mediapopinc-blog · 12 years
Media Pop - M1 Explore app
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This month we built M1's facebook app! It allows for fans to answer questions and stand a chance to win some awesome awesome prizes. We've had a lot of fun creating it! It's optimised for iphone and the ipad. Click the image to head there yourself. 
- Media Pop Team
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mediapopinc-blog · 12 years
Hopsin uses Media Pop giveaways!
Worldwide twitter trending US rapper 'Hopsin' is using Media Pop apps to run giveaways on his facebook fan-page! Hopsin is a successful hip-hop artist that is very social media savvy; he's used his viral youtube videos to grow his fan-base and attract millions of views to his videos. Check it out! and Enter if you'd like to win some exclusive Hopsin prizes!
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mediapopinc-blog · 12 years
Now this is awesome
Check out this very cool campaign from Berlin, Germany! So in Berlin most commuters drive to the city, only to park their cars and take the train. So Mercedes built reactive screens in the underground train station that would react to each commuters car keys. The result?  Sumo wrestlers, ballerinas, masquerades all jumping out of the Mercedes car. Lucky commuters who found the Mercedes open to an empty car were invited to take a REAL ride in the Mercedes, which was parked conveniently above the train station. 
Now how awesome is that? Any ideas on how we can create something this interactive in Singapore? We take the MRT just as much as any country in the world, if not more! This has got our creative brains circling for ideas hmmm....
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mediapopinc-blog · 12 years
A giant sprite dispenser, showering hotties in the middle of a crowded, bikini-babe ridden beach? YES PLEASE
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
Content is King
Content Marketing refers to increasing your brand reach, connecting with your customers, and most importantly expressing the brands opinions and connecting with your audience. This interesting study from BlueGlass Interactive (below) says it all. From our experience at Mediapop, we've learnt that great content must be great, not just a re-post of an offer, a 'TGIF' 'Check out our new site' etc etc. Great content adds values for readers, fans, and creates a community in which valuable information can be exchanged. In return, fans share your content, popping up on google searches easier and boosting the value of your brand online. 
So for all social media practitioners, don't just post random news that have no value for your fans, give them something that you'd like to see or read, spark up their day with your content.
- MediapopTeam
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
Content is King
Content Marketing refers to increasing your brand reach, connecting with your customers, and most importantly expressing the brands opinions and connecting with your audience. This interesting study from BlueGlass Interactive (below) says it all. From our experience at Mediapop, we've learnt that great content must be great, not just a re-post of an offer, a 'TGIF' 'Check out our new site' etc etc. Great content adds values for readers, fans, and creates a community in which valuable information can be exchanged. In return, fans share your content, popping up on google searches easier and boosting the value of your brand online. 
So for all social media practitioners, don't just post random news that have no value for your fans, give them something that you'd like to see or read, spark up their day with your content.
- MediapopTeam
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
Do you hate taking photos at crowded places? We've found this cool mobile app that allows photographers to zap off unwanted parties in the surroundings. Very impressive! This is definitely better than photo-shopping to be picture perfect.
Also we say, no more photo bombs!
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
Social Curation the trend for 2012
We've been reading this very informative and interesting article recently: http://blog.eladgil.com/2011/12/how-pinterest-will-transform-web-in.html
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We've all seen the internet move rapidly from long posts (blog posts, err...a bit like this one), to shorter shares and tags (facebook) to even shorter posts (status updates on facebook, twitter!). The basics of it are, simplify, simplify. People want to comment and give their opinions quickly and easily. Sites such as pinterest, storify, and snipit are now making your opinions even more personal, arrangeable, and fun to interact with. We've tried snipit and can see how it can be addictive! A WHOLE web to read, watch, comment, and a simple 'snip' can make it your personal little cabinet for opinions and online memories.
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We're enjoying each and every shift in the online world, Have you tried snipping, storifying, or pinteresting? (not sure if thats a real world) Let us know!
- Mediapop Team 
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
Mediapop likes
We love being creative and coming up with all sorts of new ideas for our applications and social media marketing campaigns. And when we find other people doing it just as well, we don't hate, we celebrate! 
Victoria Secret 'Kiss & Tell" 
This fun app allows you to fill in the gaps with words that you can conveniently drag from the left hand-bar. We had heaps of fun playing around with the word combinations, resulting in one of our staff concluding that "My hard drive kiss made me feel like a chihuahua" 
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mediapopinc-blog · 13 years
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We've had tonnes of fun setting up and managing the social media campaign for 'K-Pop Asia'! Who approached us to promote their Korean pop concert 'K-Pop Heal the World' that happened last Saturday. 
In order to promote their concert, Mediapop utilized the following: 
- Polling/ Voting tab for fans to vote on their favourite artists and songs
- Giveaway competition for the organisers of the concert to do a sweepstake for free tickets, meet and greet session with the Korean artists, along with prizes from their concert sponsors and partners
- Integration with the K-pop asia website, which included all ticketing information and news/updates on the concert. 
- 'Concert Info' tab, in which a FAQ tab for all concert go-ers was available. 
- Content management: Mediapop handled all content posts and updates within the site. In sync with the organiser's marketing strategy; we managed to keep fans coming back and discussing news on the concert (such as surpise guests, suprise ad-hoc events). 
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
Penn Olson mentions our photo app for Singapore Zoo!
Our social media campaign for Singapore Zoo was mentioned on Penn Olson, an online asian tech catalog. Thank you! 
The Singapore Zoo approached us to create a photo competition, in which Singapore Zoo facebook fans can vote for the name of a newborn baby Orang Utan!! Seems like Bino is the most voted name so far, which means 'Brave' in Bahasa Indonesian. What would you call it? 
A lucky voter will be picked to win a Jungle breakfast, zoo admissions tickets and an exclusive photo session with the Organg Utan they named. Awesome right? 
Click here to read the article on Penn Olson:
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
Social Media and the Japanese Earthquake response
Our prayers go out to everybody in Japan that has suffered from the earthquake and tsunami..its a tragedy. 
Those affected are using social media to message their loved ones, updating those overseas on the situation, and the response has been a great learning experience for us at Mediapop.
Social media has given people vital information from real sources that are amidst natural disasters, and these opinions and voices give us insight that differs from traditional media outlets. Here's an article on how facebook users specifically responded to the situation:
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
Happy belated Birthday Steve Jobs!
We at Mediapop are all worried about Steves health, and we're checking the latest news, and consoling our ipads, iphones, itouch, ipods, and praying for his good health. The man is a genius, and his keynotes inspirational...
On a lighter note, it was big Steves b-day yesterday! Number 56! There's a nifty lil site where you can sign a digital happy birthday card for him :) If you're Jobs fans like us, drop by and give him a shout! We did.
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
I hope you've all watched the 'Can it blend' vids that have been around on youtube for quite some time now. Well while I've been saving up for the i-pad I stumbled upon this..
Even the i-Pad blends! 
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
A great video that shows us just how powerful social networking is now. Social networking activity amounts to 10% of ALL online time..It's bigger than porn guys! 
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
Build 'camp fires'
We stumbled onto this great diagram today, it shows how users on facebook should be encouraged to interact with a brands activities, and those are the users a company should be focusing on to engage with, chat to-get to know personally.
Remember those cozy camp fires you hadroasting marshmallows, tr y i ng to sing folk songs, and chatting about your life experiences? That's the kind of experience we as brands should all be building with our audience. Let's get to More brands should be trying to bring that experience to its customers..instead of analyzing numbers and how many clicks your fan page has, the percentage increase in fans, we should focus more on how those who interact with us are feeling, are they having fun? Do they feel cozy? Maybe it’s something to think about.
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Credit goes to Mark Smiciklas, he has a great marketing blog where I  found the photo from : 
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mediapopinc-blog · 14 years
Did you know that facebook owner Mark Zuckerbergs fan page has been hacked before?
That’s right, the genius himself had his facebook page intruded by a mysterious hacker..facebook has kept pretty hush hush about it, but he left this update after hacking into Zuckerbergs page! :
“Let the hacking begin: If facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a ‘social business’ the way Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus described it? http://bit.ly/f26rT3 What do you think? #hackercup2011?"
So what do you guys think this hacker was trying to do? Start up a social media revolution? Trying to promote Muhammad Yunus?  
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