maximiliians · 8 months
mid september 2024
They are already in France for the King’s wedding to the Hungarian Princess, so it's easy enough to coax his wife into joining him for a drive – and a surprise. It's convenient, he rationalizes, the perfect time to show her. Convenient – like he’s not been working on this for months, crafting the palace into the perfect place for the two of them. Max looks over at her in the passenger seat, his hand lingering on her thigh as they round the final curve.
“We’re here,” he parks the car next to a small out building before getting out to help her. “I bought this for us, just you and I – it's halfway between our capitals – close enough to slip away for the weekend.” The chateau looms before them – grand and beautiful and only still approachable. Max reaches for Catherine’s hand before the enter the house.
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maximiliians · 8 months
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Bill Skarsgård as The Marquis de Gramont John Wick: Chapter 4 (Official Trailer)
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maximiliians · 9 months
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"It's not quite the Alps but," Max knows she has her own opinions about various mountain ranges - but he's missed his cousin and closest friend. The chaos after the end of the war had him tied up in Bern, and he's not seen Elyse in some time. "What do you think of the Slovaks?" @elysefz
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maximiliians · 9 months
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"Of course," he smiles easily at her request, hand already slipping back to her waist. "I do recall a promising that you could get very drunk this year," Max's voice is low, just for her - he's had a few glasses of champagne himself. "And I look forward to what the night brings."
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" do you have any more energy in you for another dance? this is my first new years with alcohol in a while. you owe me. " ( @maximiliians )
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maximiliians · 9 months
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"Almost convincing - tell me what's going on," he tries not to phrase it like a command and slides his own drink over in front of her. "Polycrates died a miserable death, if you recall, and I'd like my hands to remain functional."
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lips twitched, already giving her away. " nothing's wrong. " she fussed with her hair, brushing and tucking unnecessarily, as she impatiently waited for her drink. " does ' polycrates' ring ' not apply yet? you can go down an easy slope and risk breaking a finger to balance your fortune, " she said, joking.
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maximiliians · 9 months
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"Then what's wrong?" He arches a brow in her direction, then takes another sip. "I've just pulled our nation from a war and now you want me to tempt fate? I am not that reckless, little sister, and even if i survived, mother would kill me."
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" it was fine. " she gestured at the bartender and pointed at max's drink ; asking for one of her own. " so, is this what will finally get you on skis ? "
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maximiliians · 9 months
St. Moritz already aches of the past, it's only fitting Max finds himself at her side again. They exist in comfortable silence, adjacent circles within the Programme, and yet rarely interact. Max wonders if she remembers, he wonders if she forgives his cruelty. He won't apologize, he does not do that - nor would it matter much to her now. She's had more than a decade to hate him, and yet she does not leave. He shifts more in her direction, taking in the familiar lines of her face, that absurd coat, and finally - whatever the hell it is she's drinking. "You still haven't learned to dress for Swiss winters," it's a comment more than a question, an allusion to a shared past. "But I am far more concerned by what you're drinking," and maybe he's already had one, so he reaches over and pulls the mug from her hands, takes a whiff, then scowls, setting it down far out of reach. "Absolutely not, I would be a terrible host if I allowed you to continue drinking that."
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          nimble fingers pull at the collar of a white faux fur mink coat, the sort that lends itself to the price tag. the art form of subtly and the comfort of warmth traded in for a winter wonderland and chattering teeth kept a bay by the steaming beverage in front of her. and that too is traded, alcohol for rum-spiked hot chocolate. there's something juvenile about it. a juxtaposition to everything else the duchess exudes perched at upon a barstool with eyes wandering, waiting for anything to lend an ear to. unfortunately, travel comfortably hardly divulged anything worthy of a whispering campaign, even if it came from the lips of a king. “ if that was your worry you should have considered another location. ” she acknowledges in such a manner that it feels foreign, this company.
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maximiliians · 9 months
[ open , hotel bar ]
Max doesn't ski, he hasn't in nearly 26 years. He is not a superstitious man, but it feels a bit too much like tempting fate to impulsively pick up the sport that killed the last king of Switzerland. Instead he's at the bar, playing generous host and gracious victor. "I trust the journey wasn't too difficult."
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maximiliians · 10 months
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"Of course," Max nodded in thanks, raising his glass before taking a sip. "We have no current plans to follow them across the border, if that's what you are asking. However, please do not change your plans on my account." He could play gracious, but watching the nobility who'd plagued his nation for a year and a half scramble and suffer was a far more compelling reason to subtly encourage the French. "I cannot promise how long Elyse will keep her forces at the eastern border, but it would be unwise for you to ask her to extend it now that Basel is no longer threatened." A genuine warning, he knew his cousin better than anyone - and she might turn on the French as soon as aid them.
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" will you be concentrating on rebuilding ? " arnauld asked as he poured the wine into the king's glass. " should i expect to see the relationship with germany to be mended next year. your answer will, as you can probably understand, affect my plans a great deal. " [ ;; @maximiliians ]
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maximiliians · 10 months
"As much I enjoy knowing things that others do not," he gave his best friend a knowing smirk, "you both deserve the big celebration." Moment of sincerity aside, Max took a sip of his champagne then glanced around for his wife. "She will be right back, the children don't adjust to timezone changes as quickly." He wasn't concerned, he trusted Maite's security enough to bring his children. "I'm surprised you managed to keep it a secret for that long."
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"Was this one better than the first? Don't lie to me," he offered with a soft squeeze of the shoulder. "Where's Catherine and the kids?" @maximiliians
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maximiliians · 10 months
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18 months after the troops of greater bavaria and rhine crossed the german borders by way for alsace, the king of germany has called for the withdrawal of troops from switzerland permanently. the german palace in conjunction with the swiss crown has issued a joint statement in lieu of the signing of the treaty of wiese — named after the river the separates switzerland and germany in basel — that includes the following highlights:
immediate withdrawal of any and all german military personnel in swiss soil
titles stripped from michelle soland (marchioness of basel, mother of the grand duke otto of rhine), and elias stolberg (duke of aargau)
as a gesture of goodwill, private property belonging to grand duchess wiebke wittlesbach and grand duke otto zielcke will not be seized.
it is believed that michelle soland has been exiled from swiss soil and is now currently residing in germany. the speed of negotiations surrounding the treaty is believed to have been caused by the movement of french troops through saarland and prussian troops in the north.
( @wicbkc , @maximiliians , @aurcls )
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following the exile of her father, eleanora stolberg has formally ascended to the role of duchess of aargau, as well as given the title of marchioness of basel. the title has been in the soland family since 1723 after the marriage of lady celia stolberg to lord nikolas soland. eleanora stolberg has been known to have a close relationship with the swiss crown, particularly king maximillian, and has publicly criticised her father's administration in squandering the region's once rich resources.
the new marchioness has vowed to uphold german and swiss relations even in the face of the prolonged conflict, and will continue to foster economic prosperity through further reform.
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maximiliians · 11 months
It was nearly impossible, Max thought, to have a coronation that was not stained with grief, no matter how grandious the celebrations. Ti'wonge knew this as well as he, and the hand placed upon the Swiss's good shoulder seemed to be more in solidarity than anything else. "Yesterday, nearly a year ago - who can say?" Yet he offered a genuine smile. "You as well, sometime soon we should have a drink so you can tell me what possessed you to join the programme after everything this spring." Everything was entirely too blase in a way that Max hated, but this was not the place and he was not the kind of person to speak so plainly about all that his family had endured in May. "We are as well as can be expected, my son will be two at the end of the month. And you?"
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placing one hand on the fellow king's shoulder, tiwonge released a deep sigh. "good old days, huh? as if it was yesterday that we were crowned and stepped into our parents footsteps." the words left a bitter taste on his tongue - a reminder of his father's death, that ultimately led to him being crowned. "it's good to see you again, my friend. how have you been?"
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maximiliians · 11 months
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"Congratulations," he offered with a smile. All judgements on the appropriateness of this level of festivities aside, the overall outcome was preferred. "Make sure you allow yourself the time to process everything, and not get immediately consumed by specifics." Max spoke from experience, his own coronation far smaller given the situation in Basil. He wished he'd had the privilege to further sit with the weight and complexity of his crown, but German greed bowed to no one. @giorxcci
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maximiliians · 11 months
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Max smirked. "That is so unlike me, no one will believe you should repeat it." He realized far too late that she might have been expressing actual concern - but her next comment snagged his attention before he could dwell too long on that. "Oh?" He arched a brow - Sylvie and Giovanni, interesting. "And what do you think of him?"
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" that's not... " what she meant. she raised an eyebrow at her brother and smiled. " you are the one calling his coronation gauche. i have done nothing but play nice with your friend, ' the new king. ' "
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maximiliians · 11 months
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"So it seems," Max nodded lightly, taking a sip of his own drink. Despite being almost the same age as Hans, Elyse had always been Max's confidant first - an intentional move by their mothers to foster a close relationship between the two future leaders. And after their slight argument ( that was putting it lightly ) over her decision to move troops at the behest of the French king - it was nice to know some things would never change. "Had we known she was coming, something could have been lent from the royal collection." He shrugged and took another sip. "Catherine thinks she came because I told Hans he needs to step up as Duke of Bern and get more involved, but he's far too stubborn to ask for her help."
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“so she finally showed up,” elyse glanced over as she took a sip of her scotch before she rested the cool glass against her collarbone. “i mean, she looks good. tiaras a bit small.” @maximiliians
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maximiliians · 11 months
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"Hmm," he took a sip of his own champagne, eyes searching out his brother and wife. "I told him to let Nora take the lead on that particular project," the recovery and revitalization of Basel should, of course, be led by the Duchess of Aargau - and Max trusted Nora enough to keep Hans engaged whilst ensuring the Swiss crow received due credit. "Perhaps she was jealous," he gave Catherine a knowing smirk, hand settling lightly on her waist in the bit of affection they would show in public. "Let's hope her presence provides the necessary encouragement."
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" did you see pippa had arrived? " she murmured as lithe fingers accepted the flute of champagne that max offered her . " it must have something to do with that talk you had with johannes about taking on more work... i had no idea that he relies so heavily on her. " ( @maximiliians )
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maximiliians · 11 months
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"Please," he muttered such that only she could hear, "mine was far less gauche." Max smiled his benevolent ruler smile. "But play nice, Sylviane, the new king is our friend, godfather to my daughter." His personal agreement and alliance with Giovanni was more important, but his sister did not need to know the specifics.
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“ i can’t help but feel a little claustrophobic. this feels too familiar. ” @maximiliians
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