her thoughts, listening to the laughter. Savage grinned, and asked again. “I asked what planet you are from, I have never seen your species before? You are exceptionally more beautiful than any other female I have seen.” He said matter of factly. He said what he meant and meant what he said, it was his way. Maul coughed, trying to not choke on his food, and shook his head with a smile and a raised “eyebrow” looking at Savage between bites of the food. Almeta blushed darkly at his complement, he thought she was exceptionally beautiful … “I am from a planet called Atlantis, it’s a planet made of nothing but water.” She explained to him and took another bite. “My people tend to not venture far from our planet, we try to stay away from conflict so … yeah.” She laughed softly as Savage ate another plate full. “You really do eat a lot.” She pushed a plate of what looked to be fruit to him which he eyes like it was filled with precious gems, eyes wide. “I’m only half Atlantean though, my mother was human, she was a Padawan before she meet my father. But as the Jedi don’t believe in love she left the Order to be with him.” She finished, picking up her drink to finish it off. The nav system dinged as they left hyper space. “We’re here.” She looked over to the guys, “how do you want to do this? Because your oxygen system is very much totaled.” She told Maul as she went to her control panel, activating her towering beam, she used it to pull debris away from Maul’s ship. “I patched up a few holes before we left, you were out a long time.” She told Maul as he gave her a look. “But I couldn’t fix the oxygen system.” Savage grinned wolfishly his teeth bared in a smile, at her reaction, studying her as she spoke, turning to Maul occasionally, the smaller man merely shrugged and kept eating as he listened to the retelling of the tale. Savage blushed adorably, raising a clawed hand to rub the back of his horned head sheepishly. “Yeahh…. I guess I do.” He chuckled, a rumbling sound deep from his belly. He readily accepted the fruits and began to eat them thoughtfully, brows raising with appreciation at each new flavor. He didn’t often get sweet things. Maul snagged a green slice of a melon of some sort and nibbled on it slowly his eyes widening with pleasure. Savage’s face grew stern at the mention of Jedi, but Maul placed a calming hand on the big man’s arm and shook his head, and the big man went back to his carefree self like it had never happened. Savage stuffed an orange slice into his mouth and purred with delight. Maul appeared thoughtful at the mention of the life support failure, and tapped his claws on the table for a moment before suddenly smacking his hand on the table making everyone jump slightly. “We connect the air locks and put up the shield around this ship and siphon in the air, I go in and close the non primary sectors of the ship, and get the life support online again. It hopefully is just a small electrical wiring fix and not something that requires me to traverse the innards of the scimitar.” He said with excitement in his voice and a spark in his eyes. Clearly pleased with himself for the troubleshooting. Savage’s hand had been gripping the metal table and there was a groaning screeching sound at the mention of Maul being out cold for quite some time, he had crushed the rim of the table inwards leaving an imprint of his fingers and palm behind. They all stood to get the cargo ready to transfer into the larger ship, none of them missed the damage he had inflicted on the metal surface. The airlock a set up, he tested the levels of oxygen as he went into his ship with a torch, as the lights were off too. The levels were minimal but he could work with this. The other two pushed the boxes inside and then went back to the smaller ship on Maul’s instruction. The oxygen was already limited, they would only deplete it further. He meant well, it was just fact. Almeta gave Maul a small kiss before he left. “Be safe, Maul.” She waved as he left with a small blush on his cheeks. She laughed lightly and then turned to Savage. She tilted her head and studied him for a moment then sat on her bed. She grinned as Savage took a seat in the pilot’s chair. “Savage, may I ask what your your feelings for Maul are? I can tell it’s more then just family.” She asked, her head tilted to the side, a curious expression. She wasn’t blind, she could see the way he looked at Maul but she wanted to hear him say. Or rather, needed to hear him say it, then she could talk to him about what they could do with this situation. It was an odd one but not too unheard of for her, her people were open to nearly every kind of love. Though some were definitely a no go, this wasn’t one of those though, she’s seen this kind before. She saw him tense up and she gave him a reassuring smile. “If you think I will be upset, I promise I’m not nor will I be. I just think it’s something we should talk about. Especially if both of us love Maul.” She told him, reaching up to play with her hair again. Damned nervous habit, but then she’s just figured out what she was feeling for Maul was love and she could feel … something stirring in her for Savage as well, so of course she was nervous! She had every right to be! Oh gods … what if he’s upset with her or jealous for her. Oooooooh, she didn’t want to upset either of her Zabraks. Her Zabraks? When did they become hers? Her thoughts cut off as Savage finally spoke and she looked up at Savage as he spoke, staring into his eyes. “Be safe my Brother” Savage said his voice thick with emotion and his eyes glittering with concern, as he clasped forearms with his younger Brother before he disappeared into the other ship. The kiss he witnessed felt like it would crush him inside but just getting to hold his Brother at night was enough, he told himself. He retreated to the pilots chair and sat down with a sigh. “Sorry about the table.” He said sheepishly, if it wasn’t his horns it was this unnatural strength wrecking havoc. He was not in a million years prepared for the question she asked of him. “What are your feelings towards Maul?” He stiffened suddenly and his hands gripped the pilots chair, remembering the table he let go, and just squeezed his hands into fists instead, his head turned downwards, eyes shadowed. He was ashamed, but her words were so kind and encouraging, he peered up at her with eyes so full of sadness she felt that she might break. He swallowed thickly and a tear slid down his left cheek unbidden, and he tried to wipe it away. There was no avoiding this anymore was there? He took a deep shuddering breath and spoke. “Yes… I love him more than a Brother should… In an unnatural way… *he looked deeply ashamed* I have loved him ever since I saw him broken and nearly insane on Lotho Minor, I nursed him back from that dark place in his mind and I have never stopped loving him. I want… I have always wished to be with him… But… I am afraid he doesn’t see me that way… I’m glad he has found you to love him though.” He said trying his hardest to smile bravely even though he was drowning in grief. “I couldn’t believe it when I found the two of you here, I thought it was a sign, a chance, a second try. At least he has forgiven me for what I said.” He said softly, a sad smile played at his lips. “I hold no ill will to you for loving him, the opposite in fact, I am eternally grateful for how you make him feel… Alive.” He smiled even though tears freely fell now, and he simply let them, he was so very tired of hiding. So very tired. Almeta stood in front of him, cupping his cheeks and rubbing the tears away. “Your love isn’t unnatural. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it.” She smiled at him, a bright, loving smile. “I’ve seen it before, in my people. My cousin and her sister loved one another so much nothing could come between them.” She caressed his cheeks again, gently. “And I think you still have a chance but I think Maul is afraid to admit that he loves you, too.” She laughed at Savage’s stunned, wide eyes. “I don’t know how your people work but with my people we have very … unusual, family units. It’s not unheard of for us to love more then one person.” She smiled at him brightly, looking into his eyes deeply. “My people believe we have enough love to give to more then one person.” She finished her explanation, looking into his eyes with a loving expression as she waited for a reply from. Her hands still caressed his cheeks as his tears kept coming, she wasn’t sure why his tears kept coming but she knew she didn’t want to see him sad anymore. The big Zabrak watched her approach and made no move whatsoever when she stopped before him reaching those delicate hands out and cupping his face in her hands, caressing his yellow and black stained skin gently, rubbing the tears away with her thumbs, as she spoke to him. “It’s not unnatural, you shouldn’t be ashamed”. It broke him into a thousand pieces. His breath hitched and he choked back a sob, her fingertips on his heated skin made him shiver despite the anguish he felt, it confused him. And then she said those words he never thought he would ever hear… “I think Maul is afraid to admit he loves you too…” Hope burned deep in his hearts, just barely a flicker, but the ember was lit. “None of us really form any long lasting bonds outside of the village, our isolation from the females, leaves everyone unbonded. So we love each other like Brothers, oftentimes more than that, it’s not at all uncommon but not between true blood Brothers.” “I just don’t want to be alone anymore… I know in my deepest hearts I did something… Unthinkable to someone I loved… and I can’t remember… I just know I don’t want to be alone anymore… This..this Triad… If I am able to be with Maul then … I would do anything…” He whispered and broke down, embracing the woman who was showing him more kindness than he had experienced in his current memories, pulling her close to his chest, he nuzzled his face into her neck, careful of his horns. “I can never repay you for freeing my heart as you have now, if even for this short time. It feels like I can bear this burden now. And… Keep trying.” He gently caressed her back with his talons, trying to not hurt her. The life support suddenly flickered online in the Scimitar, and the lights came on, and they looked up, but there was no Maul. No footfalls, it was too quiet. @mauldeservedbetter @maulieber
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 26
Almeta looked up from her book with a bright smile, pressing the button to open the loading bay, Triton was in another sleep cycle on his smaller bed under the pilot control panel. “You’re back already!” She looked over both of them, Maul looked … she wasn’t sure what emotion he had in his eyes but she stood up, putting her book back under the pillow, as the bay closed walked to Maul. “Maul, love, are you okay?” She asked, cupping both his cheeks in her hands.
Maul growled as she touched him, it was a threatening growl, it sounded like the ones from last night when they … she blushed darkly feeling Savage’s eyes on her as well as Maul’s hungry ones. She wasn’t sure what to do in that moment, her thumbs caressed his cheeks. “Savage, did something happen out there to you two?” She looked over at Savage, mildly worried one of them had been injured in some manner, but she saw nothing.
Maul felt like he wasn’t in control of his own body, he knew this female meant mating, and he growled possessively as her hands touched his heated skin of his face. Savage looked at the situation worriedly, he had to intervene or things could get ugly.
“He is experiencing something unique to our people, the frenzy is approaching and he is struggling to control it, he knows not what he does.” He reached over to his Brother and tugged at one of his horns in a certain way and Maul snapped out of the urge, and looked drained. His eyes returned to normal and he opened his mouth as if to say something to Almeta, but his words failed him.
He retreated to the far corner of the ship. “Can we please leave for my ship as soon as possible?” He almost begged.
He needed more room, more privacy, this tiny space was beginning to wear him down. He was very grumpy, and scared, and confused, and he just didn’t know.
Almeta nodded and walked over to the control panel, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. He isn’t rejecting you, calm down. She told herself as she start the ship up and they began their journey. ‘But what if he doesn’t want you know, he got-’ she closed her eyes to stop the rapid thoughts and, once at a safe distance, started up the hyper space.
“We should be there in a few hours.” She whispered softly, fearing her voice would tremble if she spoke to loud. She looked at Triton’s sleeping form, wishing he would be awake but she needed him to go through a complete sleeping cycle before she could start his upgrades.
“What is this frenzy?” She asked, what Savage had told her just now clicking in her mind, and she had an idea but wasn’t entirely sure if she was correct in her assumptions. Though she was speaking to the brothers she kept her chair facing away from them, watching the nav systems and running system checks on her ship to keep her mind occupied.
Maul felt terrible, he knew he had hurt her somehow, and he wanted to go to her but he didn’t trust his body right now.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered softly from the corner of the room. Savage looked as equally pained as she did, as he watched his Brother sitting alone in the corner of the ship, trying desperately to deal with this new crap that had decided to mess up his life.
He felt his trousers grow tight randomly and sighed, well fucking great. He glowered at the world from his corner, fuck you world. Savage looked towards Almeta at her question. He sighed and rubbed his head avoiding his horns, before answering. “I assume you and Brother spoke of our home world to some extent?” He saw her nodding.
“Our people are split by gender, and rarely interact with each other. In order to continue our race at all, the males go through a mating frenzy when they reach their prime to ensure the population doesn’t die out. These frenzies usually are hunts across the planet in search of a would be female… Or male” he shifted uncomfortably.
“I went through my first rut at Maul’s age… So I know what he’s going through. He doesn’t mean to lash out at you or reject you… He’s just afraid. The urges come and go, and he just needs space to move around, like the hunters before him.” He said.
Almeta blinked and turned around. “It’s okay Maul,” she crossed her legs, her hands clasped in her lap. “Oooooh. I see.” She blushed a little, looking at her hands. “My people have never needed something like that, I suppose I’m a little ignorant when it comes to things like that.” She bit her lip thinking. “Though the women of my people do have a special … talent. When we sing,” she looked up a Savage with a bright blush, trying to think of the right wording.
“Our voices can be used as a sorts of seduction technique, we can use it for other things, too. It depends on the song we sing.” She explain, playing with the ends of her hair, twirling it around her fingers. She stared at her fingers doing this, lost in thought now. Their people were so different from each, could she ever make this … whatever this was, work properly. Or was she just … just too … much to deal with. In her state of thought she didn’t notice Savage watching her closely, the tip of her tongue sticking out from between her lips as she thought.
The big Zabrak smiled softly at her as understanding finally dawned on her. Unlike Maul had been, he was not at all shy in her presence and didn’t feel the need to look away as he studied her.
She studied him just as closely as she spoke he could see, he looked similar but very different to his Brother, but that was due to the witches magic, otherwise they would have looked very much alike, horn placement, bone structure, body structure, were nearly a match from the time…before.
The big man laughed, a rumbling roll of sound that was pleasant to hear, “ I have seen many men in our village experience it, and seen many aspects of every stage of life.” He grinned at her.
He raised his “eyebrow” at her mention of this special talent, intriguing… It could be… Useful.
“He will be alright, he just needs a little help in the days to come. We will be there for him.” He said a blush dusting his features, he looked at her closely, “I see that Brother chose well.” He said smirking at her.
Almeta blushed darkly and looked up at Savage. “Ch-choose well? What do you mean by that?” She asked in surprise. As she looked at him that’s when she noticed it, the way he was watching her, she tilted her head slightly staring back.
At this point, she wasn’t too sure what to make of Savage just yet. He seemed nice enough but you never really, truly knew these days. His ember eyes traced the lines of her body, she blushed darker under his gaze feeling oddly … vulnerable. She felt bare, similar to the way Maul stared at her the night before but not quite as … passionate as his was.
Savage’s brow shot up in surprise, and in a booming laugh. “You are mates are you not?” He asked, “I can scent it on the both of you.” He shook his great horned head in wonder.
He looked over towards his Brother who had clearly heard them and was looking rather… Embarrassed.
Maul overheard the two and was beyond words, he wanted to just melt into the floor of the ship, *oh please kill me now oh merciful Galaxy….* he screamed to himself. This was not happening.
Savage changed the subject quickly sensing his Brothers displeasure, “why did you get so many parts Brother? What happened to the ship?” He looked to Almeta and to Maul for answers to this surely interesting tale.
Noting the deep blush on her cheeks as he gazed at her, he gave her a playful wink and went back relaxing in the chair waiting for his story.
Almeta squeaked softly and tilted her head, “Mate?” She whispering blushing darker. “O-oh! The ship. Ummmm I’m not too sure but I found it in a ship graveyard.” She nodded to Maul. “He was nearly dead by the time I got to him. I don’t know anything other then that.” Almeta explained, playing with the fabric of her red and black dress.
Mate … they were mates now? But … she tilted her head thinking again. His people seemed to do things the simple way, for her people they courting rituals and such they had to do before being mated. Sex wasn’t usually apart of that, being a mated was far more then just having children, it was a binding of souls. She studied Maul for a moment, giving him a reassuring smile, then turned to Savage, studying him as well. They will definitely have to have a talk about this at some point. She needed to explain this to them and get a better understanding of how … mates worked for them.
Savage listened intently and chuckled at her flustered response to his query about being a matted pair.
“A ship graveyard?” He asked and then took in a sharp breath with a hiss at the mention of finding him nearly dead. He had nearly lost his Brother before he had ever found him again.
“It was a reconnaissance mission for Sidious but it failed and I was disabled, and life support was failing…”
He felt his hearts clench tightly as he felt the near loss deeply. Maul must have noticed this, in the force, as he turned to Savage with a look of surprise.
He saw Almeta glance his way and he smiled back, shrugging helplessly. “How much further? When we get there be cautious we don’t know if there are any more probe droid’s waiting to disable us, or others. Maul warned.
Almeta smiled at him and nodded, turning to the navy systems. “It’s going to be a few. It did take us 10 or so hours to get here. You picked a planet pretty far from the ship wreck.” She giggled out and yawned, rubbing her eyes. “I’m sure we’ll be there after some sleep.” She told them, rubbing both her eyes as she turned around. “It’s been a very long day, I think some sleep will do as all some good.” She nodded, forgetting for a moment that all she had was one … small … and it hit her.
All she had was one small bed! How would they all fit in that. She tilted her head, staring the bed down. She didn’t want Maul to stay in the corner curled up like that, and the chair Savage was in looked uncomfortable to him just sitting in it. She nodded her head, pulling her legs up on the pilot’s chair. “I’ll stay here. You two take the bed.” She told them with a smile turning the chair back to the window and nav system. “Just don’t ruin by bedding.” She joked to them, yawning again.
“Ah stars… I forgot that part, it seemed to …go faster on the way out here” *it seemed to go on forever* he screamed, he had serious personal problems on the trip over. Savage stretched and nodded, it would be a good idea, to get some rest certainly. “A sound idea M'Lady” he said very formally.
Savage looked at her suddenly very perplexed expression, raising his brow in interest as he followed her line of sight and oh. It was a small bed even for him, but he could make it work. What about Maul? He thought suddenly and then Almeta suggested the unthinkable… He and Maul share the bed? He swallowed heavily, suddenly looking uncertain, and a little bit fearful, what would Maul say and think?
Maul looked up and then at his Brother and then back at Almeta and then the bed and then his face lit up like a solar flare. He looked like he was about to combust. Savage took in a shuddering breath but moved towards the bed and took off his shirt, shoes, and pants without a second thought, leaving his loincloth on, he had no qualms whatsoever with his body. To him it was just flesh.
Maul stood shakily, he was indeed tired, but this was… He was not prepared for this. But what choice did he have? He was getting cold on the floor. “Thank you Almeta.” Maul said in a gentle voice, he felt terrible for scaring her earlier with his unpredictable behavior.
He walked over to Savage and took off his own shirt, leaving just his shorts on, letting Savage slide in first and maul slid in with his back pressed against Savage’s heated chest, it felt strong, and solid, and comforting.
Savage pulled the blankets over them and wrapped his arm hesitantly around Maul, under the covers, ready to move if Maul so much as flinched.
Maul was too tired to complain and fell asleep almost instantly. Savage took the rare opportunity to nuzzle his face into the crook of Maul’s neck, as they slumbered together. They were reminiscent of two great cats, laying about.
Almeta smiled and stretch out a little in the chair, she’s fallen asleep in this thing so much it’s become second nature to her. After a little while a strangled whimpering noise woke her up, she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her eyes made it to the bed, the brothers were facing her and she smiled, the looked adorable.
There was that noise again, an almost pained whimper, and she saw Savage’s face scrunch up. He’s probably having a nightmare, she bite lip then stood up and walked over. She sat on her knees in front of the bed near their heads and Savage whimpered again. She looked to Maul for a moment, she kissed his cheek then turned to Savage.
Should I wake him? She thought for a moment, reaching for Savage’s face, caressing his cheek softly. Then an idea hit her, her voice! She almost forgot she could use it to influence dreams as well. She took in a deep breath, and began to sing her lullaby again, her eyes closed so she good focus on putting all her energy into changing his nightmare into something nice. https://youtu.be/m2xnPSRSSzU
Maul had been having a blissfully dreamless sleep, he always seemed to when he slept next to his Brother, feeling that protectiveness that he always exuded, was supremely comforting. Savage would have nightmares anyway though and they made Maul feel like his hearts would break.
He felt the trembling in the chest behind him, and heard the soft whimpering, Maul slowly laid on his back so he could see savage, and his hearts crumpled as he saw the anguish in his Brothers face, he was about to reach up and stroke his face, when Almeta appeared noticing that Maul was awake.
She leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek, making him close his eyes slowly, appreciating every simple touch she offered him, he watched warily as she turned to Savage, he was very protective of his younger Brother, and calmed as she stroked his great horned head tenderly, stroking his ink stained cheek.
She looked thoughtful for a moment and then brightened, and seemed to fall into a trance like state and began to sing the most hauntingly beautiful song Maul had ever heard, he had listened to her sing earlier but this time those same words were very different. The force was woven into the music, carrying power and influence.
Savage was having a nightmare indeed, one that plagued him with great frequency, even more often since Maul left him on that planet. The whispering pleading from lips he felt he should know, that he knew somehow he loved, “S….Savage!” And then a sickening crack, terrified eyes, and then nothing, the feeling of unimaginable loss, and then the scene would change to one of being alone, so very alone, His heart laid bare to Maul and then watching him walk away out of his life… The agony of loosing two important things, even though he couldn’t clearly remember the circumstances of the first.
He was trapped in this loop, until… He heard the song, his dreamscape changed, the dark scenes began to melt away, to meld into soothing landscapes of soft greenery, the smiling face of Maul, holding his hand, of peace, the face of this new woman, but mostly Maul, it was what his deepest self wanted.
Savage’s body relaxed and the trembling stopped, replaced with even rhythmic breathing, his face softening and relaxing he reached out on his sleep and pulled Maul closer to him, snuggling his face into Maul’s neck.
Maul tried not to make a sound, but blushed profoundly at the snuggling he was being subjected to. He looked up at Almeta, who had an amused expression on her face and just sighed. He found himself drifting off to sleep again at the sound of her voice, and he was gone.
Almeta smiled softly at the two sleeping brothers, she bit her lip then leaned over, giving them both a kiss on there heads. “No more nightmares for you two, from now on.” She whispered, more of a promise to herself then anyone else. She stood up and looked at her kitchen, she nodded her head at and started to move boxes around. She moved them enough to use the cook then went in search of the food.
She was planning to make a big breakfast, they had a few hours left so why not. She started cooking once she found everything she needed, humming happily. Two hours, it took her two hours to finish cooking everything, mostly because she had to be extract quite so as not to wake the two Sleeping Zabraks. She walked over to them and very carefully woke Maul with a kiss to his nose, then looked to Savage and carefully nudged his shoulder.
She was too sure yet how to act around the large Zabrak and didn’t want to touch him in a way he wasn’t comfortable with yet, and she was sure what would be uncomfortable for him. She smiled as both of them looked at her, “I made breakfast. We have one hour left till we reach where I hide the ship.” She told them and stood back. “Just be careful the boxes are kinda all over the place now.”
Maul stirred, as he felt tender lips brush against his nose, making him crinkle it up adorably, his eyes scrunching behind closed eyelids, before slowly sliding open one glittering golden eye, the pupil dilating slightly as it adjusted to the light.
He groaned and stretched his muscles trembling with the strain as they reached their limit and he relaxed again, and he propped himself up on his elbows, looking over to his Brother, who was just stirring, after Almeta wisely woke him in a different fashion. Savage stretched very similarly to Maul a contented expression on his face. Both Maul and Savage gave pause before standing, letting their bodies relax before they moved. As was the curse of being a male, their bodies were want to betray them every star forsaken morning without fail.
The two looked at each other and blushed, this was something they were both used to, and never really cared about it, going about their business as usual, but Almeta brought a new element to the whole situation.
They stood finally, and said almost in unison, “good morning” glancing at each other they broke out in laughter. Savage reached over and grabbed Maul in a tight embrace making the smaller man squeak slightly. “Happy Birthday Brother” Savage smiled hugely baring his pointed teeth in a grin, as he released Maul, who looked just a little bit flustered. “Thank you.” He managed smiling before they turned towards the kitchen.
“Something smells wonderful!” Savage said his eyes huge with wonder, Maul nodded in similar wonderment, as they grabbed their clothing and walked over to the table. Maul leaned down and kissed her, tenderly. “Thank you for making breakfast!” Savage looked like he had gone to the afterlife, his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly.
Almeta smiled and kissed Maul back. “You’re welcome. I have a feeling neither of you would be very good at cooking.” She joked and handed them plates and such. “It’s been awhile since I’ve cooked this much food but the muscle mass you two have,” she gave Savage a pointed look at that.
“I figure you both will end up eating far more then me.” She kissed the top of Maul’s head, keeping in mind to not get to close to the center horn. “And don’t think I forgot your birthday.” She told him, handing him four books. “The books I used to make Triton, I found them while I was moving the boxes around.” She smiled at him then nudged a box under the table to Savage, giving him a look and nodding her head to Maul. She knew he probably didn’t have much on him so, the gift she bought for Maul the other day she nudged to him so he would have something to give to his older brother. It wasn’t anything big, just a small necklace with a painted shell on it. She found it in the same booth as her hair piece, and when Maul wasn’t looking she bought it. It was a black shell with red designs painted onto it.
Maul blushed hotly at the comment of not being able to cook…. Maul certainly couldn’t he remembered the time he had managed to burn water…. He didn’t even think it was scientifically possible.
Savage on the other hand was a decent cook in his own right having been a resident of the nightbrother village and living alone. Savage eyes the food like a starving man would eye a single corn chip, he was ravenous. Maul also looked like he was about ready to pounce, if not for being raised with better manners than that he probably would have.
“Savage can eat a frighteningly large amount, my credit chip can bear witness to that statement.” He said grimly before bursting into laughter, Savage following suit, clutching his chest with mirth. “They…they ran out of meat that night brother…” Savage roared, as Maul just shook his head, he was SO not related to this man.
Maul finally caught his breath wheezing slightly and wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, smiling up at Almeta when she kissed him softly on his head. Almeta’s “Happy Birthday!” Caught Maul off guard and his face lit up with childish delight. He had only celebrated his Birthday a few times in his life, and it was often not centered around a reason to be happy, but today, today was so much different.
Almeta handed Maul his present and he took it with trembling hands, he looked from the books to her face with so much wonder, and his lower lip trembled slightly, he bit it to keep it from betraying him. He had never actually been given a present before on his Birthday, and this gift was extremely special.
“Tha… Thank you.” He managed with a waveringly beautiful smile, full of adoration and joy, “they are beyond wonderful… I love them..” He managed. Savage saw the box sliding under the table and caught on to Almeta’s meaning and he looked at her with such affection and adoration, this small action meant the world to him.
In truth he had nothing to give his Brother except himself, and that was too soon. He lifted the box with trembling hands and gave it to Maul, who looked equally lost in wonder. Two gifts?? He got to have two?
Maul opened the box and his mouth opened in a small gasp, it was wonderful, the patterns on the black shell were reminiscent of his own, and it was a wonderful necklace. He motioned for Savage to help him, Savage looked at Almeta, his large fingers too clumsy. “Please Almeta?” He looked embarrassed.
Maul loved the necklace, and they sat and began to eat the wonderful meal that had been lovingly provided for them.
@mauldeservedbetter @maulieber
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 25
Almeta smiled seeing Savage hug Maul, it was adorable, really. “You’re very welcome. There isn’t much room in here I’m afraid, my ship is really only meant for myself and Triton but we can make it work till we get Maul’s working.” She said, putting their things on her bed and looking around. They really had a lot of parts, she carefully moved boxes around till there was enough space for her to get to the bathroom, all while Triton was having a go at Maul, the two of them traded scathing remarks, as Maul looked over the crates and boxes, he thought it looked like he had all the parts he needed to fix his ship he thought. Savage just shrugged helplessly at the whole situation. He was just worried about Almeta, he did see her as a mother of sorts, she was his creator after all. Once done Almeta whistled. “Come on Triton, leave the boys alone, I need to shower!” She told the Droid who rolled his eyes at her, he hovered past the two Zabraks, hitting both with the tip of his tail as he passed. “Have fun Maul?” He joked, just loud enough for the brothers to hear him, when he took notice of Almeta’s neck, littered with hickeys of all sizes Making Maul blush fiercely. The Droid laughed and grabbed a sheer, red dress and a crown of red and black flowers, closing the bathroom door as he followed Almeta closely. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Savage was looking at Almeta’s neck too, the pink bite marks and hickeys around her gills were a telltale sign of less than chaste play. Maul looked like he wanted to crawl into a deep dark hole, his face was a deep shade of red, tinged with pink and his eyes were shadowed as he looked miserably embarassed. Savage looked at Maul, really studied him. “You look well Brother… I missed you…” the big male said softly, looking down at Maul, with tenderness in his big golden eyes. Maul looked up at him and smiled, reaching out to touch Savage’s left arm. “Show me?” He asked very gently, and Savage complied, taking his robe off, and standing with just his trousers and shoes, his heavily muscled frame on display for the smaller male. Maul studied the intricate curves and sweeping lines of his Brother’s tattoos and trailed his eyes along his body, to the arm that had been severed at the bicep, now a cybernetic arm, cold, emotionless metal. Maul reached out to touch it, his eyes full of emotion, as he looked up and met Savage’s gaze. “I wish… I had been stronger…. And braver… I didn’t give you a chance… When you… “maul shrugged not wanting to bring it up again now, they both knew what he was referring to. Savage reached down and lifted Maul’s chin gently to face him. “I will never not feel that way, but I will respect that you do not feel the same.” He said, trying to keep a steady voice. Maul felt his hearts break, he honestly didn’t know what he felt or wanted, he felt something for him, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Almeta was humming softly as she washed her hair, Triton sat in the corner of the refresher, coiled up happily. “You see it don’t you? The way the big one looks at him.” Almeta looked at Triton over her shoulder and nodded, “Yes. He loves him.” Triton’s red eyes peered up at her. “And do you?” Almeta turned to face Triton, tilting her head under the water. “I think I do.” “Could you love the other?” Triton’s glowing tendril rubbed her leg as she hummed in thought. “Savage … I think I could. He seems kind, has the same darkness around him as Maul…” she let her sentence fade off as she thought about, she’s seen it before, in her people. Taking more then one lover wasn’t unheard of, especially not for their women, but how would they feel. “We’ll talk about it later, not yet. Whatever this may be still young.” Triton nodded in understanding as she turned the water off and stepped out. Drying off she looked to her clothes then turn to Triton. “You picked those colors are purpose, didn’t you?” She narrowed her eyes at his smug smirk. “Why did I give you actual skin? I hate those stupid smirks.” She crumpled as she dressed in the sheer red and black dress, brushing her her hair she left it down, she didn’t bother putting the crown of flowers on as she walked out, Triton following her. She stopped in her tracks and blushed dark, the two were hugging, “thank you Savage” Maul whispered, as the two saw him hugging the half naked man. She took in Savage’s half naked from, he had tattoos, too. Oh she loved their tattoos. Triton made a noise similar to a throat clearing, “should we go back in or …?” Almeta blushed harder and looked away from the two as they turned to them. “Hush Triton!” She chastised him. “Are we ready to venture back to your ship Maul?” She asked quietly, trying to avoid staring at either of them for too long. Maul was lost in his emotions and thoughts and didn’t even see or sense Almeta and Triton come out of the bathroom. He was just lost in his memories as his Brother held him, he had forgotten or tried to forget how close they were to each other, how it felt to be protected by someone else like this. He knew Savage would give anything to protect Maul. Maul and Savage heard the throat clearing noise and they turned and Savage didn’t seem to care but Maul oh pool Maul, he looked like a deer caught in headlights of an oncoming starship. He blushed so deeply and pushed away from his brother gently, Savage looked down at him and his reaction and laughed softly. “Oh Brother you are so full of surprises!” He chuckled. Savage grabbed his robe and tried to put it back on but the damage done by the horns made it mostly useless anyway. “May we visit the clothier before departing M'Lady? I require additional garments.” The big male said rather sheepishly. Maul was still just standing with his arms crossed trying to not feel so embarrassed at the way they had been found, *Why am I so flustered? Why is it so embarrassing?* he asked himself completely confused. “After that yes I…I would like us to go to my ship to begin the repairs.” He stammered, Savage looking down at him with endearment, Maul could be so … Adorable sometimes. Maul had begun to feel strange stirrings in the back of his mind, flashes of aggression, and primal thoughts… He shook his head trying to clear his mind. Almeta nodded at Savage. “Of course! If I give you my credit chip, could you pick something up for me? I need a few things for Triton that I forgot but … I fear I’ve been on this planet too long.” She told them, walking over to the pilot’s chair and sitting down. “As we were walking back to the ship I saw one of them eyeing me far to closely.” She whispered as Triton sat in her lap, curling close to her chest. “What do you need for me?” He asked, only a little worried. She smiled down at the aquatic Droid, kissing the top of his head. “Just parts for system upgrades. Calm down, I would never wipe your memory. No matter how annoying you may get.” She laughed softly as Triton sighed in relief, he knew she wouldn’t but still … she’d seen and heard of it being done often enough. “Would that be okay?” She looked back up at Savage, a small blush still dusting her cheeks, as she spoke. “And take Maul with you. He’ll know the parts I need.” She told Triton, who made an ‘ah’ sound as he realized what she was doing. Giving the brothers some alone time, she knew there was something Savage had to say to Maul and it didn’t seem it would get said around her. “Oh! And Maul grab something you would want me to cook for tomorrow. Let’s not forget it’s your birthday!” She giggled and held her credit chip out to the boys. Savage seemed to brighten at the mention of getting to get proper clothing, he had been wearing these tattered remains of the robe his Brother had given him for years, but now he had the real thing and didn’t need them anymore. Maul’s eyes darkened with the mention that she was fearful of being taken by some lowlife looking to make a few credits. Savage noticed this and placed a reassuring hand on Maul’s shoulder. Maul looked up at him blinking, a dusting of pink on his cheeks. Maul looked towards Almeta and triton and nodded, “It would be my pleasure, just give me a list of what you need and it shall be done.” His gaze drifted to Almeta and saw her looking at Savage, and then at him, her face a rosy red. He was so confused. Savage looked at Almeta and silently mouthed “thank you” to her. He turned to his Brother at the mention of his Birthday. “How old will you be turning little Brother?” He asked with surprise, he remembered the year he had tried to make a cake and it had ended in disaster. Maul sighed. “I will be turning 25 dear Brother.” He grabbed savage by the arm and began to pull him out the cargo bay door and out to the streets. Savage just followed suit, and grinned slightly at the contact. Maul stopped along the way and ordered the parts required for the droid, lol the while he kept having these strange flashes, and sometimes he felt out of breath, and had to stop. “Are you well Brother?” Savage asked in concern, his large eyes worried. “I will… Be fine, It’s nothing.” He waved a hand dismissively as they entered the clothing store. Maul pointed at black shirts and told him to pick out some clothes, and probably loincloths. Savage took them all to the dressing room and tried them on, stepping out he spoke to Maul who had been turned around the other way. Maul whipped around and… Saw his Brother in a black muscle shirt, with red and black board shorts underneath, displaying part of his muscular thighs as the material ended just above the knee, he stood there barefoot his toe claws scratching at the floor nervously. Maul’s throat had gone dry. After the boys had left Triton turned to Almeta, “Why not let Maul pay?” Triton asked as Almeta moved them to her bed. “Because I have enough and he doesn’t need to pay for my things.” She told him, setting him on the pillow as she pulled her book out from under the bed. Triton watched her closely, and he tilted his head. “Almeta …” Almeta hummed letting him know she was listening to him. “When we return to his ship, what happens then?” Almeta turned to look at him, smiling softly. “Why do you ask?” His head swayed from side to side, almost like a shrug, “No reason just … I don’t want you to be alone again.” She caressed the side his face, leaning closer to him. “I have you, I’m not alone.” He nuzzled into her hand, eyes closed. “You know what I mean. He makes you happy in a way that I cannot. Don’t let him just … leave.” She sighed softly, a small, sad smile on her lips. “I don’t want Maul, or even Savage to just leave but … what they do is their choice. I do hope we will get to stay together though.” She kissed the top of his head. “Read to me?” Almeta laughed softly at his question and nodded, opening her book up again and started to read to Triton. Savage could feel Maul’s eyes on him and it made him feel… Nervous? That was a new one, he chuckled inwardly. “Does it suit me Brother?” He asked softly, amused at Maul’s expression, he did not often see Savage or even himself out of combat clothes often. Savage was just so muscular, and powerful. But incredibly gentle. He noticed that Savage had picked the red and black variant of the trunks he now wore, and blushed softly at the choice. They looked like a matched set now. Maul felt those stirrings again and shook his head, his thoughts clearing. “They look good on you Brother.” Maul managed, Savage nodded and they gathered many other types of shirts and shorts and casual shoes for themselves, Maul didn’t have anything of Savages on the ship anymore save for one thing. He had kept the off cut from Savage’s horn that was halved when he lost his arm. He had always intended to inlay it into the hilt of his lightsaber someday… In memory. But now… They paid for the clothes and the clerk was checking them out, “You make a cute pair.” The young male behind the counter winked at them, and Maul and savage paled, and blushed and then laughed. “I…. We… Um…” Maul gave up and left in a daze. The two of them stopped at a food stall and Maul chose some sweets and some large steaks, one for each of them, and some fruits and snacks. They took the bag from the smiling shop keeper and walked together. Savage followed him, and they walked about the town pausing in an open sort of park. Savage stopped them short a hand on his little Brothers arm . “Maul I need to talk to you seriously.” Maul halted as well and looked up at the big man curiously. “Maul… I need you to know how I feel, and to tell you what will happen to you tomorrow, because I can tell… It’s starting already.” Maul froze and stared at him, apprehension in his golden eyes, how could he possibly know about the snippets of emotion and flashes of whatever that was? The random aggression? Savage took a deep breath, “Maul … I know we don’t talk about this but… As you know I love you with all my heart, in a way that Brother’s shouldn’t…” He closed his eyes feeling such shame, and was surprised to feel Maul’s hand on his, snapping his eyes open to search Maul’s face, his golden eyes full of hope. “I know Savage… ” He gave his hand a squeeze, not saying anything but listening. Savage swallowed heavily and continued. “You are about to go into Rut… The Zabrakian mating frenzy is taking hold of you… You won’t be able to control your body and will become aggressive… And feel the desire to mate… It will consume your very being if you do not do so, but that fragile woman… You would severely damage her.” He swallowed, before standing to leave with Maul, “If you wish it… Come to me for help.” He squeezed his eyes shut a moment and then walked away towards the ship, Maul stood there staring dumbly a shocked expression on his face… Did his Brother just…? Maul snapped out of his thoughts and dashed after the receding form of his Brother and they walked until they reached the ship, knocking on the hull and entering with the supplies, Savage in his new clothes. @mauldeservedbetter @maulieber
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 24
Almeta shuddered from the raw feeling of darkness radiating from Maul, it was involuntary really, the feeling, just wasn’t something she was used to….It felt … cold and unforgiving. She knew he was only doing it to protect her but still … it was a little scary. She watched in amazement as Maul fought, his movements so sure and so precise, it was mesmerizing to behold. Then suddenly all the fight left him and he feel to his knees … She gasped and running to him. “Maul! Are you hurt? Are you okay?” She dropped to his side, seeing his tears. “Oh no …” she turned to this new Zabrak and glared harshly, her voice had the power of the force woven into it as she spoke giving it power and made herself sound more threatening. “What did you do to him?” Her voice full of venom, as she glared into this newcomers eyes. She had never seen Maul actually cry, and she was so worried, she didn’t know what had happened but there was a rage beginning to build in her, just waiting be let out. Maul knew Almeta was running to him but he didn’t turn, he couldn’t. He felt so lost and broken, the regret that had eaten him alive inside for so many years had taken its toll on his heart, made it supremely difficult to allow anyone in. He had so much trouble allowing Almeta in because in part of the choice he made, the relationship he severed out of fear. The yellow skinned Zabrak, reached out his intact hand and gently brushed away Maul’s tears. “I forgive you Brother…” He whispered, and saw Maul flinch, as if struck. Before turning finally to Almeta, the woman Maul was playing with, not even phased by her topless appearance. “Maul is my older Brother. We have been… Separated for many years…” He said softly. Maul spoke finally taking in a shuddering breath, reaching out a shaking hand to touch Savage on his face, gently cupping his right cheek, to see if he was actually real. “I… I thought you… You had died…because…because of me…” He said in a voice choked with emotion. Savage leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. “Even if I had, I would still find you somehow, some way…” He whispered, his own luminous eyes moist with raw emotion. He reached out to help Maul to his feet, and the shorter man staggered upwards. Maul turned to Almeta. “He is the one I spoke of… The one I had lost…” He gritted his teeth closing his eyes against the memories. Savage crushed him to his broad chest, “I will never leave again Brother.” He whispered. Almeta calmed down some, and smiled as the two interacted, seeing some one lost return again, it was a lovely sight. “I’m glad you found him.” She spoke once Savage released Maul from his grip and they all stood. Almeta reached up and cupped both Maul’s cheek brushing his tears away, he leaned into her and she smiled. “Let’s all go back to our ship, okay? I don’t think any of us should be caught out in the open on this planet.” She pecked Maul’s nose, something she found he enjoyed very much despite the way he looked embarrassed by it. and turned to gather their things. She quickly dressed and grabbed their bags, taking Maul’s hand in hers again she led both the brothers to her ship. “There you are!” Triton shouted at her once the doors to the ship opened and he shot out at her. “Do you know how worried I’ve been?! And then all this crap is delivered! We barely have any room for it! You can’t even see the kitchen!” He shouted. Almeta laughed and pulled him into a tight hug at her chest. Triton huffed then took notice of the new Zabrak. “Great! You’ve found another one! What is this adopt Zabrak week or something?” He grumbled, nuzzling into her chest as all three walked onto the ship. “This will bring nothing but trouble.” He warned sternly waving his arm. “Oh hush! You leave them alone, Maul is a trustworthy…friend,” that wasn’t the word she wanted to use but she wasn’t sure what exactly they were at the moment. “And Savage is his brother, Maul trusts him so we will too.” She told the Droid with finality in her voice as Maul and Savage joined her on the ship and she closed the loading hatch. Maul sighed deeply, feeling her touch on his skin again, it calmed him further, leaning into the touch. He wrinkled his nose cutely as she kissed the dusky tip a small blush creeping over his cheeks. “I think that would be wise” rumbled Savage, his hand resting momentarily on Maul’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Inwardly, Savage was still in pain though, as he watched the two who obviously had something between them, something he thought he could never have. He walked slightly behind them, but never far away from His Brother’s side, never again. He couldn’t help but look at their clasped hands… And he felt his hearts clench painfully. His Brother was happy and that was all that mattered, he would live with that, even if it was just half of a life for the larger man. They arrived at her smaller ship and went inside having to duck his horned head to avoid a collision. Maul was expecting something like this and just tried to ignore the droid as he looked at the labels on the parts checking that everything was there. Both Brothers looked at each other and laughed at the “adopt a Zabrak week” comment. “Thank you Almeta” Savage said, hugging the smaller man close to him. Maul squeaked and blushed slightly, not used to this kind of contact after so long from him. He missed the big soft hearted man. @mauldeservedbetter @maulieber
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 23
Almeta smiled brightly, holding his hand and skipping, yes skipping, along side him. She was so very happy this morning, she giggled and ran ahead of Maul to get to the water.
She took all of her clothes, except for her underwear off, and walked into the water. She waded in the shallow waves that lapped at the shore, she didn’t feel like calling on her fin just yet. She just wanted to play in the shallows with Maul.
She giggled and beckoned Maul over to her. “Come, come! Come play with me, Maul.” She squeaked as he walked to her, when he was close enough Almeta took both his hands in hers pulling him close to her.
She pecked his lips softly then pulled back and splashed him with water, dashing away from him before he could splash her back. It felt like such a carefree day, she just wanted to have fun and play with her Maul. Her Maul? She had been calling him that a lot lately, did she want to his.
She looked over her shoulder at Maul, and giggled at his surprised face before he took off after her. She squealed loudly and took off again, yes she would definitely want to be his.
Maul laughed as he watched Almeta skip alongside of him, and he couldn’t believe they had come so far in such a short time, he felt like a different person inside. He felt happy. He let go of her hand as she raced like a child to the water, squealing in delight splashing and running in and out of the tide.
Maul smiled and took his shirt off, and took off after her waving his arms and yelling “I’m going to get you Almeta my pretty!!!” As he tore after her, laughing pretending to want to eat her up. He felt like a child again, or what it could have been like to be a child. She lured him into her trap with promises of a kiss and tenderness and a mouth full of seawater. He blinked in confusion, and lunched after her zigzagging along the shore cackling like a madman.
He used the force to gather a ball of water and hurled it at her like a water balloon, and he fell on the sand rolling in laughter at her surprised face, hair plastered to her body in a truly hilarious way.
He didn’t see the figure of a tall man wrapped in black cloth, peering out behind a rock outcropping watching them, in their childish carefree play, clutching his chest as if in pain as they played and kissed.
Almeta gasped as the water hit her and she whipped around. She ready to throw water him but seeing on the sand laughing stopped her.
She smiled and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and laughed softly. “You look good with your scowl but you look so much better with a smile, my handsome Zabrak.” She told him leaning down and kissing his laughing lips.
Then she saw it, a shadow by the rocks moving. She quickly looked up at him, her eyes full of fear. “Maul, there’s someone by the rocks.”
She whispered to him, she was terrified. What she if it was a slaver or a bounty hunter?! She knew by now her Aunt had put out a bounty for her safe return and she was terrified of who or what it could be.
She shrunk back as Maul stood up, she stayed on her knees hiding behind his legs. “Do you see anything? I swear I saw a shadow move.” She told him, she may know how to fight but she hated to. She hated to use her influence of the Force to fight, she would rather use it to heal another or do simple tricks for children.
“Maul?” She asked him, looking up at him. His body language had changed, he was stiff and tense all traces of his carefree mood gone. Oh yeah, now she was ready to run to the ship and just leave. What if it was a bounty hunter he saw?! Her mind kept playing the worst kind of scenarios over and over again, all of them ending with her marrying that … that thing!
Maul stood slowly, sensing her fear. He wouldn’t let anything touch her, even though. He had no weapons on him besides his body and his training at hand, he would fight tooth and nail to protect her.
Darkness radiated from him, as he watched the rock outcropping, he made no noise, the only thing that moved was his chest, as it rose and fell with each breath, and the muscles in his jaw tensing and relaxing as he reached out with the force trying to sense who was there if anyone in fact was.
His eyes glittered dangerously, his body language was harsh and predatory, dangerous. He was the Hunter, the shadow, the killer, in that moment. He sensed Almeta shudder, and knew it was because of him now as well, but he didn’t care.
He saw the shadow move now for himself, and he tensed, and ran headlong to meet whoever it was.
The mysterious stranger knew that he had been spotted and swore under his breath, this was not how he had wanted this to go. He had no choice now though did he?
He had nothing to loose anyway now, based on what he had seen of the two of them, Maul had moved on, seemed to be happy.
He tensed and dashed out from behind the rocks and the two clashed headlong Maul’s taloned grip, catching his own. One mechanical hand gripped Maul’s left hand and a gloved hand gripped the right, the strangers strength was formidable and Maul found himself sliding backwards in the loose sand.
Maul kicked out at him, and hissed, trying to gain ground, letting go of that vice like grip, he force pushed the man backwards onto the rocky outcropping where they could gain their footing. He went to force push again and found the stranger pushing back!
Maul snarled and lunged forwards, caught off balance he stumbled and careened into the Man’s abdomen and the cloak tore revealing yellow skin underneath, with striking black markings.
Dude lay the fight was gone from Maul and he just sat there on his knees, arms hanging limply at his sides. Staring up at the man with such pain in his eyes, such agony, and regret, and sorrow. “Savage… Savage is that you?” He barely whispered, barely dared to hope.
The Mysterious man, stood there over the smaller one, and reached his hands up to his head, removing the coverings, and the face of his Brother stared back at him. Yellow skin with dusky black tattoos covering his head and neck, with large horns adorning his head.
He looked down at his older Brother, and returned that look of anguish, he dropped to his knees in front of Maul, grasping his shoulders with both hands. “I never stopped looking for you Maul.” He managed in his deep gravely, but terribly gentle voice.
Tears were sliding unbidden from Maul’s golden eyes, as he looked into his Brother’s matching depths. He had come back…
((Play this at the end of the chapter for the feeling I had when I wrote this, perfect song for them really. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OJkqkWIpFAI. ))
0 notes
maultheshy · 7 years
Part 22
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta gasped watching him come undone under her, it was a lovely sight to her. She let him pull her trembling body to his chest, and she nuzzled her cheek against it as she moved enough for his cock to slip out of her, settling her head just under his chin. She hummed happily, one of her hands drawing random patterns on his pec, she kissed the center of his chest. She was trying to get her breathing under control as she surveyed the damage to the bed and giggled. “I think we need new sheets.” She laughed hard as she looked up at the head board. “Is your head okay?” She reached up, touching his cheek. “Are you okay Maul?” She whispered quietly, smiling softly at him. She was spent, no doubt about that, but she was enjoying this after glow. What they just did felt … amazing to her. She wanted more of him but she knew she had to let her body rest. This was all so new her and to him, she didn’t want to push her body past its limits … she didn’t even know what her limits were just yet in this … area. Maybe she would find out … one day. She smiled and kissed just under Maul’s chin, she couldn’t help herself, she just couldn’t get enough of him. What was this feeling? She asked herself but … she just couldn’t place it. It was just … so … new. He lay there emotionally raw, but physically he imagined in the future he could just keep going again and again. His body wasn’t tired at all, but emotionally he was a puddle. He felt his cock slide out of her and bit his lip at the overstimulation, and the absence of her heat around him. He had a new addiction, and he had to have this “fix” again, he hoped reverently that this was more than a one time escapade, but tried not to dwell on it. Before today he would have never let her touch him this way, would have shied away completely, he was still a tiny bit afraid, mostly of her leaving him and he was afraid of the attachment he was feeling to her. His track record was less than stellar. He rumbled a deep purr as she trailed her fingertips, those fingers that had just sent him over the edge of oblivion as they gripped his head, and horns and …. Ughhhh. He felt his spent cock twitch. He chuckled as she spoke of the damage he had done, “indeed the… Bed is a ruin.” He turned his head and saw the damage done to the headboard, eyes widening. I had deep gouges in the wood and cracks radiated from each hole. He hadn’t even felt it happen. He reached back and touched his head, and pulled fingers away, slightly damp with blood, but there was no pain, it was a minor scratch. “It’s fine, and yes I’m well… Almeta *he chuckled* I’m so far beyond well… That was I can’t even find the words…” He shook his head in wonder. He slid his eyes closed as she kissed just under his chin, that extremely delicate triangle of skin in one of the most vulnerable places for a predictor like him to be exposed, it sent a thrill though him. He felt the tiny flame in his hearts grow ever so much, they sang with an emotion he couldn’t even hope to name, he almost didn’t want to. “You are so beautiful.” He said in that velvety voice. “Was it everything you had hoped it would be?” He asked slightly nervously, he himself had never felt anything more incredible in all his days, but to someone else it could have been very different. Almeta smiled at his rumbling purr, “it was everything and more …” she whispered softly, drawing on his chest again. She yawned and snuggled closer to his chest. “I’m tired now though.” Her eyes closed as she listened to his hearts beat. “Goodnight, my Maul. Sweet dreams.” She yawned again and pulled the quilt, the only thing not completely ruined, over the both of them. She drifted off into sleep, a peaceful one. Dreams of a future she could have and a past so far from reach, no nightmares. In the morning Almeta groaned, she could feel the sun’s rays leaking through the open curtains of the room’s window and groaned. Maul was now on his side behind her, she had her back to his chest. She very carefully turned over and snuggled into his chest. Twining her legs with his she let out another yawn, not wanting leave his arms yet, or this bed. She wanted to stay just like this, and never leave this moment, but she knew she had to. They had to eat and leave, return to their ship … to Triton. Oh gods! Triton! She could just picture his smug, self satisfied face now. She groaned softly, snuggling as close to Maul as she could get. Maul smiled broadly. He was beyond pleased that she had enjoyed it as much as he had. He hadn’t let her down after all. He felt such self pride and it felt wonderful. He yawned as well, like some great red tiger, wrapping a powerful, but gentle arm around her snuggling close to each other. Not afraid anymore of this intimacy. His sleep was dreamless and deep. He felt her stir, sometime around sunrise, but feigned sleep, he didn’t want the moment to end either, but finally opened his golden eyes and looked at his beautiful woman, curled in his embrace. *My woman? A bit presumptuous dick head..* his inner voice laughed. His stomach rumbled loudly and he draped an arm over his face in embarrassment. he reluctantly sat up after leaning over and kissing her softly on the forehead. He walked over to the refresher and slid inside washing his sweaty, sticky body, and walked naked over to his clothes , donning the trunks again and a black muscle shirt. “Your turn” he motioned to the shower. They wandered outside after that to grab fruit and other treats from the Market and had a picnic by the Oceanside and just enjoyed each other’s company, planning on reporting to Triton after their meal. He didn’t notice the tall figure that seemed to follow them in the shadows wherever they went, keeping their distance and staying hidden.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 21
@mauldeservedbetter He practically writhed on the bed, keeping his hips as still as he could but his toes curled and his hands clenched tightly , his back arched and he cried out Loudly, the deep purr still going even now, as he panted and gasped, as she moved, and then with a final bounce of her hips she was completely seated, his cock fully inside her, to the hilt. His breath hitched and became ragged, his face flushed, eyes wide and clouded with pleasure and lust, his hands trembled with the strain of holding still, he felt like he was unraveling, and he looked deeply into her eyes, with so much emotion, and saw tears prick the corners of her eyes, and he felt his hearts clench, until she moved. Then all sentient thought fled his addled mind, his legs thrashed as the pleasure was so intense, with each thrust of her hips, he felt himself fall to pieces, just when he thought he was whole again she would move and he was lost all over again. His powerful muscles corded and tightened, she could see the power in his frame, waiting to be unleashed if only he was brave. please hold me against you… She whispered, and he was pulled upwards, propping himself on one arm as he pressed their bodies together and kissed her, parting his lips and licking hers, begging for more clumsily, parting the kiss after a moment, gasping. Asking about his horn, Maul shook his head. “I..I don’t know…” He panted, he grabbed her and pulled her down on top of him and lifted his legs up bending his knees and planting his feet firmly so he could utilize his formidable power. She nipped at his side horn and the dual pleasure that shot through him made him cry out, and he growled huskily and at her command, began to thrust upwards, powerfully into her tight wet core. Each thrust unraveled him more, but his stamina won out and he kept going, each deep impact sent an explosion of stars through his body. “Almeta…. You feel…. Oh gods…” He gasped out as he pumped into her, watching her breasts bounce against his chest, her lips and tongue working his horn base, gently nipping at it. Her walls gripped him so tightly. He was intoxicated. Almeta was just as much a writhing mess as he was. She clung to him moaning loudly. Thanking the Force her people had rapid healing, the pain was gone almost entirely, and all she felt was pleasure. One hand was slowly running along his back as the other was digging its nails into his head. She was completely lost in the ecstasy of it all. She gasped and moaned his name loudly as he hit just the right spot, she could feel something building up in her core as she urged him to go faster … harder. She begged him for more, and he gave what he could, and then it happened. The dam broke and she clenched tightly around him. Her hips grinding down on him, she screamed his name as her world unraveled, she could feel small droplets of blood around her fingers. “Oh shit …” she dug the nails of both her hands in so deep that she made him bleed, she gasped as he thrusted into her hard. She could feel another wave approaching her, she was just so sensitive at this point, she was sure to come again before he came even once if he kept up his pace. She clung tightly to him, pulling his head into the crook of her neck just next to her gills. “Bite … oh g-g-gods! Please bite them.” She moaned out. Maul growled again, a loud feral noise, as he felt her fingernails dig into his skin, making the pleasure increase even more. He was a mess, so many nerve endings were sending signals to his pleasure addled brain, he felt like he was having a nuclear melt down. She begged him for more, deeper…faster… Harder… He moaned her name “Almeta…..” And complied, thrusting with all his formidable strength deep, and hard, and so fast that his balls slapped against her ass, he felt like he was on fire. Then she came undone, screaming his name as she writhed, and he went as deeply as he could and hard as he could, and he felt her snap. The walls of her tight core clenched hard around him in waves, squeezing his heated cock, making him whimper with pleasure, as her orgasm ripped onto him. If he were a weaker man he would have come right then and there, but he was stronger than that. The pain fueled him, and made him go faster, then he slowed down and slid himself almost all the way out before slamming in completely, alternating between fast and slow, he tortured them both. She leaned down begging him to tease her gills and he felt himself twitch inside of her, it was so fucking gods damned sexy. He complied and began licking the tender folds of skin, teasing them with his tongue, gently sucking and biting, in a very sensual way, almost as if it was another part of her body entirely. He pounded harder, and felt her begin to tighten around him again, as he began to feel an invisible spring begin to coil inside of him, settling deep in his body. Almeta moaned his name loudly, arching her back into his chest. Oh gods! She knew he wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon, she clung to him, doing her best to match his thrust. She was thankful for the small moments where he slowed down, it was torturous but she needed it to calm down. She didn’t want to come again just yet, she wanted this to last as long as it could. She gasped softly and nuzzles her nose into his cheek. “Maul … Maul …” she gasped out, moaning loudly. “I … I do-don’t know h-how much more I-I-I …” she moaned his name loudly as his last few particularly hard thrusts hit that spot again and she was seeing stars as she closed her eyes tightly. She was trying so hard to hold it back but … but he kept hitting that spot, harder with each thrust. She lost that battle and clung to him tightly as he bit and licked softly on her gills, hearing that deep growl from his lips was the last straw, she let go. She dug her nails into him again and clung to him like a lifeline as her world shattered and she shouted his name loudly, the second time just as good as the first. Her body trembled and shook as she came back down from her high, moaning his name. “Maul … Maul come for me. Please, my Maul, come for me.” She moaned against his right temple, biting down on his horn there. Maul was struggling, his muscles could go like this for ages, but his mental capacity to hold on was unraveling with every thrust. He nails on his skin, the way her breath caught in her throat, her parted lips gasping for breath, lips rosy and plump from kissing, and from biting his horns, he felt a wave of desire wash through him like a cold ocean current. She moaned and gasped, as she told him she was on the edge and … Stars above… It was all just so erotic. The way her voice broke with harsh pleasure, the way she trembled, her body putty in his hands. He thrust harder and faster, remembering what had done it to make her loose herself last time, and felt her begin to fall as his teeth and tongue dragged along her gills. Her hands gripping him and digging her nails into his heated skin again and her back arched and she came in great shuddering waves around his throbbing cock, he had to choke back a cry at the intense pleasure, as he licked her gills faster drawing her pleasure out longer, teasing her, Caressing her. Her shouts of pleasure, the way she begged him to cum, it was all too much and his world came tumbling down, and the coiled spring released with a sharp shot and he screamed, he roared, his head slammed back into the headboard his horns splintering the wood, as he came unbelievably hard. “Almeta!!!! Annnhhhhh….. Gods…. I can’t… I’m cumming for you….. Ahhhh…Ahh.. Ahh.!” He cried out as he felt his hot seed shoot into her over and over, growling and hissing as he climaxed. His whole body arched, and his legs thrashed, the claws of his toes, curling and gripping the sheets tearing them, as he writhed. His back arched again, and again as the waves upon waves of pleasure hit him like a bolt of lightning, arcing and traveling through every inch of his body igniting his very soul. Finally he was spent and lay there panting, and trembling, his eyes heavy with pleasure, and desire, his cheeks a dusky red, as he was flushed from what had transpired. He sighed deeply, his breath ragged as he pulled her down against his chest, panting together in the now ruined bed. And smiled.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 20
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta whimpered softly when he was freed from his trunks, her core ached with desire, as her eyes raced over the tattoos. Oh,gods yes, the tattoos on him were very much a stunning sight. His entire body was gorgeous, he was incredibly handsome to her. So different from her but …oh! She let out a whine as he pressed against her belly, her arms wrapped around him as she leaned up and kissed him hungrily. She turned them, so Maul’s back was to the bed and pushed him down on it, landing with a soft bounce. She laughed and kissed his nose then urged him to to lay on the pillows. Once comfortable, Almeta sat on one of his thighs. One of her hands laid on his chest to steady her as her other hand trailed down to just above his cock. She bit her lip and, very slowly, traced the intricate designs, she whimpered again and ground down on his thigh for relief. “My-my …” she swallowed to steady her voice. “My nurse told me for my first time it would be less painful to be the one on top.” She stopped her tracing and looked up at Maul though her lashes, slowly grinding her hips down on his thigh, soft, breathy moans leaving her lips. “I-is tha-that okay?” She whimpered out. Both of her hands now splayed on his chest to keep her sitting up straight, her mouth fell open slightly. He groaned loudly cheeks flushed very hotly as he was as brave as he had ever been, it took all his effort to do this, but he wanted desperately to do this for her, and for himself. He bit his lip hard as he watched her look him over, feeling her eyes all over his body, especially his aching need, she traced the lines and contours of it with her eyes, slowly sliding them up his body locking eyes with him. He was uncertain if she wanted this too as he pressed against her, until she wrapped her arms around his chest pulling them closer, and kissing him with a hunger that threatened to engulf his very being. He purred deep in his chest, and nipped at her lips his hands ghosting along her back. He allowed her to guide him and allowed her to push him back onto the bed with a bounce and a small grunt, scooting upwards to the center laying on the pillows, and then she crawled up and straddled one of his muscular thighs and he growled loudly feeling her womanhood pressing against him, his face flushed hotly with a plethora of emotions. Her cool hands rested on his chest and she slid her hands along his abdomen to his cock, and began to trace the designs on his heated skin, making him hiss loudly through his gritted teeth, eyes sliding half closed. “Ahhh…ah…” He breathed hotly as she touched him. It felt like nothing he had ever experienced before. He listened to her melodic voice, as if he was miles away, first time… They both had never… He swallowed thickly his face flushed with a blush as he thought about what they were about to do. He inhaled sharply as he felt her grind down on him again. He bucked his hips, wanting more of that incredible touch, her hands on his chest felt like they were setting his soul on fire “Y…yes… Pl..please… I..I need you…” He whispered very very bravely. Almeta’s blush brightened as a thought just occurred to her. I need line or this is gonna hurt even more, she thought looking around, spotting two night stands. “G-give a second.” She took a deep steadying breath and moved off Maul looking through the night stand to her right, she huffed angrily then moved across him again to look in the left one. She made a happy noise pulling out a bottle of lube. “They have different kinds, too. I think they know what people are going to do in here.” She giggled softly, trying to keep the vibe around them calm so Maul wouldn’t clam up on her. She really did want this, she wanted him, but she was worried he would shut down on her again. She smiled at him and straddled his hips, kissing him gently, she put some lube in her hand then gripped his cock applying, she kept kissing him as she put the bottle next to them on a pillow. “Maul … I’m gonna need your help with this.” She picked his hand up and set it at the base of his cock. “Hold it up just like that, okay.” She told him rubbing her hand with left over lube on on the sheets, then set both of them on his chest, lining herself up. “Stay still till I let you know it’s okay to move. This is gonna hurt me for a moment.” She whispered to him, staring into his eyes with a sincere and trusting look in her eyes. Maul bit his lip hard as she stood up from him, and watched her with hunger, as she paced around the room, looking at how her body moved, the sway of her hips, the bounce of her breasts, the gently slope of her beautiful womanhood, the firm beautiful cheeks of her ass she she walked, his cock throbbed. *this is actually fucking happening… Oh my gods… Just relax just relax… Fffffffffff….* he whined in his mind. Watching her grab a small tube of some sort of liquid from the drawer speaking about the lubricant and that people knew what would go on here, it made him blush in embarrassment but he clenched his teeth. She slid onto the bed and swung her leg over his hips and straddled him and he groaned. He was terrified of not performing well, but he wanted this so much, his hearts clenched tightly as he thought about her stopping. Then without warning his world felt like it exploded as her slicked hand slid along his shaft gripping tightly. He tossed his head back and moaned in a loud guttural way, “F….Fuck!” He cried out, and then as quickly as it had happened the grip released and she was speaking to him, guiding his hand to his own cock, and he nodded at her command swallowing thickly. She hovered over him, just above his aching manhood, and then she lowered herself down onto him and he felt stars explode behind his eyes, and his world shattered with a yell of soul shattering pleasure. “F…Fuck! Annnngghh…. So tight…. ” he panted hard, trying to hold still but his mind was in tatters, his body was on fire, he had never felt anything as amazing before in his entire life. “Almeta…. ”… He groaned, his face flushed, as he fisted the bed sheets shredding them with his claws. Almeta’s eyes widened at his yell and she bit her lip, …she had done that to him. She squeezed her eyes shut as she took a deep breath, remembering what she read in a book once. Slow, a little bit at a time, she thought to herself. She whimpered softly as she slid up and down on his cock, on each time she moved she took just a little more of him in her, untill he was fully sheathed inside her. She gasped and whimpered again, holding still for a moment to adjust, and then moving again slowly. For a moment tears came to her eyes but then, she moved her hips in just the right way on her next stroke down and a moan ripped from her mouth. “Oh gods … that right there …” she moaned, hitting the spot again. She watched Maul rip the bedding apart and whimpered softly, all that power hidden inside him … “Maul …” she gasped softly. “Please hold me against you.” She sat up straight, moving her hands to his shoulders and trying to tug him up, to where they both sitting. “And move, I’m doing all the work and it’s tiring.” She joked in his ear once he finally sat up, kissing the horn on his left temple. “Maul.” She moaned into his ear and had a wicked thought. “ Wh-” she gasped softly. “What would b-biting your horn do?” She asked, kissing the same horn again.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 19
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta swallowed softly as she felt it again, his arousal on her back. She felt it earlier, though she wasn’t sure if he was ready to … well, to do something about it. She moaned softly as she massaged her scrapped, she blushed as his fingers brushed her ears. She nodded and lowered herself into the water. Once she was done she sat back up and turned to face him, she sat on her knees between his legs, she studied his face carefully, her gills flexing gently. She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned closer to him, she nuzzled her nose against his, ghost her lips over his as she asked a simple, yet fully loaded question. “What do you to do to me, Maul?” She used her hands on his shoulders as leverage to move into a straddle across his lap. “Tell me.” She kept her forehead on his, staring into his eyes, her breathing becoming ragged as she moaned quietly. The feeling of his arousal against her felt … wonderfully delightful. He was amazed at the feeling is her hair in his hands, the feeling of her skin, and then her moan cut right through him like a durasteel knife, right to his groin, and felt it twitch. He squeezed his eyes shut. He watched her disappear and then resurface, her hair draping about her naked form like a shroud plastered against her breasts and body. He felt his fingers twitch, he wanted to touch her so badly, but he couldn’t… And then she was right there, kneeling between his legs and he could see her nipples through her hair, pink and rosy against her pale pale skin, the way her supple breasts gently sloped in that perfect way. He let out an involuntary groan, and then she was nuzzling his face, her hands on his shoulders, her touch searing into him like hot coals, he hissed softly. She trailed those soft lips over his, dragging them slowly, and her question went right to his cock. He felt it with again, and bit his lip. He knew what he wanted to do but he didn’t know how. “E…everything… But… I … I don’t know… How…” He whispered so softly, his eyes looked pained and he looked down in shame, he wanted to be everything she was hoping for but he had no skills, no experience. She moved to straddle him and he groaned loudly as she pressed her nude form onto his throbbing erection, his head tilted back and he hissed hotly, his hands gripping the basin of the tub tightly. Almeta stared at his hands gripping the tub for a moment before sliding her hand down his arm it, pulling it to her she carefully placed it on her cheek. “I don’t know either. You’re the first person I’ve seen in this manner.” She whispered, nuzzling his hand gently, she bit her lip and, slowly, ground down on him again. Closing her eyes she moaned softly. “Right now, I’m just listening to my body.” She leaned forward and kissed him passionately, nipping his bottom lip. His hand that she still held she purposely slide down to her neck, laying it on her sensitive gills with a soft moan as she pressed her chest against his. She pulled back slightly and, with a softly giggle, she joked. “I’m sure, in our large collection, one of us has a book on our ships that could help us. But I think,” she gave him a more chaste kiss this time. “for now, just listen to your body. I know you at least want to touch me.” She nuzzled his nose with hers. “I can see your hands twitch when you look at me.” One of her hands reached up and gripped one of his horns, tugging very gently. “Touch me, Maul.” “I’ve never… You were my first kiss, this is my first everything…” He managed bravely. “I…I’ve never seen anyone other than myself naked before…” he admitted. He growled and involuntarily bucked his hips into her, sending waves of electric pleasure through his body as she ground into him. She kissed him then and he kissed her back with a ferocity that was unlike him previously. He kissed her hard and tentatively licked her lips with his tongue, biting back gently like she had done. She placed his hand on her gills, and he felt them flutter, they were so soft and almost feather like, and they seemed to make her melt as he stroked them. She kissed him again and he began that rumbling purr, and he complied reaching out with trembling hands he cupped her breasts, and squeezed gently, trailing his thumb over the pink nipple, and he felt his cock ache, then she had one of his horns and she touched the base of it, rubbing softly, commanding him to touch her. “Almeta….. ” he leaned down and kissed her neck, licking and biting gently as he moaned from the stimulation of his horns base, and the sheer eroticism at work. His trunks suddenly felt much too tight, making him squirm. Almeta gasped and moaned softly as kissed, licked, and bite her neck and gills. She was told they were sensitive but this was unlike anything she had felt before, and when he brushed her nipples she moaned again. “Maul…” she moaned his name as she ground down in him again, moaning his name again as he bucked up into her. She leaned her head down, her lips brushing his ear as she moaned again, his heated skin warmed her up more then the water. “Don’t stop, Maul.” She bit his ear and, hooked the fingers of both her hands on two horns, she rubbed them and tugged. As he bit down on her gills she gasped, moaning louder, her nails digging into the flesh around his horns. She was in a world of pleasure but she had … had to tell him to be gentle. Her gills. “Don’t …” she swallowed a moaned. “P-please don’t d-damage my g-g-gills.” The end of sentence was cut off by a delighted squeal as Maul bucked up at her again, growling deep in his chest. She smiled softly and lifted her head, slowly kissing the horn near his temple. “Should we continue this on the bed, my Maul?” She whispered, kissing another horn and tugging on the two she wrapped her fingers around again. Maul growled loudly as he ravished her neck, taking extra care of the delicate slits of her gills, he kissed them and experimentally licked them, gently teasing the slits as he drug his fingers over her breasts, his name on her lips drove him to heights of new bravery. She moaned and ground into him more, leaning close, her heated breath ghosting against his ear made him shiver, her fingers hooked more of his horns, and he moaned a loud throaty moan as she tugged and rubbed them. “I …. Won…won’t hurt yo…you… ” he moaned. She mentioned the bed… “Fuck yes…. Gods yes… The bed..” He hissed aloud, for the first time his inner voice spoke. He lifted them out of the water and grabbed a towel. Almeta squeaked as he lifted her with ease, as if she weighed nothing her arms wrapped around his neck. Her chest flush against his now, and wrapped her legs around his waist tightly. He put the towel on her head and she unwrapped one arm, using it to dry her hair enough for to not get the bed too wet. She dropped to her feet just next to the bed, dropping the towel as well. She backed up just enough to eye his tattoos, her hands following the arrow like markings, downwards to the top of his trunks. She looked up into his eyes and tugged a little. “This is no fair.” She pouted at him. “You have more clothes on then me.” She untied the string but did nothing else, she was giving him an out if he wanted it. She wouldn’t make him do this, she thought as she looked deeply into his eyes. His golden depths seemed a little conflicted still, was she sure she read this right? Did he really want … she bit her lip and worried it between her teeth. What was he so conflicted about? … she wondered, her hands going to play with her hair. A nervous habit, she was so nervous. She’d never felt so … bare before. He groaned as they dried themselves, bodies pressed together, her legs wrapping around his waist, he growled a deep rumbling growl. She dried her hair, and dropped the towel standing bare before him near the bed, tracing the designs on his body with her fingertips, trailing down his navel to the top of his trunks, teasing at the fabric as she untied one of the laces, and teased him about not being naked too. He swallowed thickly, and watched her hands drop to her sides, and he reached out and took her hands with trembling fingers and hooked her hands in the waistband and slowly pulled them down. Letting them drop to the floor and kicking them away. He gazed deeply into her eyes, hungrily, eagerly. His aching cock finally sprang free, and he sighed deeply with relief. It was large, and long as cocks go, not too big, but it was more than enough. The intricate lines trailed down his shaft and her questions were answered. Every inch of him was tattooed. It had the same snake tongue marking along the head as was under his lower lip, followed by two lines trailing up to meet the design on his navel, his balls were a dusky black, as was his ass and upper thighs. He walked over to her slowly and pressed his cock against her belly suggestively, albeit clumsily. He wanted this.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 18
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta squeaked and pecked his lips quickly as she ran to the bed. She kicked her shoes off and jumped up on it, she giggled jumping around on it. “It’s so big! I haven’t been on a bed this nice in sooooooooo long!” She flopped back on it and rolled around for second, her eyes widened and she shot up. She sat up straight and looked to Maul with a blush of embarrassment. “Sorry.” She giggled out then took noticed of the spa tub. “Ooooooh! A real bath?! I want one!” She rambled on, not really thinking about how what she said next would sound to him. “Let’s take a bubble bath!” She squealed looking over to Maul with a big, bright, innocent smile. When it came to things like this, her people didn’t always find them sexual in nature, to share a bath with a friend was just a form of bonding to them. Same with sharing beds, being so close to each other, to them these things were just apart of everyday life for her culture, it rarely ever crossed her mind how someone else might interpret these things. Maul just stood there sort of in a daze, he had dumped his bag on the floor and kicked off those dreaded flip flops, and was just standing there as she kissed him and dove onto the bed, rolling around like some delicate species of feline. He scrunched his toes into the carpet, his toe claws digging into the fabric as he swallowed heavily. “I… Have a nice bed in my private quarters… ” he raised a hand halfway as if gesturing and all sentient thought died. As she suggested a bath. With him. His eyes went huge, and he opened his mouth and closed it a few times to no avail. *I’m totally fucking dead… someone help meeeeee* he screamed silently as he spotted the alcohol. He walked over and grabbed a glass, shook his head and threw the glass over his shoulder somewhere off in the distance a shattering sound was heard, and he slammed back the whole damn bottle. There was a second bottle and still more glasses. So he grabbed those and headed over. He could feel the warmth spreading slowly though his body already. “Ok…” He said standing next to the tub of already nearly full water, and took off his shirt and slid into the water his eyes sliding half closed at the relaxing feeling as he looked up at her. Almeta giggled softly and walked over to the tub. She blushed softly but, unlike her favorite Zabrak, undressed completely and sank into the water. “It’s so warm.” She closed her eyes in pleasure head tilting back against the rim of the tub. She sat opposite of Maul, the tub definitely large enough for them to stretch out. “You’ve got a big bed?” She asked, looking back at him with a big smile. She lifted her foot and poked his chest with it, “Can I sleep in it?” Her mischievous smirk returned again. She may be naive at times and a little clueless, but she knew what she wanted. Her eyes raked over his body as she put her foot down, she knew she wanted Maul. All of Maul. She giggled softly as her foot brushed against his trunks as she settled back down. “Where are you still wearing those, Maul? You can’t take a bath in clothes.” She laughed a little harder, her hands come up to cover her face. A thought hit her as a braided strand of hair touched her hand, she looked up at him again. “Could you take my braids out?” She moved closer to him then, moving to sit between his legs, her back to him. “And, maybe, wash my hair?” She asked softly, looking at him from the corner of her eyes over her shoulder. Maul’s half lidded eyes shot open and he wanted to drown, he sank down lower in the water, and blew tiny bubbles stifling a scream no doubt. Her body was exposed completely, as she undressed, lowering herself into the heated water across from him, and he just stared with wide eyes. He simply nodded dumbly, he had lost the ability to use his higher brain functions at the moment. He slowly raised himself out of the water and replied. “Ye…yes, it’s a king size… An imperial King.” He blushed furiously. *oh my gods… She wants to sleep with me? Holy fuck…* he was excited and frightened all at once. He nodded dumbly again. Not trusting his voice right at that moment. Her toes poking his chest made him just kind of blink. He looked ridiculous. He widened his eyes as she brushed his trunks, knowing he still had a problem, he felt like it would never go away. *She… Wanted to take off his trunks… Oh sweet fuckity fuck…* He panicked internally. She moved over and suddenly sat between his legs her lower back pressed against his arousal and he let out a tiny groan despite his best efforts. “Sure” he managed weakly, unwinding her braids with trembling fingers, releasing those delicate Crimson strands, he found himself bringing them to his lips and brushing them against his cheek, before he realized what he was doing, stopping suddenly and picking up the bottle she called shampoo? The bottle said it was 2 in 1. He had never used it before. He lathered his hands as the bottle instructed and began massaging her scalp, working his fingers and palms through her Crimson locks, his fingertips brushing her ears and he bit his lip, he tried to focus and finally finished, grabbing a basin of water he rinsed it from her face as best he could. “Umm I think you have to go under to get the rest…” He murmured.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 17
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta giggled softly at his reaction to her answer about clothing. At his question she looked down tilting her head. “Well, I ran away from an arraigned marriage that was meant to give more power to the lesser noble family.” She tugged on one of her braids, twirling it around her finger in thought. “I will probably be punished then still forced to marry him. Even if he has already married another.” She looked up at him. “My people aren’t monogamous by nature, so, it wouldn’t be odd. But I don’t want that. He’s an awful thing. All he wants is power and … to him I would be nothing more then a means to that power and a breeder. He’s … his family is very much set in their views about women. They hide it from the Queen easily but they are awful people.” She shook her head in anger. “I didn’t want any of that, I didn’t want to be a princess either. Oh! I just want to travel!” Her eyes brightened up in her enthusiasm. “I want see more planet, meet new people.” She gasped softly. “Discover new things! I wanted more then the life they wanted of me.” She told him, her bright smile still there. Maul watched her intently his anger rising, as he listened to the recollection of the reasons he had fled and what would occur when she returned. He felt the dark tendrils of the dark side wash over him. “I will go back with you I don’t care how, and rip the fin’s from his still squirming body if he so much as looks at you. No one will ever hurt you again as long as I am here.” He hissed, his eyes had gone cold and dangerous. The murderous intent faded and he returned to the previous state, but the fact that he could change so quickly was certainly a sobering thought. He was dangerous when angered. “We will travel the stars in my ship when it is repaired, it is top of the line, in every possible way, it even has a cloak, we could go anywhere undetected.” He drank the rest of his now lukewarm tea and walked to the cashier and paid for their meal. Thanking the waitress. “Shall we head back? Or?…. ” he remembered their conversation by the ocean and turned a delightful shade of Crimson, that experience although terrifying was intoxicating. He knew Triton would never allow it in his presence, the damn droid would probably kill him. He waited for her by the door. Almeta followed him to the door and leaned into his side. She stood on the tips of her toes and nuzzles his cheek. “As much as I would love to see you do just that to him, I don’t want you to be hurt.” She whispered against his cheek, taking his hand and walking out of the restaurant fully. “I would love to travel in your ship!” She looked up at him as he asked his last question and blushed softly. She knew if they went to the ship now, Triton would tease nonstop. She bite her lip thinking, most of what the ordered wouldn’t be ready till morning any way … so … “Would you like to find a room to stay at here?” She asked quietly, she squeezed his hand but kept her eyes on her feet. She was still fairly clumsy on the things, that’s what excuse she told herself so she wouldn’t look at Maul in her embarrassed state. Her face probably matched his crimson skin. He snorted slightly as she mentioned him getting hurt. “How could that man possibly hurt me? Unless he harmed you, nothing would hurt me. Pain is my ally. Pain makes me strong.” He said grimly. The subject changed as did his feelings and mood, allowing himself to calm and he gave pause, and reluctantly for her he was sure, out his shirt back on. It was begging to cool off outside and it was beginning to effect him. He took her hand again and they walked together, slowly and lazily. No real purpose in their steps. “My ship is yours, her name is The Scimitar” He beamed proudly. He looked down at her, they really were nearly the same height to be fair if only just a bit taller than her. He wasn’t the tallest of his race, but he made up for it with ferocity. He studied her expression at his question appeared to have sunken in. He nearly choked on AIR. *oh my stars is this happening? Is this really happening?* he panicked in his mind full of fear but also excitement, he dared to hope for more… He had to be brave. He stared ahead, it felt like he was burning a hole in the building in front of them with his gaze, he pictured it catching fire and burning the whole town to the ground with him in it. *Be brave…be brave…* he told himself. He squeezed her hand gently, and nodded. He wanted to actually speak the words but he was afraid he would loose his nerve. he would like that very much. Almeta looked up at with sad eyes at the mention of pain, wrapping her free arm around the arm of the hand she held and leaned into his side. “No more pain for you.” The first part of his statement hit her just then. He … he would feel pain if I were hurt, the thought made her feel … warm inside and she tilted her head up to study his face. He was quite now, she could tell he was thinking as he lead them to where most of the hotels were. She smiled softly, knowing that she felt the same about him, if he were hurt she wouldn’t know what to do. “The Scimitar, is my ship now.” She teased, nuzzling his upper arm with her chin, watching as his face got just a little redder. He lead them to one of the better hotels on the planet. Almeta tilted her head listening to him talk to the person behind the desk. “One bed though.” She added quickly and the receptionist nodded, typing away. She leaned farther into Maul’s side, she barely knew this man but … she would do almost anything for him at this point, she thinks. He gave pause at her embrace, feeling her protectively hold his arm as he spoke of his determination to protect her, and stop at nothing if it meant he could do so. She didn’t want him to hurt? Someone wanted the pain to end? He felt like crying inside. She wanted to save him… He desperately wanted to let her he realized. “Yes she is” he chuckled. Gently shaking his head in wonder. This woman would be the end of him. But he didn’t care anymore. Her chin nuzzling his arm, sent little trills of giddiness though him, and he flushed, every feeling was new, and exciting for him. They walked up to the lobby of a grand hotel, it was magnificent, and had many floors, the interior was luxurious with fountains and plush seating, featuring an open bar area. They approached the front desk and spoke to the woman behind the counter, booking a room… With one bed? *holy shit* he gasped in his mind. He numbly took the keys and followed the floor plan to their room unlocking the door into the master suite he had booked… The most luxurious room in the hotel. They walked in and were surrounded by splendor, it had a spa bath big enough for two, a luxurious bed, champagne waiting. Everything they could possibly want. He turned to her and blushed very hotly.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 15
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta hummed in thought as a more humanoid looking waitress walked up to them. “What can I get you two?” Almeta looked up and smiled, “I’ll have the Bantha Bowl! I’ve heard it’s delicious. And to drink I’ll have ummmm some hot tea. Any kind is fine.” She giggled and nudged Maul’s foot to get him to order. The waitress nodded and walked away to put their orders in. Almeta looked around the restaurant, it was a pretty nice place, the color scheme was dark colors but beautiful and well lite. Lovely, really. Her eyes made their way back to Maul, he was saying something to her about the place but … he was still shirtless … and she could see his tattoos. She idled wondered if EVERY part of his body was covered in them, and as her mind wondered to a … particular part of his body, her face got very bright and she looked down. One of his hands was on the table, she bit her lip and reached for it. She giggled softly and traced the tattoos on it, then started to play with his fingers. She looked up at him, and playful smiled as she grabbed his pointer and middle fingers with her hand and gently moved them back and forth. She laughed at his perplexed look as the waitress returned with their drinks. “You two are just adorable. A Zabrak and an Atlantean, who would’ve ever thought of that combination. I’m sure it’ll look lovely though.” The waitress winked at them and told them their food would be out soon just before she left them. Almeta’s blushed darkened and she looked to Maul with wide eyes, just now realizing that what they were doing did, most definitely look like a date. She gulped softly, wondering if what the waitress said had scared him, because all he was doing now was staring at her. She gently let his hand go, hers sliding down to her lap as she stared a them, her fingers playing with her pants now. “Are … a-are you okay M-Maul?” She stuttered out in a softly voices, she was so worried. Maul looked up and nodded to the waitress, and then down at the menu again, listening to Almeta order his suggestion, with a small smile, she nudged him under the table. “Wait what? Oh…sorry” He stammered, embarrassed for totally drifting off. “I’ll have the Bantha bowl too please, and I would also enjoy tea.” He said, handing the menu to the bubbly waitress. “I first came here on a mission in the outer rim, and stopped here for repairs, nice place as these places go, was wandering the town looking pretty worse for wear, and a local guy helped me out and pointed this joint out. Seriously good food and…” He trailed off noticing she was looking at him, staring at his body. He had never put his shirt back on, he flushed hotly as her eyes raked over his chest, the toned pecs, his dusky red nipples, the arcing lines and curves, the line that went down the middle of his chest with intersecting lines arrowing down his abdomen disappearing into his trunks seeming to lead the way to… *Oh my stars she’s looking down there… Oh fuck my life…* he said in a choked inner voice, his mouth was set firmly in a tight line, as he tried to control himself, his face covered in a Deep blush. She reached down and grabbed his hand, teasing at his claws, and tracing the ink on his skin, she teased the underside of his palm and he twitched with the ticklish sensation. Raising a nonexistent eyebrow as she played with his fingers, what was she doing? The waitress returned with their tea and saw them interacting, well more like a Maul just not reacting and blushing. Then she spoke, and He just dead panned. Combination…would look… Lovely? *Did she mean… Oh my fucking gods she meant a child .. She thinks that … Omg…* he looked like his soul had fled his body, his eyes were just blank, his mouth twitched and he felt like he wanted to just disappear. *Is this the afterlife? Am I dead?* he wondered in his head. “I… Don’t know… what.. What …” He tried to form words but they died in his too dry throat… “tea please” he squeaked. Suddenly covering his mouth his with his hands at the bizarre sound, eyes wide with embarrassment. Then he just started laughing, and the sheer ridiculousness of the entire situation, he laughed until he almost cried, leaning down on the table, horns almost brushing the surface. “I’m going to be alright.” He chuckled. Somehow, he was. Almeta looked up and tilted her head, she giggled softly. Watching him with both confusion and adoration. To her Maul was honestly such a mysterious creature. She knew some about Zabraks but barely any about the kind from Dathomir. “Maul.” She said his name softly, reaching her hands out she slide them onto his cheeks, she tiled her head staring into his eyes. She blushed softly, studying him, her thumbs tracing his cheek bones with soft caresses. She really did enjoy his company, she hoped with all her heart she could keep him by her side. “Could I ask about your people and yourself? You can ask about mine and me, if you would like.” She bite her bottom lip, waiting on his answer. She wanted to know more about this man that sat in front of her. She wanted to know about his people, just everything to do with Maul. She felt it again, as she stared into his eyes once more, that longing from deep within her, that pull that made her … she leaned across the table and pecked his lips gently then pulled away, dropping her hands from his face with a blush. The waitress walked up again, setting their food down. “So cute. Just call if you need anything else.” She told them her name then walked away. Almeta took a bite of her food and made a noise of pleasure. “This is so good, Maul!” She told him, happily eating more. He finally caught his breath, the laughter subsiding finally, he had to gently shake his head in wonder. He had never ever in his wildest dreams thought he would be in this situation, in this place in his life. He was actually living. He peeked up at her, his eyes glinting up at her full of mirth and mischief. He watched her hands advance and looked back at her eyes, her fingertips graced his Crimson skin, and trailed along the contours of his face, her thumbs trailing along his cheeks, his eyes slid half closed, with the simple pleasure of being touched. Being wanted. He slid his eyes open and studied her face as she asked about him, she wanted to know about HIM. It hit him deeply, she wanted to know about Maul. His breath hitched in his throat, he was choked up with emotion. He nodded slowly not wanting to break eye contact or this moment. She suddenly leaned forward and kissed him, and he felt his hearts swell with joy, he felt them flutter like a birds wings, that deep rumble started again if only for a moment, ending abruptly when the waitress approached with their meals. And the kiss ended. He wished fervently that they could have just stayed like that for all of eternity, but there was food and he was starving. He watched her dig into the meat, vegetables, and noodles, and her cheeks flush with pleasure, at the taste, he found himself smiling hugely. He was happy. He picked up his serving sticks and began to eat with gusto, making small noises of appreciation as he ate. “Nnnnnnnggg so good… Omg.” He praised himself *Hell yeah Maul, you’ve got the moves.* he laughed aloud, softly, at his own delightful thoughts. Mual paused between bites. “I don’t actually know a lot other than what I’ve told you about my people, I personally only lived there as an infant and toddler, and then… Was taken to be trained, conditioned, made obedient.” He grimaced. “They are a close knit culture, the nightbrothers at least, look out for each other, love one another like blood brothers, and cared for one another.” He said looking thoughtful. Savage would talk of the days in he brotherhood fondly…“ He said drifting off. He answered the unspoken question. “Savage Oppress he is my blood Brother. He and I traveled together for a time after he found me half dead on a trash planet, after a life and death battle with a Jedi. He saved me in a sense, until I had to leave him… Because I would have destroyed him otherwise…” He looked pained, but took another bite of the food and his demeanor changed, savoring the delicate taste. “Speaking of me, it’s actually my 25th Birthday in two days.” He smiled a wan smile. Excited to actually be able to share it with someone other than a droid, his Brother had tried… It had been… Interesting. Enough of me Almeta, what of you?“ Almeta listened to him closely, finishing her food and sipping her tea. She listened to him talk about his brother, Savage Oppress, the name sounded … familiar but she wasn’t sure why. She tilted her head when he mentioned his birthday, her eyes widened and the wheels already began to turn as she thought of something to make for him. At his question about her she smiled softly. "Well, I am the daughter of a Jedi Padawan and an Atlantean, my father fell in love with a young Padawan and she left the Order. They had me but … my mother didn’t survive. It is hard, and mostly unlikely, for a female that isn’t Atlantean to survive the birth of one.” She smiled sadly, both her hands wrapped around her cup, her thumbs rubbing up and down. “My father fell into a depression and, as only half Royalty, the rest of his family wanted nothing to do with me so, the servants and citizens of the Capital raised me.” She took a deep breath. “My Aunt, the Queen, promise me some lesser noble … he … he wasn’t a good person.” She chewed her lip, deciding to move on. “My people are kind but very secretive to outsides. My people accepted me but my family didn’t, they are stuck far in the old ways, unlike the vast majority of our people.” She looked up at him, the bright happiness of her eyes return. “Is there anything you would like to know about my people? My culture? I would be happy to answer any questions!” She giggled out, all traces of anguish and sorrow gone. Almeta loved to talk about her people and it’s culture, but she didn’t want to overwhelm him with anything. She smiled at him, keeping her eyes on his, and waiting for his questions.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 14
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta moaned softly, his heated flesh felt perfect to her against own cool skin. At his rumbling purr she smiled brightly, she’d never heard that sound before, but she loved it coming from him. As he ran his hands to her tail’s seam she moaned again, this time just a little louder, the tips of his fingers leaving a searing trail behind, one she would probably never forget. She’ll never forget this moment, as a matter a fact. His gentle touch, in complete contrast to his appearance, spurred her to move closer to him. He was unlike anyone she had meet before and all she wanted, at this very moment, was to never leave his arms. But then, her stomach gave a loud growl, she pulled away slightly from Maul and glared at it. “Do you have to ruin this for me?” She whispered out harshly then looked back up at Maul with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I think I’m more hungry then I originally thought.” She whispered to him, with a soft embarrassed giggle she quickly buried her face in his chest, trying not to laugh hard. The soft material of the tip of her fin traced his calves gently. “Maybe we could ummmmm do this again … after we eat?” She whispered, her voice just barely being heard over the sound of the water as she kept it buried in his chest. The purring and beating of his two hearts making her feel … she wasn’t too sure of the feeling but it was one she never wanted to let go. Maul groaned ever so softly, as he heard her moan at his touch, he had done that to her… He thought in wonder. Their skin pressed together made him feel dizzy, completely defenseless. Her smile was so pure and genuine, and it spurred him on, he felt like something deep inside of him had sparked to life, it was just a tiny flickering ember now, but he felt like if he just let it breathe, it could become an inferno over time. Her scales under his fingertips felt… Amazing, smooth but almost slippery but in a zero resistance type of way, it was unlike any material he had ever touched, he wanted to explore every inch of it… The thought was so bold it scared him to his core. His breath hitched in his lungs as she pressed closer to him, pressing against his need, and it was agony of a different kind all together. He felt like he needed more wanted more, but he had no idea how or why, or what to do. He was just lost … And that was fine. He would always treasure this moment in his life, whatever came to pass, he had experienced MORE, and felt alive, even for this brief moment. He could be happy with that, but he hoped, he dared to hope, it could continue past this moment. He blushed softly, a delicate smile on his lips at the thought. He was broken from his inner reverie by the sensation of her embarrassed giggle, and the loss of contact that almost made him whimper, he bit his lip to stop himself. He chuckled softly, at her reaction, and realized he too was starving. Their bodies had betrayed their hearts in other ways it seemed. He groaned softly his head tilting back as her fin tip caressed his calves the sensation sending little jolts through his body, he was so touch deprived… Even these small things… Unraveled him. “I…. Yes. That would be a good idea to get out and eat… And he swallowed thickly trying to regain his sanity. I would like to… continue…” He felt so bare, so exposed, so shy in that moment. Her head on his chest, was the most wonderful feeling in his world. He never wanted this to end. “How do we… You… Umm… Your clothes…” He felt like he was going to burst into flames right then and there, as he thought about her changing to her two legged form in his arms if they walked out of the water. *Oh my god…* His inner voice was back, the bastard. Almeta blushed brightly at the mention of her clothes. “Ummmmmm if you could … maybe …” she pointed to the shore. “Just wait there and turn around?” Maul nodded and (she hopes) he reluctantly let her go. Her tail untangled from his legs as she swam to the dock. As she pulled herself up her fin changed into her legs again, quickly she recovered her clothes putting them on. She jogged to Maul and jumped onto his back with a carefree giggle. “On ward noble steed to the food!” She joked pointing towards the market. Along the way she looked around ask about all the different plants and such she missed before hand. She was happy that Maul had the patiences to explain each thing to her or, simply, let her know he wasn’t sure. Once back at the market, she sniffed the air, putting her hands on Maul’s shoulders to sit up straight. “That way!” She giggled out, “Something that way smells amazing.” Maul followed her directions as she settled back against him, arms around his neck, she nuzzled her face against his neck. Once at the food area, they found the restaurant Almeta smelled. Hopping off Maul’s back, she took his hand and tugged him along, quickly finding a table for two she sat down and looked at him from across the table. “Since you’ve been here before, what’s good to eat?” She asked, tilting her head at him, her hands clasped together on top of the table. *Oh fuck me dead… Just stop thinking you fucking nitwit* he screamed at himself. “I uhhh yeah… Erm… Sure… I will just be over here…” *Over here NOT thinking about you being na…. STOP it*. He screamed. He stammered completely and utterly embarrassed beyond coherent thought. He felt her release his legs from the embrace of her delicate tail, and the absence of touch left him wanting but he was to damn shy right now to even dwell on it. He nodded dumbly, and turned around still looking like he had been hit with an idiot stick, he swallowed thickly and just focused on scrunching his clawed toes in the sandy bottom of the shallows. He damn well nearly jumped out of his patterned skin when she jumped on his back, “ahhh!!! Woman!! You are going to be the death of me.” He gasped *Oh fuck… that scared the fucking ever loving shit out of me … * he said to himself, clutching his chest. He recovered, trying to not look like a fucking moron, “n..noble steed?” He looked at her perplexed, but complied, striding out of the water with ease. His superior strength to other races made this look terribly easy. he held her to his back, one hand on her hips, as he kneeled down to pick up their things, and stuff them awkwardly into the bag from the shop. They walked back to the market and he tilted his head to the side, answering her questions, the origin of certain plant species, races of different people, to the best of his somewhat limited ability. he felt the stares of People passing by as they studied his body, and hers no doubt, and he felt like he was going to shoulder into a pile of ash he was so embarrassed and self conscious. But what could he do? He stiffened slightly, and froze as she clamored up his back, and settled her legs just above his hips, and her arms around his neck…. Her groin pre…. *Wait WHAT?! For fucks sake brain … Someone help me… This is NOT happening oh gods don’t think…*. He set his face in a grim line, determined to not react, he had to bite his lip till it bled slightly. *a high pitched whine filled his head ahhhhhhhhhhhh*. She pointed at things that looked interesting and they followed a tantalizing smell, until it led them to a small shop set to the side of the busy market. He ducked inside and smiled. “This place looks great, I had some of their noodle bowls last time I came around this sector. The slow roasted bantha bowl was amazing…” He felt his mouth start to salivate at the thought of the succulent morsels. he walked over to a booth set in the back of the dining area, and kneeled down so she could slide off his bare back. They took a seat opposite one another at the table, and grabbed the menu.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 13
@mauldeservedbetter When Maul kissed her, it felt as though his lips seared into hers, his skin so much warmer then hers. Like fire to her water. At first eyes widened, the only other kiss she had before this was … horrid and forced, but his … it was gentle. She whined softly as he went to pull away, quickly sliding her arms up his chest and around his neck. One of her hands rested against the back of his neck pulling back in, her gills flexed softly as she kissed him again, this time she was sure of herself. She wasn’t sure what she was doing but, rather, she was sure this was what she wanted. Pressing herself as close to him as possible she pulled back, their foreheads still touching. Slowly her eyes opened again and she looked into his golden depths. “Maul …” she whispered, her fin tangling itself up with his legs. She nuzzled her nose with his, her hand sliding from cupping the back of his head to join her other laying around his neck. She was at a loss of words now, whatever she was going to say died on her lips as she moved forward to kiss me again. Maul was trembling, her lips… Felt like silk, soft and delicate and he wanted… More… She was so intoxicating … But he was terrified that he had done something wrong. Her eyes opened wide in shock, and then she surprised him tremendously. She whimpered a delicate noise that went through his body like a shot, it struck him in his core, and he was undone. He shuddered involuntarily as he hands trailed up his chest, curling around his neck, one of her delicate hands trailed its way up to cup the back of his head pulling him in and she kissed him back. His eyes slid closed and he let loose a deep rumbling purr deep in his chest he didn’t even know he could make, her lips felt soft and supple, and he felt an aching hunger gnawing at him. His inner voice for once had nothing to say. He shivered as the searing kiss ended, and that wonderful contact ceased, and she pressed her forehead against his, he slowly opened his luminous eyes, his lids heavy with desire. It was a new emotion, a new sensation, and he wanted to desperately explore its wonder. But slowly. His body was betraying him, in an achingly hard way, he was afraid, but he had nothing to loose. He started to paddle towards the shore, still holding her agonizingly close to him, not daring to let go for a moment, even if it meant drowning. Finally his feet touched the sandy bottom. He stood there, their foreheads touching, the deep rumbling purr continued and She gasped back at him, her eyes clouded with emotion. She whispered his name…Her fins wrapped around his legs and he was lost. It was so…. New, so wonderful, so… He didn’t know the words. He felt, her press against his arousal and he did nothing. He didn’t care right now, he just didn’t fucking care. He nuzzled her back, their noses brushing, it was so tender, so deeply affectionate, it made his hearts flutter. His face was flushed hotly, terribly shy, but there was no going back now. Her hand slid from his head and wrapped around his neck, and she kissed him again. He could feel her bare breasts pressing against his heated skin, and he growled softly surprising even himself. He forced his hands to move, and he slowly with trembling fingertips, trailed them along her back, trailing them down to the place where her tail met her waist and pulled her closer, he was terrified, but he… He wanted this.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 12
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta blushed, biting her bottom lip. “It’s fine … I suppose. I did stare at you also.” She moved slightly closer to him and, staring into his eyes, gently took his hands in hers. Swimming backwards slowly they moved about a foot away from the dock. “Now, first lesson, kick your legs gently and, if you want me to let go of your hands,” she said squeezing his hands gently. “You’ll moved these back and forth like your feet. It’ll keep your head above water.” She spoke to him calmly and evenly, hoping it will keep him calm as well. One’s own fear and panic in open water is your worst enemy, as her tutor had told her many times. “Thank you for what you said about my fin.” She blushed softly. “The way it looks is exclusive to my family. It marks me as one with High Royal blood.” She explained to him, hoping that talking to him about her people would also help keep him calm, as she carefully kept them in place. It was taking all of Almeta’s will power to keep her eyes focused on his, she really did want to just keep tracing his tattoos. With her eyes and hands, they just itched to touch them. “How do you feel? About the water, I mean.” She asked wanting to know his honest answer. After all, the waters of Atlantis would always be her one true home, no mater where she was in the galaxy. He squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, trying to clear the haze from his mind, and did as she sad, as she spoke to him soothingly, and locked his golden eyes with her own mismatched orbs. He kicked out powerfully with his legs and felt himself move, with each kick. He nodded and reluctantly let go of her hands, trying to do as she said, he started to go under and grabbed her hands again, his eyes wide. He laced his fingers in hers, and just gazed at her, wondering how in all the stars in the sky he had ended up here, and now. He had calmed down considerably the at the sound of her voice, the rhythmic lapping of the water, her intoxicating touch of her hands in his, he felt extremely peaceful. He could feel the disturbance in the force aroundI did it! her, struggling with emotions? Longing? Something else? He thought in confusion. He smiled “ I love it, a bit daunting at first… But I think I can do this…. I want to swim by your side…” He blushed desperately wanting to somehow be her equal in the water. He let go of her fingers and treaded the water successfully a tiny smile on his lips. *I did it!* he cheered himself on. Almere smiled and clapped happily. “You’re doing well, Maul, for a first timer.” She teased slowly swimming circles around him. She giggled softly. “I don’t know if you’ll be able to always keep up with me but I suppose I could slow down for you.” She joked, stopping her circling as she reached his left side watching. With a bright smile she taught him a few more basic things. Time seemed to slow for a moment, almost as if they were in their own little bubble. After awhile Almeta looked up to the sky. “I think it’s getting a little late. Are you hungry?” She asked moving closer to Maul again. Only this time she was far closer then she meant to, the flip of her fin more powerful then she meant for it to be, sending her straight into his chest. “I’m so sorry Maul!” She squeaked moving back a little, both her hands on his chest. “I didn’t mean to do that. Are you okay?” She was blushing brightly, she probably matched his crimson red skin at this point. She really, truly didn’t mean to do it, though she wasn’t going to complain about it. She’s certainly enjoyed being close to him, it was a good feeling, to have someone so close to her again. He laughed as he struck out at the water with powerful strokes, easily doing the maneuvers she had taught him, “gee thanks” he laughed rolling his eyes as she suggested a handicap. He tried one of the more daring maneuvers and dove under the water, treading water he opened his eyes, and although blurry he gasped, letting tiny bubbles escape his mouth, he sped to the surface and coughed for a good 15 seconds, grinning like an idiot. They were in a world all their own from that moment on, the sun had sunk low on the horizon, and the first stars were beginning to peek out in the sky dappled by a brilliant sunset. “ could eat hmm.. That sounds lovely.” He murmured, he would have agreed to do anything at this point, he was so lost in HER. Feeling emotionally tied to her more fiercely than anyone or anything he had ever felt in his miserable life. Suddenly she was there, pressed against his chest, her cool skin against his achingly hot chest, her fingertips brushing against his skin. And the world just dropped away. He hissed slightly, and his eyes widened, and then softened with an unknown emotion. He brought his trembling hands towards her and wrapped them around her pulling her to his chest closer, and he leaned down, and it was as if a magnet was pulling them together it just… Happened. He kissed her, a chaste, clumsy, innocent, kiss. It was full of inexperience, and wonder, a hint of terror, and his eyes widened with what he had done, and he began to pull away… *Oh my god*
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 11
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta and the three young girls, as she learned, all stared at Maul. Almeta stared in complete awe at the tattoos that covered his legs, they were truly a sight to behold and she absolutely loved them. The girls blinked unsure of him for a moment but Almeta didn’t seem the find him threatening so the middle girl spoke up this time. “That color looks nice!” The others nodded along with Almeta. She blushed brightly and shook her head to stop her staring. “You look great Maul! Tri'nklet is right, that color looks good on you.” She smiled as she stood up and handed her credit chip to the eldest child who charged it to her. “Have fun at the beach Lady Almeta.” She told her with a bright smile. The youngest spoke up again. “And please remember our directions. They’ll take you to the most private part of the beach, no one will be there at this time of year. They think it’s too wavey.” She rolled her eyes at the statement. Almeta laughed softly and hugged each of the girls tightly. “Thank you all so much and I definitely will Gra'celiyn.” She kissed the youngest forehead first then the other two before she left with Maul. She took his hand and lead the way. “They were so cute weren’t they! Oh, I just love children!” She squealed happily and looked up to Maul with a new and brighter smile then before. Maul couldn’t really blush any harder, so he frowned instead, looking even more adorable apparently… Damn. *Never going clothes shopping….again…* he said to himself *gaahhhhh….* He was surprised to hear… Compliments? For him? He was stunned, his mouth opening a tiny bit in shock, and his toes curled slightly, as he stood there on display. “T…thank you, little ones… And you Almeta.” He managed a smile, and grabbed a pair of those “flip-flops”, and towels, the girls began chattering about as Almeta paid for his clothes before he could give his own credit chip… That he had left in the change room. “Can you please let me wear them out?” He asked offering his butt embarrassingly to the cashier to cut the tags off. “I’m so sorry…” He whispered wanting to just die. He bowed afterwards formally and they left, with a bag holding his old clothes and shoes, and a red and black patterned set of towels the girls had insisted they buy. Honestly they could have sold him the whole damn shop and he would have just nodded dumbly. Maul smiled hugely as they walked, felling more free than he had in years, her beaming smile made him feel light as air. “They were indeed adorable, and you are seeming a natural with them. You would make a good Mother.” He said the last part not intending to say it out loud and swore under his breath. Knowing it was slightly a sore subject due to the reasons she had left her homeland. He grabbed her hand in his, for the first time, on his terms, and squeezed her hand shyly. Hoping he hadn’t upset her as they made their way to the beach, finally making it to the shoreline after a brisk walk. Maul smiled softly at her statement, and flushed hotly as she looked him up and down, her gaze made it feel like he was laid bare. Her hand squeezing his, made his hearts flutter in his chest, and his breath hitched slightly. They walked in silence just enjoying each other’s company until they reached the shoreline, that stretched along the beautiful aquamarine waters, the water visibility looked crystal clear, and welcoming. The scent of salt and brine washed over him and he inhaled deeply. He widened his eyes, realizing what she was asking, and complied, “s..sure, yes just tell me when.” Knowing she was undressing behind him made him squeeze his eyes shut, and bite his lip. *stop thinking right now!* he screamed at himself in his mind. He heard a splash, and then another splash and a squeal of delight, she shouted at him to come over and he turned, seeing her in the water, he swallowed thickly, was he really doing this? *Oh sweet stars above…* he said to himself as he got to the edge of the dock. She was even more stunning and… Topless… He could see everything through the crystal clear water save for what her hair covered, and he ripped his eyes away like they were on fire. He tried to just stare off into the horizon, biting his lip. *oh my god… this is where I die…*. He thought. He wondered if there were any sea monsters out there that might suddenly swallow him whole. He grabbed his shirt and stretched, pulling it up and over his shoulders revealing his toned, muscular pecs and abdomen, the intricate lines of his tattoos were beyond anything she had previously seen on his body. Curving, arrows go gliding at sharp angles, trailing down his abdomen and disappearing into the band of his trunks. He stood there a moment, before kneeling down and grabbing the edge of the dock and jumping into the water, holding onto the edge. When his shirt was off all Almeta could do was stare at the newly revealed tattoos. “Wow …” she breathed, she smiled once he was in the water and moved a little closer to him, the tip of her fin brushing his legs. “Your tattoos are amazing, Maul.” She told him with a bright smile. “The water isn’t too, too deep here. It’s perfect to teach you to swim.” She spoke, doing her best to not stare. She had never, truly seen a Zabrak like him before, his tattoos were mesmerizing and all she wanted to do was touch them. He was just so different from her and her people, not in a bad way just … very different. She couldn’t quite pin point what it was but something about him just drew her in and it didn’t seem to want to let her go. She stared at his eyes for a moment, the red and yellow eyes staring back at her, blinked and with a smile held out her hands to him. “Come. Let go of the dock. I promise I won’t let you drown.” Her voice now sounding more like a song as the longer she stayed in the water, like a siren’s call. “Maul?” She offered her hands to him again, a sweet smile on her face. He grinned with pride as she stared at him, he was still terribly embarrassed but he took great pride in the shape his body was in, and the tattoos only highlighted this. He jumped slightly, as he felt the feathery soft caress of her fin brush across his legs, making him look down and his eyes widened in wonder at the beautiful tail that flowed about her like it was part of the water, undulating with the flow of the water but still in her control completely. He could feel her eyes on his body, more exposed than he had ever been in front of anyone but his master in his entire life. He felt vulnerable, unsure, but at the same time, liberated in a sense. “Thank you.” He said with a smile, baring his teeth slightly, “your tail… Is amazing, I have never seen anything like it before.” He said, still feeling her eyes rake along his body, making him swallow heavily, as their eyes met, his own luminous golden eyes tinged with red starbursts staring deeply into her own glittering green and blue depths as he noticed her eyes were dual colored, he blinked and looked at her hands, and he let go of the dock with effort, and took them. Her voice made him feel like he was loosing himself in her, and then he looked down again, seeing her bare breasts and toned slender waist meeting with that delicate tail, covered in glittering scales, those trailing fins… He felt …*oh my god… Not now…*. He felt his trunks get very tight, and he hoped she hadn’t noticed, he was a bit scared of being out in the open water and honestly wanted to cling to her, but then she would know his secret and leave him to drown surely? He ripped his eyes away and said “I’m sorry… For…staring….” Clearly ashamed. *definitely where I die…. Going to fucking die ... where’s that fucking sea monster?* he swore.
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maultheshy · 7 years
Part 10
@mauldeservedbetter Almeta smiled at him and giggled, “As wonderfully morbid as that image sounds, I think your growls will be enough to scare them away.” She told him as they walked to the shop. Once there Almeta looked closely at the hair piece, gently picking it up. “Where’s this from?” She asked as the shop owner walked over to them. The older, green, tentacle creature smiled at her. “Same place your from.” The older creature pointed to Almeta’s ears at her quizzical look. “Your ears give it away, dear.” She looked to Maul. “For that hair piece dear …” Almeta looked at the piece, speaking gently. “I don’t care about the price.” She said, handing over her credit chip. The creature smiled at her and charged her for it, handing the chip back. “Keep her close now. Her kind can fetch a hire price ‘round these parts.” She told Maul, Almeta wasn’t listening at this point, so caught up in memories from years ago. She startled as Maul touched her arm. Looking up at him she smiled and followed him to another shop. This one full of cloths, just the place to find him a bathing suit! She thought as she careful place the now wrapped hair piece into her the bag attached to her thigh. “What color should we get you?” She asked him, looking up at him with a soft smile. “But the limb ripping is more fun?” He shrugged. *Hell yes it is!* he cheered himself on. Maul studied Almeta as they got to the shop front, she looked so excited. He watched her pick up an intricately carved piece of jewelry? He didn’t have a clue about this sort of thing. He studied her reactions and turned to the shopkeeper when she ambled over at Almeta’s question. He had never seen her kind before either, and he had been to a lot of these types of space ports on these outlying worlds. Maul glanced at her ears as the old woman spoke, he hadn’t really had time to study them in the ship… Ha had been experiencing *other* problems at the time. They were so delicate and intricate, shaped so uniquely tapering to those fascinating tips, he found all he wanted to do was reach out and touch them… He shook his head *what are you thinking!* he said to himself. He watched as she paid a very high price for the little thing, and he could relate, if it was something from his homeland he would be inclined to do the same. He had so little from his clan. The shopkeeper leaned over to him and whispered his warning and Maul’s blood ran cold, he would rather die than let her be captured by slavers… But he nodded and took heed, scooting a little bit closer to her. He wasn’t going to take any chances. He reached out and placed a hand on her arm, for once not hesitating. “We should keep moving” he said seriously. She nodded and dashed off and he ran after her and stopped in front f the clothier’s shop, and went inside after talking about color scheme. “Preferably black, red, or yellow and black?” He suggested, “you pick for me, I have no idea… Including style… I order my clothes from a military store.” He shrugged following her, as she pointed to a fitting room, he stepped inside and took off his pants, once inside, clad only in his loincloth, as apparently you had to try these things on wearing underwear. He looked calm but he was inwardly screaming. *What have I gotten myself into!* Almeta grabbed one in each color he said, mostly in trunks, and different sizes. “Here. Try these.” She said, eyes closed as she hand them to him then took a step back. Inside this shop it was only the owner and three young children, they looked insect like in nature. One of the children, the youngest it looked like, walked up to Almeta and tugged on her pants. Almeta looked down smiled brightly, she quickly sat down her knees in front of the child to be at their level. “How can I help you, little one?” With a soft blush, the green skinned insect smiled. “May we play with your hair? It’s very pretty.” Laughing softly Almeta nodded and turned around sitting cross legged now. The other two walked up and, together, all three undid her braid and start an intricate design of braids in her hair. The three started asking Almeta all kinds of questions as she waited for Maul to come out with his choice of bathing suit. Almeta answered each question with practiced patience, children were a specialty of her kind, talking too them was as easy as breathing. He was SO embarrassed, and couldn’t stop blushing, he had opted for the yellow and black tribal patterned “trunks” as she had called them, they seemed to contrast with his skin in a unique way. He still had his shirt on, and stepped outside, wanting to just run back in and pretend this whole thing wasn’t happening. He could overhear conversation outside the stall and Almeta’s intoxicatingly beautiful voice, the scene that greeted him was heart wrenchingly adorable. He had even completely forgotten his embarrassment. She looked so lovely sitting there amongst the children, as they laughed and played with her long tresses, braiding it in wonderful ways. He just stood off to the side and listened with a smile on his lips, and warmth in his hearts. This woman was truly unlike anyone he had ever known. Eventually he decided he should make his presence known and get this over with, he cleared his throat with effort, he just wanted to hide all over again. He stood there in his t shirt, and the new trunks, his muscular thighs peeked out just above the knees as his tattoos spiraled and curved down his calves down to his bare feet, the underside of his feet and toes a dusky black like the underside of his palms, his toes were tipped with red claws. He clicked his toe claws slowly on the floor. What do you think?“ He shifted uncomfortably waiting for her approval. Blushing terribly.
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