mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
Mental Health Awareness.
Nearly 450 million people worldwide are currently living with a mental illness, yet nearly two thirds of people with a known mental illness never seek treatment.   SA is the fifth ‘most depressed’ country in Africa.  Some of the most common mental health issues are: depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and work stress. People who could be affected are individuals, their families, co-workers, and communities. Mental health disorders can affect the workplace in a negative way by increasing absenteeism, reducing productivity, and increasing costs. Unfortunately, only a small number of South Africans actually seek treatment for their mental disorders. The good news is that disorders don’t have to be a life sentence for those living with them. Mental illness can be treated at your nearest clinic, hospital or by a healthcare provider.It can also be prevented and if you suspect you have a mental illness, reach out for help.
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mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
Pink Day.
As men we should love and appreciate women, but most importantly we should support them. The Pink Day initiative is a project that has been created to spread awareness of breast cancer. And men we should not forget that men can also suffer from breast cancer and not just women. The Proteas are going had donned an all pink jersey in an ODI against England. It is always good to see sportsmen supporting such initiatives, so spread awareness to yur mates.
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mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
National boyfriends day.
What is this global phenomena?
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Darius holding is girlfriend, Tasha
The 3rd of October marks the annual nat’l boyfriends day, which is celebrated worldwide by couples. As far as I can tell, this day is a totally internet-generated phenomenon. The first reference found is mentioned as Boyfriend Day, probably which dated back to October 4, 2014. But the day seems to gain traction by March 2016 with over 46,000 tweets.  National Boyfriend Day is increasing in its popularity, not only domestically but around the world. Let’s keep this thing going so that great boyfriends get the love and appreciation they so richly deserve every year.  We Kings deserve nice things too.
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mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
What do men think about during sex?
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Ladies, ever wondered what your man is thinking about while you two do the deed? There is no definitive answer because all men are different. But there are some aspects in which men think alike during sex. If your man is really into the current activity, he will be thinking about how he flip you and toss you, this is the type of man who stays prepared for the future and any event. To be honest not everyone who is having sex is thinking about sex, some could be thinking about their next meal, I know that I am this guy over here. Sex is something that uses up energy, so why not think of the very thing that replenishes the energy you need for round two? Gents, there is something we always forget to do before sex, which is relieving yourself before you “relieve” yourself. We don’t take this seriously as it is a quick thing to handle, but have you ever tried peeing while having an erection, it’s one of the hardest things to do and I have lived for 20 years. But in the end they are really only two things men think about. “Is this good for her” is number one. “Don’t cum too soon” is a close second”.
“men think alike during sex”
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mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
The topic of manscaping is something that every man has to deal with, when is the best time to mansacpe? This varies, as i usually manscape during the warmer seasons of the year, why? Well it’s obvious that people sweat more in summer, especially where your body is covered up, so manscaping for me is important because it helps reduce sweating down there, which causes a foul smell. Especially if you want to get busy with your lady.
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mclovinchabeli-blog · 5 years
One of your boys are too broke to enter the club, what do you do?
Me, personally, I would pay for his entrance for the club depending on how close I am to him, or I would speak to the other gents to contribute entrance for the broke dude at topic. Navigating such situations can be tricky as you can use this experince to see which friends are really down for you.
plz share your thoughts on this topic.
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